Curtains for the kitchen: long asymmetrical curtains. The magic of asymmetric curtains: breaking stereotypes, creating illusions Curtains asymmetry in the kitchen

Asymmetric curtains are an unconventional solution in window design, which is always unusual and original, they help to bring a touch of individuality into the interior. Such a design allows you to emphasize the features of the room, hide its flaws, correct proportions and correctly place accents.

Basic Rules

Asymmetry essentially implies disproportion and non-identity of one part of the curtains relative to the other. This is a non-trivial approach to design that can change the room beyond recognition. Proper window decoration with asymmetric curtains will transform the interior and emphasize all its advantages. When choosing such a design, it is important to take into account the shape and size of the openings, as well as the features and functionality of the room. Whether it is appropriate to deviate from symmetry in each specific case is determined individually, and depends on a number of reasons, but there are general recommendations that will help you make an informed decision:

  • It is not recommended to break the symmetry of the curtains in small living rooms, it is believed that this will overload the interior, but in small kitchens such curtains help free up useful space.
  • Asymmetric curtains will be superfluous if the interior has several accent elements and many small details, even if the curtains are sewn to match the finish of nondescript fabric, their non-standard shape will draw attention to itself.
  • In the bedroom and the nursery, darkening of the space is required even during the day, and asymmetric models, due to their design features, do not have such an opportunity, such curtains simply do not correspond to the functionality of the room. If, nevertheless, it is decided to hang asymmetry on the windows in the bedroom, then more practical and dense curtains, for example, roller ones, should be selected in the kit.
  • The classic requires strict asymmetry and clarity of lines, so only traditional shapes are appropriate here. The conceptual features of hi-tech and minimalism do not accept fanciful lines and magnificent forms, therefore, in such interiors, the asymmetry of the curtains will be superfluous.

But every rule has its own exceptions. For example, if in a small living room a furniture set is close to the window on one side, then it is quite logical and rational to hang the curtains on one side, and not push the second canvas behind the cabinet, because it will be practically invisible. In this case, a model with an asymmetric pelmet, or a curtain on one side, as in the photo below, will look beautiful. Therefore, when choosing the design of curtains, one should not strictly adhere to general recommendations, it is more important to correctly assess the nuances of the room and the particular arrangement of furniture.

Curtain Asymmetry Ideas

A huge selection of materials with different colors and textures, coupled with the rich imagination of designers, allows you to implement the most incredible, very interesting and original ideas for asymmetric curtains in the interior. But despite all the variety of models, in fact there are only a few conceptual principles:

  • pick up canvases of different widths or lengths, which is very important for openings with a balcony door or if you want to free the wall on one side;
  • asymmetric or pelmet falling in folds on one side, the diagonal shape of the upper part of the curtains helps to correct the proportions of the room;
  • one canvas covering the entire window, or located on one side of the opening, beautifully assembled with a pickup;
  • asymmetry in the color and ornament of the curtains - this solution allows you to combine interior details of different colors into a single ensemble, which is important for the kitchen, nursery, living room and bedroom, this technique is used less often if you want to "reconcile" furniture upholstery and other textiles;
  • asymmetrical suspension of curtains, for example, a canvas thrown over the cornice in waves of different sizes, or a tie made of flowing fabric, falling on one side;
  • fixing the canvas with pickups at different heights.

Beautiful examples of asymmetric curtains in the interior

Asymmetric curtains are widely used to decorate original interiors in different styles, but most often such models are chosen for the kitchen window. They are compact, allow you to free up part of the usable area, for example, a window sill or a wall, which is important for small rooms. For curtains in the kitchen, light and practical fabrics are usually chosen that are easy to wash and do not deform.

Despite the unusual shape, asymmetrical curtains for the kitchen can be easily made with your own hands. The easiest way is to hang the canvas on eyelets or loops and assemble it in one direction with a clamp, as shown in the photo example.

In the hall and bedroom, they mainly experiment with the shape of the lambrequin, the color and texture of the fabric.

If the living room needs to correct the proportions of the space, then they usually use fabrics of different colors, from light to dark, or experiment with the length of the main canvas. The photo below shows an example where the smooth waves of the swag balance the strict geometry of the lambrequin, which is very important if you want to add rigor and officiality to the interior, but at the same time maintain a cozy living room atmosphere. In order to dim the light of the sun and lanterns, the curtain ensemble in the hall is often supplemented with light tulle or organza.

