The Iranian psychic's predictions are beginning to come true. Mohsen Norouzi - winner of the tenth “Battle of Psychics”: biography, reviews, photos, videos How to get an appointment with Mohsen Norouzi

- Iranian psychic, clairvoyant, healer, more than once saved his colleagues during the Iran-Iraq war. Mohsen Noruzi – winner tenth season of the show “Battle of Psychics”.

Biography of Mohsen Noruzi / Mohsen Noruzi

Mohsen Noruzi born January 31, 1960 in Iran, in the south of the capital of the country, Tehran in a large family. In addition to Mohsen, the family had five more sons and three daughters, but he was the only unusual child.

Family Mohsena Norouzi lived more than modestly; as a child, Mohsen could only dream of gifts, since parents simply did not have the opportunity to spoil their children. At the age of 13, he asked God if it was possible to give him at least 20 toman (about 5 dollars). Looking down at his feet, the child discovered an unexpected “gift” - money. Mohsen took this as a miracle from God and did not tell anyone about what happened.

The power of desire Mohsena Norouzi manifested itself more than once in his life. When he was 15 years old, he really wanted to go to the sea with a group of excellent students from his school; Mohsen’s academic performance was not so high that he could count on a trip to the sea. But once the director asked the teenager about his desire to go, Mohsen, embarrassed, replied that he would be glad. The director noted that the trip is only for excellent students, but the teachers want Mohsen to go too. Mohsen Norouzi believes that dreams come true and miracles happen, and there were many such miracles in his life.

After graduating from school, Mohsen dreamed of going to study in Germany, but was denied documents due to lack of exemption from the army. Four months into his service, in September 1980, the Iran-Iraq War began. During the military conflict, Mohsen prayed for himself and his fellow soldiers.

Throughout the war, I felt that God, with his invisible hand, was taking me away from death.

Repeatedly Mohsen Norouzi visions came, thanks to which he saved himself and his colleagues. In addition to the hardships of military life, fate also prepared family grief for Mohsen: one day, arriving home on vacation, he realized that his mother would soon die.

I looked at her all the time and knew that she would soon leave, but I could not say anything. I suffered terribly, knowing that I would never see her again.

Having already returned to the army, early in the morning, in a dream, Mohsen Norouzi saw his mother’s death. A couple of hours later, his vision came true: his mother lay down to rest and died.

For my daughters, I became both mother and father, and grandfather and grandmother rolled into one.

Mohsen Norouzi believes that God protected him not only in the war, but throughout his life. Alone, Mohsen managed to raise and raise his daughters and get them married. At the same time, the psychic helped people and performed real miracles for them. Once seeing in a dream a saint dressed in a long white robe, Mohsen Norouzi discovered the gift of healing. In a dream, he was shown a ring, and the clairvoyant acquired the same one.

These mysterious words will remain in me forever, I will take them with me, as I made a vow then in a dream. I have been convinced many times of the holy power of my ring: it stops pain, heals people and helps solve difficult problems. This is truly a miracle!

In order to develop and strengthen his gift, Mohsen meditated and prayed for three years in the basement of his brother's house and led an ascetic lifestyle. His brother had a dream in which crowds of people came to Mohsen for help, and people began to come. Over many years of practice, Mohsen has repeatedly brought people out of comas and treated other diseases. At the same time, the psychic often meditated and prayed for a long time, went to the mountains, gaining strength from nature.

For a long time I meditated by the sea, listened to the wind and fished to calm my soul.

In those distant years, while meditating, Mohsen saw a certain distant city, avenues and houses, and only when he arrived to participate in the “Battle of Psychics” he realized that it was Moscow.

Mohsen Noruzi / Mohsen Noruzi at the “Battle of Psychics”

Mohsen Norouzi took part in the anniversary the tenth season of the show “Battle of Psychics” in 2010 year. At the casting, he stood out among the other participants with his amazing calmness and some detachment.

In order to get answers to the tasks assigned to him, the psychic prays and plunges into a trance. Unlike many participants who use tambourines, knives and other magical attributes, Mohsen Norouzi uses only rosary beads during prayer. Amazing abilities Mohsena Norouzi This was confirmed during the casting: at the Mister X test, he was one of the few who said that two people were participating as heroes, not one.

