To whom do experts recommend a living room in green tones? Living room interior in green tones Living room design in green tones

Most of us prefer to have neutral colors in our home. To do this, choose light colors and shades that are diluted with bright accents.

Such an interior looks quite cozy, but at the same time boring. To create a fresh and unusual design, it is better to choose a bright color palette.

Recently, green is considered the most popular color for decorating the living area. It helps to create an atmosphere of summer freshness, which perfectly cheers you up in the cold winter season.

The color scheme of this color offers a huge number of shades for your choice, which help to create a stylish reception area.

Green in the interior of the living room

When choosing a living room in green, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

Light and calm shades of green help create a warm and peaceful atmosphere in the living area. Neutral color, has a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person. It promotes complete relaxation after hard everyday life;

Noble olive, helps to create a neutral environment between human comfort and luxurious interiors. Olive is considered a warm enough color that helps create a stylish atmosphere of comfort;

Several color schemes in the design of the green living room help to make the room visually wider and more spacious. In this case, one part of the room can have a fairly saturated color, while the other is more neutral.

It is necessary to apply bright paints with glossy pigment quite carefully. A living room in green tones requires balance.

In order to dilute the atmosphere of freshness in the room, many designers use a combination of warm colors and shades. For example, the duet of green and yellow looks great.

The main background in the interior is green. Yellow color is present in the form of textiles and decor items. It is not recommended to use a rich range in the reception area.

The room, decorated in soft colors, helps to create a cozy atmosphere.

For small rooms, the option of combining the kitchen area and the living room is suitable. It is important to take into account the presence of necessary household items and comfort in the guest area.

The green living room kitchen can combine rich colors of furniture and neutral shades of textile design.

Original living rooms in shades of green

Various little things made in this shade will help to make a stylish green interior of the living room. It is not at all necessary to decorate the walls and ceiling in rich colors. The design may include textiles, as well as flooring in green.

Wall surfaces can be: white, beige, light yellow. The interior of the green living room photo will introduce you to the many options for using a green tint in the walls of the living space.

Experienced designers are able to create an incredibly cozy interior of a country living room in your home. To do this, you do not need to have a huge area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for receiving guests and loved ones.

With the help of a color scheme, even the smallest space will turn into a spacious room.

The main thing in this matter is to correctly balance the saturation of color and the presence of decorative elements. In the photo of the green living room, you will notice a competent combination of all the subtleties of modern design.

Green living room design photo

When asked what associations people have about green, many of them will answer without hesitation that this color reminds them of grass, flooded green meadows and dense crowns of trees, that is, most people associate green with summer.

This color, when remembered, evokes warmth and calmness. Therefore, very often in the design of an apartment, this color is used not only in the kitchen, but also in other residential areas.

The living room with the use of green resembles a summer lawn, on which you want to be again and again.

This feeling is especially strong in the cold season, but it is worth remembering that there should be a measure in everything, so the use of this color in the living room should be correct, for which it is necessary to take into account all the features and other subtleties.

The color of peace in the interior

As mentioned above, the color green evokes a feeling of calmness and peace of mind in a person. Psychologists say that with the help of green, it is easier for a person to cope with various bad emotions.

But it is worth knowing that different shades of this color affect a person in different ways.

So light tones of green relax and relieve negative emotions. In turn, cold saturated shades give a person energy for new active actions.

When green is mixed with other colors, it is possible to neutralize the effect of this color.

Use of green in various styles

The green living room can be played in various styles, besides, this color is in perfect harmony with others. A rich palette of different shades of this color will allow you to choose exactly the color that is needed when creating an interior style.

When creating a living room with an oriental accent, it is best to use olive or jade. When creating a Mediterranean style, a shade of sea surface or another light green shade will do.

The tropical accent of the living room is achieved by using any additional items with a light green color.

A touch of elegance can be shown using aquamarine color. The aroma of freshness in the living room will bring a mint shade used in textiles and accessories.

