Change the alarm code. How to reprogram the alarm key fob - we study together. What is this Valet button

One fine morning, back in the spring, I went out of the house and tried to open the car with the usual push of a button. But the key fob told me that he had no idea what kind of car it was and why he had to open it. The battery charge was already weak, but the replacement did not lead to anything. Without becoming to understand, I spat, returned home for the second remote control. It turned out that the key fob had “disconnected” from the signaling and it was necessary to carry out the binding procedure. How to do this, I will now tell you.

A cursory inspection of Google showed that dances with a tambourine are needed. All hands did not reach, but yesterday I decided for some reason that the day had come when I needed to take it and figure it out. The situation was complicated by the fact that at the end of the warranty, I threw out the signaling box along with the instructions. Which, however, was still written in alternative Russian, which I still could not understand in a sober mind when buying a car.

After searching on Google and asking people for instructions, I did find it. But about the binding of the keychain in it, this is already:

Since the transmitters use a constantly changing (dynamic) code, in some situations (for example, when the key fob buttons are pressed more than 30 times outside the system coverage area), the key fobs and the system may become out of sync. In this case, approach the car and within 1 second press button 1 (Fig. 1) of the transmitter twice. Synchronization will be restored and the key fob will be able to control the system again.

Naturally, this did not help. True, further there is a section on programming transmitters and transpodders, but it’s not so easy to understand from the end that this is the programming of untethered key fobs. Further searches led to the forum where there is a simple and clear instruction for tying key fobs to Sheriff alarms.

  1. Get in the car, close the doors, turn on the ignition
  2. Press the "Jack" button 3 times. The alarm should sound like a siren, not a key fob. If it doesn't squeak, start all over again.
  3. Press and hold the arming button on the key fob until the signaling beeps again (again with a siren).
  4. !Not later! five seconds after the previous action, press and hold the arming button on the next key fob until the signal beeps again.
  5. Repeat step 4 for all other key fobs if you have them, otherwise they will not work.
  6. After five seconds have elapsed after the last action, the signal will beep, which will indicate that the registration is completed, you can use the key fobs.

After looking for the “Jack” button and regretting that I listened so inattentively to the seller on Winner, who told me where they put it, on the third attempt I nevertheless found it and proceeded to action. And this is where patience is important. The described procedure with a triple click on the "Jack" worked for me from the fifth time, when I was almost desperate. So try a few times until it helps. Also don't forget to rebind both keyfobs, otherwise one won't work.

A few short blasts of a siren and, voila, everything worked like in the good old days. I hope that someone will find this guide useful.

The radio transmitter, also known as the key fob, is the main device for commanding the alarm. The signal from it goes to the control unit in the car, being a unique code. Thus, out of thousands of combinations, the system reacts only to the correct one. Our instructions will tell you how to reprogram the alarm key fob to create a new code.

Why do you need to reprogram?

If you buy a new car and install a fresh alarm, you may not need to further reset the code (unless there is a family dispute).

A more problematic case is when you buy a used car and the alarm is already on it. The former owner solemnly hands you one or two key chains and waves his hand. And where is the guarantee that he didn’t have a couple more remotes lying around and no one will come at night to disarm your car and not calmly leave on it? Indeed, in the basic set of key chains there could be as many as four! Cases are different, so the best solution would be to reprogram the alarm key fob. After that, all "doubtful" remotes completely lose their power.

The main rule: each alarm model has its own remote control and cannot be used for another model. And one more thing: if you had several remotes in the kit, they will also need to be programmed, and all at once, otherwise they will not work with the control unit.

As a rule, linking a key fob to an alarm for most systems is not such a difficult task, however, some difficulties may arise.

Each manufacturer and model has its own instructions for the key fob, as well as step-by-step manuals for programming it. But they all start with using the "Valet" or "Overread" button. Where is she? If you are not the first owner of the car and do not know anything about its whereabouts, we begin the search.

