Psychological exercises to subjugate the will of a person to yourself. How to subjugate a person to a conspiracy? How to resist manipulation by men

As is commonly believed, a person is a holistic person who has his own views on life, aspirations and desires. Unless, of course, we do not take into account henpecked husbands who live by the aspirations and wishes of their soul mates.

However, as it turned out, the will can be taken away not only from such a spineless spouse, but also from a completely adequate person. To do this, there are several effective methods that have shown a 100% result for more than a year.

Before telling about them, it is worthwhile to figure out why such a forced suppression of the personality is necessary? There can be many motives, but the most common among them are self-interest, love, rivalry and own tyranny. In the latter case, a person wants to be admired, dependent on him, worshiped, and so he does his dirty deeds.

Method one. Hypnosis suppresses the personality, that is, a person must simply be hypnotized, giving him a certain setting on a subconscious level. It can be any wish with selfish motives, which will be imprinted in the mind for a long time or forever, but in real life it will arise at an arbitrary level.

However, in order to use this method of personality suppression, one must himself possess a colossal skill in hypnosis, since a qualified specialist in this field is unlikely to agree to such insidious tricks.

Method two. There is simply a way to subdue the will of a person, but this requires taking advantage of his weaknesses. But how? As you know, a person perceives the world around him by means of his sense of smell, touch, hearing, taste and vision. This knowledge is worth using, because it speaks eloquently about all human weaknesses.

For example, perfumes with pheromones can turn your head and subdue someone else's will, beautiful words and flattering compliments can cause addiction, and gestures and facial expressions can make you fall in love for the rest of your life. As a rule, such tricks are used by scammers and gypsies, which, in principle, are one and the same. They affect all centers of perception and imperceptibly make premeditated adventures.

Method three. There is a special conspiracy to subjugate the will of another person. Before performing such a mystical rite, it is important to understand the seriousness and responsibility of your act, since such actions are a great sin. The consequences of the conspiracy are the most irreversible, and can negatively affect both the sorcerer and his unaware victim.

If, nevertheless, a final decision has been made, and the question of how to subdue a person is still relevant, then the ritual described below must be performed early in the morning at dawn all alone. It is necessary to light three wax candles at the same time, and then read the following words of the conspiracy: “The star conspired, the moon conspired, the sun conspired.

All the words I have uttered will be affirmed, consolidated, and yet they will be fulfilled. All my orders for the servant of God (name) are exact orders. Obedient child, I am obedient to God, and the servant of God (Name) will always be obedient for me. Thrice Amen." Such a mystical ritual works almost instantly, and the bewitched person will not even feel cardinal changes in his self-consciousness. But all the people around him can feel something wrong.

In any case, before subordinating the will of a person to yourself, it is important to be aware of all your actions, and also to understand what the consequences may be.

So there are plenty of ways to subjugate someone else's will, but perhaps the strongest of them is sincere love. as you know, you can follow your loved one, without looking back, even to the ends of the world.

Who among us does not dream of subordinating, dominating, and in such a way that people obey unquestioningly, do what we want. With the help of magical rites, you can manipulate people, depriving them of their will, making them slaves. However... Such actions are unlikely to be useful for the one they are being carried out on, and on the one being carried out, all these manipulations can return like a fourfold boomerang. Therefore, before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

Before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

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The magic of submission

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, because of which this person can get sick if he is energetically weakened. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of the one who is being plotted against. If a person is energetically holistic, self-confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage through which you can inflict magical blows, and your actions will not be able to reach him, and will not cause such a person any harm, but you can “backfire”.

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic

We all want to be loved, however, the feeling is, unfortunately, very often not reciprocated. And if there is no reciprocity, then is it worth continuing such a relationship, even with the help of magic? Forcing yourself to love by force, resorting to magical rites, is a violation of the personality, so think carefully - do you really need this person? Would you like to commit yourself to him for life, or is it just a momentary whim? If a person treats you coldly, then no magic will help. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude towards you will not change, and both of you will suffer. If you nevertheless decide to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on a person who does not treat you with open hostility, otherwise, further life with him will turn out to be complete hell for you. And one more thing - it is necessary to carry out such rituals based on the purity of one's soul and thoughts. If some selfish goal such as revenge is being pursued, then, you yourself understand, you can not expect good from what you have done.

Below are conspiracies in order to subdue a man (woman), husband (wife), boyfriend (girl), or arouse interest in you men who are more or less harmless and, if performed correctly, will help you achieve the desired result with the least losses.

If there are frequent scandals in the family, a ceremony with a spouse's shirt will help

How to subdue your loved one

To make the guy only yours, you can make a love binding

  • so that the guy you like is only yours, you can make such a love binding. To do this, take a rope and wrap it around your waist. You will need a piece of this length for the ceremony. On this rope, you will need to tie 12 knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy to obey: “My beloved will leave me when my hands untie these knots. May it be so!" The rope must be taken to the forest and put in any hollow. After that, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is good because it can be performed on a person who is far from you;
  • in order to fall in love with a guy, they carry out such a ceremony - they take a thing that they give to their beloved after the ceremony, and slander such words on it: “As birds fly boldly in the sky, so we (names) would always do well in love. As the sun always illuminates the earth, so would my beloved love me alone. As a new day comes, and people are illuminated with light, so would our (names) griefs be rare, and happiness is apt. As water flows endlessly in a river, so our life in happiness (names) would be endless. May it be so!" After the thing is in the hands of your boyfriend, the conspiracy will begin to act.

Rites of submission of a man for blood

Rituals performed on blood are considered one of the most powerful and effective in black magic. They act for sure, therefore, in order to carry out such manipulations, please think carefully again - there will be no turning back. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

Rites with the participation of blood are usually held at night on the growing moon. Blood taken from a finger is mixed into alcohol - red wine.

It is necessary to pierce the ring finger with a treated needle and drip an odd number of drops into a glass of red wine, saying the spell: “As you drink this wine to your heart’s content, your passion for me will wake up. All your thoughts about me will be - both at night and during the day. Amen!" After your loved one takes a sip of this wine, the love spell will begin to act.

The next plot is done on sugar. You need to light a red candle, take a piece of refined sugar and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: “How this drop is dear to me, let me be so dear to you (name)! Amen!"

On the increasing moon, such a rite is performed. Three drops of their blood are dripped into red wine, reciting the spell: “(Name) drink to the bottom, drink up! Take my blood into you. My blood is strong, but your will is weak. (Name), you are my slave now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, you have no strength. You have no others, now you are mine - forever. Amen!"

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your loved one, where he is in full growth, and an indoor flower that has been constantly growing in your house for a long time. Before the full moon, a few days before, light a red candle, tear off a branch or leaf from a flower, burn it on a candle flame, saying the spell: “I give you as a sacrifice, for a slaughter, for this love spell retribution. May it be so!" Put the ashes from the plant in a bowl. It is believed that this flower will take on all the consequences of a love spell. Then, they take a photo of a loved one, concentrate completely on it, thinking about their love, prick a finger, draw a blood line along the photo from bottom to top, which extends from the genitals to the head, then repeat the words of the conspiracy again and burn the photo. The remains of the photo are also placed in a bowl with ashes from the flower. The ashes are mixed, half is buried in a pot with a flower, and the second half should be sprinkled on the threshold of the bewitched.

Every girl dreams of being desired by men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, they read the following spell: “As everyone is waiting for spring, they are waiting for the red smile in the sun, so guys and men would be happy for me. They would have watched, admired, for me, beautiful, they would have hung around - both mature men, and young, and very young. They would respect me with honor, they would accept me with honor, they would kneel in my presence, they would climb to have mercy on me, and dream of kissing me. Words are keys, deeds are locks. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to their person, very effective, however, its effect is very short-lived, therefore, in order to be constantly in the attention of men and guys, you need to repeat it more often.

Now let's talk about a more powerful ritual. To complete it, you will need:

  • nominal icon of the bewitched;
  • nominal icon of the bewitcher;
  • two black candles;
  • cross from the church;
  • one ripe apple.

Every girl dreams of being desired by men.

Manipulations are carried out at night, by the light of lit candles, between which icons are placed, on the left - female, on the right - male. A cross is placed between the icons. An apple is placed in the center of the cross. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “This is not a sacrament of the church, this is a petition at night. Now I don’t sentence with a prayer, but with a black bird, and a love spell, and a black night. Everything is coordinated, but everything is done, but through the cross, fate (name) is attached to fate (name). They are loved by an apple, and paved with bodily delight, even the Evil One himself measured himself through an apple, and a man became sinful, so through an apple, yes it is laid crosswise, two destinies are intertwined, and two hearts are made by love as one. If they are tempted, yes, they are called Adam and Eve, now they are loved, but they are made by one fate, then (name) and (name) are named, but live one life, and walk one way. Amen!"

In the morning, the apple is buried in the churchyard. They leave the yard - without turning around, without talking to anyone at random meetings until the house. The result is awaited in complete calmness, without taking any other magical actions that can slow down the action of this ritual. You also do not need to respond to every phone call and door knock, which can also only do harm.

Good luck in love!

How I got rid of herpes with lipstick

Hi all! Previously, for 6 years I suffered from herpes. Rashes were every month. Based on my experience with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs help well at first, and then the effect of the treatment disappears. She was observed in a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment was ineffective. A lot of money spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick from herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now not a hint of herpes!

Managing people has always provided a huge number of opportunities. That is why subjugating a person is a goal for many.

There can be a lot of reasons for such a desire: love, envy, revenge, wealth, rivalry, and much more.

The main rule when manipulating other people is to be stronger than them. Someone's will can only be subdued by a stronger character. The Middle Ages, where far from humane methods were sometimes used to subdue a person, are long gone, in the modern 21st century there are more merciful methods.

It's easiest to start practicing on people who are noticeably weaker than you. For example, a colleague is squeezed in your presence, tries to catch your eye as little as possible, and often loses the thread of the conversation in a conversation. Such an instance is ideal for training manipulation skills and a person will appear next to you who will always support your side.

It is very beneficial to have such people at work, so you will not only be aware of all the things that are happening behind your back, but also, on occasion, put in a word for yourself through other lips.

Based on the psychology of thinking, let's see how to subjugate the will of another person so that he himself does not realize it.

Having chosen a suitable candidate, carry out a series of actions that will not only arrange a person for you, but also allow you to control him later.

  1. Pretend to treat him like an old buddy. For example, tell him about your cherished dream. Let him think that you completely trust him. This will create an uneasy friendly atmosphere, but will evoke a reciprocal feeling of complete security. Why strain when you are relaxed?
  2. Be a little mysterious. Do not start the conversation first, but if you are approached, try to develop the topic in the way your opponent wants it. Let them think that you are a friend with whom you can talk on any topic.
  3. Study people's habits, pay attention to the smallest details. For example, pay attention to what drink your colleague prefers to drink at lunchtime? Can I find out what hobbies your boss has, maybe he likes dogs or skiing? All this can play into your hands in due time.
  4. In a one-on-one conversation, tell the interlocutor what he wants to hear, preferably using his own words. Gradually, it will be possible to inspire him that the idea you expressed is actually his own.

In addition to psychological methods, you can effectively use the technique of influencing the three senses:

  • sense of smell can affect brain function. You can find out what smells a person likes and smell that way when you meet. A win-win option is the use of aphrodisiacs, for example, perfumes with pheromones;
  • vision also plays an important role. Try to avoid colors in clothes that a person does not like. During the conversation, use skillful gestures, play with color;
  • effect on taste buds can cause feelings of euphoria. Find out what your opponent likes;
  • influence on people through touch quite realistic. During the conversation, as if by chance, touch him, but it should be a short moment. This will give additional confidence in the sincerity of your attitude and friendly attitude.

This is nothing more than subjugation of the will of a person at a magical level. There are several types that, if desired, can be used in practice.

Omorochka is the magic of gypsies. Pay attention to how masterfully they master the ways of distorting the perception of reality so that a person voluntarily fulfills all their requirements. The impact itself is a special conspiracy, when a person performs the actions that the sorcerer imposed on him, very often money is used for this. Of course, the gypsy level is not available to many, because all the subtleties are kept secret and passed down from generation to generation, the roots of which are lost in the distant past. But there are a number of rituals that can be performed at home.

With this method, you can influence your enemies, which could not be dealt with in other ways.

Buy some black berries of any color and cook jelly out of them at exactly 12 days. As soon as it starts to boil, say the following words:

“I will order a feast of jelly for your business,

Courageously, swiftly and graspingly,

like wars run to battle,

So I will crush my enemy (name),

I won't let you finish the job.

Kissel, kissel, don't be cold all day,

Boil with a magnificent hat, fix my business.

My cause is right

The Lord is on my side.

Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!"

When the jelly is cooked, divide it into three approximately equal parts. Drink one immediately, the second when the sun starts to set, and the third at 3 am.

The rite must be repeated on the 9th and 40th day.

The rite, which is indicated in an old magic book, suggests that this method can give completely different results. Perhaps it depends on what kind of emotional background and energy to give the spell. Either passion will turn out, as when exposed to black magic, or only warm feelings.

So that your loved one listens to your words and does not plague the house with scandals, you can perform the following ceremony:

Braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. On the fourth day, let your hair down at three in the morning with the words:

“There is hair on the head, a tight braid in the hand,

My braid is not only beauty,

My spit is my mind for you.

So that I don't say

in everything, as if she was repeating your will.

How people listen to the priest in the church,

So let my whole age my words for my husband be like a law.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

It is considered a good omen if, after the ritual, the spouse unexpectedly calls and takes an interest in your affairs.

If you need to make a person completely obey you, you can use a very powerful ritual using runes. The runes themselves should already get used to you, know your energy. There is a superstition that there can be a rollback from such a ritual, just like when a curse is applied. In fact, this is only possible if too insidious goals are pursued that can deprive a person not only of his will, but also of life.

You will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • spring or melt water;
  • white sheet of paper;
  • matches.

Read the words above the glass of water:

“Like grass grows in a field, the wind bends it where it wants. So would you, servant of God (name), do only what I need. Let it be as I say. My word is under lock and key, the key to the seven seas. May God hear my words. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen".

They read over a glass of water and burn the leaf holding it over the runes. Drop the water in the glass casually on the one who must obey.

If a person knows what he wants, he can achieve a lot. The methods of submission are only the main assistants in achieving the desired goal.

Attention, only TODAY!

The most complete description in all details is a love spell for complete submission with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

How to find your destiny? Marilyn Kerro said: on the full moon you need to put on yourself ...

Black magic opens up a considerable number of possibilities for a person. Not everyone likes and even more so is able to perform rituals of such power. A strong character is the main condition for the correct magical influence for one who boldly performs the rites. To subordinate the will of another person to oneself is an incredible power over someone else's life, requiring a certain price. When making a binding, you yourself must have strong energy and be a real leader, otherwise the conspiracy will turn against you.

To subjugate the will of another person to yourself is an incredible power over someone else's life

How to subjugate a person for a long time and without consequences? To begin with, it is worth deciding for what purpose you are using such strong magic and what results will really suit you. Women often have to subdue their beloved man, especially if family life does not work out, and constant quarrels take everyone out of balance. But, other reasons related to career and work push a person to perform a powerful magical ritual. Whatever the initial goal of different people, make sure that all the nuances of the future ritual are observed, and your own energy is reliably protected from undesirable consequences. Changes in the program of a person, especially a loved one, require careful preparation and diligence in the implementation of all recommendations.

If you are determined to subjugate a man firmly and for a long time, to deprive him of his will, then you should clarify what the nature of such a rite is and how exactly it will affect the charmed living object. During the ritual, you will receive power not only over the will of a man or woman, but you will also be able to direct them, solve important issues for them. Unlike a love spell, such magic is all-encompassing. A bewitched man experiences a strong longing, but a person who is in your subordination voluntarily succumbs to you, your choice and whims. Rites of submission rarely take place in one stage, to strengthen the effect, additional rites are needed to strengthen the bindings. Thus, an integrated approach to the implementation of the task will give a stable, long-term result. The decision you have to make has two sides, like any coin or multifaceted phenomenon in nature. Managing a person as if he is a puppet will not work. Alive, having needs and emotions, the object of submission will resist magical influence. You need to be prepared for such an outcome in advance. Take care to protect and feed the main plot.

If you are wondering how to subdue a man on your own, then the experience of traditional healers and healers will come to your aid. Choose the most suitable ritual for you and carefully prepare for it. Take your time, be patient and remember that a strong desire will contribute to all bold undertakings. By becoming a strong spirit, you will accomplish the truly unrealistic.

To perform a strong ritual, it is important to guess with the time of year and the position of the heavenly bodies. The phases of the moon play an important role for all sorts of magical influences. The growing month gives strength for new beginnings, while the full moon helps to destroy other people's damage and strong evil eye. For a ceremony in which a rooster is used, special conditions will be required. On the street where the main action of the plot will take place, white, recently fallen snow must lie.

The phases of the moon play an important role for all sorts of magical influences.

The main protagonist for rituals designed to create a powerful binding is an animal, most often a chicken or a rooster. For a strong impact, you will need:

For a black conspiracy, a dark-colored rooster, young and absolutely healthy, is suitable. When you muster up the courage, you should:

  1. Kill an animal at the intersection of two trails or roads.
  2. With hot, flowing blood on white snow, write the name of the one you wish to subdue.
  3. Speak the words of the conspiracy to yourself:

“The devil took you, took your strength through your blood. You have no share, except for bondage. Be under me dumb firebrand! As a demon drinks blood, so it will exhaust you with longing for love. You will crow like a rooster, but in my presence you will be silent with a firebrand. You have no word, contrary to my slander. I draw blood. And to me - your subordinates, yes love! Drop by drop will spill, the slave (Name), becoming my soul and body, will turn. Be you. (Name), a slave, under my heel.

Write down your wishes on a piece of paper, put them under the dead carcass, quickly leave the intersection, no matter what, without looking back. In the morning, read "Our Father" and calmly wait for the response of the subordinate person.

Choose a day when the perfect ritual will not be noticed. Neither strangers, nor your loved ones, otherwise the conspiracy will not be of the right kind. If there is a desire to subjugate magic, then there is no better method than a rite with a black rooster.

