A gas heater is a cheap heating option for a garage. Garage heaters: types, operating features Which gas heater to choose for a garage

For experienced motorists, the question of heating or not heating the garage is decided unambiguously. If there is such an opportunity, then in the winter it is necessary to heat. Saving on heating leads to only one thing - an increase in operating costs as a result of accelerated engine wear during its cold start and premature failure of individual parts and components of the car. In addition, a heated box makes it possible to equip the garage with a year-round home workshop and a place to store things that for some reason are not in demand in a residential area.

Gas heater for garage.

Garage heating methods and the advantages of gas heaters

There are several options for heating garage boxes:

  • stationary centralized or autonomous heating;
  • electric convectors and;
  • liquid fuel heaters;
  • gas installations for heating.

Each of these methods of heating garage rooms has its own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, we will consider only gas heaters for garages for several reasons.

Firstly, the stationary heating option is not available to everyone and not always. Secondly, gas is a much cheaper fuel than electricity and much more convenient than liquid. Thirdly, if there is a gas interchange next to the box, then after walking around the authorities a little, you can organize heating not from liquefied gas cylinders, but with the help of a centralized supply of blue fuel. What is more convenient and even cheaper.

As for safety, modern gas heaters with open and closed combustion chambers are equipped with reliable automation that instantly shuts off the gas supply when combustion stops. Another argument is the relatively low price and quick payback of portable gas heating installations.

Types of gas heaters

The principle of obtaining thermal energy for all gas installations is the same - the combustion of natural or liquefied gas. In terms of power for heating small garages, devices from 1.5 to 10 kW are on the market. When purchasing equipment, it should be borne in mind that for each declared kilowatt of power, up to 100 ml of gas will be required for one hour of operation. The exact data is indicated in the passport for the heater.

Gas garage heater UK-5. Fuel propane-butane. Thermal power 4.2 kW. Weight 3 kg. Manual ignition. Fuel consumption 0.3 kg/h.

In addition, with the active combustion of gas fuel in the atmosphere of the room, the concentration of oxygen decreases and the content of carbon dioxide increases, which dictates the need for constant ventilation of the room during the operation of stationary or portable gas equipment.

The main difference between all gas heaters is the method of transferring the received heat (thermal energy) to the heated room. On this basis, convection and infrared heaters are distinguished.

Structurally, all gas heaters for the garage can be divided into several types.

  1. heat gun. Gas and combustion air are supplied to a closed or open combustion chamber, and the fan blows through its walls. As a result, heated air quickly spreads throughout the garage. The advantage is the high speed of creating comfortable conditions in the garage. But speed is also a drawback: the walls, the car itself and other items in the garage practically do not heat up, warm air quickly evaporates, and the raised dust remains in the air and settles on all surfaces.
  2. Convectors. The gas is fed and burned into an insulated combustion chamber. Combustion air and removal of combustion products is carried out through lines that lead outside the garage. The air in the garage is heated by contact with the surface of the combustion chamber, which has a significant area. A vertical channel for air movement is formed by using a protective casing. Unlike heat guns, this type of room heating contributes to a more uniform heating of the room. Not only the air has time to heat up, but also the walls in the garage, which then give off heat to the room.
  3. Catalytic heaters. Heat is produced without the classic open flame combustion process. Thermal energy is released as a result of the use of catalytic materials during the oxidation of the gas-air mixture. Lattices, powders and granules containing platinum and other similar chemical elements of the same group are used as catalysts. The process is technically organized in such a way that there are practically no combustion products.
  4. Ceramic heaters. Ceramic plates act as an element that directly heats the garage space. Their heating is carried out directly by the flame obtained by burning gas.

Conventionally, all of the above heaters can be attributed to heaters of the convection principle of operation. Compared to electric convectors, they are more expensive, but their operation, due to the cheapness of "blue fuel", pays for the difference in price within one season.

UK-10 Neoclima at Leroy Merlin.

