What to put a gas heating boiler. We figure out how to choose gas double-circuit boilers for heating a house. Condensing and convection boilers, which is the most reliable

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The age-old question that arises among the owners of private houses is what kind of heating equipment is better to install in a home. Of course, installing an electric water heater can be a very convenient option, but when using this in both heating and water supply, electricity bills for a tidy sum will come every month. Ideal, in this case, can be gas boilers for heating a private house. How to choose such a device for each specific case, now we will figure it out.

Gas boiler installed in a private house

Possibility of providing one gas boiler with both heating and hot water supply in a private house

When choosing gas equipment, everyone wants one device to be able to provide both the heating function and the hot water supply. And a good choice here can be the purchase of a double-circuit gas boiler. The main task is to calculate the required power indicator, sufficient for one or another. The main advantage of such equipment is savings, in comparison with electric water heaters - payment of gas bills will be significantly lower. The main task when choosing such devices is to determine what functionality is needed specifically for a particular building, so as not to overpay monthly for unnecessary power, etc.

Important advice! A good gas boiler for a private house cannot be cheap, but too expensive equipment with exorbitant characteristics is useless. The best option would be from the middle price category.

Gas boilers can be classified according to several criteria. The main thing is, of course, the installation method. Equipment in this direction can be floor or mounted. The next classification - according to the device of the combustion chamber - closed or open. The type of boiler is also very important in terms of the number of possible connections. It can be a single-circuit gas boiler that can only be connected to heating. Unlike it, a double-circuit one can be connected simultaneously to a hot water supply system.

If we try to superficially analyze the main advantages of one or another type of gas boilers, we get the following:

  • In private homes, the best option would be a floor-type device, while a wall-mounted one is more suitable for installation in apartments;
  • The advantage of gas boilers of a closed type of combustion chamber over heaters with an open one is that the former do not require insertion into the regular chimney of a stove or fireplace, provide more efficient combustion, which means they have a higher efficiency, and also in their greater safety - carbon monoxide poisoning is excluded gas;
  • The advantages of double-circuit boilers over single-circuit boilers are in their versatility. When connecting both heating and hot water in the house, no additional equipment or a second heater is required.

As already mentioned, the main task is to choose the right gas boiler that is needed without overpaying for unnecessary functions. Right now we will consider all the criteria for such a selection.

Optimal gas boilers for heating a private house - the main nuances of choice

Let's try to consider in more detail the types of gas equipment and its purpose for a more complete understanding of all the nuances of choosing gas equipment. Start by choosing a mounting option. Because in this case, we are discussing equipment installed in a private house, then the most rational choice would be in favor of equipment mounted to the floor. The fact is that such devices are more durable in operation and have more power. Usually, for an average calculation, approximately 1 kW per 10 m 2 is taken.

As for the cost, although it is higher than that of electric water heaters, nevertheless, with a lower gas price, as a result, space heating with blue fuel equipment will be more profitable. And not to be unfounded, let's give an example. The price of a gas boiler for heating a private house up to 100 m 2 will average 15,000 rubles. Power, in this case, should be at the level of 11 kW. The average consumption in the winter, cold months will be about 350 m 3 of gas per month, which in terms of money will be about 1,700 rubles. When compared with an electric boiler with a capacity of 6 kW, you will have to “lay out” about 4500 per month. And then, this is subject to a low-power boiler of 2 kW. And it’s not yet a fact that he is able to heat such an area.

In addition, do not forget that after the house warms up thoroughly, gas consumption will drop, because. intensive operation of the boiler will no longer be needed. As for the device of the combustion chamber, it is better to choose a closed type. Such heaters have greater safety, although there is a difference in price upwards. Their installation is allowed in the premises of apartment buildings, although in the private sector they will be acceptable. In general, choosing a gas boiler for heating a private house is a rather complicated process that requires considering many aspects and taking into account various nuances, such as drafts, loose window frames, doors, etc. And you need to approach it as responsibly as possible.

