Planting perennial flowers in autumn. Sowing seeds at the beginning of winter. Perennials are a bright glade. Flowers for the winter: what seeds to choose and how to plant? Plant perennials before winter

Planting work in the garden in spring and summer does not end at all. Many gardeners prefer to put something aside for the fall, when there is more free time. In September-October, you can plant many flowers - if you do everything right, they will successfully overwinter.

Is it worth it to plant flowers in flower beds before winter

When postponing planting flowers for autumn, gardeners are guided by the following considerations:

  • the cycle of plant development is obtained as close as possible to the natural one due to natural stratification;
  • there is a "natural selection": the weakest plants die in winter, the survivors have better immunity, are more resistant to the vagaries of the weather;
  • no need to spend time and effort on growing seedlings, space is freed up on the windowsills for other crops;
  • flowering begins 7-15 days earlier than when planting in the spring (seedlings, unlike seedlings, do not need time to adapt to new conditions);
  • in early spring, pest activity is minimal - seedlings will not be affected at a time when they are most vulnerable.

The main disadvantage of the winter landing is that you need to be able to choose the right time. Plants should form a root system, but not have time to grow. Otherwise, they are guaranteed to freeze. There is always a risk of return spring frosts, especially in the Urals, Siberia, and other regions with an unpredictable climate.

You can start creating a beautiful flower bed in the fall

What flowers can be planted in autumn

There are quite a lot of plants surviving after winter planting. These are both annuals and perennials. It is very important from the very beginning of development to provide them with optimal conditions by choosing the right place for the flower bed.

bulbous plants

Bulbs for winter planting are buried in the ground a little more than usual - by 3.5–4 diameters. Planting material must be of high quality - choose dense specimens, with securely attached scales, without mechanical damage, traces of mold, rot. Best of the bulbous winter:

  • Crocuses. A miniature plant up to 15–20 cm high. Bulbs are planted in September-October (at least a month should remain before frost). The plant prefers direct sunlight (or at least light partial shade) and very loose soil, which allows air and water to pass through well.

    Bright purple, lilac, yellow, snow-white crocuses appear literally from under the snow in spring

  • Hyacinths. They also do not differ in size, they grow up to 20–25 cm. Dense inflorescences, “candles” of small flowers, similar to lilacs, look very elegant. The plant prefers areas well-lit by the sun, it is very negative about cold drafts. Bulbs are planted in October (very warm autumn - early November). The substrate should not be wet - rot develops quickly.

    Hyacinths can be successfully grown both in the garden and at home.

  • Tulips. Flowers are familiar to everyone, even describe their needs. The best for them is a sunny place, closed from sudden gusts of wind, a loose nutrient substrate where water does not stagnate. The landing period is from mid-September to the end of the second decade of October (at a temperature of 6–11 ° C).

    The tulip rightfully deserves the title of "king of spring flower beds", the variety of shades and shapes of the flower is very large

  • Daffodils. They are distinguished by great varietal diversity, but not in shades - there are white, yellow, less often pinkish. They tolerate partial shade, but prefer the sun. They do not like cold wind, stagnation of damp air. Moisture-loving, loam suits them best. Flowers are planted in September.

    Daffodils are generally planted only in autumn, spring planting is not suitable for them.

  • Lilies. For autumn planting, only daughter bulbs, collected independently, purchased in a store, are planted in the spring. The plant is quite demanding - it needs bright sun, lack of drafts, nutrient substrate with good aeration. Lilies are planted from mid-September to the end of the first decade of November (at an air temperature of no more than 10 ° C), covered with a layer of fallen leaves (5-7 cm) for the winter.

    Chic spectacular bright lilies will decorate any flower bed

  • Muscari. A discreet, but original plant with white, blue or blue (rarely pinkish) inflorescences is unpretentious. It is undemanding to the illumination and quality of the soil, but the substrate must be moisture-permeable. It is planted from mid-September for about a month.

    Muscari is also known to gardeners under the nicknames "viper onion", "mouse hyacinth"

Video: autumn planting of bulbs


Annual plants before winter are planted exclusively with seeds. Suitable for autumn planting:

  • Aster. Bright yellow, red, crimson, pink, purple "stars" are distinguished by general unpretentiousness and cold resistance. When planted in the autumn, they show better resistance to diseases and pest attacks, the vagaries of the weather. The soil for them can be almost anything, with the exception of solid sand and frank swamps, but good lighting is needed. Seeds are sown in late October-November in grooves about 10 cm deep.

    Asters are surprisingly unpretentious flowers, which are distinguished by their decorativeness and abundance of flowering.

  • Malva (stock-rose). Reaches a height of 1-2 m, literally strewn with large simple or double "bells" of all colors of the rainbow. Seeds are sown from the beginning of September to the end of the first decade of October, deepening by 4–5 cm. Optimal conditions are good illumination of the flower bed, absence of drafts, nutritious but loose soil.

