Growing vegetables. How to grow vegetables at home Tasty and healthy crops for you all year round

The weather is getting better, the sun is shining brighter, and under its gentle rays, not only fragile green leaves appear, but also thoughts about future plantings. After they appear, we go to the store of seeds and plants and buy, buy, buy: everything is so beautiful, inexpensive, and, it turns out, we absolutely need all this! Familiar situation? In this case, we recommend that you sit on a bench right in the store, relax a bit and read our article on the compatibility of different types of plants. Perhaps after that most of your purchases will go to their original place.

Plant vegetables the right way

You must have noticed that in some people’s garden everything grows and booms, while in others it doesn’t even sprout? If you sadly relate yourself to the latter, do not be discouraged: it's not about you! Most likely, you are simply planting your plants incorrectly, and in this matter both "neighborhood" and order are important. For example, onion and carrot will become excellent neighbors, as the culprit of tears releases a special substance that saves defenseless carrots from pests. A good solution would be to land peas Near pumpkin: the latter will not allow weeds to grow. If you love growing tomatoes, but the harvest does not please you too much, plant a bed next to it basilica- its smell is not tolerated by caterpillars who want to spoil your tomatoes. In addition, both plants need the same care and watering, so you will make your task much easier. The same can be said about eggplant and Bulgarian pepper.

Leaf salad quite unpretentious and ready to coexist peacefully with many plants, but keep in mind that he will feel bad next to parsley - avoid such a neighborhood. Sunflower it is better to plant far from other plants, since it releases substances into the ground that prevent everyone but him from growing. If most of your plantings suffer from pest invasion, then you can plant sunny flowers of calendula (marigold) nearby: they will do an excellent job of repelling insects and at the same time decorate the beds.

The sequence of planting plants in the soil is also important, whichit may be oversaturated with any harmful components or, conversely, the necessary elements may not be enough. For example, it is very good to grow carrots and beets after potatoes, but such a predecessor will not fit tomatoes categorically. Follow the vegetable cycle on the table below and you definitely can't go wrong with planting.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the beds: if you think that it is enough to throw seeds into the ground with a generous handful, then you are greatly mistaken. The shape and type of the bed largely determines the abundance of your future harvest, as well as the frequency of your "exploits" with a shovel and chopper. If you don’t like to mess around in the garden at all, then the so-called “lazy” beds will be the ideal solution for you. This version of the beds absolutely does not require weeding or care, yes, yes, you read everything correctly.

Preparation of such beds is done in advance in order to carefully and properly fertilize the soil. The soil is also mulched, which subsequently does not allow weeds to sprout. The earth is loosened and weeded once - during planting. After that, regular watering is enough. To some, this idea may seem strange, but it really works. The soil fertilized in advance saturates the plants with all the necessary components, and the correct planting of the "neighbors" reduces the appearance of weeds and pests to a minimum. In addition, due to the lack of weeding, the plants grow larger and hardier.

Another interesting option is "smart" beds. In composition, they are very similar to "lazy", but in "smart" beds, the emphasis is on even more thorough fertilization of the soil - most often it is compost with the addition of straw. From above, such a combination is covered with a small layer of earth. Such beds are often made very high, they can reach a height of more than a meter. This contributes to the fact that the landing is better warmed up by the sun.

Of course, this option of beds will require more effort from you, but later you will be pleasantly surprised by the harvest, as well as the free time that has appeared.

Quartblog Digest

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The vegetable garden is a source of pleasure and useful activity in spring and summer. Plan to grow the vegetables your family loves the most, then find the best planting spot in your yard (or patio). With a little time and care, your summer table will be full of ripe, delicious foods.


Landing planning

  1. Decide what to grow. What vegetables do you like the most? Think about what you would like to have on your plate all summer long and plan your garden accordingly. Most vegetables grow well in a variety of climates, but it's best to find out what grows best in your climate zone before deciding what to grow.

    • Consider choosing vegetables that ripen at different times so you have fresh produce throughout the summer instead of having them all ripen at the same time.
    • Some plants do not grow as well in some regions as they do in their native region. Find out if the vegetables you want to grow require a cool temperature, or if they wilt and die when the temperature gets too high. You may need to be more selective about what to grow if you live in a climate with very short summers or in an area that suffers from a lack of water.
    • Choose plants that need the same growing conditions and soil conditions to make gardening easier.
  2. Choose a place for landing. Most vegetables need bright sunlight, so choose the sunniest spot in your area to plant. Avoid areas that may be shaded by a house or tree during the day. Choose a location that has good drainage and rich soil.

