Life strategies article in English. my job. How to talk about your work in English. Online text comprehension exercise for beginners

Often, Russian-language literary sources are not enough for writing theses, dissertations and master's theses, as well as other types of work on psychology. This is especially true for narrow topics and topics little studied in the domestic scientific literature. In such cases, it is advisable to expand the boundaries of the search for scientific articles and turn to world science, which “speaks”, first of all, in English. The use of English-language literary sources, their presence in the list of references can also be an additional advantage in the defense of a diploma, final qualifying work or master's thesis.

Search for scientific literature in foreign languages

You can search for English-language scientific articles and texts through ordinary Internet search engines by typing in the search box the topic of interest translated into English. However, in most cases, in addition to really useful sources, there will be a lot of “garbage” in the search results, and the process of finding the necessary literature will be time-consuming and tedious.

Therefore, in addition to the usual Yandex and Google, it is advisable to use more advanced and efficient ways to search for scientific articles in English, namely:

  1. US National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information - Contains a huge number of scientific articles, including psychology.
  2. Search line in a huge electronic library of scientific articles - In addition to articles in English, it contains articles from scientific journals in other languages, such as German. Some of the articles are free, they are accompanied by a button "Download full-text PDF" ("Download the full text in PDF format"), the other part is paid, accompanied by a button "Request full-text PDF" ("Request full text in PDF format"). As you view each article, the library automatically displays links to articles on similar topics in the same library. Also often in the lists of references to articles there are active links.
  3. Search engine for free scientific publications in PDF format - The principle of its interface is the same as that of conventional search engines, but as search results, it gives out exclusively scientific articles in PDF format, and nothing else. This is a great resource, you can just drown in the search results.
  4. Scientific publications search system Most publications are paid: they can be identified by the mark "Purchase PDF" ("Purchase text in PDF format"). The free publications are accompanied by a "Download PDF" download link.
  5. A resource similar to the previous one is − Use the search bar at the top of the screen to find articles on topics that interest you. Scientific articles in this electronic library can be read online or downloaded in PDF format.
  6. Specialized google search - As in the previous case, here scientific articles are displayed in the search results, but here other types of scientific literature are also added to them - scientific monographs, tutorials, etc.
  7. Online library of scientific articles and publications
  8. A site for researchers that provides open access to scientific documents in several disciplines, including psychology -
  9. English Wikipedia - develops more actively than the Russian-language one, and articles in it, as a rule, contain more complete, accurate and detailed information in comparison with articles from the Russian-language Wikipedia. However, since Wikipedia articles are the result of the collective creation of anonymous users, many educators may consider them to be insufficiently reliable sources for writing scientific papers. Therefore, references directly to Wikipedia in the work should be avoided, using instead references from the references ("References") located at the bottom of each article. Many of these links are active, you can click on them and read the full text of the source referenced by Wikipedia.

Already at the initial stage of learning a language, it is important to know how to tell not only about yourself or your family, but also about work in English. How to do it as correctly as possible? Appropriate vocabulary and, of course, the ability to correctly formulate sentences will come to the rescue. Also, it makes sense to pay attention to a few beautiful cliché phrases that will help impress the interlocutor, even if you have a very elementary level.

Vocabulary needed to

How can talk about work in English without a job title? No way. Therefore, below we will analyze the most common types of activities. And you already choose the one that suits you.

1) a bank clerk - a bank employee, 2) an electrician - an electrician; 3) a mechanic - mechanic; 4) a politician - a politician; 5) a lawyer - lawyer, jurist; 6) a photographer - a photographer; 7) a dentist - a dentist; 8) a hairdresser - a hairdresser; 9) a builder - a builder; 10) a bricklayer - a bricklayer; 11) a farmer - a farmer; 12) a nurse - a nurse; 13) a student - a student; 14) a teacher - teacher; 15) a porter - porter, loader; 16) an engineer - engineer; 17) a cleaner - a cleaner; 18) a cashier - cashier; 19) a butcher - butcher; 20) a fire fighter - a firefighter; 21) an office worker - an employee, an office worker; 22) a salesman - a salesperson; 23) a lorry driver - a truck driver; 24) a reporter - correspondent; 25) a surgeon - a surgeon; 26) a flight attendant - stewardess; 27) an optician - an optician, a specialist in vision correction; 28) a cook - a cook; 29) a fireman - a fireman; 30) a painter 31) a secretary 32) a waiter 33) plumber - plumber; 34) a scientist 35) a receptionist - receptionist, administrator; 36) a carpenter - carpenter, joiner.

