Dream interpretation of thieves for a woman. Why do thieves dream

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of catching a Thief in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello. A teenage thief tried to break the lock in my apartment. My husband and I were at home. They tried to break the door earlier, without results, but I heard everything, in other days my husband was not at home and I didn’t tell him anything and now I wouldn’t they opened it, but I decided to stop it and showed my husband, we opened the door and caught a 16-year-old teenager. He was scared and I woke up

    I came home. It was my parents' house, I don't live there for about 5 years. When I entered, I saw three gypsies who were coming out and were about to run away. I stopped them, brought them into the house to find out what they were doing here. (I understood that these were thieves, because I saw a man who stood behind the gate with a bag and waited for them. My girlfriend was sitting in the hallway, it seemed to me that she was one with them. The children behaved calmly, they were not afraid of me. Here I woke up.

    She dreams that in a large clearing, there are various tents, wagons, temporary dwellings. A lot of people. In one of the trailers, my things, money. And so I went into the trailer, and from there a tall man in a gray raincoat and a bag jumped out and tried to get lost in the crowd. I run after him, overtake him and say: give back what you took. He does not resist, I take things away, I say where the money is, he gives thousandth bills. And that is all. AT real life I haven't been able to get my money back for a year now.

    I dreamed that I was in a camp and they settled me with a girl who constantly does dirty tricks on me and steals my things. She is a favorite in the camp, but I could not stand it and beat her to tears. I took her by the scruff of the neck and began to beat against the walls, this was not enough for her and I began to threaten her with death. She did not believe me, and so I took her by the collar and led her to the window. I started counting to three and pumping, I was ready to throw her out of the window, but she screamed and said that she would not bother me anymore. For the fact that I beat her, they wanted to kick me out, but two twins helped me and they left me, the truth turned out to be on my side due to the cameras in the room.

    When I went to my apartment, I saw how a man ran out of there and I know with the keys to my apartment which he could not have a nickname. When I followed him and began to find out where he got the keys, to which he did not answer me and gave them to me, they were completely different from mine.

    Going home, I accidentally saw that someone was sneaking (it was winter and he was in black, and he was sneaking not to the house, but somewhere along the garden. There was a third person, either this thief / murderer was sneaking behind him or to something else to steal. I grabbed the ax, not very noticeably crept up to him, but not close until he noticed me and threw it at him without hitting him, but he ran away and the third person, too, having heard this, went towards the thief, as if also chasing him away

    Mom and I see how an old man and an old woman are in our yard, they are looking for something. I left the house to tell them to leave and then I met an old man, he got scared and started to run away from me, but I caught him scattered with stones and he was lying on the grass. I return home to the yard to tell the old woman to leave too and turn off the light. Then I meet an old woman and she got scared, I couldn’t tell her anything, we were standing. And that’s how the dream ended.

    I saw two dreams in the first store where I work, they accused the security guard of stealing and they woke me up and I fell asleep after 5 minutes, I saw the second dream back, I slept in my own room, another friend and brother, someone opened the door from the outside and woke up and heard steps, then my brother woke up, I told him to come to us the thief climbed in, then my friend woke up, I told my brother I was the first one, but my friend jumped out first, and my friend walked past it, it was dark, I stumbled upon the thief, he was talking on the phone with his left hand and with his right leaned against the bathroom door when I stumbled upon him, he grabbed a gun right hand and pointed at me I grabbed his hand with a gun and started to fight and there I woke up

    I saw when I woke up I found that there were no two bedside tables in the bedroom, looked out the window and saw that the boy had sold them to someone, I ran out into the street and caught the thief. I started asking what else I took and he gave me a gold necklace that I always wear. Then his father appeared, a very thin man said that he felt it and came here. I don't remember anymore.

    The thief stole my purse, in which there was a full purse with paper money. I caught the thief, but I took away only the bag, there was no wallet in it. It was afternoon. Then evening and a friend offers to go to a cafe, I answered her that the money was stolen, she takes me to a cafe at her own expense. We go into a cafe, and on our round table there are two saucers with pieces of cake and next to it is a 50 cm high cake!

