Isover insulation and its technical characteristics. Technical characteristics and properties of the insulation isover Thermal insulation material isover technical characteristics

In our time, the building materials market has such a wide variety of insulation materials that it often even makes it difficult to choose. They differ in the base material and the form of manufacture, in the field of application and, of course, in the reputation of the manufacturer. The cost of heaters is often quite considerable, so the desire of consumers to give their money for a guaranteed quality product is quite understandable. And this means that it is best to stop the choice on the original products of well-known brands, among which "Isover" (in Russian transcription - "izover") takes one of the leading places in terms of the effectiveness of thermal and sound insulation of buildings, in terms of its reliability and durability.

Isover insulation, the technical characteristics of which will be further discussed in this publication, is widely used in various fields. The materials of this brand are famous for the effective protection of residential, public, industrial, utility buildings and structures from cold, heat and external noise, and there is no doubt about their high quality.

A few words about the manufacturer of insulation "Isover"

The Isover manufacturer is a company that is part of the largest international association Saint Gobain, which manufactures a huge and comprehensive range of modern building materials. "Saint Gobain" brings together more than a hundred industrial companies and organizations involved in innovative developments in the construction industry. It's hard to even imagine, but the history of the appearance of this manufacturer dates back to the 17th century - how many companies in the world would have already celebrated their 350th anniversary?!

Huge, centuries-old experience, the ability to properly organize the activities of all links, the constant independent development of innovative technologies and much more - all this is the basis for the fact that the manufacturer has become the undisputed leader in the manufacture of materials that allow you to create zones of the most comfortable living space.

"Saint Gobain" works in various directions. These are high-tech materials, ordinary flat glass and glass designed for special applications, construction products, which include insulation, drywall and other gypsum-based products, building mixtures, tiles and facade cladding, acoustic panels for walls and ceilings, integrated drainage systems, plumbing and sewer pipes, and much more.

In addition to the Isover heaters discussed in this publication, which are produced in various modifications, the company also produces technical thermal and sound insulation materials under the Isotec and Isoroc brands.

The company has been operating in Russia for more than 20 years, producing various building materials, including mineral insulation based on basalt and fiberglass. The plant for their manufacture has been operating for more than 10 years in Yegorievsk (Moscow region), and in 2011, as part of the business expansion strategy, Saint Gobain acquired the Minvata plant in Chelyabinsk, which, after a radical re-equipment, now insulation is made on the basis of stone fibers.

All enterprises of this association successfully pass the certification of the international standard of environmental management, therefore, heaters are considered environmentally friendly products. The company places its products in the same environmental group as linen and cotton, and they comply with European and international standards - EN 13162 - ISO 9001, as well as Saint Gobain's own extremely stringent standards.

The main types of thermal insulation "Isover"

So, the insulation materials of this manufacturer can be made from glass or basalt fibers. Such specific structures are obtained as a result of the processing of quartz sand, cullet or mineral rocks of the basalt group - their melting followed by drawing using the TEL fiberization technology. The resulting thinnest, almost microscopic threads with a thickness of 4 ÷ 5 microns and a length of 110 ÷ 150 microns are interconnected with special resins.

Mineral heaters "Isover" are produced in mats, which are then rolled up, and in slabs. Both of them can have different thicknesses and several linear dimensions, depending on their purpose and the recommended laying technology.

The main lines of this material are divided into types according to their areas of application in construction and universal. For example, the purpose of many heaters is clear from the name:

  • "Isover Warm House Stove"
  • "Isover Warm House"
  • "Isover Warm Walls"
  • "Isover Warm Roof"
  • "Isover Sauna"

And the following types can be safely attributed to the materials of universal purpose:

  • "Isover Optimal"
  • "Isover Pro"
  • "Isover Classic"
  • "Isover Extra"

Each of the above heaters has its own characteristics that correspond to its area of ​​​​application. They will be discussed below.

In addition, Isover produces heat and sound insulators for floors, interior partitions, ceilings and suspension systems, and wall materials are divided into those used for interior surfaces and for building facades.

There is one more criterion for the division of insulation materials "Isover" - by rigidity. The designation has an alphabetic symbolism applied to the package, and its decoding is given in the table below. This parameter is closely related to such characteristics as the density of the material, its thermal conductivity, and the degree of its compression in the original packaging (many types, after opening the package, increase significantly in the thickness of the slab or mat).

Table of division of heaters "Isover" according to the degree of rigidity:

Insulation markingAverage density, kg/m³Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×°KCompression ratio in factory packaging
CT-II– elastic mats in a roll11÷130,041 1:4
CT– elastic mats in a roll17 0,036 1:4
KL-A- flexible plate17 0,041 1:1,5
KL- flexible plate19 0,033 1:1,4
RKL– rigid board reinforced with fiberglass on both sides60 0,030 No
RKL-A– windproof rigid plate (with tongue and groove connection)60 0,030 No
RKL-EJ– a plate of increased rigidity (with tongue-and-groove connection)95 0,031 No
SKL- semi-rigid plate50 0,031 No
VKL- hard plate130 0,032 No

General advantages and disadvantages of Isover heaters

Before proceeding to a detailed review of the technical characteristics of each type of Isover insulation, it makes sense to obtain information about their common features that are inherent in each of these products.

The positive characteristics of this material include the following qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity allows you to keep the heat generated by the heating units in the house for as long as possible, which means that less fuel will be spent on heating the building, and the owner will save a decent amount on paying for it.
  • A high level of absorption of sound waves - this quality will reliably protect the house from external noise, and the rooms (when using the material in the construction of partitions) - from extraneous internal sounds. Good is achieved due to the structure of the material, since the air gap between the fibers is able to absorb vibrations. Any, in fact, from Isover heaters performs two functions at once: it thermally insulates the room and makes it as quiet as possible. But in addition, the manufacturer produces a material specifically designed specifically for noise protection.
  • A high level of vapor permeability is one of the most important qualities for a heater. Such a material is also called "breathable", since it does not collect and does not retain moisture in its structure, which means that it will not create a favorable environment for the appearance of pathogenic microflora, the walls will not become damp. In addition, the ability to freely pass water vapor makes the insulation more durable in its direct functionality, since the waterlogged material has a sharp increase in thermal conductivity, and it becomes unable to provide proper thermal insulation of building structures.
  • The incombustibility of Isover heat insulators makes them absolutely safe. The material is classified according to the NG combustibility scale, that is, according to the highest degree of resistance to fire, which means that it can be safely used in the construction of frame, block and log houses.
  • "Isover" - slabs and mats are lightweight, so they can be used to insulate buildings in which excessive load on the supporting structures is unacceptable.
  • The service life of the insulation, subject to the installation technology and operating rules, is 50 years or more.
  • Isover heaters are treated with water repellents, that is, water-repellent compounds, so they have a fairly high moisture resistance.
  • Affordable cost. Compared to other similar materials, Isover products have a price that is quite acceptable for a family with an average income.

True, the heat insulators of this manufacturer also have their own “minuses”, which for some may turn out to be significant, so they also need to be mentioned:

  • Since the binders for basalt and glass fibers are usually phenol-formaldehyde resins, the material cannot be called absolutely clean from an environmental point of view. The fact is that over time, such compounds can begin to release toxic fumes into the environment that are dangerous to human health.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer positions its products as absolutely “clean”, this still has to be treated with a certain amount of distrust. Binder resins have not yet been eliminated - and although formaldehyde emission is indeed reduced to a possible minimum, it is too early to talk about its complete absence.

It should also be noted here that almost all heaters of this type include precisely these binders. There are certain exceptions, but they are still so expensive in cost that not every homeowner can afford such thermal insulation.

  • Despite the rather high moisture resistance, it is impossible to exclude waterlogging of the material in direct contact with water. Thus, a thermally insulating structure, for example, on a facade or on a roof, must necessarily provide for a reliable waterproofing layer.
  • Since the finest fiber with relative rigidity is used to make any mineral wool, during installation, its smallest particles can get into the respiratory tract and eyes, and also stick into open areas of the skin. Therefore, this factor somewhat complicates the installation process due to the need to use protective equipment.

In addition, when insulating the house internally, mineral wool must be hermetically sealed with a dust-proof material so that fiber particles do not enter the air of residential premises.

  • The manufacturer calls the advantage of heaters their incombustibility. However, it should be noted that some types of insulation (this applies to foil to a greater extent) are not non-combustible, but self-extinguishing, that is, they do not allow fire to spread. They can be used for buildings raised from any material, but at the same time observing the fire safety requirements prescribed in SNiP 21-01-97.

Read interesting information in our new article on our portal.

Characteristics of thermal insulation materials "Isover" and recommendations for their use

Now, having familiarized ourselves with the information about the main "pluses" and "minuses" of Isover thermal and sound insulators, we can proceed to consider the detailed technical characteristics of each of them.

Prices for insulation "Isover"

Isover insulation

Universal heaters "Isover"

The company produces not only narrow-purpose heaters, but also universal ones, which can be used for different building structures. Such materials include: "Optimal", "Profi", "Classic" and "Extra", as well as "Warm House Stove" and "Warm House".

