Fashionable wall panels. Decorative panels for interior wall decoration. Sticking on liquid nails or glue

To date, wall panels are considered a fairly popular type of finishing material. Easy installation and beautiful appearance help create a real masterpiece of design art. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain natural and synthetic surfaces.

They have a huge number of advantages rather than disadvantages. A variety of colors and shades help you choose the right model of plastic panels for your interior space.

Pros and cons of plastic panels

This material has a large number of positive qualities. They include:

  • easy installation. Installing such material will not be difficult. Finishing wall panels requires special care. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a frame on which each plastic element will be attached;
  • heat and sound insulation. There is a small distance between the wall and the panels, which absorbs the loud sound. In addition, an "air cushion" of warm air appears here. This, in turn, prevents cold air masses from entering the interior of the room.
  • a light weight. This design looks neat on the surface of the wall;
  • durability. The materials and components that make up the panels are particularly durable;
  • affordable price. Artificial wall panels have a low price range. Natural materials have a beautiful appearance and have a higher price. As a rule, they have high strength.

Modern panels can imitate natural solid wood, brick and other types of surfaces.

Varieties of design

In building stores there is a huge selection of finishing materials. Each type is distinguished by a peculiar modification, method of attachment and structural components. On sale are:

Rack elements. They are long slats whose size ranges from 250 cm to 350 cm. The thickness of each part varies from 9 to 15 mm. Such material is suitable for decorating a small room or its corner parts.

Installation of wall panels of rack construction is carried out by attaching parts to a metal frame using short self-tapping screws.

Tiled structures. They are large squares. The dimensions of the panels range from 40 to 80 cm. The installation of such elements is carried out using a special adhesive. You can also use additional fasteners that fix the elements together.

Such structures are made from chipboard MDF, fiberboard and chipboard. These materials have a low cost, which makes them accessible to absolutely everyone.

Sheet panels. Among all models, they have the largest parameters. The length of the finished product is about 1.5 * 2.5 m. The thickness of the canvas varies between 5 -7 mm. They consist of a fiberboard or MDF board. On the surface of the panel there is a textured base that imitates natural wood, tiles or bricks.

Design of interior space

A huge variety of models allows you to choose the right option for wall decoration. For each room, it is recommended to choose the appropriate panels. Here it is important to consider the composition and surface of the structure.

For high-tech, modern and minimalist design, panels in the form of a convex abstraction are suitable. The classic interior prefers solid wood elements. They have a beautiful appearance and high cost.

Country and loft design require a rail system for attaching elements. Here it is absolutely not necessary to decorate the entire wall. It is enough to highlight the corner parts of the room with elements made of solid pine or oak.

Wall panels for the kitchen can be made of glass or MDF material. A protective film may be present here, which will retain the original appearance of the product for a long period of time. For the design of the kitchen area, a tiled version of the design is suitable. The surface is perfectly cleaned with detergent.

Wall panels for a room are most often made in the form of sheets or rack construction. As a rule, they are attached with special glue or additional clamps. Many designers prefer the presence of natural materials in the interior of the room.

For this, a wooden beam is suitable, which is attached vertically to the base of the wall. This will visually increase the living space. Each element is fixed on a pre-prepared frame.

Wall panels for the bathroom are long flat parts that are attached to each other with additional locks. Mounting bases are also made here. To do this, use metal plates with additional holes. This will ensure that the parts are neatly connected to each other.

How to choose the right wall panels?

At first glance, choosing a wall decor is not difficult. In addition to a beautiful appearance, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • combustibility;
  • flammability;
  • toxicity. This item indicates the synthetic composition of the panels.
  • smoke generation. The lower the values, the better the materials from which this design is made.

On the surface of the wall panels should not be chips and cracks. All these damages reduce the life of the product. If the parts consist of multilayer materials, then there should not be any bulges or dents.

The color palette of each element must be the same. If there are slight deviations, it is recommended to refuse to purchase this product. This indicates improper storage of the material or a violation of the manufacturing process.

Locks on the edges of the wall panels are a major requirement. They can be made of lightweight metals or durable plastic.

As you can see, decorating a living space is not difficult. Good imagination and quality materials help to create a real masterpiece. The photo of wall panels shows the best options for models that will decorate any interior space.

Photo of wall panels

To date, this is the fastest and best option for changing the appearance in the design, while spending a minimum on consumables.

This material is produced from artificial and organic raw materials, which has a huge selection and gives you the opportunity to taste and pocket.

To start installing decorative wall panels in a room, you do not need a lot of time and knowledge, this is done as easy as shelling pears without the help of specialists.

