Is it possible to make sliding doors with your own hands? Sliding doors: making your own hands Mounting a frame for a sliding door

Sliding doors are very popular now. Their variety are doors that hide inside the wall when opened. If necessary, they silently disappear and leave free space without occupying it, like, for example, swing doors.

The door-pencil case saves space, does not slam against drafts, closes and opens silently.

A pencil case door is a great solution to save space and just to add sophistication and elegance to the interior. Such doors, together with a finished cassette (pencil case), can be bought at a store or made independently. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not easy to install a pencil case door with your own hands. This issue must be approached very seriously, having studied the information and found out all the subtleties of its installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the door-pencil case

The door-pencil case has a number of advantages over other types of doors:

Scheme of a pencil case with dimensions for an interior door.

  • opening, the door slides into a specially equipped niche or cassette, thereby significantly saving the usable area of ​​the room, which is very important in small apartments and offices;
  • does not slam shut from the effects of air flow;
  • due to the presence of a floor controller, the door leaf moves smoothly and silently;
  • no threshold setting required.

The disadvantages of doors of this type include:

  • low sound insulation;
  • the complexity of installation, since certain experience and skills are required for its installation.

The main types of cases for the door

Types of doors - canisters.

Sliding special niches into which the open door will move. These niches can be made in different ways.

If the wall towards which the door is supposed to move is not a bearing one, then it can be dismantled and a new wall partition with a niche for the door leaf, the so-called false wall, can be erected in its place. That is, the case for the door will be a partition. In this case, you can save the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room without increasing the thickness of the wall.

If the wall is a load-bearing one or for some reason its dismantling is impossible, then a wooden or metal frame is completed to it, which is then sheathed with drywall.

What may be required for work?

Diagram of a sliding door mechanism.

Ready-to-install pockets for sliding doors can be purchased from the store. However, they are very massive and have a fairly high cost. Making a pencil case for will cost almost twice as much. It is possible to install the door-pencil case yourself, but this requires some experience and knowledge. Installation should begin at the stage of work on the final leveling of the floor. The pencil case should be erected when the level of the finished floor is known, up to the thickness of the floor covering and the substrate.

For work you will need:

  • door leaf, handles, locking mechanism;
  • platbands, extras;
  • galvanized steel profiles;
  • perforator, screwdriver;
  • fasteners;
  • set of sliding mechanism with guide;
  • pencil, level, tape measure.

Table of correspondence between the sizes of door blocks and openings.

  1. Make the necessary measurements. You should measure the door leaf and measure the desired length of the guide. It should be equal to two lengths of the door leaf.
  2. Mark and cut profiles. When constructing a false wall, it is necessary to make two rows of profiles. In the case of lining the frame on an existing wall, one row of profiles should be assembled. Profiles are fixed in both cases on the ceiling, floor and wall. The niche should be on average 20 mm wider than the door leaf, and no less than half its width deeper. As a rule, they leave a margin of about 4-8 cm. To prevent the characteristic hum and vibration from appearing during operation of the door, it is necessary to place wooden bars inside the racks during installation. You can make the movement of the door leaf silent as follows. When fixing the frame to the ceiling and floor, you need to lay a rubber layer or a layer of technical cork between them.
  3. Install the sliding mechanism and hang the door leaf. The door must be installed so that the gap between it and the floor is no more than 5-6 mm. In this case, the soundproofing ability of the door will improve. Adjust the door travel, excluding the possibility of friction of its surface on the frame. This must be done before sheathing it, because after all the work with drywall is completed, it will no longer be possible to adjust the door leaf.
  4. Sheathe the frame with drywall, plaster it, finish the walls and install the trim.

Some features of the cabinet door installation

Diagram of a box for a sliding door.

The door-pencil case is equipped with a mechanism with a roller suspension. Such a device does not require special attention and frequent maintenance, it can last a fairly long period. The ease and smoothness of the door leaf is ensured due to the fact that the rollers of this mechanism have not only a large diameter, but are also equipped with polymer tires and steel rolling bearings. Different models of this mechanism have different carrying capacity. Therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to know the mass of the door leaf in order to ensure high-quality and long-term operation of the suspension.

The roller mechanism has adjusting screws that allow you to change the vertical position of the door leaf up to 2 cm. Sometimes the door-pencil case is installed before finishing the floor and the door may be too low due to its increased height. Then you can adjust the blade with the screws of the roller mechanism. If this does not help, then the door leaf needs to be slightly filed from above and below, but not more than 1.5 cm, thereby reducing its height. Otherwise, after laying the floor covering, a significant gap may form between the door and the floor. If it cannot be adjusted with screws, then a bar can be fixed to the canvas from below and tinted in the color of the door. The situation with the glass door is much more complicated. If its dimensions do not fit the opening and niche, then the pencil case will have to be completely redone.

If inexpensive thin profiles up to 0.5 mm thick are used in the manufacture of the frame, then they must be strengthened with bars. Otherwise, the movement of the door leaf can create vibration of the partition, and also lead to sagging of the guide.

To prevent distortions and violation of the vertical position of the jambs during the installation process, temporary fixation of the doorway with a coupler-spacer is required. It can be made independently from a steel profile or a bar.