Their technical and operational characteristics are given in the table:

"Isover Optimal" (stove)"Isover Profi" (mats in rolls)"Isover Classic" (plates)"Isover Classic" (mats in rolls)"Isover Extra" (stove)
45 45 54 54 55
1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,3 0,55 0,55 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³28÷36.528÷36.515,0 15,0 20,0
Flammability groupNGNGNGNGNG
Thickness, mm50; 100 50;100;150 50; 100 50 50; 100
Width, mm600 1220 610 1220 610
Length, mm1200 5000; 5000; 4000 1170 6150; 8200 1170
0,288 0,61; 0,61; 0,73 0,5; 0,5 0,75; 1,0 0,5
5,76; 2,88 12,2; 6,1; 4,88 10,0; 5,0 15; 20 10,0; 5,0
8; 4 2 (20 plates);
1 (10 plates);
1 (8 plates)
14; 7 2 14; 7

"Isover Optimal"

"Isover Optimal" is a universal material made from basalt fibers, which is used for insulation and soundproofing of all departments of the frame house structure, except for the foundation - this is the roof, ceilings, walls, partitions and floors along the logs.

In this option, in accordance with its name, we found the optimal combination of various qualities of the material:

- low thermal conductivity and excellent elasticity;

— simple installation that does not require additional fasteners;

— versatility of use;

  • The first step is to install racks of timber with a step of 590 mm on the insulated surface or in the frame. Such a distance "in the light" will help the plates of heat and sound insulating material to securely fasten by surprise. The thickness of the timber racks or lag should be equal to the thickness of the heat insulator.

  • The next step between the elements of the crate in one or two layers, insulation plates are installed, which must be pressed at the ends.
  • If the wall of a frame house is insulated, then from the outside the insulation is tightened with a wind-waterproof membrane, and from the inside - with a vapor barrier film. These materials are stretched horizontally along the frame, starting from the bottom line of the wall, and fixed to the frame posts with staples and a stapler. The top sheet must be overlapped on the bottom sheet by 120÷150 mm, the joints of the membranes must be sealed by sticking a moisture-resistant adhesive tape on them.
  • After that, a counter-lattice is fixed on the frame, on top of the film, on which the facing material will already be fixed. Thanks to this approach, a ventilation gap is created between the insulation and the decorative finish, which contributes to the spontaneous removal of water vapor and the evaporation of condensate.
  • The final stage is fixed on the frame structure, first from the side of the street, then from the inside of the house.

"Isover Pro"

"Isover Profi" is made of fiberglass in the form of mats rolled into rolls. This insulation is also universal, as it can be used for thermal insulation of roofs of various shapes, walls from the inside and outside, frame walls, attic floors, floors, suspended ceilings, as well as sound insulation of interior partitions.

This insulation has its own advantages that distinguish it from other Isover products:

  • "Isover Profi" has one of the lowest thermal conductivity of all materials from this manufacturer.
  • Due to the fact that special markings are applied to the mat, it is convenient to cut it. At the same time, even if a non-standard design is insulated, a minimum of waste remains from the material.
  • The insulation is produced in different thicknesses - 150, 100 and 50 mm.
  • This version of the heat insulator belongs to the "NG" group in terms of flammability.
  • The manufacturer positions it as a material safe for human health.

Installation work using such material is easy and fast, since the roll on the package has the markings necessary for cutting. Therefore, the mats are cut to the desired width without unrolling the roll.

  • The first step is to install racks with a standard step of 600 mm for the crate. The width of the roll is 1220 mm, it is cut in half and two strips 610 mm wide are obtained. Thanks to this size, the mats will be tightly installed between the posts or stacked between the lag by surprise.
  • The cut roll is released from packaging, unrolled and installed between the frame elements. If the strip of insulation is not additionally cut into plates across, this will help to avoid the formation of cold bridges.
  • The non-standard arrangement of the racks of the frame will complicate the installation. In this case, before cutting the mat, it is necessary to measure the distance between the frame elements, not forgetting to add 5 mm to the resulting distance for spreading on each side.
  • If the attic structure is also insulated, then before installing the insulation, a windproof film is fixed on the outside of the roof.
  • After the Isover insulation is installed, it must be tightened from the inside with a vapor barrier, the membrane of which is stretched horizontally, starting from the floor of the attic floor.

"Isover Classic"

Due to the fact that "Isover Classic" is universal, it can be used to insulate almost all building structures, excluding the plinth, foundation and surfaces that receive a high load. They are heat and sound insulated with frame structures - partitions and external walls, roofs and ceilings, ventilated facades and floors along logs.

"Isover Classic" is a fiberglass insulation produced in the form of mats in rolls and plates, with low rigidity. This means that it has a pronounced porous structure, which makes this material a good insulator.

However, this type of insulation does not have high strength characteristics, therefore it is not suitable for installation under a screed and for finishing walls with plaster. If it is planned to be used for facade insulation, then only for materials such as siding, lining or plates fixed on the crate.

"Isover Classic" has the following distinctive features:

  • A layer of this insulation with a thickness of 50 mm is equivalent in terms of heat saving to brickwork with a thickness of 950 mm.
  • Using "Isover Classic" as a home insulation, you can reduce the cost of heating the building by 40÷45%.
  • The material performs two functions at once - protecting the house from the cold and external noise.
  • Installation of plates is carried out without the use of additional fasteners - it is installed at a distance between the elements of the crate or lags, adjoins them tightly, excluding the occurrence of cold bridges.

  • If the floor is insulated along the lags, then it is recommended to fix them on glassine pre-spread on the base.
  • The width of the "Isover Classic" slabs is 610 mm, and the mats are 1220 mm, so the distance between the floor joists or the racks of the crate should be 600 mm.
  • The roll is cut across in the packaged form in half. The manufacturer prudently applies markings on the packaging, which will be easy to navigate when cutting the material.
  • Then, the insulation boards are laid, and the mats are rolled out between the wooden structural elements. Due to the fact that the heat insulator has a width greater than the distance between the lags by 10 mm, it will fit snugly between them.
  • The insulation must fill all the space between the timber. Only in this case, it is possible to achieve the desired effect of keeping warm and protecting from outside noise.
  • If the insulation is installed in two layers, then the mats of the second layer must be laid or installed with an offset of their joints by 120 ÷ 150 mm relative to the first.
  • The material is recommended to be used in combination with a wind and hydroprotective film and a vapor barrier membrane.

"Isover Extra"

"Isover Extra" is a fiberglass insulation in the form of plates with increased elasticity with a 3D effect, which allows the material to straighten out after it is compressed, filling all the free space between the timber or metal profiles in drywall systems. In addition, the plates fit snugly against the wall when insulating vertical surfaces, and are also tightly connected to each other at the joints, which completely eliminates the appearance of cold bridges.

Thanks to these features, Isover Extra insulation is universal and is used for thermal insulation of walls from the inside of rooms, facade surfaces for cladding them with bricks, siding, clapboard and decorative plates, roofs of various modifications.

"Isover Extra" has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.034, which makes it one of the most effective materials from the heaters presented by "Isover" in terms of heat saving - its use reduces heat loss to a minimum.

Installation of this type of insulation is carried out according to the manufacturer's recommendations given above, taking into account the width of the plates and the distance between the frame elements. The only thing I would like to add is that, thanks to the 3D effect, there is no need to level the surface to be insulated for the installation of Isover Extra - due to expansion, it will fit snugly against it.

"Isover Warm House Stove" and "Isover Warm House"

These two thermal insulation materials can also be called universal, as they are suitable for installation in most construction sites. Their main characteristics, slightly different from each other, are shown in the table:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Warm House""Isover Warm House Stove"
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,040 0,040
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 45
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,55 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³11,0 11,0
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm50 50 and 100
Width, mm1220 610
Length, mm5490 and 70001170
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0.67 and 0.850.5 and 0.5
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²13.4 and 17.110 and 5
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.2 and 214 and 7

"Isover Warm House Stove" and "Isover Warm House", as can be seen from the table above, have the same physical and operational characteristics and differ only in linear dimensions and volume. Both materials are made from fiberglass obtained from the processing of a specially selected mixture of limestone, sand and soda. However, plates are more convenient to use for insulation in one area, and mats in another.

  • "Isover Warm House Stove", as the name implies, it is produced in slabs, which are more convenient to use for thermal insulation of vertical surfaces, both from the inside and outside, as well as to insulate them
  • "Isover Warm House" It is produced in the form of mats and goes on sale in rolls. This modification of the insulation is perfect for laying on horizontal surfaces. So, they isolate the interfloor ceilings, they will insulate the floors well above the cold basement, but they are mounted only between the logs, and this material is not suitable for screeding.

Having dealt with the universal insulation "Isover", you can proceed to consider those that are designed for specific areas of the structure.

Isover mineral wool for specific applications

For individual sections of thermal insulation of buildings, the manufacturer has developed several types of specific materials. Therefore, to make it easier to understand their models, they should be combined into groups.