    I quickly walked in the train through all the cars, looking for my man with my two bags, went one way and then the other and saw the thief with my bags was about to get out. I quickly took my bags for myself, left them in my place near the passenger’s man and again looked for my man, wanted to say that I had the bags, and they told me that he shot the thief twice and the police were sorting out somewhere. I returned to my seat, the man passenger got up to get out, and I drove on. Dreamed this morning. Bags were light and not heavily loaded.

Dreams are sometimes more reminiscent of not the usual reality, but rather, some plot of a movie or a detective novel.

In everyday life, each person's life is more or less subject to its own laws. And everyone knows what to expect from her.

But in a dream, everything is different - absolutely nothing depends on the dreamer, whether you like it or not, but any, even the most incredible, “bookish” events can simply happen at any moment. And there is nothing to be surprised!

It is worth understanding only that this is a dream. And it never accurately reflects the events (present or future) of everyday reality, reality. These plots are absolutely metaphorical and hint at various phenomena in the dreamer's life, where you should pay attention.

The word "thief", "theft" and everything connected with it, by no means can be associated with anything pleasant and bright. Agree, this is exactly what everyone avoids, fears or simply ignores. But one way or another, in reality, thieves exist, robbers commit crimes, and all this happens in reality.

What if you had to see a robber in the world of your own dreams, become his victim, or even embark on a crime yourself? How to determine what theft is dreaming of, whether to expect bad consequences from a dream?

Do not hurry. The dream book will tell everything, your task is only to remember the details of what you saw in your dreams, and take them into account. Scenarios can be:

  • Something was stolen from you in your dreams - money, phone, whatever.
  • Steal yourself in a dream.
  • Steal something from your own friend, acquaintance.
  • Buying a stolen item in a dream.
  • Rob an apartment, a house, a bank, and so on.
  • See, catch a thief in your own apartment.
  • Thieves dream of a woman.
  • She dreams about how her husband robs or steals.
  • Be a thief, run away, hide from the authorities.
  • Chase the pickpocket, catch him.
  • They stole money in a dream.
  • The pickpocket dreamed.
  • To be a pickpocket in your dreams, to steal money.
  • Thieves in a dream climb into the house.
  • In your dreams, a valuable, dear thing was stolen from you.
  • Find a previously stolen item in a dream.
  • Going to rob, conceive this crime.

Of course, such stories seem familiar to few people - rather, they surprise, and sometimes leave a lot of strong emotions. Dreams with such events are quite multifaceted - they often promise something joyful, and sometimes they can warn, warn.

This symbol is ambiguous. So it’s worth carefully interpreting what the thief is dreaming of.


So, you experienced, even if only in a dream, but still, an unpleasant event - money or valuables were stolen from you. Or maybe you yourself were in the role of a criminal? The dream book knows the answers to all such dreams, and will tell you in detail what the thief is dreaming of.

1. If in a dream something was stolen from you, be it money or something else, the dream book promises that in reality you will soon noticeably reduce the number of enemies and ill-wishers. At what cost - the interpreter is silent, but we can confidently believe that it will become much easier for you to live and engage in your activities.

2. If you yourself stole in a dream, this hints at a lack of funds. Here we are obviously talking about the present time - a dream does not promise poverty and poverty, it is only a reflection of the fact that you are constantly tense from a lack of money.

The subconscious transforms these thoughts into such dreams, that's all. However, rather than think about it, it’s worth, perhaps, practical thinking about how to fix the situation, what to do to improve your finances.

3. If in strange dreams you stole something from a person who is familiar to you in reality, wait for a new meeting. And she, as the dream book promises, will grow into a strong union. Friendly, business (partner) or love - the interpreter is intriguingly silent. Time will tell!

4. Buying stolen items in a dream is a good sign. The interpreter predicts in this case someone's favor, support and even patronage. This will help get things going and life will probably get a lot better.

