How often do you need to change water filter cartridges and how this happens. Rules for replacing different cartridges in water treatment systems How to change the oil filter

The filter (purifier) ​​becomes clogged over time, therefore, it must be changed. It is important to understand how to change the water purifier. There are different cleaning systems. Accordingly, a certain filtering technology is provided.

An important function of filters

Before you change the water filter, you should know what manufacturers and models are. There are a couple of varieties of filtering (maybe choose a jug?). When choosing, focus on the nozzle for the faucet. It should be easy to use. You will need to constantly change the cartridge. For most users, this is expensive, so often people buy a jug-shaped purifier. They deeply purify running water.

Their advantage is in their compact size, you can always take them with you on a trip to the country. In addition, you can buy a cartridge for receiving iodized or fluoridated water. The major disadvantage of pitcher cleaners is the size of the container, so you can get no more out of filtered water than the capacity of the container will allow. You need to wait until all the water has gone through the purification process.

More serious filtration systems are in demand. They are installed in the water supply system. At first, it should be cleaned from large inclusions - sand, metal particles from pipes, dirt, and then from microbes, bleach.

It is worth noting the following fact about disinfection. All people boil water to kill harmful chemicals. Therefore, some are still skeptical about purchasing a filter. They are quite satisfied with the boiling process.

Why is a filter needed?

Why do you need a filter and can you do without it? Boil - and all bacteria will die! However, here it is important to consider the problem of boiling in terms of bacteria and heavy inclusions in the water. Boiling kills both beneficial and harmful bacteria. In addition, in a boiled liquid, the concentration of non-volatile combinations is multiplied, because part of the liquid evaporates.

Undoubtedly, boiling destroys the smallest organisms. However, there are more harmful elements for the body in the water. And this is not E. coli, but much more harmful to the body of inclusion. What is it? Running water contains an abundance of additives (salts, minerals, etc.). If they are boiled, the chemical structure of substances changes. These modified elements enter the body together with twice boiled water. Therefore, pay attention to how many times you can boil water. Only once. If you boil the same liquid a second time, you will get heavy volatile inclusions, namely:

  • arsenic;
  • fluorine;
  • nitrates.

Filtration system options

By type of cleaning agent:

  • with replaceable component;
  • with sorbent (sand);
  • membrane composition;
  • mesh made of plastic or metal;
  • ozone coated cartridge.

By appointment:

  • mechanical cleaning;
  • remove cloudiness;
  • dissolved metal particles;
  • fluid softening;
  • microbial protection.

According to the method of taking water:

  • passive;
  • forced submission.

How to understand that the cleaner should be replaced

Remember that familiarity with the practical manual of the filtration system is good, but not enough. The cleaning system is equipped with a cartridge. It can be a jug or a reverse osmosis system. Cleaning parts need to be changed in time. The use of liquid that has passed through the cartridge with an exhausted working period will adversely affect the state of health.

When to change the cartridge:

  1. Taste. A person who has tried filtered water will see a significant difference with "raw" tap water.
  2. By sediment. After boiling the liquid that has passed through the cleaning system, scale is formed. You cannot drink such water.
  3. Pressure reduction. Here, the nozzles on the crane, reverse osmosis structures also matter. A decrease in pressure indicates that the cartridge has "exhausted its strength."

How to change your water purifier: step by step guide

  1. Turn off the water supply (to remove organochlorine compounds).
  2. We use the faucet that comes with the cleaner.
  3. Unscrew the bottom of the filter. Release the pressure first with the button. It's on top of the filter.
  4. We take out the old cartridge and examine the condition of the rubber seals. When they have a soft and flexible state, then you should not worry. They can be used for the next time. We remove them and wash them.
  5. We remove fragments of the liquid from the flask, rinse it. Rinse without adding any chemicals. 5. After the procedure with the flask, we wipe the available spare parts of the filter head.
  6. We put a fresh cartridge into a clean flask.
  7. We twist the flask until it stops. To do this, we use the key.

When the process of changing the purifier is over, you can not drain the treated water and drink it for 10 minutes.