Facade insulation for further plastering

To insulate this part of the building, several Isover materials are used - these are Facade-Master, Plaster Facade, Facade and Facade-Light. Each of them is designed for specific surfaces, so their characteristics differ from each other:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Facade-Master" (plate)"Isover Stucco Facade" (slab)"Isover Facade" (plate)"Isover Facade-Light" (plate)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0.036÷0.0400.038÷0.0400.037÷0.0420,034
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 45 45 55
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,4 0,55 0,4
Insulation density, kg/m³125,0 80,0 125÷15550,0
Flammability groupNGNGNGNG
Thickness, mm50, 100, 150,200 50, 100, 150 50, 100,150 50, 100,150
Width, mm600 600 600 600
Length, mm1200 1200 1200 1200
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,288 0,288; 0,288; 0,216 0,144; 144; 0,216 0,288; 0,216; 0,216
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²1,44; 1,44; 2,16; 1,44 5,76; 2,88; 1,44 2,88; 1,44; 1,44 5,76; 2,88; 1,44
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.4,0; 2,0; 2,0; 1,0 8,0; 4,0; 2,0 4,0; 2,0; 2,0 8,0; 3,0; 2,0

  • - this is a heater made of basalt fiber (stone wool), it goes on sale in slabs of different thicknesses. The material is intended for insulation of the facade of residential buildings up to 16 meters high, under thin-layer plaster.

Prices for plaster "Facade-master"

facade master

  • produced in glass fiber slabs and is an innovative material for thermal insulation of a building from the outside. This material has a more affordable price than the previous one, but is also intended for installation under finishing with plaster solutions, which will be applied to their surface in a thin layer.

  • produced in the form of slabs of basalt fiber, and is intended for facade insulation. The material is usually laid with the expectation of subsequent finishing with decorative plaster.

  • - this version of fiberglass facade insulation is used for low-rise buildings and is installed under the finish with a thin plaster layer. The material is well suited for warming country houses and cottages. The insulation is characterized by high strength and rigidity, however, it has less weight compared to heaters of a similar purpose.
  • Work on the insulation of the facade using the "wet facade" technology, that is, with subsequent plastering, must be carried out at a temperature of at least +5 degrees, having previously protected the walls from possible direct ingress of water. Usually, a temporary structure made of timber or metal profiles is installed for this, which serves as a frame for a plastic film.
  • Installation of insulation starts from the bottom of the wall. The plates are fixed on a pre-primed and dried wall, on an adhesive solution. The solution must be applied to the surface of the slab so that contact is ensured over at least 40% of the total area of ​​the slab.

  • The plates are glued to the wall, pressing tightly against each other. If between them, due to the incorrect "geometry" of the walls, gaps of more than 2 mm are formed, they must be filled with strips of the same insulation.

  • After the glue dries, the insulation is additionally fixed on the wall with special fasteners, the so-called "fungi".

  • The next step is to cover the insulated surface of the wall with a thin layer of adhesive, so that the relief of the plates can be seen through it. Usually the same glue is used as when installing the plates. After that, a thicker layer is applied, about 3 ÷ 5 mm, and it is recommended to walk over it with a notched trowel with a low comb.

  • After that, without a pause, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is fixed on the prepared surface, which is sunk into the distributed solution with a spatula (trowel). The mesh must be completely immersed in the solution.
  • Next, proceed to the application of a thin (about 3 ÷ 4 mm) base plaster layer. This may be a special composition designed specifically for the “wet facade”, or again the same assembly adhesive for mineral wool. This layer is leveled, smoothed, and when ready, it is primed with a special compound for a specific type of decorative plaster.
  • After the base plaster layer dries, decorative plaster can be applied on it.

Wall insulation materials inside and out

The next line of insulation "Isover" includes products designed for thermal and sound insulation of walls both from the inside and outside. These include universal materials such as "Isover Profi" and "Isover Classic Slab", the characteristics of which are described above, as well as "Isover Warm Walls", "Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" and "Isover Standard", the parameters of which are presented in the following table:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Warm Walls" (stove)"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" (mats in rolls)"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" (plates)"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall Plus" (plates)"Isover Standard" (plates)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0.036÷0.0400,034 0,037 0,037 0.035÷0.039
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 50 50 54 45
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,3
Insulation density, kg/m³20,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 40÷55
Flammability groupNGNGNGNGNG
Thickness, mm50, 100 100 50, 100 50 50, 100
Width, mm610 1220 600 610 600
Length, mm1170 5000 1200 1170 1200
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,5; 0,5 0,61 0,288 0,356 0,288
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²10,0; 5,0 6,1 5,76; 2,88 7,14 5,76; 2,88
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.14,0; 7,0 1,0 8,0; 4,0 10,0 8,0; 4,0

"Isover Standard"

"Isover Standard" - these are plates made from basalt fibers, which are used in multilayer insulating structures in which a block house, siding, lining, facing brick, and other similar materials act as a decorative finish. In addition, Standard slabs are also suitable for thermal insulation of frame structures, as well as for attic and pitched roofs.

  • The material has an average density, therefore it is not suitable for installation under plastering walls.
  • The good elasticity of the insulation ensures its snug fit to the surfaces of the walls and the frame structure.
  • Increased tensile and strength parameters provide reliable fixation of the plates with the help of special clamping fasteners - "fungi".

"Isover Warm Walls"

"Isover Warm Walls" are heat and sound insulating boards made of glass fibers, reinforced with a water-repellent treatment.

This version of the insulation is used for thermal insulation of walls from the inside of the building and for outdoor installation under sheathing with siding, decorative plates, clapboard or facing bricks, as well as for installation in frame structures. In addition, the material is suitable for insulating roofs of various configurations, as well as loggias and balconies.

  • Insulation plates are sufficiently resilient and elastic, so they hold well between the racks of the frame, do not slip or break during installation.
  • Increased moisture resistance allows the use of material for insulation of roofs and balconies.

"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall"

"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall" is made of fiberglass in the form of plates and mats. Due to its porous structure, the material is able to perform two functions, which are reflected in its name.

This version of "Isover" is used for internal and external wall insulation, as well as for frame buildings.

  • "Isover Heat and Quiet Walls" has an increased vapor permeability parameter compared to other heaters, which allows it to "breathe". Thanks to this quality, a favorable microclimate is created in the premises of the house.
  • The materials have high elasticity, so they quickly straighten out in the frame, filling all the free space.
  • When installing slabs or mats in any frame, they do not need to be additionally fixed, since they are perfectly held due to the expansion during self-expansion.

"Isover Warm and Quiet Wall Plus"

This version of wall insulation is produced in fiberglass slabs and has characteristics similar to the materials presented above. But its distinctive feature is a lower thermal conductivity and an increased sound insulation index.

"Isover Heat and Quiet Wall Plus" is designed to insulate walls from the inside of the building, as well as from the outside under the decorative layer of siding, slabs, lining or facing bricks. In addition, using additional protective materials, such as wind-waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes, these boards can also be used to insulate frame structures.

Recommendations for internal wall insulation from the manufacturer

Work on the installation of insulation mats or plates on the walls between wooden racks or metal profiles is quite simple, with the correct marking and installation of the elements of the crate.

  • The first step is to fix the crate on the marked wall. Racks are installed at a distance from each other, depending on the width of the insulation material. So, if the width of the plate is 600 mm, then the racks must be fixed in increments of 590 mm.
  • Further, insulation material is installed between the fixed racks. It can be mounted in one or two layers, depending on the required thickness.
  • If a metal profile is used for the frame, it may be necessary to additionally fix the plates on the wall with dish-shaped dowels - “fungi”. When installing a crate from a bar, there is usually no need for additional fixation of the insulation, since it is securely held due to self-expansion.

  • After all the insulation is installed in its place, it must be tightened from the side of the room with a vapor barrier membrane, which will additionally become a layer that will delay the spread of dust, and small particles from mineral wool fibers will not enter the airspace of the premises. The membrane sheets are stretched horizontally, starting from the floor, each subsequent strip is overlapped by 120 ÷ 150 mm on the bottom, and their joints are sealed with adhesive tape.
  • Further, drywall plates, one of the types of lining or decorative plates are fixed to the frame elements.

When installing insulation using this technology on the outer surfaces of the walls, work is carried out in a similar way, with the exception of some points. For example, instead of a vapor barrier, a wind-waterproof diffuse membrane is stretched over the insulation (which passes water vapor well), and on top of it, counter-battens are fixed to the racks, which will create a ventilated gap between the insulation and the decorative sheathing. Thus, moisture will freely evaporate into the atmosphere.

Isover materials for roof insulation

To insulate the roof, Isover also provided several heat-insulating materials, and some of them have already been described above - these are the Optimal and Profi station wagons. In addition to them, there are also highly specialized heaters "Isover Warm Roof" and "Isover Pitched Roofs and Attics", the characteristics of which will be discussed further.

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Warm Roof" (mats in rolls)"Isover Pitched Roofs" (slabs)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0.037÷0.0390.037÷0.039
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)45 45
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more0,08 1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³13÷1515
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm50; 150 50, 100
Width, mm1220 610
Length, mm5000; 4000 1170
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,61; 0,73 0,714
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²12,2; 4,88 14,27; 7,14
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.2,0; 1,0 20,0; 10,0

"Isover Warm Roof" and "Isover Pitched Roofs"

Both materials are designed to insulate roof slopes of different configurations, but have different characteristics, in terms of release form, linear dimensions and material of manufacture. They are united by the fact that heaters for this area of ​​application undergo a special treatment using the AquaProtect technology, which provides products with increased moisture resistance.