In the first task after the casting, the psychic was able to separate from the living figures one inanimate one made of straw among the figures in robes. The stuntmen who portrayed those “tied to the posts” unanimously stated that they felt the incredibly strong energy of the Iranian.

Passing the tests at the “Battle”, Mohsen Norouzi“saw” and mentioned the exact details of the events that took place, described the state of people, the room, read the energy of what was happening. The Iranian was not always successful in searching tasks: he was unable to find the actress’s hidden dog Natalia Bochkareva. And in the “mushroom” test, being unfamiliar with edible mushrooms, Norouzi was able to find the smallest toadstools that were invisible to the eye.

But in one of the final tests, Mohsen Norouzi surprised observers by finding a sniper in one of the houses, who was watching the psychics through the sight of a rifle. He said that he remembers very well what it was like to be under the gun of a sniper. Mohsen Norouzi I instantly felt the right direction and no longer turned my back to the sniper. The operator next to the sniper, and he himself, felt an incomprehensible tension and anxiety as the psychic approached. Having found the hidden man, the clairvoyant once again amazed the observers by saying that the sniper was a former participant in military operations, and for both of them this test was akin to rivalry in war.

Having successfully passed the “Battle” tests, and becoming the best psychic of the week four times in a row, Mohsen Norouzi became a finalist with Tatiana Karakhanova And Elena Lyulyakova. According to the results of the audience vote, the Iranian psychic became the winner of the tenth season

Why is it worth listening to Mohsen Naruzi's predictions about Ukraine? And who is this mysterious Iranian?

Why Mohsen Naruzi’s predictions about Ukraine are worth believing

Mohsen Narouzi is an Iranian clairvoyant and psychic. Participant in the Russian TV show “Battle of Psychics”. Mohsen made his first predictions while still a child. Gradually his gift developed, and more than once saved himself and other people from harm:

  • During the Iran-Iraq War, Mohsen Narouzi was able to predict where a bomb would fall minutes before it happened. Thus, he saved not only himself, but also his comrades.
  • Mohsen was married. But he foresaw a divorce even when the marriage seemed stable and stable.
  • Naruzi predicted natural disasters in 2011.

Mohsen is a healer, and every day he received dozens of people who turned to him for help in a hopeless situation. He has a kind heart and a priceless gift that one simply cannot help but give to others. The wife did not want to tolerate the presence of strangers in the house and left Mohsen. He raised two daughters alone, telling them the right path and the best way to build their destiny. Arriving in Russia for the “Battle of Psychics” show, Mohsen quickly proved his talent and became the winner, having successfully passed all the tests.

Mohsen Naruzi's predictions about Ukraine are very pessimistic

As for Mohsen Naruzi’s predictions about Ukraine, they are not very happy. He predicts a bright future no earlier than in 15 years. It will come through the unification of Ukraine with Russia and Belarus into a single East Slavic bloc. If this does not happen, then Ukraine risks losing itself as a state. Mohsen Naruzi's predictions about Ukraine include the possibility of Ukraine splitting into two parts along religious and political lines, which, in general, has already happened. We see horrifying images of church pogroms and murders of priests on the Internet and on television screens; mutual hatred is increasing day by day. The next few years for Ukraine will be marked by crop failure and famine, especially for the western part. The civil war will not come to an end, but will take on a more creeping form, that is, permanent hostilities will cease, and the population of the country will be able to breathe easy for a while.

Mohsen Naruzi's predictions about Ukraine: this country cannot survive without Russia

Mohsen Naruzi’s predictions about Ukraine clearly show that the preservation of the statehood and integrity of Ukraine directly depends on a change in political course and reorientation towards Russia. Whatever the predictions, diplomatic wisdom and restraint have always proven to be the right decision in the past. What will happen in the future - time will tell.

Mohsen Norouzi is a famous modern fortune teller who earned his popularity through one of the most popular popularity shows about psychics. Today, many are interested in what Mohsen Norouzi’s predictions are for 2018, because his words in the past often turned out to be true, which means that today he can be trusted.