A sequential ritual that requires several repetitions works unconditionally. You will be surprised how much a person can depend on your desires and momentary whims. Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, and power to their owner. The power hidden in pagan symbolism is not subject to everyone. Only the chosen ones are able to perform a powerful runic ritual and get real, clear benefits from it.

Experienced magicians have repeatedly faced the difficult, but doable task of binding one person to another, depriving one of them of a strong will and the right to choose (freedom of action). For a ritual with which you quickly, and most importantly for a long time, subjugate a man or partner, you must:

Runes, no matter how powerful they are, are applied to simple materials with waterproof paints or a marker. The factor due to which the ritual will work is the correct application of symbols on paper.

For the runic rite, the simplest “ingredients” that lie idle in your kitchen are used. After the preparatory activities are over, gather your courage and do the following:

  1. Write down the plot on a piece of paper, draw a rune of submission on the back.
  2. Spell Words:

“I was in the field, I saw grass. Wherever the wind bends the grass, there its leaf looks. So would you, servant of God (name), do what I need, becoming what I want. According to my words, according to my speeches. My words are the key, my deeds are the lock. Fix, O God, my words, my deeds. Now, forever, forever and ever."

Loudly read the written conspiracies over a glass of water. Burn the leaf, thereby activating the rune. Allegedly, accidentally spill the enchanted water on the victim of the ritual to obtain all-consuming submission.

Runes are ancient symbols that bring success, love, power to their owner.

You can repeat your unique rite several times, but you should not abuse the magic of runes. Magical powers need respect, and therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, do not anger the ancient magic.

Most rituals work at half strength or produce no noticeable change at all. There are many reasons for failure - non-compliance with prescriptions and recommendations, weak energy: yours or the man you want to subdue. Often, rituals that do not suit you according to the state of your soul or body give undesirable results. That is, you decided to take desperate measures in your mind, but your soul resists. Another nuance, which should not be forgotten, is the sequence of joint rites. Before a strong impact, energy cleaning is always performed. Consolidation of the result will also save you from many future troubles. If you are in the mood for serious submission, then perform several complex rituals at once.

A complex ritual includes a gradual weakening of the will of a person, his subsequent submission and fixing the result. For all stages, prepare the attributes in advance, so you will need:

  • photo of the object of future submission;
  • tea dish;
  • candles from the temple;
  • matches;
  • a piece of natural fabric;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • needles;
  • Holy water.

The whole complex will take several days, but the rituals going one after another guarantee not just a binding or a love spell, but a long, unquestioning submission.

To perform the ceremony, choose the day when the full moon appears in the sky. Next, follow the clear instructions:

  1. Proceed to the first step of binding. To do this, take a photo of the object for submission, put a saucer on top, and set lit church candles around.
  2. Take care in advance about small but important nuances - write down on wax the date of birth of the person you are performing the ceremony on.
  3. Speak the first plot over each candle:

"I light the sacred, but not for a holy cause."

Another spell is cast over the photograph to weaken his will:

“I will light three candles, I will take power and choice from (Name). The first candle will burn out - the will (name) will melt, the power (name) will lose. The second candle will burn out - joy (name) will lose from longing (name) dies. The third candle will burn out - life (name) will melt, strength (name) will lose. The candles burned out, the body (name) was eaten with pain, it will melt with wax by will. May it be so".

Wrap the saucer with the picture in a piece of thick cloth. Go to the cemetery with a bundle, on the way do not talk to anyone and do not look at anyone. At the fence of the graves, dig a small hole, put a saucer wrapped in cloth in it. Say the following:

“Like a dead man in a grave lies weak-willed, so you (name) must be weak-willed. As the dead in the grave is silent limply, so you (name) limply remain silent. May it be so".

Leave a present in the form of sweets on the nearest grave (thank you for your help).

Begin the second stage - the submission of the entire will of man:

  1. Burn a few church candles, take out soft wax and make a human figure out of it.
  2. Draw a circle on a piece of dark fabric with chalk. Arrange the remaining candles around. Light them. With a needle, pierce the figurine in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and repeat in a whisper:

“In my hand is not a sharp needle, but my steel will. Red-hot with bright fire, in the head (name) for my work. Hellfire, demonic sword - by my will into your body and mind (name). Having become a dark force that rules destinies, given power that allows you to rule destinies, with a powerful word that commands destinies, I say: from now on and forever, my will is your will (name). My word is your word (name), my business is your business (name). Obey my word, obey my deed, obey my will.”

Bury the figurine under a flowering, lush tree.

After completing this set of rituals, add those that you like best. Strengthen your connection. It would be useful to make a love spell if we are talking about a beloved man.

A complex photo ritual includes a gradual weakening of a person’s will

Simple witchcraft attracts not only the soul, but also the mind of the one you wish to subdue. Magical rituals through dreams are effective, but only if all instructions are followed. While the body is dozing, all the hidden forces of a person are activated. You can use them, get everything you want from life. The method based on the power of sleep is used by both experienced magicians and amateurs.

You can start performing the ritual as soon as the necessary attributes are ready. Stock up on the following items:

  • holy water;
  • church candles;
  • a snapshot of an object for subjugation of the will;
  • relaxing music;
  • incense.

There is nothing complicated in the ritual of binding a person through dreams, it is enough to go to the temple, confess, buy candles and water (to relieve the soul and recharge with calmness).

In order for the magical rite of submission to work with the result you need, carry out periodic cleanings of the home and your own thoughts. An effective ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Light candles, turn on some soothing music, and think of something pleasant.
  2. Wash your face with holy water, saying:

“Cleansing the body, I cleanse the soul.”

Look at the photo of the person you need, mentally draw a picture in your head that clouds surround him. Hold the desired image with your eyes until you fall asleep. Remember everything that you dreamed about. The next morning, becoming full of strength, read the "Our Father" three times.

Soon, the person you secretly think about will begin to feel a strong attachment to you and your will. Although the ritual of submission to dreams is not the most radical of the existing ones, it is proven and persistent. To subdue a person to your will without unnecessary obstacles is the main thing to know the unique magical techniques.

In today's world, a person who does not know what he wants is the most dangerous person. There is nothing shameful or forbidden in the desire to prevail, win, rule. Do you want power, subjugation of a man or servants? So do everything to achieve the goal and learn to subdue a person not by force but by magic. With the help of magic, people will begin to obey unconditionally. Rites, rituals, conspiracies to suppress the will will require a lot of effort, time and energy, but by deciding on them, you will be able to achieve more, find peace of mind and ensure life at your own discretion. The only thing you need to know about the magic of submission is that she will ask for the appropriate price, be prepared to pay it. Do not stop there, strive for new heights, and with the help of simple magical manipulations, you will certainly succeed.


The most powerful love spell for a lover involves working with black magic, where many methods are based on the intervention of demonic energies. To carry out such work, one must have a degree of initiation. By acquiring knowledge in the course of training, you acquire the right to dangerous work with spirits. A strong love spell for a man's love can be performed by a master who has the authority to command the summoned demons. Do not look for the most powerful love spell online on the Internet, because whoever searches will find it, and this can be a fatal event for you. Step into the abyss. If you come across a description, don't be tempted by seeming simplicity. Know that it is impossible to conduct such a rite correctly without knowledge.

The object of the most powerful love spell on a beloved man falls into complete submission and order to the customer of the love spell. The victim feels a constant painful, irresistible, heavy craving for the customer of the love spell, thinks only about him. Such an abnormally unhealthy, unnatural addiction negatively affects the health of the victim, and the quality of life in general. The same can be said about the customer of such an impact.

Manifestations of a strong love spell on a man periodically provoke outbursts of uncontrollable rage, aggression in the victim, both to the customer of the love spell to enslave the guy, and to others, as well as alcohol or drug addiction.

The strongest love spell of a guy distorts the energy field of the victim, whose energy is directed to the customer. The victim of a strong black love spell is simply not able to do any business, which gradually leads to a complete collapse of his career and social life.

Usually a very strong love spell on a man's love appears after seven or ten days, the timing depends on how strong the energy of the object is. If the will to resist is great, then it can manifest itself even after a month. There is such a way to bewitch a married guy for a long time. As long as the infernal essence, called from oblivion by the magician, will be on the victim of a hard love spell to subdue a man, the effect of the ritual and your power will be unshakable. This demon causes outbursts of uncontrollable rage and even insanity in the victim over time, as he needs more and more energy, which he takes from the victim. In some cases, the magician gives energy to the customer at the mercy of the demon, then the customer has health and mental problems.

Therefore, I will give the following advice: if a black love spell on a man’s love at a distance from the photo worked properly, and your lover is at your disposal, then after a while remove him from your beloved and try to maintain relationships in more natural ways. It is more convenient to remove it for the magician who imposed it, since it will be easier for him to cope with this demon.

You already know the consequences of a strong love spell on a loved one, so you must understand what kind of person you have to live with. If you are firmly confident in your decision, and strive to bewitch your beloved man, do not do it yourself, find a professional magician who will perform such a dangerous ceremony with minimal risk. Never try to lead it yourself in the cemetery, it is forbidden.

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and suggesting the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subordinate a person to your will, be it an enemy, lover or superiors.

What is darkness? This is a distortion of perception, respectively, a troublemaker is a magical way of distorting a person's perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at making a person against his will do something important to you, or refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

In addition, the trouble can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous for you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening at his will, but in fact she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the rite.

Sending the right goals and thoughts to the victim can happen in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals involve only weakening the will of a person. This means that you personally have to negotiate with him, but it will be easy to get him to take the desired action.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing the will of a person and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult, in order for the business to succeed, you need extreme concentration and serious magical preparation, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before conducting such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, relax in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But far from always there is such an opportunity, there are often situations when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to the study of the occult sciences, but remember that retribution can be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Usually these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the effect on the victim to nothing. If you need a long-term effect, you will have to repeat them very often. Far from always the stereotype of nightmarish troubles takes place, parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect the child from bad company.

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ceremony with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Back to front, everything is the opposite, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

You can bring such a mess on the enemy to achieve reconciliation or make him make the wrong decision, on the boss who treats you unfairly in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you need without much effort.

If you do not have a photograph of the object, the next option can be read while being in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

I'm not going, I'm going to the vedmedytsi, I'm filthy,

And before tebe (name), I’ll tell the filthy rich

(state the essence of the desire - what a person should do according to your plan)

I'm going to cherez more, I'll throw a poppy at the more,

What am I going to say - shob bulo everything is so,

I'm up to you from a bisovoy pointer,

And you, before mene, be a kind caress.

It is possible to use a mischief not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following rite, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also ways, and indeed affect any aspect of a person’s life. In order to confuse thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road, does not come to any place - it is advisable to take a lace from his shoes. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown tape, you can take a new shoelace.

The length of the lace is approximately the size of a person's foot, the threads for messing up thoughts and the head are approximately the same as the girth of the head. You cannot measure such threads and ribbons on yourself, you will have to do it “by eye”. Well, if there is hair of the victim - so witchcraft will work better. If you manage to get a person's hair, they need to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable conspiracy of confusion or another that is excellent in meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or lace. Knots should be confusing, their whole construction should look complicated. But at the same time, in order to remove witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to bypass you. Popular wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It is worth learning in advance a few of these words that are spoken in a whisper or to oneself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Salt toby and water, smoking a slip,

toad on the shoulders, schob about me ne mala ty rechi.

Such words will always save you from the wrath of the boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on a bastard, I drive a bastard.

I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

There are troubles for all occasions, including rituals that can be directed at ill-wishers. If you can't deal with the enemy without witchcraft, try to take away his mind so that he cannot compete with you.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly out of them. When it boils, say jelly:

I will remember your business with jelly,

Bold, bold and bold.

How Yegory fought, won,

So I will crush the enemy, the slave (name),

I will destroy his case.

Cook all day.

Fix my case.

I'm first, the enemy is behind me.

My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.

Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third must be drunk at sunset, and what remains - at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days, and repeat the ceremony. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. The days are counted down at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

You can bring confusion to the enemy in order to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, however, no attributes are needed to read it:

Find, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, look away 33 times. Morbid leprosy, eat purity of thoughts, give a swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

There are special troubles that take away the strength of the enemy instantly. No need to be scared, this is not about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy applies only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read nine times, on the photo of the enemy or with the visualization of his image. A candle should burn in the room, preferably black. But if there is no such candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and the time of day:

Twisted, grabbed, suffered

Through windbreaks, gullies,

With a roar, a whistle,

Leshy laughter, eagle scream.

Heavy moans, screams.

It hit the ribs, foamed in the heart,

Roar in the throat, in the chest with claws,

It swirled, splashed a yellow-muddy wave into the eyes

Yellow around, dark around

Fog around, burning around,

It's light all around, no zgi around ...

Saliva burns drunker than wine,

It burns and chokes, it silences thoughts.

Moan and cry - do not hide your tears.

Laughter grin - a yellow snake,

Curls in rings, ripples in the eyes,

He pulled his forehead with a tight tourniquet,

Heart sucks, soul gnaws,

His back is cold, his ears are buzzing.

Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

This trick takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if you are so disliked that they are ready to spend for the sake of revenge.

Love trouble for a man or a woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that it evokes feelings, like a white love spell, or passion, like a black one. Submission to one's will cannot cause any love feelings. But it’s quite possible to persuade people to give gifts or make them close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To remedy this situation, braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. The rite, unfortunately, is only suitable for owners of long hair that can really be braided. On the fourth day, you need to wake up at three in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with these words:

hair on the head,

in my hand I have my scythe, in my teeth I have my mind.

Whatever I say

thus showing her intelligence.

How people listen to church bells

so let my husband listen to my words all the time.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. And even if you carry complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, a hassle is a change in people's perception in their favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than it actually is. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

They have bad manners

On all the dresses are curly,

I entered, peacock,

Gathered all the men.

Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

And my favorite (name) is the best!

Such conspiracies work great on holidays and corporate parties, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

It is quite possible to force the victim to do something with the help of a goof. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen once again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not so.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,

not one by one, but all 40!

I turn your eyes away

I confuse your consciousness

I wrap myself in a black web!

Like flies and mosquitoes to the web

so my words-deeds-views

your will is being sedated!

Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.

How the earth absorbs water

so do my will!

The darkness fell on you

on each side and from any side!

Get lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!

I confuse, I twist, I twist,

do what I want!

In your eyes - blindness,

on your arms and legs - numbness,

to your will - my any command!

How I blow on your face,

so I'll break you right off!

Devil brothers, throw my fetters on (name), throw on, put on,

subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind is in a dope!

The question of how to remove the mischief is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of her husband to a rival. Before you start removing the trouble, make sure that it is in it. In addition to quite material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, the following method removes all the spell cast by the rival on her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. It is necessary to serve food and set the table, even if it is modest. For food before the arrival of the spouse, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only servant of God (name) legal wife. Let our quarrels be forgotten, let the slanders of others evaporate, and my husband's eyes be opened. We live together, and the lover of witchcraft does not work. Amen.

If you are wondering how to remove the trouble from the head, that is, one that is aimed at suggesting other people's thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a rite. Do it only on the waning moon. Well, if you manage to guess so that at this time there is a church holiday - the Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but a large one. For the ritual, you only need fish, absolutely any. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

God help me! Heavenly Father, help me!

How does this fish fly around the scales,

So the mess with the servant of God (name) flies.

As it is impossible to make the mother earth to anyone,

No one can fool her,

So would the servant of God (name)

Don't ruin anyone

Not deed, not a word to cloud.

No one would dress him up in a mess,

The heart and mind will not cloud.

And who wants to spoil it,

Deed, word to cloud,

That my word will find

Peace and happiness will take him away.

For now, for eternity, for eternity.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning, the fish can be cooked and eaten. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times, strong troubles are not removed from one time. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The rite also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, a frostbite can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for obeying one's will and even protection from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should know how to remove such slander.

Who among us at least once in our lives did not want to take possession of the thoughts of some person or force him to do what is convenient for us? Such desires can arise periodically, or they can be permanent and turn into a goal. Managing people is quite difficult, but with a sound approach and skillful combination with magic, this task will not be difficult for you.

In magic, there are many ways that will subordinate the thoughts and actions of a person to your instructions.

In magic, there are many ways that will not only subordinate the thoughts and actions of a person to your instructions, but also turn you into a strong-willed person. You must remember that managing people is impossible without some effort. Sometimes you may think that this task is not for you. So, higher powers check you for lice. Reschedule all tests, and you will be able to enjoy the effect of your work in the near future.

How to control a person with magic? The answer to this question will please you with a variety of options and forms for managing a person. Before you begin to get acquainted with the most effective rituals, ask yourself the question: “Are you ready to cross the line of reality and white magic in order to achieve your goals?”. With a positive answer, you will feel an incredible surge of strength. How to control a person using magic?

  1. A ritual for subordinating a person to his desire. The proposed ritual is famous for its effectiveness, its feature is the obligatory use only once. In order for the person you have chosen to fulfill your wish, you should wait for windy weather and go outside in the evening. The desire should be clearly formulated and presented in the head as clearly as possible. For example, love me, forgive me, come to me. When the desire is formulated, read the following plot:

    “I was in the forests, I saw a lot of herbs there. The wind tends to the grass, the grass looks in that direction. As grass follows the wind, so the slave (name) does what I want. My words are on the key, my deeds are on the lock. Waiting for you slave (name) to obey me. Amen!"

    The reading of the ritual should take place every day for a week 3 times. It is better to use in the business field or at work.

  2. Easy conspiracy on a person. You can bend a person to your will without much effort. To do this, a certain sequence of words, a full moon and a signed photo of the victim are enough (you need a first and last name). Holding a photograph in your hands, you need to start walking around the room in a circle with your back forward, saying:

    “I go the other way around and let you have everything back to front. At least run, at least walk, but fulfill my desires. You will do what I say, for now I am in charge of you.

Such a magical rite is very strong and a little dangerous. When performing it, one should remember that a person can harm not only himself, but also those around him. If the consequences do not scare you, then proceed to the description of the procedure.

To perform the rite, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a pinch of red pepper;
  • personal item or photo of a person;
  • woolen red threads;
  • Earth;
  • jar.