  • "Isover Warm Roof" is made of fiberglass in the form of mats rolled into rolls. They go on sale in a polyethylene package, on which markings are applied for the convenience of cutting the material along its width.

  • "Isover Pitched Roofs" - made from basalt fibers in the form of slabs, which are pressed and also packaged in polyethylene.

These materials are suitable for thermal insulation of the surfaces of pitched and mansard roofs, as well as, by the way, for wall surfaces from the inside and outside under cladding with decorative panels and facing bricks.

The procedure for installing insulation in the roof truss system is described in the "Isover Profi" section.

Floor insulation and soundproofing

In order to insulate the floors with high quality, the manufacturing company has developed two types of special materials - Isover Floor and Isover Floating Floor, which have different technical and operational characteristics:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Floor" (plates)"Isover Floating Floor" (slabs)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,036 0,033
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)32÷3637
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1 1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,3 0,3
Insulation density, kg/m³125 80
Compressive strength at 10% deformation, kPa, not less than8÷208÷20
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm30; 40; 50 20; 20; 30; 40; 50
Width, mm600 1190
Length, mm1200 1380
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,173; 0,216; 0,216 0,197; 0,296; 0,296; 0,328; 0,328
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²5,76; 4,32; 4,32 9,85; 14,78; 9,85; 8,21; 6,57
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.8,0; 6,0; 6,0 6,0; 9,0; 6,0; 5,0; 4,0

These materials have a common purpose, and therefore similar characteristics. The manufacturer in their development has achieved the optimal combination of damping properties and mechanical characteristics. Both types of insulation are easy to install, but their installation technologies differ from each other.

Products not only insulate surfaces, but also significantly reduce the noise coming from the insulated room for the one below the floor, and vice versa.

  • "Isover Flor"- These are plates made of basalt fiber with increased rigidity. They are used for arranging a floating floor, as well as a floor along logs. The construction of a floating floor provides greater efficiency in creating a warm and quiet floor, since the insulation in it completely covers the entire surface. The material is adapted to high loads, so it may well be laid under a concrete screed.

  • "Isover Floating Floor"- this version of slabs made of glass fibers is intended to create a "floating" floor - a concrete screed that is not connected to the walls and the base. For a tighter connection of the plates to each other, the manufacturer, by order of consumers, can produce products with a tenon-groove connection. However, jointed slabs can only be used on a perfectly leveled surface.

Products have high strength characteristics due to the technology of vertical arrangement of fibers.

"Floating" refers to the design of the floor, which is not fixed to the base, for example, to the floor slab.

If it is supposed to make a “wet” cement-sand screed covering the insulation, then the plates laid on the base must be covered with a layer of waterproofing. This material is intended to protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture from the concrete solution. Waterproofing sheets are overlapped by 200÷250 mm. Waterproofing is also provided between the base and the insulation layer - to prevent capillary penetration of moisture into the material.

Prices for insulation "Isover flora"

insulation Isover floor

In addition, when arranging any, before installing the insulation, it is necessary to install a damper tape around the perimeter of the room or narrow strips cut from the insulation, 10 ÷ 12 mm thick, and a height that will exceed the level of the screed by 120 ÷ 150 mm.

After the screed has hardened, it will be easy to cut off the excess damper strip. This element of the “pie” structure will enhance sound insulation, since the screed will not adjoin the walls and will not directly transmit noise vibrations. In addition, such a damper will keep the screed intact during linear expansions caused by temperature changes.

Isover materials for building soundproofing

To protect the house from external and internal noise, the company produces two types of specific material - Isover Quiet House and Isover Sound Protection. However, in addition to them, for this purpose, the above-mentioned universal heaters "Classic" and "Profi" can be used, which have characteristics that are quite suitable for this purpose.

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Quiet House" (plates)"Isover SoundProtection" (plates)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,038 0.038÷0.044
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)54 54
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1 1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pa0,7 0,55
Insulation density, kg/m³15 15
Flammability groupNGNG
Thickness, mm50 50; 100; 50; 75; 100
Width, mm610 610
Length, mm1170 1170
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,5 0,5; 0,5; 0,714; 0,856; 0,714
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²10,0 10,0; 5,0; 14,27; 11,42; 7,14
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.14,0 14,0; 7,0; 20,0; 16,0; 10,0
  • "Isover Quiethouse»

"Isover Quiet House" - this heat and sound insulator made of fiberglass, goes on sale in polyethylene packages. The material has a high noise absorption index, therefore it is an excellent tool for soundproofing walls and interior partitions.

In addition, the slabs are laid on horizontal surfaces - between the floor joists, attic floor beams, in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab, etc. Their installation will make the rooms not only quiet, but also warm, since the material performs two functions at once.

  • "Isover SoundProtection"

"Isover ZvukoZaschita" are slabs molded from basalt fiber, which have a pronounced elasticity. Due to this quality, they are easy to mount in a frame crate, installed in the form of a partition or fixed to the wall.

Soundproof boards can be used in combination with other insulation materials, installing them in two layers. This design will be especially effective for frame partitions.

This material is also perfect for attic floors, since the sound insulator layer will not only prevent extraneous sounds from entering the house, but also retain the accumulated heat, preventing it from escaping through the ceiling.

Most often, walls and partitions insulated with slabs are sheathed, as it is best suited for such structures.

  • The slabs should fit snugly against each other or against the elements of the crate, since even small gaps can significantly reduce the level of sound insulation.
  • It is best to cover the insulated wall with plasterboard sheets - it also absorbs sound waves well, resonates much less compared to wood-based sheets - plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB, etc.
  • Before sheathing with drywall, mineral wool must be covered with a material that does not let dust into the living quarters along with microscopic fragments of fibers. At the same time, such a membrane should act as a vapor barrier.
  • If metal profiles are used for the frame, it is recommended to stick a vibration-proof tape on their outer surface before fixing the drywall, which will also help reduce the noise level.
  • The gaps allowed between the plasterboard sheets will reduce the soundproofing effect, therefore, during installation, care should be taken that they are not more than 2 ÷ 3 mm. If this was not achieved, it is best to use silicone and acrylic-based sealants to seal them, as they also have a soundproofing effect, do not crumble and adhere securely to the surface.

Materials for thermal insulation in the bath and sauna

For the insulation of saunas and baths in the assortment of materials of this manufacturer, you can find a specific offer - these are mats rolled into a roll, with the characteristic name "Isover Sauna".

This material is made of fiberglass and has a foil coating on the front side. The main characteristics of "Isover Sauna" are presented in the table:

The main parameters of the insulation"Isover Sauna", mats in rolls
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 10˚С, W/m×˚С0,041
Airborne sound insulation index Rw (dB)54
Moisture absorption at partial immersion in 24 hours, kg/m², no more1
Vapor permeability mg/m×h×Pavapor-tight
Insulation density, kg/m³30
Flammability groupG1 based on NG
Thickness, mm50;100
Width, mm1200
Length, mm12500; 6250
The volume of insulation in the package, m³0,75
Insulation area in the package, depending on the thickness, m²15,0; 7,5
The number of mats in the package, depending on the thickness, pcs.1,0

The following points can be attributed to the features of this heat-insulating material:

  • The mats consist of two layers: the main one, made of mineral wool based on glass fiber, and the outer one, made of foil. At the same time, mineral wool is characterized as a non-combustible material, and the foil coating belongs to the G1 combustibility class, as it withstands surface temperatures up to 100 degrees, mostly due to the adhesive layer that holds the foil. With higher heating, this layer loses its elasticity and, under direct exposure to a flame, can ignite, although being self-extinguishing. To prevent this from happening, as well as to give the walls a decorative effect, they are usually sheathed with wooden clapboard.
  • "Isover Sauna" takes on two functions: it is a good heat insulator and at the same time - a vapor barrier that protects the mineral layer from abundant evaporation, which are an integral part of a bath or sauna.
  • The foil layer has the ability to reflect heat from the walls back into the room, which significantly increases heat saving, which is so important for bath conditions.

To understand the installation process, you can consider an approximate scheme for installing materials:

  • The wall of a log house (there may well be any other wall of the bath).
  • Timber framing. In this case, it is installed horizontally, but this is not important.
  • Insulation "Isover Sauna".
  • Spacer strips that create an air gap.
  • The interior lining of the premises is made of natural lining.

Installation of "Isover Sauna" on the walls is not very different from the installation of conventional heaters, except for some nuances:

  • The material is mounted between the racks in a spacer, with the foil side inside the room.
  • The joints of the heat insulator plates with the guides and between themselves, as well as the remaining open front part of the guides, must be sealed with foil adhesive tape.

  • Mats need to be cut only with a very sharp knife, otherwise the cuts will turn out uneven and when installing insulation between the racks, unacceptable gaps are formed.
  • On top of the insulation, counter-lattices perpendicular to the guide rails are installed. They will additionally press the insulation against the wall, create a ventilation gap between the foil surface and the decorative sheathing, and become the basis for attaching the cladding. The thickness of the rails must be at least 25÷30 mm.
  • The final stage is the lining of the wall with clapboard, which is fixed to the rails of the counter-lattice.