The fortuneteller was born into a fairly large family, but, oddly enough, only he was shown to have extrasensory perception and clairvoyance abilities. His extraordinary gift was discovered in early childhood, when an amazing story happened to him. One day he was walking down the street and thinking about how poor his family was, he really wanted to get money, he closed his eyes and asked the Almighty to allocate him 20 toman (about five). After that, he looked down and saw that this money was lying under his feet, it was at that moment that he realized that miracles exist in this world and he is an extraordinary person. Subsequently, similar stories happened to him more than once, which convinced him even more that he had a gift. He began to master meditations that allowed him to see the future of the world, and later (according to his words) an angel appeared to him and taught him to heal people. He did not divulge the secret of healing to anyone, and to this day it is unknown what exactly his abilities are based on; they just need to be accepted.

World forecast

Mohsen Norouzi's world forecast for 2018 is not much different from everything that other psychics talk about. Clairvoyants have long predicted the onset of a global crisis, and anyone who follows the news sees that it has arrived. The onset of this event was associated with the coming to power of a certain “black man”, whom Mohsen also pointed out. He had to take some actions that would shake stability (primarily economic) throughout the world, and you don’t need to be an expert to understand that we are talking about the American black president - Barack Obama, because it was after his reign that During this period, the world began to be shaken by one trouble after another.

The forecaster is confident that it will be extremely difficult to deal with the consequences of the crisis, and it will be possible to count on at least some kind of stability only in 2020. Nowadays, life is quite difficult for almost any people in the world, but this will soon improve. Economic problems will begin to be resolved little by little, military conflicts will end, there will be less aggression, and this will have a positive impact on the fate of every person living on the planet.

What does Mohsen say about the future of Russia?

Separately, it is necessary to discuss Mohsen Norouzi’s predictions for 2018 for Russia, which, it must be said, does not look entirely optimistic. Some people will be lucky, but for this they will need to be active and persistent, to move towards a clearly defined goal. In general, the Russian Federation will experience difficulties in 2018 due to the fact that there will be no more jobs, wages will most likely remain the same, and the poverty level in some regions will increase significantly.

However, we can be glad that there will be no military action on the territory of the state. Many psychics predicted that if Russia somehow intervenes in the conflict that is taking place today in Syria, this could cause development, but Mohsen does not agree with this. Most likely, the government will change, but a predictor cannot say for sure who will take the place of the current president (if this does happen), so you just need to monitor the planned elections and draw your own conclusions.

It is impossible to ignore Mohsen Norouzi’s predictions for 2018 for Ukraine, because the predictor has been following the life of the people of this country for a long time. He predicts the difficulties that Petro Poroshenko will have to solve, as well as the continuation (albeit not so intense) of the military conflict in Donbass. However, the conflict will gradually be resolved (by approximately 2021-2022), although no one can guarantee that the occupied regions will return to Ukraine. The psychic does not give more specific information; one can only hope that the future of this country will be much happier than the present.

The predictor is extremely cautious about any political predictions, because they are the least stable. They are influenced by a huge number of external factors that are constantly changing, changing events behind them. Of course, it’s worth taking his words into account, but you need to remember that this forecast is approximate and in practice events may develop according to a slightly different scenario.

Mohsen Norouzi became the winner of the tenth anniversary season of “Battle of Psychics.” But who is he, this old man who doesn’t speak a word of Russian?

Who is Mohsen Norouzi?

Born into an ordinary large Tehran family in 1960, Mohsen was an unusual boy from an early age. He differed from his peers, as well as from his brothers and sisters, in that from an early age he had special abilities that more than once helped him in realizing his desires. True, he did not tell anyone about this, sacredly keeping his secret from watchful and curious eyes. The Iran-Iraq war changed everything, which revealed life to Norouzi from the other side: he learned that there is death, suffering and incredible pain. Since then, he has devoted himself to serving people. Often he became the only salvation for those who, it would seem, had already lost hope. Nothing, according to the psychic, is given to a person just like that: to whom more is given, the demand is greater. That is why he considers himself obligated to help those who ask for help, sick and suffering people. Judging by the reviews, Noruzi repeatedly brought people out of comas, expelled evil spirits, and freed them from incurable diseases. The psychic spent the last ten years in periodic meditations in the mountains, where the secrets of nature and the universe were revealed to him. Norouzi says that during one of his meditations he saw himself in an unfamiliar place, where unfamiliar speech could be heard from everywhere, and heard the voice “Go!” He believes that his participation in the project was destined from above.