    • You can find out if an area has good drainage by checking it after a heavy rain. If puddles form, the area is probably not suitable for a vegetable garden. If the water immediately seeps into the soil, then everything is fine.
    • Choose an area that is relatively flat, without a lot of roots and rocks. This will facilitate the cultivation of the land and the preparation of beds for planting.
    • If the soil is poor quality or doesn't have good drainage, you can still plant a vegetable garden by creating raised beds that allow plants to be grown above ground level.
    • Some vegetables grow well in large pots. Peppers, tomatoes and potatoes can be grown in pots on the patio or fire escape if you don't have a yard.
  3. Garden design. Now it's time to figure out how much space the garden should take up and what plants will grow there. Different types of vegetable plants need different amounts of space, so figure out how much space you need for the plants you want to grow when you plan your design.

    Preparing for landing

    1. Buy seeds and supplies. Decide if you will be planting vegetables from seeds or seedlings and buy them from a catalog or nursery. You also have to decide which tools you need to buy. A lot of gardening jobs can be done by hand with simple tools, but if you're planning on having a large vegetable garden, your life will be a lot easier if you get a motor cultivator to work the soil. Here's what you'll need:

      • Seeds or seedlings. Many nurseries have an excellent selection of seeds and seedlings, as well as staff who can help you decide which strains to buy. If you decide to plant seedlings, buy them no more than a few days before planting.
      • Fertilizer. A good natural fertilizer will provide your vegetables with additional nutrients. Purchase bone meal, albumin meal, or soil fertilizer mix. Compost also works quite well.
      • Mulch and topsoil. Vegetable plants should be protected from wind and heavy rain when they are first planted. Determine if mulch is required or just a thin layer of fertile soil will suffice. You can also use hay to protect plant sprouts.
    2. Motor cultivator. This machine is used to loosen the soil, which allows you to apply fertilizer and dig holes for plants. For a small garden, you can just use a hoe and your own hands, but you may want to buy or rent a motor cultivator for gardens larger than 3 square meters.

      • Shovel and rake. They are used for digging holes and moving plants and soil, and are important gardening tools.
      • Ruler or tape measure. Since vegetable plants need to be planted at different depths, it is helpful to have a ruler to measure the holes made.
      • Hose with adjustable watering modes. The ability to change the water pressure can be useful.
      • Protective devices. Creatures such as rabbits, squirrels, deer and other animals love to nibble on vegetables, so you can build a fence around your garden.
    3. Prepare the ground. Mark the corners of the garden you created with stones. Clear the area within these boundaries of roots, rocks, sticks, weeds, and other large debris. Use a power cultivator or hoe and rake to break up the soil into small pieces, digging it to a depth of about 30 centimeters, depending on how deep your vegetables need to be planted.

      • If you are using fertilizer, mix it into the soil with a rake. Make sure you distribute them evenly.
      • Be sure to take the time to remove large rocks that are hidden under the soil. They will interfere with the roots of your plants, and it is best to take the time to clear the soil of them.
      • If you're worried about the quality of the soil in your area, buy a soil test kit to find out how much nutrients and organic matter it contains, as well as its pH level. All of these factors determine how well vegetables grow and how nutritious they will be. Once you've tested the soil, you can add anything that might be missing.

The big advantage of a home garden is that the plants are under our daily control. But for such gardening there are a number of features. Vegetables can be grown even all year round. But the expected result will not always be obtained, you will have to work hard and even spend money financially. What points need to be taken into account?

Varieties of vegetables for growing in an apartment

Breeding and seed companies have created special series of seeds for home gardening - the Four Summer series, for example. But you can choose varieties and hybrids yourself, given some features. Choose early maturing, small-fruited, high-yielding hybrids and varieties with a compact plant shape.

from tomatoes perform well at home Ramblin Gold Stripe, Yellow Riding Hood, Megabyte and Red placer. from cucumbers successful parthenocarpics Gift F1, Matilda F1, Santana F1. Bell pepper grows from seed Topic and Kuzya- very fruitful. From basilicas worth trying small-leaved forms Naughty, Freshness, Bush.

Optimal timing for sowing seeds

Difficulties do not stop enthusiastic plant growers, and hydroponic technologies and modern phytotrons with a controlled microclimate specially for grown plants take root at home for a long time.

