Which bed to choose for the bedroom: reviews and tips. All beds are good, but which one is the best? The best bed to sleep

The bedroom is a place for relaxation and healthy sleep. In order for sleep to be healing, beneficial and relaxing, it is important to sleep on a quality and comfortable bed. Her choice must be conscious. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the purchase. First of all, you should decide on the type of bed, its size, dimensions and design. Today, the types of sleeping beds are replete with their diversity.

Choosing a bed is a responsible step. The bed in the first place should be comfortable, and it depends on the quality of the materials from which it is made. You should not buy cheap beds, as in the future this may lead to its breakdown, and, consequently, additional expenses.

Before making a purchase, it is important to understand what material or combinations of materials the bed is made of. Make sure that the materials are treated with special protective materials.

You should not buy cheap beds that are made of chipboard. They can be not only fragile, but also hazardous to health. Adhesive components that secure some parts of the bed can evaporate and emit harmful fumes.

Types of materials:

  • Wood;
  • Iron;
  • Plastic;
  • chipboard;

A metal bed must be treated with an anti-corrosion coating. The tree must be massive. Plastic should be made from high quality materials.

Bed options for the bedroom by size

When choosing a bed, it is important to remember that there are several options for purchasing it. You can buy a ready-made bed, which will be made according to standard measurements. And you can order a bed, taking into account individual preferences.

There are three most famous types of beds: single, one and a half, double. Factories for their manufacture use both standard and non-standard sizes.

The choice of bed should be conscious. This is especially true for the size of the bed. After all, it is more convenient to sleep on a wide bed, which allows you to change positions in a dream, they are not afraid of falling or constraint. Healthy sleep and rest depend on the comfort of the bed.

  • The height of the bed must be chosen according to individual characteristics. For a person with medium and high growth, a low bed is not a very comfortable option. Rather, it is suitable for older people.
  • The height of the bed should be higher than 30-40 cm from the floor, otherwise there is a possibility of drafts.
  • The width of the bed should be chosen depending on how many people will be accommodated, what physique and habits they have while sleeping.

Choosing a bed is a very serious matter. The main thing is that it should fit the individual characteristics of the sleeper. To do this, you must take into account his height and weight. Also, the bed should harmoniously fit into the surrounding space.

How to choose a bed in the bedroom: the main criteria

When it comes time to choose a bed, many people think about how to do it right. It is best to make your choice in a furniture store, where you can not only touch and measure the bed. In most stores, you can lie down on the bed to make sure it is comfortable.

Before you buy a bed, it is important to determine its size. This is a fundamental factor that will affect the placement of the bed in the room, as well as the comfort of the sleeper.

There are many factors that go into choosing a bed. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the country of the manufacturer, to study the catalog of sizes and dimensions of the bed. European and American manufacturers have a different metric system of measurement.

Tips for choosing a bed:

  • Measure the place where the bed is supposed to be placed in the future. Take into account if the bed is corner.
  • Decide on the size of the bed.
  • When choosing a bed design, take into account the overall interior design.

Choosing a bed is not very difficult, but painstaking. It is important to choose only beds made from quality materials in order to be sure of the safety of your bed. Do not save on healthy and sound sleep.

Bedroom bed rating: common wooden models

The choice of bed depends on many factors. But the choice of material must be fundamental. It should be environmentally friendly, not harmful to health, promote healthy sleep. This type of material is wood.

Wooden arrays are the highest quality beds, which guarantee a long service life, a comfortable and cozy sleep.

Beds can be made from a wide variety of wood types. These are ash, pine, alder, beech, oak. The weight of these materials differ in strength, color and types of processing. However, they are all considered strong materials.

  • Sonata. Bed with drawers, which has a high headboard and a strong frame.
  • Henry. Bed with lifting mechanism. A strong and sturdy bed can be richly decorated.
  • Alex. Bed with protective bar. The classic version, reliable and strong.

Designs and types of sleeping beds (video)

Types of beds can be very diverse. By size, they are divided into single, one-and-a-half and double. Also, beds are distinguished by dimensions and models. There are many models. The choice of a particular model depends on the individual preferences of the client. His height, weight, habits in sleep and during rest are taken into account.

The choice of a bed is the choice of almost the closest friend in a sense. This can be understood: we spend a third of our lives on the bed, and such things as healthy sleep, and vice versa, insomnia are closely related to this. If you have a choice of what to choose for the bedroom, a transforming sofa or a bed, of course, choose a bed.

