Role-playing game scientific laboratory. Synopsis of the role-playing game "Inventors" senior preschool age. Role-playing game: duty corner


"A child's play is not a mere recollection of
experienced, and creative processing of experienced
impressions, combining them and rebuilding
of which the new reality that meets
the demands and desires of the child himself.
L.S. Vygotsky.

One of the interesting bright and creative games for children, we believe, should be the game "Health Center". It is accessible to preschool children, since from birth the child has a genetically unconscious interest in the profession of a doctor, in himself, in his body parts, organs and their functions. Psychologically, a small child is already ready to play the game, but due to the lack of life experience and knowledge, he cannot unfold a sufficiently vivid, consistent storyline.
The plot-role-playing game "Health Center" is a creative game, free from regulation, a game that allows a child to express his fantastic desires, his dreams. Here the child opens up a wide scope for manifestations of creativity, activity and ingenuity, fantasy, curiosity, for self-realization. This can be done by preschool children.
In this game, the child not only reflects real life, but also rebuilds it; this game also has a developmental value. Here, in a complex, it is possible to solve the problems of mental, moral, labor and aesthetic development of children.
This game requires the child to have full knowledge about the world around him, about his body, about the structure of his body, organs, how to treat them, about medicinal herbs and medicines. During the game, the child clarifies and consolidates knowledge about the profession of a doctor, pharmacist, physiotherapist, about the work of an ambulance, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, this game teaches children to live successfully and act together, to help each other. Here a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, responsibility for one's actions, and communicative qualities develop.
The game "Health Center" is aimed at fostering love for one's neighbor, sympathy for a sick person, a kind and affectionate attitude towards them.
The problem of children's choice of topics for games is very acute. Insufficient equipment with attributes, an incomplete amount of knowledge and imperfect creation of conditions leads to the fact that children's role-playing games become monotonous and meager in subject matter and development of storylines, limited to family games, school, hospital, kindergarten.
These guidelines for the game "Health Center" will help educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions to use them in their work, diversify and enrich the content of the game, by introducing the roles of doctors - narrow specialists: ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, surgeon, dentist, etc.

Goals and objectives of the game
1. Introduce children to the concepts of "health", "medicine".
On this basis, give children the opportunity to realize their needs, interest in this topic through the development of the game plot "health center".
2. To expand children's knowledge about human health, the impact of lifestyle on health, about the features of the functioning of the body.
3. To develop the child's gaming experience by enriching his impressions of the social world, the work of adults (doctor, nurse, pharmacist, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies, etc.).
4. Activate fantasy, verbal communication and creative imagination in creating new storylines.
5. To cultivate respect for the work of medical workers, to fix the rules of conduct in public places.
6. Contribute to the development of cognitive research activities.

Stages of age development of the game "Health Center"

Vocabulary minimum
Head doctor, doctor, nurse, pediatrician, therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, cardiologist, allergist, massage therapist, nurse, laboratory assistant, cosmetologist, neuropathologist, pharmacist, pharmacist.
Medical instruments, syringe, scalpel, phonendoscope, tongs, thermometer, cotton wool, gauze, bandages, spatulas, hammer, adhesive plaster, heating pad, tube quartz, dropper, test tubes, tonometer, scales, stadiometer.
Additional professionally significant concepts:
Temperature, tonsillitis, otitis media, acute respiratory infections, SARS, gypsum, trauma, wound, emergency room, runny nose, cough, headache, toothache, caries, chills, dizziness, runny nose, fracture, sunstroke, burn, analysis, treatment room, fluorography, x-ray, ECG, ultrasound, filling, operation, certificate, sick leave, prescription, card, referral, hospitalization.
Job Title:
Heals, weighs, operates, bandages, examines, directs, accepts, discharges, receives, observes, listens, diagnoses, measures pressure, examines, studies, saves, checks, injects, massages, applies plaster.

Stages of development and implementation of the project role-playing game "Health Center"
1. Setting goals for the game, the presence of motivation.
2. Involving children in solving this problem (designation of a “children's” goal).
3. Create a game plan (based on child support).
4. Discuss the plan with the children.
5. Creative search (collection of information, material).
6. Carrying out the main activities, preliminary work - classes, observations, games, etc.
7. Homework for parents.
8. Independent creative work with children.
9. Presentation of the project (KVN, holiday, open lesson, compilation of albums).
10. The result of the work - role-playing game "Health Center" - an organized, long game.

Example game actions:
1. Arrival at the clinic, reception;
2. Doctor's appointment;
3. Discharge of medication;
4. Call "Ambulance";
5. Hospitalization, placement in the ward;
6. Appointment of treatment;
7. Surveys;
8. Visiting the sick;
9. Extract.

Variants and plots of the game "Health Center" (new storylines)
1. Treatment in a sanatorium.
2. The holiday "Day of the medical worker" has come.
3. Cosmetic clinic.
4. Scientific and medical laboratory.
5. Ministry of Emergency Situations.
6. Tourism.

Roles in the game
Doctors - 6 people:
ENT doctor
Nurse at the reception - 1 person
Pharmacist - 1 person
Nurse in the phytobar - 1 person
Procedural nurse - 1 person
Laboratory assistant - 1 person
Ambulance attendants - 2 people
Emergency doctor - 1 person
Ambulance driver - 1 person
Patients - 5 or more people

