Slavic Aryan magic quick learning. The uniqueness of rituals from Slavic magic: types and rules of conduct. Sources of knowledge about Slavic spell magic

Knowing the Future is both important, necessary, and unsafe. We closed all free fortune-telling because we discovered that some (and many) of our Travelers lacked a culture of fortune-telling - we had to explain again and again how to ask a question, how to receive knowledge through the Knower, and what to give in return for the knowledge received. Moreover, with such approaches it is unsafe to engage in the ancient magic of the Slavs.

I will try here to fill the gap and teach those who want the basics of the great and beautiful ancient Slavic magic.

Let's talk about the basics of ancient Slavic magic

Where does the Northern Fairy Tale know about the ancient magic of the Slavs?

Today I was asked where I get knowledge from in order to pass it on to others. I can honestly tell you - in comparison with Olga Boyanova - I am at the very beginning of the path, and my path goes through communication with knowledgeable people who still exist (thank the Gods!) in our northern reserved region, through communication with other Knowledgeable people who are already surround the publishing house "Northern Fairy Tale" and through amazingly detailed and deep ethnographic records made in our protected region, in the seventeenth - eighteenth - nineteenth and twentieth (early to middle) centuries.

However, I have something to say. And, most importantly, I would not like to organize lectures here, but to collect knowledge that has now scattered around the world, like light dandelion seeds on fluffy balls, and make a field here ready to receive them and receive strong shoots. I invite you to a conversation, dear Travelers!

Why does the ancient magic of the Slavs work? How to learn magic?

What is Slavic magic now? This is a special form of awareness of the world, which allows for belief in the supernatural, in other worlds, in Slavic Gods, Spirits, and in the protection of deceased Ancestors. This form of interaction with the worlds of Prav, Reveal, and Navi includes a set of moral norms and correct behavior when establishing special relationships with these worlds and forces (rites and rituals). If a person feels and believes in the existence of a superhuman spiritual world, known to us from Slavic mythology, and even has a certain mystical experience, he may be ready to accept the effectiveness of Slavic magic and receive an answer to the question: “How to learn magic?”

You can learn the magic of the Slavs from Knowledgeable People

What are the names of the people who perform Slavic magic rituals?

In Slavic culture there were various names for people who practice magic. In large, crowded ceremonies held at temples, the main role was given to the magi and their conniving assistants. The following names have come down to our time for people with special knowledge and skills - sorcerer, sorcerer, wizard, sorceress - sorcerer, witch, polite man (witch doctor), sorceress, fortune teller, knowledgeable, and so on. The very variety of names indicates how widespread the ancient magic of the Slavs was. Now, when the majority of people who have accepted the worldview of Slavic magic are greedily seeking knowledge, the world is divided into those who know a little more than others (Vedars) and those who know less and passionately want to learn (Vedars). Vedara is an enlightened person who has experience communicating with the subtle world of the Slavic Gods. The Knower is one who seeks knowledge and is ready to develop his special abilities. Magical action, rituals of magic that are performed by Slavic magic, have the general name of sorcery.

Why does the ancient magic of the Slavs serve modern people?

For self-development, to achieve moral integrity, to help oneself and others in the field of improving health, harmonizing love relationships, to strengthen well-being and for protection against mental attacks - removing “lessons and ghosts,” as they said in the old days.

Do I need to join groups to study Slavic magic?

There are neo-Slavic communities and associations that, insisting on certain norms of behavior and worldview, practice ritual magic at traditional holidays. Slavic magic for them is rather about establishing a connection with the Gods and Ancestors to receive help and protection.

There are, although not many, circles of Slavic experts who gather to practice the effective side of Slavic magic, to change the situation, for sorcery and magic rituals. The Circle of Slavic Vedas is a small association of Vedas, up to twelve people, united around Vedara. The circle operates according to its own internal rules, based on the general principles of Slavic magic. As a rule, these are closed associations that prefer secrecy. And, of course, those in charge can simply gather in open study groups, the purpose of which is to gain knowledge and exchange experiences, including how to learn magic. Uniting in groups, or simply adhering to one’s own beliefs about good and evil, morality, the purpose and meaning of life, life after death, establishing one’s own relationships with the Slavic Gods, and engaging in self-education is a personal matter for each person.