    Malva can also be planted in partial shade, but it will grow slowly and bloom poorly

  • Turkish carnation. Reaches a height of 0.5–0.7 m. Inflorescences are large, corymbose or hemispherical. Petals are most often two-tone - all shades of pink, raspberry, burgundy, purple, red in combination with white. Planting depth - 3–4 cm, furrows are covered with a mixture of peat and humus from above. The optimal time is mid-October, the soil must be dry. The quality of the substrate and illumination is undemanding.

    Turkish cloves have a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma.

  • Snapdragon. Grows up to 0.8-1 m. Bright inflorescences - "candles" are painted in yellow, pink, orange, red, their combinations. Any lighting is suitable for a flower, but the soil should be nutritious, light and neutral. Seeds are sown in late October or early November to a depth of 5–7 cm.

    Snapdragon, planted in autumn, next year will delight the eye from July to the end of October

  • Calendula. Low bright simple or terry "daisies" are painted in all sorts of shades of yellow and orange. They are planted in October, to a depth of 2–3 cm. The plant is very unpretentious, takes root in almost any conditions.

    Calendula is not only decorative, but also useful - it is widely used in folk medicine, repels many garden pests

Video: annuals suitable for autumn planting


Perennial flowers can also be planted before winter. The choice is quite large:

  • Astilba. Reaches a height of 0.8–2 m. Lush panicles of inflorescences, collected from the smallest flowers, look very elegant and elegant. The most common colors are white, cream, yellowish, pink, red, purple. A flower is planted in the first half of September; mulching is required during the October planting. The plant is unpretentious, prefers partial shade and shade.

    Astilba can be planted where many other flowers will not survive due to poor lighting.

  • Periwinkle. Ground cover plant no more than 15–20 cm high, very actively growing green mass. Sky blue flowers stand out against the dark green foliage. Periwinkle is extremely unpretentious - shade-tolerant, cold-resistant, tolerates long-term drought well, takes root in almost any substrate. You can plant it from mid-September to the end of October.

    Periwinkle covers the soil with a solid carpet, growing very actively in breadth.

  • Cornflower. Bright blue flowers of a typical shape are associated with childhood for many. Sowing seeds is carried out in October (without shelter, but a depth of 4–5 cm), then existing specimens can be divided. The plant is unpretentious to the type of soil and the level of illumination.

    Bright blue cornflowers when looking at a flower bed invariably cheer up

  • garden geranium. It blooms, unlike the "room" geranium, with single blue, lilac, pink flowers. It thrives in almost any soil, but it needs good lighting. Geraniums are planted in the last ten days of September, the substrate must first be watered, soaking to a depth of 10–12 cm.

    Garden geranium prefers nutritious loose soil, but also takes root in sandy, clay, peat soil

  • Lupine. The plant is quite tall (up to 1–1.5 m), with large catchy inflorescences. The flowers are painted in white, cream, pink, lilac, less often in scarlet and yellow. Sun-loving, undemanding to the quality of the soil. Seeds are sown in October or early November in well-moistened soil at a temperature of 10-12°C.

    Lupine very successfully combines decorativeness and unpretentiousness in care.

Video: what flowers can be planted in autumn

Flowers (both annuals and perennials) when planted before winter, if you choose the right time and do everything right, successfully endure frost. The range of such "cold-resistant" plants among gardeners is quite wide. Fall planting has many benefits.

Many gardeners associate the end of autumn with the end of the season. Although it is this period (and in warm regions - even the beginning of December) that is optimal for planting annual and perennial flowers that will bloom the next year.

Technology of sowing seeds in the ground before winter

Its essence lies in the fact that the seeds are sown in already frozen soil when the street temperature drops to 0 ° C.

In this case, they will not be able to germinate immediately. During the entire winter period, natural stratification occurs, which contributes to the fact that healthy and strong plants will appear in the spring.

The main thing is not to rush to plant seeds, but to wait for stable frosts: warmer weather can cause premature germination of seeds.

Using this sowing method, you can get flowering plants 1-2 weeks earlier.

Advantages of sowing before winter:

  1. When planting in spring, it is not always possible to choose the optimal time: the weather during this period is quite changeable. Seeds sown in autumn will sprout themselves when needed.
  2. Natural selection takes place. Hardening of seedlings occurs in such a way that the strongest and strongest specimens remain. The weak simply do not survive here.
  3. Flowers planted in autumn quickly form a strong deep root system that will take moisture from the deep layers of the soil, thereby preventing them from dying.
  4. It is also a convenience that there is much less work in the garden in autumn than in spring. This means that you can come to grips with landings.
  5. Flowers planted in autumn are less susceptible to various diseases and are less likely to be damaged by pests.
  6. Less hassle with seeds: no need to soak them and keep them in the refrigerator, it happens naturally.
  7. There is no need to "mess around" with seedlings.