For a guaranteed harvest, it is recommended to sow seeds at the same traditional time as when growing vegetables in a summer cottage. First, it is fully consistent with plant biology. Secondly, you do not have to set up a long additional, maintaining the desired temperature and use a large number of plants.

So, in the middle lane you can sow from the end of March to the end of August. Tomato, pepper and eggplant - at the end of January, cucumber and root vegetables - from the end of March.

Container size and soil

For a tomato and cucumber, a 5-liter pot is enough, beans - 2-3 liters, zucchini - 5 liters, greens - any container with a height of 7 cm or more. Ampelous tomatoes and some greens look great in hanging planters.

It is advisable to use ready-made, universal for vegetable crops. It excludes the presence of fungal and bacterial diseases. It is often already filled with a complex of fertilizers, which is important at the initial stage of growth. If there is a desire to use "garden" soil, then it must be taken from a site where similar crops have not been grown before. And it is better to disinfect it in one of the ways: calcined in the oven, spilled with boiling water, disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is important for each plant to provide drainage in the container so that the root system does not rot from excess moisture.

Choosing a place to grow

The best lighting will be on a balcony or window located in the south or east.

In the future, not every culture prefers direct sunlight. To ensure comfortable conditions, it is necessary to shade the windows of the balcony so that the leaves do not get burned.

If the balcony is on the north side and there is a desire to grow vegetables and herbs with your own hands, then you can’t do without lighting. This is especially necessary during the period when seedlings are grown. There are several solutions: use home lamps, purchase specialized ones. For good growth, plants need illumination from 8000 lux. Today, such a number of luxes can be given by lamps of the type "Reflux".

Watering and fertilizing plants

Plants need water at room temperature (+20 ... +22 ° C) and make sure that the soil does not dry out. Due to the drying of the soil, the development of the plant will be uneven; during flowering, it can shed flowers and buds, and sometimes even leaves. As necessary, loosen the soil crust if watering is carried out on top of the soil.

Top dressing on green crops, as a rule, is not carried out. They need more tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and watermelons. The main thing here is not to overfeed: due to the excessive intake of mineral fertilizers, the roots may suffer and the plant will die. It is better to “underfeed” your wards. Top dressing is carried out with any complex fertilizers every 20 days 2-3 weeks after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place. The rate indicated in the instructions can be safely divided by 2 times. At the time of budding, you need to feed with fertilizers containing calcium, magnesium and boron, then fruiting will be plentiful.

Plant Formation

Given that plants from special seed series are often compact, they do not need to be shaped. But some cultures have their own characteristics. So, as the basil grows, it needs to pinch the shoots; due to this technique, it will acquire a spherical shape. Cucumber and tall tomatoes are formed into 1 stem, removing all side shoots. At the melon and watermelon, all the lashes are tied up, pollination is carried out by hand, and 1-2 set fruits are left on each lash. Low-growing tomatoes, peppers and eggplants do not need shaping.

Love for what you do

The right choice of variety and timely care is half the battle. Without love and creativity, success cannot be achieved.

Delicious and healthy harvests for you all year round!

Photos: Olga Petina, Shutterstock/TASS.

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Sometimes I want to go out on the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, pick up my own grown vegetables and herbs and stir up something stunning from them. And the balcony, by the way, looks much prettier if there are not old pieces of iron that are stored there, which it’s time to send to the landfill, but fragrant herbs and vegetables.

website chose some interesting plants that take root well on the windowsill or on the balcony.


On the windowsill you can grow a hot pepper for pizza diablo. It will require a warm, bright place and varieties suitable for home cultivation: Carmen, Flint, Spark, Ryabinushka, Bride, Indian Summer, etc.

The bushes are very pretty and do not require large pots. Up to 50 fruits can be tied on one plant. The optimum temperature is 25-27 degrees Celsius.


For growing carrots at home, it is better to take mini-varieties such as "Parmex", "Sophie", "Granddaughter". They grow in 80-90 days and do not require much space - a pot or container will suit them just fine. You can also take a funny round variety "Round Baby".

The soil for carrots should be light and well drained. The vegetable can be grown in cut plastic bottles. The optimum temperature is within 13-24 degrees Celsius.


Mint is a non-capricious and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or balcony, even in winter, if you arrange additional lighting. It can be grown from cuttings and seeds. If it is possible to dig a stalk in the country at home or with friends, it is better to use this method. Mint grown from seeds is not as actively accepted, and it will take longer to wait for the harvest.