Attributes for the role-playing game "Health Center"
1. Screen "Registration"
2. Dressing gown, nurse's cap
3. Working hours of doctors
4. Referrals to specialist doctors
5. Cards
6. Journal
7. Sick leave
8. Print
9. Phone.
10. Badges for doctors
1. Bathrobe, hat.
2. Journal of a surgeon
3. Forms for prescriptions
4. Operating table
5. Surgeon's medical table
6. Medical instruments: dropper, syringes, scissors, cotton wool, hammer, bandages, adhesive plaster, scalpel, clamp, tweezers
7. Screen "Insulator"
8. Crib
9. Sheets
10. Blanket
1. Bathrobe, hat.
2. Journal of an ophthalmologist
3. Forms for prescriptions
4. Table of letters
5. Table of drawings
6. Set "Optics"
7. Ophthalmologist's eye.
1. Screen "Pharmacy"
2. Bathrobe, pharmacist's cap
3. "Medicines"
4. Phone
1. Bathrobe, hat
2. Journal of ENT - doctor
3. Forms for prescriptions
4. Spatulas
5. Eye ENT - doctor
6. Straws
7. Tube
1. Bathrobe, hat
2. Height meter
3. Scales
4. Changing table
5. centimeter
6. Pediatrician's Journal
7. Forms for prescriptions
8. Spatulas
9. Thermometers
10. Phonendoscope
11. Tonometer
1. Bathrobe, hat
2. Journal of a cardiologist
3. Forms for prescriptions
4. ECG medical table
5. Medical instruments
6. Couch
7. Sheet
Physiotherapy cabinet
1. Bathrobe, hat
2. Physiotherapist's Journal
3. Forms for prescriptions
4. Tube quartz
5. Daybed
6. Sheets
7. Trainers
treatment room
1. Dressing gown, cap of the procedural nurse
2. Journal of Nursing
3. Medical instruments: blood sampling instruments, test tubes, cotton swabs, syringes, scissors, bandages, adhesive plaster, tweezers, pear, thermometer, heating pad
4. Soap
5. Towel
6. Sheets
1. Bar counter
2. Oxygen cocktail
3. Cocktail mixer
4. A set of medicinal herbs
5. Kettle
6. Tea service
7. Cups
8. Straws
9. Fruit replicas
10. Fake "Kumiss"
11. Fake cocktails
1. Car "Ambulance"
2. Suitcase with medicines for ambulance and Ministry of Emergency Situations
3. Stretcher
4. Phone
5. Walkie-talkie
6. Ambulance log


Junior preschool age

Teach children:
- the ability to take on a playing role and designate it for a partner;
- the ability to perform conditional object actions specific to the role;
- the ability to enter the image and stay in it for a certain time;
- the ability to change role-playing behavior during the game, depending on what the roles of partners are; the ability to change your playing role depending on the unfolding plot;
- the ability to deploy a role-playing dialogue.
Teach them to follow the basic rules of behavior during the game.
Develop speech, enrich children's vocabulary.
Support the desire to learn more about the medical profession.
Encourage children to take care of their health.
To promote the development of games in which children reflect the life and activities of others.

1 BLOCK Cognitive development and speech development
1. Reading works:
"The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" Rus. nar. fairy tale (in the arr. O. Kapitsa), K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".
2. Consideration of illustrations on medical topics: paintings depicting doctors, medical personnel, medical equipment, medicines; pay attention to the work of a doctor - what he does, indicate the types of activities, professions.
3. Guessing motor riddles like: "What am I doing?" (I bandage, give an injection, listen, etc.)
4. Resolution of problematic situations based on simple stories: "Tanya caught a cold", "The doll got sick."
5. TRIZ - using the component approach of system analysis to consider the system properties of the hospital (supersystem - system - subsystem).
6. Lesson.
"A story about the work of a doctor."
Program content: to teach children to compose, with the help of an adult, a short story about the work of a doctor; generalize children's knowledge about the profession "doctor".
7. Organization of daily role-playing dialogues (1-2 children) according to the type: "Talking on the phone" - I'm like the head doctor. I call and find out how doctors work. What attributes do they use? What else do they need to work? etc.
8. Acquaintance of children with game attributes and showing professional actions with them: (external signs: doctor's coat, cap, phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, syringe, bandage, medicine, blood pressure monitor, cotton wool, etc.)
9. The teacher's stories about how she played "hospital" when she was very young. “I put on my mother’s white coat and glasses, put a table and two chairs next to it, for the doctor and the patient. And I also had a suitcase with tools (a syringe, a phonendoscope, a bandage, cotton wool, a hammer, a thermometer, a spatula). I loved treating my dolls and parents very much.
10. Cognitive experiences:
- Monitoring the work of doctors and nurses in medical office.

BLOCK II Artistic and productive activity
Drawing and application: "Vitamins"
Program content: to acquaint children with the properties and importance of vitamins in people's lives, continue to learn how to draw rounded objects and paint over them.

III BLOCK Labor activity
Craft attributes for playing at home with parents.

IV BLOCK Game activity
1. The didactic game "Lyalya's teeth hurt" to exercise in a clear pronunciation of onomatopoeic words, sound [O].
2. Didactic game "Find the item according to the description." Task: To cultivate the ability to find an object according to its most characteristic features; develop observation, resourcefulness; learn to describe an object without naming it. (A. K. Bondarenko, "Didactic games in kindergarten").
4. Didactic game "Who needs what for work?"
Didactic task: to consolidate the knowledge of children that different things, tools of labor help people in their work; to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to work themselves.
5. Plot-didactic game "Hospital" in-depth familiarization with the work of a doctor; development of skills to act with objects.

V BLOCK Entertainment
Puppet show
K. Chukovsky "Aibolit" (staging of an excerpt) - showing the method of action with toys and play materials.