To study the ancient magic of the Slavs, it is important to understand the worldview of our Ancestors

What worldview is common to the Knowers?

There are many incarnations of God the Creator, and the pantheon of Slavic Gods is the most ancient Slavic idea of ​​the World-Universe. One of the possible ways of communicating with the Divine principle is magic, Slavic magic is a method of communicating with Slavic deities that has been developed over centuries.

Those in the know imagine the ancient magic of the Slavs as the use of their own intention, will, faith and the laws of the universe known to the Slavs to change the internal or external world. Those in the know consider themselves to have the right to do this, since man, according to Slavic belief, is similar to his Creator, and is also capable of creatively changing the world - both internal and external. The main moral of the Knowers is to live in the Explicit World in order to learn, to live in such a way as to leave a good memory of yourself here. The traditional attitude of the Leaders towards other magical practices and worldviews is tolerance and exchange of experience, because everyone must go their own way on the spiritual path.

Parting words for those who learn Slavic magic

Based on the above, Slavic ancient magic, rituals, conspiracies and techniques work if you share this worldview, study and listen to the advice of those who have already walked some path and have experience communicating with the higher world. You can learn the magic of the Slavs, but it will require desire, patience and inspiration from you. We will try to help you with this!

Knowing the Future is both important, necessary, and unsafe. We closed all free fortune-telling because we discovered that some (and many) of our Travelers lacked a culture of fortune-telling - we had to explain again and again how to ask a question, how to receive knowledge through the Knower, and what to give in return for the knowledge received. Moreover, with such approaches it is unsafe to engage in the ancient magic of the Slavs. I will try here to fill the gap and teach those who want the basics of the great and beautiful ancient Slavic magic. ">

Many millennia ago, the ancestors of the Slavs were pagans. The ancient magic of the Slavs is witchcraft, which was aimed at getting rid of bad energy, curing diseases, and helping in solving everyday and family issues. Slavic sorcerers and magicians were known far beyond the borders of the Russian state. They were revered as good healers and seers.

Sorcerers of Ancient Rus' they relied on their intuition, performed rituals based on feelings and ancient knowledge about deities and spirits that were passed on from one generation to another.

Before the arrival of Christianity in the Russian lands, pagans celebrated holidays that were based on the change of seasons and very often coincided with Christian ones. In ancient times, man was an integral part of the surrounding nature, with the help of which he could recover from diseases and find out the future. Many Slavic holidays are associated with cleansing rituals. On the day of Maslenitsa or Ivan Kupala, the wise men could deliver from damage and the evil eye, protect livestock and the future harvest.

The magic of the ancient Slavs was part of traditions. Sorcerers and wise men asked the Gods to intervene in life. For this, all kinds of love spells and lapels, conspiracies for good luck in battles were used. The ancient priests controlled higher powers.

There was worship of the gods of the underworld and black witchcraft. Sorcerers could cause damage, send diseases, crop failure or pestilence to livestock.

Such rituals were called damage. There were a lot of them. Initially, damage was created in order to protect one’s land from enemy attacks. Later they began to use it against fellow tribesmen and unwanted people.

Paganism is not characterized by light and dark Gods. They live in different worlds and each perform their own tasks.

In Old Slavic magic there was no white and black witchcraft. Some magicians used their knowledge to cause harm.

Sources of Slavic magic

Ancient Slavic magic was quite strong. In Ancient Rus' there were no sorcerers and magicians; there were magi with special power and the ability to predict the future.

The Magi prayed to the deities, made sacrifices to them and knew how to turn to the forces of nature. The Magi performed rituals secretly, in complete solitude. As a rule, the dwellings of the Magi were located far from settlements. The priests led a life hidden from prying eyes.