Mohsen Norouzi in “Battle of Psychics”

Mohsen Norouzi, a fellow countryman of the winner of the third season of the “Battle of Psychics” Mehdi Ibrahimi Vafa, immediately attracted the attention of both the jury and television viewers. According to the psychic, he has the abilities of a prophet and clairvoyant. He is also no stranger to the gift of healing. Receives answers during meditation and entering a trance. He is able to see everything in front of him with his eyes closed, has the gift of reading other people's thoughts and feeling other people's pain. It was this last skill that played a cruel joke on him during the war, since Norouzi felt the pain of every wounded soldier and experienced every death with his family as if it were his own. By participating in the project, according to the seer, he does not set himself the task of fighting and winning. His mission is to show everyone how limitless human capabilities are if they are properly developed. Mohsen Norouzi has repeatedly proven the presence of paranormal abilities, but his main goal was to help people. TV viewers could be convinced of this when the healer, during the test, after performing the appropriate ritual, freed the patient from his addiction to alcohol. You can watch this on video in episode 10 of season 10. Also watch all the episodes of this season featuring the Iranian prophet.

Mohsen Norouzi: practice and reviews about it

After winning the 10th season of the TV show, Mohsen Norouzi continues to help people. On the healer’s official website you can see his photos and videos, and also make an appointment with Noruzi himself or purchase a talisman charged with his energy. In addition, Mohsen Norouzi is also known for his forecasts and predictions that he makes for celebrities and entire countries, which come true so often that it simply cannot be an accident. Want to know more about the Iranian prophet? You can find information about it:

  • on Mohsen Norouzi's website;

Here are all the episodes of the 10th season of the Battle of Psychics with their brief descriptions, as well as a list of participants in the 10th season.

Series selection:
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13- I series 1st special issue 2nd special issue

10 people were selected to participate in the season:

Issue 1 from 09/24/2010: The snowman screen, from the answers to which the audience remembered Alexey Pedin’s “panda”, as well as Yampolsky’s good answer, the trunk in which Sergei Safronov’s wife Maria Vishenka was hiding and which the only participant, Elena Lyulyakova, passed through, and two Mr. X - separated Siamese twins.

Issue 2 from 10/01/1989: A test with fires borrowed from the Ukrainian battle. Elena Lyulyakova, Karakhanova, Pedin and Mohsen are coping. The death of a 12-year-old boy, Danila Ryabov. Vera Sotnikova invites participants to work with his photograph. Mohsen determined death, but did not answer the question about the cause of death, but instead promised that the father would see the boy's answer in a dream. Alexey Pedin answered using Aleister Crowley's Tarot cards and determined death by strangulation using the Hanged Man card. Vera Sertakova also correctly identified death, but did not provide additional information. Lena Lyulyakova adjusted herself using a pendulum, determined asphyxia, indicated where exactly the death occurred, and suggested that it was a murder. Korneeva, Martynova and Yampolsky established the fact of death, but incorrectly stated the reasons, and Satieva and Shutenkova considered that the boy was alive. Tatyana Karakhanova correctly said about death from strangulation and confirmed the main version - an accident. There were no white or black envelopes, but at the end of the episode, the participants faced a small test from the presenter - to read the word he had chosen. Lena Lyulyakova answers “square, like a bed”, Lesha Pedin believes that this cannot be said out loud, Korneeva says that it is something living, Sertakova repeats Lyulyakova’s modified version - “a child’s bed”, and Martynova answered best of all - “a large moving one” metal, transport, jeep." The plane was a mystery. The remaining five participants did not dare to give their answers.