Variety is tempting and not everyone is determined the first time what they would like to receive. They look at every little thing - decor and fittings, not to mention the base. Beds come in several varieties, about which - in more detail.


Refers to designer furniture, and this is also due to its popularity. Its shape and large size contribute to a good sleep. Hi-tech or art deco loved this bed as a modern part of their concept. If your bedroom is spacious enough, then wide round beds may also appeal to you.


Elegant, sophisticated, modern style. Suitable not only for romantic bedrooms - it collects good reviews as an integral element of a wide variety of interior styles.


Looks, of course, luxurious and expensive. But the interior should also match it. Well, besides beauty, the furniture is also quite hygienic, in the summer you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth, and there will be no trace of dust. As well as from the hair of a pet.


And this is a good option for a small bedroom. She, the bed, can turn into a chest of drawers or a bookcase. And for families with children, a bedroom with a folding or built-in bed would be a good option.


Beautiful, fashionable, but only suitable for a spacious bedroom. This is a bed with steps, and a bed with drawers, and even a bed with a horizontal wardrobe that is now popular. Podiums are very convenient as a storage system.

How to choose the right bed for your bedroom

You must evaluate all the components of the bed - and the base, and the backs, and the frame, and, of course, evaluate the dimensions.

The bed frame is made from different materials:

  • Whole array;
  • Metal;
  • Rattan;

Of course, its service life will depend on the quality of the supporting structure. Therefore, it is desirable, of course, to purchase beds made of solid wood or metal. Rattan beds will also last a long time. They will not creak already in the second week of use, and the time of their service will please you.

Comfortable beds for the bedroom: a lot depends on the base

The strength of the bed is directly affected by the number of jumpers that fit on the frame. They are also the support for the mattress. On a standard double bed, the number of such jumpers will be 30, but for a single bed it will be 15.

The distance between the jumpers should not be greater than the width of the jumper itself. The logic is simple - the more jumpers, the more reliable the bed.

Metal bars and nets are no better than wooden lintels. Over time, the grids and gratings will definitely bend, and this will happen very quickly. Well, on a bent bed, sleeping, of course, is uncomfortable.

There are a lot of advantages in beds with a lifting mechanism, but the breathable mattress system, unfortunately, does not work here.

Bed sizes for the bedroom: choose the best

If you adhere to some ergonomic standards, it will be easier to choose. They stipulate that the double bed should fit into the size of the room, and this should be very comfortable for you.

The standard width for double beds is 160 and 180 cm, but you can also choose a bed with a width of 2 m. Single options should be 2 times smaller, but considering that it is also a single bed, then 120-140 cm are quite common sizes.

If the bed is angular, the dimensions may vary. It is recommended not to put the bed very close to the wall, the gap between the wall and the bed should be at least 70 cm so that you can easily fill it.

Soft beds for the bedroom: advantages and disadvantages

  • Leather beds. Extremely comfortable, look chic, require the simplest care. But if there are small children in the house, you need to make sure that they do not scratch the bed for an hour. Yes, and from pets, too, you should expect surprises.
  • Bed with upholstered velvet-like headboard. Cheap models can quickly wear out, and the external splendor will fade in a couple of years. Don't skimp on this.
  • Cotton and linen headboards of upholstered beds are natural and eco-friendly, can be presented with interesting patterns and ornaments, it is fashionable and comfortable.
  • Decorated with expensive materials, silver and gold (more often - their imitation), with patina and hand-painted - a rare option for soft beds, but if there are such elements, the bed will be appropriate only in a fairly spacious bedroom.

And if you are looking for something like that, then you will need a bed with a massage function.

Electric bed with massage for the bedroom: what is it

The principle of operation of such a mechanism is not so complicated. If we are talking about a sofa bed, then it works like this. The front wall moves forward, and it pulls the first element of the bed along with it. The second element, standing in place of the first, creates a wide and even area.

But this is an electrical device, and therefore safety should not be forgotten. You can't touch any moving parts, you can't create any obstacles to the structure, and, of course, you can't play with water either.

Electronics works silently, mechanical parts are not visible from the outside, such beds are often purchased for the elderly, bedridden patients. They will be very useful to such people and will be able to protect against the same bedsores.