Cons of winter sowing:

There are several ways to plant annual flowers in the fall:

  • Sowing directly on the flower bed (on a permanent place)

This method is ideal for those crops that do not tolerate transplantation and have a tap root system. Examples are escholcia, delphinium, foxglove, poppy.

  • Sowing for seedlings (in school)

In early spring, a greenhouse is installed over the sown area. Seedlings grown by this method are early and of high quality.

  • Sowing in individual pots or containers

It is used in those areas where there is a close occurrence of groundwater.

Rules for the autumn sowing of seeds

The soil is being prepared back in September as follows:

  1. He digs on the bayonet of a shovel, clods of earth are carefully broken.
  2. The beds are well watered.
  3. The beds are completely cleared of weeds.
  4. The required top dressing is added, you can use compost, peat, or ready-made mineral fertilizer complexes.
  5. Neat furrows are formed for future crops.

In November - early December (based on the weather), seeds are planted in the formed furrows: smaller ones - to a depth of 1.5 cm, large ones - 4-6 cm.

Sow the seeds as thickly as possible, covering the top with a mixture of compost or humus with sand. After the emergence of seedlings in the spring, they must be thinned out for normal growth and development of plants.

How to winter sow seeds?

For those who have access to their site in the winter, this method is suitable. First, standard soil preparation is needed in August - early September: digging, fertilizing. The only difference from autumn sowing is not to make grooves for seeds.

In December - mid-January (if there is a snow cover at least 20 cm thick), the seeds of flower crops are sown directly on the trampled layer of snow. Top sprinkled with humus or compost mixed with sand. Then the crops are a little covered with snow so that the seeds do not touch the birds and do not destroy severe frosts.

These two methods can be used by sowing seeds in a school (for seedlings) and directly in a flower bed. Moreover, it is preferable to plant in a school, since in the spring strong seedlings can be transplanted wherever you want.

Planting annual flowers in boxes and pots before winter

Especially valuable for rare varieties and species, when there is a small amount of seeds. This method is more time consuming, and is not suitable for those who only occasionally visit the site in autumn (and winter).

It is slightly different from the first two sowing options, in this case, flower seeds germinate in separate containers. For these purposes, shallow or boxes with drainage holes up to 10 cm deep are suitable.

A suitable soil mixture is being prepared: sand, peat and garden soil. Containers are filled with such a mixture (with pre-filled drainage 2 cm thick), watered well, taken out and added dropwise in the garden.

From above, it is desirable to cover with plastic wrap until the time of disembarkation. When the time comes, the film is removed and seeds are sown, which are covered with a layer of earth about 2 cm thick. If they are too small, for convenience, they can be planted after spilling the substrate with sand. On top of the soil, crops are sprinkled with compost or fallen leaves.

In the spring, the grown seedlings are thinned out well, and at the end of spring, the strengthened plants are transplanted to a permanent place.

What annuals can be grown in this way?

Before planting, it is necessary to figure out the seeds of what flowers can be planted before winter.

All flower crops meet certain requirements:

  • resistant to cold;
  • do not tolerate any transplants;
  • their seeds cannot be stored for a long time;
  • have a short growing season;
  • their seeds require additional stratification.

Suitable for winter sowing:

  1. Flower annual crops with small seeds (planted according to the scheme 20x30 cm):

  1. Flower annual crops with medium-sized seeds (sown according to the scheme 25x25 cm or 25x20 cm):
  • escholzia (California);
  • matthiola;
  • delphinium (annual);
  • mignonette;
  • cloves (Chinese, hybrid).
  1. Flower annual crops with small seeds (sown according to the scheme 15x20 cm):
  • hop;
  • clarkia;
  1. Other, often sown before winter, annual flowers:

Some annuals, under suitable conditions, reproduce by self-sowing. But you need to remember that in this case the plants bloom a little later.

Autumn planting of perennial flowers

Flower crops with a long development cycle are also good to sow before winter - they will give stronger and stronger shoots.

Many perennial plants begin to bloom only 2-3 years after planting. If you fundamentally want to get flowering right away, it is better to choose special varieties that bloom the next year.

The technology for sowing perennial flowers is not particularly difficult and is no different from annuals. The only point is that immediately after the snow melts in the spring, it is advisable to cover the crops with a film. You need to remove it after the first shoots appear.

In the case of a thickened planting, extra plants (having 3-4 true leaves) are seated separately.

What flowers can be planted before winter with seeds:

Getting perennials by planting seeds in the fall is even easier than annuals. Their germination is much higher. This will save time and effort (compared to growing seedlings on your own) and money (compared to purchasing ready-made seedlings).

When sowing, be sure to take into account the location of the site: with a strong slope, the seeds can be washed away in the spring with melt water.