When installing the door, you should very accurately determine the width of the canister. If a niche is too narrow, the door will cling to the frame, and disproportionately wide gaps will worsen the insulating properties of the structure and spoil the view.

The door in the open state should not completely go into the niche, otherwise it will be problematic to close it and the use of additional devices will be required. Therefore, it is necessary to define an extreme position.

The pencil case is installed on a completely finished, perfectly flat floor. It is worth considering all the nuances in the process of mounting the structure before its sheathing. Since, after the work is completed, it will be possible to fix something only by dismantling the frame wall again.

The door-pencil case is an excellent solution for rooms with a small area.

However, its installation requires a certain experience and a serious approach. By installing a pencil case door with your own hands, you can save a lot of money, make it stylish, in accordance with your preferences, and fit into any interior.

Having set out to create an unusual interior, using time-tested and well-known elements, you should pay attention to sliding interior doors. By applying them in the interior, you can use the space more ergonomically by dividing it into different zones and at the same time maintaining the illusion of the integrity of the room. In addition, making sliding doors with your own hands is quite simple, you will need an understanding of the process and the ability to handle the tool, as well as knowledge about sliding doors.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding doors

Before using sliding interior doors in the interior, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses. It will depend on what tasks are faced when planning the interior, and it will depend on whether you stop your choice on sliding doors or not.


  • save room space;
  • do not close under the influence of drafts, unlike swing doors on hinges;
  • simple and easy opening of the shutters. The only thing to consider is the cleanliness and timely maintenance of the roller mechanism;
  • can be easily automated if necessary. This is one of the main advantages of sliding doors, which can be implemented very easily with the help of modern technologies;
  • no thresholds. This advantage is somewhat controversial, since there are sliding door systems that have lower guides in their design, which can act as a threshold or be embedded in the floor.


  • low rates of heat and sound insulation. Slightly improved sound and heat insulation characteristics are possessed by systems in which a special seal is glued to the end of the door, and the doors themselves drive into a special niche;
  • impossibility of installation as an entrance door. It is worth noting that if it is a balcony, loggia or country house with a wall of sufficient length, then you can install sliding glass doors leading from the room to the street;
  • the price of fittings and locks for sliding doors is an order of magnitude higher than the prices for ordinary doors. In addition, prices for sliding doors are also slightly higher, which imposes some restrictions on the choice according to the budget;
  • when using a certain type of sliding doors, it will not be possible to put any furniture or large household appliances next to it.

Design and types of sliding doors

There are various sliding door systems that differ from each other in appearance, but the design itself, in its basis and in the principle of operation, remains unchanged. The design of sliding doors is a system consisting of roller mechanism,guides and door leaf. The roller mechanism is attached to the door, and the rollers move along the guides fixed above the doorway. Various types of sliding interior doors can include from two to four or more roller mechanisms, as well as several guides and door panels. In addition, the design of the sliding door includes decorative panels that cover the mechanism itself, various special door fittings, platbands and extensions.

The figure below shows the different types of sliding doors:

But among all the variety, the following main types of sliding doors are distinguished:

  • sliding compartment doors;
  • cascading sliding doors;
  • sliding doors accordion;
  • one, two, three and four-leaf sliding doors;
  • radius sliding doors.

Sliding door hardware

Due to their unusual design, sliding doors require certain types of hardware. Locks and handles for sliding doors are not the same as we are used to seeing on ordinary doors. A characteristic feature of the handles is that they are recessed into the door leaf. This is done so that the doors can move freely to the side and, if necessary, drive into the niche allotted for it. Castles are also not quite ordinary. If you compare it with a conventional lock, you can see that the locking mechanism is designed for vertical snapping.

When buying a sliding door, the fittings usually come with the door leaf. But if there is a need to install handles and locks on your own, then you need to be extremely careful and choose them correctly. It is best to seek help from a specialist or search by part number.

Sliding Door Mechanism

Sliding doors got their name due to the way of opening, which is provided by the movement of the rollers along the guides. The roller mechanism and guides for sliding doors must be selected based on the type of sliding door, the number of leaves and the material of the door leaf. The thing is that different systems have different weights and create different loads on the structure as a whole. So, if you compare a single-leaf MDF sliding door and a double-leaf glass sliding door, the weight of the first will be much less, and you can choose a simpler and lighter roller mechanism for it.

Also, when installing some types of sliding doors (cascade, accordion, coupe), it is necessary to take into account the number of roller mechanisms and choose the right guides. For example, for a cascading door, it is necessary to install 2 roller mechanisms for each door leaf and guides with two gutters. It is especially important to pay attention to the fact that in order to create compartment doors and cascading doors, it is necessary to provide one groove in the guides for each door leaf.

As noted earlier, the reliability of sliding doors directly depends on the roller mechanism and the guide. But sometimes, as in the case of a glass sliding door, you have to install two guides - one at the top of the doorway, the other at the bottom. This is the only way to get a stable and reliable door with a large mass of the door leaf.

Sliding door installation options

The functionality and convenience of interior sliding doors allow you to implement various design solutions both in rooms with limited space and in rooms with a large area. Such doors allow you to transform the interior space, organically fitting into the interior.

