The military situation in Syria on September 18. The military situation in Syria. From the epicenter, the correspondent of the "star" showed what was left of the ISIS plant in Syria after the strike of the Russian Air Force

Last update: 09/19/2017 at 16:01

Syria today, news September 18, 2017. A large-scale offensive by Syrian government forces is underway in Deir ez-Zor. The SAA crossed the Euphrates, they are going to the east of Deir ez-Zor. Advance detachments knock out ISIS militants from the occupied areas. In recent days, Syrian troops have achieved serious success in the east and central part of the SAR, as a result, a large number of settlements in the country have been liberated from ISIS militants. SUMMARY UPDATED!

The situation is now changing every day. As of Sunday, the Syrian army and its allied forces in the southeast of Deir ez-Zor. The army reached the Euphrates, liberating the regions of Maria and Khuveydzhat Maria.

On the eastern side, the militants were driven back from the air base by more than five kilometers. Some of them fled towards Mayadin, some of the terrorists crossed the Euphrates and took refuge in the northern part of Deir ez-Zor.

The operation to liberate the city continues. There is no doubt that he, like Akerbat, will be completely “cleansed” of terrorists. Air support is provided by the Russian Aerospace Forces. Our drones successfully reveal the location of underground utilities, after which our air aces come into play.

The army of government forces in Syria began sweeping the northern outskirts of Deir ez-Zor. Artillery and air strikes inflicted by Russian aircraft allowed the units to cross the Euphrates and land in battle on the eastern bank of the river.

Detachments of the Syrian army and allied forces crossed the Euphrates River in the east of Deir ez-Zor on Monday morning and began cleaning up the northern outskirts of the city.

Syria, news September 18, summary. The Syrian army crosses the Euphrates. © RIA Novosti / Mikhail Alaeddin.


A suicide bomber on a motorcycle blew himself up on Siyahiy Street in the city center. As a result of the terrorist attack, there are victims among civilians, their number is being specified. An armed sortie was launched by an ISIS terrorist on Monday in the city of Qamishli in northeastern Syria. Qamishli (720 km from Damascus) is located in the province of Hasek, where an autonomous Kurdish administration has been established.



Syria, news September 18, summary. The Syrian army crosses the Euphrates. Photo: © RIA Novosti Mikhail Alaeddin.

Syria, news September 18, summary. The Syrian army crosses the Euphrates. © RIA Novosti / Mikhail Alaeddin. Syria, news September 18, summary. The Syrian army crosses the Euphrates. © RIA Novosti / Mikhail Alaeddin.


Under unclear circumstances, two field commanders of the ISIS terrorist group and a large amount of money disappeared in Deir ez-Zor. The terrorist Abu Jamal al-Sahili, known as the emir of Deir ez-Zor, and Abu Laden al-Iraqi, known as the governor (wali) of al-Mayadeen, are reported missing.


In Jober, Syrian artillery fired on the positions of the Jabhat al-Nusra militants. Later it was reported that the shelling of militants and positions of Jabhat An-Nusra by the forces of the Syrian army with elephant-type ground-to-ground missiles on the Jober-Ain Turma line in the east of Damascus province resumed.



Turkey continues to pull military equipment to the border with Syria. Armored personnel carriers, work equipment and trucks with concrete blocks, accompanied by the gendarmerie, are heading to the border area of ​​Elbeili in Kilis province.

Syria, Turkey gathers troops at the border


Syria, map of hostilities in Syria 09/18/2017. The situation in the province of Deir ez-Zor


A massive retreat of ISIS fighters on the east bank of the Euphrates is reported. The terrorists suffer losses both in manpower and in equipment. Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces strikes at militants.


The Syrian army hit the positions of ISIS on the island of Euphrates Hawijat Sakra.


Syria: hot wind of Akerbat. Akerbat - it was here that a radical change occurred in the confrontation with ISIS terrorists. Akerbat is a strategically important transport hub. That is why the militants turned it into a powerful fortified area with branched underground communications. In fact, it was their stronghold in the central part of Syria, which had a multi-level defense system around the entire perimeter.