Video about sowing flower seeds before winter

More details of the process of planting flowers before winter can be found in this video:

Gardeners are often apprehensive about planting and sowing perennial flowers in the fall, fearing that plants and seeds will not overwinter, they will freeze. In many cases, these fears are unfounded. Suffice it to recall the flowers that reproduce by self-sowing. There are other reasons why it is better to plant some perennials in the fall.

Benefits of planting perennials in the fall

The first and most pragmatic argument in favor of autumn planting, transplanting, sowing perennial flowers is the release of significant time in the spring, when there is a lot of other work on the site.

When deciding which planting time to choose, one should not miss the moment that perennials begin to grow actively in spring. The period for planting them before the start of the growing season is extremely short.

In addition, there are some features of flower plants planted in autumn:

  • they begin to bloom in the first year after planting;
  • overwintered plants undergo natural hardening, and seeds undergo stratification, therefore, such flowers, in comparison with those planted in spring:
    • have stronger shoots;
    • less susceptible to spring frosts;
    • bloom 2-3 weeks earlier;
    • less susceptible to diseases and pests;
  • snow melting allows seeds and plants to absorb moisture as much as possible, to begin active development as soon as the weather permits, while spring plantings may experience a lack of water in the upper layers of the soil, which dries up when the air temperature rises.

Some plants can be planted and transplanted exclusively in the fall. This is due to the fact that in the spring they simply do not grow roots. Siebold and Tokudama hosts are examples.

Siebold and Tokudama hostas are planted only in autumn

What is the risk of autumn planting

Autumn planting of perennial flowers can only cause concern for gardeners with little experience in growing these plants. After all, the main risk is a delay in planting flowers that do not have time to take root well, and therefore suffer from cold weather, or even die in winter.

The opposite error is also possible during the autumn planting of perennials - too early placement of the plant in the ground, when prolonged heat will provoke the growth of shoots, and with the advent of frost, the death of young shoots.

The only advice that can be given to flower growers is to coordinate transplants not only with the local climate and advice on the Internet, but also with the long-term weather forecast for the current season, as well as the ability of specific plants to tolerate lower temperatures.

It is better to transplant flowers in dry and relatively warm (+12 ... + 15ºС) weather. Under such conditions, well-watered plants will feel comfortable in a new place and take root more easily. Flowers with low winter hardiness for the winter should be covered with peat, sawdust, spruce branches, fallen leaves.

Perennials planted in early September

In the first decade of September, up to a maximum of the middle of the month, hostas are planted, transplanted, propagated by dividing the bushes - perennial herbaceous plants. This genus includes about 40 species. It takes about a month for a flower to fully root, so its later plantings are undesirable.

To root the host before a stable cold snap, at least a month must pass.

At the same time, the planting or transplanting of roses, which began at the end of August, is completed - deciduous shrubs from 0.3 to 2.5 m high or branched vines reaching 10 m in length. Flowers have a variety of colors. The rose family has 300 to 400 species. They come from wild roses or Gallic roses. The current varieties are bred by crossing and selection work.

Rosehip - the ancestor of many modern varieties of roses

Preference for autumn planting of roses is given in the southern regions, where the plants have enough time for rooting before the first cold weather. In northern areas, spring planting is desirable, and autumn planting is considered risky.

Many varieties of modern roses are derived from the gallic rose.

bulbous flowers

With the onset of autumn, the time comes when bulbous perennials are planted so that they have time to settle down in a new place, and in the spring, as soon as the weather allows, they could start growing.

Fall is the best time to plant bulbs

First third of September

This is the best time for planting small-bulb flowers. These include:

  • Scilla, or scilla, is an unpretentious bulbous plant that is enough to plant once. The blue carpet of these early spring flowers will grow annually as they are self-seeding.

    Scilla, or scilla, is an unpretentious bulbous plant loved by many of our flower growers.

  • Muscari, or mouse hyacinth - more than 60 species of small-bulbous flowering plants of the asparagus family. These are one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. They have a pleasant and strong smell.

    Muscari, or mouse hyacinth, is also among the small-bulbous perennials.

  • The genus Chionodox includes 6 species of flowering plants that bloom in the spring among the first. Their leaves are 8 to 12 cm long, and flower stalks are up to 20 cm long. The buds can be blue, white, blue and pink. By June, the entire aerial part of the plant dies off.

    Chionodox flowers are blue, blue, white, pink

Second decade of September

During this period, unfinished planting of plants recommended for planting in the first decade is continued, and bulbs of crocuses, daffodils, and then hyacinths are planted first.

Crocuses (saffron) are herbaceous corms of the iris family, popular with us. 80 of their species and 300 varieties are described. Even in the Egyptian papyri there are references to the crocus. Few people know that among them there are primroses that bloom in spring, and species of this plant that bloom in autumn. In September, spring flowering crocuses are planted.

Not all novice gardeners know that there are autumn-blooming crocuses, but those that are among the spring primroses are planted in September.