It is important to remember that the plant loves well-moistened soil. And, when choosing a place for it, keep in mind that the lighting should be good, but direct sunlight is best avoided. The optimum temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees with a plus sign.

green onion

To grow green onions at home, special dexterity is not required. But still, it is worth considering some nuances: the bulb that you will plant should be round, dense to the touch and without traces of rot, the root cup should be well formed.

Immediately after planting, it is worth putting the onion in a cool, dark place so that the root system is better formed, and only then the feather will need a lot of light. The optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees, you should not overheat, because then the growth of greenery will stop.


Any variety of basil grows well in flower pots and boxes. It is better for him to allocate a sunny place, water well, keep warm and provide good drainage. For planting, you can use both cuttings and seeds. At the same time, the cuttings will quickly give the first crop, but will not last long, as they will quickly bloom. Harvest from seeds will have to wait longer, but such a bush will last longer.

The optimum temperature for basil is 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, lighting is required for about 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.


To grow cucumbers on the windowsill or on the balcony, you should take a closer look at the hybrid varieties that are marked with the F1 icon. If all conditions are created for the plant, it can produce 3-4 dozen fruits. Here you will have to tinker a little with seedlings, but after transplanting into boxes, you will only need to water and trim the antennae.

Planted plants in containers with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is important to remember that cucumbers are large watermelons and the earth must always be moist. The optimum temperature is 21-24 degrees Celsius.


Dwarf varieties are usually chosen as homemade tomatoes: Minibel, Florida Petit, Balcony Miracle, etc. You will have to take the most illuminated place in the apartment to this miracle. It will be necessary to start with seedlings, then plant them in containers, tie them up, feed them and protect them from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops, but pride in the work done and horticultural talent is attached to the harvest.

It is important to remember that tomatoes, like all plants, love water, but they are easy to pour. Therefore, watering should be done carefully. The optimum temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.


Sorrel, in addition to its wonderful taste, is distinguished by the fact that it calmly tolerates shaded places. It can be grown from the rhizomes of 2-4-year-old plants with buds or from seeds of varieties such as Maykopsky, Altaisky, Odessa broad-leaved.

It can grow at both 5 and 20 degrees Celsius and even withstands slight frosts. So you can keep it on the balcony until the last, and if the balcony keeps heat well, then do not clean it for the winter. The leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.


Ginger is not only a delicious spice, but also a beautiful plant. If planted at home, sprouts can grow up to a meter in height. Plant pieces of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with live buds. If the root is dry, you can hold it in warm water for several hours to wake up the kidneys.

Plant the root should not be very deep, and until the first shoots appear, water should be very moderate. Keep ginger in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

A pineapple

The most popular way to get garden crops in personal plots is to arrange your own beds. In the open field, you can cultivate many vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, root crops, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and much more. But to get a rich harvest, you need not only to properly care for the plants, but also carefully select the site and prepare it.

How to do it right you will learn from our article. We have prepared a detailed overview of the methods and means of growing popular garden crops, and have selected photos and videos for you that will facilitate the process of growing vegetables in the open field.

Growing vegetables outdoors

Choosing a bed for sowing a particular vegetable should be based on fertility, lighting, humidity levels and other parameters necessary for each type of crop. For example, cucumbers are afraid of drafts, so they are placed in areas protected from the winds, but at the same time quite wet. For cabbage, fertile and moist areas are chosen, well lit and protected from the wind. Tomato beds should be located in places with sufficient lighting, but without excess moisture.

Figure 1. Preparing the soil for planting vegetables: digging, loosening and fertilizing

After harvesting, the beds are necessarily dug up and fertilized (Figure 1). To do this, you can use organic matter (manure, bird droppings or compost), mineral fertilizers or green manure - green plants that make the earth looser, prevent the growth of weeds and saturate with useful substances.

A prerequisite for choosing a site for vegetables is the observance of crop rotation. Not all cultures get along well with each other. For example, cabbage greatly impoverishes the land, so after it it is better to plant vegetables that are undemanding to fertility.

The video shows how to make a universal warm breast for growing vegetables.

Preparing seeds for planting

A high yield of vegetables is ensured not only by the correct selection of a place, but also by the preparation of seeds. Regardless of the type of crop, only the best seeds need to be selected and processed before sowing. An example of processing is shown in Figure 2.