All that needs to be done is to collect the land in a jar near the house where the controlled person lives, sprinkle it with a pinch of red pepper, wrap the photograph seven times with red thread and place it in the jar. Close the lid tightly. Next, you must wait until midnight, come to the enemy’s house and, looking at his windows, start saying:

“You (name) poisoned my life, so now taste unsweetened revenge. Let it be bitter like red pepper, black like loose earth. Now you are subject to my will, I will do what I want, you believe me. Your life will be unsweetened, and relationships with people will not be in order. You will do (make a wish) and be sorry.”

After completing the ritual, take the jar and hide it at home in the most secluded place. Such a sentence is so powerful that many who used it once were afraid to utter the words again, in order to avoid disastrous consequences.

To plot against the enemy, you need to collect land in a jar near the house

Gypsy conspiracy

Gypsies are famous for their ability to control people's behavior. We invite you to try to feel like them. The conspiracy is directed so that someone makes a decision that is convenient for you. To perform the procedure, you will need a photograph or drawing with a human figure.

Take a photo, sign it with your name, put it on the ground in sunny weather. Bend over this drawing (photo) and whisper three times:

“Today, tomorrow, any day. I expect from you (name) without delay, making a decision of your choice, in the name of the reverse good. My convenience comes first, forget about what you wanted.

After that, you should spit on the depicted person, rub the saliva with your index finger and cover with earth, stamping your foot.

Anti-governance conspiracy. It is used when internal energy tells you that someone has decided to control your actions. Getting rid of this is easy. It is enough to write the names of all your loved ones and relatives on a sheet, take it in your hands, bring it to your heart and say:

“Let the higher power protect me from envy, envelop me with kindness and care. Let all family members of my slave (your name) be freed from the shackles of the enemy, and friends will not know grief from black people. Amen".

Conspiracy on the actions of a loved one

If a lover or beloved began to behave incomprehensibly and inexplicably, go against your will, do unjustified actions - it's time to put an end to this.

To do this, try to be alone with your thoughts, wait until midnight, light a candle and take a photograph of a loved one in your right hand. Free your thoughts from all burdens and focus on your desire. What you want to achieve must be presented by you very clearly and clearly.

When you realize that you are ready, proceed to the conspiracy. Stand with the photo in front of the window, close your eyes and start whispering the words by heart:

“Slave (name), you do not please your soul mate. You bring hardships, bad weather, adversity. How do you justify your actions? I want to help you change position, free you from the terrible shackles. Do what I command and return again to the family you were before. My desire sounds simple, namely (say the desire). For the benefit of good forces, you will do what I command you. Amen".

After that, go to bed and wait for the fulfillment of your will.

This procedure is suitable if you want your loved one or subordinate to constantly think about you, do what you love and not argue. For its implementation you will need:

  • salt;
  • lentils;
  • transparent container;
  • water.

To carry out the ritual, purchase 400 grams of lentils in the market (by no means in the supermarket). After that, go to the nearest source of water and fill the bottle. At home, combine lentils, water, and 3 pinches of salt in a container. Put to infuse for 7 nights on the balcony. After a week, take out the magic container and wait until 12 o'clock at night. Open the window, light seven candles, climb onto the chair in front of the window with a container in your hands. You must be alert and full of energy (if you want to sleep or are tired, nothing will work).

“The night has come and penetrated the houses, I have been waiting for this day for a week. As the night always covers the whole earth, so my desires will cover you (name). The land of mother nature is true to all of us, and you take an example from her. Fulfill all my desires, do not reproach my will. Amen".

After that, go to bed with thoughts about the fulfillment of what you want and, waking up at dawn, repeat the plot.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in managing people. The combination of magic and perseverance will lead you to the blissful life you desire.

Who among us does not dream of subordinating, dominating, and in such a way that people obey unquestioningly, do what we want. With the help of magical rites, you can manipulate people, depriving them of their will, making them slaves. However... Such actions are unlikely to be useful for the one they are being carried out on, and on the one being carried out, all these manipulations can return like a fourfold boomerang. Therefore, before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable. Before you start such actions, you should think very carefully - the punishment for them is inevitable.

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The magic of submission

Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, because of which this person can get sick if he is energetically weakened. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of the one who is being plotted against. If a person is energetically holistic, self-confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage through which you can inflict magical blows, and your actions will not be able to reach him, and will not cause such a person any harm, but you can “backfire”. Rites to suppress the will and subjugate a person belong to black magic

We all want to be loved, however, the feeling is, unfortunately, very often not reciprocated. And if there is no reciprocity, then is it worth continuing such a relationship, even with the help of magic? Forcing yourself to love by force, resorting to magical rites, is a violation of the personality, so think carefully - do you really need this person? Would you like to commit yourself to him for life, or is it just a momentary whim? If a person treats you coldly, then no magic will help. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude towards you will not change, and both of you will suffer. If you nevertheless decide to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on a person who does not treat you with open hostility, otherwise, further life with him will turn out to be complete hell for you. And one more thing - it is necessary to carry out such rituals based on the purity of one's soul and thoughts. If some selfish goal such as revenge is being pursued, then, you yourself understand, you can not expect good from what you have done.

Below are conspiracies in order to subdue a man (woman), husband (wife), boyfriend (girl), or arouse interest in you men who are more or less harmless and, if performed correctly, will help you achieve the desired result with the least losses.

Rituals for the submission of a husband

  • If suddenly you notice that your spouse behaves inappropriately towards you - does not pay attention, has cooled off, then perhaps you have a rival. To avoid the worst, perform a ceremony to subjugate your spouse to your will. To do this, while adding the night luminary, take the spouse’s white shirt, which you have not yet had time to wash, set fire to the collar of the shirt with a church candle, while reading the following words: “People look in mirrors, and my husband (name) looks only at me . The soap is quickly washed off with water, and my husband, looking at me, loves and smiles. On his body is a white shirt - and on his face is a bright smile. As the shirt collar burns, so my husband will forget to look at others. May it be so!" After the collar burns out completely, put out the spouse’s clothes and hide them so that no one finds them;
  • if there are frequent scandals and quarrels in the family, then the following rite will help you. Take your spouse’s unwashed shirt, and tie its sleeves in a knot, read the spell on the knot: “Let this knot hold the sleeves, and I will be above the spouse (name) head. Amen!" The shirt must be hidden. After the ritual, the husband will become accommodating and complaisant;
  • Do you want your spouse to listen only to you? Perform the ceremony - weave your hair into a braid and do not unravel for three days. On the fourth night, at three o'clock, undo the braid and comb your hair, while saying the spell three times: “My hair is on my head, my braid is in my hand. In my teeth - my mind. Whatever I said, I showed my mind. In church, people listen to the bells, but my husband hears only me. May it be so!";

    If there are frequent scandals in the family, a ceremony with a spouse's shirt will help

  • a ritual so that the spouse obeys and obeys. Three aspen twigs are set on fire with a church candle. Looking at the fire, they say the words three times: “The Moon and the Star conspired, the Heaven and the Sun conspired - everyone will conspire among themselves, and my words will be fulfilled, consolidated and affirmed. My decrees for (husband's name) be orders, as the child of the parents listens, so the spouse (name) will obey me. I lock it in the name of Koshchnoy, let it be as I said!
  • after this ceremony, your husband will obey only you. Bake a sweet cake that your husband loves. When preparing a treat, say: “Pie - pie, bring peace and peace to my family, my friend! As my husband tastes you, he will feel fright at my word - let my word become law for him, let peace come to my family. May it be so!" After the husband has tasted the pie, he will only obey you;
  • to subordinate your husband to your will, make a conspiracy on water, which you then add to your spouse's favorite drink. To do this, on the evening of any Friday, say 12 times a spell on a container of water: “At the bottom, a stone is silent, does not say anything. Submitted to my will - spends a century in captivity. Let my husband submit to me, not break out from under my will. And I give him food, and water - for him my will is the law, forever. Whoever knocks my word down, the pip will come down on his tongue. May it be so!" From this water, prepare any drink in the morning, on Saturday, and give it to your husband. Soon, he will never be able to refuse you anything and will be obedient and complaisant;
  • after this ritual, your spouse will obey you forever. On any Thursday, when your husband is not at home, take a photo where he is captured alone, and say the spell three times: “My words will be strong, and my deeds will be molding. As a horse is subdued by a collar - it does not run, does not kick, so my husband obeys me forever - I will throw my collar on the one who is dear to my heart. From now on - everything is my will, in my power - your share. Humble yourself with my clamp, and submit to my will. May it be so. Amen!" The next morning, notice that the husband seems to have been replaced, so he will become obedient.

How to subdue your loved one

To make the guy only yours, you can make a love binding

  • so that the guy you like is only yours, you can make such a love binding. To do this, take a rope and wrap it around your waist. You will need a piece of this length for the ceremony. On this rope, you will need to tie 12 knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy to obey: “My beloved will leave me when my hands untie these knots. May it be so!" The rope must be taken to the forest and put in any hollow. After that, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is good because it can be performed on a person who is far from you;
  • in order to fall in love with a guy, they carry out such a ceremony - they take a thing that they give to their beloved after the ceremony, and slander such words on it: “As birds fly boldly in the sky, so we (names) would always do well in love. As the sun always illuminates the earth, so would my beloved love me alone. As a new day comes, and people are illuminated with light, so would our (names) griefs be rare, and happiness is apt. As water flows endlessly in a river, so our life in happiness (names) would be endless. May it be so!" After the thing is in the hands of your boyfriend, the conspiracy will begin to act.

Rites of submission of a man for blood

Rituals performed on blood are considered one of the most powerful and effective in black magic. They act for sure, therefore, in order to carry out such manipulations, please think carefully again - there will be no turning back. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

Rites with the participation of blood are usually held at night on the growing moon. Blood taken from a finger is mixed into alcohol - red wine.

It is necessary to pierce the ring finger with a treated needle and drip an odd number of drops into a glass of red wine, saying the spell: “As you drink this wine to your heart’s content, your passion for me will wake up. All your thoughts about me will be - both at night and during the day. Amen!" After your loved one takes a sip of this wine, the love spell will begin to act.

The next plot is done on sugar. You need to light a red candle, take a piece of refined sugar and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: “How this drop is dear to me, let me be so dear to you (name)! Amen!"

On the increasing moon, such a rite is performed. Three drops of their blood are dripped into red wine, reciting the spell: “(Name) drink to the bottom, drink up! Take my blood into you. My blood is strong, but your will is weak. (Name), you are my slave now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, you have no strength. You have no others, now you are mine - forever. Amen!" If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance

If close communication with a man is impossible, they make a ritual of submission at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your loved one, where he is in full growth, and an indoor flower that has been constantly growing in your house for a long time. Before the full moon, a few days before, light a red candle, tear off a branch or leaf from a flower, burn it on a candle flame, saying the spell: “I give you as a sacrifice, for a slaughter, for this love spell retribution. May it be so!" Put the ashes from the plant in a bowl. It is believed that this flower will take on all the consequences of a love spell. Then, they take a photo of a loved one, concentrate completely on it, thinking about their love, prick a finger, draw a blood line along the photo from bottom to top, which extends from the genitals to the head, then repeat the words of the conspiracy again and burn the photo. The remains of the photo are also placed in a bowl with ashes from the flower. The ashes are mixed, half is buried in a pot with a flower, and the second half should be sprinkled on the threshold of the bewitched.

Conspiracy to subjugate the will of a man

Every girl dreams of being desired by men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, they read the following spell: “As everyone is waiting for spring, they are waiting for the red smile in the sun, so guys and men would be happy for me. They would have watched, admired, for me, beautiful, they would have hung around - both mature men, and young, and very young. They would respect me with honor, they would accept me with honor, they would kneel in my presence, they would climb to have mercy on me, and dream of kissing me. Words are keys, deeds are locks. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to their person, very effective, however, its effect is very short-lived, therefore, in order to be constantly in the attention of men and guys, you need to repeat it more often.

Now let's talk about a more powerful ritual. To complete it, you will need:

  • nominal icon of the bewitched;
  • nominal icon of the bewitcher;
  • two black candles;
  • cross from the church;
  • one ripe apple.

Every girl dreams of being desired by men.

Manipulations are carried out at night, by the light of lit candles, between which icons are placed, on the left - female, on the right - male. A cross is placed between the icons. An apple is placed in the center of the cross. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “This is not a sacrament of the church, this is a petition at night. Now I don’t sentence with a prayer, but with a black bird, and a love spell, and a black night. Everything is coordinated, but everything is done, but through the cross, fate (name) is attached to fate (name). They are loved by an apple, and paved with bodily delight, even the Evil One himself measured himself through an apple, and a man became sinful, so through an apple, yes it is laid crosswise, two destinies are intertwined, and two hearts are made by love as one. If they are tempted, yes, they are called Adam and Eve, now they are loved, but they are made by one fate, then (name) and (name) are named, but live one life, and walk one way. Amen!"

In the morning, the apple is buried in the churchyard. They leave the yard - without turning around, without talking to anyone at random meetings until the house. The result is awaited in complete calmness, without taking any other magical actions that can slow down the action of this ritual. You also do not need to respond to every phone call and door knock, which can also only do harm.

Good luck in love!

Mutual exchange of pleasantries: quid pro quo

You don't know how to get your colleague to help you with your annual report. Or you dream that your friend will invite you to a party that he throws only for VIP friends, but you don’t dare to ask for it. We suggest you use the quid pro quo manipulation.

This is a fairly effective way of manipulation. The bottom line is this: you are the first to do a favor, provide assistance, make a concession to your “victim”, and after that ask for a small favor for you. This method works almost flawlessly. You are using human conscience as your assistant. People have a clear mechanism of mutual assistance and mutual assistance: the majority lives according to the principle: "you - to me, I - to you." By rendering a service, we, firstly, win over a man to ourselves, and secondly, we achieve the appearance of a feeling of unexpressed gratitude.

To get your man from you, you must make him believe in your disinterestedness and sincere desire to help. Here's what it looks like in practice. For example, you want to go to a nightclub with your girlfriend without your boyfriend. Prepare a little surprise for his arrival: "Darling, tonight's dinner is your favorite shrimp and a mug of beer for dessert." If you manage to create the conditions for him to have a wonderful evening without you, then out of a sense of gratitude they will certainly repay you in the same coin - they will agree to let you go alone.

If your friend accidentally mentioned a grand party that he throws at his house only for the elite, but is in no hurry to invite you, do not immediately despair. Give him a gift that he cannot refuse: invite him to go to a concert of his favorite band, a ticket for which you accidentally turned out to be, and then you will definitely be among those invited.

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Rule #25

Innocent blackmail: tease a man

The blackmail method is best used when all other possible methods have already been used and have not brought any results. This method of manipulation is as follows: you are trying to scare a man, trying to force him to fulfill your request, otherwise you promise to do something that he cannot bear, which he is terribly afraid of, which he dreams of in nightmares.

Manipulation will only bear fruit if you know what a man is afraid of. For example: “If you don’t stop throwing your dirty socks around the house, I will stop washing them”, “If you come home from work so late every day, I will go to my mother”, “If you don’t stop drinking, I will leave you.” You must understand the danger of this method of manipulation: after all, you can not scare a man, but, on the contrary, make him happy. Perhaps he is just waiting for you to finally leave him or go to your mother, and he will do what he really wants. In addition, there is a danger that manipulative blackmail can lead to a serious quarrel. As soon as you feel that you have gone too far and your threats only annoy the man, you should stop and try to make peace.

If you decide to use this ploy, you must be as serious as possible - do not smile, speak confidently and decisively. Do everything so that a man believes you, is truly frightened, feels himself in your power. Remember that you must be serious, otherwise you will not be believed and you will lose. Your demand and your actions, in case of non-fulfillment, must be proportionate: for example, if you want your man to stop being late for dates, you can scare him by becoming forgetful yourself and just not come next time.

Remember also that you should not resort to this method of manipulation too often. If you have never tried to carry out your threat, the man will understand that you are just bluffing, that your blackmail is nothing more than a desperate attempt to make him dance to your tune. Therefore, this method is best used only in exceptional cases, when other methods no longer help.

Chapter 3

How to persuade a man to do what you want?

Rule #26

How to persuade a man to visit your mother?

Persuading a man to visit your mother - a real or potential mother-in-law - is not an easy task. It so happened historically that the relationship between a parent and a contender for the hand and heart of her daughter, as a rule, has a slightly strained character.

There are, of course, happy exceptions when mother-in-law and son-in-law live in perfect harmony. If people close to you can not make contact, then this chapter is for you.

Are your lover's visits to your mother so rare that he still can't remember her name? Does your offer to visit your mother make him nervous? Is he always looking for an excuse to turn down another date? Use manipulation to persuade your man to pay another visit to your mother. Here are some ways you can use.

Method 1: "Flew out of my head." The essence of this method is as follows: you report a meeting with your parent suddenly, referring to your own forgetfulness: “Darling, I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you that today my mother is waiting for us to visit.” If your beloved tries to refuse the meeting, say that it’s impossible , because your mother has already prepared her signature pie and is certainly waiting for you. If that doesn't work, then come up with some imaginary reason for the visit - for example, a visit in honor of a name day or a promotion.

Method 2: "Phenomenal forgetfulness." Begin preparations for the visit without explanation. When your beloved asks where you are going, reproach him for forgetfulness: “I told you last week that we were going to visit my parents, but you, as usual, forgot. You know how important this is to me."

Method 3: "Get sympathy for your mom." In order to make meeting your loved ones more desirable, try to make them like each other. How to do it? You should not literally retell your telephone conversations with your mother, convey all her reproaches and discontent. Compliment your lover on her behalf: “My mother admired you so much, she thinks that I made a good choice”, “Mom says that you are very talented and smart”, “Mom is sure that you are making a good career.”

Try to persuade your mother to be more friendly and benevolent towards your chosen one. Even if he does not suit her in some way, explain to her that this is your choice and you do not intend to change anything. Persuade her to please your companion: let her praise him, cook his favorite dish for dinner, be attentive to him. Then your man will understand that your mother is not such a tyrant and despot as she seemed at first, she is a very nice person and treats him with respect. The emerging sympathy will make their meetings much more pleasant.

Rule #27

How to persuade a man to give you an expensive gift?

You want to persuade your man to spend a significant amount of money on you, but you don't know where to start. You understand that you should not act directly, since you may come across a decisive “no” on his part, but which of the methods of manipulation should you use? Which one will be the most effective?