Liquid Coarse Purifier

It is impossible to call absolutely pure and transparent water. It may include impurities invisible to the naked eye. Mechanical impurities are harmful to humans, equipment and pipes. Harmful impurities can be deposited in the gastrointestinal tract. Such particles act on the pipe walls as abrasives. The housing contains filter materials, meshes or other components. They are designed to contain such particles. The procedure is simple: it flows through the device and the cleaning component, and the inclusions remain.

Fine cleaner

With the help of rough purification, the water will not be purified enough. Especially for such purposes, I use the fine cleaning option. Thanks to this cleaning method, you can not worry about the condition of the plumbing.

As a cleaning material use:

  • ion exchange resins;
  • reverse osmosis membranes;
  • sorption materials.

Difficulties with the replacement of working components do not appear: the service life depends on the volume of clean water or on the duration of use.

Filter selection

  1. Before buying, find out the composition of running water. The type of filter and its cartridges depend on the concentration of malicious elements.
  2. A pitcher or faucet attachment will do.
  3. When you have a large family, more than three people, a dispenser will do.
  4. When the pipes are old, then buy a main device. It provides corrosion protection.
  5. When the water is very dirty, then a reverse osmosis system will do. It is important to choose a mineralizer here.
  6. Check the system back at the mall: the cleaner should be strong, without damage. There should be no unpleasant odors coming out of it.
  7. The system must be hermetically sealed.
  8. Change the cartridge in time. When the filter parts are dirty, they need to be rinsed.

Cleaning steps

  • First stage. The mechanical cleaner is designed to remove mechanical impurities;
  • Second step. The option of using chlorine cleaning, then you should choose coal cleaners. It is better to use cartridges with granular carbon. They stop the development of microorganisms in the depth of the backfill - improving the quality;
  • The third stage is the final coal cleaning.

Rating of water purification systems

There are many filter designs on the market. Therefore, the choice of filter must be taken responsibly. How to choose a reliable cleaning system? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with such manufacturers.


There are various cleaning systems on the market. One of the latest models is the stationary cleaning structure "Ultra Bio", which in 3 stages cleans from organic impurities, but from microorganisms. "Ultra Bio" combines a couple of types of cartridges for ultimate cleansing. At the same time, it acquires crystal purity and a mild taste. Installation of the presented model is simple, does not require special exercises. It is worth installing the block on the section of cold water pipes, twist it with sealant. Cartridge replacement is performed on the outside of the device. valve is used. Price from 8 thousand rubles.


Cleaning structures of this brand are distinguished by high efficiency, ease of use. The company has been manufacturing cassettes for domestic filter jugs for a long time. However, it smoothly turned on the innovation - a model from the line of membrane cleaning systems - "Barrier Expert". This is a two-stage flask with different kind of material. At the 1st stage, the process of purification from heavy metals and bleach takes place. At stage 2, the process of neutralizing toxic elements takes place. Price from 3 550 rubles.


There are simple and installation cleaning devices on the market. The company has been on the market for 15 years. The range of the manufacturer has expanded from cleaning cassettes for pitchers to production units for meticulous cleaning. The Trio cleaner is especially famous, where the liquid is processed in 3 stages. This model is placed under the sink. Price from 12 thousand rubles.


The manufacturer is not as well known as other companies, not advertised. Employees of the company argue that the main advantage is not in advertising, but in the high quality of devices for purifying running water. And it really is. One of the best-selling modifications of this brand is Slim Line. The cleaning structure belongs to the main type of cleaning. They put the system on the wells. Price from 4 thousand rubles.


The company has been producing cleaning devices for over 20 years. When before the company was engaged only in industrial and production structures. There are series of shower heads, kitchen faucets on the market. From a functional point of view, the system works according to the “cumulative” principle. This is a plastic dispenser that defines two degrees of cleaning fiber and a small compartment for the purified liquid. Price from 5 thousand rubles.

Filters effectively cope with the purification of running water. If the life of the cartridge has been exhausted, then it is worth replacing it immediately. And only then deal with the question of how to change the water filter. Stage I (mechanical cleaning) can be from foamed polypropylene. For drinking filters, the first type of polypropylene is selected. The cleaning level does not have to be higher than 5 microns. Such cartridges provide fine purification of the liquid.