It is a switch and is usually installed in a secluded place, but with the possibility of access. The most common position is the fuse box inside the passenger compartment. In foreign cars, it is usually located under the panel labeled "Fuse". Remove the cover and inspect the unit for a button. If it is not there, we study all the places under the instrument panel, steering column, checking all removable plugs and pockets. Carefully inspect the glove compartment. If nothing is found, it may not have been installed at all or is located next to the alarm control unit, which is very difficult to get to without the help of a specialist. If it is not provided by the system, then the ignition switch will play its role.

So, the first thing we do is put the alarm into service mode (Valet mode). It allows you to carry out maintenance of the car alarm, forcibly turn it off, program new functions and connect key fobs. To switch to this mode, a special combination of pressing the button is used, it is also a security code. This is done to avoid unauthorized access to control. If the code has been activated once, until it is entered correctly, the programming of the alarm will not be possible. The instructions usually indicate the factory code, and if it has not been changed intentionally, then this makes the task easier. If it does not fit, you need to contact the service.

Let's say the code is correct. Next, we program each key fob in turn, there can be no more than four in total. As reference material, excerpts from the instructions of the most common models of five manufacturers are taken: Tomahawk, Cenmax and Scer-Khan Magicar 5.

For convenience, we will assign a number to each button on the remote control. Security activation button - "1"; disarming - "2"; programmable channel ch2 - "3"; channel ch3 - "4"; remote control signal control button - "5".

Sheriff remote control programming

General rule: each subsequent operation is performed within 5 seconds after the previous one. If the interval is exceeded, the system exits the setting mode. The same will happen if the ignition is turned off. The signal to stop programming is one short and then one long sound of the siren.

  • Disable the alarm, get in the car and turn the ignition key.
  • Press the Valet button 3 times. A single beep will confirm that the control unit is ready to program the transmitters.
  • Repeat the operation, the siren will emit several short beeps and one long beep.
  • Hold down the button "1" on the first remote control until the siren notifies you with a long signal that programming has been completed.
  • Repeat the operation for all other transmitters.
  • To exit the settings mode, turn off the ignition or wait more than 5 seconds.

How to program a secret code into a Sheriff alarm key fob

  • Disarm the car and immediately enter the secret code with the Valet button.
  • Switch the ignition on, off and again.
  • Use the same button to enter the first digit of the code, turn the ignition off and on again.
  • Enter the second digit, repeating the same again. The system will confirm the correctness of the entered code with a sound signal.
  • By triple pressing the button, enter the service mode. The siren will emit several short beeps, then one long beep.
  • At the first transmitter, press the "1" button and the system will confirm with a beep that the new code has been successfully recorded.
  • Do the same with the rest of the transmitters one by one.

Remember that by setting a new code, you automatically delete the old one, which means that the system will not be able to work with non-updated key fobs.

How to Program a Tomahawk Alarm Key Fob

Similar to the previous one, this system stores up to four remotes in memory. We connect key fobs of models TW-9010 and TZ-9010:

  • Turn the ignition on without starting the engine.
  • Keep the Valet button pressed.
  • After waiting for four siren signals, let go. We entered programming mode.
  • We press the buttons for opening the trunk and controlling the sound of the remote control at the same time. Hold until the siren sounds: 1 time for the first keychain, 2 times for the second and so on.
  • When memorization is over, wait more than 5 seconds for the system to exit the settings mode by itself.

In this case, key fobs that have not been programmed will be deleted from memory.

Key fob code entry for TOMAHAWK Z-5, TZ-9030, TW-9030, X-5

With the ignition off, press the Valet button 7 times. We turn on the ignition and hear 7 beeps of the siren, which means entering the remote control programming system. Hold down the buttons "1" and "2" at the new key fob until the signal sounds. One for the first remote, two signals for the second, and so on. We turn off the ignition and the parking lights flash 5 times, which indicates the exit from the service mode.

If no action is performed within 10 seconds, the setting mode is disabled.

Key fob code entry for Tomahawk X-3

We turn the ignition and hold the secret button for 6 seconds. The system will notify you with four beeps that the entry has been completed. Press and hold buttons "1" and "2" until a confirmation signal appears. As usual, 1 for the first, 2 times for the second, and so on.