Syria, video: ISIS terrorist arsenal in Akerbat


Artillery and air strikes inflicted by Russian aircraft allowed the units to cross the Euphrates and land in battle on the eastern bank of the river. The forward detachments were able to withstand two powerful counterattacks of the militants and push the ISIS terrorists to the north - to the Deir ez-Zor - Ash-Shaddad highway.


Detachments of the Syrian army and allied forces on Monday morning and began cleaning up the northern outskirts of the city. According to a source from the scene, the engineering units set up a pontoon crossing, along which the assault troops, along with equipment, were transferred to the northern outskirts of Deir ez-Zor.


Tonight, advance detachments of government forces under the leadership of Russian advisers and the active support of the Russian Aerospace Forces crossed the Euphrates River. Currently, there is an advance inland.


In the province of Hama in the village of Abu al-Hanay, located near the city of Salamiyah, the Syrian army found a large amount of small arms, ammunition and rockets.


The Foreign Ministry spoke about the results of the meeting between Lavrov and Tillerson

Foreign Ministers of Russia and the United States Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson discussed cooperation on Syria and the implementation of the Minsk agreements, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

“In New York, a meeting was held between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Tillerson. The parties discussed cooperation on the Syrian crisis and other aspects of the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as the implementation of the Minsk agreements,” she said.

Turkey redeploys 80 armored vehicles to Syrian border

Turkey continues to move military equipment to the border with Syria, Anadolu news agency reported, citing military sources.

About 80 armored military vehicles have been delivered to Hatay province by rail. It is noted that the armored vehicles were drawn from the Luleburgaz region of the Kirklareli province in the north-west of the country.

In July, Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Yshyk said that Ankara does not rule out a military operation in Syrian Afrin in the event of a threat to its national security emanating from this region, which is under the control of the Syrian Kurdish self-defense forces. Turkey considers the Syrian Kurdish formations associated with the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) banned in the country.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier that Turkey would not allow the creation of a Kurdish state in northern Syria.

WP announces US intention to strengthen cooperation with Russia in Syria

The United States is counting on strengthening cooperation with Russian forces in the skies over Syria, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

The US-led international coalition against the terrorist group "Islamic State" * on Saturday accused Russia of hitting the positions of the Arab-Kurdish SDF units. At the same time, a Kurdish source told RIA Novosti that six SDF fighters were injured in the strike of the Syrian government Air Force. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the American partners were informed in advance of the boundaries of the military operation in Deir ez-Zor.

"The Pentagon is taking additional steps to ensure direct communication between US and Russian commanders on the ground following the strike on US allies in the Deir ez-Zor area," the publication said, citing the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military, Joseph Dunford.

According to the story, Dunford told a small group of journalists that "the channel to resolve conflict situations (between the Russian and US military) 'failed' when Syrian and Russian aircraft bombed US-backed Syrian opposition forces east of the Euphrates River."

Dunford said in a telephone conversation with Russian Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov on Saturday, he suggested that military leaders could use this communication channel "to detect that the enemy is moving freely in the Euphrates region." He added that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson discussed the situation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

The press service of the committee has not yet responded to requests from RIA Novosti regarding the conversation between Gerasimov and Dunford.

According to the Washington Post, the US and Russian military traditionally use the Euphrates as a dividing line. According to her, "Russian as well as Syrian government forces are attacking targets in the west, while US-backed groups are attacking in the east." “However, in recent weeks, numerous offensive operations by both the United States and Russia have practically intersected with each other,” the material says.

“The resolution of conflicts in this area has become more difficult than a few months ago. We haven't resolved all the issues," Dunford admitted.

Akerbat cauldron: The Russian Aerospace Forces and the SAA tank armada are clearing Central Syria from ISIS, an important settlement has been taken. Dry

The Syrian Arab Army continues to destroy ISIS terrorists in the "Akerbat pocket" at the junction of the provinces of Hama and Homs.

A military source said "Russian Spring" the latest details from this sector of the front.

“A consolidated detachment of the 4th tank division of the SAA, with the support of Russian military aviation, after fierce fighting, liberated an important settlement in central Syria - Sukha. In addition, the troops in the east of the province of Hama received new reinforcements from tank units that arrived from the south of the country and immediately entered the battle, ”the officer said.