The popularity of the material has reached due to its ease of use and elegant appearance.

You can use the panel together with any other material for wall decoration, this will in no way violate the harmony of the interior, but will only give an elegant look.

Finishing panels have certain requirements, they must be observed when choosing a material:

Choose panels made from organic raw materials that will not cause further damage to your health.

The material must be moisture resistant in order to extend the time of its operation, and delay the next repair.

Strength. The panel you choose must be durable, so you will not damage it during transportation and installation.

Take care of your safety, the panel you choose must withstand temperature fluctuations. This can ensure your safety in the event of a short circuit in the wiring and in places of increased heat.

And one more of the most important points - the panel should not give you any inconvenience during installation.

Functionality of decorative panels

When finishing with decorative panels, you not only gain time, but you can also solve those problems that cannot be solved with wallpaper and painting. Advantages:

  • The ability to get rid of uneven walls in the shortest possible time, with a minimum of effort.
  • A great opportunity to get rid of pipes and wires by hiding them behind the panel.
  • The space behind the panel can be used as room insulation by laying the appropriate material there.
  • Budget, artificial panels, it is almost impossible to distinguish from those made from natural materials. Thus, decorating the walls with decorative panels for little money will give the room a kosher and elegant look.

Panel shapes

To this day, panels are produced with the following forms:

Square and rectangular panels.

Reiki. Identical to the material "lining". Has high durability, gives the chance to use in hard-to-reach spots. With the help of lining with slats, you can visually increase the space in small rooms.

Sheet panels. Suitable for all types of finishing work. It is the most practical and common material that can easily fit any design style.

What are they made from?

Decorative panels for interior decoration can be made from a variety of materials, in addition, an additional layer is always built on top of the panel as a decor:

Natural wood (specify the type of wood with the manufacturer).

PVC is also polyvinyl chloride. These panels have a monochromatic appearance, but it is possible that a pattern could have been applied to it.

Gypsum vinyl. For manufacturing, gypsum is taken as the basis, which is hidden on both sides with the help of vinyl.

Cork slabs. This is the most common type of panels, which has gained its popularity due to environmentally friendly material, durability and sound insulation.

As you can see, this is a really practical material that will save you a lot of time and make the whole repair process easier for you. For inspiration and the right choice in the future, we recommend that you look at the photos of decorative panels.

Photo design of decorative panels for walls in the interior

Acoustic panels: characteristics, main advantages, installation nuances

Acoustic wall panels are resorted to if rooms are to be finished in houses located near a busy highway, a cinema, a professional studio. With their help, you can reduce the level of noise coming from the street, or vice versa, prevent the impact of noise generated inside the building on the environment.

Decorative acoustic panels are made of a material with good sound insulation characteristics.

For manufacturing use:

  • Wood fiber and cellulose. Cement or gypsum can be used as a binder. The thickness of products from this material can reach 25 mm. Can be dyed in various colors
  • Basalt wool. A suitable solution for rooms with increased requirements in terms of sound absorption and fire safety. Are made with a smooth and relief surface;
  • . The perforated material is low reflective;
  • Gypsum. Eco-friendly, safe and non-flammable material;
  • Fiberglass. Manufacturing technology involves the use of a high-density base, which is coated with fiberglass;
  • Polyurethane foam. The thickness of the plates is 20 - 100 mm;
  • Melamine.

Depending on the density and other indicators of the raw materials used in the production process, it is possible to finish with soft and hard panels on the wall. The hardness of the base, or rather the need to use a frame system, largely determines the order of installation work.

Acoustic facing materials have a number of positive properties. They are:

  • Eco-friendly;
  • Effective;
  • Provide a sufficient level of sound insulation;
  • Presented in a wide range.

Acoustic are in demand in apartment buildings. After finishing with their help, you can forget about the noise created by the neighbors from above.

Characteristics and features of 3D wall panels for interior decoration

3D wall panels allow you to quickly and effectively decorate walls in any room. Manufacturers offer a wide range. It is easy to choose the right option, taking into account the selected furniture finish or other decorative elements used in the design of a particular room.

When choosing a suitable pattern, you should familiarize yourself with the option of attaching 3D panels for walls in the interior. A photo of ready-made solutions will help you choose the right one for your home.

This finishing material has several advantages:

  • Ease of installation. There is no requirement for the alignment of the base;
  • Ease of use. To care for the walls, you can use a common household product. However, 3D panels made of wood or gypsum are subject to additional requirements for protection from external factors;
  • Environmental friendliness. For their manufacture, a material is used that can be used for interior decoration;
  • Good heat and sound insulation characteristics. Mounting the frame and laying the insulation in the formed space allows you to enhance the created effect;
  • visual extension available space;
  • Possibility of combination with other finishing materials.