And what is the thickness of the material "Isover" is necessary for effective thermal insulation?

We hope that after getting acquainted with the range of Isover heaters, the purpose and characteristics of each of the types, the interested reader will be able to choose the best material for their needs. But here's another question - how thick should the insulation be so that it really fulfills its role, so that a comfortable microclimate is maintained in the premises?

To determine this, you will need to make some thermal calculations. Usually they are carried out by socialists, but for a private developer, a somewhat simplified algorithm for determining the thickness of thermal insulation is enough. Let's try - you will see that everything is not so difficult.

The calculation is based on the fact that any building structure of a residential building must have a certain parameter - heat transfer resistance. This value (R) is expressed in m² × ° C / W, and the larger it is, the higher the thermal insulation capacity of the structure.

Specialists in the field of construction and heat engineering carried out the necessary calculations, on the basis of which normalized values ​​of thermal resistance were established for various regions of the country, in accordance with their climatic features. This suggests that in order to maintain an optimal microclimate in residential premises at any time of the year, it is required that the heat transfer resistance of building structures be at least not lower than normalized.

The corresponding tables of normalized values ​​are in SNiP, but it will be more convenient to use the diagram below.

There is a special formula that shows the relationship between the thermal conductivity of any material, the thickness of its layer, and the resulting resistance to heat transfer.


R is the required resistance to heat transfer;

h is the thickness of a particular layer;

λ - tabular value of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material from which the calculated layer is made.

  • Thus, knowing, for example, the thickness of the wall requiring insulation, and the material of its manufacture, it is easy to find what thermal resistance it provides.
  • The same calculations are made for other layers of the structure, if they affect the overall insulation of the wall. After a layer-by-layer calculation, the values ​​are summarized.
  • Then the total value must be compared with the normalized value established for your region. You will get a difference (usually very impressive), which the insulation material should make up for.
  • Well, knowing the thermal conductivity of the selected insulation, it is easy to determine the required thickness by the formula.

“In words”, perhaps, it will seem difficult to someone, but with our online calculator, which takes into account the necessary tabular values ​​​​and entered the necessary dependencies, the calculation will not be difficult.

Thermal insulation is an invariable component of any construction. Currently, materials from this category are presented on the market in a very diverse range, so it can be difficult for the buyer to make the right choice.

Among the variety presented, ISOVER brand insulation enjoys stable popularity. This is a trademark of the world-famous Saint-Gobain concern, which supplies its products to the domestic market. over 20 years. During this time, a certain opinion has already formed about the Izover insulation. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features and characteristics of this material.

Manufacturing technology "Izover"

What is ISOVER? This is a mineral wool-based insulation, which is available in rolls, slabs and soft mats. However, regardless of the form, the products are manufactured using the same technology. The process looks like this:

The raw material used is a mixture of quartz sand, limestone, soda ash, microscopic glass particles.

The components are mixed and heated to a temperature 1300 degrees. As a result of thermal action, the solid components are melted, turning into a viscous homogeneous mass.

The resulting composition is loaded into a special installation (centrifuge), the bowl of which rotates at great speed. The walls of the working container have holes through which the molten substance is squeezed out, forming thin threads.

Then the resulting glass fiber is mixed with an adhesive based on polymeric materials.

The mixture is repeatedly subjected to heat treatment, simultaneously leveling the layers with steel shafts.

At the final stage of production, the insulation is cut into strips, following the specified dimensions.

Varieties of thermal insulation

The line of insulation ISOVER has several items. Each of the varieties of produced material has its own characteristics, which determines the scope of application. In particular, the following categories of insulation can be found on the market:

Basic characteristics can be found in the markings on the packaging. It looks like this:

OL-E. The only material in the series that is used for outdoor work. The material has high density and non-porous structure.

KL. Soft boards designed for insulation of internal partitions and ventilated facades.

AL. Insulation with this marking has a layer of aluminum foil on the surface, which acts as a vapor barrier.

KT. This is a roll insulation used to insulate large areas.

Knowing these features, you can easily choose a heater to solve specific construction problems.

Scope of fiberglass products

"Isover" is considered a universal insulation, therefore it is suitable for performing such work:

Heat and sound insulation of external wall structures.

Arrangement of ventilated facades.

Sound insulation of internal wall partitions.

Industrial ventilation systems, pipelines.

Pros and cons of insulation to keep in mind

Like any building material, ISOVER has its advantages and disadvantages. By the way, the advantages of insulation are much greater, which largely determines its steadily growing popularity.

To strengths relate:

Wide range of products.

Ease of storage and transportation.

Long service life - up to 50 years.

Resistant to temperature extremes.

Reliable heat and sound insulation.

Obvious shortcomings are considered:

Lack of environmental safety.

Dependence on external factors: perfectly absorbs moisture.

Some builders attribute the soft structure of the insulation to the disadvantages, which somewhat limits its scope.

Material Specifications

With an optimal price / quality ratio, thermal insulation has the following technical characteristics:

High thermal conductivity: 0.033-0.037 W/mK.

Flammability class NG: does not ignite and does not support combustion.

Wide operating temperature range: without deformation withstands heating up to 6000 degrees.

Density: order 15 kg/m2.

Moisture absorption: 0.08 kg/m per day.

It needs to be clarified that these are averages. The insulation is produced in a wide range, so the density and thermal conductivity may vary.

16 pcs/pack
11.42 m 2 / 0.571 m 3

Which is better, Izover or Rockwool?

These brands of insulation are direct competitors in the construction market, so consumers are interested in which material to prefer. It should be immediately clarified that both heaters have similar characteristics, however, they are produced using different technologies.

ISOVER - mineral wool, made on the basis of fiberglass, is produced by a French company. ROCKWOOL is basalt wool produced in Poland. Considering that the second insulation is made on the basis of basalt rocks, the production technology completely excludes the presence of glass. Therefore, Polish products are considered more environmentally friendly.

If we talk about which insulation is better, then there is no clear answer: it all depends on the application. In particular, Izover is better suited for warming the floors of the first floors, non-residential roofs, balconies and loggias.

This is due to the fact that non-compliance with the installation technology can lead to the fact that microscopic particles of glass will float in the air of residential premises, which can adversely affect health. "Rockwool" does not suffer from such a "disease", therefore it is optimally suited for interfloor and internal wall partitions.

Do not forget that ISOVER is much cheaper, which for many is a decisive factor when choosing a heater.

Subtleties of working with ISOVER insulation

When working with the material, personal protective equipment should not be neglected. Gloves and a respirator are a must during installation.

Directly laying the insulation is not difficult. The wall is cleaned of dirt, covered with a waterproofing film. Then a crate of wooden bars or an aluminum profile is installed. The insulation fills the space between the bars, there is a layer of vapor barrier and finishing on top.

Briefly about the manufacturer

As mentioned above, ISOVER is a trademark of the Saint-Gobain industrial group. The company has 350 years of history headquartered in Paris. The company has representative offices in 67 countries of the world. In addition to ISOVER, Saint-Gobain produces ISOROC and ISITEC brand insulation.

On the territory of Russia, the enterprises are located in Yegorievsk and Chelyabinsk near Moscow. The products are manufactured according to the original technology, are subject to mandatory international certification, and comply with GOST standards. It should be noted that since 2013, enterprises launched a production line for the production of basalt wool under the brand of the same name.

Izover ": features and technical characteristics of the insulation
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Izover insulation: specifications, photo, price

You can easily get lost in the trade names of building materials, especially when you deal with them from time to time. In addition, all the names are very often similar. This also applies to Isover insulation, which was originally produced and developed in France, and came to us about 25 years ago. It was first used in the mid-30s of the last century with the light hand of Saint Gobain. As before, this is a material based on fiberglass and mineral fibers, but thanks to localized production, the price of the material has ceased to be European with a fairly good quality.

What is Izover

Izover insulation, the technical characteristics of the photo, the price of which will be shown below, can be supplied in a wide variety of shapes and formats. It depends on where it is used. Only one thing remains unchanged - it is an insulating material based on mineral fibers and fiberglass. The first quality of any insulation should be the minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity. The tables show the characteristics of several types of material and the maximum thermal conductivity of the universal Isover. It is about 0.036 W / m³ and may fluctuate depending on the density of the material.

The material itself is a fiber structure. The length of the fibers can be from 120 microns, and the thickness is not more than 4 microns. It is these indicators that guarantee the material high strength with minimal thermal conductivity and a sufficient amount of air held inside the material. The production technology is patented and not a single material can physically have the characteristics that Izover of any type declares.

Characteristics of Izover

Minimal heat loss is provided by the simple property of air placed in the closed space between the fibers of the material, which is what makes the material so warm. In addition, Izover can also be used as a sound insulator and the company declares it as absolutely safe for health. It can be used not only for external insulation of facades, but also for internal insulation of rooms in a residential building, including children's rooms.