When choosing a bed, be guided by the quality and appearance, as well as the reputation of the manufacturer. And only when all the parameters have converged, it is worth climbing for a wallet.

Good choice!

Which bed to choose for the bedroom (photo)

Buying a bed is one of the most difficult tasks to be solved when arranging an apartment. Since there is no way to test the bed and determine in practice whether it suits you or not, it is necessary to select as many parameters as possible in order to make the choice as accurate as possible.

How to choose the right bed

Before heading to the store, it is worth noting a few important points for yourself:

1. Buying a bed is a long-term investment. Choose furniture that will serve you for a long time.

1. High padded back:

Suitable for various style solutions - Provence, Art Deco, Country, Classic, etc. As a rule, it has excellent strength properties. Of the shortcomings - significant weight, the need to "shoe" the legs of the bed in felt so that they do not scratch the floor.

5. Low floor height

A low bed looks great in certain interiors, but often the distance from the base to the floor is so small that even the most meticulous maid has no chance to get there, which leads to dust accumulation. When buying a wide low bed, check whether it will be convenient to clean the floor under it, and whether your robot vacuum will get under the bed.

6. Platform bed

A stylish solution that is often chosen by lovers of modern interiors and. You can put books and gadgets on the platform, put candles, etc. There are two points to pay attention to - whether it is convenient for you to get into bed without touching the platform. For example, you step into bed directly from the floor - this is convenient if it is low. If the bed is quite high and you have to sit on it first, you run the risk of sitting on the platform first, which is not always comfortable.

Our salons of Italian furniture have a large selection of beds, we have experienced consultants and we are happy to invite you to visit us!

In any living space, the bed is the most important element. The choice of an interior item, on which a person spends about a third of his life, must include b with the utmost responsibility. An equipped sleeping place should not only create comfort for residents, but also decorate the interior of the room.

Types of beds depending on the size

When choosing a bed, there are several factors to consider. Making the right choice is essential for healthy sleep.bed size.

Dimensions of a piece of furniture chosen according to the composition of the family,the complexion of those for whom it is intended, their preferences. The nature of people's sleep can be very different. With those who like to toss and turnspread arms and legs out to the sideor just sleep restlessly, being nearby at night on a one-and-a-half or small double bed is not at all easy.An important aspect is housing conditions. Not everyone manages to equip in small-sized cozy bedroom apartment.

Table. Bed sizes for adults.

Bed typeBed size, mmIllustration
Single700...900 x 1900...2100
One and a half1200...1600 x 1900...2100
One and a half1600...2000 x 1900...2100

If necessary, you can purchase beds for people with high growth. Model length Extra Long can reach up to 2200 mm.

Important! When calculating the parameters of a berth, it is necessary to make a "margin" about 20 cm in all directions.

It is possible to order beds of non-standard sizes. For example, for sleeping more than two people or designs original form.

When choosing a double bed model, it is necessary to evaluate a number of aspectsthat affect the performance of the product or may be relevant to a particular consumer.

Criteria for choosing a bed

Several important points are defining when choosing the right model.


Double models must be able to withstand decent loads (up to 0.3 tons). In this regard, serious requirements are imposed on the strength of the frame.

Today it is possible to choose a bed, the basis of which are three options for frames:

The material for the manufacture of the frame is usually wood or boards containing wood fibers (chipboard or MDF). Structures made from natural materials look much more preferable in terms of appearance and environmental safety.Wooden furniture best of all supports the current trend of using natural components for the manufacture of finishing materials and furniture. It is safe even for newborns.Materials in the production of which a binder is used, often containing formaldehyde, can be hazardous tohuman health. However, the cost of wooden models significantly exceeds the price of furniture made from slabs.

Video - DIY bed

For finishing beds can be used:

  • rare woods;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • forging;
  • leather;
  • mosaic, etc.

When loosening fasteners over time (this problem most often occurs in structures made of chipboard) it is possible to restore strength structures , fixing the hardware in a new place. You can do it differently: the frame will serve for many years if you fix kings each other using metal corners.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers



A very important aspect is the arrangement of the lattice, which serves as the basis m for the mattress. When making a bed,ie just lay a sheet of plywoodor chipboard, which is not entirely correct.Usually such a bottom can be found in the cheapest models.