Regular replacement of filters and filter elements is important for the stable operation of the car and increasing its service life. The most common signs that any filter needs to be replaced are:

  1. Reduced vehicle power.
  2. Increase in fuel consumption.
  3. Sudden stop of the engine.

In the worst case, if the filter is not replaced in a timely manner, the engine will not start.

What filters need to be changed in the car

  1. . Provides filtration of air entering the engine. Eliminates small and large foreign particles. In cars with injection engines, it is located on the engine. In cars with carburetor engines, it is located inside the air collector.
  2. . Provides filtration of engine, lubricating and transmission oils. It is located on the front or rear side of the cylinder block, depending on the type of engine.
  3. . Protects car fuel from foreign impurities. It is located between the pump and the fuel tank.

How often do you need to change filters in your car?

The replacement interval depends on the type of device as well as the operating conditions.

  1. The air filter should be replaced every 10,000 km.
  2. The installation of a new oil filter is carried out together with an oil change every 15,000 km. With regular use of cars in urban areas, this figure is reduced to 10,000 km.
  3. The fuel filter is changed once every 20,000 km. This number can be reduced to 8 or 10 thousand km, depending on the operating conditions of the car.

Replacing filters in a car: a quick guide

How to change the air filter

Replacing this filter is the simplest procedure. To do this, you will need a Phillips screwdriver or socket wrench. See also detailed instructions.

  1. Put the car on the parking brake.
  2. Unscrew the filter housing cover.
  3. Remove the used filter element.
  4. Remove dust and dirt from the filter housing.
  5. Install a new filter element, wide side up and press it firmly with the cap.

Fuel filter replacement instructions

Strict adherence to safety regulations is required. We recommend that you read the detailed instructions. This procedure is quite complicated. If you are unsure of your experience, contact any service center.

  1. Raise the car with a jack and install supports.
  2. Relieve the fuel rail pressure by pulling the fuel pump fuse.
  3. Remove the negative terminal from the battery.
  4. Disconnect the fuel line.
  5. Remove the old fuel filter.
  6. Install a new filter.
  7. Connect the fuel line.
  8. Install the fuel pump fuse.
  9. Reconnect the negative terminal.

How to change the oil filter

Now almost every apartment has filters for water purification. They include cartridges that become dirty over time and cease to cope with their task. Therefore, you need to know how to change the water filter.

Filter replacement

Cleaning filter devices Geyser and Aquaphor are the most popular among the population. Periodically it is necessary to replace the cartridges in the filter. Each has its own throughput, it is expressed in liters.

Cartridge devices are considered the most common. To understand how to change the filter, you need to know its design. Often the cartridge is in the form of a cylinder. It is made of filter material: activated carbon, polyethylene, etc. The method depends on the task performed by the device. Among them are:

  • mechanical cleaning;
  • removal of chlorine and organic compounds, etc.

The cartridge has a cavity that purifies the water. It is closed with rubber rings on the front side, which does not apply to mechanical devices. Rubber seals are adjacent to the protrusions present on the body. They prevent the passage of source water into the channel of purified water. The bottom of the device is called the flask. It is threaded to the top of the filter.

How to replace the cartridge

At first, the process will seem long. To simplify it, you should use a simple step-by-step instruction. The filter comes with a special manual. It should contain a detailed description of the replacement of the water filter in the apartment.

However, for most devices, the procedure algorithm will be approximately the same:

  1. You can turn off the fluid supply if the filter element has a tap. It needs to be covered. In other cases, shut off the supply completely.
  2. Then you need to unscrew or remove the flask. The unscrewing side can be seen in the device diagram in the instructions. If internal pressure prevents this, press the reset button. It is at the top of the device. You can open a faucet with clean water. When the container does not unscrew, check for a pointer on the side.
  3. After removing the glass, remove the used cartridge. Check rubber seals. They are located in front of the thread. Less elastic ones do not need to be replaced. Seals must be thoroughly rinsed. When the rubber becomes stiff, it should be updated. To keep the seal longer elastic, it must be lubricated with silicone grease. Processing should be done every time the cartridges in the filter device are replaced. Vaseline will work too.
  4. If there are no soft elastic bands, you will have to twist the device longer. When making an effort, you should not forget about accuracy. It's easy to break a key in a hurry.
  5. Pour the water out of the flask and rinse it. Rust and slime of bacteria form on the walls. It is necessary to rinse the container without detergents so that they do not get into the water. Surfactants can interfere with subsequent cleansing. Wipe accessible tops.
  6. Place a new cartridge into a clean flask and install it back by tightening it with a wrench. When installing the membrane water filter cartridge, fill the container. Otherwise, air bubbles will violate the integrity of the membrane. Install the remaining parts without filling.
  7. Check tightness of connections. Open the faucet and see if water seeps out. If it leaks, tighten the flask more tightly. If this does not help, check the seal. Sometimes it needs to be replaced. Drain the water for 10 minutes to wash off the settled dust from the filter material.