“It is worth noting that the Syrian command, having gained extensive experience in combat operations with terrorists, has recently become much more competent in planning operations both in desert areas and in urban areas. Junior commanders have also accumulated great experience, whose units have become much more successful directly on the battlefield,” the source added. "Russian Spring".

“It should be noted that the important victories of government troops in the center of the country and near Deir ez-Zor greatly influenced the morale of the Syrian military and civilians. The proximity of a complete victory over ISIS * in Syria gives soldiers and officers new strength to destroy terrorists on their land, ”summed up the military.

The Zvezda TV channel publishes exclusive footage from the front line in Deir Ezzor, where fierce fighting continues between Syrian government forces and militants of the ISIS terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

First footage: With the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian Army crossed the Euphrates River in Deir ez-Zor and is advancing on ISIS (VIDEO, MAP)

The first footage appeared from the area where the Syrian army crossed the Euphrates River in Deir ez-Zor. Voenkor VGTRK Yevgeny Poddubny was reporting from the scene.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that today units of the Armed Forces of the SAR, reinforced by the forces of the 4th Panzer Division of the SAA, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, crossed the Euphrates River in the Deir ez-Zor area along a pontoon crossing induced by engineering units.

Assault detachments of the Syrian Army knocked out ISIS* terrorists from a number of settlements on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and are developing an offensive in an easterly direction, expanding the captured foothold.

It is known that the army took control of more than 2 km on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, freeing the villages of Sabha, Mazlum, Marat and part of the island of Saqr Husham.

In the morning, elite units of ISIS Hunters, created by Russia, crossed the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in the province of Deir ez-Zor for the first time.

According to the Syrian special forces, their units crossed from the western bank of the Euphrates to the eastern bank. This report was distributed through their official media resources. According to ISIS Hunters, their groups were the first of the CAA to reach the opposite bank of the river.

The other day "Russian Spring" In her report, she stated that

Rosneft set its sights on Kurdistan

Rosneft and Iraqi Kurdistan plan to launch a pipeline in 2019 to export gas to Turkey and Europe.

To this end, the company intends to sign an agreement with the Kurdistan authorities on financing the expansion of the gas pipeline infrastructure by the end of the year.

The project involves the commissioning of the pipeline and the first gas supplies to domestic consumers in 2019, and from 2020, the start of export supplies of the energy carrier.

The Kurdistan Regional Gas Pipeline will not only ensure the supply of natural gas to power plants and factories in the region, but will also provide an opportunity to export a significant amount of fuel to Turkey and the European market in the coming years, Rosneft explained.

Investments in the project will go according to the BOOT scheme (build, own, operate, transfer), their return is expected at the expense of the tariff and the “agreed rate of return”. Gas export should amount to 30 billion cubic meters per year. In 2019, deliveries to local consumers (thermal power plants and factories) should begin, and gas exports will start in 2020.

From the epicenter, the Zvezda correspondent showed what was left of the ISIS plant in Syria after the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Special correspondent of the Zvezda TV channel Konstantin Khudoleev visited the Syrian Akerbat at the former terrorist facility of the Islamic State * (the group is banned in the Russian Federation), where a projectile fired by a Russian Aerospace Forces plane hit.


The FAN reports that tonight the military commissar of the agency crossed to the other side of the Euphrates and is now in the bridgehead occupied by the SAA with the support of the VKS on the other side of the Euphrates.

Correspondents of the Federal News Agency (FAN) are located in the province of Deir ez-Zor, where the Euphrates River was forced to the southeast of the city of the same name. The special forces of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), under the leadership of Russian advisers and the active support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, crossed the Euphrates last night.
The operation was carried out in operational contact with the Russian Aerospace Forces - Russian aircraft launched a series of devastating bomb and missile strikes on the positions of ISIS militants*. Then, during the battle, the militants were pushed back from their positions on the coast, retreating in this area to the north. Currently, the troops are fixed on the occupied lines and are moving deep into the territory north of Deir ez-Zor, occupied by ISIS militants, FAN correspondents report.