Wall and floor gas boilers - the advantages and disadvantages of each type

As already mentioned, wall-mounted devices are more compact and are perfect for apartments, even with a small area. You can place such a gas boiler, for example, in the bathroom, without compromising the usable area. But it is precisely because of their compactness that such devices have the main drawback - low power.

Although, if you think about it, in apartment buildings there may not be hot water, but heating is usually present. In this case, such a gas boiler will be quite enough. You just have to follow one rule - do not open too much hot water in the taps mounted in the line to the shower if one of the household members is in the bathroom. Some low-power appliances in such a case can not cope, and as a result, the water in the shower becomes ice cold. Of course, modern devices with a little more power are deprived of this "sore".

As for the equipment with two wall-type circuits, then the situation is much better. Such a device can also be used in private homes. Let's try to compare similar devices of various brands, and for one thing and find out what is the price of a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house.

Table 1. Models of wall-mounted boilers

brand and
heating circuit,
ARISTON FAST EVO 14B24 65 14 mechanical10000
GORENJE GWH10NNBWC20 65 10 Electronic9000
EDISSON S 20 G (Megapolis)20 75 10 mechanical5400

Thus, it can be understood that it is quite possible to choose a budget version of a wall-mounted gas boiler, which is practically not inferior in performance to expensive models.

Well, now it makes sense to compare a larger view that requires a separate room during installation, because. when it is installed, for example, in the bathroom, the usable area will be drastically reduced, which is not very much in such rooms anyway. So, let's consider what the price of a floor-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house can be, citing as an example some models of various companies.

Table 2. Models of floor standing boilers

brand and
heating temperature,
Rostovgazoapparat AOGVK 11.611,6 75-95 3,5 mechanical14200
Baxi Slim 2.230 i22,1 5-65 12 Electronic99500
Lemax Premium-16B16 90 5 mechanical24500

As can be seen from the comparison, floor gas boilers are much more expensive than wall-mounted ones, but at the same time they are much more reliable and their service life is 3-4 times longer, of course, with proper operation.

Summing up the intermediate result, it can be noted that the choice of the type of placement of such equipment depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling, as well as on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Useful advice! Installation of floor gas boilers for home heating is permissible on the first and basement floors of the building, in places with convenient access. At the same time, this equipment should not interfere with households. If the premises are small, for example, housing in an apartment building, then the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers will be appropriate.

What type of equipment is more profitable to purchase - with one or two circuits

Before you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types, you need to understand the essence of the functioning of each of them and decide what goals are pursued when purchasing such equipment. In the case of buying a single-circuit gas boiler, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will only carry out heating functions. If in the future it becomes necessary to install hot water, you will have to additionally buy an electric water heater or a gas water heater.

Two circuits are more convenient in this sense. They provide both hot water and heating. Therefore, the cost of such equipment is somewhat higher. If you look at it, then it makes sense to purchase a single-circuit gas boiler only if a centralized hot water supply is already connected to the dwelling or a gas water heater or an electric water heater is installed. In other cases, you should not save on buying a boiler - it is better to purchase a double-circuit one.

But the possibility of simultaneously turning on hot water and heating is still there. This is the use of a gas boiler with one circuit and an indirect heating boiler. The principle of its work is as follows. The boiler itself is a container with a heat exchanger, i.e. spiral tube located inside the tank. The heated water flowing through the heating system passes through it, as a result of which heating occurs. This operation allows you to save on electricity used to heat water for washing dishes, laundry, etc.

As for the principle of operation of a gas boiler with two circuits, it is slightly similar to the previous one, i.e. water for the bathroom and directly from the gas is not heated, but receives heat from the heating system. Such devices have large and small circuits, and the liquid intended for the heating system does not mix with the water supply. All work goes like this:

  • The water of the heating system constantly circulates along a large circuit, heated by a gas burner;
  • When a hot water tap is opened, a valve is activated that closes the large circuit and starts circulation in a small one;
  • The hot water pipe, located in a small tank of a small circuit, begins to heat up from heating, as a result of which the DHW functions;
  • When the tap is closed, the valve returns to its original state, again turning on the heating system in a large circle.