Role attributes:
1. Doll Doctor
2. A set of medical instruments
3. Replicas of medicines
4. White coat and doctor's cap
5. Puppet patients
Roles in the game:
1. Doctor
2. 1st family mother and daughter
3. 2nd family father and son
Options, plots of the game
The doctor is taking.
A mother and daughter enter the hospital.
Daughter groans: "Oh-oh-oh."
Mom: My daughter is sick.
Doctor: What hurts her?
Mom: She has a headache.
Doctor: Now we will treat your head, and your daughter will stop crying. Open your mouth, please (takes a spatula and looks into your mouth). Oh, yes, her throat hurts. Let's measure the temperature (puts a thermometer). And her temperature is high. Here's a pill (vitamin) for you. Let's listen to the heart, very good! Now you need to make an injection (takes a syringe, wets the cotton with boiled water and makes an injection). How are you feeling?
Daughter: Thank you, okay (laughs).
Doctor: Here she is healthy, laughs.
A father and son enter the hospital.
The son cries: "Ah-ah-ah."
Doctor: Hello. What happened to you?
Dad: My son is sick.
Doctor: What hurts him?
Dad: He has a toothache.
Doctor: Now we will treat the tooth, and your son will stop crying. Open your mouth, please (takes a spatula and looks into your mouth). Oh, yes, he has a toothache. Let's measure the temperature (puts a thermometer). And his temperature is normal. Here's a pill (vitamin) for you. Let's listen to the heart, very good! Now you need to make an injection (takes a syringe, wets the cotton with boiled water and makes an injection). How are you feeling?
Son: Thank you, okay (laughs).
Doctor: Here he is healthy, laughs. Goodbye.
Father and son: Goodbye.


(Planning educational work)
senior preschool age

Develop the ability to combine a variety of events together. Encourage children to combine creative storytelling with role-playing interaction.
Encourage children to use more widely and creatively in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, about the work of doctors, about the functioning of the body. Build relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance. To cultivate goodwill, readiness to help out a comrade, the ability to reckon with their interests and opinions; resolve disputes fairly.
Continue work on the activation and refinement of the dictionary, the development of speech. To activate children in role-playing dialogues, developing coherent speech, to work on the development of creative imagination.

Block 1. "Cognitive activity"
1. Conversation "What is health and how to maintain it"
Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about how to maintain health, strengthen it, what safety rules to follow so as not to harm health; develop curiosity, attention to your own body, sensations.
2. Conversation about the work of adults
Purpose: To introduce children to the profession of a doctor. Reveal its importance to society. To reveal the moral qualities that characterize doctors. Show respect for the medical profession.
3. Excursions: to the clinic, to the reception, to the pharmacy, to the medical office

4. Viewing filmstrips, films about medicine
Purpose: To expand children's ideas about medicine. Generate interest in this field
5. Reading works: K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit", an excerpt from the poem "Who to be" by V. Mayakovsky, "On the seaside" by Y. Rainis (Excerpt "The doll got sick"), "Our doctor" by A. Kardamova
Purpose: To continue to introduce children to the medical profession.
6. The teacher's story about doctors, their activities
Purpose: To expand children's ideas about doctors and their activities. Generate interest in the medical profession.
7. Complex cognitive and physical education lesson "Health Day"
Purpose: To form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; meet the needs of children in physical activity; to consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain and strengthen health.
8. Lesson "What is health and how to maintain and increase it"
Purpose: To consolidate the concept of "Health"; expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases, injuries.
9. Lesson "Ambulance"
Purpose: To tell about the profession "doctor"; introduce children to the phone number "03"; teach them to call an ambulance, giving their name, surname and home address.
10. Lesson "How the human body works"
Purpose: To acquaint children with how the human body works.
11. Lesson "How the human heart works"
Purpose: To acquaint children with the purpose and work of the heart.
12. Lesson "How we breathe"
Purpose: To introduce children to the respiratory system.
13. Lesson "How parts of the body move"
Purpose: To acquaint children with the purpose of muscles, joints, their role in the structure of the human body.
14. Lesson "Microbes and viruses"
Purpose: To tell children about infectious diseases and their pathogens.
15. Lesson "Personal hygiene"
Purpose: To bring to the consciousness of children the need and importance of observing hygiene procedures.
16. Lesson "Health and disease"
Purpose: To teach children to take care of their health, take care of it, avoid situations that are harmful to health.
17. Lesson "Attitude towards a sick person"
Purpose: To cultivate a sense of compassion, complicity for the sick, the weak; arouse a desire to help, to alleviate the plight of such people.
18. Lesson "Vitamins and healthy products"
Purpose: To introduce the concept of "vitamins", to talk about the benefits of vitamins, their importance for life, the relationship between health and nutrition.
19. Lesson "Healthy food"
Purpose: To help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition, to explain that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.
20. Lesson "Sport"
Purpose: To introduce children to various sports, to form the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of sports for human health.

Block 2. Labor activity

The role-playing game becomes the leading activity of the child from the age of 4. Children are ready to play role-playing games endlessly, especially since the field for plots is vast. All that is required of the parent and educator is to provide the child with an appropriate developmental environment that the child can adapt to fictional circumstances.

In the game of children of middle preschool age, several favorite topics can be distinguished.

Role-playing game: SHOP

The store is one of the most efficient and versatile spaces for role-playing games. Children can play the role of a seller, buyer, cashier, manager, supplier of products - and the list of available roles is not limited to this. It is in the corner of the store in the kindergarten that you can organize a variety of games in which children will learn the most important social skills.

A separate and very important function that the role-playing game in the store allows you to implement is learning to count and mastering the basic economic concepts and ideas about financial and monetary relations. In order to make this possible, in addition to other toys, you need to purchase toys such as a cash register and, of course, toy money.

Counting money, the child not only actively trains his mathematical skills, but also learns the concept of money, as the most important element of the life of a modern person. It is the financial side of the role-playing game in the store that makes it so attractive and gives it an outstanding developmental effect.

Role-playing game: HAIRDRESSER

A beauty salon or a hairdresser is mandatory in each group of kindergarten. As a rule, children's furniture is purchased and filled with all necessary accessories. Purchased toys in the store can be supplemented with various jars of shampoo, cream, cotton pads, combs, curlers, mirrors with safety glass and much more, which fits the theme of a hairdresser and beauty salon.

