Unpretentious perennial plants for the garden. The most unpretentious and interesting flowers for a summer residence are the arrangement of a “weekend garden. Perennial flowers blooming in summer

The choice of plants for planting in the country is a very important stage, because the appearance of the summer cottage, the amount of time spent caring for the flower beds, and the mood of the owners and guests who visited the country estate depend on their varietal diversity. To begin with, you should not get hung up on exotic species that are difficult to care for, it is better to choose a few unpretentious, but bright representatives of the flora. Let's take a closer look at what flowers to plant in the country so that it turns into a cozy piece of paradise.

Many lovers of country rest visit the cottage only on weekends, therefore, they need to choose flowers that require minimal care. In addition, plants must tolerate drought or, conversely, prolonged rains. If capricious roses are planted in more northern latitudes, they will require daily attention, so consider options that quietly develop on their own, at least for a week.

Cheerful yellow and orange marigolds are undemanding to the soil and atmospheric "gifts". The only condition for their successful cultivation is a place lit by the sun, and this can be a patch in the middle of the lawn, and a narrow flower bed along the path, and containers suspended from the wall. Low varieties of marigolds are ideal for arranging borders or borders.

Bright monochromatic marigolds look more elegant when surrounded by plants with decorative large leaves, for example, against the background of an ordinary or spotted hosta.

Climbing, freedom-loving nasturtium is great for lightly shaded areas. It grows quickly, so it should be planted in places with a lot of free soil. In order for the nasturtium bush to retain its shape and size for as long as possible, it is placed in a pot or a small container. Early May is the best time to sow these pink, burgundy, lilac, yellow, or variegated plants.

Imopea is distinguished by large, visible from afar flowers, which can decorate both the wall of the house and a trellis specially arranged for it. Imopeya loves supports and has increased tenacity, so she can easily “pounce” on any object standing nearby - a bench, a tree, a corner of the house. These beautiful flowers with large buds love sunlight and organic fertilizers.

A feature of growing nasturtium is the dosed application of fertilizers. A large amount of minerals will cause rapid leaf growth, but will extinguish the formation of inflorescences

Two or three varieties of imopei with buds of different shades look original and harmonious, planted near a trellis, arch or trellis

Perennials as a symbol of stability

If there is no time to change the composition of flower beds annually and transplant plants from place to place, it is better to stop at perennials, which, once rooted, will delight the eye for a long time. Recognized leaders among perennials are luxurious dahlias and fragrant peonies, which, during their flowering, turn flower beds into huge white-pink-red clouds.

Get ready for the fact that the aristocratic peony will decorate your territory for 10 years or more. This dominant plant blooms vigorously throughout the summer, and the rest of the time the decorative task is performed by its dark glossy greens. Peonies are not capricious: in autumn it is enough to remove their above-ground part. It is not necessary to cover or wrap the plants from frost, so as not to damage the sprouts in the spring.

Dahlias are great for individual plantings, and for group compositions, and even for creating lush arrays. They like places well lit by the sun, but protected from the wind. One of the landing conditions is moisture-intensive, fairly fertile soil, as well as moderate use of organic matter (manure). Dahlias bloom towards the end of summer, so flower beds can be supplemented with lower plants.

Dahlia roots need additional air flow: regularly feeding and watering the flowers, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds

Outstanding country style

The persistent smell of mint, herbs and slightly wild, unkempt flower beds - old childhood memories take us on a journey through the garden of our beloved grandmother, where colorful plants of unimaginable varieties merged into a single picture, which is now commonly called.

The center of the landscape, of course, is a lush rose bush, spreading a gentle soft aroma around it. By choosing acid-neutral soil, not waterlogged and fertile, you can not think about renewal for the next 10 years. Timely planting, which depends largely on the variety, regular hilling and top dressing will help create a strong plant with large noble buds. To give the bush a certain shape, additional pruning is required.

Roses are best pruned in early spring. In climbing and climbing plants, old, dead shoots are removed, bushy stems are cut at a height of 20-30 cm above ground level

Tall, reaching 2 meters delphiniums give the flower bed a special lively flavor. Their slender stems soar upward, releasing many large, bright flowers, reminiscent of the inhabitants of the salty expanses - dolphins. The colors of various delphinium varieties also correspond to the marine theme - from pale lilac to deep purple and sky blue. The most successful place for planting a plant is the center of a flower bed or an area along the wall of a high fence.

Delphinium is very difficult to grow seedlings, so experts recommend using dividing the bush and jigging the cuttings. A good breeding season is early spring or August.