Performing rituals, they turned to the forces of nature, which gave them special energy:

Rituals of the ancient Slavs

The basis of ancient Russian magic lie not only the rites of the Magi, but also seasonal holidays. Not only the chief priest, but also all fellow tribesmen became their participants. Each community had its own sacred place for festive rituals.

Usually the community gathered to make a request to the deity, to ask for protection or a rich harvest. It was obligatory to offer a sacrifice in the form of a ritual animal. The Magi conveyed the requests of their fellow tribesmen to God.

Each ritual ended with round dances, games, and songs.

Currently, many modern people are turning to ancient Slavic pagan traditions. An important part of their life was unity with nature, with the spirits of their ancestors.

Slavic magic was very important for all the rituals performed by our ancestors. The witchcraft of the Slavic people was based on the help of God, his intervention in people's lives, as well as the help of spirits and nature itself.

For many millennia, the Slavs have used magic for their own purposes to improve their lives. Our ancestors used completely different magical rituals, ranging from love spells and lapels, ending with contractions and knots.

Slavic magic

The Church has always perceived Slavic witchcraft as something evil, dark, strong. It was even considered a great sin. But those are slander that were created to slander paganism, to put it in an unsightly light.

If we look at this issue in more detail, then all Slavic rituals were white, pure, and did not pose any danger at all. Most of the rituals need to involve, a person’s recognition of his own sins.

From here we can raise the question - why were our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers evil? This is unlikely to happen. Slavic sorcerers preferred to turn to them for help.

If we define Slavic witchcraft, it will be like this: the magic of the Slavs is witchcraft, rituals aimed at creation, not destruction; to improve life, health, achieve goals, raise your fighting spirit and increase endurance.

Also, Slavic magic has always been aimed at getting rid of negative energy and healing from various ailments. There is no need to pay attention to those people who only desecrate the activities of the Slavs.

After all, the Slavic people were known not only in their own region, but also far beyond its borders. Moreover, he was known only from the good side. Slavic magicians were revered, respected, valued; and were perceived as healers, not killers.

Naturally, where there is white magic, black magic can also appear. But the black one is based on working with dark forces, scary and not always necessary. In the Slavic states, negative rituals that brought harm were perceived precisely as rituals of black magic.

They were usually called damage. In sources dating back to antiquity, damage was described as something useful that helped protect one’s lands from being captured by foreigners. And after a while, black magicians began to use this magic to harm their enemies, or ordinary people.

You should also know that in paganism there are no dark or light forces. All Gods perform their specific functions, which are important for existence in a particular world. So, Slavic magic exists; it does no harm, does not kill people. There are people who do not use it for peaceful (correct) purposes.

Slavic rituals

Seasonal rituals were considered the main Slavic rituals. They were held at certain times of the year or for holidays. Usually, during such a ceremony, not only the performer himself was present, but also other people.

Sometimes all the residents of one community even gathered. Each tribe had a specific place where such rituals were held. On a specific day, all the people of the community gathered in this place with the goal of conveying to God the information they needed and was important to them, and asking for something. Sacrifices were required to be made to the Gods.

The sorcerer usually acted as a kind of connecting link between the residents of the community and God. He “transmitted” all the information. On the day when the ceremony was held, there were always dances, round dances, songs were sung, and so on.

We can say with certainty that people who lived not under the influence of Rule and Navi, but according to the laws of the universe, used magic for positive purposes. Pagans usually did not fear either worldly life or the afterlife. Therefore, they lived peacefully. They always knew what awaited them.

Slavic magical tradition

The Slavic magical tradition arose as a result of folk processing of the ancient knowledge of pagan Slavic magicians.

