Effective folk remedies for moles on the site. Moles - no! How to get rid of pests in the summer cottage? Effective ways to deal with the mole: innovative methods

It is known that a mole appears in the garden when there is high-quality and favorable soil. But this fact cannot please gardeners who find numerous pits, tunnels and passages on their plots. In just one day, this little black animal is able to increase its underground system by 15 to 30 meters. The time has come to act to save the coming harvest. Today you will learn about the behavior of moles, how to get a mole out of the garden with the help of chemical and folk remedies, traps, traps and mole slayers, various repellers, and also how to carry out prevention.

In order for the life of the animals to be comfortable, they need to be close to a large amount of food. Therefore, pests can appear near the garden or summer cottage. In addition to food (beetles, worms, larvae), the reasons why shrews are able to start on the site are loose soil, which is periodically moistened and dug up, the absence of predatory animals, that is, enemies.

Before you fight moles in the garden, you need to learn about the features of their behavior. Usually the animal that has appeared lives on the site with a family that is quite numerous.

Pests also arrange a warm lair for the winter, most often on humps and hills. With their moves, the depth of which is no more than 5 - 25 cm, the animals do not harm the plants themselves, but their roots, and they do this unintentionally.

Landowners, in an effort to stop the damage caused by diggers, sometimes press down the discovered molehills with shoes. But the animals must from time to time check the moves and restore the destroyed ones. The fight against moles in the garden is not so simple. Even if, fearing the harm they cause, you try to catch the animal with your hands, it is unlikely to succeed. Since it moves very quickly along its course - the average speed is 5 km per hour. In addition, in case of danger, the animal will defend itself and scratch you with strong paws, it may even bite. Moles do not like free space, which is why they rarely rise to the surface. Their poor eyesight is compensated by their excellent hearing and sense of smell. This allows prudent animals to sometimes bypass the set traps. Pests are real gluttons, they can cause irreparable harm to any area in a couple of days.

Video "Ultrasonic repellers"

From the video you will learn how to use these kinds of repellers.


What to do if a mole wound up on your territory? Manufacturers offer to use several models of traps belonging to the same type. Visually, these are small pipes with covers on both sides. They are inexpensive and ineffective. Since pests often do not go to an unfamiliar object that has managed to appear on the site.
There is an assumption that they do not do this, since their underground passages have rough walls, while they are smooth near the pipe. You can try to get larger traps. Their design is endowed with the same diameter as the mink of an animal, the walls are rough, and special valves will easily keep the captive inside. There are quite a few types of traps on the market today. These are scissor traps, tunnel traps, plunger traps, pipe mole traps (they are also humane) or live traps.

Traps and mole breaker

How to get rid of moles with traps? Even with physical strength, animals cannot get out of such modern devices. The difficulty lies in how to correctly place the trap in the tunnel. People fear that after installing and violating the integrity of the molehill, the pest will suspect that something is wrong. The mole catcher allows you to fight the mole more effectively.
This is a wire trap. When the animal's head contacts the spring, it is trapped. To install, remove the top layer of soil near the hole and put a mole trap. Installing the device simultaneously in two directions will not allow the pest to bypass the trap. During the installation process, hands must be in gloves so that the animals do not smell the human smell and do not make a new tunnel.


Experts are sure that pests do not tolerate loud sounds. Therefore, folk methods of struggle have long included the use of home-made plastic bottles, noisemakers, rattles. But in some cases they do not give good results. Even if you place homemade repellers throughout the site, the animal is able to hide in a neighboring area or somewhere nearby, and over time it will return.

It has been proven that purchased appliances can create discomfort for shrews. For example, ultrasonic repellers "Chiston" and "Bioguard", which are used for rodents, will help. You can often see ads that tell you how to get rid of moles, which bring great harm, with the help of repellers in the form of columns. They are buried in the ground. Such devices are endowed with low power. Some are effective against pests, others may not work. Cheap Chinese models are not able to expel animals from the site, since they are low-powered. Some devices simply squeak in the frequency range below 20,000 Hz. Some do not work after the first rain.
Some solar-powered devices can work no more than 1 - 1.5 hours. Among the sound and vibrating devices that facilitate the removal of uninvited guests, one can name Ecosniper LS-997M (Molechaser LS 997 Moto), Molechaser LS 997 Motor Random, Weitech 0675, Grom-Profi LED, Skat 49".

Folk methods of struggle

For many decades, people, wondering how to get rid of a mole in the garden, tried to find an effective method. The result was the testing of many means that have come down to us.