Note: Before use, the seeds are heated, hardened and germinated. This ensures the appearance of friendly seedlings and high yields.

Preparation of vegetable seeds includes:

  • Soaking - raw materials are dipped in clean water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. This helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria and saturate the seeds with nutrients.
  • hardening - the change is wrapped in a damp cloth and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After that, they are transferred to a room with room temperature for another 12 hours.
  • Germination - before planting, bean or corn seeds are dipped in a plate of water, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and kept at room temperature until small roots appear. This procedure significantly increases germination and yield.

Figure 2. Processing vegetable seeds before planting

Early and heat-loving crops are grown not only by sowing in open ground, but also by seedlings. This is the only opportunity to get a crop in regions with a harsh or unstable climate (for example, in Siberia). With the help of seedlings, you can get not only cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage, but also beets, zucchini and corn.

Features of growing vegetables

Since each vegetable has its own growing technology, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the main aspects of the cultivation of common crops in the open field.


Fertile soils with a slight damp slope and the ability to retain moisture are excellent for cabbage.

Note: Good beds for cabbage will be those where potatoes, cucumbers or onions used to grow.

It is possible to grow cabbage in a seedless way only in a warm climate. In other regions, an early cabbage harvest can only be obtained by pre-breeding seedlings (Figure 3). Seeds are planted at the end of winter in a container with a nutritious earth mixture. After the formation of several leaves, the seedlings are seated in separate containers.

Figure 3. Planting and growing cabbage

Cabbage seedlings are transplanted in May, but it is advisable to prepare the bed in advance: fertilize with manure and carefully dig. Cabbage is planted in rows, at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The soil in the hole is moistened and fertilized with humus and ash.

Note: If the threat of frost has not yet passed, the seedlings can be covered with foil, but when the temperature stabilizes, the shelter is removed.

Cabbage is very sensitive to watering. In the absence of natural precipitation, the soil is moistened every 3 days, and so that a crust does not form on the surface, additional loosening is carried out. Hilling will help retain moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. Also, cabbage can be fertilized by introducing mineral and organic top dressings (10 days after planting the seedlings and again a month later).


For root crops, well-lit areas are selected. The most popular crops of this species are carrots and beets. But if carrots tolerate frost and drought well, then beets require more stable climatic conditions.

Note: Despite the resistance of root crops to temperature extremes, it is recommended to carry out pre-sowing treatment of seeds to accelerate their germination.

Beets can be sown both directly in open ground and grown from seedlings. Seeds are sown in small containers, and after the appearance of two or three leaves they dive (seated in separate pots or cups).

Figure 4. Growing carrots and beets in beds

Sowing directly into the soil is carried out when the soil warms up at a depth of 5 cm. Cold ground can cause seeds to germinate slowly or stop growing altogether. The beets may start to sprout side shoots. Sowing and caring for root crops in the open field is shown in Figure 4.

When growing carrots and beets, you need to properly care for the plants. First of all, this concerns the loosening of row spacing and fertilizing. Loosening the soil is necessary to eliminate the crust that forms on the surface of the earth after watering or rain. In addition, it helps to eliminate weeds and saturate the roots of plants with moisture.

Top dressings are mainly organic (diluted cow dung or bird droppings), but special mineral supplements for root crops can also be used. It is also recommended to periodically thin out seedlings so that only the strongest plants remain in the garden. Thickened plantings also provoke the development of diseases.

From the video you will learn how to grow carrots in the open field.


The most common pumpkin crops in the gardens of our country are pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. The main requirements for their cultivation are sufficient air, sunlight and water (Figure 5). At the same time, pumpkin is not too demanding on soil fertility; for them, its moisture content is much more important.

Figure 5. Growing pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini

Even though cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and squash belong to the same class of plants, the requirements for growing them in garden beds are slightly different:

  1. Grow pumpkin better in areas previously fertilized with humus or mullein. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they are recommended to be sown in warm soil, and before the first shoots appear, cover with a film.
  2. For squash the earth can be fertilized with minerals, but with proper care, the crop brings a good harvest without additional fertilizing. Squash can be grown as seedlings, but it is much easier to sow immediately in open ground, as the vegetable is highly resistant to frost.
  3. Zucchini- quite unpretentious vegetables that do not require special conditions. But to get a rich harvest, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral additives and observe crop rotation. In addition, zucchini love well-lit areas and frequent watering. You can plant directly into the ground, but for regions with a harsh climate and short summers, the seedling method should be preferred.
  4. Cucumbers and their cultivation in open ground e is also quite simple. To do this, it is enough to choose a well-lit area with drained soil. Vegetables are planted directly in the ground, and covered with foil to protect seedlings from frost. Such covering material also prevents the soil from drying out and stops the growth of weeds.