An example of asymmetric curtains in the hall, this model is an example of a harmonious combination of shape, color and texture

In the bedroom, it is important to be guided by the functional features of the space, so one-sided curtains are most in demand here in combination with compact blackout fabric roll-up curtains or horizontal blinds. This combination is very practical, functional and compact, it is convenient for small rooms.

To visually adjust the height of the room, the curtains are hung at different heights, such a model can be made by hand. For example, the main canvases can be hung on the eyelets, and the decorative lambrequin can be fixed on a beautiful bracket a little higher and decorated with beautiful folds.

The traditional window decoration with straight curtains is no longer fashionable. Such an interior is beautiful and cozy, but does not contain any zest. This is felt by the owners of apartments or houses, whose vision of the interior requires non-standard solutions. Asymmetric curtains will be the way out - ideas on how to decorate rooms are described in detail in this article.

Types of asymmetric curtains

The most understandable design of windows with canvases of different lengths. It is traditionally used for balcony blocks - a door is hidden with a long curtain, windows are decorated with short ones. Further:

  1. straight and asymmetrical lengths will decorate windows and carry functional values ​​if the fabric structure is similar - thick curtains and the same tulle. The two halves of the curtains look good if placed diagonally on the cornice. An example is asymmetrical in an opening of any shape.
  2. Layering is manifested not only in the traditional design - the base canvas is also decorated with asymmetrical additional curtains on top of it. The most common is lambrequin and swag.
  3. to the category of decorative canvases, so its asymmetry is very appropriate, and even with simple rectangular curtains, this element will look elegant and unusual. An example is do-it-yourself asymmetrical curtains for the kitchen with decorative tiebacks at different heights. This is especially appropriate when the opening is located close to the work area. So, the fabric is less dirty.

  4. Asymmetry is emphasized not only with fabrics of different lengths, but also with the help of. Traditional curtains on an asymmetrical window are perfectly combined with vertical and horizontal offset. Do not lose sight of the accessories - located tiebacks, ribbons, brushes or other "chips" will also contribute to the interior.

  5. Playing with color. It will not work if traditional textiles initially contain a print or any inclusions. To emphasize the asymmetry of the curtains, several plain canvases of different colors or bordered with similar shades are used.
  6. The non-standard opening will also emphasize the peculiarity of textiles, round. Arched ones are good to draw attention to the shape of the canvases, since standard fabrics are not hung there. Together with the appropriate cornice, the curtains on the asymmetrical window will be just that highlight.

To use canvases of different shapes, lengths, colors means to give free rein to the imagination. However, you cannot do without special knowledge, so it is important to listen to the advice of designers and find your own version that suits the interior owners in terms of parameters.

  • Arches. The most difficult to decorate with asymmetrical canvases. Therefore, they play on underlining the form. The interesting design of the living room is emphasized by the cornice, tiebacks, revealing the magnificence of the window. On the arches, a different layering is appropriate than on simple openings - Roman or roller blinds + corner canvases outside.
  • Several room openings. This layout is just a godsend for asymmetry. Tulle will traditionally become the inner canvas, and it’s not bad to play with the outer ones. To do this, one strip of the base fabric is used, and a second one is attached to it on a decorative tie-back, less dense and strikingly different in color, but without dissonance at the same time - a shade from the same line.

Another option for curtains for asymmetric walls is swags twisted around the eaves, falling at one end to the floor. In this case, the tulle is dense, not translucent in extreme cases, translucent. Dark colors should not be used, as this will overload the room with twilight, and a large number of windows means getting enough light.

Before purchasing such curtains, it is important to visually present the finished picture. There are all the "tools" for this - detailed design examples on the web, 3D modeling, and more. The expanses of the Internet make it possible to leave a question to the designer online and in a short period of time get an answer to a question of interest on a specific task.