For example, how to drive away a mole with ordinary reeds? Gently take and peel its stems. Next, you need to place a tube there. When the wind hits, such a repeller, stuck in the garden, will annoy the animals with its sounds. Even craftsmen know how to drive a mole out of the garden using homemade turntables. All you need to make them is a tin can and a stick.

You can scare away pests, plant onions, garlic, hot peppers, legumes, bulbous flowers in advance. Underground inhabitants do not like their smell and will want to leave their habitable place. Sometimes the flooding of mole passages is also used. This option is suitable for summer residents who have a large supply of water. There is another costly way to get moles out of the garden. It is necessary to dig in tin, sheets of slate or linoleum around the perimeter of the site to a depth of about 70 cm. Such protection will become a reliable barrier for the penetration of animals into your territory.

Sometimes a gardener simply digs a pot or a jar into the ground. A thick cloth or paper is placed on top so that no light enters. But when using such a trap, it will take a lot of time. Moreover, a large number of pests will not be able to catch it. Some ambush with three shovels. One block the animal's move, the second - the path to retreat. The third will allow you to dig up the animal. As in the previous case, it will be necessary to make efforts and spend some time.

Poison, planting and catching cats

Such a long-standing remedy as catching moles with cats is also known. Of course, in our time, finding a real mole cat or rat catcher is considered a great success. In recent years, these pets have practically lost their hunting skills and play more of a decorative role in the home. The same goes for dogs. You can try to interest your pet by pointing to a place where there is a slight movement of the earth. Perhaps, after the first prey, your cat or dog will become interested in the process of catching and become your faithful assistant. Plant plants that are harmful to diggers. These are black beans, hemp, beans. Then, due to their unpleasant smell, pests will bypass this place.

The use of pesticides is considered a cardinal method. When using them, you should carefully read the instructions and follow their points. When carrying out work, use protective clothing, gloves for hands, a mask or a respirator for respiratory organs. For moles, poisons with a high degree of attractiveness have been developed. They have special enzymes that mimic the smell of meat. These are the preparations "Ratoks", "Krotoboy", "Krotomet".


To prevent the pest from entering the site, as mentioned above, you can use a special fence made of slate, roofing felt, galvanized steel mesh. Such a barrier should protrude slightly above the ground. Bulk shafts created throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden will also serve as protection against pests. Their depth should be more than 35 cm. It should be covered with sand or gravel. Faced with such an obstacle, the animal will not be able to dig further. Black beans or other legumes will serve as natural deterrents. Additionally, many summer residents place electronic repellers on the site. You can also place small wind propellers. The noise and vibration created by them will not allow animals to exist peacefully on your territory, and they will want to leave the garden.

Medvedka, aphids, mice, snakes - this is not all that a summer resident may encounter. Moles are a big inconvenience. Therefore, today's material is dedicated to everyone who wants to know how to get rid of moles in the country. This can be done in a simple way, using pesticides, repellers or folk remedies. Let's take a look at everything in turn.

Pesticides from moles in the country

Each remedy for moles in the country can compete with folk remedies in its effectiveness. Examine the list of poisonous pills that will obviously come in handy for you.

No. 1. Tablets "Stop-mole"

The drug is aimed at the destruction of moles, has a fumigation effect. It is easy to apply, just throw a couple of pieces into the mink and bury. When the tablets come into contact with moisture, fumigation begins. Poisonous substances fill the cavity of holes, as a result of which living creatures die. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, 2-3 units of the drug are required per mole mink. Summer residents advise throwing pills during the daytime, this is most effective.

No. 2. Tablets "Alfos Krot +"

If a mole appears in the country, then before you get rid of it on your own, study the effect of the modern and effective drug Alfos Krot +. The basis includes aluminum phosphide - the active substance, which by its nature acts as a full-fledged toxin. Thanks to insecticides, you will get rid of animals and insects that live in the soil. The effect, unlike the above drug, is 2-3 times higher. It is enough to throw a few tablets into an open mink, sprinkle again and wait for the tablets to connect with moisture. As a rule, moles completely go away after a couple of days.

No. 3. calcium carbide

Still wondering how to get rid of annoying moles in the country? We suggest doing this in a simple way - using calcium carbide. When the substance combines with a moist environment, it breaks up into poisonous vapors that quickly destroy moles. To start scaring away the animals, prepare plastic bottles. Send a couple of large pieces of carbide into the container, pour a little water into each bottle. Immediately place the bottle upside down in the mole's hole. Everything, it's done. But this product is flammable, be careful.