5. To rob in a dream - even a bank, even an apartment - is a nuisance. It can be avoided - just try not to take risks, not to get involved in all kinds of adventures, dishonest or dark deeds, not to mess with unworthy people.

6. Found a thief in your own apartment? This dream is serious - it hints to you that there is understatement, deceit in the family. There is something for you to pay attention to. But do not rush to blame your family for no reason in a lie, calmly figure it out. You need to be wiser so as not to spoil relationships with loved ones.

7. As the dream book says, a thief discovered in a dream by a woman promises her a fan! Someone has been sighing for you for a long time, and secretly. But you are destined to soon discover, and quite unexpectedly, this secret. You will be surprised!

8.If a girl dreams that her lover (or husband) is stealing or stealing, then the interpreter warns that others will condemn your union. Do not give in and do not listen to evil envious people!

Only you have the right to decide, and not others, to be together or not - this is only your decision. Do not let anyone impudently interfere in your private life, and if you are happy and sure that you want to stay together with your chosen one, let them say whatever they want.

9. Not only to be a robber, but also to hide from the law, run away from the police so that they cannot catch you - this “action-packed” dream hints at the possibility of work conflicts and troubles. Nothing terrible is predicted - just minor troubles are possible.

Maybe the authorities will be out of sorts, and you will fall "under hot hand”, or quarrel with colleagues. In any case, the main thing is to try to be calm.

10. Chasing a robber in dreams, and even (especially) catching him, is a rare wonderful sign. You will win a victory - brilliant and triumphant. You will have to say goodbye to your enemies, and to everyone who judged you badly, and the problems will recede - your day of triumph is coming!

11. Stole money in a dream? The dream book advises: you need to soon show courage and great strength of character in order to defend your own convictions. You will have to fight in the near future for your views, ideas, and try to stand your ground - this will lead to success and victory.

12. A pickpocket is a symbol of the fact that you have to look for some information, and with considerable effort, moreover. This is either for work, or it will be related to the personal sphere, but you will have to work hard to find what you will crave so much.

13. And if you yourself were in the role of a pickpocket, then be careful. The interpreter warns that there is a risk of obtaining the necessary information in a dishonest, even illegal way.

There will be such a temptation and opportunity, but it is highly recommended to refuse it, because the consequences will be negative, and even the information received will not bring any benefit or joy. Think twice.

14. If in a dream some valuable, dear thing was stolen from you, it means that in reality you should take care of your spiritual values. Dignity, beliefs, upbringing - all these are the very treasures that you must keep, and no one, no circumstances should be allowed to change or lose all this.

15. A thief who, in dreams, climbed or sneaked into the house, speaks of a mistake or oversight that you, if you have not committed yet, are at risk of committing. It is worth being smarter, more attentive, and correcting and smoothing out the mistakes made, without leaving everything to chance.

16. Finding what was stolen from you earlier in a dream is a great sign. In reality, great luck, prosperity, long-awaited prosperity already looms before you. It's just worth the wait.

17. If you were just going to commit a theft or a robbery in a dream, thought out a plan, intended to do it - take care of your health in reality. It is worth being more attentive to the body, it is prone to ailments now.

This is an ambiguous, diverse, interesting symbol - there are a lot of meanings, everyone is different. Find your own, and decide for yourself what to do with the prediction - apply, heed advice, wait for good luck, or just forget the dream. Everything depends on you. Author: Vasilina Serova

Theft is one of the ancient human vices, so the dream in which the thief dreams has a negative or warning connotation. And this is not surprising, since for the entire time of the existence of mankind, a lot of knowledge has accumulated that interprets this image quite accurately. And also one or another dream book will help to interpret such a dream; thief, robber and other similar meanings are interpreted in detail in ancient and modern dream books.

Interpretation of ancient dream books

Theft is naturally associated with loss, the loss of something valuable. Often, successful theft requires human stupidity, indiscretion, as well as excessive gullibility. Thus, seeing a thief or a robber in a dream is a universal sign that someone you know is trying to take advantage of a person’s trust.