  • Small rooms do not accept irregular fabric lines. A non-symmetrical curtain for a small room will look out of place, reducing the already non-royal window setting. For them, traditional canvases are always considered - multi-layer curtains and tulle to the floor.
  • . Playing with fabrics is more appropriate in common rooms. Asymmetric curtains for the children's bedroom will be overloaded, for children's eyes during games, this is contraindicated.
  • Rest rooms. Sleeping curtains for irregularly shaped windows still remain the traditional form, since asymmetry involves leaving the edge of the window open, which is inappropriate for sleeping. Yes, and heavy fabrics, selected specifically for the bedroom, should fall to the floor, without the formation of diagonals.
  • Rooms with a lot of furniture and accessories also do not accept congestion with asymmetric textiles - everything will merge into one large woven spot.
  • Cabinets do not welcome layering. Ruffles, lambrequins and other things that make the room look like an alcove. In offices, a curtain with an asymmetric pickup is not used - this is bad manners.
  • In the interiors of new styles - hi-tech or minimalism, canvases with lambrequins or asymmetrical curtains for the kitchen, bedroom, living room will fall out of the general concept. For such a vision, only the layering of light curtains and blinds is possible.

The correct design of window decoration with asymmetric canvases must be verified even at the stage of purchasing such canvases.

Curtains must be one with the room

It is also worth thinking about doing it yourself if you have the skill to work on a sewing machine. The variety of forms of curtains - corner, with lapels, puffs, will transform a simple window and emphasize non-standard ones.

Unconventional design solutions in interior design, including window decoration, are always in trend. Asymmetric curtains look interesting and original and bring individuality to the atmosphere. They help to correctly place accents, give the window a special charm, mask the flaws of the room, correct its proportions. We will understand the intricacies of their use in this article.

Design features of asymmetric curtains

The essence of asymmetry in the design of window openings is not the identity and disproportion of the curtains or their parts. Images under this name can hide the most different and completely different from each other, neither in style nor in execution. In addition, each of us can try himself as a curtain designer and come up with his own solution. Therefore, listing all possible options is unrealistic. Consider only the most common:

  • Two curtains of different lengths. This is perhaps the easiest and most popular option, suitable for different models: curtains, curtains, rolled and Japanese. In this case, one canvas of them is made up to the floor, and the other, for example, up to the windowsill. Such curtains are especially convenient for a window with a balcony door, as in the photo below.

  • Only a part of a set of curtains is made asymmetrical. For example, they decorate a window opening with a wide transparent curtain cloth of classical length, but only one curtain is hung out and not along the window, but diagonally and is picked up with a tie-back or a curtain hairpin. Shiny, heavy and dense canvases look especially beautiful in such a design.

  • One, asymmetrically hung along the entire window opening curtain. Such a curtain is hung permanently. It has only a decorative function. One of its edges is made short, most often up to the window sill, the middle part is thrown over the cornice in the form of a lambrequin, and the second edge drops to the floor in smooth spectacular folds. For such asymmetry, translucent colored fabrics are most often chosen: tulle, organza, chiffon, veil. Sometimes, to provide light protection, they are supplemented with two ordinary curtains.

  • The effect of asymmetry is obtained with the help of additional elements. Most often, lambrequins in the form of sags or swags are used for this. This technique is best suited for majestic lush curtains with deep falling vertical folds from expensive fabrics in rich colors. Some "old-fashioned" and archaic voluminous and pompous draperies are trying to smooth out the dynamism of the finish, decorating the curtains with additional accessories.

  • Asymmetry through color. Asymmetry is created not only with the help of different lengths or shapes of curtains, dynamics can be achieved by combining panels of paired curtains that differ from each other in color or pattern. Windows designed in this way can support both the overall design of the interior and focus on them. In the photo, accessories and walls are in the same color scheme as the curtains.

  • With curtain control. When opening, the canvas moves only in one direction. There they are fastened with decorative hooks. The curtain will look like a classic model when closed. An asymmetrical and dynamic image will be obtained after it is opened.

Asymmetry in textiles is a convenient, practical and beautiful solution for rooms where windows are combined with balcony openings. This design not only looks great, but also does not impede movement from the room to the balcony or loggia.