  1. Infrared heaters. The main advantage of the heater in the infrared range is that it is not the air that is heated, but the surfaces and all objects in the garage. Air is heated already from the walls and heated equipment. Such heat lasts longer and provides the most comfortable conditions for a person and a car. A relative disadvantage of this type of device is the need for the correct choice of power and proper installation of the heater. As a rule, such heaters are mounted on the ceiling and equipped with reflectors for optimal distribution of the radiated heat.

In conclusion, once again about safety. There is a risk of ignition, explosion or poisoning during the operation of gas heaters for the garage, but only in case of gross violation of the rules for operating the installations. According to statistics, there are no more accidents and accidents in gas installations than in electric or liquid ones. As for the fire hazard, fires due to faulty electrical wiring are leading by a wide margin.


Installation of a heating system in the garage is an urgent need. If we take into account the costs associated with servicing a car standing in an unheated box (purchase of antifreeze, rapid wear of the engine and running gear, increased fuel consumption required to warm up the interior and engine) - it becomes obvious that a one-time investment in creating a heating system will fully pay off . To solve the issue of heating, you can install an infrared heater in the garage.

Is it possible to heat a garage with an infrared heater

Heating a garage with an infrared ceiling, wall or mobile heater is not only an expedient, but also a cost-effective solution.

A feature of the equipment is the use of infrared rays for heating. As a result, it is not the air in the room that is heated, but the surface of objects located near the unit. A person feels warm immediately after turning on the unit. With the help of IR emitters, it is quite possible to heat both a small and a roomy box.

Infrared gas heater for permanent heating of the garage is designed for rooms used as car workshops. The performance of the gas installation is quite enough to create and maintain a comfortable temperature. If you install a programmable thermostat, you can automate the heating process as much as possible and reduce costs by approximately 40-50%.

Provided that there is no need to heat the garage itself, installations for spot, local heating with a power of approximately 1 kW are chosen.

Types of garage infrared heaters

In the garage, you can put IR heaters powered by electricity and gas, industrial and domestic types, used as general or local heating.

Industrial IR Emitters

The main purpose of the installations is to heat rooms with a ceiling height of 3 to 8 m. They are optimally suited for heating garage boxes, car services, car washes, tire fitting points and private car repair shops. Work on electricity, diesel fuel and gas.

There are several types of installations:

  • Light heaters- are called so due to the fact that the flask responsible for the infrared radiation, in the process of heating, is red-hot. The gas combustion temperature is 800-1000°C.
  • Dark heaters– work at a temperature of 350-400°C. They have a smaller radius of the dangerous heating zone, which is especially convenient when the garage space is limited. The minimum safe distance for the radiation source is 2.5-3 m.

In addition to these features, when choosing an industrial installation, attention should be paid to the radiation characteristics. For a garage, it is better to choose wall-mounted infrared heaters using long-wave radiation.

Household emitters

Especially popular is the heating of the garage with the help of an infrared heater of a household type. The unit is used for local heating. Often the emitter is installed directly above the hood of the car. Even with a strong drop in temperature, the engine will not freeze, so starting the car will be much easier.

Ceiling infrared heaters can be used to heat the garage, as well as portable models on tripods, as a local or general heating system. Some modifications are specially made in the form of ceiling panels built into the cladding.

What brand of infrared heater is better to put in the garage

When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of heating equipment. High-quality emitters are produced by both European and domestic companies. Chinese manufacturers often offer budget, but not very reliable options.

Electric infrared heaters for garage wall mounting offer:

  1. Daewoo.
  2. PEONY.
  3. Mister Hit.
  4. infra.
It is quite easy to warm up the garage in winter with the help of heaters of these brands. The simple design allows you to do the installation yourself. Brackets are included for wall or ceiling mounting. Household devices have a small power of up to 2 kW.

The efficiency of an industrial IR heater is much higher. One installation is enough to heat rooms from 80 to 100 m³. If necessary, several units are connected to a single network with one or more thermostats.

Automated heating systems are manufactured by major manufacturers of climate control equipment:

  1. Heliosa.
  2. Hyundai.
  3. Zilon.
  4. Starprogetti.

It makes no sense to install industrial installations in a small iron garage. To create a comfortable temperature, it will be enough to put two heaters with a power of 1 kW.