The magic of the Slavs was partly influenced by European tradition, but most of the original methods of Slavic witchcraft came “from within”, as a legacy of the pagan past. Unlike European magic, Slavic magic was almost always a purely intuitive phenomenon. Russian sorcerers and witches never had a theory of magical art.
From time immemorial, Russian sorcerers were especially strong in healing, love and harmful (black) magic. Both women - witches, sorcerers, and men - sorcerers, warlocks, practiced witchcraft. This phenomenon was so widespread that it was even reflected in national folklore in the image of Baba Yaga and Kashchei. In general, Russian sorcery is essentially folk magic, lying somewhere in the middle between the highly theoretical and multifaceted European tradition and completely “primitive” shamanic sorcery. By the way, there is such a phenomenon as Slavic shamanism, which flourishes in Siberia, but it no longer quite fits into the general mainstream of tradition, so it needs to be discussed separately.

Calendar group rituals

Group magical performances were very common in Rus', mentions of which have come down to us in the form of descriptions of pagan festivals. In general, Slavic magic is strongly associated with calendar rites dedicated to spirits or deities. Moreover, if before the adoption of Christianity, such general rituals were carried out in honor of Mokosha, Kupala, Perun, Veles, Chernobog and other pagan deities, then after the baptism of Rus' they did not disappear at all, but only slightly changed their direction.

There were a great many such rituals, they were divided into groups and were associated with the cycle of dying and renewal of nature. These include spring rituals, Kupala and Rusal festivals, harvest rituals, and many others. Almost everyone took part in them, not just magicians. It was the general energy that was supposed to create a power shield from misfortunes and troubles or call good luck to the village.
Important elements of this practice were ritual dances, most often round dances. Round dance in general is a very interesting, purely Slavic method of directing magical energy, since, on the one hand, a closed circle of people holding hands creates a kind of power chain, on the other hand, measured, smooth movement allows you to properly direct those forces that find themselves locked in a round dance.

Also, as a rule, the calendar ritual was supported by a common conspiracy song. By the way, chanting spells is a fairly typical technique for Rus'. In this case, the verbal power of the conspiracy is supported by ritual singing, magic contained in music and sound.

The ancient and powerful traditions of love witchcraft in Rus' most often use the power of water. Water, as the purest carrier of energy in general, was given very great importance in Slavic magic. Both healing rituals and damage in most cases were performed with the participation of water - a substance that most easily perceives any energy imprints and just as easily destroys them.
In love magic, fortune tellers usually cast spells on water, which should then be offered to the object of passion, or mixed with food or drink. Sometimes a woman suffering from unrequited love had to first bathe in this water (in the past, as now, representatives of the fairer sex often turned to witches on such a delicate issue).

Sometimes, water could be replaced with another liquid. So, they used milk and honey. For a very serious and dangerous love spell, the blood of a person hungry for love could be used. In the art of creating love potions, the Slavic tradition surpasses many others. In general, we can talk about the almost complete belonging of all love spells in Rus' to contagious (indirect) magic. However, this is also typical for the entire complex of magical skills included in the tradition.
In some cases, however, the homeopathic variety was also used. For example, this included fortune telling on frogs - burying frogs of both sexes together with a corresponding spell for the purpose of a love spell.

Malicious (black) magic.

Initially, harmful magic, collectively called “damage” or witchcraft among the Slavs, was intended to protect one’s land from invaders.
Later, when the need to defend oneself disappeared, but the skills remained, various types of damage began to be inflicted on personal enemies in private.

The variety of types of such witchcraft in Rus' is amazing. What’s interesting is that you can cause damage—“do it”—intentionally, but there are also non-special types of harm. Unlike representatives of most other magical cultures, the Slavs believed that a sorcerer or witch did not need to perform any special rituals, read spells, brew potions... Just look.
Damage caused by the “evil eye” is called the “evil eye” and this type of sorcery is feared like fire. For this reason, people who are especially vulnerable to magic - women in labor, small children, the sick - are tried to be kept away from prying eyes, just in case.
Another type of damage - conspiracies - already contains a ritual component. It is not customary for Slavic magicians to resort to making images of the person on whom they need to “work”; any item of food is sufficient (by the way, another characteristic feature: it is easiest to cast a spell on a person through the food he eats), or a charmed powder or ashes. Witchcraft associated with the place of sleep is considered strong, since a sleeping person is very susceptible to the influence of subtle energies. In Rus', it has long been practiced by sewing some ritual objects, often tangled female hair, into the victim’s pillow.
A separate form of damage is slander. A word spoken at the wrong time and place. Today, people also call it the evil eye. Our cherished “pah-pah, so as not to jinx it” is, in fact, protection against slander.