In addition, such dreams may indicate some spinelessness of the dreamer. The fact is that the image of a person who was robbed fits the image of a typical victim, forever suffering from certain circumstances. Weak character makes the very fact of theft possible - after all, a vigilant and strong man much harder to rob.

Being a thief in a dream is not a good sign; however, much depends on some details of the plot. The discovery of the thief, his identification, the furious pursuit of him, and, finally, the detention of the criminal - all this indicates an imminent resolution. problem situation or about achieving a cherished goal. However, if it was not possible to catch the criminal, then this indicates possible deprivations in the future, which should be put up with.

Aesop's interpretation

The ancient Greek writer of fables believes that watching a thief enter a dwelling means a mistake made by the dreamer, which will have a very unpleasant effect on his life. In order to understand why thieves climbing into a house dream, a person should remember if he has cheated on anyone lately.

However, if the face of the thief is familiar to the dreamer, then you need not only to take a closer look at this person in real life, but also rethink your relationship with him: maybe he is trying to learn from the dreamer or imitate him, which the subconscious perceives as "theft".

And the importance of the loss also matters; if a thing that is dear to a person was stolen by a thief, then this may indicate shaky relationships within the family or among close friends; to catch a robber red-handed - at the last moment to prevent a loud scandal, conflict or rupture of family ties. The caught thief, among other things, means the determination and courage of the dreamer in real life.

Worrying about the loss of an insignificant item betrays a petty person who does not pay attention to truly valuable things. An attempt to give the dreamer something from stolen goods hints at the presence of a manipulator and an envious person in the environment of a person, who is used to arranging intrigues behind people's backs.

Aesop calls finding a stolen thing a good sign; this speaks of future prosperity and well-being that will appear in the dreamer's real life thanks to his personal work. But to "cleanse" someone else's house in a dream - to difficult emotional experiences, which are characterized by a state of dissatisfaction with oneself (since a person believes that the solution to problems is in someone else's house, and not in one's own).

Interpretation of Medea

The appearance of a thief in a dream indicates that the dreamer in the near future may lose trust, as well as authority among people. This may be due to the fact that the person himself "steals" or borrows certain ideas, developments from his environment, passing them off as his own.

In order to correctly interpret what the thief in the house dreams of, it is necessary to consider other interpretations of Medea's dream book related to theft in general. So, to see a thief in a strange house and set off in pursuit of him means a quarrel and a quarrel with a loved one. If the robber managed to elude his pursuers, then the dreamer needs to be prepared for deceptions from loved ones.

A dream in which the dreamer himself steals something from someone else's house promises him short-term good luck. However, then she will turn to his own harm; it is better not to agree to participate in dubious enterprises. But the one who robbed the house of one of his acquaintances or friends (of course, in a dream) has the best forecast - he will have a successful business relationship with this person in reality.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Seeing yourself as a thief or a robber promises big troubles for the dreamer; the intention to steal speaks of a latent disease. Refusal to steal or wake up before the plan is realized promise speedy recovery from illness.

If a person dreams that he lives with a thief (for example, a woman sees herself as the wife of a robber or thief), then this indicates trouble with other people, as well as sudden worries that, for one reason or another, a person wants to hide from others.

Slavic dream books

The Small Velesov dream book interprets the thief depending on who had this image in a dream. If an unmarried girl saw a dream, a thief means not only a quick meeting with her betrothed, but also numerous quarrels. The appearance of several robbers is estimated as a disappointment in the expected event.

Catch a thief stealing- all the same, that with their own eyes to be convinced of treason; it can also mean deception of relatives; in any case, a serious quarrel awaits a person. But if the dreamer himself was convicted of theft, then this can mean both impending poverty and humiliation that may occur in the near future, and good luck in trade relations.

Modern interpretations

A thief can personify not only future losses and the nature of relationships between people, but also the presence of passions inside the dreamer that cannot find a way out in real life. If a masked thief either carefully hides his face, then this indicates subconscious shame in front of his "forbidden" feelings and emotions.