For those who cannot live without house flowers and plants, khaki must be used. After all, any plant is in perfect harmony with furniture made of wood or bamboo and a floor in the design of which stone was used.

For those who love the Provence style or the good old country, a mixture of brown and green shades will do.

The Scandinavian style combines white and green shades, green is used together with gray tones. Swamp color harmonizes well with the pink color of pillows or curtains.

But this style is difficult to perceive, and therefore it is suitable for few.

The living room in a classic style combines green with gold or silver. The furniture used in such interiors should have an unusual structure, emphasizing its elegance. Modern style is achieved using wood furniture or interior items in light green and pistachio colors.

Wall decoration

When painting walls, there is no need to paint them completely green, as this is not appropriate in apartments with small windows. In this case, it is better to use light or pastel shades. They reflect sunlight well creating the effect of volume and depth of the room.

Only on one wall can you use green or photo wallpaper with a similar pattern.

But if the living room is painted green, then white, burgundy, gray or dark yellow must be used in furniture and accessories.

It is necessary to abandon furniture made in green shades.

Selection of furniture and curtains for a green living room

Furniture made using expensive leather and suede is best suited for the living room. In this case, the furniture should be along the walls.

When decorating windows, it must be borne in mind that in a small living room translucent curtains of green shades will be best, this will allow for more natural light.

In large rooms, in turn, curtains of dark shades made of satin or velvet are suitable.

In conclusion, it should be said that when creating a living room in green tones, this color must be used in a dosed manner, and not overused. Competently combine green with shades of other colors used to create the interior.

In small living rooms, use light colors that create a feeling of lightness and weightlessness.

The application of these simple rules will allow you to create a green living room that will delight the people in it for a long time.

Photo of a green living room

Closest to the surrounding nature, the green color is pleasant to perceive. There is only one benefit from it to the organs of vision. This background is good in relation to living rooms - large and bright. And if so, then it's time for every hostess or owner to try on these attractive colors for the functionality of the room, its style and decor.

Then the interior will be in exact harmony with the goals that carry the given aesthetics. This will allow you to collect disparate objects into a single idea, many of which will be lucky enough to become the center of attention of guests. Grass, foliage, as well as emerald highlights, personified by green colors, can cause an abundance of positive emotions. But not violent moods, but aimed primarily at relaxation and associated with relaxation in a pleasant company.

Accessories: don't overdo it and don't get bored

When choosing a variety of elements that should play their role against the general background of cheerful foliage, one should be guided by the principle of measure:

  1. pictures, vases, and pretty, pleasing to the eye gizmos are good in small quantities;
  2. let there be few accessories, but each of them will create a small space of style and showiness around them;
  3. recommended contrasting colors that stand out against the general background;
  4. the more light backgrounds with pastel and gray, the clearer the feeling of spring freshness, but with the latter you should not go too far so as not to let cold tones into the living room atmosphere.

It is necessary to accurately select the background in relation to:

  • the total area of ​​the premises;
  • degree of illumination;
  • ceiling height;
  • proportions of furniture to space.

Green, a natural color, has the property of saturating almost all other colors of the rainbow with color. However, even despite this, there are such colors, the use of which is initially not welcome. For example, red or an abundance of black color, which can ruin any sensible idea in the bud.

Combinations, styles, decor

Let's look at all the options for what colors are most harmoniously combined with the color scheme that we have chosen as the main one. It will not be superfluous to determine which styles are most suitable for this or that choice.

A mixture of white and green colors

An excellent solution for creating an industrial interior, if it contains metal elements. Light colors are in perfect harmony with modular furniture. Placed to the taste of the owners, it will free up space, which will then be occupied by upholstered furniture along with additional decorative elements. This symbiosis is considered classic, modern and fresh at the same time. It's time to pay attention to it:

  • unambiguously welcome in guest rooms;
  • in rooms that are insignificant in area, he unobtrusively pushes the spatial boundaries;
  • one condition: no contrast, only dilution of shades, in this case you will get associations with spaciousness, airiness and freshness (example: light shades of green curtains);
  • these tones are best combined with each other, but not because of any versatility, just the resulting harmony has a special tenderness.