The frequency of changing water filters depends on the characteristics of the tap water. It is not recommended to renew cartridges too often, this will lead to unnecessary expenses. Infrequent replacement will cause the device to stop functioning properly.

Coal devices require special attention. They have a rubber gasket. It cannot be moved to the side. The order in which the filtering devices are placed is of great importance. In membrane systems, a cartridge with a mesh size of 5 microns should be installed first. The last element should be 1 micron.

Instructions for self-replacing the cartridge in the main filter

Anyone can change the filtering device of the main type. Periodically, he needs to update the cassettes. You can use the instructions above, but there are a couple of differences:

  1. Shut off the water supply completely.
  2. The flasks are washed in a separate container with water.

The manufacturer's kit should include keys for dismantling. If they are not available, you should purchase similar ones. Now many are interested in how to unscrew the water filter flask and how to replace filters in order to unscrew the flask without a key. Experts do not recommend doing this with other devices. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the flask.

How to unscrew the coarse water filter

Now it is difficult to find a person who does not have a water filter in the apartment. City dwellers often choose a device with a coarse cleaning system. They perfectly purify water from various contaminants. The most common are calcium salts.

The main advantage of the coarse filter is considered to be a simple design. It allows the device to work as efficiently as possible. Some do not know how to change this type of water filter. The main difficulty is unscrewing the stuck nut. Due to prolonged use, it becomes one with the pipe.

Unscrewing the thread is extremely simple. However, excessive use of physical force will damage the nut or the device itself. Then pollution will get into the pipe, and this threatens the appearance of many problems.

Unscrewing the device should be done only with a ring or gas wrench.

You can clean it without dismantling if you get access to the grid. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • process the junctions of WD-40;
  • fix the gas key on the device case;
  • throw the key on the lid;
  • make a sharp movement to shift the cover and carefully remove it.

If WD-40 is not available, you can take a lubricant for threaded connections. It must be penetrating. There is also an alternative solution. Professionals advise putting a rag pre-soaked in kerosene on the filter connection.

Even in apartment buildings, it is desirable to clean the water from the tap. For this, either compact jug fixtures or full-fledged flow systems are used. For high-quality full-fledged cleaning, timely replacement of the cartridge in the water filter is required.

How often should cassettes be changed

The frequency of filter replacement depends on the intensity of water use

The replacement of cleaning cartridges in filter systems is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for each type of installation. They are regulated by the volume of water consumed over a period of time. To understand how often you need to change water filters, you should read the general recommendations:

  • Classic pitcher cartridges are changed once a month (for a family of 3-4 people) and once every two months (for 2 people in a house).
  • When using a flow-through reverse osmosis system, it is necessary to change the filter elements at least once every six months. It is important to take into account that even with low-intensity operation of the water supply system, passive contamination of sorption backfills occurs. Room temperature also contributes to this. If the room is always very warm, organics can settle in the cartridges. With regular replacement of sorption backfills, the membrane of the filtering system works for a long time and without failures.
  • In a multi-stage purification system, there are several separate flasks. Each of them performs its own filtering function. The most important is a polypropylene cartridge for rough mechanical cleaning of liquid from suspensions. It is advisable to change it every 2-3 months. For cassettes of the 2nd and 3rd stages of filtration (iron removers, softeners), a change is shown every 3-5 months.
  • Membrane elements can be changed every 1-2 years.
  • It is advisable to install new mineralizers that saturate the water every 6-8 months.