It will be easier for you talk about work in English if you divide the story into several semantic parts. For example, yes.

1. General information (position, place of work, when you started working here)
2. Details (what exactly are your responsibilities; how big is the organization, what does it do)
3. Zest (positive moments that are associated with this profession or the institution in which you work)

Let's see what you can say about your responsibilities. All this, of course, is purely individual. But we will give a general list.

1 . communicate with international customers- interact with foreign clients
2. check \ answer \ write emails- check emails \ reply to emails \ write emails
3. prepare projects \ reports - prepare projects \ reports
4. control the managers" performance \ work- supervise the work of managers
5. teach new personnel - train new personnel
6. interview people - conduct interviews
7. answer the phone calls - answer phone calls
8. send emails - send emails
9. file papers - sort documents
10. support the clients - engage in customer support
11. assist the director\clients- help the director / clients
12. sign papers - sign papers
13. meet the customers - meet with customers
14. check \ analyze the reports- check/analyze reports
15. search new ideas - look for new ideas

Below are some interesting expressions that you will need to beautifully talk about work in English.

I "m responsible for - my duties include
I "d like to note - I would like to note
I can "t say that - I can't say that
I was offered this position - I was offered this position
As far as I know - As far as I know
I "m interested in - I'm interested
I can develop my skills here - I can develop my skills here

An example of how to talk about work in English

I work as a sales manager for Com.Dot. This company produces and sells different computers and software. I started my career path here 5 years ago and I "m happy to be a part of this young company.

I "d like to note that the role of sales manager is very important in Com. Dot. I" m responsible for the number of clients we have. I email current customers and try to find new ones. As far as I know we have about 120 clients who buy our products monthly. I can't say that my responsibility is only to find and help the clients. I also inform them about new products and work with a lot of information every day.

I like meeting people and I"m interested in computers. So, this job seems to be the best for me. Maybe I will start my own company in several years. Who knows?

I work as a sales manager for Com.Dot. This company is engaged in the production of various computers and software. I started my career here five years ago and am happy to be part of this young company.

I would like to point out that the role of the sales manager is very important in Com.Dot. I am responsible for the number of clients we have. I write letters to current clients and try to find new ones. As far as I know, we have about 120 customers who buy products every month. I cannot say that my duty is only to find clients and help them. I also keep them informed about new products and work with a lot of information every day.

I like meeting people and I'm interested in computers. Therefore, it seems that this work is the best for me. Perhaps I will open my own company in a few years. Who knows?

Interesting articles in English to help you learn the language

Do you already have a good enough level of English to read in English? We have selected for you sites with interesting articles in English. They are perfect for learning a language for communication. after all, high-sounding epithets and turns are often used in fiction. which are not suitable for everyday speech. In addition, these articles will help you prepare for international exams.

The book of life

The name of the resource speaks for itself. It contains articles that provide answers to important questions that many of us face on a daily basis. There are interesting materials about careers, relationships, and self-knowledge. Vocabulary in most of them is not very complicated, reading materials is easy and interesting.

NFB Blog

This is a blog that contains various entertaining and educational projects. The blog has sections: cinema, education, entertainment and culture. Articles are devoted to a variety of films and media. The site is suitable for people with an Advanced level, as the articles contain complex academic vocabulary.


If you are one of those people who try not to read the news because there is a lot of negativity in it, then this resource is perfect for you. Here are collected only positive news from different parts of the world, from which it becomes warm in the soul.