How to install infrared heating in the garage

First you need to determine for what purpose the emitters will be used.
  • For local heating- to create and maintain a temperature of + 5 ° C, in a garage with an area of ​​​​20 m², it will be enough to install a radiator with a power of 1 kW. It would be optimal to place it directly above the hood of the car. Power calculation is performed according to the formula 50 W = 1 m².
  • Main heating- in this case, the calculations are performed according to the formula 100 W = 1 m². An accurate calculation of the heating area is preliminarily carried out. After that, the required power of the installation is calculated. About 10% is added to the result obtained, for possible heat loss. For a garage of 20 m², you will need to install one 2 kW emitter, or two 1 kW each.

The emitter manufacturer separately indicates the required distance from the radiation source to the heated objects. With the help of this information, it will not be difficult to correctly place heaters in the garage. Household appliances are installed at a distance of about 1.5-2 m from the car.

Pros and cons of IR garage heating

The device of a garage IR heater, technical characteristics and operating features have certain advantages and disadvantages:
  • Advantages - to connect the device does not require large material costs. The basic package includes everything you need for installation. The easiest way is to connect an electric emitter. To install gas equipment, you may need to obtain the necessary permit. Local heating of only part of the room is possible, and not the entire garage.
  • Disadvantages - mostly found in early models. Modern modifications are equipped with protection against overheating of the surface, fire in case of a fall of the device. The power of household appliances is significantly reduced to ensure comfortable heating conditions.
    The main existing disadvantage can be considered the high cost of equipment, as well as a large number of Chinese fakes that are saturated in the climate technology market.
IR garage heating systems are unparalleled. Compared to traditional radiator heating, they provide a quick warm-up even for an unheated building. High efficiency and the almost complete absence of shortcomings explain the high popularity of infrared emitters.

The issue of heating garages and utility rooms is relevant in the winter conditions of the northern regions. Demand creates supply, so the number of heating devices on the market is very large.

In order to choose the right heaters for the garage, you need to understand the principle of their operation, evaluate the economy, safety and the possibility of solving the task.

We have prepared an overview of the most popular solutions, outlined the pros and cons of different models, and also listed the basic rules for their operation. A step-by-step calculation of the heater power will help you choose the best heater for your garage.

The principle of operation of the most ordinary heater is to transfer heat to the air near it. For a long time, such devices, typical for use in garages, were electric stoves, gas stoves or potbelly stoves. These are devices and devices of the so-called direct heating.

Now you can buy heaters that are superior to these devices in terms of efficiency, ease and safety of use.

Let's take a closer look at the types of heaters that can be used in the garage.

Option 1. Oil heaters

A typical representative of ordinary heaters is an electric oil cooler.

Simplistically, an oil heater can be represented as a sealed container filled with mineral oil. A heating element is installed inside the body-container, which heats the oil. When heated, the heating element transfers energy to the oil, it is to the body, which distributes heat in the surrounding air

The device does not require special installation, has a very simple design, rarely breaks down and special solutions can be dispensed with to meet safety requirements.

The advantageous difference of an oil cooler in comparison with an ordinary electric stove is a larger area of ​​the heating surface and, as a result, a much greater heat transfer.

Oil radiators have long been used for heating rooms for various purposes, so they exist when buying. It will not be difficult to choose a device of suitable power.

First of all, for use in the garage, it is necessary to have a rheostat that regulates the temperature. When warming up the room, you can turn on the radiator at full power, and to maintain the temperature, reduce it to the values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for this.

It will not interfere with the presence of automatic protection against overheating, as well as a sensor that detects the tilt of the device and turns it off in the event of a rollover.

The presence of a thermostat that determines the outside temperature is not a priority for the garage. But equipping with a timer that allows you to turn on the device on a schedule is a very convenient option if you need to warm up the garage in the morning.

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Garage- this is not a vital building, it is rather a sign of the well-being of its owner.

Especially if the building is not empty, but fulfills its purpose. main destination to protect the vehicle from vandalism and harsh climatic conditions.