For or you can use violets - small bright flowers that amaze with a variety of varieties. They are very fond of moist soil, but do not tolerate stagnant water, so the landing site must be well drained. Violet blooms profusely, but requires the timely removal of wilted buds. This simple procedure guarantees an extension of the flowering period and an increase in the size of the plant.

Some varieties of violets are propagated by seeds, for others green cuttings are more suitable, which are best done in early summer.

Shade-tolerant flower varieties

Shaded garden corners often look monotonous, boring and abandoned due to the persistent opinion that nothing takes root there. In fact, there are many beautiful plants that can turn even the darkest area into a colorful meadow. These include both perennials and noble herbs, the main decorative element of which are variegated, striped, spotted and multi-colored leaves. Consider to revive them.

Moderate flowering plants

With bright pink and blue flowers, a low plant, the lungwort, stands out against the background of greenery. The three most common species perfectly tolerate shade - medicinal, Dacian and red lungwort. The plant is valued for its versatility and unpretentiousness: early spring flowering in summer is replaced by decorative variegated leaves, which persists until the first snow. One individual is able to develop and bloom for 30 years.

A wonderful honey plant and a medicinal plant, foxglove is also easy to shade. The lack of sunlight does not prevent it from reaching a height of one and a half meters and crumbling into juicy pale pink or snow-white buds. To turn a boring corner of the garden into a comfortable area for reading or relaxing, just put a bench and surround it with lush foxglove bushes - a gloomy place will come to life and sparkle with bright colors.

Foxglove seeds ripen towards the end of summer. The most viable seeds are in boxes at the bottom of the stem, where the first flowers appear.

Original ornamental grasses

Forest thickets and shady places near walls and fences are not afraid of garden ferns. Fern bushes and shade-tolerant plants form beautiful green compositions that can decorate a garden, a recreation area, and a local area. The most popular varieties of fern: maidenhair, leaflet, multi-row, ostrich, nomadic.

The fern is easily propagated by spores, which are best sown in early spring. The optimal soil for planting is a mixture of fertile forest land and peat

The garden will not do without the prima donna of shady areas - hostas, different varieties of which set the mood of the lower tier. Inexpressive flowering is compensated by the beauty and nobility of exquisite leaf plates, which can be decorated with wide white stripes, marble stains, large specks or bluish-violet edging.

Perennial hostas feel great for several seasons in one place, so the soil occasionally needs to be dug up, fertilized and mulched.

The summer cottage is a great place to experiment and implement your own ideas. To turn a gloomy territory into a positive and rosy place of rest, it is enough to break a flower bed near the porch or arrange a small flower garden in the garden - the choice of its filling is up to the owners.

The most convenient flowers for the garden are perennials, since there are fewer “troubles” with them, you don’t need to re-plant every spring, coming up with various options and schemes. That is why gardeners love them so much. So I’m more comfortable with a perennial flower bed that blooms all summer so that it doesn’t have to be reseeded every year.

Why we choose beautiful and long-blooming perennials for our flower beds:

  1. does not need to be planted every season;
  2. perfectly tolerate winter without shelter;
  3. the whole season look decorative, almost without our help.

Beautiful flowering perennials with descriptions and photos

We will help you choose beautiful perennial flowers for your garden.

Among perennials, there are different types both in height, time and duration of flowering, and in shade tolerance. From such a number of species, you can make a beautiful composition or flower bed, which, if desired, can be supplemented with annual flowers and ornamental herbs.

What could be more beautiful than perennial garden flowers that bloom all summer long. Summer residents who come only on weekends cannot always pay much attention to the flower garden, and a perennial flower bed that blooms almost by itself is a good way out. The main thing is to choose unpretentious long-flowering perennials for such a flower bed.

Flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, are not difficult to pick up. Let's see how to do it. There are always varieties of the same species with different flowering periods, and some bloom from June to October and constantly have a decorative look.

Perennial flowers for the garden can be divided into three groups according to height:

  • undersized, up to 50 cm;
  • medium height from 50 to 80 cm;
  • tall, from a meter and above.

There is another type of perennial - climbing plants. They usually serve to decorate the facades of garden houses, they mask outbuildings, hide an unattractive type of fences behind a wall of climbing vines.

low growing perennial flowers

These decorative flowers are used for foregrounds, borders, flowerbed decorations. When they are grown together with higher specimens, care should be taken to ensure that their growth is not oppressed by the latter.

Pansies (Viola)

The bush is only 15-20 cm high, but the variety of shades and bright saturated colors makes the viola the most popular perennial among our gardeners and flower growers. This bright flower takes pride of place in the flower bed, blooming all summer.

