We buy an automatic barrier: device, types, installation and advice on selection. All about automatic barriers Which barrier is better to install

Right at the end of the working day, two buyers from Novokuybyshevsk appeared in our GATES and BLINDS store. They were interested in purchasing a barrier. Having tested a working sample of a barrier produced by DoorHan and agreed with the price, buyers inquired about the intensity of use. That is, at what frequency of use the drive of this barrier is designed. As a result, they were given a comprehensive lecture))). The RIM company, a gate expert in Samara, considered it necessary to provide this information not only to them, but also to our potential customers in the online store.
So. The intensity of equipment operation is measured as a percentage. For example, an intensity of 50% for a barrier means that for normal operation without overheating the drive during an arbitrarily selected 10-minute time interval, the barrier arm should move no more than 5 minutes, and the rest of the time it should “rest”.
Example. The barrier boom lifting time is 5 seconds, and the full opening-closing cycle is 10 seconds. In this case, it is “painless” for the barrier to force it to rise and fall no more than 1 time in 20 seconds (that is, no more than 30 times within 10 minutes). If the boom works 2 times slower, then in 10 minutes not 30, but only 15 lifting and lowering cycles are allowed. Thus, the choice of equipment operating intensity is determined by the estimated number of arrivals and departures in 10 minutes. More intensive use than stated by the manufacturer is undesirable, as this can lead to malfunction of the barrier and its premature failure.

The opening time of a conventional (not high-speed) barrier in seconds, as a rule, is numerically equal to the length of the boom in meters. Knowing this, you can approximately estimate the required operating intensity of the barrier. If the equipment will be used by several owners, as in our case (the guys bought a barrier for the entrance to the courtyard of an apartment building, where each tenant has approximately 200), then the solution may be to purchase equipment with a deliberately inflated permitted operating intensity.
You can purchase a barrier in Samara by filling out

The purchase of a barrier may be necessary at those facilities where there is a need to restrict access of unauthorized persons to the territory. Today it can be found not only at railway crossings, but also in military units, in parking lots for vehicles, and also in the territories of elite villages or business centers.

The basis of a modern barrier and a list of its tasks

A modern barrier, as a rule, is a fully automated equipment, the operating principle of which is a hydraulic or electromechanical drive. Structurally, almost any barrier has a similar structure - it is a stand, an arrow of various lengths (can be made of steel, polymers, aluminum and made in various shapes), a balancing spring-counterweight and a motor with a control board. In order to soften the impact of the arrow when it touches the support, special protective dampers are used.

The main tasks that a barrier performs as an attribute of modern life in the city and beyond:

  • gives the entrance to the territory a modern appearance;
  • restricts the entry of undesirable persons and vehicles;
  • has a wide range of applications;
  • has great functionality;
  • easy to use;
  • saves time and much more.

Equipment throughput

According to this criterion, barriers can have low, medium or high throughput, which directly depends on the intensity of traffic to the site. If up to 100 vehicles enter the territory per day, then equipment with low throughput is suitable, for example, this happens in country houses and garage cooperatives.

Average traffic intensity is when up to 500 vehicles pass per day. A good example would be a parking lot near a shopping center or a guarded parking lot. If the throughput of the equipment is not designed for such loads, it will simply overheat and fail.

An indicator of 1000-1200 lifts per day indicates a high traffic intensity. Such devices are necessary in the areas of airports or large shopping centers, as well as at controlled railway crossings. The choice of the required work intensity is based on the estimated number of arrivals and departures (raising and lowering the boom) over a certain period of time. Experts recommend buying barriers with a reserve of operating intensity in order to protect yourself from equipment breakdowns under increased loads.

You should not skimp on intensity, unlike other parameters, even if the purchase budget is limited. This threatens to damage the drive, the repair of which is expensive. This indicator is indicated as a percentage, for example, 30%, 50%, and so on. It means the time during which the barrier will remain at rest after opening.

The time for raising the boom and then lowering it for most barriers ranges from 2 to 10 seconds. The faster the boom moves, the greater the system's throughput will be.