No. 4. The natural remedyDetia» (in balls)

If there is no desire to use poisonous remedies for moles, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Detia biological product. In its form, this remedy is a repeller, moles will leave your site, because the composition emits unpleasant odors. When the balls combine with moisture, strong-smelling essential oils are released. Adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations, the granules are buried at a distance from each other in the places where wormholes form. Reviews of summer residents confirmed the effectiveness of the drug "Detia".

No. 5. Bait-etching "Green House Antikrot"

How to get rid of moles in the country? There are few means of such an action, so be sure to consider the “Green House of Antikrot”. The drug kills pests in a simple way, because it contains aromatic and nutritional substances that attract moles. If the animal eats the bait, it will die in 2-3 days. If you follow the reviews, the tool is extremely effective, moles are happy to fall for this kind of goodies. In cases where after a couple of days you see new minks, it means that the moles have changed their place of deployment. Reinstall the baits.

Mole repellers in the country

Among the whole variety of mole repellers, it is quite difficult to choose a model that is suitable for pricing, range and method of use. Let's review popular devices.

No. 1. "Tornado OZV.01"

The device is suitable for large areas, since it operates within a radius of 1000 m 2. The device continues to work with temperature fluctuations, so it can be used at any time of the year. The action occurs due to the release of aromatic essential oils. Animals immediately leave the territory. The price of "Tornado OZV.01" is 800-1200 rubles, it all depends on the specific manufacturer.

No. 2. "EcoSniper"

The "EcoSniper" refers to an ultrasonic device, which is famous for its built-in generator and small size. The exposure range is 400 GHz with a range of 88 m 2 . The device is attached to the ground, after which it immediately begins to emit high-frequency waves. The hearing aid of moles suffers, the animal perceives this as a sign of danger and leaves the site. Safe for humans and other pets. The cost of "EcoSniper" is 1500-2000 rubles.

No. 3. "Anticrot"

When deciding how to get rid of moles, you should definitely consider this device for use in the country. The Antikrot repeller helps to expel rodents in a simple way. The action is equally effective in any weather. Works due to ultrasound on solar or conventional batteries. As for the radius of influence, it is 900 m 2 . Pricing policy varies between 800-1100 rubles.

No. 4. "EcoSniperLS-997MR"

This installation repels underground animals with ultrasonic waves. First, the device is installed in the ground, after which it is connected through an outlet. It affects within a radius of 25 m 2, for a plot of 6-8 acres, 3-4 devices are needed. After a week, all the moles will leave the site. The cost of one installation is 1900 rubles.

No. 5. SolarMole Repeller»

The device is powered by a solar battery. There is a transparent LED lamp, as well as a comfortable leg. "Solar Mole Repeller" is enough to deepen into the ground, leaving the hat at the top. The downside is that in the absence of the sun, the device starts to work with less efficiency. As for the price, the cost of "Solar Mole Repeller" is 750-1000 rubles.

No. 6. "Pest Reppeler" (Pest Repeller)

Another effective mole repeller is the Pest Repeller. The main positive feature is that this device works on large areas. That is, it is enough to purchase one installation, which will permanently get rid of pests. The cost is 550 rubles. This is very profitable, and the reviews of summer residents confirm the effectiveness.

No. 7. "Sititek Led"

Thinking about how to get rid of moles in the country, you should take a closer look at another effective repeller. A special generator is built into the device, which creates mechanical waves. It is enough to turn on the device to get rid of pests in a simple way. The range of the repeller is up to 500-700 m 2, the price is 3000 rubles.

No. 8. ProGarden

The tool in question works thanks to solar panels. It is considered universal, as it eliminates not only moles, but also other pests. The radius of influence of the device is only 10 m. "ProGarden" emits vibrosonic pulses every 20 seconds. The price is about 1000 rubles.

No. 9. BROS Sonic

This device is similar to the one described above. The principle of operation is practically the same. "BROS Sonic" also works thanks to the solar battery, which lasts for a day. The principle of operation of the device is to emit vibrosonic pulses. Price - 700 rubles.

No. 10. "Remiling AN-A316"

Since you can get rid of moles in the country with the help of various devices, consider this device. It works on a solar battery, creates waves that the mole perceives as a threat. As a result, you will get rid of pests in a simple way. Price - 2800 rubles.


The presented funds are humane. They are able to perform their task for quite a long time. If you are not going to kill pests, the device will be an excellent option for home gardens and summer cottages. To completely get rid of moles in this way, you have to wait more than 1 week.

Folk remedies for moles in the country

If you are tired of moles in the country, and you do not know how to get rid of them, you should use proven folk remedies.

No. 1. Kerosene solution

To prepare the solution, dilute in a bucket of 20 liters. water and 100 ml. kerosene. Mix the composition and wet an unnecessary rag with it. Rags soaked in the solution must be placed in the underground passages that the pests have created.