An important element is a cape for the client and an apron for the hairdresser. Through these objects, children transform into their roles and begin to play them in the plot. Simple costumes can be purchased at specialized stores for preschool educational institutions or sewn by yourself.

The corner of the Barbershop in kindergarten is an island of femininity and beauty. Every girl will pay attention to it and will play there with great pleasure.

On the picture you see "Hairdresser Set" which includes everything you need: plastic accessories, hairdresser's cape. It is packed in a pink suitcase. We found this set in the Kindergarten store.

Role-playing game: DUTY corner

From duty in kindergarten, the concepts of discipline and housekeeping begin. Since learning and development in kindergarten takes place in the conditions of a specially organized life, it is necessary to create a pedagogically effective situation out of this. In other words, no kindergarten can put the responsibility for organizing the life of children entirely on the shoulders of adults. Even the smallest children, to the best of their ability, should be involved in the most important everyday issues, because this activity contains the most important educational element.

In the corner of the duty officer in the kindergarten, children should familiarize themselves with the elementary rules of housekeeping, as well as learn how to handle a variety of household appliances. Especially for safety reasons, toys are developed for children that are as similar as possible to real household items and appliances, but, however, are only an imitation of them. However, this does not reduce the effectiveness of the educational process, the purpose of which is to instill in children the skills and abilities to manage the household, as well as to instill responsibility and love for order.

On the picture set called - Game set Cinderella №4. It is produced by the old plastic toy factory Sovtekhstrom. The quality of the toy is good, the price is very affordable!

HOSPITAL play corner

Some of the most popular plots for children are a clinic, a hospital, a dental office. From childhood, kids understand the importance of such a profession as a doctor. Playing in the hospital is an integral part of children's gaming leisure.

As a rule, specific furniture is needed to organize a corner: a children's couch and a locker with a red cross. If it is not possible to organize a couch, then a locker should be required. What needs to be put there, I think, is not difficult to guess - dummies of medical instruments, jars, cotton wool, bandages and other items that children associate with the hospital. It's also a good idea to have prescription and prescription forms prepared by your doctor. Doctor's kits are sold in any store, it is not difficult and not expensive to purchase them. Polesie has an excellent and wide choice from doctor's trolleys to the simplest and most budgetary kits.


Each age in human life brings us new discoveries. For a preschooler, the whole vast surrounding world is full of mysteries and secrets, and it is the duty of adults to do everything possible to ensure that the knowledge of the surrounding reality for the child takes place in a fun way.

The experiment corner in the kindergarten will open doors for children to the world of elementary knowledge from the field of physics, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences.

The strength of the experiment is that it clearly demonstrates to children the most important laws of nature in action. Since preschoolers do not yet have a sufficiently developed abstract and logical thinking in order to comprehend the laws of reality using formulas and scientific calculations, it is the experiment for them that becomes a guide to the world of really useful and relevant scientific knowledge adapted to children's perception.

On the picture you see the "Magnetic Rod". Unique equipment for kindergartens to explain the strength of the magnet, its action and more. It's fun, interesting and useful! "Magnetic wands" are foreign equipment, which only today began to appear in kindergartens.

Role-playing game: TRAVEL OFFICE

A corner of the world in a kindergarten (or travel agency) actively contributes to the fact that the child learns important geographical and political-economic concepts. For children who have never been to other countries, it can be really difficult to understand the real scale of the world, and the traveler's corner successfully solves this problem. In addition, the game of travel is the strongest stimulator of interest in learning about the world around us. In addition, in a travel agency, you can organize a game program for traveling even into space or to the bottom of the ocean.

Another unique function of the corner of the world in kindergarten is the possibility of linking it to the study of foreign languages, which is undoubtedly very important. For a preschooler who is studying a foreign language, it is important to get acquainted not only with the alphabet and the initial rules of grammar, but also to learn the culture and traditions of other countries, which is also successfully implemented in the space of a corner of the world in kindergarten.

On the picture you see a talking poster "Live Geography". With it, it is easier for children to study and understand the nature of our Earth. This is modern equipment for home and kindergarten. On the second photo: Physical globe of the Earth, d-250 mm.

Role Playing Game: MAIL

We live in an era of information dominance.

Thanks to the fact that people have learned to communicate with each other through huge layers of time and numerous kilometers of space, humanity has been able to take a huge step in its development.

Despite the fact that now in the world information is already capable of being transferred from one side of the globe to another in a split second, we should not forget that it all started with the mail. And that, despite modern technology, this area of ​​human activity is still functioning and flourishing.

Playing mail, a child in kindergarten will not only get acquainted with the fascinating processes of information exchange, but also understand how important these processes are.

By signing postcards and sending letters by mail, the baby will not only learn to correctly formulate his thoughts and wishes, but also understand that, thanks to mail, not only texts or images, but also human emotions and feelings can be transmitted over long distances.

On the picture: children's role-playing costume "Mail". It includes a cap, a cape and a bag with the inscription "Mail". This is an inexpensive and practical suit. It is made of raincoat fabric, so it is easy to clean.

Role-playing game: THEATER

It is difficult to list all the advantages of the theater as the most important developmental activity for a preschooler.

When children participate in a performance or even just watch it, a whole series of pedagogically and psychologically important processes take place, ranging from training the ability to empathize and understand the emotions and feelings of other people, and ending with aesthetic education and cultural development.

No wonder A.S. Makarenko made theatrical performances in his system of education the most powerful and one of the most important means of influencing children for pedagogical and educational purposes. Perhaps the most important function of theatrical performances in kindergarten is psychotherapeutic. Playing the role of a character, or simply empathizing with him, the child can get rid of various problems in the emotional, sensual and social sphere, which inevitably arise even at preschool age.

On the picture: knitted finger theatre, manufacturer IP Nikulina. Excellent quality! Characters are easy to dress on a finger. They are tied by hand. On the second and third photo: walking theater characters. Development of Russian manufacturers of didactic equipment "Naive World". The fingers are inserted into special loops that are sewn to the back of the doll. Moving your fingers - you move the legs of the doll. A very interesting development. Sets of fairy tales and just individual dolls are sold in specialized stores for kindergartens.