Thus, it turns out that when water is consumed in the DHW system, heating of a private house with a gas double-circuit boiler is not carried out.

Features, as well as advantages and disadvantages of both open and closed type combustion chambers

Here it makes sense to understand what are the design features and differences between open and closed combustion chambers of gas boilers and which type is better to choose for a particular room.

To begin with, devices with an open type combustion chamber have some disadvantages, which often make it impossible to install such devices in some apartments. The fact is that such gas equipment must necessarily be connected to the chimney of a stove or fireplace, which, you see, is unrealistic if you live in an apartment building. In addition, there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning, which means that installing a device with an open-type combustion chamber will require forced ventilation.

Opposite to it in these parameters are wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers with a closed-type combustion chamber. Such units have their own chimney, through which fresh air also enters, and therefore are more convenient to install. And the danger of poisoning by combustion products in the case of using such heaters disappears.

If we talk about a floor gas boiler with a closed-type combustion chamber, then the procedure for its operation is completely identical. If it is installed in a separate room, no forced or other ventilation device is required, and therefore this type of heater is more acceptable and easy to install.

What information is needed to calculate the power of a gas boiler

The required power of gas equipment is calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheated premises. At the same time, it is worth purchasing a device a little more powerful than necessary, based on the presence of drafts and other heat leaks, without which no room can do.

As already mentioned, the average power of a gas boiler should be 1 kW per 10 m 2 of area. But, it is worth emphasizing that this is only an average. And therefore, for example, the power of a gas boiler per 100 sq. m should not be 10 kW, but at least a little more than 11. And this is subject to the heating of the house. If a glazed, but not too insulated veranda is included in the heating system, then the power indicator should already be at least 12-13 kW. Do not neglect such calculations when choosing equipment for heating, because. too weak a boiler will not be able to provide a comfortable temperature in the premises, and an overly powerful one will increase the amount in monthly gas bills, which will be spent completely uselessly.

To simplify such calculations, we have developed a convenient illustrated online calculator for calculating the required power of a gas boiler, taking into account many room parameters. The calculation is made for each individual room and the obtained values ​​are summarized. According to the final figure, you can safely select a boiler of the required power.

Calculator for calculating the required power of a gas boiler

no one two three

35⁰С and below from -30⁰С to -34⁰С from -25⁰С to -29⁰С from -20⁰С to -24⁰С from -15⁰С to -19⁰С from -10⁰С to -14⁰С not colder than -10⁰С

Cold floor on the ground or above an unheated room Warm floor on the ground or above an unheated room Heated room

Heated room Warm attic or other room Cold attic or unheated room

up to 2.7 m 2.8÷3.0 m 3.1÷3.5 m 3.6÷4.0 m over 4.1 m

No One Two Three

Do not fill in if you do not need to send results

Send the result to my email

General rules and regulations to be observed when replacing gas equipment

Due to the fact that gas is explosive and its leakage can lead to irreparable consequences, it is best to entrust any work on installing boilers to professionals. The same applies to the replacement of equipment due to the development of a resource or premature complete failure. Of course, installation and replacement is possible with your own hands, but for this you need to know some rules for the production of such work and be completely confident in your abilities and the possibility of an independent, and most importantly, correct connection of a gas boiler.

To do this, it makes sense to dwell on the existing installation standards, having analyzed them in detail.

Requirements for installing gas boilers in private homes - what you need to know

Because we are not considering the initial installation, but namely the replacement of gas equipment, it makes no sense to dwell on the coordination and approval of the necessary documentation now - we will analyze this a little lower. It is understood that it is framed for an old boiler, which means that it is only necessary not to exceed the upper value of the boiler power established in the acts.

In the dismantling of old equipment, no difficulties should arise. Having shut off the supply of water and gas to the boiler, it is necessary to open the drain plug of the device, which is usually located at the bottom, and then unscrew all connections from the device, such as the supply and outflow of heating and water supply, as well as the gas supply.