BLACK CONSPIRACY- a text of a formulaic nature, of a negative nature, intended to send a malicious message, causing damage to another person, causing him to become ill, or causing damage.

The path of witchcraft

At all times, sorcerers were treated with great interest and fear. And this is not in vain, because the sorcerer could do much more than ordinary people.

Those who decide to take the path of witchcraft truly have supernatural powers and secret knowledge. Such people could heal, cause the right weather, make another person fall in love with them, send illnesses and even death. The witchcraft “arsenal” includes many more things...
Hereditary sorcerers are considered the strongest; here the fact of transferring knowledge is not even as important as the presence of actually practicing sorcerers or witches in the family. Genetic memory stores such information very well. The best option is to have such people on both the maternal and paternal side.
In principle, witchcraft should be considered as a whole, and not divided by color. It depends on the sorcerer himself whether the Power will be directed to the harm or benefit of others. But even if it is necessary to kill a person magically, then such a move must be justified.
The power of the sorcerer also depends on the spiritual entities with which he collaborates. For example, village witchcraft is mainly based on working with demons and restless souls, which is where all the simplicity and effectiveness of this magical system lies. There is also a principle here - the lower and down-to-earth the spirits are, the faster they get to work. Voodoo witchcraft, which is considered one of the strongest in the world, also follows the same principle.
The path of witchcraft is not at all difficult, as it may seem from the outside. Sorcerers are constantly in danger - they may be subject to witchcraft aggression from other magicians, and there may be negative influence from dangerous demonic entities. But, despite the danger, witchcraft power provides endless possibilities. After embarking on the path of witchcraft, certain changes will occur with a person - the character changes, the personality is restructured to a higher level - the person ascends to the order of the Gods.

This serious step can become the most important turn in a person's life.

Throughout the existence of the human race, people have been trying to understand and explain various manifestations of the world around them. Having understood the world and its laws, it was possible to survive more successfully.

Not everyone was ready to explore the world: some had no time, they had to fight, others were not able to see due to the characteristics of their psyche or body. But there were those who had the opportunity to observe, notice, and find connections. They systematized the experience of their observations and passed them on to worthy students. Then writing and the ability to record one's experiences appeared. This is how knowledge about the world was accumulated, based on the experience of generations.
And there were those initiated into this experience - ready to accept it and continue to understand the world.
For those uninitiated in this Knowledge, those initiated seemed special, endowed with Power.
The universe acts through man continuously. However, man does not create, he discovers. Those who comprehend the laws of nature in order to rely on them in their new business collaborate with the Universe. Those who blindly copy - no. For this reason, novelty lies in turning back to the original.
Witchcraft begins with the organization of oneself and one's world. The world is as you see it. But you see the world not directly, but through the image of the world in your mind. And the world sees you the way you show yourself to it. And you can only show the image of yourself. Witchcraft begins when you are able to see the world directly. And for this, you need to be able to create clear images in your mind through which you can look and see the world as real.
Remember the joke:
“A man is walking through the forest and sees a man sitting on a tree branch and sawing this very branch.
- What are you doing? You'll fall!
- Go your way...
The man went. And the sawyer fell from the tree along with the branch. Rising, he looked angrily in the direction of the departed: “Here is a damned sorcerer - he conjured a spell.”
Everyone has encountered something similar. Seeing how one of your friends was “cutting a branch,” you tried to help and were sent... to go your own way. And then they were also offended at you, saying that you had jinxed it.
How many times were you warned, but you continued to “cut your branch”?
Moreover, for some it is enough to “fall out of the woodwork” once to learn. And there are those who are unable to learn and continue to “saw their branches.”
This is how Knowledge about the world was accumulated and passed on to those who were able to perceive - the worthy (those who are able to withstand). From master to student, from grandfather to grandson.
For those not initiated into this Knowledge, they seemed like a mystery, which for them they were. And they were called magic, and those who practiced this knowledge were called magicians.
Magic is the art of influencing objective and subjective reality to control it, based on knowledge of the laws of these realities. As my grandfather used to say: “Magic is magic, whoever can is a magician.”
Magic was, is and will be. She hasn't gone anywhere and hasn't disappeared. It's just called differently now.
At different periods of human history, different people possessed this knowledge. Some tried to usurp the possession of knowledge by hiding it, or limiting its application. Others tried to bring them to the masses.
Once upon a time this knowledge was possessed by shamans, later it was appropriated by the church and religions. Now science is taking ownership of this knowledge. Moreover, the basics are distorted beyond recognition, special terms are introduced, preferably in the special language of the initiates. For example, Latin in medicine. Training is profane, and as a result we get a “specialist” with a diploma who can simply write prescriptions according to a memorized program.
But the laws of life are still the same, and for those who want to know them, there is nothing secret or hidden.