It is equally important to remember after sleep the actions that the dreamer took to prevent or catch the thief, as this indicates a person’s internal attitude to the problem, and can also promise a successful resolution of the situation in his favor.

Psychologist Miller

The dream of robbing a house, apartment or work office speaks of impending difficulties, the nature of which depends on the place where the thief entered: if an apartment was robbed in a dream, then you need to focus on family affairs, and breaking into an office office indicates a possible demotion or even dismissal.

From Miller's point of view, the thief symbolizes the inevitable punishment for the carelessness and frivolity of people; such a person should not only live for today, but also think more often about the future. Miller regards the capture of a thief as a victory over gossips and ill-wishers, and an unsuccessful pursuit of him as an internal readiness to fight for his rights.

But when the dreamer himself has to run away from the robbers, or he himself is a thief who is afraid of being caught, this personifies not only the deterioration of relations with colleagues, but also the likelihood of a loud financial scandal. In the near future, after such a dream, it is better for a person not to give or borrow time.

Healer Maria Fedorovskaya

If a person in real life had a robbery of a house or apartment, after which he had a dream, how he caught a thief - to good luck in the love field; you should not worry about what is stolen, as it will soon be reimbursed, moreover, in double the amount.

To participate in the theft yourself means future success at work and an increase in the dreamer's authority among his colleagues. Penetrating into someone else's house and leaving with nothing (taking nothing or losing on the way) hints that a person needs to carry out his plans without the help of strangers - he has all the possibilities for this.

In principle, the healer Fedorovskaya interprets the thief who appeared in the dream positively, regardless of what happened in the dream. Beat the criminal from the heart - financial affairs are on the mend; the lucky reptile managed to sneak away and hide from the dreamer - the current problems will be solved by themselves in the near future and will cease to bother.

Finding out in a dream that a spouse or one of the relatives is a thief speaks of an unexpected inheritance for these people, and watching the capture of a thief symbolizes the dreamer's calm life in the future; worries and worries will bypass him.

Family encyclopedia of dreams

Of great importance, from the point of view of this dream book, are thieves who did not steal anything in the apartment or were discovered and captured before the theft - this image has a warning character, showing that the dreamer is trying to deceive one of those whom he trusts and whom he calls friend.

The robber caught at the scene of the crime is a guarantee that the hypocritical relationship will end in the near future.

The same dream that a man, a woman and a child had had should be interpreted differently. Therefore, it is not surprising that many interpretations seem contradictory - it all depends not only on gender, but also on the age of the dreamer. The main age differences are as follows:

  • For a woman, a thief can be associated not only with a threat, but also with a potential romance that will not be approved by society. Such images can often come to a woman in her 40s who is unhappy in marriage and who has perhaps the last opportunity to feel feminine; often in such cases people are ready to give up everything in order to short term go back to the time when "everyone was 20".
  • For a man, a thief who has entered the house symbolizes his anxiety about his “wealth” and success in life. Most of the interpretations are associated with impending troubles at work, the intrigues of colleagues, as well as possible quarrels with friends. An exception to this rule is a dream, when, along with valuables, the thief took the dreamer's wife with him - with this turn of events, we can talk about the fear of losing your other half.
  • Children (in most cases) feel the atmosphere in the family well. Therefore, children often have such dreams in a difficult period for their parents (for example, when “quiet” quarrels begin between spouses, characterized by mutual silence and strained, fake smiles when their children appear.).

A hiding criminal who could not be caught up in a dream means a problem that can torment a person for a long time if he is strongly “obsessed” with it; sometimes you really need to be able to come to terms with this or that loss in order to make room for a new one. In this case, a thief in a dream can be perceived as a kind of "cleaner who cleans a cluttered house from unnecessary things."