Base - plywood

It is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the structure, which is best handled by a lattice of lamellas. In addition, this design provides an orthopedic effect. It is preferable when a strong and flexible wood, such as beech, is used for the manufacture of planks. The grid must be able to withstand heavy loads.

Often the lamellas at the base become unusable. This may be due to the use of poorly dried or low-quality wood. Often breakage related very love to jump on the bed of their parents. However, dealing with a breakdown is quite simple.

What to do if the bed slats have become unusable?

Step 1.The size of the disaster needs to be assessed.

Step 2If one or two strips have become unusable, you can dismantle them and evenly push the remaining(if design allows). In this case, the side elements are recommended move to the center, and the central- put on the edges.

Step 3Broken parts can be replaced by purchasing new ones. Dismantling is usually carried out simply: the boards bend a little and are removed from the grooves.

In case the fastening is made with the help of hardware, it is necessary to use pliers and a screwdriver.

Step 4If a large number of lamellas break down, it makes sense to replace the entire base.

Video - Installation of bent glued lamellas

The distance between the slats varies depending on the type of mattress. It is mocan vary within the range 2 5…7 0 m m. Mattresses with blocks of independent springsare usually installed on a base, between the gratings of which a distance of about 5 0 m m. For models with dependent springs, it is better to withstand clearance 6 0 m m.

Tol The width of the lamellas is usually the same: 8 ... 10 m m. This is enough for a load of about 120 kg per seat. In a double design, the base is usually about 20 strips are mounted.

Prices for bed slats


The most common version of a double bed - classical stationary model, which is installed in the room. Its position does not change during the period of operation (with the exception of rare cases when the owners have a desire to redevelop the situation).

interesting a design that allows you to add originality to the design of the room are suspended structures . Mounting can be wall or ceiling. Such pieces of furniture can radically change the interior design.It is also important that cleaning in the bedroom, where suspension systems are mounted, is much easier to carry out.

Not everyone has the opportunity place stationary double bed in the room. So that during the daytime it was possible to organizefree space in indoors , transforming structures are installed:

When unfolded, such structures are a comfortable sleeping place, and when folded, they take up a minimum of space.To facilitate the transformation process, electronic blocks are installed that allow you to control the ascent / descent using a remote control.

Recently, bed-podiums are gaining popularity. Such structures can not only serve as an interior decoration, they are also functional: the area is simultaneously used for organizing a sleeping place and for storing things.


The price of an interior item depends on many factors. The main one is the material from which the bed is made. It can be chipboard, MDF or solid wood. The last option is the most expensive.

A tree can also cost in different ways. The most durable or exotic woods do not differ budget .

The price formation is also influenced by the place of production of products (products of foreigndrivers are more expensive), and designnerdy solutions.

When choosing a design, you must be aware that beds made of laminated chipboard serve much less than wooden or metal ones. However, they are more economical.

Prices for beds with Podium base

Bed with Podium base

Storage locations

When choosing a bed, it is advisable to immediately consider how to store bedding. Many designs allow you to use scarce square meters wisely. Drawers installed at the bottom of the bed, which slide out to the side, are designed to accommodate any items: linen, pillows, blankets, bedspreads, etc. But in this case, it is necessary to understand that the operation of such a design requires free space near the bed, which is not always possible. provide in small rooms.

The storage system can be organized under the base of the bed and in models equipped with a lifting mechanism. This option is the best forsmall bedrooms, since no space is required on the sides, unlike drawer designs. With the help of devices equipped with gas shock absorbers, the upper part of the bed is raised and fixed at the top point with one movement of the hand. As a result, access to the compartment opens, in which you can store bedding, and even homemade items.


The variation in the size of double models allows you to choose the best option for any situation. The most important rule is that the sleeping place should allow you to feel comfortable.people of different build, having different individual characteristics and habits. Nothing should fetter their freedom.

It is generally accepted that an adult needs an area of ​​at least 70 cm wide and 190 cm long for a good rest (but this figure depends on height).It is necessary to take into account not only the number of people usually sleeping on the bed, but also various emergency situations. For example, the emergence of a desire in a small child to spend the night with their parents. In this case, it is hardly worth considering a bed model with a width of less than 2000 mm.

Important! The standards adopted abroad are different from those familiar to us. So, a sleeping place of a bed from Europe can have a width of up to 2030 mm, and a length of up to 2140 mm.