Earlier, the FAN reported that the main goal of the SAA in Syria now is to cross the Euphrates and transfer its forces to the left bank, where the Islamic State * controlled the territory for several years (banned in the Russian Federation).
During this time, the militants have built a powerful network of defensive fortifications there and are exploiting a number of large oil fields that ensure the financial well-being of the terrorist organization.
To date, the most trained ISIS militants are concentrated in the province of Deir ez-Zor.

Judging by what is reported and drawn on the maps, the crossing of the river took place to the east of the recently cleared from the militants of the Caliphate, the village of Jafra.

Cleansing of the village of Jafra. 17.09.

Sources in Damascus reported yesterday that the issue of forcing the river had already been discussed by the Russian and US military to prevent possible clashes between the coalitions.

Of paramount importance? in case of successful consolidation of the bridgehead and repulsion of possible ISIS counterattacks, it has to intercept the road passing to the northeast of the bridgehead in order to set up a physical block for the SDF there and create operational prerequisites not only for successful operations in the Deir ez-Zor region, but also to ensure advancement along the northern bank of the river to the province's key oil production facilities.

Attack and aftermath

Super-atmospheric Live-Video filmed in the battle formations of the advancing detachment of the Caliphate from the first person.
The video shows the attacks of carts with militants on the positions of the Syrian army.
The ending is just awesome. The character, hysterically screaming throughout the video, knew how it would all end.

- they write that the attack was in East Homs.

It reminded me of the year before last video from Iraq, when the cameraman filming the attack of the "black" motorized infantry also fell at the end.
PS. The title picture is just for illustration - there is a hodgepodge of stuffed equipment of the Caliphate for August-September.

Plus to the heap. Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation extinguishes the boats of the Caliphate on the Euphrates.

This is a rather prudent measure, since the militants have already used boats with suicide bombers during the war, so in the case of building a pontoon bridge, it is better to clear the area in advance.

Akerbat cauldron: The Russian Aerospace Forces and the SAA tank armada are clearing Central Syria from ISIS, an important settlement has been taken. Dry (VIDEO)

The Syrian Arab Army continues to destroy ISIS terrorists in the "Akerbat pocket" at the junction of the provinces of Hama and Homs.

A military source said "Russian Spring" the latest details from this sector of the front.

“A consolidated detachment of the 4th tank division of the SAA, with the support of Russian military aviation, after fierce fighting, liberated an important settlement in central Syria - Sukha. In addition, the troops in the east of the province of Hama received new reinforcements from tank units that arrived from the south of the country and immediately entered the battle, ”the officer said.

“It is worth noting that the Syrian command, having gained extensive experience in combat operations with terrorists, has recently become much more competent in planning operations both in desert areas and in urban areas. Junior commanders have also accumulated great experience, whose units have become much more successful directly on the battlefield,” the source added. "Russian Spring".

“It should be noted that the important victories of government troops in the center of the country and near Deir ez-Zor greatly influenced the morale of the Syrian military and civilians. The proximity of a complete victory over ISIS * in Syria gives soldiers and officers new strength to destroy terrorists on their land, ”summed up the military.

* A terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.


The Russian Ministry of Defense, saying that the Syrian army and the Russian Armed Forces.

“The Pentagon is taking additional steps to ensure direct communication between US and Russian commanders on the ground after US allies were hit in the Deir ez-Zor area,” writes The Washington Post, citing the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford.

The article elaborates that Gen. Dunford told selected reporters that "the channel to resolve conflict situations (between the US and Russian military) 'failed' when aircraft from the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force attacked the pro-American opposition east of the Euphrates River."

Dunford said that during a telephone conversation with the head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov on Saturday, he suggested that the commanders use this communication channel "to detect that the enemy is moving freely in the Euphrates River area." The general also said that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had discussed the situation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

In addition, The Washington Post writes that the military of the United States and the Russian Federation traditionally use the Euphrates River as a dividing line. According to the publication, "Russian and Syrian government troops are attacking ISIS * in the west, and American-backed groups - in the east."