The most popular option is to install sliding doors between two residential areas. Using a double-leaf door type, you can zone the room while maintaining its integrity. With the doors closed, these will be two different rooms, and with the doors open - one, but with a large area. For example, by installing sliding doors, you can separate a small office, and with the doors open, it will be a common room for business negotiations.

Another option for using sliding doors is to install them. between living quarters and loggia, balcony or terrace in a country house. In this case, it is advisable to use sliding glass doors. A large luminous flux will flow through them, and in the warm season, by opening them, you can expand the room to infinity.

Quite often, sliding doors are used for technical rooms. So, by installing sliding compartment doors, you can separate a utility room or pantry, while saving precious space.

Radius doors are one of the most difficult and expensive to install. This largely depends on the complexity of manufacturing the door leaf and curved guides. But such doors can be seen in showers or rooms with rounded shapes. It looks very impressive.

Unfortunately, due to their shortcomings, it makes no sense to install sliding doors between rooms such as a kitchen, living room, bathroom or toilet. Of course, with the development of technology, new materials and methods of their application appear. And it is possible that the shortcomings of sliding doors with the use of new technologies will be leveled or completely disappear, which will open up new horizons for their application.

How to make sliding doors

Having decided on the type of sliding door and acquiring everything you need, you can proceed with the installation. We will consider the installation process itself using the example of a single-leaf sliding door. This is the simplest and most common door, which is the easiest to install. But it should be noted that the description will also highlight key points that are typical for other types of sliding doors.

So, to install sliding doors with your own hands, you need to do the following:

  • The first is to mark up the guides. To do this, you can go two ways. The first is to simply measure the height of the door from the floor with a tape measure, adding 15 - 20 mm to it for the gap between the floor and the door. And to this height add the height of the assembled roller mechanism and guide. Then put 2 - 3 marks on the wall and draw a line between them. The second option is similar to the first with the difference that the door leaf is attached to the opening, and marks are placed along the upper edge, to which the height of the roller mechanism and guide is then added.

Important! Before installing the guide, you need to make sure that the marks are strictly horizontal. You can do this with a level. Otherwise, after installation, the doors will spontaneously open in one direction or another.

  • Now we install the guide along the line outlined earlier so that the guide is installed under it. Depending on the guide itself, it can be fixed in different ways. Some are attached directly to the wall with dowels, some can be mounted on special brackets or wooden beams. The guide itself should be at some distance from the wall so that when the door is opened, it does not cling to the doorway or trim. You must carefully select the guides and know how to install them. For compartment doors and other sliding door designs having a floor-to-ceiling height, the rails are attached to the ceiling and floor.

Important! To prevent the sliding door from flying off at the first opening, the length of the guide should be 2 times the length of the doorway, and another 4 - 5 cm of spare travel should be added to this length. It is because of this feature that sliding doors require a lot of free space near the doorway, although they save space when opened.

  • Having fixed the guide, we insert the fixing bolt inside the roller carriage and start the entire roller mechanism inside the guide. For an ordinary single-leaf door, only two rollers are required, but if we install accordion doors or cascading doors, you will have to purchase rollers for each leaf in advance.
  • We install brackets for roller carriages on top of the door leaf. They are mounted with an indent from the edge of the door of 3 - 5 mm.

Important! For glass doors, a different method of fastening is used. The fastener itself consists of two metal paws that clamp the glass together and are pulled together with screws. In addition, due to the large mass of glass, it is recommended to install doors with two guides: one - in the floor, the other - above the doorway.

  • Now that the rollers and fasteners for them are installed, we put the door leaf in place, lift it up and screw the bolts into the brackets at the top of the door. This stage of work is best done with a partner who can lift and hold the door while the bolts are tightened. After that, we check the horizontalness of the door and, if necessary, level it by tightening the bolts.

  • The doorway and slopes can be hidden behind platbands and extensions. But the roller mechanism itself is hidden behind a decorative bar, which is hung on top.
  • Finally, install the door hardware.

A little more laborious will be the installation of a sliding door with a special niche in the wall. To do this, you will have to create a partition from drywall sheets, into which the door will enter. But for doors with a guide in the floor, you will have to hollow out a groove, which will require the use of a puncher. In all other respects, the installation of sliding doors is a very simple and easy thing.

Installing sliding doors is one of the ways to solve the issue of the rational and competent use of each meter in the apartment; you can do them yourself. Information on how to implement this and what is needed to make the structure will be useful for many owners of small housing.


In a specialized building supermarket, you can see a huge variety of models of sliding doors. They are divided into types and subspecies, taking into account various parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • forms;
  • material;
  • functionality: parallel-sliding and folding.

Depending on the design and material of the model, its price category also differs, and given how rich the choice is, everyone can find a door option that suits him.

Sliding doors

This type of sliding doors is the most common. It consists of one or two sections, which, when opened, move in one or different directions. Cloths of shutters in this case are suspended on a rail mechanism, which sets them in motion.