The old men shared magic:

Household items are everything that helped in everyday life. From sowing to harvesting and cooking. And everything related to human life. Those. there were people who simply observed life and collected what they observed into a certain set of patterns. Nowadays, many sciences deal with this: physics, chemistry, metallurgy, agronomy, meteorology, medicine, etc.
Military - the ability to control your body, use various objects for defense or attack. Now this is military service, martial arts, the art of reconnaissance and sabotage.
Ceremonial - influencing groups of people in order to control them. Now this is advertising, PR, theatrical performances, media.
Each species could be subdivided indefinitely. Sometimes species were placed in a separate category. For example, household ones included: fishing, industrial, medical, protective, etc. They identified the magic of relationships, which included love, love spells, and sexual magic.
Malicious magic was highlighted separately, although this is a section of combat magic.
All of the above referred to witchcraft. From the word know - to know. And this could be taught and learned. Moreover, there were different degrees of immersion in what was being studied. As, indeed, now, you can simply get a secondary or higher education, or you can go deeper into the topic and become an academician, professor, etc. Moreover, you can be a generalist or a highly specialized one. You can be a practitioner or remain a theorist. Or you can not have a formal education, but simply research, know and apply the subject more deeply than other “specialists” endowed with medals and titles.
Hence the Witch is a knowing mother, a wise woman. Or a witcher. And different specializations: a kolodun (giving a stake - a protective circle) or a sorcerer (a widower's stake, usually a curser); sorcerer - simply knowledgeable, knowledgeable; healer - an expert on hares (or masks, images, guises), a relationship specialist, now a psychologist; enchanter - a specialist in casting a spell, enchanting (for example, a good salesman); herbalist, etc.
And there was a section on Higher (higher) magic. Or the art of communicating with higher powers. And here it was only possible to prepare, but the forces themselves chose the mediator. This was called in the tradition Volkhovstvo. To sorcery is to turn to forces, spirits, elements.
Sorcery was divided into predictive (appealing to forces for advice) and influential (forceful influence). The first were called sibyls, mediums or soothsayers, the second sorcerers or spellcasters.
The predictors were spontaneous (simply people with a broken cocoon, susceptible to influence) or specially selected (based on the quality of energy) and prepared. Magi are either born or trained. Training implied knowledge of many disciplines from witchcraft, a special lifestyle and strict self-discipline.
The master spent his whole life looking for a worthy student to whom he could pass on his art, and it was considered a great success to find such a one.
At the same time, the candidate was subjected to many tests, testing his readiness and the strength of the Spirit.
The preparation of a sorcerer meant preparing the body and psyche for communication with the world of spirits.
According to the ideas of the Magi, the world was divided into three layers:
The upper or upper world, also known as the world of Rule. World of Gods and higher powers.
The middle world is our manifested world, the world of Reveal.
The lower world is the world of Navi. The world of ancestors, as well as demonic forces.
First, it was necessary to cleanse the layer of the middle world from settlers and alien energies. And establish a connection with the spirits who protect in this world - with the Guardian Angels.
Then the layer of the lower world was cleaned. Communication with ancestors and family was established. The Magus acquired spirit helpers and guardians.
And then a connection was built with the world of higher powers.
In the settlements - communal settlements of Rodnobelievers (native faith, faith in Rod) there were only 3 laws:
Honor Rod. (Keep in touch with your ancestors and the lower world).