Advice. And therefore, designers unanimously advise using this color scheme for vintage decoration. However, even the standard version of white and green is beautiful and not boring.

Grey-green kaleidoscope

It's a kaleidoscope! After all, any combination of some shades of a certain background with others gives such an impressive number of options that it becomes clear: there is simply no limit to fantasy:

  • the harmony of the guest room is provided by the classic combination itself, and this is always a win-win;
  • in general, a gray color scheme against a background of greenery or vice versa is perceived as a beautiful and calm combination;
  • emerald ceiling can give a great effect on the background of brown parquet.

In any case, before you start experimenting, you should take the finished pieces of color and apply them to each other, achieving the optimal neighborhood of colors. The best way to avoid annoying inconsistencies is to immediately decide on those options that are not initially comparable.

  • the neighborhood of green wallpaper and gray curtains, vice versa;
  • the main nuance is a clear separation;
  • the second in importance is the visual absence of suppression of one tone by another.

With regard to the living room, designers advise to build on green curtains. Another touch to the collection: cozy corners of green furniture against the background of gray granite walls - persuasiveness and style. The same selection of furniture, but in a dark gray decor: at least interesting!

Brown and green fantasy

These colors are associated in our minds with foliage and wood. That is, they should initially be perceived in an eco style, and this is how it will be most logical to combine natural tones. Your decoration in this direction will lead to the very sources of natural harmony, which means it will help relaxation and peace.

For the room in which it is supposed to gather guests, you should add a neighborhood of colors that will saturate the atmosphere with positive energy:

Red and orange colors as partner tones are contraindicated.

Beige-green appeasement

An ideal palette for country-style houses, in which it is customary to gather guests and use these premises for this very purpose. The background in the form of pastel colors is especially recommended in beige and milky versions. At the same time, "dollar" motifs can only be used in light shades, which must be monophonic or have a soft pattern:

  • such a color scheme will saturate the space with an imperceptible, neutrally colored energy, involving in an atmosphere of calmness, cheerfulness and warmth;
  • great for distracting from all the problems of everyday life and everyday fuss;
  • living room option: green curtains and green walls, against their background, beige furniture looks classic and modern.

As an experiment that brings the overall range closer to greater aristocracy, you can play with olive, herbal or lime shades.

Green and yellow tropics

These colors are rightfully considered related, since in both cases the attraction of the symbols of the sun and life is clearly felt. Of all the neighboring shades, which are blue, gray and yellow, only the last of them is one hundred percent perfect. Which, however, does not prevent the use of other tones in small portions, as additions to the main dish:

Decorators believe that the most harmonious will be the use of tropical shades along with elements of gray, beige or pastel colors. They will dilute the excessive energy of the sun, shining with all its rays in the summer foliage.

Admirers of this lively, bright color will be interested to know with what colors the combination of green in the interior looks the most attractive. Everyone knows that green is the most pleasing color for human eyes. It is not liked only by a small circle of people, but for the most part it is able to bring positive emotions. This is due to its association with grass, foliage, and even such a precious stone as an emerald.

Interesting! It is believed that such an interior provides good rest and peace. Experts are convinced that all its shades relieve stress and allow you to smooth out conflict situations, so the green color in the interior of the bedroom is used most often.

An important feature is that the green color is great for decorating any room, regardless of its functional affiliation. It can be a living room, hall, kitchen, nursery or bedroom.

The only problem that even professional designers face is the combination of green with other shades. The tonality of this color is wide, so it is included in all palettes without exception.

What can be combined with green?

According to leading experts in the field of color and interior design, the following compositions are ideal:

  1. Green combined with tree. As already noted, it is associated with foliage, grass, that is, nature. That is why harmony with the tree will be considered the most suitable. The interior, created in such shades, is the embodiment of not only comfort, but also style. It is recommended to look at the design photo right now.
  2. Green combined with pastel shades. Such harmony, first of all, is associated with warmth, cheerfulness and tranquility. The resulting color scheme will allow you to escape from everyday problems. It is recommended to use it for decoration of rooms intended for rest.
  3. Classic - green combined with white. These colors suit each other more than any other. This is due not so much to the universality of one of them as to the tenderness of the resulting harmony. Experts recommend using this combination to decorate rooms in vintage style.