The principle of operation of the cassette system is similar to that of a compartment door, with the only difference being that when moving the sash is hidden in a special niche that is hidden in the wall. It is sold complete with doors, but when it comes to self-production, it is made mainly of drywall.


Cascading doors are a structure of several leaves, one of which is fixed in a fixed position, and the rest move along a rail mechanism across the entire width of the opening when closing. When the structure is opened, all parts of its canvas are assembled on the side of the fixed sash.

"Book" and "accordion"

These types of doors are almost identical. Their designs consist of several sections connected by special hinges, with the help of which the sashes are compactly assembled on one of the sides of the opening. The “book” and “accordion” differ only in the number of sections involved in the design.

For reference! These mechanisms are not in vain called "book" and "accordion", as they resemble the principle of their movement. Their action can be compared to moving a screen.

Sliding door mechanism device

Regardless of the type of sliding interior doors, the principle of operation of their mechanisms is not significantly different. Rollers are mounted on the canvas, which, moving along the guides, ensure the movement of the valves.

The guides are usually attached to the wall, but in some cases they are also fixed to the floor. In the case of framed door options, a separate running element must be installed for each section.

Sliding door devices are divided into suspended and rail. In the case of a suspension mechanism, the running gear, one or more, is installed only on top of the structure, and an additional roller is fixed below to ensure easy movement.

The rail mechanism looks the same, but the running elements are mounted both above and below the door frame, that is, the lower roller does not move along the floor, but along the rail mounted in it. This design is more resistant to heavy loads, therefore it is suitable for door models with large dimensions.

In order for the device to work smoothly, it is necessary to carefully monitor that dirt does not accumulate on the lower rail and debris particles do not get into it.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a sliding structure

Before buying all the necessary components in order to make a solid sliding door yourself, you should make sure that its installation is possible in a particular room. It must meet the following conditions:

  • the wall is strong enough to support the weight of the entire structure;
  • the doorway is even;
  • the width of the wall is enough to roll back the sash.

If the room is suitable for all of the above parameters, you can decide on the type of model and begin preparing for installation. To choose the most suitable option for self-production, you can use photo or video catalogs that can be easily found on the Internet on popular platforms.

What is required to install a coupe?

One of the easiest models to make with your own hands is considered to be a single-leaf compartment door.

For reference! To install a sliding sliding door with one section, you will need a minimum set of tools, such as a screwdriver with self-tapping screws, a building level and a tape measure.

The mechanism for the design can be purchased ready-made or assembled from parts:

  • running elements;
  • staples, clamps;
  • roller carriages;
  • platbands.

When choosing a canvas, it should be borne in mind that its optimal size is considered to be one that slightly exceeds the perimeter of the opening, and the length of the guide rail is twice the width of the door.

Construction mechanism installation

First you need to determine the height sufficient for the door to block the entire opening when closed. To do this, a canvas is applied to the wall of the proposed installation and to the side where the sash will move off and, taking into account the height of the rollers, as well as an approximate distance of 2 cm, a place for attaching the guide is marked with a pencil. The result should be a flat horizontal line.

Next, a guide is installed on the drawn line, which can be fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws or special brackets. At this stage, it is important to consider that there should be a small distance between the sections and the wall.

After fixing the guide, it is required to assemble the roller device. To do this, mount the carriages, insert a screw into them and place them in the running element. Their number directly depends on the weight of the sash, that is, the heavier the structure, the more they will be required.

Sash fixing

First of all, brackets are placed on the door leaf at a certain distance from each other, but in such a way that they can withstand the weight of the entire section. Then the sash must be lifted, thread the screw into the brackets, and then fixed at the desired level. To make the design even, the best solution would be to use someone else's help.

After the canvas is hung on the chassis, clamps are placed. They should be located in such a way that the sash completely covers the doorway when closing and moves to the side at a convenient distance when opened.

Handle assembly and trim

For the full use of self-made sliding doors, it is enough to install a mortise handle on them, a ready-made version of which is easy to find in a building supermarket.

Attention! If it is necessary to mount a locking device in the structure, then a vertical type lock should be selected.

The final stage in the manufacture of doors with their own hands is their final finishing. It includes hiding the slopes behind the platbands and decorating the guide with a suitable bar. After that, the installation of a single-leaf compartment door can be called complete.

If the budget does not allow, but it is still necessary to free up space in a small room, you can make sliding interior doors yourself even from improvised means. To make them, you need any suitable canvas, for example, an old door, and as a guide rail, an ordinary steel cornice with hinges. However, the service life of such a design is short, and besides, no one guarantees its safety.


If earlier only specialists knew how to make sliding doors, could get the necessary spare parts and install everything in the right order, today these opportunities open up to simple “home-made” ones. This design can significantly save space in small apartments, and if you do all the work yourself, you can also save a lot.

At first it may seem that all interior sliding doors are the same, but this is a delusion. First, they differ in . It can be plastic, MDF, natural wood and even glass. Combined elements with wooden and glass inserts are in great demand. Secondly, they have a different mechanism. The canvas can move only along one guide, located at the top, or along two, installed both at the top and at the bottom. The number of rollers also varies - 2 or 4. The option with two guides is considered more reliable.