Signs that you need to replace an ink cartridge

When the filters are dirty, the water pressure drops.

There are several important signs by which the average user can understand that it is time to upgrade the filter elements of the system.

  • The pressure of water in the faucet has become much less. This applies to both flow systems and nozzles. A decrease in the volume of the supplied liquid indicates a dense clogging of the cleaning substances / elements.
  • Unpleasant or unusual taste of water. If the owner of the apartment has been using the purified liquid for a long time, he knows its taste characteristics well and will notice the slightest changes. If the water again takes on the shades of the main water supply, it's time to change the treatment elements of the installation.
  • Changed the color of the resource fed into the faucet. This is especially true of borehole or well water, which is iron-free or other mechanical filtration is carried out. If the liquid has again acquired a characteristic shade of yellowness, turbidity, it is time to change the cartridge.
  • The appearance of a whitish film on the surface of hot drinks or the formation of scale in the dishes. These signs indicate an increased mineralization of the resource. It's time to take care of updating the filter unit.

The importance of timely replacement of cleaning elements is due to the following:

  • The more water passes through one cassette, the worse it performs its functions. Particles of filtered impurities clog the pores of the sorption filling, the membrane. Over time, water will either push them into the overall system, or simply not be able to pass through a clogged barrier. The user will receive the most dirty liquid or not see it at all.
  • The continuous use of one cleaning element without replacement can eventually lead to the breakdown of an expensive system (rupture of the membrane). You will have to buy and install a new complex.

To replace cassettes in reverse osmosis installations, it is better to invite specialists who installed filters.

The process of installing a new cartridge yourself

You can easily replace the cassette in the jug filter with your own hands. They operate in the following sequence:

  • New packaging is opened. Try not to shake the new cartridge.
  • Unscrew the old cassette counterclockwise.
  • The new element is washed with running water, holding it vertically.
  • Screw the cartridge clockwise until it stops.
  • The receiving compartment of the jug is filled with tap water and this volume is allowed to pass through the cassette completely. The purified liquid is poured into the sink. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 such preliminary cleanings so that dust and air residues are washed out of the carbon layers of the filter.

In the flow system installed on the main line of the apartment under the sink, the cleaning element is replaced as follows:

  • The fluid supply to the installation should be restricted. You can turn off the water completely to the apartment.
  • You need to open the water supply tap in the kitchen to reduce the pressure in the system. This will make the filter easier to remove.
  • The next step is unscrewing the flask. This is done with a special key, which should initially be included with the installation.
  • Carefully remove the old filter from the flask. In this case, it is important to substitute a container under it so that the remaining water flows there.
  • The empty flask is washed with running or purified water.
  • It is important to check the integrity of all rubberized elements. They are also recommended to be washed and installed in the reverse order.
  • A new cassette is inserted into a clean flask and filled with prepared water. This is done so that the oxygen bubbles in the liquid and the cartridge cannot damage the membrane.
  • It remains to screw the flask into place with a key until it stops.

At this stage, you can open the water supply to the taps and monitor the cleaning process. It is important that there are no leaks between the flask and the filter head.

How to deal with a used filter

Used cartridges are recycled

It is advisable not to simply throw away used cartridges enclosed in polymer casings in the trash. At a minimum, it pollutes the environment with slowly decomposing plastic. The situation is worsened by all the impurities in the flask. It is advisable to hand over the cartridges to special collection points. For example, shops specializing in the sale of treatment plants accept for recycling:

  • cartridges from jugs Aquaphor or Barrier;
  • used filters for washing OSMO-Crystal, Aquaphor, etc.

These elements use recyclable plastic labeled PP Moplen HP500N. At special factories, any other household supplies will be made from it. By handing over such cassettes for recycling, the consumer saves the planet from global pollution.

To send used items into the hands of professionals, you need to do the following:

  • Make sure that the polymer or packaging for the cartridge has the appropriate marking PP Moplen HP500N.
  • Find the nearest Aquaphor brand store to the house and return the filter there.

For responsible users, the store offers a 10-15% discount on the current price for the purchase of the next new module.