In the cold season for comfortable parking car is not enough just walls and roofs.

Need to equip a good heating system that would maintain the temperature in the building at least +5 C, and if necessary, could raise it to +20 C to perform routine maintenance and minor repairs with your own hands.

The vast majority of garages have only electricity from all communications. It imposes serious restrictions on choice heating method. Since electricity is not at all cheap, and it is necessary to heat around the clock for 5-6 months a year, it is advisable to use energy-saving appliances for heating that have the highest possible efficiency.

Heating devices belonging to the energy-saving class are subject to increased operational requirements:

  1. The minimum consumption of electricity for the production of a unit of heat.
  2. Fire safety during work. The requirements are the same for all heating devices.
  3. Electrical safety. The heater is connected to the network around the clock, so it is very important that it is reliably protected from damage to electrical components and short circuits.
  4. Ease of maintenance. Although rare, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance of electrical appliances.
  5. Mobility. Not a mandatory requirement, but it will be a significant plus if the device can be moved around the garage during any work.

Types of energy-saving heaters for the garage

The main function of the heating system in the garage somewhat different from home heating. Firstly, heating is seasonal, the second difference is the low required temperature, and the third difference is the absence of living organisms on a permanent basis.

Selecting the type of heater should be made with this in mind. For example, fan-assisted heaters are not very appropriate in a living space due to noise and constant air flow in one direction, but in a garage they will be a great solution.

It should also be noted that for heating appliances the term "efficiency" only partially related to efficiency.

Efficiency of all electric heaters about the same and is 98-99 percent. That is, all the electricity that such a device consumes goes to heat generation. But how this thermal energy is distributed throughout the room, in this case the garage, depends on the type of heater design. Consider the main types of energy-saving heaters.

oil heater

Differ on floor, wall and desktop. The most common type is outdoor mobile devices. Key Features:

  • Great inertia. Such a heater heats up for a long time and, after turning off, gives off heat for a long time.
  • Heats the air in the room, which then rises to the ceiling.
  • When equipped with a fan, it is possible to partially redirect the air flow in the desired direction.
  • They don't dry out the air.
  • Safe to service.

When used in a garage, advantage of oil heater is excellent fire and electrical safety. The ability to adjust the temperature will also not be superfluous.

If work is done regularly in the garage, an oil cooler is a great option for normal car storage. not the best choice. The reason for this is the constant heating of the entire room and, accordingly, the high consumption of electricity.

For a garage of 20 m 2 power should be up to 2 kW, financial costs will be 96 rubles. per day. Hereinafter, the power of the heating devices is indicated for use in a well-insulated garage with a temperature difference of 50 degrees between the outside and inside air.

fan heater

It is a device in which electric heaters heat the air moving from the fan. Peculiarities:

  • Fast inclusion in work, in a couple of minutes the device reaches the set power and temperature of the supplied air.
  • It has a directional airflow, which is very convenient for use in the garage.
  • Has a high fire hazard. Not recommended to be left unattended.

Heat gun - the best option for use in the garage as an additional source of local heating. 24/7 use is not recommended due to the high risk of fire.

For use as the main source of space heating during work in a garage of 20 m2 a fan heater is required, with a power of 2 kW, operating around the clock, which will be 48 kW per day or 96 r. in monetary terms.

If you use this heater as a local source heat to warm up the car engine, for example, every morning for an hour, then the cost will be 4 r for warming up.

Convector heater

The convector heater has a number of features:

  • Quick turn on for heating.
  • Provides air convection from the cold floor to the ceiling.
  • Holds the set temperature very well.
  • Uses air as a heat carrier.
  • Safe to use.

Like an oil heater, a convector - this is a great solution for heating the garage, if there is a need to stay there for a long time.

Such a small room as a garage will warm up almost evenly, and high fire safety allows you to leave it on for many hours.

Using will constantly require about the same amount of electricity - 48 kW per day or 96 rubles.

Electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces, although they look interesting, work on the principle of the same fan heater. Features are as follows:

  • Unusual appearance for lovers of interesting surroundings.
  • Stationary location. In this regard, limited use for any work in the garage.
  • The principle of operation is identical to the fan heater.

When using an electric fireplace to heat a garage electricity consumption will be the same as in the case of a heat gun - 96 r per day.

Infrared heater

Can be wall, floor or ceiling. Most popular solution for heating the garage, thanks to some features:

  • Heats the objects themselves and surfaces in the room using infrared radiation.
  • Affects separate zones in front of him.
  • Safety in use.
  • Compactness.

The main advantage
it is when using such a heater in the garage that it is possible to fix it exactly above the place where the car is standing.

Wherein infrared rays, falling on its surface, will transfer energy directly, without the use of an intermediate coolant in the form of air.

The rest of the space will receive heat energy indirectly, from a hot vehicle. Thanks to this, it is possible to use 1 kW for warming up a car, which, translated into finance, will amount to 48 rubles. per day.

Should be considered that in order to fully heat the garage room to perform some work in it, it is necessary to use heaters with a total power of the same 2 kW.

When using infrared heaters in the garage as a heating source, it is recommended to install them in the amount of two or three units, with a power of 600-800 watts each. For general car storage it is enough to turn on one, to use full power for work.

Inverter heater

fundamentally different from other heaters due to the absence of heating elements. It is a device that, according to the principle of operation, is very reminiscent of an air conditioner. At the same time, it works in reverse. That is, in the internal block, air is compressed with the release of heat, and in the external block it expands and releases cold.

Has a number of features:

  • It has a fairly high cost.
  • It is applied at external temperatures up to -20 C.
  • Completely stationary.
  • Safe and completely autonomous in operation.

Inverter heater - not the best solution for the garage.

Effective work possible only with small frosts in the offseason. When the outside temperature drops to -5 C, the efficiency drops sharply and the use of such a system does not make sense in economic terms.

ceramic panel

The device is a wall panel made using a "pie" of several modern materials. Key Features:

  • Compactness. It has a thickness of several centimeters, which is a significant plus for the garage.
  • It emits both thermal and infrared radiation at the same time, heating both the air and objects around it.
  • Safety in use. Completely autonomous, the recommended mode of operation is around the clock.

This type of heater is innovation in heating systems. Due to its excellent performance, and especially the presence of infrared radiation, it is excellent for use in the garage. When used as the main source of heating during continuous operation, it consumes 2 kW of electricity per hour per garage with an area of ​​20 m 2, which is 96 rubles. in economic terms.


Among all the considered options for energy-saving heating in the garage, the most rational for normal car storage is to use multiple infrared ceiling heaters.

At the same time, one of them should be located directly above the car. Its power of 1 kW will be quite enough to maintain a temperature of 5-10 ºС in the room, even in the most severe frosts, with proper insulation of the garage.

If it is necessary to carry out work, it is necessary to turn on additional heaters with a total capacity of 1 kW 2-3 hours before they begin. If the garage is constantly in use in the course of any work, for example, tire fitting, it is advisable to use oil or convector heaters with a power of at least 1 kW per 10 m 2.

For an overview of energy-saving heaters, see the video:

See the video below for an overview of ENSA wall, ceiling and floor infrared heaters with a thermostat:

Many garage owners use them not only as a shelter for cars, but also as working workshops. And working in a cold room in the demi-season and winter time is not a pleasant pleasure. Therefore, motorists, whoever can, solve the problem of organizing heating. To date, the main methods of heating the garage are:

  • use of electric heaters;
  • installation of a stove-potbelly stove;
  • the use of heaters operating on sawdust and fuel vapors;
  • organization of a water type system.

All of the above methods justify themselves when organizing garage heating. But, the first three are flammable, and given that there are always a lot of flammable substances in the garage, they must be used with extreme caution. The latter is good, but rather difficult to install, not every garage owner will be able to independently make an effective water heating system.

Not so long ago, a new way of organizing heating appeared - the installation of heaters that emit infrared heat. These devices gained popularity in a very short time. Why? That's what we'll talk about.