Thirdly, the number of wings is different, although single-leaf structures are most often chosen for apartments. If we are talking about a private house, with spacious rooms and wide doorways, then you can install double-leaf interior doors.

Bifold interior doors

You can also find a division into a compartment, radius structures and an accordion. The first type is most common among apartment dwellers. Simple design and easy installation allows you to do all the work on their installation yourself without the help of professionals. In this case, the sashes move in a straight line along special rails. If there is only one guide located on top, then such a mechanism is called suspended, and structures with two parts that ensure the movement of the web are of the rail type.

Interior radius doors differ in curved shapes. Bright representatives of this type are shower doors. Despite the stunning appearance, such elements are appropriate only in spacious houses. But the well-known "accordion" will fit perfectly in small rooms. It consists of several panels, which are folded according to the principle of the tool of the same name. The last bar is rigidly attached directly to the jamb, and all other panels move by means of a guide and roller mechanism. To prevent spontaneous opening of such a door, a special stopper is provided in the design.

Unlike those that open and close with hinges, these doors move on rollers along the rails. The quality and size of the mechanism depends on the material from which the door leaf is made. For example, if we are talking about glass structures, then the rollers should be more durable and reliable. And for a lighter material, such as MDF, a simple mechanism will do. Sometimes it is even enough to install the top guide.

Sliding door rollers

Somewhat different from the standard and fittings. Take, for example, the same pens. If we talk about swing doors, this fitting protrudes significantly so that it is convenient for us to take it and turn it. But by installing such an element on a sliding canvas, you simply cannot control it, since the protruding part will interfere with the movement of the sash along the guides. Also, standard horizontal locks will not work, they should be replaced with vertical ones. Fittings usually come with the selected type of door. But if you decide to make such doors yourself, then you should choose the right additional details.

We often encounter this type of doors when entering a supermarket, shopping center, wardrobes are also equipped with such a mechanism, but is it relevant to install them as elements that separate rooms in a residential building? Consider the pros and cons of this design.

Sliding door type

It is worth noting that the doors on rollers look very stylish. And a huge variety of designs will allow this item to become the highlight of the room or the entire home. They will look great in spacious houses, and in a small apartment they will be a great solution to save squares. Another advantage is the durability of the structure. They do not react at all to a draft, unlike swing specimens. Free and easy to open and close. Plus, it becomes possible to automate this process.

For the sake of justice, we need to talk about the shortcomings of these sliding elements. First of all, the high cost. You will also not be able to hide from extraneous sounds behind such a door, since the sound insulation is at a low level. On the one hand, this design will significantly save space, on the other hand, you will not be able to place furniture in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rails.

In this paragraph, we will pay special attention to the practical part, because it is not so easy to make sliding doors with your own hands the first time.

DIY sliding doors

How to make sliding doors with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Material preparation

It is very important not only to decide on the type, but also to choose the right element in size. The door leaf should be a few centimeters wider and higher than the opening to be closed. But the length of the guides exceeds the size of the door twice, and 5 cm of margin is also given. When purchasing a ready-made structure, you also receive a set of fasteners with it, but sometimes the accessories may not be included in the cost of the system, and they must be purchased separately. If you want to assemble the system yourself, for this you need to prepare all the components, namely: a wooden beam with a section of 4x4 cm, a door leaf, platbands, a rack, a fastening mechanism and a lock with handles.

Step 2: Assembling the door leaf

We take a wooden beam and make a frame of a given size. In this case, all sides of the element are connected according to the tenon-groove system. For more reliable fixation, the joints should be treated with special glue. Inside the structure we place glass, wood or a canvas made of MDF or plastic. But it is best to give preference to light materials. This will simplify the door management process. In addition, you should consider the color scheme, because such an element should decorate the room. You can also combine different options by combining wood and glass, mirrors and laminate. In principle, you can even use swing doors, the main thing is that they fit in size.

Step 3: Preparatory work

When installing interior doors of this type, it is very important to fix the guides correctly, otherwise the mechanism will not function as it should. We take the level and check how flat the floor is, and if there is a slight slope, you need to fix the top bar taking it into account. You can hide the canvas in a wall niche, for this they make a special "pocket" of drywall. All guides are installed in it, and the door drives inward. Of course, in order to bring this option to life, you will have to work hard, but the aesthetic side will greatly benefit.

Step 4: Markup

Now you need a roll. We measure the height of the door and add 20 mm to the resulting value, this gap will be quite enough. Next, you need to determine the height of the roller mechanism, as well as the guides, add up all the values. After that, we make the appropriate marks on the wall. You can apply markup in another way. We apply the door leaf to the wall and mark with a pencil the points of contact of the left and right upper corners. Then we measure the height of the guide and the roller mechanism and retreat by the obtained value from our marks even up.

Step 5: Mounting the Rails

Interior doors of this type move along special rails. We fix the top element first, and then the bottom one. Sometimes the top rail alone is enough. Mounting methods largely depend on their design features. Some are fixed with dowels directly to the wall. Others are attached to a specially installed beam or by means of brackets.

It is necessary to observe a small gap between the rails and the wall, otherwise the canvas will cling to the platbands during movement.