When asymmetry is inappropriate

A non-trivial approach to the design of curtains can radically change the interior, focus on its merits and level out the shortcomings. Of course, when choosing such a decor, it is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the window opening, as well as the features of the layout and the functional purpose of the room. Therefore, it is necessary to decide whether asymmetric curtains are suitable for each case individually, however, general recommendations for their use also exist.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Curtains for the living room are often an accent element around which the entire interior is formed. In small living rooms, it is not recommended to break their symmetry, since visually the room will seem overloaded. At the same time, the same curtains in the kitchen, even if small, will be very useful, since they will free up usable space on the windowsill and the area under it.
  • Asymmetry on the window will definitely be superfluous when the setting already has a large number of small details and there are several accents. Even curtains sewn from nondescript fabrics will attract attention with their non-standard shape.
  • Asymmetric curtains in the bedroom or nursery do not completely obscure the space and their design will not correspond to the functionality of these rooms. If for these rooms it is nevertheless decided to choose such a design of window openings, it should be supplemented with more practical curtains, for example, rolled ones.
  • Classic interior styles tend to be symmetrical and clean, so traditionally shaped drapes and curtains are best suited for them. For minimalist styles, such as hi-tech and techno, frilly curves and lush draperies are not acceptable, so asymmetric curtains should not be used in them either.

Certain exceptions exist in all rules. Hanging curtains on one side will be the right decision if the furniture is close to the opening on one side in a small living room. Otherwise, the second canvas will not be visible, since it will have to be pushed behind the furniture.

However, it is not necessary to follow the general recommendations too strictly when choosing a curtain design. The main thing to keep in mind is that more important than the interior style and size of the room are the features of the arrangement of furniture and the nuances of the layout of a particular room.

Choice of colors

In order for the curtains to look harmonious in a particular setting, a competent choice of their color scheme is very important.

For curtains of different lengths, it is better to choose the same color. In this case, the whole composition will look like a single whole, and not a collection of heterogeneous elements. Contrasting colors and images on outdoor curtains will look appropriate if transparent fabric is used to create asymmetrical elements.

When the design and length of the curtains are the same, but their color is different, you should choose tones that are harmonious with each other. In order not to make a mistake when choosing combinations, you can use the Itten color wheel. Colors opposite each other in a circle will make the result energetic and bright. A less contrasting and more restrained design is obtained if shades are selected that are four positions apart from each other in a circle.

If you want to get an asymmetrical look, but do not want to use curtains of different sizes and shades, you can do this using drawings. One canvas can be chosen in a single color, and the second - with a noticeable and large print. If the pattern is present on both curtains, the ornaments may be of different colors or differ in the size of the elements.

The shape, color, cut and design of asymmetric curtains is extremely diverse. With their help, you can not only visually transform the geometry of the window opening and create a unique, stylish and cozy environment, but also show your creative imagination. This explains the enduring popularity of such a non-trivial and original decor.

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Pay attention to asymmetrical curtains. Even the space of a standard room, asymmetrical curtains are able to give an unusual, unique and individual look.

And in some cases, they are simply necessary, and will be the most correct choice. Asymmetric curtains will emphasize the beauty and attractiveness of an unusual window opening, and it will be simple and easy to use them. Let's consider some of these cases.

First of all, asymmetrical curtains are chosen if there are asymmetrical windows in the room. Modern architects and builders use this technique often and with pleasure. This, of course, is beautiful, but it causes some concern among the owners of apartments, houses and cottages. How should asymmetrical windows be designed?

Of course, you will need asymmetrical curtains. Currently, there are high-quality ones that are very convenient to use for all kinds of non-standard windows. Thanks to them, your imagination will not be limited by anything. Such cornices can be fixed in an inclined form at a certain angle, and positioned on them in the best possible way.

Also, in some cases, asymmetrical curtains allow you to correct some of the flaws in the room. If the window is strongly shifted to one side, you can close part of the wall with asymmetric curtains and thus visually balance the space.

Asymmetrical curtains are great for wide windows in multi-apartment panel buildings. Such a model distracts attention from unaesthetic radiators and heating pipes next to the window.

Some style decisions initially imply asymmetry. First of all, this applies to curtains in. In the manufacture of this type of curtains, this interesting technique is often used. It is he who creates the unique charm of these products, which attract us with their graceful, refined lines. Asymmetric curtains are designed for true connoisseurs of beauty and will make it truly luxurious.

Asymmetry is always a challenge, a provocation, going beyond the usual and ordinary. Skillfully executed, asymmetrical curtains are products of incredible beauty that are the subject of universal admiration.

They are pleasing to the eye, you want to look at them again and again. That is why many opt for them. An asymmetric model will correctly place proportional accents, and simply decorate the room.