No. 2. Castor oil

It is easy to understand how to get rid of moles. If you use the remedy in the country, you will drive away pests in a simple way. Moles do not tolerate the smell of oil. Connect in a container of 120 ml. dishwashing liquid and 200 ml. castor oil. To make a solution, you need 30 ml. ready mix and 4 l. water. Spray the soil where mole activity has been observed. Carry out the procedure after the rain.

No. 3. Herring

For pest control, you need herring heads. They must be placed in wormholes and burrows. A positive result begins to appear only when the product rots. The rotten smell will quickly spread underground.

Repelling plants from moles in the country

This method has shown itself to be good. You no longer have to do anything other than how to plant some plants on your site. Consider the most popular:

No. 1. Siberian blueberry

The plant in question will allow not only to fight pests on the site, but will also become an excellent decoration. Scilla blooms with beautiful buds. The bottom line is that the plant grows strongly and eventually covers large areas. Moles cannot crawl through roots.

No. 2. Imperial hazel grouse

When thinking about how to get rid of moles in the country, it is worth considering various ornamental plants. Thus, the problem will be solved in a simple way. The hazel grouse is famous for its beautiful flowering. Pests leave the site due to the specific smell of the roots. In addition, the roots grow rapidly in the soil.

No. 3. onion plants

In the summer cottage, you can plant any plants from the onion family. They do an excellent job with the task and expel all underground pests. You can plant ornamental onions or regular garlic.

No. 4. Marigold

Marigolds are ornamental plants. They repel many pests, not just moles. The positive effect is achieved due to the sharp aroma.

No. 5. caper spurge

The plant has a beautiful appearance, so it is suitable not only for scaring away moles, but also as a decor. The plant is an annual, but self-sowing reproduces without problems. Trim the stems systematically. White poisonous juice will ooze from them. It has a pungent odor that pests do not tolerate.

If you are faced with a similar problem and do not know how to get rid of moles in the country, you should consider all the above options. Choose the one that suits you best to deal with pests in an easy way.

Moles are animals that live underground. To find their own food, they dig holes in the soil, eating the grown crop. These seemingly innocent animals cause great losses to the owners of gardens and orchards. For many owners of land plots, the issue of getting rid of moles is no less important than planting or fertilizing plants. In this article we will tell you how to get moles out of the site, about all kinds of methods of dealing with them, about preventive measures, as well as about the mistakes often made when destroying them.

Preparing for pest control

Do you have moles on the site? How to deal with them? Before starting a war with these rodents, make sure that the holes are working. The fact is that, having eaten everything possible in one territory, the animal leaves it and moves to another, where there is food. If you realized it late, the chosen hole may already be abandoned, and all the measures taken are ineffective.

To check, step your foot on loose heaps formed after the passage of rodents, and press the ground a little. After one and a half to two hours, check the holes. If they are restored - the move is working, which means that you can set traps for moles.

The most effective methods for getting rid of rodents

One of the options for getting rid of pests is hunting. This can be done by those who can sit still for a long time, waiting for the excavation of a broken passage by a mole, and will be able to shoot at it without a miss. If you don't know how to handle a weapon, don't use this method.

The most reliable way to get moles out of the site is a mole breaker. It can be purchased at a store or in the market. Boil the device before use so that there is no smell of metal and grease. Then install in the excavated working hole and secure with wire. Put plywood on top and sprinkle with earth to create darkness, otherwise the mole will not climb into it.

You can also use the trapping pit method, consisting of glass jars or buckets. Once in it, the mole will not be able to get out because of the smooth surface. To do this, the container is buried in the ground so as not to fill the hole. Place planks on top to create darkness.

If you have moles in your garden, you can try to get rid of them with the help of special ones. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for use of anti-mole mines so as not to damage your health.

Folk methods of dealing with moles

Such a folk way of getting rid of rodents, like a metal mesh, is the most effective and humane. To do this, it is necessary to bury a special mesh made of metal. It should go into the ground to a depth of 50 cm and protrude 30 cm above the surface. Moles will not overcome such an obstacle.

You can get rid of pests by planting some plants on the site that these animals do not tolerate. If garlic, onions, beans, peas grow in the garden, they will not go there. Unfortunately, the method is effective only for the period when these crops are on the site.