The standard size range for the width of domestic models: 1600 ... 2000 mm. However, if desired, it is possible to order a design according to individual parameters.


In addition to the functional characteristics of a piece of furniture, the aesthetic aspect must also be taken into account. The bed, which is the central element of the bedroom, should have an attractive appearance, decorating itself and harmoniously fitting into the interior.designed in a certain style.

The standard shape of a double bed is rectangular. However, you can also install design structures, for example, having round outlines. It should be borne in mind that such an interior item will look harmonious only in large rooms.

The most important part of the bed, not only in practical terms (provides security for the sleeping person), but also in aesthetic terms, is the headboard. It can have different shapes, be rectangular or curved, flat or convex. To finish the headboard, carving, overhead elements and inserts are used.The decor can be made of wood, leather (most often this material is used in soft headboards) or forged elements.

Not the last place to ensure comfort for households is givenand surroundings of the bed. Lighting, bedside tables and a dressing table create a single complete ensemble of the bedroom.

To the foot of the requirements are usually much less. In some models, it does not stand out relative to the side tsarg . This is convenient for those who like to hang their legs off the bed (or this is due to the high growth of a person).


For the organization of a comfortable sleep is fundamental.Not only the convenience of vacationers, but also health depends on this subject.A good mattress is especially important for those who suffer from diseases of the spine.

Good sleep is the key to health, and, as you know, you can’t save on health. Doctors have long proven that in almost half of the cases, the cause of back pain is the wrong bed. On the contrary, if the purchase is made correctly, taking into account all the rules and recommendations, then sleep will bring real rest and relaxation, and the morning will always be good, even despite the alarm clock. How to choose the right bed and not lose your head from a huge range? We deal with the type of construction, preferred materials, size, style and other features that are important to consider when buying.

No. 1. Size and shape of the bed

When choosing a bed, it is necessary to focus on the growth of those who will rest on it, as well as on the size of the room. The rule is simple: buy the largest bed that can fit in the bedroom without interfering with free movement. When asking the parameters of a specific model in a store, you can hear the answer that the size of the bed is standard, but it’s better to clarify and ask again for the exact data in centimeters, since the standards in different countries may differ:

Standard bed length - 190 cm, less often there are models with a length of 200 cm. If you search, you can find a bed and 218 cm in length, and if you need a bed even more, you will have to make a bed to order.

When choosing the optimal bed size, consider the following recommendations:

As for forms, then it’s better to stay on the traditional rectangular one, and realize your design fantasies in unusual decor and bright textiles. Bed round, oval, arc-shaped or heart-shaped looks spectacular, but can cause a lot of problems: from inconvenience during sleep to difficulties with the selection of bed linen and blankets. Everything will have to be sewn individually.

No. 2. Bed frame design

The bed consists of a base where the mattress is placed, and a frame on which the base rests. The framework may include backrests headboards and footboards, supports(legs, podium) and kings(these are the side panels of the bed).

The frame can be one of these two types:

Which type of frame is better, it's hard to say for sure. If the bed is made with high quality, then in any case it will be durable, and low-quality specimens will soon begin to creak. However, models on supporting backs perform somewhat better than models on legs. Supports of a larger area break much less often than legs, but a bed with legs looks more airy and weightless.

Number 3. Bed material

High-quality bed material is the key to the durability of the product. There may be several options:

  • solid wood- the most preferred material. Such beds have maximum durability and strength, they are environmentally friendly and safe. The most durable frames will be made of oak, ash and beech, but you can find a good option in a more affordable category;
  • metal also shows record durability, has a high service life and is durable. welded and wrought iron beds. The second option, of course, looks more refined and elegant and today, by the way, is at the peak of popularity;
  • MDF bed cheaper, but in many ways inferior to wood and metal. Such products look good, they do not cause harm to health, but their service life before the first breakdown is somewhat lower than that of wooden counterparts. In terms of price / quality ratio, this is the most attractive option on the market, so these beds are very popular;
  • beds made of fiberboard and chipboard they are the cheapest, do not last long, quickly begin to creak, and then completely crumble. Buying a chipboard bed is a necessary measure when the budget is very limited, but even in this case, it is necessary to look at safety certificates and pay attention to the level of formaldehyde emission (E0 and E1 level products can be used in residential premises).