A site for people who like to develop their ingenuity, broaden their horizons and test their knowledge by solving interesting tests and puzzles. In addition to passing ready-made tests, you can create your own. This will help develop your own speech and learn how to formulate thoughts in English.

Khan Academy

As the name suggests, this site is a virtual academy. If you devote your free time to self-education, are interested in any science, then the material collected here will be an excellent opportunity to learn something new while improving your English. There are many sections on interests: mathematics, science and engineering, economics, programming and computer animation, art and humanities. There is also preparation for international exams.

Letters of notes

Love history, but are you interested in living history, not boring textbook stuff? Then you will most likely be interested in this site. Here are collected letters and notes of people from the past. Reading them, you will plunge into the past, learn the thoughts of historical figures, for example, there is a letter from Anne Frank, and discover something new for yourself.


On this site you will find a story that is not written in school textbooks. Here you can read about which of the writers suffered from mental disorders, which professions have sunk into oblivion due to technological progress, about hairstyles of the Victorian era and much more.

Resource for all occasions

If you are not interested in the above sites, you can search for "your" resource for learning English here. This is a large selection of English-language platforms, among which you will definitely find a resource that interests you.

We hope you enjoyed this collection of interesting articles in English. Remember that learning a language should not be boring, look for those materials that you will really be interested in learning from. We wish you success.

Gift for site readers

The English-language press is a great opportunity to improve your knowledge of English. Today, in a short review, we will tell you what to read first and where in Moscow you can buy scientific journals in English

It is worth noting that, of course, you can start your search for English-language popular science magazines by exploring all the kiosks at the hotels or immediately run to the British Council library, but we are ready to offer an easier and more effective way: subscribe via the Internet.

Popular science magazines in English

national geographic

Today the magazine has a circulation of more than 4 million copies, the audience of the magazine is 40 million people. Unique materials on archeology, history and culture, exclusive photographs helped the magazine to gain worldwide recognition. It is published in 33 languages ​​and is the most famous popular science magazine in the world. You can subscribe.

It is also worth paying attention to two more English-language popular science journals that have Russian-language versions. You can subscribe to the original versions of journals only on official websites, but it is not difficult to find electronic versions of publications.

Popular Mechanics

The magazine began to be published in 1902, now it has gained popularity in the world as a classic example of a popular science magazine. More than a million circulation speaks of the popularity of this magazine throughout the world.

Popular Science

The magazine, which has conquered 45 countries, is published in more than 30 languages ​​of the world. Darwin, Huxley and Peirce published their papers and research reviews in this journal. The magazine was not always very popular, but today it is one of the world's most famous popular science publications, its circulation is more than 1 million copies.

Fascinating reading!

We offer you three scientific articles in English with translation. Although the topics of these articles are quite complex, the articles are easy to use and are specially adapted for English learners. The first scientific article in physics is about black holes, the second scientific article is in biology, the third scientific article in English is on ecology, and specifically -
You may also be interested in the following scientific articles in English with translation into Russian:,.

Scientific article about Black Holes (Black Holes) in English with translation

Black holes are areas in the universe where gravity pulls in everything, even light. Nothing can get out and all objects are squeezed into a tiny space. Because there is no light in black holes, we cannot see them. But scientists can detect the immense gravity and radiation around them. They are the most mysterious objects in astronomy. Scientists think that the first black holes were formed when the universe began about 13 billion of years ago.

Albert Einstein was the first scientist to predict that black holes existed. But it was in 1971 that the first black hole was actually discovered.
Black holes can have various sizes, some may be even as small as an atom. But they all have one thing in common - a very large mass.

Black holes are regions in the universe where gravity pulls everything in, even light. Nothing can escape and all objects are compressed into a tiny space. Since there is no light in black holes, we cannot see them. But scientists can detect the enormous gravity and radiation around them. These are the most mysterious objects in astronomy. Scientists believe that the first black holes were formed when the universe was born about 13 billion years ago.

Albert Einstein was the first scientist to predict that black holes exist. But the first black hole was discovered only in 1971.
Black holes can be of various sizes, some can even be as small as an atom. But they all have one thing in common - a very large mass.