Take care of the Earth. (Like the layer of the middle world given to you as an inheritance).
Hold the Sky. (Connection with higher powers and the Spirit).
This allowed a person to live a life full of meaning and develop. Connection with the clan made it possible to use the experience of our ancestors and not repeat their mistakes. Caring for the native land, in the form of following certain rules, provided support and protection for the spirits of the middle world. And the connection with the Spirit made it possible not to get lost among temptations and not become food for demons. As a result, people lived a healthy, joyful (Ra achieving, bright), meaningful life.
And look at the lives of the people around you - all 3 laws are violated, and as a result, a life of illness, depression, despondency and loss of values ​​and guidelines.
The question of those who “didn’t understand what to do” was answered. But for those who are especially talented, I’ll repeat and chew on it:
Clear the middle world layer. To do this, reconsider and change your lifestyle. Remove foreign influences from your life. Cleanse yourself. Ideally, leave the city for at least a month, where there is clean air, clean water and food. Where there is no TV, Internet or mobile phones. Bath every day and communication with elemental spirits: swimming in natural reservoirs, communicating with wind and fire, with the earth. A dacha is quite suitable, unless it is garden slavery. It’s not for nothing that the older generation instinctively rushes to the dacha in the summer, and they feel better there. Then restore the protective cocoon and establish contact with the guardian angels.
Restore connection with ancestors and family. Remove all your grievances and guilt. There are a sea of ​​methods. For example, go to the cemetery and tidy up the graves of your ancestors, and ask for forgiveness, and at the same time, help. For those who want to practice, after establishing a connection with their ancestors, travel to the lower world to find spirits of helpers and protectors.
Establish a connection with higher powers. First, reconnect with your individual spirit. (All baptisms, anointings, etc. are a transfer of control of oneself to someone else’s egregor). To restore connection with the spirit, special rituals were performed. To begin with, they worshiped the Elements as hypostases of Mother Nature - the granddaughter of Rod. Purification and restoration took place through the elements. Then they glorified Rod. And Rod gave the Name and position in the Game if the person was ready.
About the position in the Game called Life:
There is a concept called Rock - this is the movement of the Individual Spirit along the wheel of life. And there is Fate - this is a task for a given specific life, associated with the movement of the Spirit along Fate. And if a person follows his Destiny (dharma in Sanskrit), then subjectively this is experienced as a state of Happiness and Goodness. But if a person abandoned his Fate, taking on someone else’s role, and thus betraying the tasks of his own Spirit, then the consequence is Suffering.
When the connection with the Spirit is restored, a person gains Meaning, having found His place in the game of the Family. As a result, he is always in place and on time, because he is led by the Spirit. And this is experienced as Happiness (Now (this hour) ti (You) e (Is).
We can say that witchcraft is built on the experience of the past and comes from tradition. And sorcery comes from the future, works on insight, it is creativity, not repetitive.
In ordinary life, a person can live relying (unconsciously) on the experience of the past - and this is reflection, automaticity, mechanism. Or he can live according to the impulse coming from the Spirit, spontaneously - and this is inspiration, creativity, joy.
Witchcraft is based on Knowledge as a systematized experience of the past. And unlike unconscious reflection, it does this consciously.
But the world is constantly changing. And if we rely on the experience of the past, the result at best will be 99%.
Sorcery works with a stream from the future, or timeless. And therefore 100% successful.