The programming system will shut down if there is no command for at least 15 seconds.

How to register a StarLine alarm key fob

  • We remove the car from protection.
  • Press the hidden button 7 times.
  • We turn the ignition. 7 siren signals and LED illumination on the remote control indicate the entry into the system.
  • Simultaneously press the "1" and "2" buttons and hear one beep. Keyfob #1 is programmed.
  • The recording of each of the subsequent key fobs is confirmed by the required number of signals.

After 10 seconds of inactivity, the system automatically turns off, as evidenced by 5 flashes of side lights.

Key fob code entry for StarLine Twage A6, A8, A9

  • We turn the ignition.
  • Press the service button for 6 seconds and wait for four beeps.
  • On the keychain with an LCD display, press the “1” and “2” buttons together until a beep sounds. An additional key fob without a display is recorded in the same way, but with the "3" and "4" buttons pressed.
  • Repeat step 3 for the rest of the key fobs. The number of sound signals is equal to the key fob number.
  • We turn off the ignition.

To exit the setting mode, you need to wait more than 6 seconds, after which 5 flashes of the parking lights will follow.

As before, unprogrammed key fobs lose contact with the control unit.

Programming the alarm key fob on the Scer-Khan Magicar 5

The Shere Khan system remembers the codes of only three key fobs. If you enter the fourth key fob, then the code of the first one is automatically erased. If you need 4 key fobs, it is recommended to program two of them with the same serial number.

There are two algorithms for registering a key fob: without using a secret pin code and with it.

Method 1 (without pin code):

  • Within four seconds, turn the ignition key three times from the “Off” mode to the “On” position and turn it off. Flashing dimensions will tell you that you are logged into the programming system.
  • Not later than after 4 seconds, press the button on the first key fob. In response, the alarm lights will blink 1 time.
  • Similarly, we enter the codes of the second and third key fobs. After the second dimension, they flash once again in response, and after the third - two, which indicates that the programming mode is over.

If no action is taken after the first step, the emergency lights will flash 2 times and the system will enter the Valet service mode.

Method 2 (using personal pin code 1):

  • We perform similarly to the first method.
  • Over the next four seconds, we also turn the key, but in accordance with the first digit of the pin code. The alarm will blink, now we enter the second digit in the same way.
  • No later than four seconds, press the button on the keychain. The system will flash once to confirm.
  • All other key chains are carried out in accordance with method 1.

To automatically log out of the service, wait more than four seconds.

Knowledge of reprogramming the key fob helps out in an emergency, for example, when the key fob's connection with the control unit is suddenly lost. This happens, especially in low-cost systems. In order not to become a hostage of a screaming car somewhere in the parking lot of a supermarket, every driver must know where the Valet button is located in his car and what to do in this case.

The need to link the key fob to the alarm system may arise for the owner of a car with the Starline security system for various reasons, for example, the loss of the key fob. The procedure for programming the Starline key fob is quite simple, but it requires the user's attention and knowledge of a number of subtleties of the firmware.

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In what cases is it necessary to reprogram the key fob?

Situations, in addition to the loss of the key fob, forcing the owner to reflash the remote control, can be:

  • damage to the keychain included in the delivery;
  • the need to use additional remotes in the organization or family members;
  • purchase of a used car with an incomplete set of control panels;
  • regular failures of one of the standard key fobs, for example, the system is not set to autostart, which may be caused by a manufacturing defect.

Checking the health of the key fob

If the key fob fails, you need to find out which device is faulty. The alarm may not turn off or turn on either due to a breakdown of the remote control, or due to failure of the components located on the vehicle. To check the functions of the communicator, you can use a spare device. If the system works from the signals of an additional device, then the key fob is damaged. When the "signal" has no connection with additional remotes, the problem lies in the main unit of the system or the transceiver module.

