Calculator for heating in a house made of sip panels. How to heat a frame house from sip panels with electricity. Types of heating systems for houses using Canadian technology

Absolutely no different from the heating of any other buildings. Put at least a Russian stove, at least a solar collector, at least a boiler or a fireplace. All the same, it is much cheaper to heat a warm Canadian house than brick or block buildings.

How to heat a Canadian house

You do not need to have thermodynamic knowledge, understand the values ​​​​of thermal conductivity coefficients or calculate changes in the temperature gradient to make sure that the heating of a frame house from SIP panels is economical.

! Heating a Canadian house costs the owner 5 times cheaper than heating a house of equal size from any other building material (including wooden beams)!

The frame house is warm in itself. But since we do not live in Africa, already at the stage of choosing a project, it is necessary to take into account what the heating system will be like. Moreover, modern opportunities give us a huge choice in this matter.

You can use the energy of the sun, wind for this. But so far, such sources of heating, unfortunately, are not very common in Russia. And if you do not belong to the “heating revolutionaries”, then the released thermal energy during the combustion of natural gas, diesel or solid fuel (pallets, coal, firewood) will warm your traditional “family nest”, a frame house.

Choosing a boiler

As you know, the fuel being burned is in the boiler. Depending on the type of energy carrier, boilers are divided into:

  • liquid fuel;
  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • electrical;
  • combined.

The latter operate on different energy carriers, but their cost is higher than the rest. The gas boiler is considered the most economical and traditional. But, unfortunately, not all sites have a gas main.

Therefore, an alternative to gas is most often a solid fuel boiler. The cost of raw materials for its operation is not so high. But the need to load, say, firewood into it every 12 hours does not attract many.

The electric boiler is a great unit. True, the bill for the consumed energy is unlikely to please. Although, if we compare the possible costs for gas or firewood, in fact, the numbers will not differ much. Moreover, in this case it is possible to mount a heated floor.

For homeowners with young children, this is especially true. Although adult uncles and aunts are also always pleased, leaving the bathroom cubicle, to step on the warm floor.

! It is hardly possible to consider a fireplace as an effective means of heating. 80% of the heat received in it "warms the sky". That is why it is possible to get warm “at the fireside” only by sitting next to him in a comfortable chair. And having moved two or three meters away, you can safely throw on a padded jacket!

Choosing a coolant in a frame house

Having made the wiring of the heating system in a frame house, you need to make an informed decision about how to fill the pipes. The following options are available here:

  1. water;
  2. antifreeze;
  3. oil.

It is clear that only air is cheaper than water. Therefore, if you live in a frame house all year round, then this economical option is completely justified.

But if your Canadian home is a summer haven, and the family lives there only from Vienna until late autumn, then you will have to pour antifreeze into the pipes. In this case, after driving into a country house after a fierce winter, you probably will not faint from pipes bursting from frost. Although, moving out to "winter apartments", you can drain the water from the heating system, and just as calmly come to the dacha in the spring.

Wealthy people allow themselves to pour oil coolant into the heating system of a Canadian house. The thing is so effective, no doubt. But oil costs almost as much as red caviar ... Therefore, having a warm Canadian "family nest", choose the method of heating a house from sip panels, focusing only on your wallet. Because any of the above home heating systems from sip panels will still reliably heat your home even in the most severe winter.

In a word, the main thing is to decide to build a frame house from sip panels, and you will find an effective and low-cost way to heat it!

Why can you save a lot on heating SIP-houses?

As a rule, when listing the advantages of Canadian houses, they do not forget to mention a decent savings on heating SIP-houses , unlike houses made of materials known to us: slabs and bricks. Let's see if this is really the case. And why today in Russia building a SIP house much more profitable?

A significant increase in the price of energy resources, which can be observed over the past few years, has had a negative impact on the financial situation of the owners of country houses and cottages. Heating the house during the cold season has become a real luxury. Therefore, before building a house, you need to take into account the nuances of its further operation.