3D panels can be:

  • Metallic. For their manufacture, as a rule, aluminum-based alloys are used. The planned three-dimensional drawing is obtained by perforation. The subsequent application of a polymer film improves the performance of the finishing material;
  • Glass. For the manufacture of such products, durable glass is used, the thickness of which is 0.5 cm;
  • From MDF. A special polymer film glued to the front surface ensures a long service life and moisture resistance of the formed coating;
  • Plastic. Presented in a wide range. Differ in small weight and long service life;
  • Wooden. The most expensive option. With the help of wooden 3D wall panels, you can beautifully decorate the wall in any room. The large weight of the products imposes increased requirements on the strength characteristics of the mounted structure;
  • Gypsum. Such products are suitable for dry rooms. With their help, you can increase the heat and sound insulation of the walls. The material does not burn, and therefore is suitable for decorating fireplaces. Installation of 3D gypsum panels requires special care, as this material is fragile. After fixing all the elements, the formed joints should be filled with a special putty.

Advice! If there is no suitable option among the finished products, you can buy molds for gypsum 3D panels and make products yourself.

The nuances of choosing decorative panels in rooms with special climatic conditions

Increased humidity and significant temperature fluctuations place increased demands on the characteristics of the facing material. When buying a facing material, you should check its compliance with regulatory requirements, as well as clarify the preferred installation option.

The main types of bathroom panels

Among the wall panels for the interior, PVC products are the most popular. In addition to PVC sheet products for wall decoration in rooms with a high level of humidity, you can purchase a facing material made from:

  • high pressure MDF;
  • Fiberboard with subsequent coating with a moisture-resistant film;
  • Chipboard, on which PVC film is additionally applied.

Waterproof slabs for walls most often have a mosaic design or. To simulate seams, a corresponding recessed pattern is provided. Products can be glossy and matte.

Moisture-resistant wall panels are made in the form of sheets, tiles or laths. The choice of the appropriate option depends on the pattern that is planned to be formed in the process of finishing the walls, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom. Facing material is able to protect the walls from grease

The pattern of the facing material may be different. Many people choose brick wall panels for the kitchen. However, if desired, you can order a monophonic version or any other pattern. Competent selection of texture will allow you to transform a small room, visually expanding its boundaries.

When choosing a decorative panel for the kitchen wall, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the product, but also to its performance. must protect the wall from the resulting drops of grease and excess water. Preference can be given to products, glass, fiberboard or chipboard, on which a special protective film is applied.

The most popular models and price of wall panels for interior decoration

Before you buy wall panels for interior decoration, you should get acquainted with the existing range and the cost of individual models. This will allow you to choose the best option not only in appearance, but also in cost. The price of wooden wall panels and those made from other materials depends on its geometric parameters and the manufacturer.

Model Image Material Package/product area, sq.m Average package price, rub.

KronaPlast Unique Brick

PVC8,1 3000

Vox Motivo Parete Bianco

PVC2,7 1200

Evrostar Savannah brown

MDF4,55 1 030

Glass0,36 3900

Buying wall panels for interior decoration will be cheaper if you simultaneously purchase all the material that is needed for facing work.


With the help of decorative panels for interior wall decoration, you can beautifully decorate any room. The choice of material should be made taking into account the operating conditions and cost. The most affordable option is PVC products. If you want to add uniqueness, you should pay attention to products made of glass, plaster or wood.

In search of original solutions for wall and ceiling decoration in a living room, some opt for decorative panels. Such material can serve as an element of decor, as well as the main decoration. There are many types of decorative panels, which in most cases are highly moisture resistant, heat resistant and soundproof.

If you have not yet made your choice, then you should find out some of the advantages of this wall cladding technology. Decorative panels for interior wall decoration perfectly hide all irregularities. This allows you to save when carrying out finishing work, namely, on leveling the walls with plaster mixtures. This article will discuss various options for decorative panels, the installation of which can be carried out in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and even the living room.

Types and characteristics of decorative wall panels

Wall cladding panels, unlike other finishing materials, have a lot of advantages. For their installation, it is not necessary to level the base. In a short period of time, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall can be processed. They are available in the market in many different shapes, sizes, textures and colors. Thanks to this, you will be able to choose exactly those panels that best suit the chosen style of the room.

There are three main types of decorative panels:

  1. Rack.
  2. Sheet.
  3. Tiled.

Rack. Their fastening is carried out with the help of special brackets. The width of the product can vary between 13.5–30 cm, the length is 0.9–3 m, and the thickness of the panel is 8–12 mm.