To check the key fob, you can do the following:

  1. Visually inspect the device for cracks.
  2. Take out the battery and replace it with a new one.
  3. Before installing the element, check the condition of the contacts in the key fob. If there is rust, oxides or electrolyte from the battery on the surface, then the remote control will need to be disassembled and the elements cleaned. After that, you can put a fresh battery and check the operation of the device.
  4. If the remote control does not work, then the cause should be sought in damaged elements on the printed circuit board. During operation, contact tracks may depart, buttons fall through (a common problem with Starline remotes), and elements burn out. The key fob will have to be sent to a workshop for repair or a new one purchased.

Instructions for writing key fob codes to the alarm memory

Before programming the Starline key fob, you need to pay attention that the marking on the new remote control of the installed security alarm system matches the model designation on the old one. If the owner cannot independently determine the type of system, then it is recommended to contact a specialized service.

When recording new Starline alarm remotes, you must re-memorize the old ones, as they are automatically deleted.

To record key fobs of Starline security systems, a service button is used, which is installed discreetly in the cabin. The programming procedure on some Starline alarm models is different.

Starline A4/A2/A1

Entering the key fob codes is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Disable security.
  2. With the ignition off, press the service button seven times.
  3. Connect ignition. The system will inform you about the readiness for recording with a seven-time light signal indication and a siren.
  4. Press the keys K-I and K-II at the same time. Hold them until the system gives a single short sound signal.
  5. The rest of the remotes are registered in a similar manner. The recording of each is confirmed by sound notifications, while the number of signals corresponds to the number of the key fob in memory.
  6. After recording the last remote control, turn off the ignition. If the system does not receive an information signal from the key fob for ten seconds, then it exits the programming menu in automatic mode. The exit is confirmed by five times the operation of the emergency gang.

Starline B6/B9

For the B6 / B9 system, the procedure for recording remote controls is similar, with the exception of one moment - the interval between entering key fobs into memory should not exceed five seconds. Alarms of the Starline B6 model can be equipped as an option with a digitally controlled radio relay, in which case the entry into the setup mode is indicated by a long beep (point 2).

Starline B6/B9 Dialog

The B6/B9 Dialog car alarm with the ability to control via the CAN bus has a memory for four key fobs. To record, you need to press the K-I and K-II buttons at the same time.

Starline Twage С4/С6/C9

Starline Twage С4/С6/C9 alarms are equipped with a stripped-down memory option that allows you to remember only two key fobs. Otherwise, the recording procedure is similar to the B9 system. The system does not have the ability to install a relay.

Starline A61/A91 and B61/B91

The A61 / A91 and B61 / B91 systems use a main key fob with three buttons and an additional one equipped with two buttons:

  1. After pressing seven times, it is required to activate the ignition circuit. This will be followed by a series of seven siren beeps.
  2. Press the buttons K-II, K-III and K-I on the main keychain, K-II on the additional one. Hold until confirmation is received, which will be a single signal by a siren and a built-in buzzer in the key fob.
  3. Repeat the procedure for the rest of the remotes. In total, four key fobs can be flashed into memory. The time interval between entries should not be more than five seconds.
  4. Turn off the ignition, the car will flash five flashes of emergency or parking lights, which is an indication of the end of programming.

Programming other models

This instruction is suitable for models:

Programming looks like:

  1. After pressing the Valet button seven times, it is required to activate the ignition circuit. This will be followed by a series of seven siren beeps.
  2. Press the K-I and K-II buttons on the key fob and hold until confirmation is received, which will be a single siren signal and a built-in buzzer.
  3. Repeat the procedure for the rest of the remotes. The time interval between entries should not be more than five seconds. The A94 system provides the user with an extended recording interval of up to 15 seconds between two consoles. There are four key fobs in total.
  4. Turn off the ignition, the car will give three flashes of emergency lights or parking lights, which is an indication of the end of programming.