Step 6: Installing the roller mechanism

Now it's the turn of the videos themselves. We install them on the most massive part of the door. It should be noted that in most cases there is not even a need to embed them into the body of the web. But if there is a desire to minimize the gap between the floor and the moving sash, then such an operation will have to be done. You can cut out seats for rollers with a simple chisel, and you should not worry at all that you will spoil the appearance of the product, because the end of the door is not visible. Rollers should be installed at a distance of 100 mm from each edge.

Step 7: The final step

Now it remains just to collect all the elements. We start the door leaf on the side, on which the roller mechanism is installed, and set the travel limiter. But it is better not to do this operation yourself, call an assistant, as the door must be held, especially if it is too heavy or made of fragile glass. Now you need to decorate the opening and slopes. In this matter, special platbands and dobors will help us. And lastly, the fittings are installed. As you can see, installing interior sliding doors with your own hands is quite a feasible task, you just need to be patient.

The strength of character lies not in the ability to break through walls, but in the ability to find doors. And even better, not only be able to find them, but also be able to create these doors. This article will discuss how to realize your strength in everyday life and how to make a door with your own hands.

How to prepare

It would seem that the modern market is so wide that you can find a door of any shape, size and quality on it. But this is not always the case. Especially when it comes to exclusivity, a special kind of wood, a spectacular stained-glass window, an outstanding form. Buying a standard factory design is boring and ordinary. And making a door with your own hands is not a difficult task, especially if you have a suitable canvas, a couple of skillful hands and a little time.

However, in order to make a beautiful and high-quality door yourself, you must first study the subtleties and nuances of the material, evaluate the complexity of the technology and calculations, and identify pitfalls during its installation.

First you need to prepare all the materials and tools that will be needed for the job. After all, the final result is affected not only by the quality of the raw materials themselves, but also by the quality and reliability of auxiliary tools and materials that were used in the assembly and installation of the door. And for this you will need:

  • milling machine with manual mechanism. With its help, they process a wooden product, give it a shape, grind the groove elements;
  • circular saw with a manual mechanism;
  • Bulgarian. In this case, it will serve to polish the wood;
  • screwdriver for mounting the door;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil or marker.

Regardless of what type of product needs to be made, whether it be interior, entrance or doors for a country shed, a single technology is used for all. Therefore, after studying this article, you can easily make homemade doors for any needs. In addition to tools, you will also need the material itself. As a rule, an array is chosen from different types of wood: oak, ash, birch, larch, pine.

Some prefer exotic species: mahogany, wenge, beech. The choice depends on personal preferences, the type of room and the overall concept of the interior.

When making a structure with your own hands, you need to take into account the fact that the wooden canvas will require pre-treatment, especially for hardwoods. When choosing a wooden canvas, you need to focus on the fact that the wood is even, smooth. There should be no cracks or knot holes. The selected board is first dried in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of about 25 ° C.

You can also dry it on the street, but only in dry weather, preferably in the summer of central Russia. Depending on the type of wood and its initial state, the drying of the canvas can take up to ten days.

Popular Models

Before proceeding to the manufacture of the door, you need to think about what type they will be (hinged or sliding), decide on the shape and design. The most important characteristics of all doors are functionality and appearance, because they will become an integral element of the interior.

Let's characterize the main models:

  • Very popular today sliding doors. Door type "compartment" can be either single-leaf or double-leaf. Sliding doors on rollers are an alternative to conventional swing doors, especially if space is an issue. There are two types of sliding doors: with bottom rails and with top rails. So, using a mechanical system with bottom guides, the door "walks" on the built-in rollers, reducing the load on the walls.

It is advantageous to use such a sliding door fastening system for thin partitions in apartments.

  • Among compartment doors designs with a hinged mechanism are especially popular. Hinged compartment doors are usually made of glass, due to its lower weight compared to massive wooden counterparts. In addition to the fact that this type of door also takes up little space in the apartment, its plus is that its glass surface perfectly transmits light into the room. This option is very appropriate if a major overhaul of the "Khrushchev" is planned in order to free up the already small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment from unnecessary structures.

  • book door, like a sliding door, helps to save usable space in the apartment. Its folding design consists of two separate sheets interconnected so that when opened, one part lies on the other, without cluttering up the interior. They are often placed in dressing rooms and in bathrooms at the bedroom.

  • Accordion door- Another option for small apartments. Compared to swing doors, such doors can save up to two meters of space. This type of product can be used in any interior. The design of accordion doors is varied. There are even interesting options with intricate stained glass windows.

  • Everyone knows paneled doors remain popular to this day due to their aesthetic characteristics. The paneled door differs in design from the usual one in that additional thinner canvases are inserted inside the door frame. Thus, even the most boring door can be made very original using inserts with textured patterns or carvings. The scope of these doors is not only office space, but also residential buildings and apartments.


A standard hinged door consists of several parts:

  • door frame;
  • door leafs;
  • fasteners;
  • castle;
  • framing in the form of platbands.

If the fabric of the product is not a monolithic solid board, but has several components, it is necessary to clarify what they will be made of and what their functional purpose is. The framework of the structure is the frame. It sets the main dimensions of the product, gives it rigidity and shape. The outer visible part of the canvas is represented by a sheathing. In this capacity, not only wooden panels can serve, but also plastic profiles or glass stained-glass windows.