Tiled . The panel is square in shape. Standard tile sizes are 30×30 and 90×90 cm.

leafy . It resembles sheet plywood, on top of which a drawing is applied. The thickness of such a panel ranges from 3 to 6 mm, and the dimensions are 1.22 × 2.44 m.

For their manufacture, different materials are used:

  • Polyvinyl chloride.
  • Wood fiber board.
  • Chipboard.
  • Cork.
  • Wood.
  • Gypsum.

If we talk about the positive aspects of decorative panels, then here we can highlight the following:

  • Quick and easy installation. When fixing wall panels, there is no need to pre-prepare the walls. For their installation, it is enough to have nails, glue, wooden blocks, a stapler and other fastening material.
  • Versatility. In addition to their decorative role, they can serve as thermal and sound insulation.
  • Ease of maintenance. It is enough from time to time to wipe the surface of the decorative panels with a damp cloth.
  • Saving. Unlike the use of other finishing materials, wall cladding with panels is an economical option.
  • Design solutions. Decorative panels can be glued in different directions, for example, vertically, horizontally, diagonally and even in a diamond pattern.
  • Durability. The surface of the panels is resistant to mechanical stress.

Wooden panels

Solid wood decorative wall cladding panels are one of the popular finishes. Although there are many alternatives, this material does not lose demand. This is explained by the fact that it is environmentally friendly, and the texture of the tree conveys a special mood to others. Moreover, no material can successfully imitate the structure of wood.

They can be installed in almost any room: residential apartment, living room, restaurant, office. Plus, their installation is quite simple.

It is worth noting that the appearance depends on the method of processing the top layer. There are several methods for processing decorative panels:

  1. Varnishing. The varnish allows the wood to become more moisture resistant and have a more attractive appearance.
  2. Lamination. The surface of the wood is glossy, plus it acquires additional protective properties.
  3. Veneering. The veneer of valuable species of natural wood is applied to the tree. Such panels have a beautiful appearance.

Connection method

There are two mounting methods:

1st way- groove-comb. In this case, a tight docking of all elements is ensured. Also, this connection method allows you to create a single pattern.

2nd way- groove-groove. With this docking method, colors and stitching will not match.

Additionally, wooden decorative panels are decorated with skirting boards, slats and fillets.

Types of wood

For the manufacture of such panels, wood of such tree species is used: pine, cherry, beech, ash, spruce, cedar, alder, oak, maple. Each wood has its own unique texture. You can combine several types of wood in one panel, overlaying it in layers. To do this, there is a special technique, where layers of different types of wood are securely fastened under high temperature and pressure.

Types and differences

Today, several methods for the manufacture of decorative wooden panels are known, which are presented in the table:

The multi-layered wooden panel is the most common. The top layer is made of expensive wood veneer, and the middle layer is made of less valuable wood. In appearance, they completely resemble solid wood.

Glued panel. Coniferous trees are used. Works well in humid environments. There is no formation of fungi and mold.

Glued veneer panel. The product consists of several layers of thin veneer, which are glued together. To give the workpiece high strength, the layers are glued perpendicular to each other. Unlike a solid array, the cost of a glued panel is much lower. Most often, such a panel is used to finish the ceiling surface.

Veneered from chipboard. The top layer is made of natural veneer, and the inner layer is made of chipboard. The blanks are heavy, so they are rarely used.

Whole array. This is the most expensive material for decorative wall decoration. The pattern and texture correspond to the selected type of wood.


  • Great look.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Helps to keep warm.
  • Durability.
  • Easy installation.
  • Ease of processing.
  • The ability to hide certain communications.
  • After a while, you can repaint.

Among the shortcomings stands out:

  • Low level of moisture resistance.
  • High risk of fire.
  • The high cost of the decorative panel.

MDF and chipboard panels

Chipboard and MDF material differ in production technology. Unlike chipboard, decorative MDF panels are much better. This is explained by the use of high-quality binders in the production of MDF.

To make it easier to make a choice, taking into account all the features of the material, we compare MDF and chipboard with each other according to several criteria:


Comparison of fiberboard and MDF


In chipboard, harmful binder resins, urea-formaldehydes and phenol-formaldehydes, are used. Even in small quantities, they can adversely affect the human body. MDF panels, in turn, are made of natural materials.

moisture resistance

Both MDF and chipboard are coated with special water-repellent compounds. However, as a result of prolonged exposure to moisture, these materials begin to deteriorate. The only difference is that chipboard swells and warps faster than MDF.