Important advice! If it is possible to purchase a gas boiler of the same brand and company that was installed before, then this should not be neglected. If this is not possible, it is best to measure the distance between the inputs and outputs on the old equipment and select a new one with the same parameters. This will make installation much easier. And this advice applies to both floor and suspended equipment.

If such equipment is installed for the first time, then it is necessary to coordinate the plan with the fire service, as well as a detailed study of the installation standards for gas boilers, which are prescribed in the documentation of sanitary norms and rules (SNiP).

Video: self-installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler

If you decide to install a gas boiler yourself, first watch this video:

What you need to know when replacing an old boiler with a new one

The main thing that will be required when installing new equipment is a device for removing combustion products, as well as providing the boiler with an influx of fresh air. This issue is especially relevant when replacing a device with an open combustion chamber with a device with a closed one. A special, so-called coaxial chimney for a gas boiler perfectly copes with this function. It consists of two pipes of different diameters, the smaller of which is inserted inside the larger one. At the same time, they do not touch each other, and create a two-circuit highway in tandem. According to one of them, combustion products are removed, and according to the second, fresh air is supplied to maintain the necessary flame.

Even if a wall-mounted boiler with a similar combustion chamber ventilation system was previously installed, then when replacing the equipment itself, the old coaxial chimney must also be dismantled, inside which soot can accumulate, which makes it difficult to remove combustion products. In this case, especially if the old and new equipment are of the same brand, it is quite possible to mount a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands, which will eliminate the additional cost of paying a gas service employee.

According to what scheme is the installation of a gas boiler

Before starting the installation of gas equipment, it is necessary to carefully study all the technical documentation that is attached to it. After all, each model has its own nuances and features that you should know about in advance. When connecting a double-circuit gas boiler, a scheme plays a special role, according to which water supply, heating and gas are installed to the device. If all the necessary papers are studied properly, there should be no problems.

Also, special attention should be paid to the protective alarm and shutdown. Special gas leakage sensors will help to shut off its supply in time in case of an emergency, which is very important. It is also necessary to provide not only the normal operation of the ventilation of the room where the gas boiler is installed, but also a backup outlet. This is also provided for by SNiP when installing outdoor equipment on "blue" fuel.

Important advice! Sanitary norms and rules governing the installation of a gas boiler in a private house must be observed thoroughly.

What you need to know before choosing a voltage stabilizer for gas boilers and what it is for

All automation of the prevailing number of models of gas boilers is powered by a network, with a voltage of 230 V. It is this indicator that is necessary for the normal functioning of the device. However, this value in our country is rarely set at a similar level and can vary from 180 to 270 V. This means that there is no other way out than the acquisition of a stabilizer.

So what will be better for a gas boiler? Which stabilizer to choose so that it fits perfectly with the equipment? To begin with, such devices can be of three types:

  • relay;
  • Electromechanical;
  • Electronic.

To compare their technical characteristics, it is worth taking a look at the table.

Table 3. Comparison of voltage stabilizers for gas boilers

Service life in years3-5 1-5 10-15
Warranty in years1 1 3-5
Voltage range120-160 150-250 120-300
ServiceNot requiredOnce a yearNot required
Reaction rate, volts per second50 10 250
Protection against power surges,%50 20 90
Alignment accuracy, %5-8 2-3 3-0,8
Approximate cost, rub.700-1500 900-1600 2500-6000

Thus, it becomes clear that electronic voltage stabilizers do not leave a chance for other types, despite the higher cost.

As for the choice and purchase of gas equipment, it is worth considering some brands and models in order to understand what the functions of such equipment can be and compare their approximate prices.

What is the rating of gas boilers depending on the model and manufacturer

Of course, when you come to the store, you need to choose gas equipment according to your preferences and the characteristics of the device. But to save time, it is better to narrow the range of models to more preferred ones at home, and by that it is worthwhile to figure out how big the differences are between brands of gas equipment. Just as important are the prices, which differ from brand to brand.