There are three kinds of black holes (There are three types of black holes):

A stellar occurs when very large stars burn away the rest of the fuel that they have and collapse. It is so massive that several of our suns could fit in it. Our sun, however, could never become a stellar because it is too small.

supermassives are the largest and most dominant black holes in our universe. They have masses of a million or more suns put together. Every galaxy has a supermassive in its centre. As they become larger and larger they pull in more material. The black hole at the center of our Milky Way is four million times as massive as our sun and surrounded by very hot gas.

Intermediate-mass black holes have not been found yet, but scientists think they probably exist. They have the mass of between a hundred and a thousand suns.

stellar mass black holes occur when very large stars burn off the remaining fuel they have and collapse. They are so massive that several of our suns can fit into them. However, our sun can never become a black hole because it is too small.

supermassive are the largest and most dominant black holes in our universe. There are millions or more suns in them, gathered together. Every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center. As they get bigger and bigger, they attract more matter. The black hole at the center of our Milky Way is four million times more massive than our sun and is surrounded by very hot gas.

Medium black holes have not yet been found by mass, but scientists believe they most likely exist. They have a mass of one hundred to a thousand suns.

A black hole consists of three parts (A black hole consists of three parts):

The outer event horizon is the farthest away from the centre. Gravity here is not so strong and you would be able to escape from it.
The inner event horizon is the middle part of a black hole. In this area, an object would be slowly pulled to the centre.
The singularity is the center of a black hole, where gravity is strongest.

Outer event horizon located farthest from the center. The force of attraction is not so strong here, and you could escape from it.
Inner event horizon is the middle part of a black hole. In this area, the object will slowly pull towards the center.
Singularity The center of a black hole, where gravity is strongest.

Scientific article in English with translation on the topic "Organic Farming and Food" (Organic farming and food)

In organic farming, crops, meat and other food are produced without chemicals. Fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics are forbidden. During thousands of years of civilization, the raising of animals and growing of plants have always been organic.

Chemicals for farming first came up at the turn of the 20th century. Widespread use of chemicals began after World War II.
In the 1950s and 60s, farmers started using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Recently, however, more and more farmers have been returning to more natural ways of producing farm products.

In organic farming, crops, meat and other products are produced without chemicals. Fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics are prohibited. Throughout the millennia of civilization, raising animals and growing plants has always been organic.

Agricultural chemicals first appeared at the turn of the 20th century. The widespread use of chemicals began after World War II.
In the 1950s and 60s, farmers began to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Recently, however, more and more farmers are returning to more natural ways of producing agricultural products.

Organic farming methods (Organic farming methods)

Instead of chemicals, organic farming uses a lot of organic matter to give crops the nutrients that they need to grow. Clover, for example, has a lot of nitrogen in it and farmers use it to make the soil better. Manure from animals and compost are also used to enrich the soil. These fertilizers also help conserve the soil, not destroy it after a few years.

Instead of chemicals, organic farming uses a lot of organic matter to give crops the nutrients they need to grow. Clover, for example, has a lot of nitrogen, and farmers use it to improve the soil. Animal manure and compost are also used to enrich the soil. These fertilizers also help preserve the soil, rather than destroy it after a few years.

Organic farmers also use crop rotation to preserve the good qualities of soils and avoid monoculture.
Chemical pesticides destroy or weaken many of the natural enemies of pests, like birds or frogs. They also can kill those insects that control a great number of pests.
Organic farming creates new living areas for wasps, bugs, beetles and flies by giving them water and food.

Weeds are controlled by using special machines. Hay, straw and wood chips are put between the rows of plants to stop weeding.
Many agricultural products can be produced in an organic way. Meat, dairy products and eggs come from animals that are fed organically and can graze outdoors. They live in conditions that are natural to them. Cows, for example, are kept in pastures and fields. Vegetables and fruits are also produced with organic methods.