Pansies begin to bloom at the end of April, reviving the dull look of a summer cottage after winter and continues to please the eye throughout the summer. The main thing is to remove wilted flowers in time.


Blue or pink flowers, creeping with a soft carpet, they are decorative from the beginning to the end of summer. Very unpretentious, they can complement any exquisite composition.

Large-flowered flax

Delicate, unpretentious, beautiful flower, up to 50 cm high. Combines with many flowers. Be sure to find a place for it. Blooms almost all summer.


Blooming all summer phlox delight the eye with an abundance of colors. Up to 30 cm high, these perennial flowers are combined with ornamental grasses and other flowers. Unpretentious, beautiful, fragrant, phloxes will delight you with their beauty all summer long.


With its blue bells it will decorate any flower bed and alpine hill. It blooms from mid-summer to autumn, it is not noticed in particular moodiness.

Anemone (anemone)

Low beautiful white flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter. They look very impressive next to other bright counterparts. The plant is undemanding, grows in almost any conditions.

Soft cuff

These plants have decorative leaves that serve as decoration without flowers. And the flowers are delicate, pale yellow, small. A bush grows up to 40 cm, looks good in borders and along the edges of flower beds.

carnation grass

An ornamental plant with a thin stem 15-25 cm high. Precisely because the flower has a thin, unstable shoot, it is prone to lodging, forming beautifully flowering plantings in any corner of the garden. Carnation flowers do not differ in large sizes, but they delight with a variety of colors, from white, pink to red.

The main advantages of carnation grass include its unpretentiousness in care, good tolerance to winter cold.

Carnation grass is also used as a ground cover plant, planted in near-trunk circles.

Long flowering perennials of medium height

The most popular group of perennial flowers. Their height is from 60 to 100 cm.


The most commonly used panicled gypsophila. Shrub plant, about 1 meter high, wrapped in a cloud of long shoots with numerous small flowers, white, white-pink and pink. Thin shoots bow to the ground, forming an openwork flowering ball. Flowering lasts from mid-July to late August.


They do not belong to long-flowering, but belong to the group of the most beautiful perennials of medium height.

Medium-sized varieties of irises are determined by the height of the peduncle from 40 to 70 cm, this is the "golden mean" between dwarf and tall irises.

Plant care does not require much effort: watering in dry weather, pruning peduncles to give the flower an aesthetic appearance. Unpretentious. In one place it can grow for about 10 years. Looks great in mixborders.


Once seeing lilies in bloom, no gardener can resist the temptation to plant them in his garden. Possessing, truly, royal grandeur and beauty captivate the eye.

Lilies begin to bloom in June, replacing tulips and peonies. The flowers on the stem bloom from the bottom up and live from three to nine days. But you should not immediately remove them after all the flowers have withered. It will be useful to the plant for another 1.5 months to fill the bulb with strength and nutrients.


The color scheme created by breeders can be admired endlessly. All shades of yellow, pink, red flowers will decorate any flower garden. Flowering continues throughout the summer. Almost all daylilies have a peduncle higher than their bush, and can carry up to 30 flowers, which is why its flowering is continuous.

mountain cornflowers

Flower height up to 60 cm, blooms all summer with piercing blue flowers. Like most perennials, it is unpretentious and does not require special transplants.

Yarrow garden

The plant can tolerate any soil, does not require special care. Its only preference is a sunny place to grow.

Yarrow looks equally beautiful in combination with other perennials and in single plantings.

perennials high


Lupine blooms in June and continues to bloom throughout the month, with red, yellow, blue and purple flowers.

Growing lupine is easy. If there is no planting material, it is bred by seed. The best option, and less time-consuming, would be the autumn sowing of seeds in the ground.

Astilba: description and photo

A beautifully flowering perennial up to one meter high, and paniculate inflorescences of red, purple, white or pink flowers.

Astilba is propagated by dividing the bush when it reaches the age of five. Without digging up the main bush, a part of the plant is carefully separated and transplanted. Astilbe breeding work is carried out either in early spring or autumn. During autumn planting, the plant is covered with spruce branches.


Flowers from 70 cm to 2 meters high, large baskets, with bright yellow, yellow-brown, pink petals.

Rudbeckia are unpretentious flowers, they need rare watering in dry sunny weather, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers in spring and complex fertilizers in autumn.


Very popular and beloved by gardeners are unpretentious perennials. The main thing is not so much growing as proper storage of tubers.

And one can talk endlessly about the variety of flower forms and its color: pinnate and chrysanthemum-shaped, pompom and peony-shaped, anemone-shaped and decorative, painted in all sorts of colors - white and red, burgundy and purple, yellow and orange.