Boom length

This criterion is not at all difficult to provide. The length of the boom will depend on the width of the opening that requires partitioning. This directly affects the cost of the entire structure. But if the opening width is too large, one boom will not be enough due to technical characteristics, so you will have to install 2 barriers on opposite sides of the passage.

At the same time, the arrow itself often becomes the target of vandalism by attackers. However, replacing it is not difficult if you work with professional companies. When determining the length of the boom, you need to pay attention to the ease of passage from the point of view of pedestrians, as well as the fact how convenient it is to supply power to the device.

Most barriers are equipped with an boom whose length is 14 meters. However, long equipment is often inconvenient to use and impractical. To maintain the balance of such an arrow, additional support will definitely be required. During bad weather and heavy gusts of wind, the likelihood of its fracture increases.

Construction type

The easiest to operate is a manual barrier, but it requires the constant presence of an employee. Its design does not provide a drive for automatic lifting. To make lifting easier, a counterweight is installed on the boom. But such design solutions are suitable only for objects with low traffic intensity.

The electric barrier model is equipped with an electric motor, which lifts the boom as it is connected to a gearbox. Its maintenance is quite simple and will not lead to financial costs. The hydromechanical barrier design is recognized as the most durable and reliable. It operates silently and rarely requires repairs.

Automatic models not only provide access to the territory, but also make access more comfortable. Automated access systems have a positive effect on the level of service for visitors and can also generate income for owners.

Which drive is best for harsh winter weather? The clear answer is electromechanical, which is better suited for low temperatures. It is better than a hydraulic one, which thickens the oil and requires adjustment and adjustment of the bypass valve at the pump.

But the hydraulic one works almost silently and for a long period of time, without stopping. Previously, it exceeded its electromechanical counterpart in its throughput. But with the development of technology, they have actually become equal in this indicator.

Equipment control methods and safety

These criteria should be selected after you have decided on the length of the boom and the throughput of the barrier.

According to the control methods, this equipment can operate as follows:

  • using a remote control - the most convenient remote method;
  • based on contactless access, when the boom is raised after swiping a magnetic card on the reader;
  • using an active card located in the car, which itself sends a signal to raise and lower the boom;
  • using a key, button or code combination.

Controlling the entire system using the remote control is, of course, much more convenient. But, if the distance from the operator to the signal receiver is more than 30 meters, this may lead to difficulties with the operation of the electronics. The same applies to operation in winter, when the batteries in the remote control are quickly discharged or when there are visible permanent obstacles in the path of the signal.

To increase the safety level of using a barrier or automation, reflective stickers, signal lamps or photocells are used that block the lowering of the boom, as well as rubber pads to prevent mechanical damage. Reflectors and other reflectors are attached directly to the boom of the device and provide additional visual control during its movement.

For those who have the opportunity not to save on control systems, we inform you that they have much more interesting technical capabilities. For example, record data about vehicles entering the facility, create and edit a list of access card holders, and introduce temporary restrictions on access to the facility. A very interesting feature is video identification, which automatically lets through those cars whose license plates are in the database.

Additional barrier options

Any customer can complete the finished device with additional accessories. Take, for example, a photocell - it increases the safety of life and health of others, since it does not make it possible to lower the barrier boom if there is an obstacle in the opening.

This allows you to prevent device damage and avoid controversial conflict situations. The photocell can be wired or wireless. The latter are easier to install, but are characterized by less reliability, while for wired ones you will need to make a groove.

A convenient option is the ability to unlock with a key or manually, which is useful during power outages. Manufacturers of some models equip them with the option of connecting batteries in the event of a power outage, so as not to stop the access control process.

Other models are equipped with a soft start and smooth deceleration function at the limit point of the boom movement. This way, increased wear and tear on equipment is avoided and safety levels are increased.

Typical configuration of the barrier and its automation unit

What comes with a standard access system:

  1. Mechanical part of the structure
  • Arrow of a certain length;
  • Barrier support post;
  • Counterweight spring;
  • Mounting plate;
  • Drive.