Organic farmers also use crop rotation to maintain good soil quality and avoid monoculture.
Chemical pesticides destroy or weaken natural enemies of pests such as birds and frogs. They can also kill those insects that control a large number of pests.
Organic farming creates new habitats for wasps, beetles and flies by providing them with water and food.

Weeds are controlled by special machines. Hay, straw and wood chips are placed between the rows of plants so as not to be weeded. Many agricultural products can be produced organically. Meat, dairy and eggs come from animals that are organically fed and can graze outdoors. They live in conditions that are natural to them. Cows, for example, are kept in pastures and fields. Vegetables and fruits are also produced using organic methods.

Conventional versus organic farming (Conventional and organic farming)

conventional farmers
— apply chemical fertilizers to the soil to grow crops;
— spray crops with insecticides and pesticides to prevent them from being damaged by pests and disease;
- use herbicides to stop the growth of weeds.

organic farmers
— build soil with natural fertilizers in order to grow crops;
- rely on the natural enemies of pests;
- use crop rotation to conserve soil;
- pull out weeds by hand.

ordinary farmers
- apply chemical fertilizers to the soil for growing crops;
- spray crops with insecticides and pesticides to prevent damage by pests and diseases;
use herbicides to stop the growth of weeds.
organic farmers
– create soil using natural fertilizers for growing crops;
- rely on natural enemies of pests;
use crop rotation to conserve soil;
- weeding by hand.

Advantages of organic farming
- Farmers can reduce their production costs because they do not need to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers.
— Healthier farm workers.
— In the long term, organic farms save energy and protect the environment.
— It can slow down global warming.
Fewer residues in food.
- More animals and plants can live in the same place in a natural way. This is called biodiversity.
- Pollution of ground water is stopped.

Benefits of Organic Farming
Farmers can lower their production costs because they don't have to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers.
— Healthy agricultural workers.
“In the long run, organic farms save energy and protect the environment.
— It can slow down global warming.
- Less leftover food.
More animals and plants can live in the same place naturally. This is called biodiversity.
- Stops groundwater pollution.

Disadvantages of organic farming
— Organic food is more expensive because farmers do not get as much out of their land as conventional farmers do. Organic products may cost up to 40% more.
- Production costs are higher because farmers need more workers.

— Marketing and distribution are not efficient because organic food is produced in smaller amounts.
Food illnesses may happen more often.
- Organic farming cannot produce enough food that the world's population needs to survive. This could lead to starvation in countries that produce enough food today.

Disadvantages of organic farming
“Organic food is more expensive because farmers don't get as much from the land as regular farmers. Organic products can cost up to 40% more.
- Production costs are higher because farmers need more workers.

— Marketing and distribution is not effective as organic food is produced in small quantities.
- Illnesses from products can happen more often.
“Organic agriculture cannot produce enough food that the world's population needs to survive. This could lead to starvation in countries that produce enough food today.

About 1-2% of the world's food is produced with organic methods. The market, however, is growing very quickly - by about 20% a year. In Europe, Austria (11%), Italy (9%) and the Czech Republic (7%) are the countries in which organic food production as it is its highest.

About 1-2% of the world's food is produced organically. However, the market is growing very fast - about 20% per year. In Europe, Austria (11%), Italy (9%) and the Czech Republic (7%) are the countries with the highest organic food production.

Scientific article in English with translation about Air Pollution (Air pollution)

Air pollution is caused by many things:
— the increasing number of cars on our roads;
— growing cities;
— the fast development of our economy;
— industrialisation.

Air pollution, as we know it today, started with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th century. In the last few decades, it has become the major problem for our environment.

Air pollution is caused by many things:
- an increasing number of cars on our roads;
- growing cities;
- the rapid development of our economy;
- industrialization.
Air pollution as we know it today began with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 19th century. In the last few decades, this has become a major problem for our environment.

Scientific Articles in English with Translation - pollution, part 2

Clean air is normally made up of nitrogen (76%), oxygen (22%), carbon dioxide and a few other gases.
When harmful elements get into the air they may cause health problems and can also damage the environment, buildings and soil. They make the ozone layer thinner and thinner and lead to the warming of the earth's atmosphere and climate changes.