A relative of rudbeckia, a medicinal plant, it takes root well in the garden. Flowers of soft lilac color on tall peduncles with a brown center look very elegant.

Delphinium, photo and description

Flowering of delphiniums lasts about 2-3 weeks. In one place it can grow up to 10 years. Likes good, fertilized soil, sunny or slightly shaded. And since the height of the plant can reach two meters, it is necessary to provide for the installation of supports for attaching the stem. Otherwise, it may be broken by gusts of wind.

Aquilegia is a very beautiful perennial.

Another name for the columbine, given to flowers for their characteristic feature is to collect drops of water inside the corolla.

Aquilegia bloom lasts for a month and will last longer if wilted flowers are removed.

And top dressing with mineral fertilizers once a season helps to increase the flowering period.

Perennials that bloom all summer

All of the above flowers are unpretentious perennials that bloom throughout the summer. They are ideal for growing in the country, in the garden, near the house in the front garden. They look beautiful as street flowers in flowerbeds and flower beds in parks.

After looking at the description and photos of perennial flowers, you can now easily compose a composition or diagram in relation to your site.

Combine compositions by color and height of plants, then your flower garden will be charming.

In addition, you can use the service of our site "Selection of flowers for the garden by parameters", located in the right menu and make yourself a flower bed of a wide variety of flowers that differ in height, flowering time, size and shape of flowers.

Beautiful flowering perennials with the name and photo, video

Types of perennial flowers that bloom for a long time

On this page, the top 10 flowers that bloom longer than others.

The most popular perennial long-flowering plants


The luxurious beauty of the rose is famous for its variety of species and a huge number of hybrids and varieties, many of which can bloom continuously from early summer to late autumn.


Perennial Mediterranean compact shrub with purple-blue or pale pink fragrant flowers that appear in late May and adorn the garden until the first frost.


Fragrant and unpretentious long-flowering perennial. Depending on the type of color palette: white, pink, purple or blue.


This plant is often referred to as Mexican mint because of the pleasant anise scent of the leaves and flowers. Great for creating mixed flower beds and herb gardens.


It is characterized by multi-colored double flowers that resemble small pillows. Height, depending on the species, from 25 to 70 cm. Flowering period from July to mid-October.


The hardy plant reaches a length of 25-35 cm and looks like mint. Its pride is white, lavender-blue, purple or bright blue spikelets and lemon-scented foliage in some species.


An unpretentious long-flowering perennial is popular with gardeners. Its flowers, like little suns, fill the garden with their golden, cozy warmth from early July to September.


Pink, white and lavender luxurious oblong inflorescences on long peduncles adorn the perennial from July to September.


The beautiful evening primrose with bright gold and pale pink flowers adorns the garden from June to August. Grows well in full sun, in fertile and moist soils. Great in group plantings.


A small, long-flowering perennial that looks like a miniature aster. It blooms in June-July and decorates the garden until the first frost. Likes sun and well-drained soil.

And what perennial flowers adorn your summer cottage? If possible, attach photos of your flowers to the comments. Thank you!

Interesting on the topic.

Beautiful flowers are the decoration of any site. But the annual planning, preparation and work on new flower beds is not an easy and costly business. Therefore, many gardeners make their lives easier and plant perennial unpretentious flowers. They require minimal care, the plant lives from 2 years to several decades (with the condition of timely division of the bush). And in beauty, perennial unpretentious garden flowers are in no way inferior to annuals, and often even surpass them. Well, let's move on to considering the most suitable options.


These are reliable, unpretentious cottages that will never let you down. They are bulbous, bloom in early, mid or late spring, depending on the variety. The flowers have a central trumpet (corolla) surrounded by a collar of petals that can be of different hues, such as yellow, orange, white, red and peach. Some varieties have a subtle aroma. The fact that the daffodils woke up, you will know by the thin narrow leaves that will appear from the ground as soon as the sun warms up. They are slightly shorter in length than the flowers.

When buying, choose beautiful healthy bulbs that have not dried out. The first time it is better to plant daffodils before winter, and later divide and plant the bushes at the beginning of summer, when their leaves completely wither. The bulb is buried in the ground by 5-7 cm. For planting, choose sunny or slightly shaded areas.

Further care is very simple: the plant must be well watered during the flowering period, if it lingers, feed. In order for thin stems not to fall from the wind, they sometimes need support. When the buds wither, they need to be cut off.