Many motorists change the filters in their cars themselves, and the reason for this is not only the economy. There are many cases when the "specialists" of unscrupulous car services installed a new oil filter incorrectly or did not change it at all, taking advantage of the carelessness and gullibility of the client. Although they took money both for the spare part and for the work itself. In this article, we will analyze in detail the question of how to properly change the oil filter, and also consider some related operations.

How to remove the oil filter

The first problem that motorists often face when they first decide to take on an independent oil filter change is how to unscrew it from the cylinder block or remove it from the housing? Indeed, in the car service everything looked extremely simple: the master threw a special key on the filter housing or cover and turned it with a slight movement of the hand. But most car owners do not have such a key.

If replacing the oil filter with your own hands is not a one-time event for you, but a regular procedure, then it is better to get a special key. Two or three replacements of the oil filter will fully pay for it, and the procedure itself will be noticeably simplified.

If there is no such key - it does not matter! There are several effective and relatively simple ways to dismantle the oil filter that do not require a specialized tool and are available to almost any car owner.

Only in some car models it is possible to replace a filter made in its own housing without leaking a significant amount of oil. Therefore, we first drain the oil. Then choose the most suitable of the following methods.

    Sandpaper. One of the most common and clean methods for those cars where it is possible to freely get close to the filter with your hands. Most modern filter housings have smooth surfaces, which are often smeared with oil during installation or operation of a car. Therefore, taking into account the strong tightening, it is rather problematic to turn them by hand - they simply slide off. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that access to the filter is often limited, it is not necessary to talk about a comfortable grip with good emphasis. In this case, simply wrap the filter with sandpaper (abrasive to the body). Coupling force will increase significantly. Your hands will stop slipping, and this will allow you to unscrew the filter.

    If there is a choice, then it is better to use sandpaper on a fabric basis and with a large grain. A paper backing with a fine abrasive will also work, but it's not very comfortable to use and doesn't adhere as well to the smooth metal case.

    Attachment drive belt or timing belt. Another well-known and effective way. Choose the softest and widest belt, put it on the filter housing, clamp it with force and turn it by the free end. Some motorists use a more advanced version of this method: the free end of the belt is clamped in a metal tube or wound on a ring wrench. It turns out something like a lever, which simultaneously squeezes the belt (increases grip strength) and increases the applied force.

    Large clamp or hand vise. An easy way for those who have this tool. Firmly clamp the filter housing and unscrew it by applying force to the tool (which is much easier than to a smooth cylindrical housing).

    It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can push a hole in the filter housing, which will lead to oil leakage and contamination of the engine compartment elements. Therefore, it is better to put rubber bands between the vise jaws (clamps) and the filter.

    Screwdriver, large awl, or any other sharp and strong tool. Dirty way, which is used only in extreme cases. To remove the oil filter, punch through it perpendicular to the axis. Important: calculate the breakdown point and the angle of entry of the tool so that it is possible to make at least a quarter of a turn using the resulting lever. Do not forget to substitute some kind of container at the same time, as oil will flow out of the filter.

After removing the oil filter, it is recommended to immediately install a new one in order to exclude the possibility of foreign contaminants entering the lubrication system. Or, if a certain time elapses between removal and installation, cover the filter holes with a clean, lint-free rag.

If you need help choosing a new oil filter, contact the website specialists.

How to change the oil filter correctly

Before installing a new filter, be sure to check the pressure for which its bypass valve is designed. This information is usually indicated on the case or box. Oil filters for many cars are mutually compatible in terms of mounting threads, however, the pressure to open the bypass valve may be different. And if a filter with a critical pressure of 1.4 bar is placed in a system where the valve must open, for example, at 1.8 bar, then the filtration efficiency will drop sharply. Oil will almost constantly flow around the filter element.

Inspect the seating surface under the filter - there should be no burrs or burrs on it. If there are, then carefully sand with sandpaper, as they can tear the gasket, which will cause oil to leak. If remnants of the old gasket or other foreign elements are found on the seating surface, they must also be carefully removed. Then lubricate the gasket on the end surface of the filter housing with a thin layer. Don't overdo it, just enough to leave a slight sheen of oil.

Screw the filter into place with good force. Remember that it should not unscrew under any circumstances. However, pressing it with all your might is also not worth it - this way you can damage (squeeze out or tear) the gasket, collapse the case or, even worse, pull or even break the thread.