In order to achieve your goal, you can use several fairly effective methods of covert control.

Your task is to convince the man that the acquisition of this thing is vital for you, that you cannot do without it at all. How to convince him of this? Try to use all your acting talents. The success of the whole event will depend on how much you yourself will want to purchase a new dress or jewelry. You don't have time for doubt. Once in a jewelry store, try to sincerely portray admiration for the chic necklace that you have been dreaming of for so long. Feel free to express yourself, try to be maximalist: “This is exactly what I have dreamed of all my adult life, if I get this, I will be the happiest woman in the world.” If your man believes that this purchase is really important for you, he is unlikely to refuse you it. Try to confuse the man, mislead him about the required amount. If he asks the seller to name the price, ask the seller not to name it right away: refer to the fact that you don’t want to be upset, but still would like to try on. If you wear the jewelry or dress of your dreams, then consider that you have already won half.

There is another important tip. Never warn your man in advance about the upcoming shopping trip or that you want to buy a very expensive item. By warning him in advance of upcoming expenses, you give him time to think. During this time, he can gather his thoughts, think carefully about whether it is worth giving you such an expensive gift. It's better if you drag your beloved into a trendy boutique or expensive restaurant quite spontaneously, as if not intending to buy anything. Such spontaneity will be in your favor - a man simply will not be able to navigate, therefore, most likely, he will fulfill your “little” whim.

In addition, bringing your beloved to the store, you get another advantage - you can demonstrate a future purchase. And, as you know, visibility is better than a thousand words. Your man will surely appreciate how great the necklace or evening dress you have chosen looks on you. And perhaps, without even looking at the price, he will give the seller his credit card.

Rule #28

How to persuade a man to cook dinner?

There is a common misconception among men that only women should cook. Men's concern is to earn more money, and a woman must create all the conditions for this: first of all, feed her man. The male half of the population is not embarrassed by the fact that women, just like them, work, look after children (if there are any, of course), take care of themselves and manage to tidy up the house. Men often do not wonder how their beloved manages everything.

If you don't want to turn into a tormented housewife with only housework on her mind, you will have to learn how to exploit your beloved. If you have no idea how to get your man to help you around the house, for example, to cook something edible for you, then this chapter is for you.

To begin with, try to convince him that cooking is not a purely feminine occupation and that many men love to cook very much, and in restaurants the chef is predominantly male. It is not necessary to state this directly. You can talk about this topic by chance, as if not pursuing any goals. During dinner, for example, you can tell your man a story about the wonderful talent of your girlfriend's husband: they say that he cooks in such a way that you just lick your fingers. One of the many cooking programs can be among your favorite programs, it is better if the participants are predominantly men. It is desirable that your man be present when watching it and at least look at the TV screen with one eye.

The most important thing is to get the first step on the part of a man: if he picks up a cookbook, then he will probably wake up with a desire to surprise you. As they say, dashing trouble is the beginning. How to achieve this? Come up with some urgent business for yourself that will prevent you from coming home for dinner for a week. For example, an emergency at work: a balance sheet or something else. The first days a man can eat in a cafe, but sooner or later he will get up to the stove and try to satisfy his need for homemade food. Perhaps the beginning will not be too virtuoso - a banal scrambled eggs and pasta with sausages, then he will be interested in the recipe in the cookbook specially left by you on the table. And, who knows, maybe when you come home after another hard day at work, you will find on the table a wonderful dinner prepared by the hands of your own husband.

Another way to get a man to stand up to the stove is a sharp deterioration in the quality of your dishes: for completely incomprehensible reasons, you learn how to cook - everything burns and is salted so that it is completely impossible to eat. Having eaten to the full with salted soup and burnt cutlets, your man will simply have to take a book of recipes into his hands.

There is another reliable way to make a man cook. It is known that men are very kind to pregnant women, they try to please them in everything. So, if your desire to teach your beloved to cook coincides with your joint desire to have a child, then go ahead. Your loved one will be ready for anything for you and your future child.

Rule #29

How to persuade a man to pay more attention to you?

Do you think that your beloved does not pay enough attention to you? He has too much to do at work, so he always comes back late, or meets with his friends too often, or maybe, when he comes home, he just lies down on the sofa and watches TV, not even wanting to talk to you. If you want to make a difference, then you need to seriously work on your relationship.

There may be various reasons for this behavior. Perhaps he is thinking about your future and trying to earn as much money as possible. Or he just values ​​his friends very much, so he is always glad to meet them. Another option: he is so tired at work that he does not have time to talk at all. But in any case, if a man does not pay enough attention to you, you are also the culprit of this inattention. Perhaps the man has lost interest in you, he has become bored in your company, so he is looking for a way to reduce the time of your joint leisure. You can change the situation if you want.

Try to turn the return of your man home from work into a little holiday. The main thing is that the desire to go home returns to him, there is confidence that a beautiful wife is waiting for him there and a delicious dinner is ready. Analyze the topics of your conversations, think about whether you are an interesting interlocutor for your man. Very often, women simply do not know how to interest a man, they incessantly crackle cosmetics, fashionable clothes and women's trinkets. You must understand that men are a different world, they are interested in completely different topics. Of course, you don't have to talk to them about cars and football, but you can try to get into his inner world, try to show interest in the things he lives by - his work, his friends, his hobbies.

Being an interesting conversationalist for your chosen one is half the success. The other depends on your ability to use the little female tricks. To get more attention, you need to be able to attract it. How? Very simple.

Darling, how do I look today?(And you must always look your best, and you can ask this question as often as you wish.)

It will be nice if strangers can appreciate your beauty and charm. Your relationship will benefit from a little jealousy on the part of your chosen one. Your man could lose interest in you, because he was sure that you were in his power and would not go anywhere. Try to shake his confidence, create a threat to his inner peace, make him worry. As soon as there is a danger of losing you, a man will begin to pay attention to you much more often than before.

The desire of a man to be close to his beloved woman largely depends on her talent to organize joint leisure. Remember how long ago you were in the cinema together, sitting in the last row and kissing. When was the last time you went to a restaurant or cafe together? Or maybe you just need to go to the skating rink, because you used to love to do this very much. In general, think about how you can diversify your life, make it colorful, fill it with new experiences, be proactive - and then your man will pay more attention to you.

Rule #30

How to persuade a man to make repairs to your taste?

You really want to update your dilapidated housing - redevelop, revive the interior. But you can’t come to a compromise in any way, you constantly quarrel over trifles. The repair was delayed, because you can’t agree on which wallpaper to prefer.

The repair problem has become fatal for many couples: the lovers parted without coming to a compromise. If such a dangerous issue as housing renewal has appeared in your life, you should be very careful about it and act not through persuasion and requests, but through manipulation.

Men are sure that they are much better than women at all, with regard to repairs. In order for your opinion in choosing wallpaper and new furniture to become authoritative for your man, you need to work hard.

To begin with, you yourself need to decide what you want. It is important that you clearly articulate the idea of ​​your new interior. You should not prove to your chosen one only out of a sense of contradiction and self-importance that the bedroom must certainly have yellow wallpaper, and not brown, as he wants.

You need to turn your idea into the idea of ​​your man, convince him that it originated in his head. Make him believe that he wants yellow wallpaper, not brown. How to do it?

Use the "random page" method. Leave, as if by accident, a fashionable interior design magazine on the dining table. It should be opened exactly on the page on which the interior is depicted, in your opinion, very well suited for your apartment. If the man does not react in any way to this, then you can completely "accidentally" forget this magazine in the bedroom, in the living room, or even in the closet (your man will definitely have time to think there). The result of such a manipulation should be his complete confidence that the interior design that HE found in the magazine would be very good for your apartment.

If this technique does not work and your man remains in his opinion, then you can turn to a qualified specialist. People, as a rule, are more willing to trust the authoritative opinion of an outsider. Consult with an interior designer first. Ask him at the next meeting, which you will come to with your man, to advise you exactly the option that you liked the most. Be sure that your man will agree with the opinion of a specialist. You can even doubt the designer's advice: "But it seems to me that the option with brown wallpaper will suit us." We assure that the man will agree with the opinion of the specialist. The deed is done: you can safely proceed to the long-awaited repair.

Rule #31

How to persuade a man to quit smoking?

Your man smokes too much, you have tried everything: persuasion, requests, and threats, but nothing works on him. It still smokes like a steam locomotive, despite your dislike of this bad habit. Well, it's time for you to resort to manipulation and help your man quit smoking.

This is a very difficult question: is it necessary to try to wean a man to smoke. The fact is that for a smoker with experience, opponents of a bad habit are his enemies. In most cases, a smoking person depends on cigarettes both physiologically and psychologically. Moreover, if physiological dependence can be overcome with the help of various medications, then it is not possible to get rid of psychological dependence. This is where you can help your loved one.

You can’t use the blackmail technique in this case: if you don’t quit smoking, then I will leave you. A man, most likely, will not quit smoking, but will secretly continue to poison his body. Perhaps your words can be the beginning of a serious confrontation or even conflict between you.

You must operate by the method of covert control. Your task is to convince him that smoking is an addiction and it greatly limits his existence. Invite, for example, him to a new restaurant, book a table in advance. Arriving there, you kind of accidentally find out that this is a non-smoking restaurant. On the one hand, you deliberately create discomfort for your man, and on the other hand, you prove to him that a bad habit limits him. Arrange more frequent trips to the cinema, theater - where you need to limit yourself for a long time in satisfying the need to smoke. When you meet your mother, you can ask him not to tell her that he smokes, as she hates cigarette smoke and always swears. Your man is unlikely to refuse you, and during the entire visit he will have to hide his addiction to nicotine.

Try to let him know that he is able to cope with nicotine addiction. Always celebrate his progress: "Honey, you haven't smoked for three hours." Be on his side, be his friend, not his enemy. Help, don't scold.

In order to quit smoking, your man must have an incentive, so to speak, a super task. He must answer himself the question: why does he want to get rid of cigarettes? For women, pregnancy can become such an incentive: many women will quit smoking when they learn that they will become mothers. Your pregnancy can also be a stimulus for your chosen one: "The child needs fresh air, so you should quit smoking in the apartment, or rather quit completely, so as not to make your first child a passive smoker." Or, for example, you can find your man a vacant position in a prestigious company. When he gets excited about getting this job, you can let him know that this company favors people without bad habits. Then, perhaps, he will have a desire to get rid of his addiction.

It is possible that you will not succeed in completely weaning your beloved addiction, but even if you reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day, this will be a great achievement.

Rule #32

How to persuade a man to marry you?

Do you think that your relationship with your beloved man is stuck in one place? You are still just his girlfriend and he is just your boyfriend. You have long been convinced of the strength of your feelings, but for some reason he is in no hurry to propose to you. You think it's time to take the bull by the horns.

A man's fear of marriage is quite understandable: almost every man is afraid of losing his own independence, parting with the so-called male freedom. Just like any woman is afraid to remain unmarried or simply an old maid. How to persuade your man to marry? Yes, it's very simple: you need to convince him that marriage is not as scary as it seems. You must save your loved one from the widespread male prejudice that the end of a bachelor's life is the beginning of a new, boring and hopeless, life of a married man.

Almost every man is frightened by the persistent female desire to become his wife. Therefore, try to hide from your chosen one your irresistible desire to get a stamp in your passport. There are tricks of many women that are resorted to in order to force a man to marry. Someone gives birth to children, counting on the nobility of their father: he will not abandon his offspring. Someone is trying to lure a man with their culinary talents: I am such a good hostess, you simply cannot find better. This is also a kind of manipulation, but each of these methods has its own errors: they may or may not work.

We offer you a win-win option. You must fully support the man in his conviction that a good deed cannot be called marriage. Stand on the side of inveterate bachelors who do not want to hear anything about wedding ceremonies, dresses, festivities of boring distant relatives. Be persistent in your rejection of the institution of marriage as such. Try to convince your man that you want to always be free as the wind.

At first, such a policy cannot but please your man. He will admire you, so unlike other women, and rejoice in his own happiness. But after a while, a treacherous thought will surely come to his mind: if you value your freedom so much, are you ready to part with it for him, are you able to prove your love. Your man may be seriously afraid that you, so bright and extraordinary, will simply leave him at one fine moment. Be sure that sooner or later the proposal to marry on his part will come first timidly, then more and more insistently.

Your task is to play the performance to the end, not to agree to the first marriage proposal. He must seek your consent as long and painfully as he sought reciprocity from you. Men always value what they had to get with blood and sweat.

Rule #33

How to persuade a man to have a child?

You can not wait to give birth to a child, but for some reason your chosen one is against it? He is sure that a child is too responsible a step that can change your whole life. And he's not ready for it yet. How to convince him that a child is not only a burden of responsibility, but also a wonderful gift of fate?

Among manipulative techniques, the “positive example” method is best suited here. We saw young parents with a baby walking in the park - be sure to note how cute they look. If you have friends with a child, be sure to organize a trip to them together with your chosen one. See how they live, how they cope, ask if they have free time, if they manage to relax. It is best if the baby is already over a year old, and the parents have already managed to acclimatize after his appearance.

Your man can change his mind about fatherhood if you arrange for him to talk to a new dad. It will be great if dad shares his impressions of the arrival of a new member in their family. He will tell you how much he changed his life. It will be great if the impressions of the father of the child are so vivid and striking that your beloved will burn with the desire to have a child of his own.

If this does not work, then try using the "immersion" method. Make an appointment with your friend who has a child. And ask your man to sit with her child for a short time while you chat about your business. Very often, men do not want to have children, because they experience some fear of them: many simply do not know what to do with them. For such insecure men, this method is suitable. After sitting with a child for an hour and a half, a man will begin to form an image of fatherhood, he may ask the question: “Can I be a good father?” If he fails to establish contact with the child after the first meeting, then it should be repeated several more times until he has an interest in the child and a desire to experience fatherly feelings.

Rule #34

How to persuade a man to leave his mistress?

You accidentally found out about the betrayal of your loved one. How to act in such a situation? Leave him, make a scandal or demand that he immediately break up with his mistress? If you decide to save your union, we will help you with this.

Cheating does not happen from scratch, therefore, if you are sure that your beloved has started an affair on the side, you must analyze your relationship and understand where you made a mistake, where you are imperfect and what he lacks.

If you still decide to save your relationship, your man is dear to you, then scandals, persuasion and pleas are unlikely to help you. Use the hidden control technique so that your man voluntarily leaves his mistress. Few women manage to win back their man, getting out of the water dry, that is, to maintain their union and at the same time not to drop their own dignity. How to do it? Here are just a few helpful tips and effective techniques.

1. If a man has not yet revealed his secret to you, and you found out about it by chance, having met him with his mistress, then know that he values ​​\u200b\u200byour relationship, he does not want to lose you, and the connection on the side is not so serious for him. In this case, use your own importance, provoke a situation in which a man understands that he can lose you. To do this, you just need to expose your beloved, bring him to clean water, make it clear that you know everything. Exposure should not be accompanied by a scandal or threats, try to be balanced and as calm as possible.

2. Make a man jealous. Create intrigue in your relationship - hint that you also have an affair on the side. This can be done very simply: ask a friend to call you late in the evening, and when a man asks who it was, get embarrassed and come up with some ridiculous excuse that it was a work colleague . For a man, as a rule, your betrayal is a fantasy. They admit their own betrayal, but they don’t imagine that their woman can change them. If he has a suspicion that you are cheating on him, then he will throw all his strength into finding out the truth. You can keep up the intrigue by making new allusions without presenting direct evidence. Your man will begin to pay more attention to you, and he simply will not have time for a mistress, but interest in you will wake up if he realizes that he must seek you again, moreover, “beat off” you from your imaginary lover.

3. And, finally, an integral part of female manipulation is a seductive appearance. You will have to make more than one trip to the beauty salon. Awaken in yourself the desire to spend your entire salary on yourself. The compliments of the surrounding men addressed to you, their passionate looks should make your man look at you with such eyes as he looked once upon a time when he courted you. Try to revive his feelings, and he himself will forget the one he wanted to exchange you for.

Rule #35

How to persuade a man to give you a salary?

Does everyone in your family have their own pocket, their own expenses and incomes? You dream that your beloved will give you everything to the penny. And he still hides his income from you, and you only have an approximate idea of ​​​​how much he receives. How to be?

If you and your lover are accomplished individuals with good jobs, you may not be asking yourself this question. But if you still do not have an idea about the family budget, your family cannot be called complete. In order to force your beloved to reveal all the hidden items of income and expenses, you can use several effective manipulation techniques.

Usually men hide their income in order to make it easier to hide expenses. After all, if you don’t know how much he earns, you won’t know how much, and most importantly, what he spends his savings on. Your task is to “unwind” your man, make him play openly.

This can be done in the following way. Try to pass your total expenses on it. Let him pay for groceries, utilities, going to restaurants and movies. You can explain your insolvency by the fact that, having received your next salary, you decided to look into a fashion boutique and accidentally spent everything. This can be repeated for more than one month, until your beloved himself offers you to spend your “general” savings more economically. Thus, you will lead him to the idea that it is time to combine your financial efforts.

Another variant. You may have an idea to buy a car or an apartment. The main thing is that this purchase is of interest to your man. You can look after a new car together, consult on estimates and about loan options. Thus, you will kindle in your man the desire to purchase this thing as soon as possible. That's when you can start taking action. “Darling, we can only fulfill our dream if we are very economical, start to consider our expenses.” You can even try to start a family budget book, in which you will keep track of your savings. In such a situation, your beloved is unlikely to refuse to share his savings, because buying a new car is in his interests. And after its acquisition, the concept of "family budget" will become familiar to both of you.

Chapter 4

How to resist the manipulation of men?

Rule #36

Develop reflection: understand yourself, your goals and the goals of others

Do you think that you are very easily influenced by the representatives of the stronger sex? Do you feel unable to resist their manipulations? In order to give a worthy rebuff to the manipulator, you must learn to understand yourself and your goals.

In order to expose the manipulator, try to always anticipate the further development of events, think ahead, try to find out the man's goal before he voiced it. Be alert and always ready to refuse if the man's offer does not interest you. If you feel that a man is pulling you into his web like a spider, then you should refuse his offer.