The surface of the chipboard is uneven and porous. Therefore, for its painting, it is necessary to pre-treat it, clean it and putty it. As for MDF panels, their surface already has a special coating, so they are ready for painting and other processing right away.

fire hazard

MDF has a low level of resistance to high temperatures.

Features of decorative MDF panels

MDF panels are obtained as a result of the dry pressing of sawdust. The material is processed under high pressure and temperature. To make the material very high quality and resistant to wear, urea resins are added to it.

Panels made from MDF have the following advantages:

  • Easy installation.
  • Do not require special care during operation.
  • Before installation, there is no need to make serious surface preparation. The condition of the walls does not affect the quality of the finish.
  • The ability to mount panels in any direction: diagonal, across or along the wall.
  • The resulting under-panel space after installation work can be used for laying communications, for example, electrical wires, the Internet and others.

It is worth highlighting 3 types of MDF panels:

  • Whole-pressed.
  • Laminated.
  • Moisture resistant.

They differ in the method of production, technical characteristics and decorative properties. For example, all-pressed boards have a smooth surface on both sides. Laminated differ in that the front surface is covered with a thin polymer film. Due to this, resistance to mechanical stress, moisture, etc. increases. In this case, the film can have a variety of colors and designs.

As for moisture-resistant MDF panels, their production is carried out from a denser material. The basis is high-quality wood species. As a result, such panels are used for finishing baths, loggias, balconies and other rooms with a high level of humidity.

Decorative MDF panels also differ in the method of designing the front side:

  • Painted. The rough surface is treated with a special paint, which smooths out all the bumps and gives the product a glossy or matte look.
  • Glossy. The front side of the product is laminated with a transparent polymer film.
  • Veneered. They have the texture of real wood. This effect is achieved by applying a thin layer of wood veneer, up to 3 mm thick, to the MDF surface. In this case, you can use ash, oak and other tree species.

Features of decorative chipboard panels

Chipboard is obtained by pressing chips that are mixed with thermosetting resins. Its main advantages:

  • Resistance to mechanical influences.
  • Strength.
  • Low sound and heat insulation.
  • Ease of processing.
  • Low cost.
  • Easy installation.

Chipboard sheets are covered with veneer or laminated with special plastic. Several varieties are known:

  • Matte coating. The design is used for natural stone, wood textures or textiles.
  • Glossy surface. A design is used to imitate wood, stone, tile, marble and even floral patterns. As a coating, a special finish film coated with varnish can be used. It is resistant to scratches and abrasion.

It is also worth highlighting several varieties of decorative chipboard panels:


The panels are connected using the thorn-groove technology, and fixed to the crate with nails. This finish will support the weight of hanging accessories, shelves and other items. The dimensions of the product vary within the following limits: thickness 12 mm, width 12.5–30 cm, length 2.4–3.7 m.


They are attached to the wall on a rack frame with nails, self-tapping screws or using special glue. The dimensions of the decorative panel range from 300×300 to 980×980 mm.


They are glued to the wall with special glue or screwed onto the frame with self-tapping screws. The thickness of the decorative chipboard sheet panel is 6–8 mm, the length is 1.22–2.44 m. Additionally, the panels are finished with profiles, cornices, decorative corners, and the like.


It is mainly used for arranging a kitchen apron. In its production, a moisture-resistant plate with a finish coating of 6 to 12 mm is used. Given the peculiarity of the coating, openings for sockets and other communications should be done very carefully.

Chipboard boards are produced with different markings and quality classifications:

  • E1. Such boards contain at least 10 g of free formaldehyde per 100 g of dry chipboard. Such indicators are allowed for the production of furniture in the children's room.
  • U2. Such material can contain from 10 to 30 mg of free formaldehyde per 100 g of dry chipboard. In this case, the use of such boards for the production of furniture is prohibited.
  • Super E. The cooker of this classification is ultra-safe. They are recommended to be used for decoration of residential premises, children's rooms and in the manufacture of furniture.

Fiberboard panels

Fiberboard stands for fibreboard. Its production is carried out on the basis of wood waste. Various components must be added to the composition of the material. In appearance, they resemble ordinary pressed cardboard. There are 2 types of decorative fiberboard panels:

  1. Rigid.
  2. Soft.

Rigid fibreboard

Excellent mechanical load resistance and resistance to abrasion. Based on such technical characteristics, they are mounted on the balcony, toilet and in the corridor.

The presence of a polymer film on the panel allows for wet cleaning, even the use of detergents with the presence of chlorine. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the color of the panels does not change. Therefore, after a while, the fiberboard panels will remain unchanged.

Based on the design idea, decorative fiberboard panels can have a different finish: gloss, matte and textured finish.