2. Electronics

  • access control system;
  • radio control unit;
  • control panel;
  • photocells;
  • signal lamp.

An automatic barrier is a kind of face of a company that demonstrates that it cares about its regular visitors and employees. You should take some time to install and maintain this expensive equipment. Some barriers are structurally complex and may require additional components and elements, as well as engineering knowledge and skills.

At any site, the installation of a barrier should be preceded by consultation with experienced specialists in this field. Based on the specifics of the facility, they will help suggest which equipment is best to choose - semi-automatic, manual or automatic, so as to provide access control and justify the investment. Professional installation of such equipment guarantees its long-term operation and the safety of surrounding people and property. When purchasing, you should check with the supplier about the availability of spare parts for the barrier and their delivery time.

The barrier is used as a practical and functional device that limits the access of vehicles to the protected area. Not so long ago, these structures were used only at industrial facilities to create a control line, as well as at railway crossings. Today, their scope of application has expanded significantly due to improved design and new technical capabilities.

First of all

First of all, you need to decide passage width which needs to be covered. The width of the driveway is actually the length of the boom. Changing the size of the boom after installation (reducing or increasing) is not permissible, as this may render the barrier inoperative. Please note: it is strongly recommended to use a boom support (stationary or suspended) for boom lengths greater than 4 meters.

Intensity of work/use- number of cycles (raising and lowering the boom) per day: up to 50% - low, 50-70% - average, more than 70% - high. Be very careful when choosing this parameter, as it characterizes the performance of the barrier. For example, a barrier with a usage intensity of 60% stated in the characteristics will not be able to work without stopping for a whole day; such operation will most likely lead, at best, to tripping of the gearbox protection, and at worst, to premature failure of the barrier.

Types of automatic barriers

Automatic barriers today occupy first place in popularity. This is explained by their convenience: the possibility of remote control, which is carried out using remote controls (key fobs), sensors and electromagnetic cards. In the absence of power, the barrier can be easily switched to manual operation.

Based on their operating principle, automatic barriers can be classified into two main groups:

  • electromechanical– very simple and practical to use, characterized by high maintainability. They are equipped with an electric motor (gearbox), with the help of which the boom is raised and lowered. In the event of a power failure, they can also operate with manual control. They are distinguished by their affordable price and long service life.
  • hydraulic– structures that operate on a hydraulic drive. Hydraulics have an increased service life of the system, but if low-quality oil is used, the system may malfunction. Today, manufacturers such as Faac offer hydraulics with high-quality frost-resistant oil, so this problem should not be expected. The hydraulic drive is activated at the moment the electrical circuit is closed: the pump is driven by the engine, it pumps the oil poured into the reservoir into one of the cylinders. With translational movements, the piston begins to move the rocker arm, due to which the boom rises and falls.

Features of the boom in automatic barriers

The blocking element in automatic barriers is the boom. To ensure its maximum service life, to protect it from attempts at vandalism, from corrosive processes and strong winds, various materials with sufficient strength are used. The most popular material for making booms for barriers is aluminum. There is no standard length, since the choice depends on the operating conditions and the width of the passage that needs to be blocked. The most popular sizes are three, four and five meter arrows.

The shape of the booms in automatic barriers can be rectangular or oval. Rectangular booms are designed for operation of barriers under normal conditions, while oval booms are designed for high wind loads. In places where installation space is limited, folding booms can be used.

In conditions of very poor visibility or at night, barriers with the “duralight” system are especially convenient. These are LED lights that are located on the boom (along its perimeter) and increase convenience and safety for drivers of passing vehicles. Almost all arrows use simple stickers with reflectors that reflect the light from the headlights and are clearly visible at night.

Types of barrier control

Management is carried out in several ways.