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Some dream sources focus on the fact that a thief is a symbol of easy money, in other words, sudden enrichment, winning the lottery, as well as good luck in various business projects. Briefly point of view modern interpreters can be represented as a small list:

  • Dreaming of a thief who entered the house through breaking the door - to make quick money, which, however, will negatively affect the dreamer's reputation. If the door in a dream was simply open, which allowed the criminal to freely enter the house, then this, on the contrary, is a bad sign that promises financial losses.
  • The penetration of a thief into an apartment through windows or a balcony speaks of an opportunity or a chance that will appear in the dreamer's life very soon. If he does not miss it, he will be able to significantly increase his income.
  • If during the robbery all relatives or friends were present in the apartment, this indicates that they have secrets that they carefully hide both from each other and from the dreamer.
  • To find the stolen is to stagnate in one place, but to find a thing more valuable, instead of stolen, means enrichment, and without harmful consequences for oneself.
  • A woman who dreamed that she was a thief should not be upset: such a dream speaks of her readiness for change on the personal front. And also this dream suggests that she may be tempted to upset someone's relationship. It is better not to do this, since, most likely, she will simply be caught "by the hand", which will have a bad effect on her reputation.

It should be remembered that a lot depends on other details of the dream, namely: what thing was stolen, what emotions the dreamer experienced, where the theft took place, how he found out about the theft (whether he was present during the robbery or learned it from other dream characters), as well as subsequent dream plot events.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to study dream books, but also to try to judge what you dreamed with the help of your own emotions and feelings that a person experienced upon awakening - in many cases, such an interpretation will be the most correct.

Attention, only TODAY!

What does it mean if a thief dreams of chasing a thief, attacking him or catching him by the hand? The answer to this and other questions can be found in this article.

Dream interpretation apartment thieves, stole money, entered the house, robbery, could not steal, break into the house, theft

The dream in which you saw apartment thieves serves as a warning that in real life you are robbing yourself by doing some erroneous actions. You are given the opportunity to correct the situation - this dream testifies to this.

If apartment thieves dreamed unmarried girl, then in real life her heart will be stolen by offering his own, an interesting young man. If burglars or robbers want to get into the house, or bandits burst into your house and the lock on the door broke, expect bad news.

A dream in which you discover the loss of money means that in reality you will have unplanned expenses. Catching, detaining, catching up, driving away, catching a thief in law in a yard or apartment is always good news.

The dream of robbers who entered the house is a dream that predicts disappointment. You will find out who is trying to confuse your plans or directly cause damage, but this will not make you feel better. A robbery is a dream that symbolizes your carelessness and overly trusting attitude towards people.

If you dreamed that the thief could not steal anything from you - this good sign, which can be interpreted as a fortunate combination of circumstances in your favor.

A dream in which thieves breaking into your house managed to satisfy their thirst for profit means that in real life you will not be able to resist failure. Others will take advantage of your developments and ideas, and you will be left out of work. Pinchers, a pickpocket, homeless people and theft of money always dream of an ambiguous situation in which you have to accept tough decision.

Dream Interpretation thieves climb (climbed in, climbed in) at the door, at the window, at the apartment

A dream in which thieves got into your apartment, whether through a door or a window, means that in reality someone is encroaching on your family well-being.

Dream interpretation of thieves for a woman (girl), catch

For an unmarried woman or girl, catching a thief is a dream symbolizing imminent marriage.

For married women, this dream indicates that she will convict her husband of infidelity. One way or another, she can not escape family disagreements.

Why do thieves dream in the market, at work, in someone else's house, in someone else's apartment, in a car, in a store

A thief in the market is a dream, meaning that someone wants to appropriate your ideas. The same dream can mean irrational use of funds.

If you dreamed that your place of work was robbed, then in real life you have to gain courage and show firmness in order to be able to defend your interests.

A dream in which you find thieves in someone else's house or apartment means that you should not give advice on how to live to other people, even if you do it with the best of intentions. Otherwise, you can lose friends and make enemies in their face.

The dream in which you caught a thief at his craft in your car warns you to be careful on the road, otherwise you will have to pay a large fine for violating traffic rules.

The dream in which you noticed a shoplifter is a sign that in real life you will find yourself in a difficult situation. If you manage to behave correctly, then later avoid pangs of conscience.