Another easy to care for plant that looks very impressive. It is undemanding to the soil, almost not affected by pests. The Latin name of the daylily in translation means "one-day beauty", because the bud blooms in the morning and fades at night. But do not worry, there are up to 12 ovaries on one stem, so the plant will delight you with its flowering for several weeks.

Daylily comes in different heights, so it can be used in different ways: in borders, in separate groups or in the background of flower beds.

Gardeners have literally bred thousands of varieties of this plant, which differ not only in the size and color of the flowers, but also in their shape, flowering period. In some species it is longer or occurs twice a season.

daylily care

The plant requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight, however, in hot regions, flowers with bright colors must be shaded, otherwise they will fade. The soil should be moist but with good drainage. It is best to plant a daylily in the spring so that it gets stronger before winter. But if the cold time is severe, then in the first year it is preferable to dig it out or at least cover it well until the heat returns.

Compost the soil generously before planting, leaving enough (30-60 cm) space between seedlings. Deepen the bulb no more than 2-3 cm. In the first year, the daylily is especially demanding on watering, and then it is resistant to difficult conditions.

When you notice that the plant has begun to bloom less, this may be a signal that it has grown too many "babies", it's time to divide it. This usually happens 3-5 years after planting. The operation is also best done in the spring.


If you are looking for perennial, hardy flowers with an interesting bud shape, delicate fragrance and amazing vitality, then these beauties are your best choice.

Irises have three large outer petals that look down and three inner vertical ones. The former may have beards or fluffy combs. They come in different colors and sizes.

Most irises bloom once - in early summer. Some, mostly bearded hybrids, are remontant and bloom again a little later.

Irises need a sunny site and well-draining soil. Flowers are planted in the middle - late summer in shallow wide holes. The rhizomes are left open on top or lightly crushed with earth in hot regions. Indeed, unlike bulbs, which need to be buried in the soil, they love sunlight and can rot under a layer of soil.

These hardy perennial flowers are extremely easy to care for. It consists in careful watering, without waterlogging the soil, and fertilizers should not be overdone either. Old flowers are cut off when they have already withered, and the leaves are left - they continue to nourish the root throughout the season. Once every 2-5 years, the bush needs to be divided and seated.


These are very beautiful unpretentious for giving. Photos of peonies in all their glory inspire their cultivation.

And after the luxurious flowering is over, you will not have a bare flower bed, but a juicy green bush, which will turn reddish-golden in autumn.

A perennial may even outlive you - a peony bush lives up to 10 years. Plants require minimal care, after they are planted in a good place, it is better not to disturb them, they react very painfully to transplantation.

These hardy, perennial flowers need plenty of sunshine and loose, well-draining soil. Peonies are not even afraid of cold winters, because frost contributes to the formation of buds in the spring.

peonies care

For planting, take parts of the rhizome with eyes from an adult (3-5 years old) bush. The timing of the procedure - autumn (September-October), until the first frost. The place should be unshaded, open, protected from the wind. The soil needs to be properly fertilized. The plant is planted in a wide hole with eyes up to a depth of 2.5-5 cm.

After that, as with previous perennials, care is minimal. Fertilize the bush only if you have very poor soil. Water it in time, remove faded buds and cut the foliage for the winter to eliminate the risk of overwintering diseases.


Many in the medicine cabinet have a tincture of this plant. But in gardens, perennial unpretentious flowers are not so common. And in vain, because even in the strongest heat, echinacea will please you with large flowers. Their classic color is purple with a convex brown cone-shaped core, but there are varieties in which the petals are red, yellow, orange or white. Echinacea attracts butterflies and birds with its aroma and grains.

Most often, the plant propagates by seeds that are sown in the spring, loves sunny places and Echinacea should be watered at least once a week. In the spring, fertilizing with compost and mulching should be done. Faded buds need to be cut off not only so that new ones appear more actively, but also to prevent the unauthorized spread of seeds. Divide bushes every 3-4 years. More often, the plant should not be disturbed, it does not like it.


These perennial unpretentious flowers for a flower bed can serve as an example of a spectacular appearance and ease of care. There are a lot of varieties and colors, you can always choose a variety that you like. Phloxes bloom with a bright beautiful ball, which consists of small five-pointed flowers.

Prefer open sunny places, but will tolerate light shade from trees. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

You need to plant the plant in rich, fertilized soil. Leave about 30 cm between the flowers so that they can grow well and not interfere with each other. Adult flowers are fed with compost and mulch the ground around them. Although garden phlox is a drought tolerant plant (because it comes from field phlox that can withstand harsh conditions), it is recommended to water it at least once a week. For the winter, you should take care of shelter.