Let us give an example of a conversation between a manipulator and a girl who succumbed to his influence and was unable to resist his manipulation. , does not contain any threat. Hearing such a confession, the girl is naturally flattered, embarrassed, she tries to respond with sincerity to sincerity. She agrees to a date. Having secured the consent, the young man does not let her come to her senses, he immediately offers her two options for a date: a hotel outside the city or an apartment in a local motel. The girl is confused and does not know what to choose. The man insists on a quick decision. She decides that it is not worth going out of town, and chooses a more suitable, in her opinion, option - a hotel in the city. A man orders a rather expensive room, in the room he treats his chosen one with champagne and delicacies - all this costs him dearly. The girl begins to feel awkward, she feels that she owes her companion. She understands that she is unlikely to be able to refuse him if he asks her to spend the night with him. Which is what happens as a result.

In this case, the skillful actions of the manipulator-man and the inability to resist him on the part of the girl are evident. What should have been done in this situation? The girl did not even try to figure out the purpose of this man, although it was obvious from the very beginning. The man suggested that she arrange a date not in a restaurant or a park, but in a hotel, from which one could conclude what he was trying to achieve. In this case, the man skillfully used a manipulative technique. He offered the girl an imaginary alternative: to spend time either in a country hotel or in a city one. In fact, the essence of the proposal has not changed. In such a situation, the girl could herself suggest a third scenario, for example, take a walk in the park or go to her favorite cafe. She did not do this and found herself at the mercy of her companion. But, even having accepted his proposal, she should not feel awkward, feel indebted to her companion. The girl was embarrassed because the man spent a lot of money - this is another method of manipulation. The man hoped that by giving his companion such a gift, having rendered some kind of service, he could ask her for anything. It so happened that the girl could not refuse when he made her a fairly frank proposal. The girl’s mistake in this example is very revealing: we can conclude that when communicating with a man, you need to be on the alert, be able to calculate his goals in advance and be able to refuse if his goals do not coincide with your desires.

Rule #37

Be extremely careful

Often men turn out to be successful manipulators due to banal female inattention. Women are not always able to focus on the main subject of conversation, it is very easy to switch them to extraneous subjects. Therefore, one more extremely important advice: in dealing with men, be careful!

In a conversation with a man, you should always filter out unnecessary information and leave only the main thing - what the man started this conversation for.

How to learn to concentrate on the main subject of conversation? First of all, remember the main tricks of the manipulator, with the help of which he can try to switch your attention, distract you, bring down the table. For example, in the course of a conversation, a man may suddenly remember an important meeting for which he is allegedly late, or an urgent call that he needs to make. Thus, he switches your attention. Your task is to concentrate on his request and try not to be distracted by these tricks. Very often manipulators after applying this technique ask you to immediately give a final answer to a question or make a decision. In order not to fall for these tricks, you should once again clarify with your interlocutor the essence of his request or proposal.

In a conversation with a manipulator, do not be afraid to ask again, clarify, interrupt. Some have been extremely successful in using the "quick talk" method to confuse a person. This method of manipulation is designed for the lack of attentiveness of a person who can miss important details of the conversation due to the interlocutor's fast pace. If you encounter this trick, ask the person to slow down and start over. Or, at the very beginning, ask some clarifying question - this will immediately knock the manipulator out of rhythm.

Another way to switch attention is to transfer the conversation to another topic.

Here are some examples:

Honey, I'm going to meet my friends today. You know, you look great today. Have you changed your hairstyle?

Honey, I'm leaving on a business trip for a week. Dinner today was excellent. Do you think you added curry to the chicken?

Similarly, men often divert our attention from an important subject. The essence of the manipulation is clear: the woman simply does not have time to think over the information received and, as a rule, answers the last question asked of her, losing sight of what was said at the very beginning. To prevent this from happening to you, try to immediately resist manipulation: without answering the question, ask a counter one:

I didn't hear when you meet your friends.

Please repeat when you are going on a business trip.

Rule #38

Pretend to be ignorant and unaware of the matter

You were asked to fulfill a small request, but you don’t really want to do this, but you also don’t want to offend the one who asks with the refusal. In order to competently refuse, you can pretend to be a person who does not understand this issue: “I cannot understand the essence of your request.”

A colleague at work asks you to work for a non-shift on a day off. You really don’t want to lose your day off, but it’s somehow embarrassing to refuse without a good reason. You can answer like this: “You know, last month I also changed shifts with Marinka, but something was messed up in the accounting department and the salary was calculated less than usual. I tried to find out, but I didn’t understand anything in their explanations and decided not to change shifts with anyone anymore, otherwise I’ll get the least of all. To all his persuasions and proposals to figure it out yourself, you can simply dismiss it and stand your ground: “I didn’t understand this issue and I don’t want to be fooled again.”

We find another illustrative example of such manipulation in the literature - in N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", the female character Korobochka behaves in a similar way. Chichikov calls her "club-headed" because she does not want to sell dead souls to him and explains this by the fact that she does not understand what the essence of the transaction is. Such tactics characterize Korobochka as a woman with good intuition: she understands that Chichikov wants to cheat her and tries to resist his manipulations.

You can use this tactic in various situations: misunderstanding of the interlocutor very often infuriates even an experienced manipulator, he loses his temper and, as a rule, does not reach the intended goal.

The boss calls you and asks you to tell about the violations you noticed on the part of the employees of the enterprise. You do not want to spoil relations with the boss, but you also do not want to give out “your own”. He tries to find out the truth from you, using the most sophisticated methods of manipulation. The easiest and surest way to resist is to say that you have seen nothing and know nothing. The main thing in this situation is to be persistent in your “testimony”. In no case do not enter into long explanations and bickering about what if you knew, you would definitely say, because you are a very honest worker and always tell the truth. Answer all questions in one word: “I didn’t see anything”, “I don’t understand what you are asking”, “I definitely don’t know what to tell you”, etc. The monotony of answers will not allow your boss to find a weak spot in your testimony, and he will have to believe you.

Rule #39

Don't make decisions "here and now"

If you are required to make an immediate decision, this means only one thing: your interlocutor is trying to manipulate you, he is trying not to give you time to think, so that you do not change your mind and reject his proposal. Your task is to slow down the hurried interlocutor and take a time out in order to weigh everything.

Imagine this situation: you are walking through the stores and suddenly you see a huge poster on one of them: “Only today and only we have 99% discounts on all products.” Do you think you'll go inside? Of course. A very tempting offer. The store has even more attractive information - on all products you see two price tags: one, old, with a five-digit number, the other with a three-digit one. "Wow! you think. “I am extremely lucky.” Although you didn't intend to buy anything anytime soon, the unique offer made you change your mind and you are in a hurry to make as many purchases as possible at this unique price. Coming home, considering new acquisitions, you find that things are not of very good quality, some are defective, and you did not even take the check in a hurry. A week later, as you pass by this store, you stumble across the same unique sale sign and see people leaving the store with happy faces, thinking about how fabulously lucky they are.

This example once again proves the truth: measure seven times, cut once. You always need to think, even when you are offered an unrealistically good deal, a unique purchase with a crazy discount, or something else. In any case, remember that if you are asked to make a decision now, then you need to be on your guard. After listening to your interlocutor, you should answer the questions: “Do I need this right now? For such money? Will this work for me?" If the answers are positive, then you should not lose your head and agree to a purchase or a deal. You must receive appropriate guarantees: that if the case fails, you can get the money back. If your interlocutor does not give such a guarantee, it means that you have a manipulator who wants to deceive you.

Rule #40

Don't talk too much about yourself

Any information about you can be used against you. This is the law of manipulation. If you figured out the manipulator, try to deprive him of the main tool - information about yourself, because the most effective way to resist manipulation is not to tell anything about yourself.

In reality, it can be difficult to resist the offer of a manipulator, especially if you like him. But it's still in your best interest to pull yourself together and refuse his offer. First, take a defensive position. Ignore his suggestions at all costs. However, in order to get his way, a slick manipulator may invite you to visit a trendy club or a newly opened bar. Refuse without giving a reason. Do not go into details and tell him that you prefer other types of recreation or that you do not really like noisy places. Entering into explanations, you help the manipulator: you give out invaluable information about yourself, which he will definitely try to use. A week later, he may present you with a ticket to the cinema or theater. Perhaps he really wants to please you, or perhaps this is just a tactical move. Most likely, he is just looking for a special approach to you. Tries to use knowledge about you that you suggested. Once you accept his offer, he will immediately begin to use his influence on you.

Girls very often fall for the bait of clever manipulators, making contact with them, talking about interests and hobbies. Experienced men from one insignificant conversation will immediately extract all the necessary information about you and use it next time.

Therefore, in the fight against the manipulator, be vigilant, do not enter into lengthy conversations, do not talk about your hobbies and secrets. If you do not want to seem impolite, answer all his questions in an abstract way, for example, that you do not want to talk, that you are not disposed to entertainment, or that you have too much to do. With such answers you will confuse even the most dexterous manipulator, he will not be able to learn anything new about you and, most likely, after a while he himself will be forced to abandon the dream of achieving the task.

Rule #41

Try not to show pity

Some men try to get their way from a woman in a very effective way - they cause pity. The mechanism of this manipulation is clear: a woman is unlikely to refuse to help a man unhappy and offended by fate. In order to arouse pity in a woman, men can pretend to be the most unfortunate creatures in the world, invent a story about how they were kicked out of work, abandoned by their wife.

In dealing with such "unfortunate" men, you need to be very careful. If you do not know your interlocutor well and you do not have the opportunity to check his legend, then do not rush to enter into his position, leave yourself a legitimate right to doubt. You can easily determine whether he is telling you the truth or trying to deceive, use the effect of his story. Sympathize with your interlocutor and try to find out some details of his misfortune. If he refuses to tell you his story in detail, then most likely he wants to deceive you and intentionally arouse pity. After all, if he did not want to remember this, then it is not clear why he even began to tell you about his difficult fate. There is another sign that can distinguish the supposedly unfortunate from the real. Imaginary unfortunates, as a rule, talk about their fate very pathetically, it seems that they are retelling a romantic story borrowed from some novel. People who have really experienced a tragedy either state the facts of their biography very dryly, or try not to mention it at all.

Once you figure out the manipulator, keep your eyes open. Of course, you can sympathize, but at the same time remain in a sober mind, do not lose the ability to analyze what is happening. After all, the feeling of pity deprives a woman of this ability, sometimes she is imbued with confidence in the interlocutor when he does not deserve it.

You will finally understand that you have a skillful actor in front of you when, at the end of your story, your interlocutor asks for a favor. He seems to be apologizing for his request: “I was fired and I didn’t have any money left, the last money went to pay off a loan (or for my daughter’s wedding) - could you lend me some until I get back on my feet?” Or another option: "My wife left me, and I'm so lonely, I just need female affection and tenderness." Of course, it is very difficult to refuse such requests, but you must remember that this is not an unfortunate person, but a skilled manipulator who uses his mask in order to get what he needs from you.

In such a situation, you need to play for time - try to find an opportunity to think about his request. Try to knock the manipulator out of his thoughts, to ensure that the pity caused by him gives way to common sense. It is best to leave him for a while in order to weigh everything and make the right decision. After you come to your senses, you can soberly evaluate the pros and cons of his proposal.

Rule #42

Always be wary of overly kind compliments.

Remember Krylov's famous fable "The Crow and the Fox": in this work, the Fox acts as a real manipulator, her manipulation succeeds - she receives the coveted piece of cheese from the Crow. And the essence of this manipulation is ordinary flattery.

It is known that women love with their ears, for them there is nothing sweeter than the music of admiration, especially if these words sound from a male mouth. Most of the representatives of the fair half simply lose their heads and become convenient victims for the manipulator.

When should you be concerned? First, if a man rarely complimented you or never praised you at all. And then suddenly he was exactly changed: he tells you all day that you look wonderful, noticed your new shoes and appreciated the perfume. This is the first signal that something is wrong here. The second bell of danger: if the man's compliments have become more sugary, more like flattery than true admiration. This is also a sign that a man needs something from you.

The essence of the manipulation is very simple: a woman loses her head from compliments and becomes easily controlled, more trusting, begins to feel sympathy for her interlocutor. That's when a man can ask her for something.

How to resist a manipulator who is trying to ingratiate himself with you by saying a bunch of compliments? How to determine whether his admiration for you is sincere or false? This is no easy task. Get over it if you have adequate self-esteem, are able to objectively evaluate yourself and your own efforts. Try to analyze your interlocutor's compliments in terms of proximity to the truth. Of course, any woman is pleased to hear praises, especially from a man, but try to descend from the clouds to the ground and understand how these praises are true. Perhaps his words are more like flattery, uttered for selfish purposes. You should be wary if your interlocutor, with the enthusiasm of a poet, praises the harmony of your legs, but they may not have harmony, or he compliments your exquisite manner of dressing, and it seems to you that your taste is not all right.

As soon as you see through the flatterer, immediately begin defensive actions. You can use his own weapon: give him two or three compliments that are far from reality. Play with your interlocutor in the heroes of another famous Krylov's fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster": "The Cuckoo praises the Rooster for praising the Cuckoo."

Honey, these earrings match your eyes perfectly. You are so good at picking up jewelry. Could you help me choose a gift for my girlfriend?

I would love to, but with your impeccable taste, you do not need an assistant and are even contraindicated.

Rule #43

What to do if a man creates the appearance of intellectual superiority

Women prefer smart men, and therefore the representatives of the stronger sex try to produce the appropriate effect in order to gain confidence. Does your interlocutor sprinkle with the sayings of philosophers and use unfamiliar words? He seems too smart to argue with him, and you don't even try to prove your point, although it fundamentally diverges from the speaker's point of view. Be careful: you may just be manipulated.

Very often, in order to gain women's trust, a man creates the illusion of intellectual superiority. This method of manipulation is based on human fear of admitting one's ignorance. Therefore, instead of arguing with "smart" people, we tend to agree with them. How to distinguish a manipulator from a really smart person? Manipulators use bookish, underused words to appear smarter. Their speech is too pretentious for ordinary conversation. A smart person, on the contrary, does not boast of his intellect, but tries to explain his point of view in an accessible form for the layman. Manipulators, instead of the standard question “How are you? How is the weekend?”, you may be asked: “How is your precious well-being? Did you manage to enjoy your weekend?” In the speech of "smarts" often slip words that you have not heard of - their use often leads to a dead end: "Don't you think that she is acting irrationally?" or "I think his tie is too eclectic, isn't it?" In speech, manipulators often use quotes from famous people: “Just on this occasion, Goethe said ...” or “But Schopenhauer thought differently ...”. Very often such quotes are invented and have nothing in common with those to whom they are attributed. This is done intentionally in order to embarrass the interlocutor: here, they say, how smart I am.

In order not to succumb to manipulation of this kind, we suggest mastering the following techniques. Memorize a few "smart" words that your interlocutor is unlikely to have heard of, and if he has heard, he does not know what they mean - for example, congruence, transcendence, etc. You can invent some independent quotes and attribute them to famous people, just like your interlocutor did : "Recently I re-read Dostoevsky, and therefore he said about it ..." or "But Hegel believed that ...". By taking advantage of the tactics of the enemy, you can resist his manipulations. Of course, this method of confrontation can only be used if you are really sure that you are facing a manipulator who does not have encyclopedic knowledge.

Rule #44

How to counter your boss's manipulation?

Do you think that your boss often uses manipulation, and you are unable to resist them? A good boss is always a good manipulator. Its main task is to manage, sometimes for this you have to use hidden control levers.

How to calculate the boss-manipulator? Your boss has a democratic management style. He never shouts and demands nothing, but you always fulfill his demands peremptorily. After all, he is your boss. You find him charming, even attractive. He does not skimp on compliments and always notes changes in the appearance of employees. If the boss himself personally asks you for something, then you agree, for example, to work overtime without extra pay, go on a business trip instead of a sick employee. You never once asked for a pay rise. Your attitude towards the leader is respectful and respectful. If all of the above apply to your situation, then most likely you are being manipulated.

How to resist the manipulator if he is your boss? The task is not easy. First you need to learn to demand. Start small: ask for a day off at your own expense or a small amount up front. I'm sure you won't be denied. Further - more: salary increase, career growth, social benefits, etc. Of course, you will not come to this right away.

Your embarrassment in front of the boss is dictated by his ability to manipulate people, to make them trust him. You are flattered that he notices your new hairstyle, new dress and praises you for your success. That is why it is simply embarrassing for you to ask for material incentives for labor. A feeling of embarrassment arises for you: it is inconvenient for you to ask for something else from your already impeccable boss, it is embarrassing to reproach him for not appreciating your work enough. But such is life: you must convince your boss that you want to receive not only compliments and praises for your work, but also worthy material rewards.

Your position in the company will become stronger if you declare yourself, show your ability to resist the leader. You just need to do it without aggression and negativity. You can introduce an element of play, flirting into communication with a male director: react to his compliments, smile more often, joke. Remember that communication between a woman and a man is always something more, even if there is nothing between them.

Rule #45

What to do if a man uses his financial superiority?

One of the most reliable and proven ways to manipulate a woman is money. There is a rule of etiquette that says that a man who invites a lady to a restaurant must pay for her order. But this rule has long become a tool for clever manipulators of women's consciousness.

In the West, with the development of emancipation, women saw through this male trick, so everyone pays for himself there. In our country, this rule is valid, but with a caveat: a woman allows herself to pay for herself, but at the same time she feels obliged to her companion.

A feeling of awkwardness and unexpressed gratitude accompanies a woman if she receives an expensive gift, if a man pays for a taxi taken for two, or simply offers a woman to use his discount card. It is this feeling of awkwardness that the manipulators take advantage of.

Of course, a man can give you a gift or pay a restaurant bill disinterestedly, out of a feeling of sympathy for you, following the rules of good manners. But most often behind such actions lies a desire to force you to fulfill his request.