Our modern lifestyle has led to dirtier air over the years. Factories, vehicles of all kinds, the growing number of people are some things that are responsible for air pollution today. But not all pollution in the air is caused by people. Forest fires, dust storms and volcano eruptions can lead to the pollution of the atmosphere.

Clean air is usually composed of nitrogen (76%), oxygen (22%), carbon dioxide and a few other gases.
When harmful elements enter the air, they can cause health problems and can also damage the environment, buildings, and soil. They make the ozone layer thinner and thinner and lead to atmospheric warming and climate change.

Over the years, our modern lifestyle has led to air pollution. Factories, vehicles of all kinds, a growing number of people are the things that are responsible for air pollution today. But not all air pollution is caused by humans. Forest fires, dust storms and volcanic eruptions can lead to atmospheric pollution.

Major pollutants and where they come from - Major pollutants and where they come from

Carbon monoxide is a colorless gas that is set free when wood, petrol or coal are not completely burned. It is also in products like cigarettes. Because of it, less oxygen enters our blood and it makes us confused and sleepy.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that gets into the atmosphere when we burn coal, oil or wood.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are gases that come from air-conditioning systems or refrigerators. When they get into the air they rise high into the atmosphere (about 20-50 km above the earth's surface). There, they get into contact with other gases and destroy the ozone layer. We need the ozone layer because it protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless gas that is released when wood, gasoline or coal is not completely burned. The same thing happens in cigarettes. Because of this, less oxygen enters our bloodstream and it makes us disorganized and sleepy.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that enters the atmosphere when we burn coal, oil or wood.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are gases from air conditioning systems or refrigerators. When they rise into the air, they rise high into the atmosphere (about 20-50 km above the earth's surface). There they come into contact with other gases and destroy the ozone layer. We need the ozone layer because it protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Lead is in petrol, paint, batteries and other products. It is very dangerous if it gets into our bodies. In some cases, it can even cause cancer.

There are two types of ozone that we know of: Natural ozone is in the upper part of our atmosphere, but on the ground, people produce ozone too. Traffic and factories cause ground ozone. It is especially dangerous to children and older people. It makes them tired and doctors suggest not to go outdoors when there is too much ozone in the air.

Lead is found in gasoline, paint, batteries and other products. It is very dangerous when it enters our bodies. In some cases, it can even cause cancer.
We know of two types of ozone: natural ozone is found at the top of our atmosphere, but on earth humans also produce ozone. Traffic and factories cause the ozone layer. This is especially dangerous for children and the elderly. This makes them tired, and doctors suggest not going outside when there is too much ozone in the air.

Nitrogen oxide causes smog and acid rain. It is produced when you burn fuels like coal and oil. It can lead to breathing problems especially when children go outside in the wintertime.
Sulfur dioxide is a gas that gets into the air when coal is burned in power plants. Paper factories and other chemical industries also produce sulfur dioxide. This pollutant can lead to lung diseases.

Nitric oxide causes smog and acid rain. It is produced by burning fuels such as coal and oil. This can lead to breathing problems, especially when children go outside during the winter.

Sulfur dioxide is a gas that is released into the air when coal is burned in power plants. Paper mills and other chemical industries also produce sulfur dioxide. This pollutant can lead to lung disease.

acid rain

Another result of air pollution is acid rain. It happens when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide get into the air. When it rains the water that comes down on us has these dangerous substances in it.
Acid rain can also be caused by volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes send poisonous gases high up into the atmosphere.

Acid rain leads to the destruction of forests, lakes and soil. Many lakes and rivers have been poisoned over the decades and even some types of fish have disappeared. Buildings also corrode because of acid rain.

The pollutants can travel in the air for a long time before they come down to earth. That's why it's sometimes hard to tell where dangerous pollutants originate. Acid rain that destroys forests and lakes in Austria and Germany may come from power stations in Eastern European countries.