That is why now we will try to first consider the characteristics, and then compile a small rating of gas boilers by brand and model in the most famous category.

Specifications PROTHERM BEAR 40 TLO

The main inconvenience of such a gas boiler is the absence of a boiler, which means it will need to be bought separately. Or you will have to install a geyser for hot water supply, which will lead to additional costs.

VIESSMANN VITOGAS 100-F GS1D870 - what are the differences with this unit

The lower power of this gas boiler is compensated by a slightly higher efficiency. For what reason the price is sensitively overestimated - it is not clear. Is that due to the presence of auto-ignition. But it's hard to believe. Most likely this is a banal payment for brand fame.

Gas boiler AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort N, domestic production

It's amazing how different the price of a heating boiler for a private house can be between foreign brands and domestic manufacturers. Such equipment is quite enough for space heating, with an area of ​​up to 200 m 2, which means that while this model is in first place in our rating. In addition, the call to support the domestic manufacturer is always relevant.

Another Russian model - AOGV-11.6-3 ECONOMY

Here, the reason for the price reduction is clear, the power indicator is 2 times less compared to the previous version. However, even such a power is quite enough to heat an area of ​​​​100 m 2, which means that we can say about such a device that it is quite worthy of a place in our small rating.

BUDERUS LOGANO G234 WS-38 - more expensive equipment

As it becomes clear, a foreign manufacturer sets a rather high price for gas boilers, which not everyone can afford. In this case, it is necessary to look for an alternative, because. usually in private homes there is simply no other way out than installing such equipment.

Another of the foreign representatives in the gas equipment market is BAXI SLIM 2300 Fi

The slightly higher cost of this model is due to the presence of a second circuit, which means that it is possible to connect hot water without installing additional devices. The gas boiler Baxi Slim 2300Fi with a built-in boiler will be a great helper in the struggle for comfortable living in a private house, subject to the availability of financial opportunities to purchase it.

VAILLANT ecoVIT VKK INT 366 - its price is clearly too high

Of course, an efficiency of 109% is impressive, but still the cost for a single-circuit gas boiler is clearly too high. Although, if someone likes this particular brand, such a device has a right to exist, as well as one of the places in our ranking of the most famous brands and models.


Gas boilers are widely used heating appliances. Heat is generated by burning natural gas (methane or propane-butane), and its amount is usually sufficient to heat water for everyday use. For those people who decide to buy such a device, the question always arises as to which gas boiler is better. To make a choice, you need to know the features of these devices and their types. You can see what modern gas boilers look like in the photo.

Advantages of gas boilers

Today, gas appliances are the most common, they are used in many private homes.

There are several reasons for this popularity:

  • ease of operation - after installation, regular maintenance is not required;
  • efficiency - gas is considered one of the cheapest sources of energy;
  • the possibility of automating work;
  • availability and variety of types - among a wide range of models, you can choose exactly the option that is suitable both in terms of technical characteristics and cost.
It is impossible to say unequivocally which gas boilers are the best, because it all depends on the situation and the needs of the owners of the house. When choosing boilers, it is necessary to pay attention to various characteristics - in this case, it will be possible to choose exactly the model that takes into account the characteristics of housing.

Power, which gas boiler is better

The main characteristic of any heating devices is power. should be done based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. Usually, for every 10 "squares" 1 kW of power is enough. Thus, for heating a household with an area of ​​100 square meters, a boiler with a capacity of 10 kW is needed.

However, such a calculation allows only approximately calculating the required power of the device, since it is also necessary to take into account the level of heat transfer and heat loss (the presence of a basement, material and wall thickness, glazing, ceiling height, quality of thermal insulation - all this affects heating efficiency). Individual needs also matter - someone feels comfortable at 20 degrees of air, and someone prefers to be in a warmer room.

If there are doubts that it will be possible to make the correct calculations on your own, then it is better to call specialists who will take into account all the features of the house.

Power regulation

The power of heating boilers can be adjusted.