If the task is to make the front door, then you need to take care of the insulation, which is placed inside, under the skin.

This article will provide information on how to independently make a door of the simplest design with a hinged fastening mechanism, without insulation and complex cladding options such as glass decorative elements and carved panels.


Seven times measure cut once. This proverb will be more relevant than ever when making a door yourself. Indeed, the final result will depend on how correctly the measurements are taken. And you don’t need to figure out which parts to measure. All the main parameters have long been known, it is enough just to write them out on a piece of paper and measure them using an ordinary construction tape measure.

It is imperative to measure:

  • door width (distance from the left to the right edge of the leaf);
  • door height (distance from the floor to the top point);
  • the width of the doorway;
  • the thickness of the doorway;
  • the slope of the opening (if there are distortions);
  • evenness (identify elements whose value differs from the main one).

When determining the width of the product, it is recommended to measure the distance between the side parts of the opening in the floor area, in the center of the opening and at the upper border of the opening and find the average value. If necessary, if these values ​​\u200b\u200bare different, the opening can be trimmed.

For an interior door, the width is usually 80-90 cm, for the entrance - 90-120 cm. The height of the door is determined by the height of the opening and is approximately 200-210 cm. Measurements are taken with the same tape measure from the floor to the top of the doorway.

You should take into account the fact that if there is no flooring in the apartment yet, then the measured height will not be entirely accurate, therefore to begin with, it is recommended to finish work with the floor so that all the parameters of the future door are taken into account correctly. When determining the height of the door, measurements are also carried out at three points (extreme left, center and extreme right).

The thickness of a doorway is measured like the width of a door. Just keep in mind that the width of the box will be somewhat larger, since it is necessary to leave a distance between the door and the box for the door to move freely. And yet, when forming the box, it should be remembered that its width should be several centimeters less than the measured width of the opening, since technological voids must be left during installation.

The thickness of the doorway is measured at six points (thickness from the bottom, middle, top for the left edge and the same positions for the right edge). This parameter will depend on the thickness of the wall into which the door will be mounted. For the entrance, it is usually larger than for the interior, but there are exceptions. Here you should also pay attention to the presence of non-standard dimensions of the thickness of the opening. In this case, it is necessary to provide for extras that will compensate for this moment.

In order to simplify the installation of the structure, it is necessary to first determine the evenness of the opening. Using the building level, check the vertical of the opening (at three points) and the diagonal. With a tape measure, measure the distance inside the opening diagonally, from the top corner to the bottom, for each side. Both values ​​should be approximately equal. In the case of strong deviations, not only the appearance of the structure will deteriorate, but also the reliability of the fastening system is called into question.

After the basic parameters have been measured, they proceed to the correction of irregularities and distortions. To do this, they plaster these places or cut off the excess with the help of a grinder. The ideal option would be to level the opening with drywall sheets.

Eliminating the shortcomings identified in the process of measuring the dimensions of the product will certainly have a positive impact on further work and eliminate many unpleasant moments during installation.


The modern market is oversaturated with various options for doors from a variety of materials. However, wood remains traditional. Due to their high quality indicators, as well as the ability to combine perfectly with wooden furniture and parquet boards, wooden doors have become more in demand, especially in the interiors of apartments and country houses.

In addition to their aesthetic characteristics, wooden products have a number of other advantages: material strength, ease of material processing, the ability to retain heat, good sound insulation, as well as environmental friendliness.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the choice fell on a wooden door, then all other parts must also be made of wood (box, platbands, extensions).

Among the disadvantages of wood, one can note easy flammability, the ability to absorb moisture and expand, and, of course, high cost.

The most popular, but not the easiest to manufacture, are paneled doors. It is better to use ready-made cutters as internal inserts, since cutting them yourself is laborious work. On the construction market, you can purchase a set of milling cutters for a future door. To save on material the door leaf can be made of boards, instead of a wide monolithic leaf.

If you need to make a door to a country shed or a bathhouse, you can use even cheaper materials. A good alternative to a wooden array would be a plywood door. This is a fairly durable material; in its manufacture, sheets of peeled veneer are glued to each other so that the fibers of one sheet are perpendicular to the fibers of another. The outer layers of plywood are glued with aspen, pine or larch veneer (these types of veneer have good strength and aesthetic appearance).

Lining products are also an inexpensive option. The advantage of this material is that in order to make a door, it is not necessary to use factory lining, you can make individual profiles from improvised materials.

In addition to natural materials, synthetic polycarbonates are widely used. The choice of this material for the manufacture of doors is advantageous when it is assumed that adverse weather conditions (humidity, temperature) will affect the structure. But if earlier polycarbonate was used for the manufacture of greenhouses, now it is easily used for entrance doors, the main thing is to provide a reliable base and insulation.

If desired, you can build a structure from other polymers. Often they make an aluminum frame with plexiglass inserts. It looks pretty stylish, but these materials are quite expensive.

How to make a box for a door?