  1. Remotely using the remote control– for this, the control panel itself is used, which sends the signal, and the signal radio receiver, which is responsible for recognizing the key code. It is possible to install an antenna to increase the signal reception distance.
  2. Using GSM module– a device that allows you to control the automatic barrier using a telephone, automatically recognizing the telephone numbers of those who have the right to access the protected area. The client makes a call to the phone number (SIM card is installed in the GSM module) that is used for management. After receiving the signal, access rights are checked. If the check is successful (the caller’s phone number is in the database), then the GSM module automatically sends a signal to the barrier drive, and the passage opens.
  3. Access control system (ACS)– an effective control system for many objects. It involves installing a whole system of devices: controller, magnetic reader, card reader, etc. The entire structure is controlled by a single software. .
  4. Dispatching– this is a method of controlling an automatic barrier, which involves performing a number of actions: calling the dispatcher (security guard) by pressing a button, the dispatcher’s response, opening the barrier with permitted access, closing the boom. At the same time, it is appropriate to install video cameras in the protected area that will record passing vehicles and other details.

Features of installation of automatic barriers

Preparing the foundation is one of the main tasks before installation. The stronger it is, the more stable and reliable the entire structure will be. It is preferable to use a concrete base with a depth of at least 0.5 meters. Additional steel corners increase strength. The system must meet safety requirements, especially with an electric drive. The wires are placed in special metal or corrugated PVC pipes, which are waterproof. The cabinet is installed on the mounting base laid during concreting or secured with anchors. The engine is located inside the cabinet, so the boom is fixed to the engine.

You can check the functionality of the boom and how firmly it is fixed by lifting it in three different positions: vertically, horizontally, and at an angle of 45 degrees. The final step is connecting the electrical wiring and connecting the terminals.

How to choose the most suitable one model and at the same time not to overpay and not to purchase the cheapest barrier model, with which in the future there may be problems with unstable operation and frequent breakdowns, or to install an “inconvenient” barrier, which will create additional problems for residents and subsequently it will have to be redone for your account?

Types of barriers

Barriers can be mechanical or automatic. A mechanical barrier is much cheaper than an automatic one, but it is already the last century and it is inconvenient to use, especially in urban conditions, when everyone is in a hurry and there is always not enough time. Automatic barrier more convenient, functional and mobile.

Uninterrupted operation of the barrier

Fencing devices are powered by AC power, but having equipped the device with an additional unit uninterrupted power supply, it will save residents from a situation where a de-energized barrier does not allow a fire and ambulance vehicle to pass. When the electricity is lost, the passage can be opened mechanically, i.e. manually using a key, but, as a rule, it is located with the chairman of the HOA or in the dispatch service, which may not be very close, and this time, and someone’s life may depend on it, or a fire may destroy the entire apartment, temporarily blocking the passage of emergency services.

Selecting a barrier boom.

As a rule, the choice is made based on the width of the passage that needs to be blocked with a barrier. It is enough to measure the section of the road that needs to be blocked. When choosing a barrier depending on the length of the boom, do not forget about the convenience of passage pedestrians, strollers and people with disabilities, especially if they live in your home, as well as the passage of cyclists and motorcyclists. If the boom completely covers the roadway, then the passage of these vehicles will be impossible. The choice of barrier should suit all home owners. To do this, it is better to ensure that the boom covers 2/3 of the roadway.

Vandal resistance of the barrier

If you plan to close the passage to the yard and there is no possibility of placing security or dispatch service nearby, then it is recommended to consider anti-vandal devices. As practice shows from intruders or hooligans, it is usually the barrier boom that suffers.

Of course, it is possible to replace or repair the arrow, but this is time and additional costs. By choosing a vandal-proof barrier design, you can save significant money.

Waybarrier control

The choice should be based not only on personal beliefs, but also on the convenience of using the barrier. Management can be carried out in various ways:
- Control panel (key fob)
- Magnetic card
- Mobile phone

Mobile tag

Automatic license plate reader

Using the key fob is convenient and accessible. As a rule, it is always nearby and usually hangs in a bunch with the car keys. But, there are special devices that can scan the key fob signal in the same way as car thieves intercept it. And the cost of the keychain is about 700-800 rubles per piece. To prevent counterfeiting of key fobs, you have to recode them from time to time.
Magnetic cards are more difficult to counterfeit, but they can be cheaper than a key fob. The only inconvenience is that when approaching the barrier, you need to open the car window and bring it to the card reader, especially when it is raining or snowing outside.
A mobile phone is a safe means of opening. Of course, it is not always convenient to take it out of your pocket, bag or briefcase on the go when approaching a fencing device. But safety comes first. And controlling the barrier via phone is free.

