Cafe design: photos of competent and awarded interiors. Decorating a kitchen in a "cafe" style Beautiful design made of wood finishing a cafe bar

Each restaurateur strives to create a unique interior of the establishment, attractive to visitors and unlike competitors, one that will be remembered for a long time. Modern designers identify several of the most popular design styles, which have proven their profitability in practice.

Empire style restaurant - the personification of luxury and chic

The stylistic direction of the Empire style today associated with solemnity, ostentatious luxury and wealth. This style has undergone changes and managed to adapt to the requirements of modern realities. If earlier establishments of this style used hard furniture and rather uncomfortable tables, now they have been replaced with soft, comfortable chairs and wide tables.

Characteristic features empire style are:

  • - Abundance of mirrors
  • - Gilded frames
  • - Marble statues and stone elements
  • - Luxurious sculpting
  • - Ornate carving and stucco
  • - Mahogany

Restaurant in classic style - elegance with a touch of aristocracy

The classic style never loses its relevance, it is forever young and popular, and enjoys inevitable success with clients and restaurateurs.

Characteristic features classical styles are:

  • - Pastel color palette without bright spots
  • - Large windows and plenty of light
  • - Lots of mirror surfaces
  • - Exclusively natural finishing and furniture materials
  • - Heavy curtains, candlesticks, crystal chandeliers

Restaurant in Art Nouveau style - harmony of modernity and antiquity

The restaurant, decorated in Art Nouveau style, will always have a cozy atmosphere, inherent only in those places where the past miraculously combines with the present.

Characteristic features modern are:

  • - Asymmetrical shapes
  • - Floral ornaments, patterns
  • - Smooth soft lines
  • - Calm colors
  • - Dim lighting creating a romantic atmosphere

Restaurant in high-tech style - ultra-modern solutions for comfort

Some designers, and even ordinary visitors, consider this stylistic direction to be cold, but for restaurants with haute cuisine and a specific concept, the high-tech style is ideal.

Characteristic features of style hi-tech are:

  • - Bold color combinations with a predominance of white, gray and cream
  • - Abundance of chrome elements
  • - Laminated countertops
  • - Original lighting fixtures
  • - Surfaces that reflect light

Gothic style restaurant – the charm of medieval traditions

Gothic style often intimidates some restaurateurs who mistakenly consider it too pretentious and intimidating style. However, with the right approach, this is a stylistic direction will play new colors and will create a very special, unique atmosphere.

Characteristic features Gothic styles are:

  • - Massive upholstered furniture
  • - Color range - brown and beige in all shades
  • - Colorful illuminated stained glass windows
  • - Mandatory presence of candles
  • - Real fireplace in the hall

Baroque restaurant interior – aesthetic splendor

The style is associated with the luxury of the French court. Often used for the design of expensive, elite restaurants for the discerning public. The Rococo style, which is not inferior to Baroque in luxury, is more airy and sophisticated thanks to the large number of mirror surfaces and colors in the interior.

Characteristic features baroque are:

  • - High ceilings and huge windows
  • - Magnificent furniture with exquisite carvings
  • - Expensive curtains with heavy drapery and fringe
  • - Tapestries, paintings, frescoes as decoration
  • - The predominance of light shades in the interior

Japanese-style restaurant - minimum decor and maximum meaning in everything

A Japanese-style interior is, first of all, a maximally functional ensemble without unnecessary decorative elements. Only by observing the cultural traditions of the Japanese can recreate an atmosphere that is in harmony with the dishes, mood and general concept of the establishment.

Characteristics Japanese interior are:

  • - Laconicism and modesty in design
  • - Classic combination of black, red and white
  • - Materials – wood, stone, reed, paper, silk
  • - Zoning space using partitions

Restaurant in loft style - industrial chic

The establishment, decorated in loft style, attracts attention with its extravagance and simplicity. There are no strict forms or perfect gloss here, there is a spirit of freedom that modern youth like so much.

Characteristic features of the interior style loft are:

  • - Brickwork, raw materials
  • - All communications on the ceiling and walls are visible
  • - An unusual combination of glass, metal and wood
  • - Bright posters, graffiti and contemporary art objects

Small cafes, as a rule, serve as a meeting place for lovers, friends and relatives. Sometimes they host business meetings with a small number of participants. All this suggests that the interior design of a cafe should be comfortable and cozy so that people can communicate calmly.

Interior style

The design of a small cafe should be decorated in the same style entirely. If in a large establishment or restaurant you can create areas decorated in different styles, then in the interior of a small cafe this most likely will not look good. It is also important to remember that it is necessary to decorate in the chosen style not only the hall, but also the restroom, corridor and part of the technical area, if it is visible to visitors.