A folk toy is distinguished from a modern one by one thing - the vast experience of our ancestors and their infinite wisdom, which is embodied in every folk product.

Pay attention to the fact that the folk toy is practically immortal - children of different generations have been playing with them for hundreds and thousands of years, and no modern technologies can challenge and surpass their effectiveness.

In addition, the wisdom of the people endows toys with great symbolism, which, undoubtedly, is perceived by children at least on a subconscious level.

For example, matryoshka dolls symbolize the sanctity of motherhood and the continuation of the human race, and the bizarre Russian folk decorative painting that adorns almost all folk toys conveys to the child information about the structure of the world, encrypted in visual and color symbols.

Thus, the Russian folk toy in kindergarten is more than a means of educating patriotism. It is also an opportunity to pass on to children the experience accumulated by people over a huge period of time.

On the picture: Our traditional educational toy is a matryoshka.

Role Playing Game: SPORT

Sports and a healthy lifestyle are what modern children need most of all.

Now, when society is faced with many problems, such as hypodynamia (lack of movement) in children and adults, the problem of drug and alcohol addiction, the problem of malnutrition - sport is a real miraculous means of preventing and eradicating these negative social phenomena. Therefore, a sports corner must be present in every kindergarten and in every family.

Childhood is a wonderful time when the human body is still light, flexible and obedient, when the child still has enough strength, energy and desire to be active, whether in the fresh air or in the gym.

Our duty is to give children everything they need for sports development and stimulate their interest and love for sports, for movement, for a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it is sports education that forms in children such important qualities as willpower, perseverance, determination, purposefulness, responsibility, discipline and team spirit.

On the picture: Velcro darts. Great fun sports game! The task is to hit different numbers on the shield with cartoon characters with Velcro balls. Balls stick!

Olga Pushkarevskaya
Synopsis of the role-playing game "Young researchers in the salt laboratory"


caregiver: Borovskikh Olga Alexandrovna.


The development of cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation.

Help create a playful environment games, to form the ability to pose a problem, observe, draw conclusions.

Cultivate independence, a sense of mutual assistance.


Different kinds salt

container for salt

Plates with salt

Disposable cups

Disposable spoons

Loupes for every child

Caps, armlets

Carafe with water

Photo salt


preliminary work:

looking at pictures « laboratory» , « laboratory assistant»

Growing crystals about salt

1. Organizational moment

(the teacher sets the children to the beginning of the GCD using psychodynamics)

caregiver: all the children gathered around

I am your friend and you are my friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

caregiver: Let's guys wish each other and our guests - say "Hello!" and give everyone our smiles.

caregiver: Guys on our planet there is a substance without which a person cannot live. Do you want to know what this substance is?

I will tell you, guys, a fairy tale about Ivan the merchant, how he went with his goods to distant lands along the sea - the ocean. He saw many countries, traded in furs. Here she rose into the sea, a strong storm, threw the ship onto an unprecedented island. Ivan went to explore the land, but came across a great mountain. It is not sand, not stone, but pure salt that looks in that mountain. He returned to the shore, ordered the workers to load the ship with salt. How long, how short, how close, how far - a ship sailed into the country. And the eastern sultan ruled this country. Ivan went to the Sultan to sell him salt. And the Sultan about salt, nothing heard: in all his state they didn't eat salt. The Sultan thought, thought, and bought salt from Ivan.

Music sounds (includes Eastern Sultan)

Sultan: dear guys, I bought a bag of white matter from Ivan the Merchant, oh, I don’t even remember the name. Help me figure out what this substance is and what it is for.

caregiver: Guys, help the Sultan?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: how can we be? How to help you, we ourselves do not know what it is.

Sultan: and I brought everything in a bag. (shows a bag of salt).

caregiver: guys, in order to figure out what the Sultan has for the substance, I suggest you go to laboratory. In our laboratories There are 4 different departments that have their own responsibilities.

Let's choose who will be who in our laboratories.

Allow me to be the head of the scientific laboratories. (explanation of what he will do)

Now let's decide who will be who. We need an assistant manager researchers and laboratory assistants.

And so that you do not feel offended, we will ask our Sultan to help choose roles.

Well, what kind of scientists are we without training, I suggest that we warm up.

Right hand up

Right hand down.

Shake with the right hand

And let's turn around.

Left hand up

Left hand down.

Shake with the left hand

And let's turn around.

Right foot forward

Right foot back.,

Shake with the right foot

And let's turn around.

Left foot forward

Left foot back.

Shake the left foot

And let's turn around.

Whole body forward

Whole body back

turn around, turn around

And in researchers become.

caregiver: Well done, you have been trained and can go to laboratory. And in order for us to get to work, you need to put on special clothes and attach badges and researchers with names and positions.

caregiver: let's remember the rules of conduct in it.

Do not bring objects close to your eyes.

Unnecessarily do not take anything by mouth.

(go to laboratory)

caregiver: Well, guys, are you ready to find out what kind of white substance the Sultan has?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: we pass into the first department called "properties salt» .

Assistant manager: young researchers Pay attention, there are plates in front of you. What do we see?

Children: it's salt.

Sultan: salt, what is salt?

Pom. head: salt is a white crystalline substance

- I ask you to take a magnifying glass and examine the salt through it.

Make Sure (children look).

Children: yes, it looks like small crystals.

Pom. head: and now type on the tip of a spoon a little salt and taste it. What does she taste like?

Children: salty.

Sultan: fu, fu and really salty.

Head pom: smell it, does it smell?

Children: No.

Head pom: we can conclude that the salt is white, salty, odorless.

Sultan: Is salt falling from the sky or growing on trees? Where is it taken from?

caregiver: guys, let's tell the Sultan how salt is mined.