Another result of air pollution is acid rain. This happens when sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide are released into the air. When it rains, the water that falls on us contains these dangerous substances.
Acid rain can also be caused by volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes send poisonous gases high into the atmosphere.

Acid rain leads to the destruction of forests, lakes and soil. Many lakes and rivers have been poisoned over the decades, and even some fish species have disappeared. Buildings also corrode due to acid rain.

Pollutants can travel through the air for a long time before they land on the ground. That's why it's sometimes hard to tell where dangerous pollutants come from. Acid rain, which destroys forests and lakes in Austria and Germany, may come from power plants in Eastern Europe.

What can we do about air pollution? What can we do about air pollution?

The job of cleaning up our air is difficult but not impossible. Choosing other forms of energy, like solar energy, wind energy or tidal energy could be used for controlling pollution.

Cities like London have shown that better air quality can be achieved in a short time. But we individuals can also help make the air around us cleaner!

- Walk or ride a bike to school or to your friend's home.
— Take a bus or a train to work
— Organize carpools.
- Don't use spray cans anymore!
— Make sure that your parents get a pollution check on the car every year!

— Trees give us oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. They clean the air around us. Take care of them!
- Switch off the lights when you leave the room. Only use the number of lights that you really need.
- Don't overheat your room during the winter months. It's better to wear a pullover than to be in a room that is too warm.

The job of cleaning our air is difficult, but possible. A choice of other forms of energy such as solar, wind or tidal power can be used to combat pollution.
Cities like London have shown that better air quality can be achieved in a short amount of time. But we humans can also help make the air around us cleaner!

- Walking or cycling to school or to a friend;
— Travel to work by bus or train;
- Organize joint trips in cars;
- Do not use sprays!
Make sure your parents check the car for dirt every year!
Trees give us oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. They purify the air around us. Take care of them!
- Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Use as much light as you really need.
Don't overheat your room during the winter months. It is better to wear a pullover than to be in a room that is too warm.


Smog is a combination of smoke and fog. It occurs when gases from burnt fuel get together with fog on the ground. When heat and sunlight get together with these gases, they form fine, dangerous particles in the air.

Smog occurs in big cities with a lot of traffic. Especially in the summertime, when it is very hot, could stays near the ground. It is dangerous to our breathing and in could areas, we can't see very well.

Smog was first discovered in Great Britain in the 19th century, during the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. At that time people used coal for heating and cooking. Factories also used coal to produce iron and steel.

Smoke got together with wet, foggy air and turned yellow. The could often stayed over cities for many days. It caused lung diseases and breathing problems. Thousands of people died in London every year.

Today, cities that have a high population and are located in hot, subtropical areas have the biggest smog problems-Los Angeles, Mexico City or Cairo.

A lot has been done to prevent could recently. Factories use coal that doesn't have that much sulfur in it. And cars are much cleaner today. In some cities, cars aren't even allowed to drive on smog days.

Smog is a combination of smoke and fog. This happens when the gases of the fuel being burned merge with the fog on the ground. When heat and sunlight combine with these gases, they form fine, dangerous particles in the air.

Smog is found in big cities with a lot of traffic. Especially in the summer, when it is very hot, smog is low above the ground. It is dangerous for our breathing and in areas of smog we cannot see very well.

Smog was first discovered in Britain in the 19th century, at the start of the Industrial Revolution. At that time, people used coal for heating and cooking. Factories also used coal to produce iron and steel. The smoke collected with the wet, misty air and turned yellow. Smog often remained over cities for many days. This caused lung disease and breathing problems. Every year thousands of people died in London.

Today, cities with a high population and located in hot subtropical areas have the biggest problems with smog - Los Angeles, Mexico City and Cairo.

Much has been done to prevent smog in recent times. Factories use coal, which does not have much sulfur. Cars today are much cleaner. Some cities don't even allow cars to be driven on smog days.

The source of a large number of scientific articles in English adapted for English learners is the site English Online. True, there are no translations into Russian on it, but Google Translator does a good job with translations. Recently, thanks to artificial intelligence, this translator has become very good at translating. So you can easily get any scientific articles in English with translation!