Mistakes often made when destroying moles

Often, those who have moles settled in the garden plot use the "good" advice of acquaintances, which are absolutely not tested in practice:

  1. Sometimes holes are filled with water, gasoline, vinegar, kerosene. The mole is a very dodgy animal, able to quickly dig a tunnel for itself and hide in it from moisture, and pungent odors do not bother it. The use of this method is not effective, but can only harm fertile soil, trees, bushes.
  2. Filling the hole with glass, red pepper or naphthalene will not give the expected effect.
  3. Most summer residents believe that sound devices can scare away a mole. But since these pests are able to quickly adapt, it is difficult to scare them away with sound. This method will not work.
  4. The use of traps is unlikely to kill these pests. Devices for catching small rodents made of smooth materials will not give a tangible result, since the mole will not climb into them due to the inability to cling to such a surface with claws.
  5. Poisoned baits will not destroy these animals, since they have a highly developed sense of smell and easily recognize unfamiliar food.
  6. The use of traps is practically useless in such a case. In addition, the trap is problematic to bury in the ground. Special devices for catching moles also do not give the proper result.

Prevention measures

Preventing pests in the area is the most reliable way to get rid of them. Preventive measures must be carried out constantly, then you don’t have to think about how to get the moles out of the site.

Methods of prevention that have been tested by practice and give positive results:

  • installation of electronic repellers;
  • placing unbalanced propellers around the perimeter of the garden, creating a special vibration that repels moles;
  • arrangement on the border of the site of compacted earthen ramparts using sand and crushed stone.

Security measures for the destruction of moles on the site

When expelling rodents from the territory, some owners ignite combustible materials (gasoline, kerosene). You should not do this, as such actions are unsafe for health. Also, when eliminating moles, do not use unfamiliar devices.

It is necessary to carry out activities for catching them with leather gloves to avoid bites or scratches on the hands. Animals can carry a contagious disease that can be transmitted to humans.

The above article provides information on how to remove moles from the site in order to preserve the grown crop, and at the same time not harm the soil and your health. Use only proven methods that give good results, and follow safety measures.

Nothing upsets the owners of garden plots more than uninvited underground guests. Yes, moles can not only spoil the mood and appearance of your site, but also deprive the crop. Therefore, it is very important for every landowner to know how to get moles out of the garden. To do this, it is important to understand the behavior and habits of these blind animals. For example, they do not like noise and strong odors. A favorite delicacy are earthworms.

So, ways to get rid of moles can be divided into two categories: purchased and homemade. We will discuss in order and find out how to get moles out of the site with homemade methods.

Do it yourself - instructions for fighting moles

  1. First you need to isolate your site from the penetration of these animals. Their passages are located at a depth of up to 1 meter underground, so at such a depth you need to insert a mesh with a hole size of at least 2x2 cm around the entire perimeter. Solid sheets of metal cannot be inserted, as this will prevent beneficial insects from entering your site. And moles will not pass through such a hole.
  2. Since these animals are afraid of noise, you can drive the mole away with the help of home-made products that make noise. It could be a noise maker on a stick dug into the ground. It can be made from a large piece of tin. The main thing is to make a loud noise. You can also use plastic bottles. They need to be dug into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving a small part on the surface of the earth. In windy weather, a howl will be heard, which will surely scare away the animals. The more bottles you bury, the better the effect will be.
  3. Moles do not like strong specific smells. Therefore, it is quite easy to get the mole out by planting strong-smelling flowers around the site. These include imperial hazel grouse, Siberian blueberry, spurge, daffodils and marigolds. If you plant castor or caper euphorbia, then remember that the berries of these plants are poisonous. So in the case when children freely walk around the garden, there is a danger of poisoning. Then you can opt for other colors. In addition to flowers, you can use spoiled fish or meat that has begun to smell. These products must be put in the mole passages. Or you can use a rag soaked in gasoline.
  4. The use of poison. Zinc phosphide should be put in the mole's mink. To do this, you need to make a hole in the course of the mole with a long pin. Then carefully close the hole with a clod of earth, but in such a way that the move does not fail. Just like that, the animal will not eat poison, so it is better to mix it with chopped earthworms.

What can you buy from moles?

Mole trap. This is a special device that needs to be put in minks. But to get rid of all the animals will require quite a lot of such devices.

Repellers. These are special devices that are inserted deep into the ground, where they spread a sound that is unpleasant for moles, as a result, the animals themselves leave the site. You need to carefully read the instructions to find out what range a particular device has, and then calculate how many pieces you need for your garden. It should also be noted that the signal of the device is interrupted if there is some kind of deep object in the radius of action, a well, for example, or a foundation. Such structures need to be furnished with repellers from different sides. These means of protection are the most humane, since they do not kill animals and do not harm them in any way, but simply force them to leave.

Now you can easily get rid of uninvited guests on your site. Your crops will be safe and your lawns will not be dug up by underground animals.