The most unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom in autumn

Of course, these are chrysanthemums. In autumn, when everything around begins to wither, they explode with a burst of rapid flowering. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors: white, yellow, pink, orange, red, lavender, and bicolor. There are undersized bushes and almost meter giants.

Chrysanthemum can be grown from seeds, by dividing the rhizome, buy ready-made seedlings or even plants in pots. Once every 2-3 years, it is better to transplant them to avoid problems with pests and diseases. The division of the bush is best done in the spring. Depending on its size, this should be done every 3-5 years.

These perennials love unshaded areas with loose, fertilized sandy soil. Subsequent top dressing is optional, but desirable. In order to enhance the formation of flower ovaries, when the sprouts reach 20 cm, they need to be pinched. For the winter, cut the stems to 20 cm and cover.

autumn beauty

If peonies are associated with the last call, then asters are certainly held in high esteem on September 1 and Teacher's Day. Still, because they bloom from late August to mid-October, they come in different sizes, colors and shapes. Asters are perennial, unpretentious flowers, a photo of a flower bed with them proves how impressive they can look.

The conditions for caring for them are similar to caring for chrysanthemums. After all, both plants belong to the same botanical family - Asteraceae.

You can grow both from seeds that are sown in early spring, and from seedlings if the spring in your area is cold and protracted. And you can buy adult plants in pots.

Astra loves sunny areas, but can handle a little shading.

The plant should be watered at least once a week, fed with compost every spring and protected from weeds. High grades should be tied up. Pinching the tops also gives good results.

For the winter, the old foliage is completely cut off and the plant is covered.

Once every 2-3 years, the bush needs to be divided so that the aster continues to develop rapidly.

For problem areas

All of the above plants require full sun for optimum development. But what to plant on the north side of the house or under the trees? Pay attention to the hostas - flowers are perennial, unpretentious, while growing well in the shade. Most of all they are valued for beautiful juicy foliage. However, many species will please the gardener with interesting flowers on a high stem, in the form of a funnel or bell, sometimes resembling lilies. Coloring - white, lilac or purple. Blooms from June to October, depending on the variety.

Host Care

It should be noted that not all varieties like a thick shade. The lighter the color, the more sunlight the plant needs. Therefore, for especially shaded areas, choose varieties with dark, rich green leaves.

The planting hole should be abundantly fertilized with compost. While it requires a lot of moisture, but make sure that it does not stagnate. In the future, hosts will also appreciate timely watering, however, adult flowers tolerate short droughts normally.

Plant care consists of spring feeding, protection from slugs and a small shelter for the winter. Hosta grows well in one place for several years, moreover, the bush will reveal its full potential no earlier than 3-6 years after planting. It is not necessary to divide it, only if you want to propagate the plant.

These perennials will decorate your garden and will not cause trouble.

What private house or cottage can do without landscaping? Flowers are a joy for the hostess. They make the house more beautiful, more beautiful and a pleasure to enter. Neighbors and other passers-by will definitely appreciate the blooming flower bed, which plays with a variety of colors. But it is one thing to love flowers, and quite another to grow and care for them. There is not always enough time for this. That is why many people prefer to use unpretentious perennial flowers on their site.

But, a logical question arises - what kind of flowers are these? How to make your garden plot beautiful and at the same time not spend a lot of time caring for plants? This is what we will try to find out. If you want to grow flowers, then this article is for you. We will look at perennial flowers shade-loving photos and their names, as well as shade-tolerant perennial unpretentious flowers.

What is the difference between shade-loving and shade-tolerant colors

It is generally accepted that all flowers love sunlight, so they try to plant them in such areas. However, this is not entirely true, because there are unpretentious flowers that feel great away from the rays of the sun. They grow and bloom better there. And there are those that can exist in such conditions. Here is a variety of these colors:

It's important to know! On the territory of a private house, the shadow can be constant or depend on the position of the sun in the sky. In addition, the shadow can be solid or diffuse. When choosing shade-loving crops, this should be taken into account.

Now we propose to consider the types of shade-loving and shade-tolerant perennials.

Spring perennial flowers

Why are these plants called perennials? They grow over many years and some may bloom all year round. It is enough just to plant them once and enjoy the beauty. They are unpretentious because they do not require special care. This is great for busy gardeners.

Spring is characterized by the fact that the sun at this time is not so active. In the shade from the trees, Snowdrops and Scillas can feel great. These are the first spring flowers growing in the forest. But, you can also plant them on the site. Muscari, Narcissus, Frost-resistant Kandyk, Erythrinium and Dicentra can also tolerate slight shading. Another wonderful perennial is Lilies of the Valley, which are suitable even for planting in dense shade.