All cucurbits have one common requirement for cultivation: they are very sensitive to lack of moisture, so the beds should be watered regularly (every 3-4 days, provided there is no natural precipitation). Lack of water can lead to a decrease in yield and taste of vegetables.

Peppers and tomatoes

It is possible to grow peppers and tomatoes in open ground only with the help of seedlings, since these crops are heat-loving (Figure 6). The bed is placed in a place well lit and protected from the cold wind. In addition, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral top dressing in the fall.

Figure 6. Growing seedlings of peppers and tomatoes in the beds

In warm climates, peppers can still be grown without seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in prepared soil around the end of May, and covered with a film. After the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter is removed. Tomato seedlings are also transferred to the soil at the end of May. After planting, you need to properly care for the plants, in particular, regularly loosen the soil to remove weeds, fertilize during the flowering and fruiting period, and also provide the crops with a sufficient amount of liquid.


The most popular legumes are beans and corn. These are heat-loving plants, for which wind-protected and well-lit areas are selected (Figure 7).

When growing leguminous crops in open ground, it is necessary to strictly observe crop rotation and carry out pre-sowing seed treatment. This will help not only improve the quality and quantity of seedlings, but also strengthen seedlings during the development period.

Figure 7. Sowing and growing beans and corn

Since both corn and beans are very sensitive to frost, they are planted outdoors after the weather becomes consistently warm. In addition, before planting, it is recommended to germinate the seeds in a damp cloth until small roots appear.


Potatoes are the most common vegetable in the gardens of our country. This crop is undemanding to the level of soil fertility, but it is still easier to get a rich harvest when a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers is applied.

Figure 8. Growing potatoes in open ground

Medium sized tubers are suitable for planting. On the bed, longitudinal rows are made with holes at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other (Figure 8).

Note: Before planting, the tubers should release small "eyes", which indicate that the first shoots will soon appear.

Throughout the entire growing period, potatoes are weeded and spud several times to remove weeds. If necessary, make top dressing or use chemicals to combat diseases and pests. In general, growing potatoes in open ground is quite simple, and even novice gardeners can handle the cultivation of this vegetable.

From the video you will learn how to grow potatoes and care for them.


Green crops are divided into salad (intended for fresh consumption) and spinach (used for further processing). Salad greens also include spicy crops (basil, dill, cilantro) that are added to dishes fresh or dried. The green planting scheme is shown in Figure 9.

The most popular greens for fresh consumption is leaf lettuce. It is a cold-resistant crop that grows well in any soil, but it is better to get a bountiful harvest on loose soils.

Note: To keep the lettuce leaves large and juicy, the beds need to be watered regularly.

Figure 9. Scheme of planting and growing greens in open ground

Another popular herb is dill, which is also resistant to cold and disease, and does not require careful care. In the wild, dill grows freely, and often it does not even need to be specially planted, as it is sown on its own in the beds. Dill can be harvested both for greens and for seeds (umbrellas), which are used as a condiment.

Regardless of the type of crop, vegetables require careful care. Key activities include (Figure 10):

  • Loosening - using this procedure, the upper crust that covers the ground after rain or watering is broken. Loosening helps to improve the penetration of air and moisture into the deep layers of the soil. In addition, it allows you to remove roots and young weeds.
  • Watering - Most vegetables and herbs require regular watering. But the amount and frequency of water application is different. For example, cucumbers and zucchini require more moisture for abundant fruiting, and excessive watering of tomatoes can provoke late blight.
  • Top dressing - the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers at different stages of cultivation allows you to accelerate the growth of crops, make flowering more intense or improve fruit quality.
  • Hilling - in the process of hilling the bushes are sprinkled with dry earth or peat. This helps retain moisture and prevents weed growth.
  • Mulching- this is covering the space around the bushes with a layer of sawdust, straw or a special film. Using mulch helps retain moisture, slow down weed growth, and protect young seedlings from frost.

Figure 10. Vegetable care: loosening, watering, fertilizing and mulching

In addition, the growing process may require the use of specialty chemicals (herbicides and insecticides) to prevent disease and control pests.