Before you start assembling the door frame, you need to study its structure. So, the door frame consists of four main parts: two pillars (its longest parts), a threshold and an upper crossbar (short parts). First, measure the length of the racks. In the case of using a threshold, it is equal to the length of the door plus 2-3 centimeters for the gap on each side. If there is no threshold, then instead of a gap from below, 15-20 centimeters are added. This will ensure that the door moves freely from the floor.

The measured values ​​\u200b\u200bare drawn on the canvas and each rack is cut out with a special knife.

The crossbar and the threshold are the same components. Their length consists of the width of the door, the same two gaps and the thickness of the box. The measured dimensions are transferred to a wooden canvas and one or two elements are cut out, depending on the need for a threshold. Grooves are cut into the top lintel of the box, marking the lines where the posts intersect with the top crossbar, and carefully cut these sections with a jigsaw on each side.

After all the grooves have been cut, the uprights and crossbar are aligned on the floor to make sure they fit together. After that, the cut parts are carefully sanded with sandpaper, eliminating all irregularities and rough roughness. When all the elements of the box are ready, you can start assembling.

In order to assemble the structure, you will need a drill or screwdriver. A 2-3 mm drill is inserted into the screwdriver and holes are drilled in the combined corners of the future box. These holes will allow you to keep the material intact when screwing in them. Screws are screwed into each hole with a cross drill. The door frame is almost ready.

To make sure that the box is made correctly, you need to place it on the floor and put the selected door leaf inside, assessing the presence of gaps between them. It is worth paying attention that if the task is to independently manufacture a sliding structure, then you need to take into account its distinctive mechanism. Such a door, when opened, will be moved to the side, like a pencil case (to drive into the wall or lie down on it), therefore, when forming the box, a groove for the door in one of the racks should be provided.

How to make the door itself: step by step instructions

Now consider how to make the door itself. For outbuildings, the door will be a simple shield of individual boards fastened together with wooden straps. Interior wooden doors should have a more aesthetic appearance, simple strapping is not applicable here.

Work should be carried out on a carpentry stand or on a table that will allow the product to be completely placed on it.

To form the door leaf, grooved boards with grooves are used (you can also cut the grooves yourself). The thickness of the boards should be from 2.5 to 4 centimeters, depending on whether it is an interior door or an entrance door. Prepared boards are folded into a shield. If grooved boards are taken, then grooves are removed on the extreme boards with a circular saw.

The boards are glued together with wood glue, while the pattern of annual rings must be observed (they must lie in the same direction so that an imbalance does not stand out on the finished product). The door blank is placed in a vise to fit the elements more tightly, and the glue is allowed to dry. After that, the entire surface of the web is passed through the milling machine, special attention is paid to joints and uneven fragments.

If the thickness of the boards is not sufficient to use the door as an entrance, then you can glue the boards in two layers. Such a door will be quite massive and heavy.

Next, proceed to the design of the finished shield. Using a stencil, the drawing is transferred to a wooden canvas, first with a pencil. With the help of a milling cutter with a manual mechanism, the pattern is carefully cut out by changing the cutters. The finished drawing and the canvas itself should be treated with sandpaper, then blotted with a special antiseptic solution. If the door is an entrance door, then it must be treated with moisture-resistant agents and flame retardants. So it will last much longer.

How to insert?

On the door frame, mark the places where the hinges will be located. On the door leaf, in appropriate places, marks are also made. To do this, put it in a vertical position, the top will be on the side where the loops are attached. The location of the castle is marked on the reverse side. First, the door is placed in a box, the markings are checked for compliance, the location of the lock tongue on the box is marked, then the hinges are inserted, then they are applied to the door and to the box, drilled with a drill. The tongue is carefully cut out with a jigsaw.

In order to properly install the door lock, it is first applied to the installation site on the product, circled, and all the necessary technological holes are marked with dots. After the installation depth of the lock is determined, it is placed in the marked place and screwed. Now that all the parts are ready, you need to install them correctly.

First, insert the door frame into the opening. Align and fix it with wedges. You can adjust the box already mounted in the wall by hitting the wedges with a hammer. Then, dowels and self-tapping screws are inserted into the holes drilled in the wall and the box. And last, most importantly, the assembly of the door and the box.

This operation is best performed by two people, in order to avoid injury, since the door leaf is a heavy structure. Holding the door on weight, we fix the hinges with self-tapping screws.

After the assembly of the main parts is completed, you can do the platbands. It’s easier to buy ready-made ones in the store or make them yourself using wooden blanks 1-1.5 cm thick and a simple jigsaw. Each edge of the casing is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and adjusted in length. Finished products are fixed at the level of the box with wood glue or small nails.

In general, the work on installing the door, with a competent approach and high-quality materials, will take no more than two days. And the above recommendations can be used to make doors from other materials, changing only some of the tools.


Finishing will help to give the finished product a finished look. It can also be done on your own, this is a more pleasant and less difficult job than installing and assembling the door itself. Door trim can be done as follows:

  • door painting;
  • varnish coating;
  • pasting with wallpaper or decorative film;
  • decoupage;
  • insertion of mirrors and colored glass;
  • fabric lining;
  • application of methods of aging wooden canvas.