MDF, chipboard and fiberboard can be laminated and repeat the pattern of any kind of wood or stone, can be painted or veneered, so these beds look very attractive on the outside. Manufacturers often use upholstery in fabric, leather and eco-leather. Make sure the fabric is thick and durable.

Today it is fashionable to use it all the time. They make not only country furniture and cozy sofas with tables for the summer areas of the cafe. Several of these boxes can serve as an excellent base for a bed in a city apartment. Such a solution will fit, however, not in any interior.

No. 4. bed base

The base of the bed is firmly attached to the frame and becomes a support for the mattress. The basis can be of the following types:

It is best when there is nothing under the lamella base (this is the preferred choice). In this case, the mattress will be well ventilated and will last a very long time. For purposes, beds with storage compartments under the bed. This can be drawers, which is not very convenient, or a large storage area, which is accessed through a lifting mechanism.

No. 5. Lift bed

Under the large double bed, as much space is formed as on average or. If the apartment is small, it is foolish not to use this space. Of course, you can take a model where under the bed is located several drawers, but this approach does not allow the maximum use of underbed space. It will not be possible to open such drawers in any bedroom, and finding such an option is not so easy.

It is better to take a bed with a lifting mechanism: as soon as you raise the base with a mattress, you will see a huge (about 1.8 * 1.9 m and 25-40 cm deep) storage space. You can arrange both bedding and off-season clothes there - there is enough space for everything.

Depending on the expected load, choose one or another lifting mechanism:

No. 6. Folding bed, or bed-transformer

It is clear that not every apartment can fit a stationary large bed. Often you have to be content as a bed, but there are alternatives. These are the so-called transforming beds or wardrobe beds. During the day, they are kept near the wall and do not interfere with free movement, and at night, thanks to the folding mechanism, they turn into a full-fledged sleeping place. During the day, such a bed can serve as a fake wardrobe, be decorated with a pretty picture, or even turn into a small sofa.

There are transforming beds that recline during the day and open access to the table, and the mechanism is designed so that all items on the table top remain in place when the bed moves.

No. 7. headboard

Availability depends on where it will stand. If you are going to put the bed headboard right up against the wall, then you can easily do without a separate backrest. The wall near the headboard can be distinguished, for example, paint or wallpaper of a different color. There are also more daring solutions: boards, tree cuts, etc. Above the headboard, you can organize a shelf for storing necessary or purely decorative items. Sometimes such a shelf flows smoothly into a storage system that continues on the sides of the bed.

If you plan to put the bed not close to the wall, then it is better to take model with its headboard. It should be reliable and comfortable so that you can safely lean on it while reading or watching TV. In some beds, the headboard is located at a slight angle - this is the most ergonomic option.

No. 8. Bed style

The material and design of the bed must not only meet the requirements of ergonomics, but also meet. Therefore, when deciding which bed to choose, you need to take into account its design:

  • low platform beds and platform beds fit perfectly into high-tech style, Japanese style;
  • beds with leather headboard will become an interior decoration in ethnic, modern, minimalist and classic style;
  • beds with bamboo frame and wicker backs will complement the tropical, ethnic or;
  • in retro style, and country also fit beds with forged back, but it is not very convenient, so it is better to stock up on a large amount;
  • beds with carved wooden backs, gilding, decorative overlays and inlays will find application in the interior in a classic style, and rococo.

No. 9. Mattress

The comfort of resting on the bed very much depends on the chosen mattress. As a rule, high-quality orthopedic mattresses are already included with the bed, but often you have to buy this product yourself. It is better to take a medium-hard or firm mattress, if it is not forbidden for you for medical reasons.

Springs, latex, polyurethane and even cotton wool can serve as a filler. Among experts, there is still no consensus on which mattress is better: some say that those filled with latex or polyurethane are ideal, others advise taking combined mattresses. The best advice is to rely on your own feelings and test the mattress back in the store. The topic is very broad and deserves separate consideration.

No. 10. Bed accessories

Additional bed options include:

No. 11. What else to consider when choosing a bed?

In pursuit of a large spacious bed, do not forget that the space in the bedroom is limited, and in addition to the bed, it is often necessary to place another closet or leave a free passage to the sleeping place and the window.

On sale you can find beds very original design. For example, in the form of a boat, a nest, there are even swing beds, but when trying to add variety to the home interior, do not forget that the bed, first of all, should be comfortable.