As for areas where the rays of the sun appear only in the morning, you can think about Brunner. These flowers are small in size and have a pleasant blue color. From their inflorescences, a semblance of small clouds is formed. In the common people, she is known as Forget-Me-Not. It begins to bloom in May and finishes flowering by the end of July. But, even after flowering, large colored leaves remain on it, which adorn the site. If you need to fill shady and waterlogged places, then Brunner is ideal.

Another unpretentious flowers that can survive in almost any conditions is Ayuga. It is also called the survivor, and for good reason. This is a shade-tolerant flower that grows very quickly, making a beautiful carpet. The leaves have a burgundy, green and chocolate hue. The beginning of flowering - May. The flowers themselves are blue-violet, growing at a level of 10-15 cm in the form of a false spikelet. The flowering process is long, so the lush blue carpet remains for quite some time. Ayuga can decorate slopes and slopes. An example of Ayuga in the photo.

Below is one of the flowerbed schemes that can be implemented on your site. We will take a closer look at each of the types of these plants, learning their features.

Mahonia podubolistnaya- perennial plant. It is an evergreen shrub that has yellow buds that bloom in spring. They smell good and grow from 30 cm to 1 m. They can be cut, and the leaves of the culture are decorative. In spring they have a reddish tint, closer to summer they are dark green, and in autumn they are bronze. This is a shade tolerant plant.

Looks very nice Atlantic rhododendron. It is a deciduous shrub that can grow to a height of 60 cm. It can grow in the shade and is shade tolerant. Leaves, like flowers, appear in early May. The flowers themselves are white with a pinkish tinge. They look like stars and turn into bright yellow buds in autumn.

Azalea garden can be called no less beautiful. Its shape resembles the previous flower. This is also a shrub that needs partial shade. They will not grow in direct sun or shade. Let it be a little demanding for care, but during flowering in May, the shrub is simply overflowing with flowers so that the greenery is not even visible.

The stalker is female. This is a type of fern that has gently beautiful dissected foliage, the height of which is about 1 m. The good news is that the plant is unpretentious, grows in the shade and is frost-resistant. Perfectly complement the composition of the flower bed to dilute it.

Badan thick-leaved is an evergreen perennial. The culture has thick dark green leaves that are not afraid of winter. With the beginning of spring, the ears-leaves, brown-green in color, peek out directly from the snow. In autumn they turn red. The flowers themselves are pink in color and begin to bloom in May. Badan is unpretentious.

Hosta plantain has heart-shaped leaves, rather large bright green. With its shape and veins, the culture resembles a plantain leaf. The flower has a high pedicel, on which white buds bloom in the form of stars. They have a delicate scent like lilies. Begins to bloom in early August. However, cultures are valued precisely for its beautiful leaves. It is shade-tolerant, unpretentious and survives well in different conditions.

Hosta white-rimmed has beautiful oval-pointed leaves with a white-green color. The flowers bloom purple and are shaped like bells. They begin to bloom in July. Hosta white-bordered is shade-tolerant.

To decorate the lower tier, you can use fragrant Violet. This delicate forest flower is shade-tolerant and unpretentious. Every girl knows how small purple flowers in the shape of butterflies smell. It can bloom twice: in early May and late summer. There are different varieties of perennial unpretentious violets that are white, purple and red-purple in color.

So, to summarize, then one flower bed of spring perennial unpretentious flowers will look like this:

  • mahonia sub-leaved;
  • Atlantic rhododendron;
  • azalea garden;
  • female kochedyzhnik;
  • badan thick-leaved;
  • plantain hosta;
  • hosta white-edged;
  • fragrant violet.

We figured out the spring flowers, now we can start the summer ones.

Summer perennial unpretentious flowers

Summer is the time for bright and warm sun. But even for this season, there are shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants that you can plant in your garden. Below is a visual design scheme for popular summer-blooming shadow flowers.

This list includes Khosta and Badan thick-leaved. We already know them, and since they are attractive throughout the warm season, these flowers are used quite often in landscape design.

Let's start with Digitalis, which is placed in the center of the entire composition. This is an unpretentious plant that grows for two years. Its peculiarity is that it develops well in the shade and in the sun. The peduncle is tall, reaches about 1.5 m and has large bell flowers. The color of the buds can be very different. There are white flowers, yellow, purple, red and with spots and dark dots. May bloom all summer. The flower is beautiful, but poisonous!

Lush bushes are used as a background. These are two types of hydrangeas:

The peculiarity of the bushes is that they love a loose shade. They begin to bloom in summer. The buds grow in clusters, somewhat reminiscent of lilacs. The color scheme is varied. They can be pink, blue, white and lilac. They grow in clusters and because of the flowers you can’t even see the leaves. They look insanely beautiful.