Starline with relay R2

For the E90 system, it is possible to use the code relay model R2, which must be re-flashed:

  1. Enter the system setting mode and check the alarm interlock operation mode.
  2. Check the selection of the appropriate relay operation mode (using a loop on the contacts).
  3. Connect the black insulated relay power wire to the vehicle body panels. The wire is labeled GND (ground).
  4. After turning off the ignition, press the Valet button seven times.
  5. Connect the ignition and receive confirmation signals from the siren (seven times).
  6. After that, the owner has five seconds to connect the black wire of the relay power supply, marked +12 V, to the ignition circuit. If the relay is successfully written to the memory, a long beep will sound. If the system includes a second relay, then it is stored in memory in the same way. Confirmation will be two long beeps. A triple long signal indicates that the relay has already been stored in the memory of the alarm control unit.
  7. Switch off ignition.
  8. Cut off the power supply to the alarm control unit for 10 seconds.

Relay type R2 can be installed in other Starline security systems, so when flashing remotes, you need to make sure that the device is present or not. The procedure for programming relays to memory may vary.

To re-flash the code relay R2 into the memory of the A63 / A94 / D94 block:

  1. Connect and disconnect the ignition seven times in a row.
  2. After the last shutdown, press the service button seven times.
  3. Immediately after the seventh press, turn on the ignition circuit.
  4. Wait for the siren to sound seven times. After a while, a triple test will be performed by emergency gang lamps, and the melody on the key fob will turn on.
  5. Switch off ignition. The relay is registered and should function.

Photo gallery

Keychains A62 and similar models Buttons on the main and additional key fob models A61/A91 and B61/B91

For models A6, A8, A9

Step-by-step procedure for reprogramming key fobs for the A6 system:

  1. Connect ignition circuits.
  2. Press the setting key six times.
  3. Wait for the siren to sound four times, which will confirm entry into the recording mode.
  4. Further actions depend on the type of key fob. A device with a display is registered by simultaneously pressing buttons 1 and 2. The keys are held until the siren beeps. To program an additional key fob (without a screen), you will need to drown buttons 3 and 4, which are held until the beep. The number of beeps indicates the number of the key fob in the signaling memory. A total of four remotes can be memorized.
  5. Repeat the previous paragraph for each keychain. The interval between memorizing should not exceed six seconds. If the time is exceeded, the system exits the programming mode and gives a five-time emergency light alarm.
  6. Disable ignition circuits.

A6/A8/A9 system main and sub-controller

To program key fobs on A8 or A9 alarms, you need:

  1. Operate the service mode button with the ignition on. The key is held until the siren starts beeping. There are four beeps in total.
  2. Remote controls are recorded by analogy with the A6 system.
  3. If there is no signal from the remote control for five seconds, the recording mode will automatically exit with a five-time flash of the external light signaling.

For V7, V62, V63 models

To program the key fob in the V7 security complex designed for motor vehicles, you must:

  1. Connect and disconnect the ignition circuits three times in a row. If the procedure is successful, the control LED will turn on for three seconds.
  2. After turning off the diode, the owner has five seconds to start an additional cycle of five ignitions on and off. The ignition must remain on. The correctness of the procedure is confirmed by a five-time beep. After that, you can start recording key fobs.
  3. The remote control should be registered by simultaneously pressing buttons 1 and 2. The success of the procedure is confirmed by a single beep of the siren.
  4. Repeat the previous point for all remotes. Each key fob number in the memory corresponds to a similar number of siren beeps. A total of four communicators can be programmed.
  5. Deactivate the ignition, after which the motorcycle will flash five times with an emergency flasher.

Key fobs of V7/V62/V63 complex

For a V62 or V63 dialog type system, the firmware procedure is identical, except for a few nuances:

  • after the key fob is written to the memory, a single beep is given by the siren and a single signal by the buzzer in the remote control;
  • when recording subsequent devices, the number of beeps corresponds to the number of the remote control in memory;
  • after turning off the ignition and exiting the setup mode, a triple light indication is given;
  • when recording remotes without a display, pressing the same buttons - K-I and K-II is used.

Common Mistakes When Programming Alarm Keyfobs

Despite the simplicity of the operation, some users experience difficulties with prescribing key fobs, which are associated with a number of errors:

  • erroneous pressing of buttons, often found on alarms with various key combinations during programming;
  • owners forget to re-register old key fobs in memory;
  • incorrect procedure for entering the programming mode;
  • a long time interval between the recording of two key fobs;
  • attempts to write a third key fob into a system equipped with memory for two remote controls.