Daffodils are flowers that are considered a symbol of full spring. There are about 60 species of them. Flowers are undemanding to the soil, moisture-loving, prefer to grow in the sun or in partial shade.

There are almost 60 varieties of daffodils

Hyacinths can be propagated by seeds, but seedlings will bloom only after 5 or even 7 years, and they will not repeat the external signs of their parents. In horticulture, these flowers are propagated by babies, which can be easily separated from the mother bulb. They are grown in cold greenhouses for 2 years. If the children are still not easy to separate from the mother's modified shoot, then they are planted along with the bulb.

Hyacinths can be propagated by seeds, but division by children is a faster way.

Third decade of September

The end of September is the time for planting tulips.

Tulips are bulbous perennials of the lily family. Their multicolor from white to almost black is a symbol of the triumph of spring in nature. Planted in time in the ground (not less than a month before the onset of cold weather), the bulbs of this plant will take root perfectly and will give spectacular flowers in the spring. They are planted at a distance of about 30 cm from each other, and the children - after about 10–15 cm.

Tulips are planted at least a month before the onset of cold weather, so that the bulbs have time to take root.

The general rule for planting almost all bulbous perennials is that the depth of the bulb to be planted in the soil should be approximately equal to three times the height of the bulb itself.

Table: other perennial flowers, which are planted in September

Name and short description of colors Best landing time
Astilba is a frost and disease resistant plant. It prefers to grow on light nutrient soils in partial shade or in the sun, adjacent to hostas, conifers, junipers, and reservoirs.Beginning of September
Rhizome irises are unpretentious plants of the iris family. Propagated by planting parts of the rhizome with fibrous roots and leaves.End of August and all of September
Daylilies are sometimes called beautiful days, because each flower, having blossomed in the morning, fades in the evening, but a lot of peduncles and buds on them guarantee a long floweringThe ideal time is the end of August and the beginning of September, although this plant can transfer or divide the bush during any growing season, except for flowering.
Varieties of panicled phlox with late flowering periods are unpretentious, like their earlier flowering counterparts planted in late August or early September. All of them love sunny places or partial shade. Plants reproduce by dividing the bush, but they can live in one place for many years, although flowers grow smaller on old bushes.Second half of September
Aquilegia, or catchment, is an unpretentious plant of the buttercup family. There are many varieties of this flower: some sources indicate 60 varieties, others almost twice as many. The catchment grows well in loose nutrient soil, covered with penumbra of shrubs. Tall aquilegia are planted at a distance of 0.4 m from each other, undersized - about 0.25 mSecond half of September
Rudbeckia perennial belongs to the Asteraceae family. It easily tolerates our climate, since it is similar to that observed in its natural habitats in North America. In total, there are about 40 annual and perennial plants in the family. They reproduce by seeds and division of the bush.The second half of September, when the plants have faded

I have been growing a perennial rudbeckia Golden Ball for a long time. The plant is completely unpretentious, they would only be watered on time. She is not sick, not afraid of pests. Its stems up to 2 m tall, with large green leaves, and then with bright yellow flowers, perfectly decorate a mesh fence. Unfortunately, I don’t have a photo of my own, but I found a very similar option on the net.

Rudbeckia Golden ball perfectly decorates the fence

When planting divisions of rhizomatous plants, one should not forget to treat all sections with charcoal or ash to prevent decay and infection.

Photo gallery: perennials that are planted in September

Rhizome irises propagate by dividing the rhizomes Phloxes like sunny places or partial shade Aquilegia grows well in loose and nutritious soil Daylily flowers open in the morning and fade in the evening Astilbe is resistant to frost and diseases

October planting of perennials

The first half of October is usually still accompanied by weather that allows you to continue planting and replanting those perennial flowers that the gardener, for some reason, did not have time to work with in the second half of September.

The end of October is already cooler. The weather of this period allows you to plant lilies of the valley. Today it is not only the May lily of the valley, symbolizing spring, known to everyone, but also various breeding varieties, up to the variety with pink flowers. The May lily of the valley is not afraid of cold weather and hibernates without shelter even in the zone of the 3rd frost resistance of plants, where the minimum temperatures are in the range of -43 ... -34ºС. When purchasing a varietal lily of the valley, it is better to check the conditions for its wintering.

All parts of the lily of the valley are poisonous, so you need to wear gloves when working with this plant. Fruits - bright berries - it is better to clean, especially if there are children on the site.

May lily of the valley is not afraid of cold weather and hibernates without shelter

In the same period, bushes of peonies that have become too large are planted - deciduous herbaceous perennials that make up the only genus of the peony family. Now there are many varieties of these flowers. They are very diverse, up to tree-like peonies, having the shape of a bush.

Peonies are deciduous perennials that make up the only genus of the peony family.