Mobile tag and license plate reader are the most convenient options for controlling barriers. Firstly, it’s very convenient, you don’t have to frantically look for a key fob, magnetic card or phone when approaching a barrier - it will automatically open itself, and secondly, it’s safe, since these devices are very difficult to counterfeit, and very expensive, unlike a key fob or magnetic card. See for yourself:

Another advantage of the telephone and license plate reader is that it is convenient to monitor and manage not only the barrier, but also motorists in case of evasion of paying monthly payments for the maintenance of the barrier. Disabling the debtor from controlling the barrier is done with one touch.

Choicebarrier operation intensity

The choice of this option depends on the thread car traffic, and intensive use of the barrier can negatively affect its performance. Installing a barrier in the yard of your house from our company - you are sure that Together with us you will make a professional choice of equipment, which will also be provided even unexpectedly increased flow e cars. After all, it happens that residents have installed a barrier, and some car owners are only looking closely at those who started installing the barrier and do not take part, waiting to see what will come of it. When everything went well, they then joined the project participants. And this is an additional load on the barrier. If it is not provided for in advance, it can quickly fail, you will have to improve it, and this is much more expensive than providing for everything in advance.

Installationand service

High quality and thoughtfulOn-site installation and professional adjustment of the fencing device equipment by our company’s specialists will ensure trouble-free operation of the barrier for many years. And further service maintenance of the device guarantees uninterrupted and trouble-free work for many years, and if any problems occur or residents want to reprogram the equipment for more convenient use, our specialists will immediately arrive on site and provide prompt help within a few hours.

Legality of the barrier

Definitely install barrier in the courtyard and preventing the entry of other people's cars is a completely normal desire. However, without obtaining permission, installation fencing device- not legal. Spontaneous installation leads to fines from inspection authorities. After which the barrier must be dismantled. By contacting our company, you will receive not only high-quality equipment and operational installation, but also registration of a legal barrier- we will help you get permission for a barrier in compliance with all necessary legislation.

To properly organize parking, it is imperative to use a high-quality barrier. To choose a high-quality model, you should contact reliable, proven manufacturers. Particular attention should be paid to the technical characteristics and capabilities of the equipment.

Doorhan Barrier 4000

Doorhan Barrier 4000 is an electromechanical barrier with a high level of reliability. Increased service life is ensured by an additional spring and a reinforced gear motor.


Protection classIP54
Opening time6 seconds
Size222x328x980 mm
Supply voltage220 V/50 Hz
up to 120 °C
Power consumption220 W
Operating temperature
Boom length4 meters
Engine speed1400 rpm
Boom typehard
Limit switchesbuilt-in and magnetic stops


From 30,000 rubles.


  • Anti-vandal steel case.
  • The thickness of the sheet from which the main stand is made is 1.8 mm. The strength of the structure is achieved due to the body reinforced with stiffening ribs.
  • The LED signal lamp ensures maximum safety when opening and closing the barrier.
  • The control unit is protected by a solid aluminum cover.
  • A steel cover with a lock protects access to the electrical and mechanical parts of the barrier.
  • The boom can be lowered and raised manually when the electric current is turned off.
  • The built-in fan prevents motor overheating.
  • The load is evenly distributed thanks to the use of a larger diameter gear. The gear itself is made of bronze alloy.
  • Possibility of programming product operating modes.
  • Possibility of using a 6 meter boom. This requires the installation of a second spring.

Doorhan Barrier 5000

Doorhan BARRIER-5000 is a barrier with a 5-meter boom and a built-in control unit. Made from high quality and durable materials that do not contain harmful substances.