Studying the operating instructions for the Starline alarm will help to avoid these problems.

The instruction of the KGB anti-theft system consists of several pages. Only by carefully studying it, you can fully use all the functions of the alarm. One of the important sections is the programming of transmitters (up to four remotes can be recorded). But if, after reading the instructions, you still doubt your actions, then let's figure out together how to set up the KGB alarm key fob.

Programming a new KGB remote control with feedback

Replacing a broken KGB GX 3, FX 3, G 2, EX 7 communicator means writing it to the memory of the control unit. For this.

  1. Turn the ignition key to the "On" position.
  2. Press the "Jack" key and hold it for six seconds. After four beeps, release the service button.
  3. Simultaneously press keys 1 and 2. The siren will emit one squeak.
  4. In the same way, enter the codes of the remaining transmitters. The programming of each remote control is accompanied by the corresponding number of sounds.
  5. If you do not press the buttons on the key fob for six seconds, the control unit will exit the setup mode. The dimensions will flash five times.
  6. Deactivate the ignition.

Remember that when writing new pagers, do not forget to overwrite the old ones, in order to avoid their deletion from the system memory.

Setting up autorun from the KGB key fob

There are two ways to start the engine from the KGB alarm switch FX 5, G 5, FX 10, GX 5 RS, F X 8, FX 7 (fix 7).

  1. Move the cursor to the "START" symbol and press button 2.
  2. Hold down key 1 for three seconds. The engine will start. The parking lights will flash three times, a melody will play on the key fob. The LED will light up permanently.
  3. The screen will display the “Exhaust Smoke” symbol and the set engine warm-up time (5, 10, 15, 20 minutes).
  4. One minute before the end of the warm-up, the display will show the inscription r01, an audible signal will follow, the parking lights will light up four times.
  5. After the engine stops, r00 will appear on the screen, the “Smoke from the exhaust pipe” symbol will disappear.

In order to program the auto start of the engine by temperature, do this.

  1. Move the cursor to the "START with thermometer" icon and press button 2.
  2. The siren will sound once, the parking lights will work once, the melody will play on the remote control.
  3. The “Thermometer” symbol will be displayed on the screen, indicating the activation of autostart by degrees outside and the temperature value (-5, -10, -20 -30). The LED will flash.
  4. To turn off autostart by temperature, move the cursor to "START with thermometer" and hold down button 2. The siren will sound twice, the dimensions will blink twice. The pager will play a melody. The thermometer symbol will disappear.

Instructions for prescribing old remotes

Activation of anti-theft system switches KGB VS 5000, MX-9, ex 8 series, VS 4000, tfx 5 (tfx 5), ex 7, VS 130, AX-5 starts with entering the programming mode.

  1. Activate the ignition.
  2. Press the Jack button three times to bind a remote with a one-button configuration.
  3. Click the "Valet" key six times to record a two-key keychain.
  4. The siren will sound once. Entered setup mode.

Record pagers follow the instructions below.

  1. Press any key on the first remote control. Plays one signal.
  2. Press any button on the second remote device. The siren will sound twice.
  3. Following the previous paragraphs, register the rest of the transmitters.
  4. Exit the setup mode by turning off the ignition or without pressing anything for fifteen seconds. The system will confirm the exit with three siren sounds.

Why is it not attached

Firmware keychain security system KGB VS 100, 5500, 200, 5900, 300, 5700, 400, 250, 500, VS 150, tfx 7 is not always successful the first time. For what reason it is not possible to reprogram the remote control and how to get out of this situation.

  1. Service mode accidentally activated. Turn it off by pressing the "Jack" button and repeat the firmware procedure.
  2. The "Ignition on" command is not detected by the alarm control unit. Contact a service station.
  3. Switch failure. Repair it yourself or take it to a specialist.
  4. Failure of the control unit. Drive the car to a service center.