How to resist such manipulation? You must remember that if a man invited you to a restaurant and paid for your order, this does not mean at all that you should thank him in some special way, other than the usual “thank you”. Further requests or desires of a man, you can fulfill or not fulfill at your discretion. Remember that by paying for your order, the man simply followed the rules of etiquette, and did not provide you with an extraordinary service. In order to feel more confident in such situations, you can practice. For example, accept an invitation from strangers to join them in a bar, and after sitting for a while and ordering a glass of wine, bow out and leave. In this case, you will do everything right, the main thing is that the company is adequate. Repeat this "trick" several times. If you still feel awkward and begin to dance "to the tune" of your gentleman, then use the Western method - pay for yourself.

Rule #46

How to talk to a man who demonstrates his power superiority?

Men are stronger than women. This superiority is another way of manipulating the female consciousness. In order to persuade a woman to their side, to convince her that they are right, men demonstrate their advantage.

The mechanism of this manipulation is quite obvious: it is stronger, so it’s better not to argue with me. Men demonstrate their superiority to us daily. Heavy bag? I can deliver it. Has the car skidded? I can push her. Stuck lightning? I can fix it. Usually this is a display without intent, but skilled manipulators try to use this advantage for their own gain.

To do this, they can organize a whole performance: for example, stage an attack by hooligans and defeat them, or the theft of a handbag and its return. Your savior, strong and brave, is automatically the owner of your trust.

Manipulators can find a way to demonstrate their superiority in real life as well. For example, having noticed your titanic efforts to drag documents from the archive, the manipulator can offer its services. Or, seeing how you are trying to cross a huge puddle on your toes, he will carry you in his arms. Perhaps his actions are caused by a feeling of sympathy for you, or perhaps he wants to gain your trust, to arouse your sympathy.

Your actions: take a close look at a man who flaunts his strength in front of you. Try to guess his motives: whether he just wants to impress or tries to manipulate you. For the purity of the experiment, you can play the role of a gullible girl who is subdued by his charm and strength. You will figure out the manipulator when, having convinced yourself of your trust, he expresses his request or desire. Convinced of his selfish intentions, you can safely refuse him if his proposal does not interest you.

Rule #47

How to communicate with men from the category "my boyfriend"?

There is a special type of men whom women classify as "their own". They are trusted with the most terrible secrets, they chat with them about clothes and discuss hobbies, they say about them: "Your boyfriend." These are men with whom they are mostly friends, but never have an affair. Be careful in dealing with such men, perhaps your friend is a skilled manipulator.

The universal way to win over a person is to become like him, become his copy, pretend that you share his interests. Gradually, they begin to perceive you as their own, and no one expects meanness or other trick from you. Remember the hero of the novel Gogol Chichikov, who had a unique talent for conquering hearts. He skillfully manipulated people, copying their behavior and agreeing with their assessments.

Agree, you rarely meet a man who enjoys talking about shopping or makeup. If your acquaintance does not belong to the category of sexual minorities, then most likely he is trying to enter into your confidence for further manipulation. You are unlikely to be able to refuse a "tiny" request to "your boyfriend."

You can resist such manipulation in the following way. Keep your communication with him to a minimum, try to avoid too frank conversations, do not give information about yourself, do not reveal the most secret secrets - otherwise you yourself will hand him a weapon against you. If you enjoy talking about women's issues with a member of the opposite sex, you can continue to do this, just don't let the manipulator get too close, keep it at a distance. At the first attempt to use his influence on you, let him know that his methods are unsuccessful.

Honey, can you help me with this terrible report?

You know, I'd love to, but I've got a lot of work to do myself.

Honey, can you lend me some money before payday?

I would like to help you, but I decided to.

After several failures, your "dear friend" may himself refuse to communicate with you and choose another object for manipulation.

Rule #48

How to resist the manipulation of a perfectly dressed man?

Impeccable appearance is another way of manipulation. A man dressed with taste and according to all the rules of modern fashion inspires confidence, doesn't it? Is it because you don’t often meet a man who meets all the rules of an impeccable appearance.

This method of manipulation is based on female attention to neat, well-dressed men. The impeccable appearance of men automatically increases the level of a woman's confidence in him.

Women try to judge men by themselves: since he is decently and neatly dressed, it means that he is worthy of respect. Although, you see, in practice, the pattern “a neat appearance means decency” does not always work.

If a man is dressed in accordance with all the rules and canons, then this may rather speak of his pedantry. There is a possibility that an impeccable appearance is a way of manipulating the female consciousness.

Of course, skilled manipulators use the ability to dress well as part of the manipulation as a whole, adding to this gallant demeanor, the art of persuasion, and other manipulative techniques. He has not said anything yet, has not done anything, and on a subconscious level you are already beginning to trust him.

When dealing with men of impeccable appearance, it is useful to check: his good taste in clothes is part of self-expression or the first successful attack on gaining your trust.

Of course, you should not express distrust to all men with good taste. But you have the right to a certain amount of skepticism towards them. Be vigilant in dealing with stiff and impeccable men. See if this gorgeously dressed gentleman is trying to take advantage of the impression he made on you, or if your attention is simply flattering to him. Even if in the future this person only causes you sympathy, do not rush to agree to fulfill his request or wish. Have a rejection ready. Perhaps your sympathy is caused by a whole complex of manipulative techniques and you are under the influence of the false charm and charm of your interlocutor.

Rule #49

How to counter a manipulator with good manners?

A man who is familiar with the rules of good taste conquers immediately. He opened the door in front of you and let you go ahead, gave a hand at the exit of public transport or, ahead of you, gallantly opened the door of his own car in front of you. Do not rush to exclaim: “Gentlemen have not yet died out in this world!” It is possible that your gallant gentleman uses his tact for manipulative purposes.

Of course, it is foolish to accuse every somewhat gallant man of trying to manipulate you. Such signs of attention are a completely normal manifestation of a man's respect for a woman. But if your companion is too helpful and polite, if he shows signs of attention with obsessive persistence and a desire to please you, then, most likely, his gallantry is just a way to manipulate you.

It is quite obvious what this method of manipulation is based on. The fair sex gets tremendous pleasure from the attention paid by others. In fact, the norms of etiquette are an opportunity to express respect to your interlocutor. But it happens differently: some men use knowledge of the rules of good manners in order to achieve your location. The second option, unfortunately, is much more common. The manipulator expects that under the influence of his spell you will lose vigilance and readily fulfill any request.

How to resist such manipulations? If you are sure that your companion is manipulating you, you may not notice his attention: enter the building without waiting for the door to be opened to you. Pretend that you did not notice the hand offered to you, refuse the offer to help you carry your bag, unless, of course, it is too heavy. Thus, rejecting the courtship of your companion, you disarm him, he loses the opportunity to impress you and take advantage of it.

You need to use such confrontation tactics only when you definitely want to know that his gallantry is nothing more than a way of manipulation. Otherwise, ignoring your signs of attention will be regarded as a manifestation of disrespect for the interlocutor. Be careful.


To sum up our discussion of manipulation, we would like to reiterate the arguments in favor of this method of control. Until now, it is believed that this is not a completely honest way to achieve your goals, that it is used only by those people who are unable to achieve their goals with the help of their own mind of an Italian. But it happens that manipulation is simply necessary, because it is the only possible way to achieve the goal.

For men, there is nothing more terrible than being "heeled" by his missus, and therefore, if a woman tries to manage him, give advice or demand the fulfillment of her desires, this is usually perceived negatively. That is why women have to resort to manipulation.

Defending manipulation as a way to control the representatives of the stronger sex, we still want to warn you against using these methods of influence too often. Use manipulative technique when you think other methods won't work. Leave the man the right to his own opinion, you don’t want to turn a strong personality into a weak, dependent person, a zombie man, ready to fulfill all your requirements.

In addition, always remember that manipulation is different manipulation. There are types of manipulation that do not contain malicious intent and therefore cannot negatively affect the psyche of a person close to you. This, for example, is the use of one's own attractiveness and the method of frequent praise. But there are ways, the abuse of which can bring harm - this is blackmail, a deliberate lie. Such methods should be used only as a last resort and only if you are sure that their use will not spoil your relationship.

This manual presents the System of Total Submission of a Woman. It is a complex of extremely effective methods of rapid impact on the female psyche. This system will teach you first of all to subjugate a woman. Well, by subordinating her to yourself, you can get everything you want from her. This is what distinguishes this course from all others outwardly similar. All techniques like Ericksonian hypnosis, NLP, OUT, all seduction and pickup techniques are actually extremely ineffective, because they do not take into account the importance of instincts. If the above methods are used in combination with the System, then their productivity will increase many times over. First of all, a woman must be subdued. Subdue her Subconscious, acting through her instincts. And then she will either seduce you herself, or make your task so easy that you just have to take her. It doesn't matter your age, your looks, your social and financial status. To master the ability to subjugate women, you must train some of the skills given in this course and follow the detailed psychological algorithm exactly. These skills and this algorithm have no fail-safe effect on any woman. The system is effective regardless of not only the age of the woman and her position in society, but even regardless of her character and life experience. And they are exactly the same for all women. The basic instinct of Man is the continuation of the existence of his biological species, that is, the continuation of the genus. In women, this instinct is manifested in the desire to find a strong male, have sexual intercourse with him and conceive. At the same time, she must be sure that this male will be able to ensure the safety of her and her offspring. So, at least he should be stronger than her. A woman wants to feel this power and instinctively wants to give herself into the possession of someone who is stronger than her. The use of this instinct is the basis of the System. Since the System is universal for all types of women, and also for simplicity and clarity of presentation, a single designation of the person on whom the rune is affected is “Object”. In this manual, in a concise form, practical methods of influence are outlined. The amount of theory is reduced to an irreducible minimum. The impact has the following effects: Complete psychological submission of the Object to you. The emergence of the Object's subconscious trust and sympathy for you. Calling the Object of sexual arousal, focused on you. The pearl of the course is a technique of hypnotic influence on a woman in a dream. Mastering and applying this technique allows you to completely control the behavior of the Object. It becomes possible to program any actions you need and even desires. At the same time, the woman herself will perceive all these reactions as her own. In fact, she becomes your puppet. The course does not consider how you can use the results of the impact. The concept of the meaning of the Subconscious. In the first half of the twentieth century, science came to the conclusion that Man is far from being as intelligent as hitherto thought. What is called consciousness and intellect is by no means the main thing in the human psyche. On the contrary, Human behavior is determined by some mysterious, elusive forces. These forces belong to the world of the Subconscious. One psychoanalytic aphorism expresses this position in a concise and refined form - the formula: Consciousness thinks, Subconscious mind controls. How does this awe-inspiring governing force manifest itself? about the space of human beings and instincts. The subconscious is what people think and want in reality, but are unaware of it. What people really think is hidden from them behind seven seals. In human everyday life, there are no accidents, although, at first glance, it seems quite the opposite: everyday life is full of them - random meetings, random reservations, and the like. You yourself can find many such “accidents” in your life. Moreover, important provisions should be remembered: there are no accidents, everything has a strict predestination and regularity, look for a hidden motive behind each accident in behavior. This Subconscious mind instructs the Consciousness to “accidentally” forget where you put your documents before you were about to leave the house. And as a result, you are late for a meeting that you really do not want or are afraid to go to. This Subconscious mind instructs the Consciousness to “accidentally” dial the wrong phone number, and you end up in the wrong place, but in fact you are calling the exact person you really want to hear. A person is one hundred percent controlled by his Subconscious! What is the most important conclusion to be drawn from this statement? The one who can give commands to the Subconscious mind controls the person himself! Put some desire into someone else's Subconscious, and it will do the rest of the work for you. The person in whose Subconsciousness you have invested your thought will sincerely consider this desire as your own, and will do everything in his power to fulfill “his” desire. But mastering someone else's Subconscious is not as easy as many would like. Yes, it is very trusting. Yes, it tends to believe everything. But the human Consciousness stands on its guard. It plays the role of a censor, a critic, a watchdog. How can you get into someone else's house, safely avoiding a collision with an evil and distrustful guard dog: you can treat him with something tasty and try to tame him, you can distract his attention and try to have time to slip past, you can wait until he falls asleep and slowly pass, you can try bypass the dog and enter the house through another entrance. Of course, there are other options as well. It must be admitted that people are, to a greater or lesser extent, controlled mechanisms. It is worth mastering the keys to the control panel and these mechanisms can be safely controlled. And here it is necessary to realize the difference between a Man and a Woman. What is the main difference between the male mindset and the female one? A man, as a rule, relies on logic, calculation and intelligence in making decisions. What does a woman rely on? Feelings, emotions, instincts. It is they, and above all instincts, that are the very keys to the control panel of such a mechanism as a Woman. Main impact. Introduction. When you need to persuade a woman to some idea (in this case, to the idea of ​​submitting to you and having sex), it is useless to even try to use persuasion and logical arguments. Try using logic to convince the girl you like to go to bed with you. It's funny, isn't it? Only a prostitute can be persuaded to have sex, using money as arguments. In all other cases, feelings, emotions and primitive instincts, laid down by nature itself, should be influenced. Who is a woman by nature looking for all her life? Strong male. The one who is stronger than her. The one with whom she will feel "like behind a stone wall." Literally from the first seconds of acquaintance, she instinctively feels who is in front of her: her Master, her Slave, or just her comrade. It goes without saying that in order to achieve your goal, you simply need to make her feel her Master in you, a person whom she not only should obey, but whom she wants to obey. this alone will make her unconsciously want to give herself to you. You, in turn, should only strengthen and strengthen this reaction until you get everything you need from it. Main impact. Eye impact. By what signs does a Woman feel her Master in her interlocutor? First of all, by his look. A look that involuntarily permeates and hypnotizes her. Just having met your eyes, She should already half submit to you. How to develop such a view? In fact, there is nothing supernatural in this. A combination of three points is needed: The first point is that your gaze should be fixed and unblinking. To practice, open the tool 1. Move the work area to its lowest position and position yourself approximately one meter from the monitor screen. Exercise at least three times a week for 15 minutes. You don't have to do it without a break. The maximum number of workouts per week is five. Your task is to learn to stare at this point without blinking for at least fifteen minutes. Of course, at first it will seem very difficult for you. The eyes will sting, they will water and blink involuntarily. Tip - try not to focus on your eyes. Very little time will pass, and you will be able to perform this exercise first for a minute, then two, three, etc. It does not make sense to extend the time for this exercise for more than fifteen minutes. Tool 1 is a tool for developing this skill. Just use it. Of great importance is that the screen gives off its own light. Note that the background is black and the circle indicated on it is red. This is no coincidence. The combination of these colors involuntarily affects you. Your blood pressure rises and your heart rate rises. This is a consequence of the production of certain hormones by the body and, accordingly, changes in the entire hormonal background. Just by reading this text typed in the same color combination, you are already changing. It is well known that, for example, green color calms. Red, especially in combination with black, has a completely different effect - you become more aggressive. Your reaction speeds up, potency increases. You become courageous. Women instinctively feel it. The second point is the mystery of what is called the piercing gaze. It will seem to a woman that you are looking right into her, seeing through her, reading all her thoughts, like an open book. The secret is that you have to literally look inside it. You should focus your gaze not on the woman's eyes, but on an imaginary point just behind them. Try to see through the back of her head, as it were. At close range, you can try to see your own reflection in her pupils. Try to use this elemental skill and you will immediately feel the effect. Tool 2 is a tool for developing this skill. As in the previous exercise, open the tool, also move the work area to the lowest position and position yourself at a distance of approximately one meter from the monitor screen. Try to unfocus your eyes. Look behind the monitor screen. You must achieve the effect when you clearly see not two dots in front of you, but three. You should also devote 15 minutes to this exercise three to five times a week. The third point is that you need to look into the “leading” eye of a woman. The division of people into right-handers and left-handers fully applies to the eyes. For right-handers, the leading eye is the right one, for left-handers, respectively, the left. It is through the dominant eye that information comes faster and more accurately. (For clarity, think about which eye you are aiming with.) In case you cannot determine who you are dealing with, you should rely on statistics, because the vast majority of people are right-handed. The skill of looking into the leading eye of the interlocutor should be developed regularly. Every time you talk to someone, try to look into the leading eye of the interlocutor. Over time, you will do this completely unconsciously. Algorithm of influence by sight. So, the order of influencing the Object by means of a glance is as follows: 1. Having met the Object's gaze, you must make the woman look away first. At the same time, you should look into the leading eye 2. Having achieved this, the intensity of exposure can be reduced. You don't have to keep watching anymore. But in the first seconds of contact, it is simply necessary to make her look away. 3. Then, in the process of communication, to increase your influence, use the third moment and look inside her. Notes. 1. Keep in mind that women are psychologically better adapted to long stares. If men feel discomfort after three or four seconds, then women after ten or twelve. 2. And one more important point related to the difference between the sexes. In women, such a look involuntarily causes a desire to obey, as well as a physiological reaction of sexual arousal. But men perceive such a look as aggression with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, if you do not want to make enemies for yourself, do not use this technique in communication with representatives of your gender. Main impact. Voice impact. Thus, you have loaded the main channel of perception of the Object - vision. This channel is the most important, since it is well known that a person receives 80% of the information from the outside world through his eyes. The next most important channel of perception is hearing. For the female Subconscious, it is not so much what you say, but how you say it. The tone of your voice matters. The lower it is, the better. The low timbre of the voice is involuntarily associated with physical strength, will, intelligence, maturity, high sexuality. If you talk to a woman in just such a voice, then accordingly she will perceive you as a strong, intelligent, strong-willed, mature and sexy man. Just like a gaze, a deep voice makes a woman instinctively want to submit to you. Of course, few people have a deep juicy bass from birth. But, with some effort, it can be developed by special exercises: Practice pronouncing various vowels as often as possible. Try to pull them as low as possible one by one. Your task is to achieve a sensation of vibration first in the throat, and then in the chest. The feeling of vibration in the chest when pronouncing vowel sounds is an indicator that your timbre is low enough to have a subordinating effect on a woman. Keeping this feeling, talk aloud to yourself, read, sing. It is desirable to do this constantly, but for simplicity and, perhaps, for better organization, voice training can be combined with eye training. You must master your own voice completely. Look and voice are your two most powerful tools for influencing the female psyche. Main impact. Touch impact. So, you have at your disposal two most powerful tools for influencing the female psyche. These skills should become your stereotype of behavior in dealing with women. Use them constantly, and you will be amazed at how much women's attitude towards you has changed. It is also desirable to use the third channel of perception - tactile sensations. When talking with the woman you are interested in, casually touch her from time to time. Let your touches be light enough at first. In the future, as the contact develops, she should feel the power in your touch. However, try not to overdo it. You shouldn't hurt her. Strength is good combined with softness. At this stage of exposure, it is important not to frighten her away. But then you can do whatever you want with it. Of great importance is exactly which places on the body of a woman you touch. The points between the fingers are meridially connected with the genitals. This is mild in men, but you can try to stroke the finger of one hand between the fingers of the other hand at the junction. You will feel that you are pleased. In women, this feature is very noticeable. She will feel as if you are stroking her between her legs. At the same time, no one can attribute this movement to the category of any sexual harassment. You can do this in public even with a stranger. Reason is easy to find. This can be done even with a handshake Stroking her, between the fingers, do not do it hard or rough. Do it the way you would really stroke her between her legs. In combination with eye and voice influence, touch will give a 'fantastic effect. Main impact. Outcome. If you correctly carried out the impact, then subconsciously the woman already wants to obey you. She already perceives you as a desirable sexual partner. In some cases, this alone will be enough for her to take all the further development of the relationship into her own hands, and she herself built the situation so as to be in the same bed with you. If you make the Subconsciousness of a woman feel her Master in you, then it will give the Consciousness the installation of n. taking steps to get closer to you. The woman herself will come up with a romantic image for you that will be attractive to her. In all your shortcomings, she will see solid advantages. For example, if you are not very athletic, she will think that you are very sensitive and intelligent. If you are sloppily dressed, this will mean to her that you are an extraordinary person and do not tend to follow the fashion crowd. And she will love it all. The saying "Love is blind" very clearly reflects this state of the female psyche. Influence by sight and voice, coupled with the corresponding touches, are the main systems. This is the foundation for all other methods. If you are proficient in neuro-linguistic programming or any similar technique, then using the System as a pivot of influence, you will greatly increase the productivity of your influence. Immersion in trance. The concept of trance. In psychology, there is such a thing as "trance". Many confuse it with hypnosis, and maybe this is somewhat justified. Let's talk a couple more minutes about theory. If everything is completely simplified and no special terms are used, then hypnosis is a state when the human brain seems to be sleeping, but there remains one waking area in it, through which the hypnotist's commands enter it. Since the sleeping brain cannot critically comprehend these commands, the hypnotized person executes them, forgetting about it immediately. At the same time, it is virtually impossible to hypnotize a person without his conscious consent to this procedure. By analogy with this definition of hypnosis, trance is a state when the human brain is awake, but some part of it, so to speak, is super-awake. Commands (we can call them “suggestions”) enter the brain through this super-wakeful area. What does all this happen without immersion in hypnotic sleep. And despite this, the commands go straight to the Subconscious. Our Consciousness, our critic and censor is deceived. This is hypnosis for real. Now you understand why you need a trance? Trance is the state of your Object when you can control its Subconsciousness. The trance state is the door to the Subconscious. Immersion in trance. The concept of the meaning of a single rhythm. To put a woman into a trance and inspire her with something, you must be able to enter into a single psycho-physiological rhythm with her, and learn to adapt. If you are in the same rhythm with her, she understands you better and more often agrees with you, even if you say very controversial things. Such a state causes sympathy and trust of her Subconsciousness, namely, as you already understood, it controls all mental processes. This is especially true for women, since their thinking, unlike men's, is much more focused on feelings and emotions than on logic and intellect. In order to enter into a single rhythm with the Object, you need to adapt to it in an appropriate way, that is, create a continuous feedback with it, fully adapt your behavior to the behavior of the Object. Two people who are in the same psycho-physiological rhythm with each other from the side look like a mutually mirror reflection. They have the same postures, gestures, facial expressions. S'ni even breathe in the same rhythm and speak using the same phrases. Thus, at this moment, they are physically, intellectually and emotionally interdependent. Subconsciously they are attuned to each other. Immersion in trance. Adjustment. Starting to adjust, adhere to a certain sequence of actions. At first, you may feel uncomfortable, awkward, some difficulties, but as you practice, your skills are automated, and you will begin to apply them easily, freely, naturally. Adjustment order: 1. Try to take the same postures as the Object is in. 2. Study the rhythm of his movements and gestures. Act in exactly the same rhythm, repeat the same movements and gestures. 3. Explore the Object's speech features: voice volume, tempo, intonation. Use the same in your speech: volume, tempo, intonation. Do not engage in explicit copying, otherwise it may backfire - a woman will think that you are mimicking her, and you will lose contact with her. Stick to the spirit, not the letter. Seeing that she is sitting with her arms crossed on her chest, you do not have to make exactly the same gesture, you just need to connect your fingers. It is best to mirror small movements: hands, facial expressions, etc. Small movements are less conscious, and thus the Object will not notice your imitation. This principle will be very useful to you when you encounter difficulties associated with the difference in the behavior of men and women. For example, there are poses and gestures that are typically masculine, and there are poses and gestures that are typically feminine. For example, if a woman plays with a strand of her hair, then it will be very difficult for you to copy her gesture due to the absence of this very strand as such. In this case, you should simply depict the direction of movement of her hand, rubbing, say, your earlobe. It is especially convenient to choose blinking for adjustment from small movements, since no one is aware of this. Blink at the same rate as your Object, and then you can stop blinking to make the Object stop blinking, or you can close your eyes to make the Object do the same. Both contribute to entry! in trance. As far as speech is concerned, observe the same principles here. Look for features and subtle nuances, but don't duplicate details. You can train tuning anywhere and anytime: at lectures, meetings, in any company, even in front of the TV screen, you can try to tune in to the characters of the film or program. We define this order of adjustment as the order of adjustment of the first order, since there are more subtle, and therefore more effective methods of joining. But first, master this method. Imagine it in the form of the following scheme: postures, gestures, speech. Immersion in trance. The concept of perception systems. Before you master the following tuning techniques, you need to get acquainted with the tact of an important concept, like representation systems. If we ignore the abstruse theoretical definitions that are understandable only to specialists, then representation systems are a way for a person to perceive everything that happens around him, and in this There are no special differences between the sexes. In the scientific world, it is generally recognized that there are three systems of representations, three ways of human perception of the surrounding world: visual (perception through the vision of the viewer ix images), auditory (perception by means of hearing and, accordingly, hearing ix in print atlén and y), kinesthetic (perception through bodily sensations, such as touch for example). Each individual, owning all three systems, prefers to use only one with maximum load. The preferred system can be called the main one. Immersion in trance. Definition of the main system of perception. Determining the underlying representation system of an Object is very important for complete customization. At the same time, it's quite simple. For this, verbal access keys are used, that is, those words that he uses. Listen carefully woman! Tracking her speech, try to catch which nouns, verbs, adjectives she uses most often. Study the summary table of correspondences of words characteristic of each of the perception systems. If in the speech of the Object you hear these or similar words related to one of the groups, then you can confidently conclude that this Object has exactly this system. Table 1. Immersion in trance. Definition of the leading system of perception. So, the main system of perception is that system, the means of which a certain person uses most often. In addition to the main one, there is a leading system of perception. It reflects the activity of the brain at the moment, in the situation "here and now". To determine it, a method is used that consists in observing eye movements. You have probably noticed more than once that if you ask a person a question that requires reflection, then your interlocutor stops looking directly at you. He "goes into himself", he either looks "through you" (unfocused look), or looks up, as if trying to find the answer on the ceiling, or looks to the side, as if waiting for his ear to hear the desired answer, or looks down , on your feet ... Such a “withdrawal into oneself” means that a person either remembers something, or invents something. The direction of his gaze at this moment reliably shows which particular system of perception he is currently using.
To obtain certain practical skills in determining the leading perception system, you need to practice. Try asking a few questions about the past to people you know well. Do you remember the last time you were in the forest? Can you remember: your front door, your first teacher, your first kiss, your first salary or honorarium. At the same time, observe the movements of the interlocutor's eyes. If, before answering your question, he looks up or up and to the left, this means that he saw the inner picture. If you notice that his eyes are moving horizontally or to the lower left corner, then at first he internally heard what was being said. If the gaze turned out to be slanted to the right and down, then he apparently tried to evoke a sensation in his memory. Remember that the very first eye movement is important for you in this case. This first movement may take literally a fraction of a second, but you should have time to notice it. If, for example, his eyes first darted slightly to the right horizontally, and then fixed in the upper right corner, then this means that he first heard and then saw. Accordingly, this means that you have an auditory in front of you. Now that you have information about perceptual systems as significant information channels, you can find out one of the reasons for so often occurring ineffective communication. Often people, in the course of a conversation, break the psycho-physiological rhythm by literally speaking different languages. This is because they do not take into account each other's individual belief systems. For example, a visual man suggests to a kinesthetic woman, “Let's consider this question. How do you see him? And thus puts the latter in a dead end, since she prefers not to "see"