The vapor permeability of the material is also of great importance, since the accumulation of moisture in the structure of the material leads to a loss of thermal properties. However, when Izover insulates foundations, plinths and facades, experts recommend leaving at least 2 cm for sufficient ventilation. For water repellency, the material is impregnated with water repellents, which guarantee the absence of not only moisture, but also biological threats. Therefore, the manufacturer can guarantee a 50-year service life of the material.

Safety, weight and price

According to GOST, Izover is considered non-combustible when used in the form of clean slabs, mats and rolls. In combination with aluminum foil or film, it can be considered low-flammable, but this is enough from a safety point of view to calmly insulate the internal walls of residential buildings with the material, not to mention the facades. Izover in this sense has no restrictions on the use.

One of the distinguishing qualities of the material is its very light weight. This is important if you take into account the cost of equipping the battens, fastening materials and additional elements that are used during installation. Also, the low weight of the insulating structure reduces the load on floors, walls or roofs. The price of the material is also quite worthy. With a high level of localization of production, it was possible to achieve the price level of domestic materials, and this is about 130-180 rubles per square meter of insulation. Packing an insulator can cost from a thousand to 1,500 rubles, depending on the brand.

Dimensions, density and types of insulation

The density of a material can play a decisive role when it is used in certain conditions. For example, the densest insulation has a density of 120 to 160 kg / m³ and is used for roofing, and the least dense with an indicator of 28-38 kg / m³ can be used for both walls and facades. Izover for the floor has a density of 150-165 kg / m³.

The size of the material and the form of release can be very different, depending on the scope of application. For example, for a foil moisture-resistant Izover for wet rooms, it can be produced in rolls with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm, and the length of the unfolded roll will be within 1.25 m. Universal insulation can be up to 100 mm thick and produced in the form of plates of various sizes, at the same time, the material is perfectly cut and processed, and the size of the plate is selected based on the size and surface area, so as not to allow a large amount of waste.

Areas of application for insulation

Given the universal properties, low price and various forms of release, the use of the material can be very versatile. For example, the main areas of use of Izover are:

  1. For baths and saunas, a foil isover is used.
  2. Ceilings, interfloor ceilings are insulated with a less dense material.
  3. Izover of increased density is used for floors and roofs.
  4. It is used when installing plastic windows.
  5. For insulation of balconies.
  6. For insulation of basements and basements.
  7. Interior partitions are insulated, taking into account the fact that the material has good sound insulation.
  8. For facade insulation.

Reliable and durable material (the manufacturer declares 50 years of warranty operation) can be an excellent insulation not only for a private house, but also for an apartment, as well as for non-residential buildings. Good luck to everyone and warm homes!

Isover thermal insulation specifications
You can easily get lost in the trade names of building materials, especially when you deal with them from time to time. In addition, all names are very often

What you need to know about Izover insulation. Characteristics

Known in the world since 1937, the Isover or Isover brand has been selling its products in Russia and the CIS for several decades. Thermal insulation Izover is mats, slabs and rolls of stone wool and glass wool. Today we will understand their features.

Let's briefly dive into the history and facts

The Isover brand is owned by the French company Saint-Gobain, headquartered in Paris. The company was founded back in 1665 by order of the French king Louis XIV. By the way, it is noteworthy that at that time the company was engaged in the manufacture of mirrors and glass. And in the name of the brand "Isover" two words "insulation" and "glass" are used. Today in Russia, the brand has two factories that produce heaters. One makes materials from stone fiber, the other from fiberglass. Isover thermal insulation in Russia used to be sold under the name Uteplyaev.


In its line, the manufacturer has several dozen items of materials designed for insulation and sound insulation:

· And other objects.

The fields of application of these materials are shown schematically below.

General characteristics of thermal insulation "Isover"

Perhaps, within the framework of one article, it is difficult to pay attention to each direction in the line, so we will summarize the approximate general characteristics of these materials.

The main characteristics of Izover insulation:

  • Thermal conductivity: 0.031-0.041 W/m2*K,
  • Combustibility: from G1 (slightly combustible) to NG (non-flammable),
  • Vapor permeability: 0.50 - 0.55 mg / mchPa,
  • Service life: up to 50 years,
  • The air permeability is 120*10-6m3/m×s×Pa,
  • Thickness: from 50 millimeters.

These are only average indicators, it is always worth going to the official website of the manufacturer for the most accurate indicators. Below in the table we give, for example, more accurate characteristics of lightweight insulation.

Also, for information, we provide a table of characteristics of Izover mats Classic

stone wool

Minvata Izover (basalt wool) is produced at a plant in Chelyabinsk, and is produced only in the form of a plate with different stiffness indicators.

Isover mineral wool is the following products of the line:

A little later we will describe the features of each representative of this line. By itself, Izover mineral wool is more expensive than fiberglass materials.

The size of the plate, as always, is the same 1200 by 600 mm. The thickness varies and is shown in the size chart below.

glass wool

The cheaper and more commonly used Izover glass wool is represented in the product line:

Izover Classic (classic Izover),

Quiet and warm roof,

· Uteplyaev (Universal, only for Siberia).

Let's focus on three popular types of materials:

Description of materials. Both of the first materials are soft fiberglass roll mats. However, the numbers in the index refer Isover KT 37 to the corresponding class 37 of thermal insulation, and Isover KT 40 provides a twin insulation - two mats are stacked on top of each other. The total thickness is 50 and 75 mm.

The thermal conductivity of Izover KT 37 and 40 is corresponding - 0.037 and 0.040 0.040 W / m K. The width of the rolls in both cases is the same 1220 mm. For both, it is necessary to build a crate and materials are used for internal wall insulation and other internal work. Density is about 15 kg per cubic meter. Sometimes you can also find the marking Isover KT Special (KT Special) - this is a heater in rolls of the same series. The details are given below.

Insulation Izover 37 and 40 specifications and dimensions:

Isover KL 37 material in the form of mats (Isover soft plates have a density of 16 kg / m3). This series is intended for isolation:

In those places where there will be no load on the insulation (that is, in the frame and along the logs).

Below in the table you can see the characteristics of Isover kl 37

Model KL 34 has a lower thermal conductivity than the 37th.

For the sauna, there are separate types of foil material. One side of the mat is covered with foil, which prevents it from getting wet.

The density and dimensions of Izover correspond to GOSTs. The declared parameters of Izover insulation and technical characteristics correspond to the market as a whole.

The cost of insulation, especially during a crisis, is a particularly important topic. In this article, we will not be able to give prices for all options, but nevertheless we will show the main ones.

For example, the Sauna model in a roll 6250 long, 1200 wide and 100 mm thick will cost about 1400 rubles.

Isover KL 37, 10 plates in a package, with a plate thickness of 100 mm, will also cost about 1400 rubles.

A pitched roof, 20 slabs, each 100 mm thick, will cost 1000 rubles.

Here is a screenshot of the cost from a popular online store.

What do those who have already used Isover insulation say? Let's read their opinions:

They insulated the walls of the house with Rockwool stone wool and worked without glasses and gloves. It remains to insulate one wall and there were not enough plates a little. We decided to save money, the price for 8 plates of 50 mm thick is 350 rubles. Savings when buying Isover 20 rubles on each plate. While my husband was at work, I undertook to lay the insulation myself. I didn’t wear any protective equipment, as before, it was tin. I cough, I sneeze, I scratch. I covered it with foil and screwed the drywall. Even after two days, the insulation stinks. I also covered everything from above with expensive photo wallpapers ... it's a pity to shoot. But, there was no choice left when you sleep, the feeling that you breathe dust. The little child did not sleep for three nights. Pulled this heater and ordered a new one. It’s a pity, of course, money, I was once again convinced that it’s better to be more expensive, but once. Hope it helps someone. Wall insulation with Izover inside - it seems to me not an option at all.

It is worth remembering that Izover emits harmful substances - phenol (stinks). The higher

room temperature, the stronger the odor and the more substances released. It is recommended to cover the cotton wool with a film from above and below. As my repair experience has shown, under the cotton wool, from the side of the ceiling, it is necessary to put it. It is advisable to secure it well with a stapler. Do not forget to glue the joints - so the smell in the room will be much less. (Even if you don’t feel it yourself, the evaporation is still there).

I work as an engineer and I have to select materials that will be both inexpensive and effective. I decided to use Izover for the pipeline.

For as long as I can remember, pipes have always been insulated with green wool. It is very prickly and has almost no effect - people's pipes are still cold. We decided to do something about it. Has found Isover - has attracted the low price. They wrapped the pipe, plastered it on the grid and left it for the winter to check. The pipes lie on the surface, so it should just be visible how the insulation works.

So, snow fell, +115 inside the pipe, if there was also a plus on the plaster, a snow crust would form, but no, everything is fine, the pipe is cold on top.

I calculated the costs and it turned out that, taking into account all the rules, the price would be 2 times lower compared to other materials.

After that, the entire enterprise switched to Izover thermal insulation, and now we have insulated not only pipes, but also walls, roofs, and facades, especially ventilated ones.

The material performed well and did not deteriorate over time. A vapor barrier is required when installing on facades and roofs. It cuts just fine with a regular knife.