If you are faced with the choice of "What to build a future house from?", then be sure to consider the option - building a warm house using Canadian technology from SIP panels. Even one of its advantages - inexpensive heating SIP-houses , has already made such houses quite popular in the Moscow region and throughout Russia.

Consumables for houses built using Canadian technology are SIP panels.

They have good thermal protection, so heat loss in the house of sandwich panels is minimized. Having warmed up quickly, such a house will retain heat for a long time.

Initially, the prefabricated Canadian house was a model that combined the speed of installation and economy in construction. But now many wealthy people opt for such houses, thanks to a lot of advantages, including energy saving.

Heating a house from turnkey SIP panels can be electric, gas or stove.

Electric heating SIP houses

Canadian houses are quite airtight, so heat loss is minimal. It is very important for such houses that the heating system is regulated if necessary. Imeeno their energy efficiency and can reduce the cost of heating the house.

As electric heating SIP-house you can consider electric heaters, convectors and modern underfloor heating. The latter are relevant for a house with a small area, as they will evenly warm the room.

Gas heating

As a rule, gas heating, represented by columns, gas boilers and other powerful equipment, is needed at home with large heat losses, such as brick houses.

Gas heating SIP houses , firstly, causes complexity and high cost of implementation, and, secondly, is simply redundant. Therefore, in most cases, such heating of houses from SIP panels is extremely unprofitable. Depending on your requirements, the specialists of Anzhei-Sip-Stroy will tell you what type of heating you should pay attention to.

Stove or fireplace heating SIP houses

Yes, this type of space heating exists. But already as a decoration. A beautiful fireplace will add coziness to any living room. But to call it a full-fledged heating is difficult.

Our specialists can help you choose a heating system in a Canadian house from SIP panels. The goal of Anzhey-Sip-Stroy is your reliable and warm home with minimal investment.

Need advice? P call us 8-499-409-58-54

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Heating and engineering networks of any private house is an important issue that needs to be resolved at the stage of project development. All engineering communications and their installation must be considered at the design stage: electrical wiring, heating, ventilation, plumbing, sewerage. If during construction it turns out that it is necessary to change or add something to the existing engineering schemes, then our specialists, observing the technical regulations, will be able to do this without violating the design of the SIP panels themselves.

Types of heating systems for houses using Canadian technology

For houses made of SIP panels, it is quite possible to use the same heating systems as in any other houses. There is no fundamental difference in their installation and operation. The only caveat - during installation, it is necessary to make as few holes as possible in the walls themselves, so as not to reduce their strength and thermal insulation. Most often choose one of the following options for heating systems:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • furnace;
  • air.

Gas heating

Heating a house from sip panels with gas is possible if you use a boiler that runs on this type of fuel. Such a system was originally designed for brick structures with large heat losses during the cold season. The use in houses built according to Canadian technology is not very profitable, since a high power of the heating system is not required, and the supply of a gas pipe and the purchase of equipment are quite expensive.

Electric heating

Electric heating of a house from SIP panels is radiators with water heating from an electric boiler, convectors or a "warm floor" system. As in the case of gas, buying a full-fledged boiler is not profitable.

The great advantage of electric heating is that it is easy to operate. In some cases, it is designed in such a way that each room is autonomous. In this case, you can not heat some rooms when they are not in use.

The choice between convectors, radiators and underfloor heating is at the discretion of the owner. All three options have both pros and cons. The warm floor is interesting in that the heating takes place quite quickly and from below, and there are no heating radiators on the walls.

Radiators and convectors can be controlled separately. The cost of equipment for any electric heating is practically in the same range. But on the other hand, convectors can combine 2 systems - heating and natural ventilation (convection), they are plinth and floor. They can be built under every window, as well as in the floor of the hallway for drying shoes and walking on them like any other floor material.

Stove heating

Heating any house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters or more with a stove is not the best way, since it is quite difficult to organize it in order to heat all rooms evenly. Rather, baked heating in structures made of SIP panels should be considered as additional or decorative.