There is no need to strictly follow all the rules for creating an interior in the chosen style; it is more important to express the mood with the help of certain details. That is, you shouldn’t, for example, in an “English” interior dedicate half of an already small room to a fireplace and a huge leather sofa, and in a Japanese interior you shouldn’t seat people on mats. It will be enough to stick to the color scheme inherent to the chosen style and add a few elements characteristic of it.

The importance of accessories and decorative elements cannot be underestimated. Too many photographs, paintings and souvenirs can turn a cafe into an antique shop, but a few tastefully selected items will become effective accents or even “make” the entire design.

The most suitable interior styles for a small cafe are the already mentioned English, Japanese or other oriental, French. If it is expected that the visitors will be mainly couples, then a romantic interior style is perfect. For informal friendly communication, small art cafes are good, or even cafes decorated in high-tech style - it can also be cozy.

The English style is characterized by wooden furniture and parquet or carpets on the floor. Expressive accents: a large clock with a pendulum, a real or decorative bookcase. Color range: shades of brown, marsh, mahogany.

French style: cream, blue, mint and other delicate colors, a lot of white; light tablecloths, draperies, elegant furniture.

Oriental interiors - laconic lines, the use of mats and objects made of bamboo and wood, simplicity. Color range: all shades of brown, gold, red.

Furniture and layout

The biggest challenge is to avoid crowding, provide a feeling of comfort and privacy for visitors and the ability to move freely for staff. That is why you should choose small but comfortable furniture: soft sofas, chairs with armrests or small armchairs. It is good to use square or folding tables - they can be put together or spread out if a large company comes to the cafe.

Usually, if the room is small, designers try to make it visually larger, but in the case of a small cafe this is not necessary. A small, beautifully decorated room, especially if it has dim lights and quiet music, is very cozy.

The main thing is that it is not crowded, so it is better to place fewer tables, but to provide visitors with the opportunity to speak without shouting over others and without the risk that even what they say quietly will be heard by their neighbors.

The feeling of privacy is facilitated by chairs or armchairs with high backs, screens, tall plants that shade tables, local lamps at each table or small table lamps, candles, corner or semicircular sofas.

If the interior of a small cafe has deep niches, then it is easy to organize very cozy places for visitors in them. You can also successfully use a wide window sill. It is worth laying a beautiful blanket on it, laying out pillows, and placing a small table next to it, and you will get an excellent corner for relaxation.


Finally, lighting is of great importance in a small establishment. Table lamps or sconces should provide warm light. There is no doubt that cool white or bluish light is beautiful, but faces look unflattering in such lighting.

Make sure that no light sources are shining directly into the eyes of people sitting at tables, and that there are no unfavorable shadows on their faces. By the way, it is often with the help of lamps that it is possible to literally transform the interior design of a small cafe and make even a very simply decorated room cozy and stylish. Be sure to use this.

A unique atmosphere that will bring satisfaction from visiting the restaurant and will be remembered for a long time is the key to the prosperity of your establishment. This is a combination of quality food, impeccable service and restaurant interior.

Your goal is to create unique atmosphere, which can only be visited if you get to your restaurant. A striking example of a unique design - stylish "Ukrainian" loft.

A glass wall behind which real chickens, a rabbit, a peacock, a pheasant and a cow live in the atrium visually adds space, air and light to the room. The interior is enlivened by furniture with traditional Ukrainian ornaments and multi-colored bottles, stylized as lamps.

Restaurant exterior

The interior design of the restaurant should also be consistent with its exterior. The presentation of the establishment takes place directly at the window and the main entrance, so it is very important that potential visitors can understand at first glance what awaits them inside.

  • you need to think about what will distinguish your establishment from competitors, and use it in the restaurant interior design
  • everything must correspond to a single concept: name, menu and restaurant interior
  • do not skimp on items that the visitor touches (furniture, menus, cutlery)

Color and activity of visitors

Color in the interior performs not only a decorative function, but also, which is important for the restaurant business, allows you to influence the desires and activity of visitors:

red- provokes an increase in appetite. However, if the interior is oversaturated with red, irritation and increased activity may occur.

yellow- improves mood and appetite, adds a lot of light to the interior. If yellow predominates, compensate for its brightness with a contrasting color of a calm shade.

green- relaxes and calms. All shades of green improve appetite and create a comfortable state in which visitors can remain for quite a long time.

blue- has the ability to expand space. Well suited for restaurant interior decoration, as it evokes positive emotions among guests of the establishment. Blue, blue, blue-green colors (cold shades) can reduce appetite.

purple, white and brown colors. These colors are used most often in design due to their neutrality. But, at the same time, do not lose sight of the fact that this unobtrusiveness can make visitors bored, so carefully consider combinations of shades and all the decorative details that will enliven the interior.