Planting perennials in November

At this time, stable cold weather usually sets in or already holds. Perennials are not planted this month. It is possible (and for some species even preferable) winter sowing of seeds. These plants include:

  • rudbeckia;
  • veronica;
  • gypsophila paniculata;
  • lupine perennial;
  • bells;
  • echinacea;
  • evening primrose shrub.

In parallel with the sowing of seeds in November, perennials prepare for winter - they mulch the soil, cover the plants that require this.

Photo gallery: perennial flowers, the seeds of which are sown before winter

Rudbeckia sown with Veronica seeds can be planted with seeds before winter Gypsophila paniculata will survive the winter cold if planted with seeds Bluebells are sown in November Echinacea is also suitable for sowing before winter Evening primrose in the form of seeds will calmly winter under the ground Perennial lupine is best sown in November

In order to correctly use the information given in the article, one should not forget that the dates for planting, transplanting, propagating and sowing plants are approximate, taking into account the specifics of the middle zone. In areas to the south, all these operations are carried out a month later, and in those located to the north - approximately the same time earlier. In addition, each season presents its own surprises, when planting, transplanting, propagating, sowing perennials, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the weather of each year.

In the spring, flowers will bloom two weeks earlier if sown in the fall. In addition, during the winter, the seeds will undergo stratification, so that the plants will easily endure spring frosts. However, not all seeds can survive the winter frosts, so you need to know what annual and perennial flowers can be sown before winter. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo, name, description of annuals, perennials and bulbous plants for planting in the fall. By clicking on the highlighted link, you can learn how to properly sow and care for the flower you like in the garden.

Perennial flowers planted in autumn will grow lush and resistant to various diseases next year. They are sown depending on the weather conditions of the region - from late September to November.


Flowers of unusual shape and very different colors are formed on tall peduncles.

Small bushes are suitable for borders, flower beds, mixborders, ridges located in partial shade.


In May, yellow, red, blue primrose flowers collected in dense inflorescences will bloom. Around them are leaves that look like violet leaves.

Seeds quickly lose their similarity, so sowing is done immediately after they are collected.


In addition to the well-known to many with white inflorescences, today you can plant varieties whose flowers can have yellow and pink colors.

It can be grown in areas with any soil. He loves good lighting and is suitable for group plantings, flower beds, mixborders.


Photo of a Heuchera plant

The plant is distinguished by unusual bright leaves. So that the foliage does not lose its color, it is recommended to plant in well-lit flower beds.


The cupped flowers on a long pedicel can be white, purple, pink, soft yellow, or even double-coloured.

It looks good in group plantings and is suitable for decorating tree trunks. Likes moist soil and partial shade.

Carpathian bell

A plant up to 30 cm high blooms with white, blue, blue, purple flowers.

Does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil and loves good lighting. Therefore, bells should be planted in flower beds, rocky gardens, rock gardens located in illuminated areas.


Gaillardia garden will decorate the garden with bright golden yellow flowers. Plant height can be from 25 to 60 cm.

Suitable for decorating mixborders located in sunny areas, alpine slides, flower beds, borders, discounts.


Lilac bushes with a charming aroma, depending on the variety, can be both low and high.

Likes neutral loose soils, and will bloom well in sunny areas. With the help of lavender, you can decorate rockeries, alpine slides, borders.


Ground cover plant with single or double white, yellowish, pink or purple flowers.

It looks beautiful in the foreground of flower beds, in rock gardens, discounts. Prefers sandy soils and good lighting.

What flowers to sow in autumn annuals

If a before winter, sow the seeds of annuals, next year they will bloom earlier than the flowers that were planted in the spring. It is only necessary to choose flowers whose seeds can winter in the open field.

Aster annual

Photo of annual aster flowers

With flowers of various shapes and a huge number of colors.

The height of the bush is 25-90 cm. For flowerbeds, in flowerbeds, microboxers located in a well-drained sunny area.


Decorate the garden from spring to frost. The height of the bush, depending on the variety, is 30-80 cm.

Grows in almost any soil. Blooms best in well-lit areas and partial shade.


Small plants with cream, orange, red, bright yellow flowers. Due to the wax coating, the leaves appear gray.


Photo of godetia flower

Height from 20 to 60 cm with lanceolate leaves and simple or double single or multi-colored flowers of various colors.

Looks good in discounts, along the curb, in flower beds with fertile soil. Likes sunny areas.


Photo of white alyssum

With powerful shoots and small white, pink, lilac flowers.

Flower bed with alyssum

Can be sown in the foreground of flower beds, rocky hills, rock gardens, borders with dry soil. The site must be open.


Up to 30 cm high. Fragrant flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences.


Photo of calendula flowers

With bright yellow or orange flowers.

Photo of large-flowered calendula

Can be sown in partial shade on any soil in flower beds and containers on the balcony.

Chrysanthemum annual

Photo of chrysanthemum Pink chamomile

The annual is a shrub with a height of 20 to 150 cm with large, medium or small flowers. Simple or double flowers can have a wide variety of colors.