When replacing engine oil filters, it is still practiced to pre-fill the housings with oil. In fact, it is not necessary to fill the filter with oil, it is even contraindicated. First, you will stain the motor when installing it. Some of the oil will still spill out, no matter how dexterous you are. Second, it still doesn't make any sense.

Why is it pointless to pour oil into a new filter? The lubrication system is emptied when the filter is removed, and after installation and starting the engine, it is refilled with a pump. If there is already oil in the filter, then immediately after starting the engine, it will be pumped into the system by the pump. Part of the line from the pump to the filter is closed, and the oil filling the intake channel will begin to put pressure on the existing air between the pump and the filter. Because of this, several air plugs are formed in the system at once: between the oil that goes into the system from the filter and is distributed through the channels under air pressure, and the lubricant flow that is pushed through, taken by the pump. This will reduce the efficiency of the system for a while. If the filter is empty, then a column of oil from the crankcase rising under pressure will evenly fill the entire line.

If during the operation of the car the oil pressure light at idle flashes periodically or does not go out for more than 5 seconds immediately after starting, then it is better to purchase an oil filter of a different brand or from another seller.

On vehicles where the oil filter is available as a replaceable cartridge, replacement is usually not an issue. Unscrew the top cover of the housing and change the filter element. Do not confuse the top with the bottom if the filter has an orientation on your car model, and if necessary, replace the rubber gasket between the cover and the body.

In this case, it is possible to replace the oil filter without changing the oil. Firstly, the price of an oil filter is disproportionately small compared to the cost of repairing an engine. Secondly, even the filter manufacturers themselves say that after 5-8 thousand kilometers the filter element becomes quite clogged, the cleaning efficiency decreases, and the oil begins to pass through the bypass valve more and more often. At the same time, with such runs, the oil itself often remains quite suitable. Therefore, some motorists prefer to change the oil filter without draining the oil after 7-8 thousand kilometers on diesel cars and after 4-5 thousand kilometers on gasoline ones.

Replacing the oil filter housing and gasket

On many cars, only the filter element changes, and the oil filter housing remains non-replaceable. There is a certain convenience and savings in this. After all, the cartridge is cheaper than the entire filter together with the housing and valves.

However, this design of the lubrication system is associated with some other difficulties, for example, replacing the oil filter housing or gaskets under it. The oil filter housing changes infrequently; on some cars, it also performs the function of a heat exchanger. Basically, its replacement is due to thermal deformation of the metal, crack or destruction of fastening points.

But the gasket under the body is a more vulnerable and short-lived element. There are a number of car models in which this gasket is a real disease. And they change it with enviable frequency.

How to change oil filter gaskets correctly? For each car, this process is associated with certain subtleties. Below we will give some general tips that will help you avoid common mistakes when performing this operation.

    First, find out if the oil filter housing on your car's engine is also a heat exchanger. That is, whether the cooling system line passes through it. If so, be sure to drain the antifreeze before dismantling the housing so that it does not spill and, more importantly, does not enter the crankcase through the oil channels.

    After removing the housing, carefully inspect the seating surface. There are cases when replacing the gasket did not eliminate the leak, since there were metal defects on the seating surface. Also, carefully remove the remnants of the old gasket and coked oil, if any.

    Wait until the antifreeze is completely drained; ideally, wipe it almost dry in the canal. Even a small amount of coolant in the oil can significantly reduce the anti-foam qualities of the oil.

    Before installing the housing, be sure to lubricate the gasket with a thin layer of grease or oil. When tightening the bolts, the gasket should sit freely on the seating surface. Otherwise, it can catch on the roughness of the cylinder block, warp or even tear.

    First, tighten all the mounting bolts without force, until a noticeable resistance to twisting appears. Just tighten them up afterwards. This will avoid distortion and deformation of the gasket.

And be sure to look for information on how to properly change the filter housing on your particular car. Often this operation is associated with the dismantling of attachments or other individual engine parts. In such cases, without experience and detailed instructions, it will be difficult.

Replacing the oil filter in an automatic transmission is a separate topic, rather complicated and voluminous, so we will not consider it in this article.

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