The top tier is still filling up Phlox paniculata. Another perennial bush that is divided into different varieties. It kind of reminds me of Hortense. The color is very different, there are even two-tone flowers. The height of the plant can reach 60-130 cm. The inflorescences are dense and have a different shape. They can bloom throughout the summer, and even in autumn. These flowers are perennial and unpretentious, however, do not like drought.

As for the middle tier, along with Khosts and Badan, they plant a perennial and shade-loving Astilbe and Aquilegia. Astilba is a versatile plant that can grow almost anywhere and in any conditions. Still, ideally, plant it in a semi-shaded area. Designers appreciate it for its beautiful paniculate inflorescences, consisting of small flowers. Their color is very different: pink, red, white, lilac, light yellow. Begins to bloom in summer.

As for Aquilegia, she also loves partial shade. Its beautiful appearance is due to the unusual shape of flowers with a spur. They look simply gorgeous. The shades are varied: yellow, blue, pink, white, lilac, one-color or two-color. The peculiarity of flowers is that they can collect water droplets. That is why Aquilegia has the name catchment area. Even if translated from English, Aqua is water.

Let's proceed to the design of the lower tier, which will consist of Cuffs soft, Geuchera and Primrose garden. Let's start with the cuff. It is a creeping perennial plant that has unremarkable greenish-yellow flowers. The peculiarity and advantage of the plant is that it retains dew drops due to fan-shaped rounded leaves. The leaves are slightly concave and drooping.

As you can see in the photo, with dewdrops, the plant looks cute and unusual. This is an unpretentious plant that can grow in any area in the territory.

A very popular plant for private homes is Heuchera. It has decorative leaves and a small height of up to 50 cm. The leaves are lowered, rounded-lobed. They are assembled in a socket. As for the color, the plant can be green, red, yellow or silver-gray. The flowers resemble bells and are white and reddish-pink. The plant loves shady areas.

Primrose or Primrose. This is a very beautiful flower, and thanks to the different species, you can create a beautiful blooming flower bed that will bloom from spring to late autumn. We are looking at a primrose that blooms in summer. They usually bloom low, have rounded leaves and create a rosette. The flowers are collected in a bouquet and have different colors (yellow, red, blue, white and pink). Flowers can be single or double. They do not like direct sunlight, so it is recommended to plant these perennial flowers in partial shade.

There are also other summer shade-loving flowers for the garden:

  1. Periwinkle.
  2. Helenium.
  3. Bells.
  4. Forget-me-nots.
  5. Kupena.
  6. Rogersia.

Autumn perennial flowers

Autumn is the period when the sun is no longer so active. All plants stop blooming, however, even for this period, you can make an excellent flower bed that will bloom in the shade. Below is a diagram.

It can be seen that the composition of flowers in autumn is not so blooming and mainly consists of Hosta and other green plants. Their feature is in beautiful leaves. Can dilute green plants hybrid Astilbes. They bloom in autumn. Looks very nice. The colors are very different.

Another flowering plant Black cohosh spreading. It can grow up to 2 m, has small white flowers, which are collected in an inflorescence similar to a pyramid. Black cohosh has a special specific smell, reminiscent of drugs. The stem and leaves of the plant are green-purple in color. The culture is decorative. It can grow in the shade, as it is a forest flower.

Another type of fern - Common ostrich. It is thermophilic and has two varieties of leaves. The first view looks like a beautiful funnel, long and feathery. The second is spore-bearing, which resembles ostrich feathers, which is why it got its name. They are located in the middle of the bush.

Tiarella heart-leaved will help to complement the overall composition. This is a winter-hardy plant that, although it blooms in spring, in autumn its green leaves with bronze veins begin to turn brown. This is a heat-loving flower that decorates the site with a leafy carpet in autumn. They winter quietly under the cover of snow.

Note! Autumn-flowering shade-tolerant plants are common goldenrod, palm-shaped Kirengeshoma, prefabricated or twisted bell.


These are not all perennial flowers that can be grown at home. This and Hoof - a creeping plant that has rounded glossy leaves. It grows in the most shady places. Ivy is also shade-tolerant. Do not forget about Hibiscus, Barberry, Irga, Jasmine, Kalina, etc. All these plants will fill the site with beauty and wonderful aromas. Even just walking past such houses with a beautifully designed plot is pleasant. And it's even better to live there. This information from the article will help create a beautiful landscape design, and the garden will bloom year-round for many years.