Can be grown in any flower beds and containers in sunny areas.

Maned barley - photo

A herbaceous plant from the cereal family will decorate the garden with spikelets-inflorescences with a purple or pink tint.

Grows on any soil in rockeries, mixboxers, individual flower beds. Prefers well-lit areas.

Phlox annual

Phlox Drummond - photo

With flowers of the most diverse colors, it grows up to 30 cm in height.

You can plant flower beds, alpine slides, in discounts located in an open area in the foreground.

Bulb flowers for planting in the fall - names, photos

In September - October, the time comes when it is time to plant bulbs and rhizomes of perennial flowers.


In the photo a flower bed with tulips

With simple or terry glasses, they can have a wide variety of colors. There are varieties with multi-colored flowers.

Pictured are tulip buds

Landings are done in the fall in the last decade of September - the first decade of October.

Muscari or mouse hyacinth

Inflorescences in the form of a pyramid consist of bell flowers, which can be pink, blue, blue, white. Plant height is about 20 cm. daffodils are formed on a plant with a height of 30 to 50 cm.

Planting time in autumn: the end of August - the first decade of September.


Photo of crocuses

A small bush up to 15 cm high at the end of spring will bloom with delicate pink or white numerous small flowers. There are varieties of autumn flowering.

Planted before winter in late August - early September.

Allium or ornamental bow

An unusual plant up to 80 cm high with spherical flowers of various colors.

Depending on weather conditions, landing is carried out in September - October.


With rhizomes can have bearded or beardless flowers. The color of the buds can be very diverse.

Landing time: September - October.

Features of autumn planting flowers

After harvesting in the country, many beds are freed, so it is easy to choose the right one and make a flower bed out of it. The soil is prepared in central Russia by the end of September - early October, in Siberia and the Urals by mid-September, focusing on weather conditions. In the southern regions, sowing begins in early November.

If the flower bed is prepared in warm weather, then flowers should be planted in the fall at low temperatures. Otherwise, in the heat, the seeds will begin to grow, with the onset of cold weather, the sprouts will die and will no longer sprout in the spring.

When planted in autumn, the seeds are sown densely. They are poured into frozen grooves and covered with a prepared nutrient mixture. It is not necessary to water the plantings, since the frozen soil has a sufficient amount of moisture.

Experienced gardeners sow the seeds of perennials and annuals in the fall so that in the spring there is less work in the garden and you can fully engage in planting in the garden. You also need to remember to plant bulbous flowers in August, September, October, which will decorate the cottage in early spring.

Gardeners often plant flowers in the fall, when the main work on the site is completed and there is time to create a flower garden. There are many plants that can take root closer to winter. The main thing is to choose the appropriate variety and perform all the work according to a certain technology. Already in early spring, you will be able to see many new sprouts.

The main advantages of autumn planting

Planting perennials in the fall has several benefits. Among the main ones:

  • plants have time to harden and become resistant to spring frosts;
  • the root system has time to develop, and the flowers do not need frequent watering;
  • coolness helps flowers survive planting much easier;
  • the number of pests in the autumn period is significantly reduced;
  • the possibility of acquiring planting material at a lower price;
  • the soil is saturated with moisture due to melted snow. Additional irrigation is not needed;
  • there is more time to create flower beds and flower beds in the autumn, since there is no need to plant vegetables;
  • flowering of winter plants occurs approximately three weeks earlier than those planted in spring.

Selection of species and varieties

You can plant perennial flowers in the fall, as well as bulbs and annuals. It is noted that many varieties need to be grown in this way. Spring landing is undesirable for them. You just need to choose the right variety, and there are a huge number of them.


In order for flower beds to sparkle with new colors in the spring, you need to find out in advance which perennials are planted in the fall. There are many of them:

  • spurge;
  • aconite;
  • delphinium;
  • dicentra;
  • lupine;
  • gaillardia;
  • oriental poppy;
  • alpine aster;
  • gaillardia;
  • rudbeckia.

The list is endless. It is worth noting that for almost all perennials, planting in the autumn is considered the best option.

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Among the annual flowers, you can plant the following in the fall:

  • fragrant mignonette;
  • phloxes;
  • matthiola;
  • Chinese aster;
  • keeled chrysanthemum;
  • poppy self-seeding;
  • calendula;
  • allisum;
  • iberis;
  • Snapdragon;
  • scabious.

Preference is given to those varieties that are prone to propagation by self-sowing.

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Terms of landing works

In the last days of August, it is already safe to start planting small-bulbous plants. This process can continue until mid-September. Just the right time to put crocuses, pushkinias, chionodoxes and scillas into the soil. After that comes the turn of daffodils, hyacinths and tulips. Ideally, their landing should be completed before October.

In the first autumn days, a favorable period begins for planting wild rose and lilac. It is already possible to plant phloxes, rudbeckias, delphiniums, lilies and lupins by dividing. In September, they plant those perennials that bloom in early spring.