Soft fiberboard

Visually, similar panels are no different from hard ones. The difference is in the method of their production, as well as in the technical characteristics. Their production is carried out exclusively from coniferous wood. Lignin, a special polymer composition, is used as a binder. This substance is extracted from the juice of resinous wood. Such panels are considered environmentally friendly.

Although this type of fiberboard is soft, it has excellent thermal and sound insulation properties. A panel thickness of 12 mm is equal to a wooden board of 450 mm.

The soft lining layer can be different:

  • Vinyl covering, reminiscent of wallpaper.
  • A layer of natural reed or linen covering.
  • Acrylic waterproof coating.

There is a huge opportunity to choose any colors, imitations and designs of decorative fiberboard panels.

Installation is carried out in the following ways:

  • For fastening to a wall - special glue.
  • To a wooden crate - with the help of staples and small nails.

Video comparing MDF, fiberboard and chipboard panels

PVC panels

PVC decorative panels are the most practical and in demand. This material is used for facing the walls of the bathroom, verandas, saunas, balconies and other rooms. This panel contains vinyl chloride polymer. Due to this, the material is resistant to chemical influences such as solvents, acids, alkalis, mineral oils.

There are several types of PVC panels:

Narrow oblong lining. 3 m long, 30 to 60 cm wide.

Tiled panel.

Square PVC panel. The size of the sides can reach 100 × 100 cm.

Among the positive aspects of this type of finish are the following:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • UV resistant.
  • Operational safety.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Easy installation.

When buying PVC panels, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. The drawing must not be damaged, and the panels themselves must be solid without any chips.

As for the fastening method, several methods are known:

1 method: on glue.

2 method: on self-tapping screws or nails.

3 method: clasps.

4 method: brackets.

As for the first technique, it is mainly used for mosaic PVC panels. Plus, this installation method is considered the fastest and cheapest. In all other cases, it is necessary to build a metal or wooden frame. If the room is with high humidity, the wood should be treated with special compounds, however, it is recommended to assemble a metal frame.

Mosaic panels are often used to decorate bathrooms. You can watch the prepared video about wall cladding with plastic wall panels in the bathroom:

The thickness of such a panel is about 1 mm. If there are columns in the interior of the room, then such bending panels will easily give them a finished look. They are used for finishing the ceiling, walls and work surfaces.

The table below shows several types of mosaic panels and approximate prices:

Dimensions of PVC panels

Depending on the type of decorative plastic PVC panel, they differ in their size:

Connection type

Panels are divided into several groups:

  • Embossed.
  • Seamless.
  • Having a chamfer or rust.

Seamless PVC panels are ideal for ceiling decoration. Due to the special connection, the joint is almost invisible. With a chamfer, they resemble the method of joining seamless panels. However, there is a chamfer in the end part. Rust means a decorative recess. They are used for finishing the ceiling / walls.

Relief panels are mainly used for walls. In appearance, they resemble lining, the cost of embossed lining is much higher.

Choosing a quality PVC panel

Considering that a large number of low-quality materials have appeared on the market among PVC panels, it is important to know what you should pay attention to. Even expensive goods are not always the best. There are a number of requirements in this area, which are presented in the table:




It is believed that high-quality PVC panels should have a thickness of at least 10 mm.

It is known that the panel, which has a large thickness, is able to withstand a large load. If we are talking about finishing the ceiling, then the thickness may be slightly less than 10 mm.

Face thickness

This indicator determines the ability of the panel to withstand a certain load. For example, it is able to prevent punching, withstand mechanical stress, shock, and so on. Pay attention to the fact that if stiffening ribs are visible on the panel through the front side, then this indicates its low quality. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it on the ceiling and, especially on the walls. However, many may be attracted by its low cost.

Stiffeners: stiffness, location, number

Everything is simple here: the more stiffening ribs the panel has, the better quality it is. This also affects the resistance of the product to mechanical stress.

Distance between stiffeners

Between the stiffening ribs in the panel should be no more than 10 mm. If the distance is large, then the risk of dent formation is very high. Accordingly, after mounting such a panel, all dents will be clearly visible.


Special attention is paid to the method and quality of painting PVC panels. Some manufacturers do not add one or another color pigment to the polymer mass when staining. As a result, this can lead to the formation of scratches that will be very visible. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the color of the panel will fade.


Installation of PVC panels in a residential area requires compliance with safety rules. Therefore, before buying, ask the seller to provide you with a quality certificate. Some manufacturers use toxic substances in their production, which can adversely affect health. It is worth noting that when unpacking the panels may have a specific smell. But if a panel that has been used as a sample for some time already has such a smell, be careful!