Why dream of a thief with a knife opens the door, on the balcony, a man stole a wallet

This dream predicts a number of unpleasant events. Someone will take advantage of your gullibility and drag you into a dubious business. If you follow his lead and want to experience the thrill, you are in danger of losing a large amount of money. Therefore, in the near future it is necessary to be on the alert and not be frank even with your friends.

Why dream of being a thief

If you dreamed that you became a thief, it means that in real life you can get out of a difficult and dangerous situation. This is a sign of luck and good luck if you were not caught in a hot dream in a dream.

Thieves dream book of Juno

According to Juno's dream book, if you dream of a thief, this does not mean at all that you will be robbed in real life. The thief symbolizes your carelessness in relation to strangers, to whom you can tell the most intimate, without thinking about further consequences. So this dream predicts disappointment and changes for the worse.

Thieves islamic dream book

An Islamic dream book warns a person who sees a thief in a dream against the possible loss of one of his relatives, who may be on the verge of death.

Thief Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, a thief is a symbol of the fact that you are overcome by the desire to do something with the other half of your acquaintances, neighbors and friends.

Thief Miller's dream book

A dream in which you see yourself as a thief means that in real life events await you, as a result of which your relations with relatives and friends will worsen.

The dream in which you chased and managed to neutralize the thief means that you will be able to repulse your enemies in reality.

Dream interpretation Vanga thieves

Vanga believed that if a person dreamed of a thief in his house, then he cares too much about his well-being to the detriment of spiritual qualities, therefore he is too suspicious and stingy, which repels those around him.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

1. Thief- (Modern dream book)
To dream that you are a thief and the police are chasing you means that unpleasant changes in business await you and your relations with people will worsen. If in a dream you are chasing a thief, then you will defeat your enemies. To see a pickpocket in a dream predicts that enemies will be able to disturb you and cause you damage. If a young woman dreams that she was robbed, then she will become the object of someone's envy and anger, and because of these intrigues she may lose the respect of her friend if she does not listen to her inner voice. If in a dream she herself clears the pockets of others, then in reality with her rude behavior she will incur the displeasure of a friend.
2. Thief- (Miller's dream book)
If you dream that you are a thief and the police are chasing you, this means that you will fail in business and your relations with others will worsen. If in a dream you yourself are chasing a thief or caught him, it means. You will overcome your enemies. If in a dream you are pursued by night robbers, this portends in reality a complication of relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the necessary caution, especially in dealing with strangers. If your home or place of work is robbed in a dream, then this means that fate will require courage and firmness from you in defending your beliefs. Such a dream promises misfortune to careless people.
3. Thief- (Dream Interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
Admirer (for a woman); in the house - deception; pursue - family quarrels; a lot of disappointment. See also Robbers.
4. Thief- (Esoteric dream book)
To separation. If he stole something, then separation from someone will bring you profit.
5. Thief- (Dream Interpretation of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
To see a sneaking thief in a dream - you will be fine at work. Similar dream primarily related to your professional activity. You will have a second wind, as it were, although the so-called critical moment will come, when it will seem that a little more, and you will simply die from tension and fatigue. The thing is that you have a difficult period at work. It is worth tensing up, and you will reap the fruits of your efforts with pride and pleasure. If in your dream you yourself were a thief, then you will finally be able to solve the problem that you have been struggling with for a long time. exit from difficult situation will be unexpected, one of your friends will offer you the right solution. You are required to be patient and attentive to the opinions of others, because it is from the “outside” that you will receive valuable information. Caught a thief - you should beware of making too hasty decisions, because, although at first glance they seem right, in reality they will only bring harm. In your position, you need to think about every step, then you will easily succeed. The more serious you are about the problem you need to solve, the better. It is even possible that in this moment you should not be active, but wait: perhaps the situation will resolve itself. A fleeing thief, whom you are helping to hide for some reason, is a sign that you are very soft man and tend to find the good in everything. This is very good quality, but sometimes it can hurt you. It is worth taking off the “rose-colored glasses” and not being so naive. It will be much better if you look at the world more realistically and balanced, learn to see things as they are.