Issue 3 from 10/08/2010: Search for Natalia Bochkareva’s dog - the Safronov brothers hid her in the entrance. Jamila heads in the right direction, stopping at a store and cafe along the way, and then finding another dog. But several of the details she gave were correct. Elena Lyulyakova copes with the task with ease. Korneeva goes in the right direction, but doesn’t get there. Sertakova describes the dog and the entrance well, but does not find the place. Mohsen doesn't even try to look, admitting that the task is difficult for him. Yampolsky, Martynova, Anna Shutenkova and Lesha Pedin are wrong. Karakhanova talks about how the dog now lives with the heroine’s sister, enters the desired yard, but then leaves it. The second test is a tragedy on the water, the death of the girl Olesya Ivanova due to the propellers of a yacht on the beach of the Pirogovsky reservoir. Captain Alexey Marchenko took the blame. Psychics find out whether he is really guilty, having at their disposal the blouse, scarf, glasses and ring of the deceased. Liliya Martynova calculates the danger from a large mechanism using her date of birth. Noruzi is mistaken about the gender of the deceased. Alexey assumes that the dead girl is pregnant, but her mother denies this. Lena Lyulyakova begins to tell the story correctly and touches on the story of the second girl, the sister of the deceased, who is also no longer alive, which is why the girls’ mother refuses to listen to her further, saying that Elena has changed the topic. Satieva talks about water, and that’s all. Yampolsky and Shutenkova are mistaken when they say that the owner of the things is alive. The answers from Korneeva and Sertakova sounded vague. Karakhanova told her dream, which contained some relevant details, then gave the correct information on the assignment and even declared the captain’s innocence. Karakhanova ends up in the white envelope, and Anna Shutenkova leaves the show.

Issue 4 from 10.15.2010: A plaster cast of a serial killer’s head is hidden underwater in the Khimki Reservoir, at a rescue training base. The Iranian Norouzi partially described the object. Karakhanova established that the object was artificial. Jamila gave a good description. Yulia Korneeva said that it was a doll and complained that because of Makarov she could not see more. Martynova suggested a leather and fur item, Sertakova saw a diver, and Yampolsky saw a sunken car. Lesha Pedin’s answer was not shown during the test, but at the jury meeting it was mentioned that he saw the treasure. Lena Lyulyakova completed the task very emotionally, seeing first of all the frightening eyes of the model. The rescuers and Makarov applauded her at the end of the task.

Reading information from a cat about a supposed ghost in Natalia Sokolova’s apartment in Moscow. Elena Lyulyakova saw the clumps - restless souls - and cleaned the room. After her, Jamilya Satieva identified the presence of the brownie and gave advice on how to appease him. The cat ran away from the songs of Yulia Korneeva. Karakhanova called all of Natalia’s feelings fiction. Lilya Martynova, Vera Sertakova, Yampolsky and Pedin did not say anything on the topic. Mohsen saw a restless soul and recommended selling the apartment. The best in this series is Lena Lyulyakova, but Konstantin Yampolsky was kicked out.

Issue 5 from 10/22/2010: Search for a thief on a tram. Sertakova suspected the innocent boy. Karakhanova finds the thief and accuses him of not stopping stealing in real life. He objects to this that he is now engaged in debt repayment. Yulia Korneeva performs a new song “Say” and makes a mistake with her choice. Martynova and Noruzi also answer incorrectly. Lesha Pedin copes with the task. Satieva - by. Lyulyakova answers correctly and in some detail.

Investigation into the brutal murder of the girl Lena Lifanova in the forest. Her killer had already been found by the time of the test, but her parents suspect that he was not alone. First, psychics must find the crime scene. Mohsen comes to a distance of about 50 meters. Lena Lyulyakova begins to go in the right direction, but Makarov interferes with her. Sertakova is wrong. Lesha Pedin finds the place and gives a detailed answer, confirming the version about two criminals. Lilia, Jamilya and Korneeva do not find a place. Karakhanova does the same thing as Pedin, but faster. At the jury meeting, Sergei Safronov states that Pedin will only get into the white envelope through his corpse, and Karakhanova is placed there. And Jamilya Satieva was sent to rest, who was not considered the weakest in the second test, but Makarov insisted on her candidacy.