The greater the number of stiffeners and the thickness of the front side, the greater the weight of the PVC panel. If we talk about the standard weight, then it fluctuates around 1.5 kg / m 2. However, this is a conditional indicator, since much depends on the size and type of decorative panel.


Be sure to make sure that the connection method used in the panel you have chosen is reliable and of high quality.

The presence of chalk

Quality panels should contain no more than 20% chalk. The higher this index, the higher the brittleness of the material. Therefore, some unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to save money, add this component more than necessary.

Checking the level of chalk in a plastic panel is very simple. Slightly bend the corner of the panel. If a crack or a white strip appears, then the amount of chalk exceeds the standard. If the panel is plastic, then you can buy it.


Try to give preference to trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves on the positive side. Reviews on the forums about this or that material will help you make sure of this.

Gypsum panels

Gypsum decorative panels have replaced gypsum stucco. Moreover, they completely replaced the stucco, as this method of surface finishing is only suitable for classical design. The use of this material allows you to create corrugated surfaces, giving this or that room a beautiful appearance.

Among the advantages of gypsum decorative panels are the following:

  • Ease of installation. Gypsum is easily fixed to both horizontal and vertical surfaces. During production, the strict geometry of all parts is observed, thanks to which the resulting result will delight the eyes of aesthetes.
  • Long service life. Gypsum itself is resistant to various kinds of mechanical and other types of influences. Moreover, gypsum panels can easily cope with a small amount of moisture that has fallen on them. They easily cope with sudden changes in temperature.
  • Light weight. In the production of gypsum panels, lightweight gypsum is used. As a result, the installation process has no additional complications. In addition, walls or other surfaces do not experience additional load.
  • Environmental friendliness. The production of gypsum panels completely eliminates the use of harmful substances. Therefore, this facing material is suitable for residential premises, including a children's room.
  • High level of sound insulation. Extraneous noises from neighbors or from the street will not disturb you.
  • economy. This material can imitate quite expensive analogues, such as wood, stone, brick, and so on.
  • Heat saving. The existing heat inside the room will be better retained if the walls are lined with gypsum panels. Moreover, if the walls are thin, then the use of this material improves the quality of the insulation, and a pleasant microclimate will be created inside the room.
  • Low flammability. There are no flammable elements in the composition of gypsum panels. Therefore, their use is safe.

Thanks to the availability of modern equipment, today it is possible to produce gypsum panels of various shapes, designs and sizes. For example, oval, round, square, rectangular and other panels are known.

Depending on the type of gypsum panel, they may have different sizes. For example, the size of square panels can vary within the range of 0.2 × 0.2 m - 0.9 × 0.6 m. The thickness of such elements also varies from 18 to 36 mm.

One of the main advantages of gypsum panels is the possibility of repeated staining. Therefore, if the walls in your room are treated with gypsum panels, after a while you can change their color without much difficulty.

Video about gypsum panels

Cork panels

Cork decorative panels are light and durable material that is made from cork oak bark. In appearance, the material is presented in the form of a dense compressed mass with two polished surfaces.

This type of finish has its bright advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the table:



Ease of installation

If the cork is in doubt, then it does not immediately return to its original form.

Environmental friendliness. Cork has the ability to delay harmful radiation.

If dents form in the plug during operation, they are not restored.

Hygiene. The special structure of the finished cork does not contribute to the accumulation of dust, moisture and dirt in its structure.

It does not have high thermal insulation properties. This parameter can be compared with a wall carpet.

Noise isolation.

Only glued cork tiles cannot be moved. Therefore, everything must be done super-precisely.

Vibration isolation.

High price.


If handled carelessly, it can break through.

Eliminates the formation of mold, and the cork itself does not rot.


Resistant to UV rays. After a while, it does not change its color.

Wall decorative cork panels are used in a variety of rooms:

  • In the office.
  • In the living room.
  • In the children's room.
  • In the kitchen and other areas.

Although its cost is high, it fully justifies itself, since such wall decoration will last for many years.

Types and classification of cork panels

There are several types of cork coatings:

  • Roll.
  • Sheet. They can be square and rectangular.

As for sheet, they are of two types: type-setting and tiled. In the case of typesetting, they have a width of 100 mm, a length of up to 6 meters. Tiled ones also have different sizes from 300 × 300 mm to 980 × 490 mm. Given this diversity, you can create a variety of interior design elements that will please your eye.

Also, cork panels have different classifications for use. For example, they can be used to finish the floor, walls. There are insulating panels made of agglomerate. In order to increase the noise insulation properties, cork is used as a technical coating.