Children: it is mined by various ways: mined in the sea (a photo) and on land, in underground mines (a photo).before, salt was mined by hand and it was very hard work (photo, but in our time when mining salt use special harvesters - salt pumps (a photo).

Sultan: How many interesting things you told me! But I still don't understand what to do with it?

caregiver: and in order to find out what it is used for, we need to go to the second department « food laboratory» .

Food Researcher: guys, what do you think salt is used for?

Children: for cooking, salting (preservation).

Iss. food prod: salt, as a food additive, entered our diet for a very, very long time. After all, it is not without reason that in Russia it is customary to meet dear guests "bread with salt". Salt is essential for all people.

And now we will check (sliced ​​vegetables with and without salt, children try).

In the kitchen, salt can be used not only as a seasoning for dishes. For example, in order to easily peel boiled eggs from the shell, you need to add a little water to the water in which they are boiled. salt. The cleaning process will become easier.

Sultan: so salt is needed for cooking.

caregiver A: Well, that's not all. Guys, let's tell you, what else is salt used for? I propose to go to the third section "chemical laboratory»

Iss. chem. lab: indeed, salt is used not only in the kitchen, but it is widely used in everyday life. Where do you think it is used?

Children: sprinkle roads (a photo).

Iss. chem. lab: and now we will conduct an experiment with ice and salt.

Salt can melt ice. And we will check it with you.

We take ice cubes, put them on plates and sprinkle them with salt.

What is happening?

Children: the ice is melting.

Sultan: I would never have guessed that this is possible.

Iss. chem. lab: Everyone knows that at low temperatures, when it's cold, water freezes. Do you agree with me?

Children: Yes.

Iss. chem. lab: do you think salt water will freeze?

Sultan: Of course it will freeze.

Iss. chem. lab: check? Let's put salt and fresh water in the freezer and after a while check (children help to carry away).

caregiver: Guys, you can grow salt. Let's tell the Sultan how you and I grew crystals.

(children's story).

Sultan: understood nothing!

caregiver: Guys let's beat our experience with the crystal? (playing experience).

Sultan: as interesting: and you know that in my camp there is a sea and it is very salty.

caregiver: I'll tell you a secret, salt water is able to push out small objects. Let me show you how it happens (experiment with raw eggs).

caregiver: you know, Sultan, salt is simply necessary for both plants and animals, and of course for humans. Really guys? And to find out more, we are going to the next department - « health laboratory» .

Ex.: in our the laboratory received a question what is salt for? As my colleagues said, salt is used in cooking, food preservation, used in everyday life. But salt is simply necessary in the treatment of various diseases. There are huge salt mines (photo where people go to breathe salty air to treat their respiratory organs.

Salt is also used to prepare various medicines, such as spray "Aqua Maris" gargle with a saline solution to treat a runny nose. Salt is also used in cosmetology. Add to bath. Take with you to the bath. It's sea salt (a photo). (using a hand bath).

But overuse salt leads to illness, so there is proverb: "Salt is a friend, salt is an enemy".

Sultan: Yes, this is not salt, but simply a miracle of nature!

caregiver: I think our cups with experience "fresh and salt water" ready.

(Children bring glasses)

caregiver: look, the salt water is not frozen. What happened to fresh water?

Children: frozen.

caregiver: well done guys for helping the Sultan.

Now do you understand what Ivan the Merchant sold you?

Sultan: Yes, it's salt. Thank you guys for your help. Now I will cherish the salt and will definitely tell everyone in my country what you have taught me. And I want to thank you and give you medals "Young researcher» . (rewarding children).

Sultan: goodbye guys, it's time for me to hit the road.

Children: Goodbye.

caregiver: well, guys, we coped with the task, helped the Sultan, it's time for us to finish our working day at laboratories. We take off our special clothes and say goodbye to our guests.

Project “Role-playing game “In the scientific laboratory”.

Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group, educator
Project type: research - play
Project duration : short term project
Implementation timeline: February March
Relevance: In Project The new law "On Education" and the FGT talk about changing the content of education, as a result of which the development of children should be ahead of the curve, which means that children need to be introduced to information and simple technologies that will be useful to them in the future. Pupils need to be involved in research projects, during which they learn to independently obtain the necessary knowledge, draw conclusions.

During the implementation of the Cosmos project, the pupils of the group had a question: What is the Academy of Sciences? What are scientists doing? Who are researchers? other.

In the group, conditions were created for experimental and experimental activities of children, but this was not enough, according to the problem posed. There was a need to create a center "Our laboratory", additional attributes and equipment for the games "We are young scientists".

Relevance. Scientists - teachers have proved that the need of preschool children for new experiences and knowledge is the basis of their cognitive and mental development.

New requirements for the system of preschool education provide such an opportunity to realize the research potential of preschoolers. In the draft of the New Law "On Education", he proposes to reorient the content of the educational process to "ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization."

The process of experimenting research is of great interest to preschoolers. In the process of independent research, cognitive, playful, productive activity, the child learns the world around him, embodies knowledge into real products.

It is in the role-playing game that the child realizes his knowledge, his life experience, his plan, masters the role of a scientist, conveys the image, the simplest labor actions.

Target: Development of cognitive processes, the need for independent search activities; familiarization through the game to research activities.


1.Create conditions for gaming activities.

2. Give children the concept of "science", "scientists - researchers."
3. To expand children's ideas about the professions of adults, to introduce the professions of a researcher, designer, geologist, biologist, chemist, physicist, mathematician, agronomist.
4. To introduce children to the simplest labor actions of scientists in various fields of science, with tools.
5. To form in children the ability to display the acquired knowledge and their life experience in play activities; conceive the story on your own.
6. To develop thinking, independent activity, determination, communication skills in children.

Project resources

1. Informational: obtaining knowledge from various sources (encyclopedias, the Internet, viewing children's scientific programs, conversations).