How to set the time on a KGB key fob

Setting the clock on the remote control of the KGB anti-theft system begins by entering the setting mode by pressing and holding the "SET" button.

  1. After one second, a short signal from the transmitter will follow. The screen backlight will turn on for five seconds.
  2. Keep holding the "SET" key.
  3. After two seconds, the key fob will beep twice. Entered the current time setting mode.
  4. Release the SET button.
  5. Set the clock. The "Trunk open" button increases the values, the "Speaker" button decreases.
  6. Short press "SET" to move to minute setting.
  7. Set the number of minutes. The "Trunk" key raises the numbers, the "Siren" key lowers them.
  8. To exit, hold "SET" for two seconds.

Please check out the car service offered by our partners.

Price list for the provision of remote control programming services for car alarms (recording, binding, training, programming new alarm remote controls, as well as assistance with a broken or lost key fob, emergency shutdown of the car alarm, answers to the question of what to do if the car alarm has blocked the engine) Departure of the master, as a rule, be made the next day after the order, but if necessary, an urgent departure on the day of the order is possible.

You can come to the office, immediately purchase and program the key fob, be sure to call before arrival!

  • Programming one or more key fobs purchased in our store or from our partners - from 500 rub.*
  • One-time programming of one key fob - from 500 rub.**
  • Simultaneous programming of two or more key fobs - from 500 rub.**
  • Departure of the master with subsequent programming includes delivery (990 rubles) and programming (500 rubles) of one or more key fobs (for key fobs purchased from us or not from us) departure of the master and programming - from 1490 rubles.


    The programming service is carried out on 1 car, provided that the car's electronics are in good working order, as well as the car alarm system is working and correctly installed. The presence of key fobs or their absence is not an obstacle to programming new key fobs! ***

    Before arriving at the service, be sure to call to make an appointment and inform the master about the car alarm model.

    The Master reserves the right to refuse to provide the programming service without explaining the reason or with explanations and recommendations for eliminating the reasons that prevent programming.

    Departure of the master for programming key fobs is carried out in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road, outside the Moscow Ring Road, departure is possible only by agreement with the master and for a fee.

    The warranty for key fobs purchased in our store is 12 months, the warranty for programming services is 2 weeks.

    You can learn more about the service of programming key fobs from our partners.
    Pre-registration for programming key fobs - pagers by phone. 8-985-215-48-55. You can also leave a request for programming on the site, specifying the alarm model, contact phone number and the metro station closest to you.

    Why do Clients turn to us for the services of recording, binding, programming key fobs, as well as their configuration?

  • It's comfortable! Order a keychain with delivery and program it, saving time and money!
  • It is not expensive! Many services charge more than 1000 rubles for such a service. at the same time, it is not rare that you need to make an appointment and wait a few days, and then go to the service!
  • It's practical! Individual approach to clients, in "light" cases, you can discuss with the master the possibility of discounts for programming, and also ask to make other system settings!
  • It's educational! If the Client wishes, the Master can show the process of remote control programming step by step, train the Client so that in the future there would be no need to contact services for such services. You will be able to program the remotes, pagers, key fobs of your car on your own or, at the request of your friends, help them, saving a lot of time, money and providing additional security sink)

    * - Key fobs purchased from us are programmed at a rate of 500 rubles. (in any quantity provided by the car alarm) with standard programming. Delivery is paid separately.

    ** - The cost of programming the key fob (s) purchased not from us, without the departure of the master.

    *** - If you want to program the old keyfobs in addition to the new one, you must have them in good condition with batteries.

    Important! If the car alarm key fob is broken and it is not possible to turn off the car alarm with it, then when you try to open the car with the key, the alarm siren will most likely turn on and the car engine will be blocked. To program new remote controls, you will need to emergency turn off the alarm (deactivate), be sure to report this before calling the wizard, because. it may take much more time and the programming service may exceed 500 rubles. and discussed individually with the master.

    On holidays and weekends, the programming service is possible by agreement with the master.

    Check out the service we offer