In this article, the characteristics of Izover were given. We also cited reviews from real consumers for an objective assessment. When carrying out thermal insulation work, for example, wall insulation, you will have something to take into account in relation to this brand of thermal insulation.

What you need to know about Izover insulation
Types of heaters Izover. Density, thermal conductivity and other important features. Approximate cost and comparison. Isover KT 37 and KT 40.

Izover is a well-known brand that specializes in the production of building materials. This is the only brand in Russia that produces thermal insulation based on basalt and fiberglass. The product range is quite wide, which opens up great opportunities in terms of insulation of both private and industrial buildings.

Description and application

The presented material has many advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool. And this is not surprising, since their properties are quite close. It is produced in the form of plates, which can be both rigid and semi-rigid. There is still an opportunity to buy Isover in the form of rolls and mats. They are used in the arrangement of the roof and facades of the house, ceilings, walls and floors.

Isover is based on glass fibers, the length of which reaches 100-150 microns, and the thickness is 4-5 microns. It is these parameters that allow the Izover heat insulator to obtain high rates of elasticity and resistance to stress.

On the photo-insulation Izover


Has a large number of advantages. Thanks to them, he today occupies a leading position among all other heat insulators. When choosing, pay attention to the following technical characteristics of Izover:

  1. Isover- this is a heat-insulating material, so it is characterized by low thermal conductivity - 0.038.
  2. Excellent sound insulation performance.
  3. For the manufacture of insulation, fiberglass was used, which is not afraid of bacterial or fungal infection. It is resistant to rodents and small insects.
  4. High moisture permeability. This indicator is a disadvantage. This is explained by the fact that the material has a porous structure.
  5. Small specific gravity– 13 kg/m3. This simplifies the process of installation, transportation and loading of material. Installation of insulation can be done by hand.
  6. Ecological purity.
  7. High degree of durability from the negative effects of chemicals.
  8. High plasticity. Mats can be compressed up to 60% and rolls up to 75%.
  9. Fire resistance.

If we talk about the size of the Izover material, then they depend on the form of release. The thickness of the mat rolls can be 5.10 cm - single-layer version. And for a two-layer, the thickness of one layer is 5 cm. For a roll type, the standard width is 120 cm, and the length is 7-14 cm. But the covered area can vary between 16-20 m2.

What insulation for the roof to choose and what is its name, is described in this article.

For those who want to learn how to insulate the interfloor ceiling in a private house, you should follow the link.


The manufacturer of the heat insulator Izover has a very wide range of products, each of which has its own functional purposes. All products of the company are divided into 2 types: for industrial and domestic use.

This heat insulator is presented in the form of plates, and its thickness reaches 5 or 10 cm. It is used for frame installation, it does not require fixing with dowels.

On the photo-insulation Izover KL34

Another advantage of the insulation is its high elasticity, so that the process of its installation can be carried out on any surface. You can buy material at a price of 960 rubles.

pitched roof

This heat insulator serves to insulate the inside of the roof of the house. The thickness of the product is 5 or 10 cm, the length is 117 cm, and the width is 61 cm. Advantages include such a parameter as hydrophobicity.

On the photo-insulation Izover Pitched roof

Thanks to him, the insulation does not absorb moisture at all, even if it is completely immersed in water. This quality of the material allows it to be used under difficult climatic conditions. The cost is 1100 rubles.

This material is produced in the form of rolls. They are used for thermal insulation of the internal parts of a house built of concrete, wood, aerated concrete. Although today they began to use it for insulating internal walls, attics and floors.

On the photo-insulation Izover KT37

KT37 - this is a soft insulation, since its density is 15 kg / m3. Due to this, it is possible to use a heat insulator on surfaces that are subjected to serious mechanical stress. The packed material in rolls is compressed 2 times, which simplifies the process of transportation. It has low thermal conductivity, so to obtain reliable insulation, it is enough to mount the material in one layer.

The rolls are 50 or 100 mm thick, 630 cm long and 60 cm wide. Using roll material, you can insulate most of the surface much faster than using tile insulation. As for fire safety, KT37 is a completely non-combustible heat insulator. The cost of the material is 850 rubles.

This material consists of two layers, produced in the form of a roll. Serve for thermal insulation of walls of frame buildings, internal walls made of bricks. The roll has a thickness of 100 mm, so that the two-layer coating can be divided into two parts, each of which will have a thickness of 50 mm. The length of the product is 700 cm, the width is 61 cm, and the packaging area is 17.08 m2.

On the photo-insulation Izover KT 40:

The material has low thermal conductivity, high vapor permeability, which allows it to be used in the insulation of buildings made of wood and frame houses. Insulation refers to non-combustible materials. It can be used for thermal insulation of buildings, the operation of which will take place in difficult conditions. You can buy it at a price of 760 rubles.

This material is presented in the form of a tile. It is used for thermal insulation of ventilated facades. Venti has quite serious technical characteristics, and especially high strength. If immersed in water on a jet, it will absorb no more than 1% of the total weight.

On the photo-insulation Izover Venti:

The insulation is not combustible, therefore it is non-combustible. You can buy it at a price of 1300 rubles.

Mineral wool Standard is a universal insulation for load-bearing thermal insulation of various surfaces. With such material, it is possible to insulate the surface of wood, brick, concrete, gas silicate. Using Standard slabs, you can process the attic, roof, ceiling or floor.

In the photo - insulation brand "Standard":

The density of the heat insulator is 38 kg/m3, thanks to which it can be used as facade thermal insulation for subsequent finishing with wet plaster. The material is non-combustible, and the process of its installation can take place at a temperature of -60 to +700 degrees. The width of the plates is 60 cm, the length is 120 cm and the width is 5 or 10 cm. You can purchase the material at a price of 1400 rubles.

What insulation with foil for walls inside the house is used most often. help you understand the information in this article.

But with what materials it is worthwhile to carry out the thermal insulation of the walls, the information from the article will help to understand.

But what thermal insulation materials for walls inside are the most popular, indicated in this article.

What insulation for walls inside a wooden house is the most popular and best and what is its name, you can find out from this article.

What is the installation instruction for insulation under siding and how complicated it is, is described in this article.

Isofer is a well-known brand for the manufacture of high-quality thermal insulation materials. He has a variety of products in his assortment, each of which has its own technical characteristics and scope. But what unites them all are such qualities as durability and low thermal conductivity.

Izover insulation and its technical characteristics
Izover insulation: specifications. Isover insulation dimensions. Popular brands of insulation and the cost of it.

Modern Izover insulation is produced in the base with basalt or glass fibers. The material is obtained by processing quartz sand, mineral rocks of the basalt group and broken glass. The components are mixed, melted at ultra-high temperatures in special furnaces, and then drawn into fibers of different lengths and thicknesses, fastened with a special type of resin.

Isover insulation is produced in two versions: plates and rolls using our own patented technologies in 1981 and 1957.

The main characteristics of the insulation

Thermal insulation materials of the Isover brand from mineral wool inspire confidence and are in stable demand. Moreover, both slabs and rolls are considered to be among the best thermal insulation on the market.

The main characteristics of the heater include:

  1. Thermal conductivity.
  2. Soundproofing.
  3. Flammability.
  4. Vapor permeability.
  5. Long service life.
  6. Environmental friendliness.
  7. Convenient release form.
  8. Light weight.

As a heat insulator, Izover insulation managed to prove itself from the best side precisely due to the thermal conductivity coefficient equal to 0.041 watts per meter per Kelvin. The coefficient does not change during the operation of the insulation throughout the entire period, the fibers do an excellent job of accumulating and retaining air, preventing heat loss.

The material has excellent sound insulation performance. Fiberglass insulation with an air gap absorbs noise, guaranteeing an optimal level of silence, especially if you use specially adapted types of insulation for the sound insulation layer.

Flammability is also important. Thermal insulation materials with technical characteristics indicating a density of up to 30 kilograms per cubic meter are classified as non-combustible. The materials are successfully used in rooms of any type and purpose, without fear of the spread of fire in the event of a fire.

Thermal insulation boards made of mineral wool with special technical characteristics indicating the presence of an additional layer based on aluminum foil or fiberglass are classified as low combustible.

Such materials are used subject to certain restrictions, which in fact are nothing more than a convention. In practice, insulators are appropriate almost everywhere, the main thing is to follow the fire safety requirements for structures prescribed in the SNIp.

An important item from the list of technical characteristics of thermal insulation is vapor permeability. The insulation is able to maintain functionality even after contact with moisture. Unlike many modern analogues for thermal insulation, Izover products based on stone wool simply and effectively cope with the problem of moisture penetration into the thermal insulation layer.

The insulation gives off the absorbed moisture as quickly as it receives, the main thing is to leave a small gap (2-3 cm) between it and the wall to maintain ventilation.

Neglecting this simple rule will lead to a violation of the material's ability to remove moisture, which over time will negatively affect the ability to retain heat. Izover heaters have optimal vapor permeability - from 0.50 to 0.55 mg / mchPa.

Analysis of the technical characteristics of the material implies the mention of such an important parameter as the service life. The material not only does not transmit heat, but is also able to serve properly for several decades. The manufacturer claims a service life for thermal insulation boards and rolls of 50 years with full preservation of functionality.