Opening time6 seconds
Size222x328x980 mm
Intensity of use (at 20 °C)70,00%
Protection against high temperaturesup to 120 °C
Protection classIP54
Power consumption220 W
Operating temperaturefrom 40 to +55 °C (from -60 °C using a thermal heater)
Boom length5 meters
Engine speed1400 rpm
Boom typehard
Supply voltage220 V/50 Hz
Limit switchesbuilt-in and magnetic stops


From 33,000 rubles


  • The case is made of high-strength materials that will protect against mechanical stress and negative environmental influences. The stand is made of steel with a thickness of 1.8 mm.
  • The product is equipped with a warning lamp.
  • The barrier can be opened and closed manually thanks to a special release system.
  • The motor does not overheat thanks to the built-in cooling fan.
  • It is possible to program a number of functions: for example, opening and closing after a certain period of time.

Came Gard 4000

Came Gard 4000 is a barrier with a high percentage of use - 90%. Opens quickly - 2-6 seconds. Easy to install. Suitable for high traffic areas.


Opening time2-6 seconds
Size1007x265x220 mm
Safety standardUNI 8612
Intensity of use90-100%
Mounting basegalvanized steel
Protection classIP54
Power consumption300 W
Boom length4 meters
Torque200 Nm
Boom typehard
Supply voltage230 V/= 24 V
Gearbox1/202 self-locking
Barrier body


From 50,000 rubles.


  • Easy installation and installation.
  • High intensity of product operation. The barrier opens in 2-6 seconds.

Came Gard 6000

The Came gard 6000 barrier is ideal for high traffic areas. The kit is easy to install. It is possible to equip the kit with additional devices.


Opening time4-8 seconds
Safety standardUNI 8612
Intensity of use100,00%
Mounting basegalvanized steel
Protection classIP54
Power consumption300 W
Boom length6 meters
Torque600 Nm
Boom typehard
Supply voltage220 V (50/60 Hz)
Gearbox1/202 self-locking
Barrier bodymade of anodized and painted steel


From 78,000 rubles


  • Easy installation and installation.
  • Possibility of installing a barrier kit both to the left and to the right of the passage that needs to be controlled.
  • Can be used in environments with a high content of aggressive corrosive elements.
  • High intensity of product operation even in a passage of more than six meters. The barrier opens in 4-8 seconds.
  • The cabinet is made of stainless steel. You can place additional elements on it, for example a signal lamp.


NICE X-BAR - barrier with a 3.5 meter boom. Suitable for heavy traffic. Made from stainless steel. Country of origin - Italy.


Opening time5-10 seconds
Size305x185x1146 mm
Power consumption100 W
Weight without rack40 kg
Boom length3.5 meters
Supply voltage230V/50 -60Hz
Housing: galvanized paintedstainless steel
Power consumption100 W
Motor power current4 A
Torque120 Nm
Operating temperaturefrom -20 to +50 °C
DC Power24 V
Line input current1 A
Guarantee12 months


From 34,000 rubles.


  • Quick installation, installation and configuration.
  • High intensity of product operation. The barrier opens in 5-10 seconds.
  • The body is made of stainless rolled steel. High-strength material will protect against environmental influences and mechanical stress.
  • The product warranty is one year.

Faac 615 BPR

Faac 615 BPR is a barrier with a 5 meter boom. The kit includes warning lights and a glowing cable.



From 45,000 rubles.


  • The opening and closing of the barrier is controlled by a hydraulic drive.
  • High speed of opening/closing of the barrier.
  • When clamped, hydraulic protection is activated.
  • If necessary, you can unlock the drive with a simple triangular key.
  • The kit includes limit switches.
  • To protect the product from vandalism, you can use a special valve.

When choosing a barrier, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: the width of the passage, the intensity of vehicle traffic, the possibility and necessity of programming certain products, the speed of their opening, the operating temperature. If you miss one important point, you may choose the wrong parking barrier. It is especially important when purchasing equipment to contact trusted dealers and manufacturers.