The traditional window decoration with straight curtains is no longer fashionable. Such an interior is beautiful and cozy, but does not contain any zest. This is felt by the owners of apartments or houses, whose vision of the interior requires non-standard solutions. Asymmetric curtains will be the way out - ideas on how to decorate rooms are described in detail in this article.

Types of asymmetric curtains

The most understandable design of windows with canvases of different lengths. It is traditionally used for balcony blocks - a door is hidden with a long curtain, windows are decorated with short ones. Further:

To use canvases of different shapes, lengths, colors means to give free rein to the imagination. However, you cannot do without special knowledge, so it is important to listen to the advice of designers and find your own version that suits the interior owners in terms of parameters.

The decoration and design of the window with asymmetric curtains is appropriate for the corresponding openings. Which, we will describe in detail:

  • balcony blocks. Corner fabrics are acceptable there. The layering of the canvas is welcome - light tulle, with an inlay sewn along the edges, flounces, ruffles and traditionally long textiles from the side of the balcony door. The fabric for him is dense, with a spark. These options are asymmetrical curtains for the living room, where the block is present - this is traditional for typical apartments.
  • Attic window openings of non-traditional shape - round, triangular or trapezoidal. It is important to emphasize the opening itself, so the curtains for an asymmetrically located window should not be multi-layered - one base canvas divided into two halves is enough.
  • Bay windows. These are the ledges of an apartment or house with windows located nearby. They are built as a traditional rectangular elongated shape, and arched. Such openings are located in the halls, so asymmetric multilayer curtains for the living room are without clutter. Enough chic side paintings to the floor and different sizes on the openings themselves. The composition looks complete if a flexible cornice for all windows is purchased for it.

  • Arches. The most difficult to decorate with asymmetrical canvases. Therefore, they play on underlining the form. An interesting design of curtains for the living room is emphasized by a cornice, tiebacks that reveal the magnificence of the window. On the arches, a different layering is appropriate than on simple openings - Roman or roller blinds + corner canvases outside.
  • Several openings on one wall of the room. This layout is just a godsend for asymmetry. Tulle will traditionally become the inner canvas, and it’s not bad to play with the outer ones. To do this, one strip of the base fabric is used, and a second one is attached to it on a decorative tie-back, less dense and strikingly different in color, but without dissonance at the same time - a shade from the same line.

Another option for curtains for asymmetric walls is swags twisted around the eaves, falling at one end to the floor. In this case, the tulle is dense, not translucent in extreme cases, translucent. Dark colors should not be used, as this will overload the room with twilight, and a large number of windows means getting enough light.

Before purchasing such curtains, it is important to visually present the finished picture. There are all the "tools" for this - detailed design examples on the web, 3D modeling, and more. The expanses of the Internet make it possible to leave a question to the designer online and in a short period of time get an answer to a question of interest on a specific task.

  • Small rooms do not accept irregular fabric lines. A non-symmetrical curtain for a small room will look out of place, reducing the already non-royal window setting. For them, traditional canvases are always considered - multi-layer curtains and tulle to the floor.
  • Children's rooms. Playing with fabrics is more appropriate in common rooms. Asymmetric curtains for the children's bedroom will be overloaded, for children's eyes during games, this is contraindicated.
  • Rest rooms. Sleeping curtains for irregularly shaped windows still remain the traditional form, since asymmetry involves leaving the edge of the window open, which is inappropriate for sleeping. Yes, and heavy fabrics, selected specifically for the bedroom, should fall to the floor, without the formation of diagonals.
  • Rooms with a lot of furniture and accessories also do not accept congestion with asymmetric textiles - everything will merge into one large woven spot.
  • Cabinets do not welcome layering. Ruffles, lambrequins and other things that make the room look like an alcove. In offices, a curtain with an asymmetric pickup is not used - this is bad manners.
  • In the interiors of new styles - hi-tech or minimalism, canvases with lambrequins or asymmetrical curtains for the kitchen, bedroom, living room will fall out of the general concept. For such a vision, only the layering of light curtains and blinds is possible.

The correct design of window decoration with asymmetric canvases must be verified even at the stage of purchasing such canvases.

Curtains must be one with the room

It is also worth thinking about doing it yourself if you have the skill to work on a sewing machine. The variety of forms of curtains - corner, with lapels, puffs, will transform a simple window and emphasize non-standard ones.