A feature of the material is the water repellents included in the composition, capable of repelling moisture, preventing the reproduction of insects, fungi and the formation of mold, which in turn ensures safety throughout the entire period of use.

Among the technical characteristics of the insulator, environmental friendliness and complete safety for health play a special role. Izover materials do not pose any risk to life and health, as they are made from natural raw materials.

The light weight of the insulation is not just one of the characteristics, it is a clear and undeniable advantage. If we compare the insulator with analogues, then its weight is an order of magnitude less, which in turn allows us to expand the scope of application by combining the insulation with surfaces made of not the most durable materials.

An excellent bonus from a manufacturer that focuses on improving the technical characteristics of the finished product can be considered the release form. Insulations are available in several versions - rolls, plates, less often - in mats (for example, ISOVER ISOTEC KIM-AL).

The average thickness of a single-layer insulation ranges from 50 to 150 mm. The two-layer insulation has a fixed thickness of 5 cm with standard dimensions of 1 m by 1 m. The roll is produced with an area of ​​​​16 to 20 square meters with a constant width of 1.2 meters and a length ranging from 7 to 14 meters.

The technical characteristics in relation to the combustibility of the heat-insulating material should include the following parameters:

  • combustibility;
  • flammability;
  • smoke generating ability;
  • toxicity.

The combustibility of thermal insulation boards and rolls based on mineral wool varies within 30 kg/m3, if we are talking about a group of non-combustible materials. Semi-rigid and rigid boards coated with film and foil from the group of low combustible are taken out into a separate category.

Varieties and application of insulation

The description of the main technical characteristics of the material confirms the fact that as a heater it is practically out of competition. Plates and rolls are used for internal and external insulation, practicing devices for the thermal insulation layer of rooms and structures of various types and purposes. A heat insulator is presented in a fairly wide range in order to select the most appropriate option.

Thermal insulation for a pitched roof is the most suitable option for insulation:

  • pitched roof from the inside;
  • house insulation for siding;
  • outside pitched roof insulation.

This type of material is characterized by improved moisture resistance, which allows it to be used for insulation of roofs operated in conditions of high humidity.

Another option for stone wool insulation is to improve the quality of sound protection. The material is suitable for insulating partitions, insulating structures for siding, insulating floors along logs and walls inside the house.

Izover for soundproofing has excellent soundproofing properties, indispensable for improving the properties in partitions and other structures.

Another type of stone wool insulation is Izover Classic Plus. The material is suitable for insulation of almost all types of surfaces, has a thermal insulation coefficient of 0.041 W.

It is sold in the form of lightweight boards with a thickness in two versions: 50 mm and 100 mm, in packs of 7 and 14 pieces. Plates Classic are easy to use, suitable for installation in rooms with a limited area. The material does not require the use of special fasteners, it is used to isolate partitions, suspended ceilings and other surfaces. You can buy Izover Classic Plus plates at an affordable price.

Unlike the Classic Izover Sauna slabs, the material is based on fiberglass wool with an additional layer of foil. Products are produced with a thickness of 50 mm and 100 mm, with a width of 1200 mm and a length in two versions - 625 mm and 12500 mm.

From the name it is clear that the insulation is designed primarily for use in saunas, where consistently high temperatures are maintained and additional protection against abundant steam is needed.

The heat-insulating material is safe, durable, sold in packages that are convenient for transportation with a plate thickness of 50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm.

Izover Profi also has technical characteristics different from the Classic insulator, which is also produced in the form of rolls and plates. The insulation has a 3D effect, which allows you to insulate surfaces with a snug fit to the base and consoles. In terms of thermal protection, it is the Profi that is considered the most effective and has an indicator of 0.037 W.

The material is available in two thicknesses: Profi boards 50 mm and Izover Profi insulation 100 mm (in rare cases up to 150 mm).

For the insulation of ventilated facades, special heaters are suitable. These are models for warming the outer layer in the case of a two-layer thermal insulation device, guaranteeing minimal heat loss with high thermal protection.

Complete with insulation for the upper layer, Izover VentFacade Bottom is also used for the lower layer, also with excellent thermal performance. The thickness of the plates (50 mm or 100 mm) is determined on the basis of a thermal calculation.

For insulation of single-layer ventilated facades, Izover Facade Mono and VentFacade Optima for low-rise buildings are used.

Another type of plate with a thickness of 50 and 100 mm (in isolated cases 150 mm) is Isover KL34. The materials are tightly mounted on the frame without the use of additional fasteners. The slabs, like the Classic, are suitable for insulating both ventilated facades and multi-layer brickwork, while it will equally effectively insulate horizontal and vertical planes.

Isover KL37 is a heater sold in tightly pressed packs. Just like the previous options, it does not need additional fasteners, it is suitable for installation between floors, roof and wall insulation with maximum adhesion to the surface.

A variation of the previous model - Isover KT37, produced in compressed rolls. Installation of insulation for thermal insulation does not require additional fasteners, the elements fit perfectly to the surface. Used for insulation of roofs, interfloor ceilings, attics and partitions.

Isover KT40 is a two-layer insulation in compressed rolls, suitable for thermal insulation of both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Isover STYROFOAM 300A - insulation for thermal insulation, the installation of which is complicated by the use of fasteners. Produced in hard rough slabs, excellent adhesion to concrete. The composition includes extruded polystyrene foam, due to which insulated cells are formed that improve moisture resistance. Insulate material both horizontal and vertical surfaces inside and out.

Another variety of ISOVER ISOTEC KIM-AL material in the form of fiberglass thermal insulation mats. The material is developed using a special technology of vertical fiber formation, additionally covered with a layer of aluminum foil to improve vapor barrier and increase service life.

ISOVER ISOTEC KIM-AL mats are used to insulate air ducts of a supply and exhaust ventilation system, process equipment, fittings, flange connections of pipelines, etc.

The main advantages of ISOVER ISOTEC KIM-AL include a special arrangement of fibers, due to which the material during installation retains its original shape unchanged, adhering as closely as possible to the surface. In addition, the insulation increases the level of sound insulation in the room, suitable for thermal insulation of pipes inside buildings.

The advantage of ISOVER ISOTEC KIM-AL is also resistance to chemicals. If we compare KIM-AL with other heaters based on stone wool, then its superiority is obvious - the material is not susceptible to moisture and aggressive environments.

Using material for insulation (it doesn’t matter if Classic is Facade, Pro or soundproofing plates), it is necessary to protect hands and eyes with gloves and goggles.

Izover is a well-known brand that specializes in the production of building materials. This is the only brand in Russia that produces thermal insulation based on basalt and fiberglass. The product range is quite wide, which opens up great opportunities in terms of insulation of both private and industrial buildings.

Description and application

The presented material has many advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool. And this is not surprising, since their properties are quite close. It is produced in the form of plates, which can be both rigid and semi-rigid. There is still an opportunity to buy Isover in the form of rolls and mats. They are used in the arrangement of the roof and facades of the house, ceilings, walls and floors.

Isover is based on glass fibers, the length of which reaches 100-150 microns, and the thickness is 4-5 microns. It is these parameters that allow the Izover heat insulator to obtain high rates of elasticity and resistance to stress. Competition can be technical.

On the photo-insulation Izover


Has a large number of advantages. Thanks to them, he today occupies a leading position among all other heat insulators. When choosing, pay attention to the following technical characteristics of Izover and:

  1. Isover- this is a heat-insulating material, so it is characterized by low thermal conductivity - 0.038.
  2. Excellent sound insulation performance.
  3. For the manufacture of insulation, fiberglass was used, which is not afraid of bacterial or fungal infection. It is resistant to rodents and small insects.
  4. High moisture permeability. This indicator is a disadvantage. This is explained by the fact that the material has a porous structure.
  5. Small specific gravity– 13 kg/m3. Due to the small size, the process of installation, transportation and loading of material is simplified. Installation of insulation can be done by hand.
  6. Ecological purity.
  7. High degree of durability from the negative effects of chemicals.
  8. High plasticity. Mats can be compressed up to 60% and rolls up to 75%.
  9. Fire resistance.

On the video - the technical characteristics of the Izover insulation:

If we talk about the size of the Izover material, then they depend on the form of release. The thickness of the mat rolls can be 5.10 cm - single-layer version. And for a two-layer, the thickness of one layer is 5 cm. For a roll type, the standard width is 120 cm, and the length is 7-14 cm. But the covered area can vary between 16-20 m2.

But what kind of insulation for a ventilated facade should be used, is described in this article:


The manufacturer of the heat insulator Izover has a very wide range of products, each of which has its own functional purposes. All products of the company are divided into 2 types: for industrial and domestic use. So, if you are tormented by a question, then in the assortment you can choose the right option.


This heat insulator is presented in the form of plates, and its thickness reaches 5 or 10 cm. It is used for frame installation, it does not require fixing with dowels.

On the photo-insulation Izover KL34

But what materials should be used to insulate the walls, the information will help to understand

Isofer is a well-known brand for the manufacture of high-quality thermal insulation materials. He has a variety of products in his assortment, each of which has its own technical characteristics and scope. But what unites them all are such qualities as durability and low thermal conductivity.