Issue 6 from 10/29/2010: The first task is psychics-mushroom pickers. Mohsen collected a basket of toadstools and one edible mushroom. Lesha Pedin coped with the task perfectly. Vera Sertakova felt a threat in the forest and did not pick mushrooms. Tatyana Karakhanova confirmed her fears and nevertheless collected a lot of mushrooms. Yulia Korneeva sang her famous song “Mushrooms”, but she coped with the task mediocrely. Liliya Martynova found nothing. Elena Lyulyakova found several large porcini mushrooms, and then shell casings left over from the war. The second task is about a disabled girl Daria Zadokhina, who is helped to remember the circumstances of the accident. Lena Lyulyakova clearly named the woman as the culprit, although later, during a personal conversation with Dasha, she tried to soften her conclusions. Lesha described the accident incorrectly. Tatyana confirmed the woman’s guilt and continued to insist on her opinion at the meeting, but said that she was intoxicated, but the examination found Daria sober. Yulia sang the song “Time of the Year” and made a mistake in describing the accident, as did Vera and Lilia, who answered after her. And Mohsen said that the accident was the result of a curse. In a white envelope - Lena Lyulyakova. Liliya Martynova is leaving the program.

Issue 7 from 11/05/2010: Test in the dark at the rehearsal base of Spider and his group “Metal Corrosion”. The Iranian described the room well and decided that it was a torture room. Korneeva also gave an acceptable description. Lesha Pedin decided that there were weapons in the room and that it brought death. His answer was considered a failure. However, then Karakhanova said that the room was causing destruction, and on the contrary, she was praised for this. Sertakova decided that the room was empty. And Lyulyakova named many correct details.

What caused the fire in the Galitsyn apartment? Mohsen correctly names the date of the fire and some circumstances, and blames his neighbors for the arson. Lesha Pedin describes some details well, but is mistaken in assuming that people died. Yulia Korneeva performs her new composition “Arson” and then makes the same mistake as Lesha. Karakhanova answers correctly and assumes arson by people interested in the land on which the house stands. Sertakova is wrong. Lyulyakova gives the correct answer, and suspects the resident of the neighboring house of arson for the same reasons as Karakhanova. In the white envelope is Lena Lyulyakova, whom Mohsen and Yulia Korneeva demonstratively do not applaud. Pasture of Vera Sertakova.

Issue 8 from 11/12/2010: An incomprehensible photo of the Obninsk forest - when you zoom in, you can see a human figure. Korneeva saw “someone’s bones” in the photo through a closed envelope. Karakhanova said that this is a “folklore phantom.” Mohsen Naruzi thought that the photo was the ghost of a woman who died in the fire and burst into tears. However, the figure was more like a man's. Alexey Pedin also saw the woman, but then added that she was in the company. One of the guests subjected Alexey to an additional test, which he successfully passed, saying that the guest played the trumpet. Lena Lyulyakova described the photo in detail and correctly and headed towards the point captured in the photo, ordering Makarov not to follow her. And then she said that the photo shows a deceased man, who was nearby at the time of her answer. The ufologists' device confirmed her possible correctness.

The mysterious death of Georgy Saltanov in the city of Korolev. The participants respond by tuning into his phone. The test is conducted by Vera Sotnikova. Elena Lyulyakova described the guy well, but said that he did not want to reveal the details of what happened. Karakhanova responded in much the same way, although more briefly. Korneeva described the situation itself partially incorrectly, but named the possible culprit - Artem. Pedin accurately names the date of death, but doubts whether George is alive or dead. Mohsen saw the murder for money. The white envelope contains Lena and Mohsen, the black envelope is empty.