With the help of color, you can both combine different parts of the room into a single comfortable space, and separate a large room into cozy zones.

For example, if contrasting spots are placed on one plane, the space will be visually separated. If you have several zones of different color shades in the restaurant hall, then you can combine them by painting the planes of one zone in the color of the neighboring one.

Such techniques are used when it is necessary to create several zones in a room, shorten a visually long corridor, or, conversely, expand a small room.

Color helps highlight or make interior items invisible. A bright object on a surface of a neutral, calm color attracts the attention of visitors and becomes the center of the exhibition.

Horizontal and vertical stripes will help create the optical effect you need. The same plane, on which different versions of the stripes are applied, will look different: elongated in height or length, inclined or twisting in a spiral.

A square wall can turn into a rectangle thanks to horizontal stripes, and a rectangular wall can stretch out due to vertical stripes.

Designers and decorators distinguish between “light” and “heavy” shades in color: the darker the color, the heavier it is perceived. A harmonious combination of “light” and “heavy” colors will help create a comfortable interior in which restaurant visitors can spend as much time as possible.

Organization of the dining room

Layout The dining room should provide the opportunity to:

  • move tables, chairs, and even waiter counters
  • place tables in the most convenient way for the movement of staff and guests of the establishment
  • allow for redevelopment if necessary

Plan your dining room so that you can easily host both large and small parties designed for different numbers of visitors. Leave free space between tables, because it is in your interests that restaurant guests feel comfortable.

Partitions. For a large dining room, the idea of ​​partitions is very relevant. With their help, you can easily create secluded corners for two, maintain an atmosphere of intimacy, or highlight an area for a large company. Partitions equipped with wheels will significantly speed up and facilitate the zoning process.

Details. There is little time left before the opening of a restaurant, cafe or club, is everything ready to receive guests and the menu has been developed? Become a visitor for a while and sit on all the chairs, sofas, and at every table. Pay attention to what the visitor will see from his seat. It may turn out that from one point the kitchen is completely visible, and from another – part of the front door. You will have the opportunity to make changes in advance and after the opening of the establishment, receive only gratitude and rave reviews from restaurant guests!


The brightness of the lighting should be easily adjustable. Depending on the time of day, this will help create the necessary atmosphere in the restaurant and at the same time reduce energy costs.

Use different lighting fixtures:

  • chandeliers
  • table lamps
  • wall lamps
  • candles
  • LED strips
  • hidden backlight
  • ceiling lights

Furniture and comfort

Your restaurant's customers may have different preferences: some like to sit at high bar counters, others prefer comfortable chairs. A large group will be happy to sit on the comfortable sofas.

When choosing tables and chairs, pay attention to models that are easy to clean, wipe, and sweep away crumbs. Choose sofas for the dining room with upholstery made of fabric treated with a special anti-stain solution.


All decorative elements should work in the same direction: the restaurant interior design creates the atmosphere, the lighting emphasizes it, and properly selected restaurant textiles complete this chain. Curtains, tablecloths, napkins, napkins, buffet skirts and chair covers are an integral part of the table setting and an important detail of a stylish interior. All this should emphasize the features of the cuisine offered by the restaurant.

Tablecloths by purpose there are:

  • lunch
  • tea rooms
  • banquet
  • interior
  • canteens

The tablecloth can complement the muleton (protector) - a special covering on the table that will protect the table surface from damage, exposure to high temperatures, actively absorbs moisture, muffles sounds when rearranging serving items, and protects the tablecloth from deformation and slipping.

Naperon– a tablecloth, when setting the table, spread on top of the main one. Naperons are sewn from contrasting fabric that matches the color and texture of the tablecloth.

A table set according to all the rules must be decorated napkins.

Buffet (banquet) skirts they are beautiful, convenient due to their mobility, allow, if necessary, to model tables depending on the celebration and the number of guests, and help to combine several tables into one.

Cases loose cut for draping chairs and armchairs give the interior a festive and romantic touch, emphasizing the individuality of the establishment. Furniture covers resist upholstery wear and stains, transform both chairs and armchairs of simple design and execution, as well as dilapidated, outdated pieces of furniture, giving them a completely new look.


A bathroom in a restaurant or bar should be pleasant, withstand a large flow of visitors and at the same time not lose its presentable appearance.

Large restaurants with a large flow of visitors install sensor-based plumbing fixtures and faucets in order to minimize the number of mechanical elements and the likelihood of breakdowns. Lighting, design, bathroom accessories - everything should match the style of the establishment.

Published by DecorateMe. Updated April 10, 2019.