    Attention! If you stop at a rich green color, then white will still smooth out its intensity, so the room will have a calm design.

  4. Green and black. Despite the fact that this shade is used, the room in such colors will not look dark. If you are afraid of such a combination, then you can “dilute” it with white.

    Professional designers are convinced that you should not be afraid of experiments. Whatever dark shades green is used with, the palette will not turn out gloomy. On the contrary, if a color that is too saturated is used, it will look calmer and will not stand out. You can verify this by looking at a photo of such a combination in the kitchen or in the living room.

    Harmony with related shades

    What color to choose to complement green? Yellow, gray, or maybe blue-green? All of them are ideal for this purpose, but they are worth considering in more detail. To begin with, it should be noted that light and dark green shades can be combined with all of the listed tones.

    So, yellow-green will be a great option for decorating the kitchen. It is not recommended to use too dark options in it. For example, they look good light green wallpaper on the walls and yellow curtains. You can experiment and make the curtains yellow-green, and the wallpaper on the walls gray-green. In the latter case, you will need to use additional gray accessories. This is necessary so that the tone harmoniously fits into the environment.

    The next option is blue-green. This gamma will not look dark, the only undesirable option is the combination dark blue and light green, then the room will look gloomy. Experts advise paying attention to the next version of the blue-green design - the curtains are made in blue, and the wallpaper on the walls is in green. You can dilute such an interior with accessories in white or black. Blue-green gamut is not recommended for the kitchen, with the exception of the use of light shades. It is best suited for the living room or bedroom. However, in this case, the blue-green combination should not be too bright.

    The gray-green scale is perfect for both the kitchen and the living room. The shades used can be applied in any tone, as long as it doesn't matter. A wonderful choice in gray-green design - gray curtains and green wallpaper on the walls. You can do the opposite - green curtains and gray wallpaper. The main thing in the gray-green range is to observe the separation. One color should not be much larger than the other. A photo of a similar combination of gray-green colors can be viewed right now.

    Interesting! Beautifully combined light blue with green. This variation is recommended for children's room, but not for the living room or kitchen. This design will look bright and joyful, which will give the kids positive emotions. The harmony of shades can be seen in the photo.

    Other variations

    What else can you choose a color for a combination? A wonderful option for the living room, but not for the kitchen, will be harmony with purple. A room in such shades will not look dark if you use light colors. At the same time, the wallpaper is not recommended to be done in a single color, it is better to have them diluted - for example, use green as the main one, on which light purple stripes will be located. Photos of this combination are ways to demonstrate the final result.

    Blue, gray and yellow-green colors, experts do not recommend using immediately. Otherwise, the room will look "variegated" and tasteless. Both blue and gray and yellow-green colors are recommended to be applied to each other beforehand in order to assess how they are combined and what other tones can be used to achieve a better result.

    What is the best combination to avoid?

    In order to avoid mistakes in the interior of the kitchen, living room or bedroom, it is recommended to pay attention to combinations that are recommended to be abandoned:

    • Harmony with red. Such a choice is far from ideal, since these colors do not match in color. Unlike blue-green, red-green will not look attractive. If the wallpaper on the walls in the room is made in green, then it is recommended to refuse red even when choosing curtains. It can only be present as minor accessories that do not attract attention;
    • Harmony with dark orange. Despite the fact that the yellow-green combination looks spectacular and can be used to decorate the kitchen (photos of such an interior are publicly available), harmony with an orange tone looks at least tasteless.
    • - the main components of the room (living room, hall, bedroom, etc.), if we consider it from the interior. Therefore, it is not recommended to make hasty decisions or experiments, choose the standard options - blue, yellow or gray-green.