Issue 9 from 11/19/2010: Search for contraband, for which red caviar was used. Tatyana Karakhanova found another bag, with sausage. Mohsen identified the right bag correctly. After this, the guest of the test, Lieutenant Colonel Anashkina, stated that she could have completed this task herself, but when Safronov offered to test her, she found a reason to refuse. Lesha Pedin correctly named the color of the bag, but chose the wrong one. Yulia Korneeva performed her new song “Koro-Obki” and pointed to a box of trash instead of a bag. Elena Lyulyakova scanned several bags and quite accurately described their contents, even to the point that she found white shoes in one of them. However, I didn’t choose the right bag, although I spent a lot of time near it. According to her, Lieutenant Colonel Anashkina’s thought forms knocked her down. And the police guests, despite the mistake, called Lyulyakova the most capable of the participants. The second task of the issue is the death of four men who had relationships with the woman Alexandra from Odintsovo. Participants tried to understand the story based on the watches of the victims. Mohsen told the heroine of the task that she was damaged. Alexey Pedin began to answer correctly, but got confused in the middle and abandoned the original version. Elena Lyulyakova answered in detail about the owners of the watches, determined that one of the watches was the heroine’s father, and amazed everyone with her version - that the heroine herself imposed the curse. Korneeva answered completely bypassed. Karakhanova also announced a curse, but named her father’s mistress responsible for it. As a ritual of removal, Tatyana suggested reading sacred texts, namely “The Elder to the Beloved Gaius.” A participant with unusual vocal abilities, Yulia Korneeva, is finally kicked out of the show, and a white envelope is given to Mohsen, although no one singled him out as the best at the jury council.

Issue 10 from 11/26/2010: Philip Kirkorov’s apartment on Zemlyanoy Val with an area of ​​270 sq.m. Participants receive keys to it for testing. The task is led by Ksenia Borodina, and Bedros Kirkorov and Anastasia Stotskaya also appear in the frame. Lena Lyulyakova well described this apartment and Bedros, who was sitting in the next room. Karakhanova said “house” instead of an apartment and did not please anyone else. But Bedros gave Tatyana some advice. Lesha Pedin described the costumes in the apartment and believed that it was a concert hall. Mohsen said that the apartment would soon be sold (this information was in the press at the time) and even saw the “buyer,” but Philip ultimately did not sell the apartment. Mohsen also added that they had met the owner before. Philip had to explain this with a version of a meeting in a past life, since they did not meet in this one, and in the end he recognized Mohsen as the best in the task. Test with an alcoholic: participants answer in the kitchen where he recently had lunch. Alexey Pedin felt addicted. Karakhanova said that she could help, but the alcoholic himself did not want it. Elena Lyulyakova asked Makarov to leave and said that the addiction was caused by damage. Elena was ready to film it only without cameras and witnesses. And Mohsen Naruzi tried to heal the hero with loud screams, after which he poured him a glass of vodka and asked about its taste. The hero confirmed that the vodka tastes unpleasant. No one leaves the show, and Mohsen is placed in a white envelope.

Issue 11 from 12/03/2010: Telephone conversation with Valeria Gai Germanika. First, she called Karakhanova from her bedroom, and she answered about her in sufficient detail. Sitting on horseback, Valeria called Lyulyakova, who gave a large number of correct details. To call Lesha Pedin, Germanika retired to the toilet of the cafe, and Lesha in his answer called her “the head of this room.” And Mohsen described Lera in the tattoo parlor and she really liked it.

The mysterious death of 14-year-old Katya Karaeva. Participants respond by looking at an album of her drawings. Karakhanova said that the girl committed suicide because she belonged to the emo subculture. Lena Lyulyakova saw the murder that occurred after the rape. Alexey Pedin did not voice any version. Naruzi declared suicide due to his mother’s alcoholism, which was the main version of the investigation.

In a white envelope - Naruzi. Lesha Pedin is kicked out and his funny imitation of self-immolation takes place. This story was shown in a special issue.

Issue 12 from 12/10/2010: The final of two tests - a sniper in a Moscow courtyard and the mysterious death of Ilya Smirnov near the house of his girlfriend Polina.

Issue 13 from 12/17/2010: Videos about the finalists and announcement of the results. The victory in the 10th season of the battle of psychics was awarded to Mohsen Norouzi, Lena Lyulyakova was second, Tatyana Karakhanova was third.