2. Logistics: the acquisition and manufacture of attributes for games, the use of technical means.

Stages of project implementation

Action plan of the organizational stage

Action plan of the main stage

Action plan for the final stage

Positive results of the project .

  1. Conditions for games of children are created.

  2. Children are guided in the concept of "science", "scientists".

  3. Pupils have an idea about the professions of a researcher, designer, geologist, biologist, physicist, chemist, mathematician.

  4. The knowledge of children about the simplest labor actions of science workers has been deepened.

  5. Children independently organize the game, prepare the necessary attributes for the game.

  6. Children have developed communication skills, imagination.
Educational activity. FTsKM.

The theme is "Who are scientists?"

Purpose: To form in children the concept of science, scientists, their activities.

  1. To deepen the knowledge of children about the professions of adults.

  2. To acquaint with the professions of scientists from different fields of science.

  3. To give children an idea of ​​what a laboratory is, primary ideas about the labor activities of scientists.

  4. To instill in preschoolers an interest in scientific knowledge, in the process of experimentation.
Material: illustrations, encyclopedias, mini-laboratory equipment.

  1. Examining illustrations.

  2. Conversation of the educator, reading encyclopedias.

  3. Excursion to the mini-laboratory.
productive activity.

Production of attributes for games.

Purpose: To form in children for experimental research activities; the desire to produce the necessary attributes for games.
Contents: Production of boxes, observation diaries, geometric standards, emblems.


Purpose: Clarification of the properties and features of objects and objects; the relationship of objects and phenomena; the formation of emotional - sensory experience.


    Generate interest in experimental activities.

  1. To form the ability to select tools and materials for independent activities.

  2. Use the results of the study in household and play activities.

  3. Observe safety regulations.
Contents: Topics for experimentation.

  1. The materials from which the objects around us are made - the study of the properties of materials (strength, transparency, application).

  2. Natural phenomena (water cycle in nature, rain, snowfall, sun).

  3. Orientation in time (change of parts of the day, seasons).

  4. Aggregate states of water (rain, snow, hail, ice, hoarfrost, fog, dew, rainbow).

  5. Plant world (necessary conditions for growth and development); examining and comparing branches (color, shape, location of buds).

  6. Geometric standards (oval, rhombus, trapezium, prism, cone, ball) - correlation with real objects.
Story - role-playing game

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about science, about scientists, their labor activities.


  1. To consolidate the knowledge of children of people working in different fields of science.

  2. To convey in the game the simplest labor actions, to master the role of a scientist, to convey the image in game actions.

  3. To cultivate goodwill in children, to develop the ability to distribute roles at the request and, if possible, of each child.
Previous work: educational activities, reading encyclopedias, educator conversations, searching for information in

Children spend a lot of time in kindergarten and their activities are very diverse: from outdoor games to quiet activities. Therefore, we tried to carefully think over, design and correctly place the playing areas.

The space of the group is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones ("centers", "corners"), equipped with a large number of developing materials (books, toys, creative materials, developing equipment, etc.). All items are accessible to children. Such an organization of space allows preschoolers to choose activities that are interesting for themselves, alternate them during the day, and the teacher makes it possible to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

The group created conditions for independent motor activity of children: they provided an area free from furniture and toys. We tried to provide children with toys that encourage motor play activities (balls, hoops, jump ropes).

It's no secret that the leading activity of a preschooler is a game in which his personality is formed. Needless to say, children strive to embody in games all the situations that they observe in everyday life. The group has corners on various role-playing topics: a hairdresser, a hospital, a shop, a workshop and others - this is the basis of the play area of ​​any kindergarten. We tried to be creative in the design and organization of corners. Role-playing games in kindergarten are an opportunity to introduce a child to new situations, to try on this or that behavior, to learn how to solve important issues in a mini version.

We love theaters very much, we are friends with them all year round:

In our group, all the actors, puppeteers and dancers,

acrobats and jugglers, ballerinas, directors!

Every day and every hour we want to play for you!!

If I saw Stanislavsky, I would be very happy for us!

The group is equipped theater area, in which children play not only role-playing games, but also directorial games and dramatization games. Therefore, in the zone of theatrical activity, various types of puppet theater, a screen for showing, masks, children's drawings, natural and waste material, cuts of fabric for dressing are presented.

theater world

Target: give children an idea about different types of theatrical art: puppet theater, drama and comedy theater, table and finger theater, develop and encourage children's writing abilities, interest in creativity, cultivate a sense of confidence, independence in creativity.

Equipment: table theater toys, tickets, box office.

Age: 6–7 years old.

Game progress: the teacher informs the children that there will be a performance in the theater today. Children buy tickets at the box office, go to the hall, take their seats. The actors have already distributed the roles among themselves. They show table theater. It can be either a familiar fairy tale, or a newly invented plot. At the end of the performance, the children give thanks with applause.

Theatrical performance.

Target: to teach children to get used to the image, to act collectively.

Equipment: costumes or hats-masks of fairy-tale characters.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game progress: the teacher reads a fairy tale to the children (for example, the fairy tale “Turnip”), and then asks questions: “What did grandfather plant? Who helped grandfather pull out the turnip? And could grandfather pull out a turnip alone, what do you think? Which character do you like the most?" After discussing the fairy tale, the teacher invites the children to play theater. The teacher distributes roles among those who wish, reads a fairy tale aloud, the actors portray it with actions. Children not involved in the performance become spectators. Then the children change roles - the audience becomes actors and vice versa. At the request of the children, you can play the same fairy tale or another one again.

Note: Depending on the age of the children, fairy tales can be either simple, containing short lines (“Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”), or complex, with a large number of characters, with long lines.

Also, instead of costumes, you can use ordinary toys or make hand puppets. They can be easily sewn from small colored balls on which eyes, hair are glued, and pieces of fabric from which dresses are cut out. Children put their fingers in the sleeves of these dresses.