Some cork panels are made to be moisture resistant. They are faced with a double-sided laminated coating based on PVC, fiberboard, MDF. Chipboard-based cork panels are non-moisture resistant.

Today, 3D wall panels are widely used for fast and effective wall decoration. Thanks to this, you can create a variety of plots, combinations and more. You can combine decoration with furniture or other interior elements.

Wall 3D panels have a lot of advantages, unlike their counterparts. All the positive characteristics of this facing material are set out in the table:

Ease of installation

There is no need to create a perfectly flat wall surface. Minor flaws will not be able to spoil the overall appearance of the finish. There is a frame mounting technology. In this case, it is enough to make a rough finish, and then install and fix the frame.

Easy to operate

During operation, 3D panels can be washed with common household products. If wood or plaster was used as the material, then they will need more careful care.

Environmental friendliness

Natural materials can be used to create 3D decorative panels. For example, bamboo or other types of panels look beautiful.

Increased wall insulation

Attaching 3D panels to the wall surface increases the soundproofing properties. If you build a frame and put insulation in the space between the wall and the panels, then the level of sound insulation will be even higher.

Noise isolation

3D gypsum panels are especially distinguished by this property. As a result, the level of comfort increases significantly.

Room size adjustment

With the help of 3D panels, you can create various effects, for example, visually expand the room or raise the ceiling.

Ability to combine with other materials

The advantage of 3D panels is the ability to combine with other types of cladding. Thanks to this, special plots, textures and ranges of colors are created.

Types of 3D panels

A variety of materials are used for the manufacture of 3D wall panels. Each of them has its own technological features:

  • Gypsum. The material is relatively brittle. After installation, all joints are filled with a special putty. The surface of the panels can be painted in any color. If there is high humidity in the room, then it is not recommended to fix 3D panels on the walls. By itself, gypsum increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the wall. In addition, this material does not undergo combustion, so they are often used when facing fireplaces.
  • Metal. In addition to decorative properties, such panels are highly durable, reliable and safe. Such panels are mainly made of aluminum and its alloys. The planned three-dimensional pattern is applied to them by the perforation method. The blank is processed with a protective polymer film. So, you can immediately highlight several positive properties of such a finish: moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, fire safety. Panels are mounted on a prefabricated frame.
  • Glass. In this case, 0.5 cm thick glass is used. The glass is strong enough. In the event of its destruction, it does not form sharp fragments. A similar glass structure in a car.
  • MDF. Products are highly moisture resistant, as the front side is covered with a special polymer film. It also promotes long-term use.

  • Plastic. Based on polymeric materials. In terms of their functions, such panels are similar to aluminum. Thanks to them, you can create various pictures, as well as select different color schemes. Plastic 3D panels are resistant to sudden changes in temperature. The material itself is plastic, light weight and durable. Moreover, plastic allows you to implement the most complex patterns.
  • Wooden. These are the most expensive 3D panels. However, their high cost fully pays off with their beautiful appearance. They are distinguished by their exquisite design and at the same time sophisticated execution. At the same time, the panels have a fairly large weight.

Video about the use of wooden 3D panels


As acoustic panels, a special soundproof material is used. It is installed in apartments, cinemas, professional studios. They are made from a wide variety of materials, each of which gives the product special technical properties.

Among the positive aspects, the following can be distinguished:

  • Variety of sizes.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Efficiency.
  • Excellent soundproofing.
  • Variety of colors and styles.

They are made from various materials, both hard and soft. Very often they are based on MDF, fiberglass, plastic, wood, foam rubber, etc. They can be mounted on ceilings and walls. The surface of the panel is corrugated and smooth. In professional studios, corrugated ones are predominantly used. They contribute to the absorption of all unnecessary and extraneous noise. These panels improve the quality of the recording.

How to choose

Basically, you should determine the place of use of certain panels. For example:

  • Glass will look great in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Wooden in the bedroom and living room.
  • Gypsum in the big hall.

Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to the size of the panels. Thin and long panels visually expand and lengthen the room. If the panels are large, then they will look beautiful in large rooms.

Important parameters must be taken into account:

  • Toxicity.
  • Smoke generation.
  • Ignition.
  • Flammability.

You should choose those products where the level is the lowest and is indicated by "1", for example, flammability G1, toxicity T1, etc.

Among other things, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and panels without it. There must be no defects and all kinds of damage. Edges, corners and surface should not have any flaws. The protective coating must be free of scratches and bulges. If one batch is purchased, then the color of all panels must match.


Of course, the main selection criterion has always been and remains the price. Most people who start a renovation first of all evaluate their budget. On the Russian market there are various finishes that are in different price categories. You can find the most common models of wall decorative panels in the table below.