If you want to get the most out of every conversation, use its main and leading presentation systems. In this case, it is better to ask: “How will you approach this issue?” In this case, you will receive such a stream of productive information that you yourself will be quite surprised. Immersion in trance. Second order adjustment. Now you've come to a second-order tuning sequence where you: 1. determine the Object's main representational system, 2. determine the Object's leading representational system, 3. use words specific to its main representational representations, 4. mimic the Object's eye movements. Example: X - Object, Y - You (You are a visualist). X: I feel that today our communication will not be productive. (Eyes down to the right.) Y: Still, let's try to overcome some stiffness and approach the problem more freely. (Eyes down to the left - as if mirroring his eye movements.) X: Do you think any of us are being squeezed? Y: In any case, nothing prevents us from grabbing an extra opportunity to try. X: Well, let's try. (Eyes down to the right.) Y: Let's go. (Eyes down to the left.) This example shows how, by using trim - words that match the person's perception system and eye movement - you can adjust and correct a situation that started out as unfavorable. The same example, but without joining, may fail. Example: X - Object, Y - You (You are a visualist). X: I feel that today our communication will not be productive. (Eyes down to the right.) Y: I don't see any obstacles! (Eyes up to the right.) It seems to me that we could agree. X: I guess it wouldn't be very convenient to discuss it today. Y: But this is a very promising business. (Eyes up to the right.) X: I don't know, I don't know. (Eyes down to the right.) The difference between the first and second dialogue indicates the difference in results. To fully connect, pay attention to the Object's breathing - its rhythm, depth, frequency and try to breathe exactly as it does. At the same time, one should once again recall the psychophysiological difference between the sexes. In men, the abdominal type of breathing is predominantly found, we breathe with the stomach. But women, due to their physiological characteristics, breathe mainly through their breasts. Therefore, when trying to track the rhythm of a woman's breathing, you should observe the movement of her chest to a greater extent. And one more subtlety concerning adjustment to breathing. Let's say the woman you are working on has very fast breathing, or maybe she is an athlete with very rare breathing. You can't breathe like that, but you have at least two opportunities to adjust. First, you can apply indirect adjustment, that is, speak with the same frequency with which she breathes, speak on her exhalation. This is a very important point - a person always speaks on the exhalation, and if you speak on the exhalation of the Object, he will easily perceive it as an illusion of his inner speech, as his own thought. Secondly, if there is a very large difference in the rhythm and depth of breathing between you and the Object, you can track his breathing “every other time”. For example, with frequent breathing, you copy the inhalation, skip the exhalation and the second breath. copy the second breath. Maybe it's easier to understand this through a metaphor: when you walk along the often spaced sleepers, you don't step on each one - you step on one, but you still take into account the rhythm in their arrangement and adjust to it. Finally, thirdly, you can accompany the rhythm of the Object's breathing with the help of gestures. For example, stroking his fingers on the table to the rhythm of his breathing. Although usually these skills are redundant. Most people have approximately the same breathing rate. All of the above information regarding tuning can be generalized using a leading tuning algorithm. Full adjustment algorithm: 1. Poses. 2. Gestures. 3. Speech. 4. The main representation system. 5. Leading system of representations. 6. Verbal access keys. ?. Eye movements. 8. Breath. Immersion in trance. Determining the effectiveness of tuning. Adjustment allows you to establish a single psycho-physiological rhythm with the Object and thereby increase the effectiveness of contact. But not only. Thanks to the adjustment, you take a stronger and more advantageous position, which will give you the opportunity to completely control the situation. In this case, you are able to achieve the desired results and expected reactions from the Object, which you could not even think of before. However, such an achievement works under one condition - full attachment. Over time, along with the acquired skills, you will develop a psychological sense, and you will be able to capture subtle nuances in personal changes. But first, remember two signs that will help you quickly navigate in a given situation. Attachment happened if: 1. You change the position, and the Object, involuntarily adjusting to you, takes the same position, 2. The Object begins to imitate your own gestures and speech. If you are convinced that both of these signs are present, then know that the Subconscious of the Object is already attuned to you. A woman changes her behavior depending on yours. You are leading her." Try to keep this lead. And remember the rule: if a woman unconsciously imitates (“mirrors”) your postures, gestures, speech features, then by doing so she unconsciously emphasizes her agreement with your behavior. And agreeing with your behavior, she will always agree with your thoughts, words, suggestions and attitudes. Without realizing it, she is now ready to accept your attitudes without any criticism or resistance. That is, you can incline her to almost any action that you need. Her Subconscious is ready to accept your suggestions, ready to carry out your commands. It is at this moment that you try to fulfill your intentions that may be associated with this person. Your task now is to carry out the suggestion with the installation of submission and sexual arousal. Immersion in trance. Sexy trans. You need to bring the Object to the realization of desire: 1. to submit to you, 2. to have sex with you. To do this, you need, continuing to use all the adjustment techniques, describe to her the state in which you want to bring her. You must evoke bodily sensations in her. Even if she could object to you (and this is impossible, since you are already leading her), she will not be able to object to her body. If she feels something in her body, then for her it will be a reality. And if she feels sexual desire ... Notice, there is already a double trap for her! Her subconscious reaches out to you, and now her body wants to have sex with you. To be clearer, think about how you feel when you hear the word "lemon" / What do you feel when you hear the word "sour" / Your mouth fills with saliva. This is a natural reaction of a healthy body to citric acid in your mouth. It doesn't matter to your body that this lemon and this acid are just words. The reaction to them is the most real, since the ionic glands began their work. The same psycho-physiological mechanisms make the female body respond with sexual arousal to your words. And she will not be able to resist it, just as you will not be able to order your salivary glands to stop producing saliva. So, after you are convinced that you have completed the connection and lead the woman, you should, in the course of the conversation, starting a little from afar, describe to her those physiological reactions that correspond to sexual arousal, and possibly those specific actions that would be desirable for you. The monologue can be, for example, the following: You: “By the way, did I tell you about my friend Petya? She: And who is it?.. You: “Well, just curious. You see, he had a girlfriend. And this friend noticed something unusual when she listened to someone say something. Well, for example, she could not be aware of the words, but the sounds of the voice… and when she heard the sounds of the voice, she began to clearly hear other sounds and conversations in the room… she heard the music… she felt its rhythm and melody… and the more clearly she felt the melody of the music, rather than anger, she began to realize ... how. her chest rises and falls as she breathes... as if inhaling and exhaling, her head seems to be nodding slightly... nodding in time with the voice she hears... she hears all the depth and nuances of the voice... and becomes aware... of all this... the feeling of the hand that she leans on table... the feeling of touching the back of a chair... the feeling of her feet on the floor... she sees more and more clearly the outlines of the face of the person she is listening to... her attention suddenly narrows... iona sees only some feature of his face... that part of the face that caught her attention ... she looks into his eyes and the longer she looks into them with anger, the clearer she feels that she falls into them ... sinks and dissolves in them ... and in this person ... and she is more and more and more and more interested in what he will say next ... she becomes completely filled with this perception of the person she is listening to ... into whose eyes she looks ... and she allows herself to understand all this ... and she feels in herself some kind of deep, sensual understanding with this person om… she feels a desire to obey this person… and this desire grows with every second… she wants to fulfill all his desires… wants to give him joy… joy and pleasure… she feels his touch… soft touch on her face… (stretch your hand and with the back of your hand gently touch her cheek, or between her fingers) and when she feels the touch... her eyes close in pleasure... her breathing becomes slow and deep... her heart beats in time with his voice... her heart fills with warmth... and it starts to radiate heat… which spreads all over her chest… then lower and heat fills her belly… even lower in the very bottom of her belly… between her legs… and she feels how the bottom of her belly becomes warm and wet… she feels a pulsation in the lower belly… a pleasant pulsation… a very pleasant pulsation… the void is filled with pleasant warmth… the sensations in the lower abdomen become stronger… and she feels it all… exciting touches to her thighs… (you can gently run your fingertips along the woman’s thigh) his exciting touches in the lower abdomen… she understands that she must completely open up to this man… give herself to him… give herself all… when he wants her… Now…” It doesn’t matter what exactly you will talk about . You have complete freedom in choosing a topic to call it in the state you need. After the usual secular chatter, you can begin to be interested in her experiences, feelings, memories. You can start your attack softly and elegantly by asking her an innocent question: “Have you ever had…” and then continue the topic, depending on the direction in which you feel it needs to be moved. You can start talking to her about the beach, about the first kiss, about how breathtaking it is when you swing on a swing, about the pleasant sensations while relaxing, about the excitement of meeting the unknown, etc., etc. In front of you all possibilities for creative discoveries are open. For example, you can ask her to recall something from her experiences on a swing: “Have you ever had the feeling that you close your eyes and are transported somewhere where you would very much like to be. For example, on a dank autumn evening, it is so nice to be swinging on a swing on a bright summer day ... you can hear the creaking of these swings ... and the whistle of the wind in your ears ... and you feel this wind on your face when you rush forward ... and you feel the touch of warm, sunny rays to. your face ... (a convenient moment to touch her face, or stroke her between your fingers. She is already in a trance, because when you transferred her to another reality, she plunged into her feelings, which became for her the reality that she cannot resist ) and you feel in the full power of the one who swings the swing ... you feel his closeness ... and your breath stops to the beat of his desires ... and every time you rush down at his will, you feel pleasant sensations in the lower abdomen ... and you want him to swing you are stronger and stronger… and you know that then you will be even happier… you want to completely surrender to his hands… you want to obey him and enjoy it… you you want it right here and right now…” From this point, continue to lead it in the same way as in the variation already described. A powerful finish is essential for all of this to actually work. Note that such monologues perform two consecutive functions: The first part of the monologue plunges the Object into some other reality. Makes something to remember or imagine. The Object's consciousness sinks inward, into its memories or ideas. The object, as it were, is turned off from what is happening around and enters a trance. You will notice this by the following signs: Dilation of the pupils, Fixation of the gaze, Immobility of the posture, Muscle relaxation, Slower breathing, Decreased pulse and heart rate, Relaxation of the muscles of the face (the face is smoothed, especially the cheeks, forehead, lips), Decreased reaction to external noise , The manifestation of spontaneous motor reactions (trembling of the hands, trembling of the eyelids, etc. ) Manifestation of at least some of these signs means that the door to the Object's Subconsciousness is open, and you can make a suggestion containing the commands you need. Your description puts her in the state you are describing (because there is no difference between real action and masterful verbal description). Suggestion in a state of trance, combined with the influence of a look and voice, bypasses any conscious resistance of a woman to submit to you and have sex. It doesn't matter what her possible conscious resistance is based on. Maybe you are not her type, or she is already in a close relationship with another person. Maybe she is afraid to pass for an easily accessible woman if she agrees to sleep with you too quickly. Maybe she recently suffered because of a relationship with some guy and is afraid to experience pain again. It does not matter why she resists, because at that moment you bypass any objections of her Consciousness and address directly to the Subconsciousness But, in order to learn how to induce similar states in others, you can first try to induce some of them in myself. After that, you can use your own feelings as a guide to induce the desired state. That is, in other words, the System requires that you first of all be aware of the whole range of emotional and sensory states. Write down on a piece of paper all the words you know that describe various experiences, sensations, states and make several sentences using these words. Only your ability to describe pleasant erotic experiences, sensations of gentle touches will make many women surrender to you. In order to arouse this desire in a woman, she must first be brought into a state suitable for this. This will happen if you correctly describe her own feelings to her. At the same time, do not forget to include the installation of submission in the text of the suggestion. An equally important point is touching a woman, which must be done close to the peak of the description. This point requires a separate discussion, and it will be discussed below. Be sure that the correct use of the System - the impact of the look, voice, adjustment, induction into a trance and suggestion - will lead to the fact that you will subjugate this woman to yourself and have sex with her. If at the moment of suggestion you are in a suitable environment, if you are at least alone with each other, then most likely she will rush at you. If not, then later, under more suitable circumstances, in the evening or at night, repeat the same touches that you did when you told the story. And do not get lost when you see how much she suddenly turned on. You can see it in the blush on the face, the sparkle in the eyes and the quickening of the breath. All. She is yours. She sees in you a strong male, whom she is ready to obey unquestioningly, whom she completely subconsciously trusts. She wants you. It flows when she simply looks into your eyes and hears your voice. She is ready to do everything for you. If you want, she will give you not only her body, but also the money from her wallet. She is horny and wants to have sex with you right here and right now. If she still does not pull you towards herself, then this means that the last thing that stops her is cultural attitudes. Maybe her grandmother told her all her life that a girl should never start first. (Or that you can't have sex at a table in a crowded cafe.) And so the last barrier you need to overcome is her cultural attitudes. Take the first step. Now you are the boss here. You can do whatever you want. Just take her by the hand if you haven't already. Pull to you and kiss. Let the first kiss be on the cheek. It should be very light, almost a smear. If you did everything right, she will not move away, on the contrary. The next kiss on the lips. You will find a description of what to do next in numerous manuals on the art of love. The only advice: do not linger on kissing on the lips. Of course, without this, in any way, they are pleasant and necessary. But too long kisses on the lips give off romance and school age. It also speaks of the subjugation of a woman. Get down to her neck. Kiss her neck - start caressing her breasts ... Dive into a trance. Hypnotizing speech. Some very important remarks about your speech. First: Don't forget that you must use words appropriate to the Object's perceptual system. The importance of this point has already been mentioned above. If you are not sure that you have accurately identified the Object's perceptual system, then use words that do not belong to any of them. Some of these neutral words are listed in Table 1. They are very convenient precisely because of their versatility. Look for such words and such descriptions, use them - they necessarily correspond to the perception system of the Object. Agree, your peace and his peace are different concepts, but having said the word "chambers". You still said something that the Object can understand and accept. When inducing a trance, do not force the Object to be more flexible in communication than you are, do not force it to adapt to you. Second: When you describe an experience while inducing or using a trance, talk about this experience (especially at the beginning) in fairly general terms. Thus, you leave free space for the Object, which he himself can fill with specific details. For example, when inducing a trance, you can make such a description: "You feel the warmth of your right hand lying on the table." It works all the time, it may ninety-nine percent coincide with the actual experience of the Object, but what will you do if he feels the cold of his right hand? "Temperature" is a more general word, a more general characteristic than heat. There is still some temperature in the hand. Or you can do without mentioning this characteristic at all and say: "You feel your right hand lying on the table." Third: When you make a suggestion, you should speak as fluently as possible. No hesitation or sharp jolts. Let your words flow freely and gently. A similar effect is achieved through the use of transitional words: “if”, “when”, “if ... then”, “and”, etc. Use conjunctions and allied words. It is they who will give your speech a roundedness and flexibility, which will quickly enough allow the Object to enter the state of the greatest susceptibility to your influence. This fact is explained by the fact that when you do not make sharp pauses between sentences, the Object Consciousness does not have time to control your information and reduces its critical ‘functions. Thus, your speech itself will have a hypnotic effect. For greater clarity, we can give an example from psychotherapeutic practice. During a hypnotic session, the therapist may use the following suggestion formulas: “You are sitting in a chair. You are looking at me. Listen carefully to my voice. Only my voice. It has a calming effect on you. You relax. You are relaxed. You become sleepy." These formulas work in some cases, but another text is much more effective, which works flawlessly and causes a positive result regardless of any personal characteristics of the patient: “You are sitting in a chair, and you hear me, and you look at me, and you you can feel that you are starting to relax ... ”Fourthly: and remove all negations from your speech. Negatives have an interesting property - they exist in the language, but not in the Subconscious. So tell the Object what you want it to do, not what it shouldn't do. If you tell a child: “What a noisy you are today, don’t make noise ’”, he will not calm down. On the contrary, it will begin to make even more noise. This is a fairly general rule: if you describe to a person what you are currently observing in him, it will be fixed. In this context, it is possible to draw analogies with what you do when you describe the states you need to an object. You attach them to the object by describing these states in an affirmative sense.