Schoolchild's corner in kindergarten should help children learn writing, counting, reading skills; improving pronunciation skills; familiarization with the features of school life, as well as the formation of the position of the student.


Target: to clarify the knowledge of children about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches. Raise the desire to study at school, respect for the work of the teacher. Expand the vocabulary of children: “school supplies”, “briefcase”, “pencil case”, “pupils”, etc.

Equipment: pens, notebooks, children's books, alphabet, numbers, blackboard, chalk, pointer.

Age: 6–7 years old.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play school. A conversation is held about why the school is needed, who works there, what the students do. At the request of the children, a teacher is chosen. The rest of the children are students. The teacher sets tasks for the students, they independently and diligently complete it. Another teacher in another lesson. Children are engaged in the lessons of mathematics, their native language, physical education, singing, etc.

Corner of nature is not only a decoration of the group, but also a place for self-development of children. The main part of the plants is located in this corner.

Watering the garden

Target: to teach children to listen carefully to the words addressed to them, to replenish the stock of knowledge about plants.

Equipment: red chips, watering can.

Age: 3-7 years.

Game progress: the teacher talks with the children about the garden, asks questions: what is a garden, what grows on it, why do people plant a garden, what is needed for the plants in the garden to grow well? The children answer, the teacher helps, then offers to play, says: “You and I remembered so many delicious vegetables, fruits, berries. We learned that plants cannot live without water. And now let's imagine that we also have a garden, and we will water it. You just need to water carefully." Children stand in a circle, one of them picks up a watering can and stands in the center of the circle - he will water the garden. Children walk in a circle, in chorus they say:

It doesn't rain for a long time, we water the garden.

We collect water in a watering can and water it in the garden ...

Children stop and take turns calling any fruits and vegetables, as well as things that do not require watering: for example, radishes, carrots, boots, chamomile, shovel, telephone. The player with the watering can must answer “I water” or “I don’t water”. If the child is wrong, he receives a penalty red chip. It is not allowed to think for a long time and change the answer. Then another child acts as a waterer. Whoever received the most such chips must complete the task that the children will come up with for him.

Note: if children aged 5–7 years old are playing, then they need to answer quickly, without hesitation. If the child is late with the answer, he receives a penalty chip. The game can be complicated - to name only plants. The child must determine which plants need to be watered and which not. In the event of a dispute, the answer is considered correct if the child can justify his answer. For example, you can cook soup from nettles. After the game, the teacher invites the children to guess riddles on the "garden" theme.

Excursion to the greenhouse

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the growth and development of plants, about how to care for them, to cultivate love and desire to take care of plants.

Equipment: plants in the corner of nature.

Age: 5–7 years old.

Game progress: the educator says that today a specialist from the greenhouse came to visit us (a child chosen in advance by the educator), who offers to go to his greenhouse, where you can learn a lot of new things from plant life. Gardeners work in the greenhouse, they tell the children how to properly care for the plants, how often they need to be watered, what useful properties this or that plant has.

In our group allotted place for visual arts so that there is good lighting and meets the requirements of SanPin. On the shelves there are cups for water, pencils and felt-tip pens, coasters with brushes, paints and gouache, sheets of paper for drawing, etc. There are samples for drawing, as well as various templates and stencils. There is a box with different types and types of paper. The container contains didactic games, sample albums for drawing and modeling, coloring books.

In the art workshop

Target: to form children's ideas about the types of fine arts, to consolidate the skills of using a brush, pencil, to develop the artistic perception of works of a fine image, to cultivate a steady interest in fine arts.

Equipment : everything you need to work in an art workshop: pencils, brushes, paints, paper.

Age: 6–7 years old.

Game progress: opened an art school. Drawing lessons are taught by real artists, they will teach children how to draw beautifully. Those who wish can go to the art workshop. Children-Teachers and children-Students jointly create pictures, drawings, help each other, consult. Then they look at the drawings and analyze them.

Look, beauty! And we're playing again! Everyone is playing and cutting hair. Give everyone a comb.

Here comes the girl. We will wash slowly. Let's get her hair done. We have a beauty salon.

And the boys came to us. How good they are! That's a haircut and a shave. How does it suit you.

We'll put everything in order. And let's go beauties! Come visit us soon. Bring all your friends!

We not only bought toys and interior items for decorating the play area in the store, but also brought something from home. Barber's corner equipped with jars of cream, bottles of shampoos and shower gels. You can bring an ordinary comb, hairpins and cotton pads.


Target: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of communication, to expand the vocabulary of children.

Equipment : dressing gown for a hairdresser, cape for a client. Hairdresser's tools (comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.).

Age: 4–5 years old.

Game progress: knock on the door. Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She gets to know all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her pigtail was untangled, and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is specified that there are several rooms there: women's, men's, manicure, good masters work in them, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. We appoint hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya is very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair in a hairstyle, manicure.

One of the favorite activities of children is experimentation. For this we have created "Experimentation Corner" where there are objects made of various materials: wood, iron, plastics, as well as sand, salt, stones, magnets, various types of paper. There is equipment for experimentation: a magnifying glass, pipettes, flashlights.

"In the Science Lab"

Target: expansion of ideas about the environment; develop children's research activities through experimental and play activities; encourage children to activate the necessary knowledge, their analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization; motivate children to seek new knowledge.

Age: 6-7 years old.

Game progress.

Children receive a letter: “Dear children! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I am sending you a doll as a gift, and her name is Sharochka. Father Frost".

- That's so Santa Claus, the inventor! He sent such an interesting toy. - But it’s not clear what Sharochka is made of? Maybe you can tell me. Do you want us to play a game where you will become employees of a research laboratory? And as real scientists, together we will try to conduct well-known experiments with water and air. Distribute roles, take their places. Children carry out well-known experiments with air and water.