But in recent weeks, multiple offensives by both US forces and the Russian (and Syrian) military have virtually overlapped with each other.

“The elimination of conflicts in this area is much more complicated than a few months ago. We have not resolved all the issues,” admitted the head of the US Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff.

Damascus Province:

The Faylak al-Rahman and Tahrir ash-Sham groups reached an agreement on a temporary truce in the Kafr Batna settlement. In the area of ​​Ain Tarma, there was a fierce confrontation between Faylak al-Rahman and government forces, who sought to advance under the cover of heavy artillery. The SAA carried out rocket attacks on Tahrir ash-Sham positions in the Jobar region. The offensive with the participation of T-72 tanks failed. The opposition carried out mortar shelling of the Al-Abbasin and Al-Zablatani districts in the province.

Aleppo Province:

Mortar attacks from militants led to the detonation of ammunition at the CAA warehouse, located in the north of the province. There are clashes between the SAA and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the north. The front of the fighting shifted from the Khazvan settlement to the areas of Abla and Khzoran, Darat Izza and Tal Zhizhan.

Homs Province:

In the east, a joint operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the SAA against ISIS (*terrorist organization banned in Russia) continues. Under the cover of Russian aircraft, a cleansing of the areas of Tin al-Muallaq and Al-Nabatiya was carried out. Shelling of militant positions was carried out in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Tallat Aid. Fortifications in the area of ​​Al-Khamsin Hill and the vicinity of the settlements of Abu Kres and Mzen Al-Bakar suffered significant damage from the fire of the Aerospace Forces.

Deir ez-Zor, 09/11/17 (c) Ammar Safarjalani

Deir ez-Zor Province:

The SAA, under the leadership of Russian advisers and with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, crossed the Euphrates, on the left bank of which the terrorists built a powerful network of defensive fortifications. Strengthening positions on the bridgehead and moving deep into the territory north of Deir ez-Zor is being carried out. This area has a number of large oil fields.
Work continues to ensure the security of the perimeter of the liberated Deir ez-Zor military airport. A cargo plane landed here for the first time in three years. The SAA is trying to establish control over the Hawijat Saqr quarter in the administrative center of the province of Deir ez-Zor.

Idlib Province:

The commander of the Tahrir ash-Sham coalition, Abu Yasser ash-Shami, was shot dead by unknown people. At least 80 pieces of Turkish military equipment and 3,000 well-trained pro-Turkish "free army" fighters are concentrated on the border, ready for an invasion. The Turkish Armed Forces are opposed by the forces of the Tahrir al-Sham coalition, controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra *.
The SAA is fighting in the settlement of Al-Taman in the south of Idlib.

Raqqa Province:

In the city of Raqqa, fierce fighting continued between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and ISIS *, including in the central part of the settlement, in the vicinity of the An Naim junction and in the areas of Ar Rashid, Al-Murur and Al-Haramiya.

The air forces of the pro-American coalition launched a series of strikes on alleged ISIS * positions in residential areas of the city of Raqqa, including using shells with white phosphorus.

Hama Province:

In the east, the “Akerbat Cauldron” is being cleared from ISIS * by the joint forces of the SAA and the Russian Aerospace Forces. Control was established over the settlements of Abu Hanai and Al-Maddamiya.

An ISIS* ammunition depot was discovered in the village of Abu Hanaya near Salamiyah.
The SAA carried out more than 100 shelling of militant positions in the Al-Lataminah area, located in the north of the province.

Hasaka Province:

The air forces of the pro-American coalition launched a series of strikes on the village of Gariba Ash Sharkiya in Hasaka, providing air support to Kurdish detachments developing an offensive on Deir ez-Zor.

The Iraqi Air Force carried out a strike on an ISIS* convoy moving in the Al-Mtebizh area on the border of the provinces of Salah al-Din and Diyala, killing a high-ranking member of the terrorist organization. The local air force launched an airstrike on ISIS* locations in the Makhul mountains in the north of Salah al-Din province, killing the field commander and three terrorists who were with him.

The Iraqi Supreme Court has approved a petition by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi asking for a suspension of the Kurdistan independence referendum.