Despite the fact that every person, and especially a man, is unique and unique, in some cases, for the successful development of relationships, one has to suppress his own "I". Of course, you initially choose the young man who suits you, along with all the advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, as you know, during the period of falling in love, we simply do not notice many of the disadvantages of our partner, and after a certain time, it is precisely these character traits that do not allow us to live in peace and build a happy and strong family. If you want to eradicate the shortcomings of your spouse, you need to subdue him and do it in such a way that he does not suspect anything. Submission and control of a representative of the opposite sex is the most difficult section of psychology, and it will take a lot of time to master it. In this article, we offer you some simple tips and recommendations from professional psychologists, with the help of which you can figure out how to subdue a man and what to do so that you can manage him in the future.

Useful psychological tricks on how to subdue a man

To manipulate and control a person of any gender, you need to know the personality traits and individual character traits. Understanding what and how can specifically affect your young man will allow you to persuade a man to any action that is completely uninteresting to him. With the help of certain tactics of action, you must put some truths into the partner’s head that will automatically make him obey you. There are several simple and, at the same time, effective methods of manipulation that almost always work flawlessly if used correctly:

  • first of all, you must show your spouse or young man: no matter what happens, he is a leader for you. Here you can use any female tricks, with the help of which the representative of the stronger sex will always feel that he is braver, bolder and more determined. You should not be shy about showing weakness, especially in small things. So, even if you ask your partner to open the lid on the jar, this will demonstrate that you need help and support. The correct use of this feminine trick will allow you to not only successfully manipulate your spouse, but also help him gain self-confidence and determination. Often, young people whose wives behave in this way at home begin to interact with colleagues in a completely different way and receive a long-awaited promotion on the career ladder;
  • despite the title of our topic, always remember: it is absolutely impossible to force a spouse to do something that is not to their liking. So you will only beat off the young man’s desire to be in a relationship with you and, possibly, provoke a breakup. If you want to induce a partner to a certain act, act stealthily, with cunning, so that he does not notice anything. If possible, in some situations it may be necessary to agree with your loved one and abandon your plan, so that in the future he will feel awkward and agree to absolutely everything that you offer him;
  • you must become for your soul mate not only a wife or girlfriend, but also a best friend. Share his interests, go to football or watch TV, go for a walk around the city, even if you are not in the mood, but your man wants it. Keep talking about fishing, hunting and other purely male hobbies. With the right tactics of action on the part of the fair sex, men completely forget about all their friends and prefer to spend all their free time with their families, because it is there that they love him and always support him;
  • hold back emotions. Is always. At first it will be a little difficult for you, but over time you will definitely get used to this behavior. In the presence of a man, you should not cry or scream, because in such situations the representatives of the stronger sex simply get lost, become weak and defenseless. They do not know how to behave and how to respond to manifestations of female emotions, so they begin to behave inappropriately. A rare man makes concessions to his wife after she cries. In most cases, young people, on the contrary, move away from their beloved and withdraw into themselves, and some simply push away the girl who is crying and return to the dialogue only after she calms down. Also, don't get too carried away with expressing joy and other positive emotions, especially when you do it insincerely.

How to subdue a man spoiled by his parents?

Spoiled men, or "mama's sons", are a special category of citizens who believe that in family relationships it is enough for them to lie on the couch and only occasionally perform men's duties, but women need to please their beloved in everything. It will be very difficult for such a young man to find a girl who would share this point of view on the topic of family life. All representatives of the stronger sex, who were loved too much by their parents and raised incorrectly from childhood, are without exception manipulators. After some time of living together, such a man will definitely try to subdue you, and if you do not immediately give a hard rebuff, it will be much more difficult to do this in the future. Nevertheless, each of us can suddenly fall in love with any man, and when meeting another gentleman, there is every chance not to understand what exactly this person is. After a few days, weeks or months, you will no longer be able to refuse the one you like so much, but you also don’t want to exist with him on such conditions. In such a situation, something will have to change immediately. The following tips from professional psychologists will tell you how you can subdue a manipulator and prevent him from controlling you:

  • periodically, but not too often, remind your partner of certain moments from your common life, for which he may be ashamed. Perhaps, somewhere in a state of intoxication, he hit on another girl when you were already dating, or he spent a large amount of money for nothing by placing a bet in a casino. Remorse of conscience makes such men do what they do not want, even if they grit their teeth;
  • compare it with your mutual friends, and in different situations, comparisons can be both in favor of your chosen one and in favor of other young people;
  • on some representatives of this type, female tears act in an motivating way. However, this tactic can only be resorted to very rarely. Otherwise, you risk having the opposite effect;
  • manipulate through intimate relationships. Again, this method should only be used as a last resort and no more than once a year;
  • another time-tested way is to get a man to promise or even swear something. After a while, you can remind the chosen one that he promised to do a certain thing, and boldly demand that he keep his promises.

In all other respects, the manipulator should be directed in the right direction in the same way as other members of the stronger sex. Do not forget that all of the above methods work exclusively in combination with positive aspects, that is, like a “carrot and stick”. Having scolded your spouse once, be prepared for the fact that for several days you will have to praise him and encourage him in every possible way. Only with the help of such tactics of action will you be able to achieve effective control of a man and subjugate him. Liked
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Managing people has always provided a huge number of opportunities. That is why subjugating a person is a goal for many.

There can be a lot of reasons for such a desire: love, envy, revenge, wealth, rivalry, and much more.

The main rule when manipulating other people is to be stronger than them. Someone's will can only be subdued by a stronger character. The Middle Ages, where far from humane methods were sometimes used to subdue a person, are long gone, in the modern 21st century there are more merciful methods.

It's easiest to start practicing on people who are noticeably weaker than you. For example, a colleague is squeezed in your presence, tries to catch your eye as little as possible, and often loses the thread of the conversation in a conversation. Such an instance is ideal for training manipulation skills and a person will appear next to you who will always support your side.

It is very beneficial to have such people at work, so you will not only be aware of all the things that are happening behind your back, but also, on occasion, put in a word for yourself through other lips.

Based on the psychology of thinking, let's see how to subjugate the will of another person so that he himself does not realize it.

Fundamentals of psychological manipulation

Having chosen a suitable candidate, carry out a series of actions that will not only arrange a person for you, but also allow you to control him later.

In addition to psychological methods, you can effectively use the technique of influencing the three senses:

  • sense of smell can affect brain function. You can find out what smells a person likes and smell that way when you meet. A win-win option is the use of aphrodisiacs, for example, perfumes with pheromones;
  • vision also plays an important role. Try to avoid colors in clothes that a person does not like. During the conversation, use skillful gestures, play with color;
  • effect on taste buds can cause feelings of euphoria. Find out what your opponent likes;
  • influence on people through touch quite realistic. During the conversation, as if by chance, touch him, but it should be a short moment. This will give additional confidence in the sincerity of your attitude and friendly attitude.

Methods of influence at the energy level

This is nothing more than subjugation of the will of a person at a magical level. There are several types that, if desired, can be used in practice.

Bringing confusion

Omorochka is the magic of gypsies. Pay attention to how masterfully they master the ways of distorting the perception of reality so that a person voluntarily fulfills all their requirements. The impact itself is a special conspiracy, when a person performs the actions that the sorcerer imposed on him, very often money is used for this. Of course, the gypsy level is not available to many, because all the subtleties are kept secret and passed down from generation to generation, the roots of which are lost in the distant past. But there are a number of rituals that can be performed at home.

Kiselnaya oborochka

With this method, you can influence your enemies, which could not be dealt with in other ways.

Buy some black berries of any color and cook jelly out of them at exactly 12 days. As soon as it starts to boil, say the following words:

“I will order a feast of jelly for your business,

Courageously, swiftly and graspingly,

like wars run to battle,

So I will crush my enemy (name),

I won't let you finish the job.

Kissel, kissel, don't be cold all day,

Boil with a magnificent hat, fix my business.

My cause is right

The Lord is on my side.

Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!"

When the jelly is cooked, divide it into three approximately equal parts. Drink one immediately, the second when the sun starts to set, and the third at 3 am.

The rite must be repeated on the 9th and 40th day.

Omorochka for love

The rite, which is indicated in an old magic book, suggests that this method can give completely different results. Perhaps it depends on what kind of emotional background and energy to give the spell. Either passion will turn out, as when exposed to black magic, or only warm feelings.

So that your loved one listens to your words and does not plague the house with scandals, you can perform the following ceremony:

Braid the braid and do not unravel it for three days. On the fourth day, let your hair down at three in the morning with the words:

“There is hair on the head, a tight braid in the hand,

My braid is not only beauty,

My spit is my mind for you.

So that I don't say

in everything, as if she was repeating your will.

How people listen to the priest in the church,

So let my whole age my words for my husband be like a law.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

It is considered a good omen if, after the ritual, the spouse unexpectedly calls and takes an interest in your affairs.

Subjugation through black magic

If you need to make a person completely obey you, you can use a very powerful ritual using runes. The runes themselves should already get used to you, know your energy. There is a superstition that there can be a rollback from such a ritual, just like when a curse is applied. In fact, this is only possible if too insidious goals are pursued that can deprive a person not only of his will, but also of life.

You will need:

Read the words above the glass of water:

“Like grass grows in a field, the wind bends it where it wants. So would you, servant of God (name), do only what I need. Let it be as I say. My word is under lock and key, the key to the seven seas. May God hear my words. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen".

They read over a glass of water and burn the leaf holding it over the runes. Drop the water in the glass casually on the one who must obey.

Despite the fact that every person, and especially a man, is unique and unique, in some cases, for the successful development of relationships, one has to suppress his own "I".

Of course, you initially choose the young man who suits you, along with all the advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, as you know, during the period of falling in love, we simply do not notice many of the disadvantages of our partner, and after a certain time, it is precisely these character traits that do not allow us to live in peace and build a happy and strong family. If you want to eradicate the shortcomings of your spouse, you need to subdue him and do it in such a way that he does not suspect anything.

Submission and control of a representative of the opposite sex is the most difficult section of psychology, and it will take a lot of time to master it. In this article, we offer you some simple tips and recommendations from professional psychologists, with the help of which you can figure out how to subdue a man and what to do so that you can manage him in the future.

Useful psychological tricks on how to subdue a man

To manipulate and control a person of any gender, you need to know the personality traits and individual character traits. Understanding what and how can specifically affect your young man will allow you to persuade a man to any action that is completely uninteresting to him.

With the help of certain tactics of action, you must put some truths into the partner’s head that will automatically make him obey you.

There are several simple and, at the same time, effective methods of manipulation that almost always work flawlessly if used correctly:

How to subdue a man spoiled by his parents?

spoiled men, or "mama's sons", this is a special category of citizens who believe that in family relationships it is enough for them to lie on the couch and only occasionally perform men's duties, but women need to please their beloved in everything. It will be very difficult for such a young man to find a girl who would share this point of view on the topic of family life.

All representatives of the stronger sex, who were loved too much by their parents and raised incorrectly from childhood, are without exception manipulators.

After some time of living together, such a man will definitely try to subdue you, and if you do not immediately give a hard rebuff, it will be much more difficult to do this in the future. Nevertheless, each of us can suddenly fall in love with any man, and when meeting another gentleman, there is every chance not to understand what exactly this person is. After a few days, weeks or months, you will no longer be able to refuse the one you like so much, but you also don’t want to exist with him on such conditions.

In such a situation, something will have to change immediately.

The following tips from professional psychologists will tell you how you can subdue a manipulator and prevent him from controlling you:

In all other respects, the manipulator should be directed in the right direction in the same way as other members of the stronger sex. Do not forget that all of the above methods work exclusively in combination with positive aspects, that is, like "carrot and stick".

Having scolded your spouse once, be prepared for the fact that for several days you will have to praise him and encourage him in every possible way.

Only with the help of such tactics of action will you be able to achieve effective control of a man and subjugate him.