If flowers are planted before winter with seeds, then this process begins a little later - in October, or even in early November. This is the optimal time for sowing ornamental plants.

Features of landing before winter

There are several ways to plant flower crops before winter:

  • seeds;
  • processes and cuttings;
  • bulbs.

Regardless of the option chosen, at the preparatory stage, the soil is loosened and fertilized. Due to such manipulations, losses are minimized.

It is extremely important that a colorful and harmonious picture be created on the planted flower bed. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • undersized species are planted in the foreground, and tall ones in the back;
  • border flowers are placed along the paths;
  • be sure to take into account the color scheme.

Only after all these points have been taken into account, you can safely proceed to the main work.


Planting bulbous flowers in autumn is carried out in loose areas according to the following scheme:

  1. The soil is dug up in advance and is not disturbed for about three days. During this time, the soil will settle, and planting material will fit tightly into it.
  2. The bed is also fertilized with overripe compost.
  3. Planting is carried out in September or October to a depth equal to the diameter of three bulbs. Such deepening is done taking into account the fact that the material used for planting will triple in size by spring.


When planting flowers before winter with seeds, you must first of all take into account that up to one and a half times more planting material will be required for sowing. This is due to the fact that severe frosts can lead to their partial death and fewer sprouts will appear in the spring.

It is necessary to sow flower seeds in autumn in cooled or even frozen soil. If they are placed in sufficiently warm soil, they will begin to actively develop, hatch and sprout. This will lead to their inevitable death in the cold season.

Another important point to consider is the selection of a suitable site. If the climatic conditions are harsh, then a shaded area should be chosen. Otherwise, under the scorching sun, the flower seeds will get burned and die.

It is unacceptable to sow planting material in a lowland. There is a risk that the spring meltwater will wash it out.

The main works are as follows:

  1. In September, you need to dig up the ground, and in the same period, apply fertilizer to the soil.
  2. After the soil has frozen, seeds can be sown. They are located densely in holes with a depth of 1-5 centimeters, depending on the size of the planting material.
  3. From above, the soil is sprinkled with a mixture based on sand with peat or humus.
  4. So that the birds cannot pull out the seeds, the soil is compacted.
  5. In order to adjust the optimal temperature, spruce branches or fallen leaves are laid out on top.

This planting method can be used when growing annuals and perennials that have the ability to reproduce by seeds.

Cuttings and offshoots

Gardeners often plant plants with seedlings. It is noted that they take root better in well-moistened, acidic soil. Work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Wells are prepared in advance, into which organic and mineral top dressing is introduced, but what about sand mixed with soddy soil.
  2. Following this, peat is placed in the recesses.
  3. The roots of the seedling are slightly shortened.
  4. When placed in the soil, the root collar is not buried.
  5. Planted seedlings are watered abundantly and additionally mulch the soil with peat or humus.

When planting by cuttings, the progress of work is as follows:

  1. The lateral processes are separated from the mother bush. At the same time, it is extremely important that each of the cuttings has leaves and roots.
  2. Each planting material is impregnated with a growth stimulator that promotes better rooting.
  3. The cuttings are placed in the soil, they are placed at an angle of about 45 degrees and covered with a jar on top.
  4. To prevent damage to young plants by various diseases, the soil is treated using a solution of foundationazole or phytosporin.
  5. Systematic watering is carried out.
  6. In order for rooting to occur as soon as possible, the soil is fed with fertilizers, which contain potassium and phosphorus, with an interval of one week. Stop carrying out such manipulations closer to frost.

Shelter of flower plantings for the winter

Flowers will overwinter much better if you take care of their shelter in advance. These manipulations are performed after a persistent cooling begins. At the same time, the earth is spudded and mulched. After that, a non-woven material is laid on the ground. It should be folded in at least a couple of layers and fixed with wire arcs.

The use of improvised materials is also allowed. The soil can be sprinkled with compost and covered with plastic boxes made of plastic. A non-woven material is placed on top of them, the ends of which are abundantly sprinkled with earth. Due to this, the shelter will not fly off with a sharp blow of wind.

To ensure timely shoots and get strong plants, flower beds are covered with dry grass or sawdust. Snow is an excellent covering material.

It is extremely important to ensure that the flower beds are not overly insulated. If the temperature is still above zero, early shelter will lead to the start of the plant development process. Weak sprouts will not be able to withstand severe frosts. Despite all efforts, the risks of their death will be quite high.

Among beginner gardeners, there is an opinion that only spring is suitable for planting flowers. In fact, there are many varieties that are recommended to be planted on the eve of winter. At the same time, they take root easier and delight with abundant flowering much earlier. The main thing is to responsibly approach the choice of crops and comply with all agrotechnical standards when planting in the ground. Thanks to this, the flowers will be able to take root, prepare for the cold and survive them with ease.