Depending on the ability to control the process, gas appliances are divided into:

  • single-stage;
  • two-stage;
  • with smooth adjustment.
The best gas boilers are continuously adjustable - this allows you to change the power depending on the air temperature, so you can reduce gas consumption (more: "").

Single-stage heating units have only one power level, they are the cheapest. Two-stage have two degrees of power. If possible, it is better to buy more expensive boilers with two-stage or smooth adjustment - this will allow you to maintain a comfortable environment in the room.

In the case of using single-stage boilers, it will be difficult to create a cozy atmosphere in the house during the off-season - it can be hot with the boiler turned on, and cold without heating.

Wall and floor gas boilers - comparison

According to the type of fastening, there are the following types of gas boilers:
In addition, they are much easier to install than outdoor ones. However, it should be borne in mind that their power is not enough to heat a large area, and the service life is shorter due to the fact that steel or copper is used to facilitate the construction, and not cast iron.

Wall-mounted appliances gained popularity due to safety, ease of use, modern design and compact size. Also, recently, wall-mounted gas boilers have been installed not only in private houses, but also in apartments where floor structures cannot be placed (more: "").

But if the heat unit is bought for a private house, then it is advisable to stop the choice on the floor model. A comparison of gas heating boilers clearly indicates the advantages of floor appliances. They should be installed in a separate room, converted into a boiler room by creating ventilation and a chimney (in more detail: ""). As a result, heating will be highly efficient and safe.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers - types

As for what gas heating boilers are, there are single-circuit and double-circuit models.
If you need a large amount of hot water, then it is better to buy a boiler with a built-in boiler, having previously figured out which gas boilers are best for a private house. If you need a little water (for example, in order to wash dishes and take a shower), then a device with a flow heat exchanger will be the best solution.

In wall-mounted boilers, water is heated only in an instantaneous water heater; a built-in boiler can only be present in floor structures. But having chosen such a model, it is necessary to obtain permission for the installation and further operation of the boiler (read: ""). You can also connect an indirect water heater to the device - in this case, you can easily solve problems with hot water supply.

If we compare gas heating boilers, then it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - single-circuit or double-circuit. To decide, you need to find out whether it is enough just to heat the house or it will not be superfluous to provide all household members with hot water.

Natural and forced circulation

Gas boilers can be natural or forced draft. In devices of the first type, the combustion chamber is open, and an atmospheric burner is also used. In these models, air is taken directly from the room, and combustion products come out due to natural draft.

Of course, such a heater requires a special room for installation so that the health of the residents of the house is not harmed.

Forced draft boilers use turbo or forced draft burners and the combustion chamber is closed. Air is taken either from another room (this option is rare) or from the street. Combustion products are removed through air ducts of small diameter using a built-in fan. Of course, such devices can be installed in any premises. The best gas heating boilers for an apartment are with forced draft.

It is believed that atmospheric burners are more practical, they work longer and quieter, but forced draft boilers do not burn oxygen in the room. Thus, it is pleasant to be in a heated room. As for forced draft burners, they are not so sensitive to pressure drops.

Condensing and convection boilers, which is the most reliable

According to the type of use of the energy received, devices are divided into two types:
  • convection;
  • condensation.
Traditional convection boilers use only the energy of gas combustion. Such models also have several advantages, despite the fact that the energy received is not fully used. These include simplicity of design, ease of installation and maintenance, low cost models.

Condensation devices also use the energy of the transition of fuel from a gaseous to a liquid state. Such boilers are more expensive than conventional units, but they have a higher efficiency. These types of gas heating boilers are equally in demand, the choice depends only on what you plan to save on - on the cost of the device or on the fuel that will be used in the future.

Since condensing boilers have a higher efficiency, they are very popular in European countries. They allow good savings on fuel, so it pays off quickly.

Ignition and thermostat features

There are boilers with electric ignition and pierro ignition. In devices with electric ignition, the start is automatic. Such models are volatile, so they are not recommended for homes that often experience power outages. The process of fuel combustion in boilers with piezo ignition is started by pressing the buttons (read also: "").

The devices can use different types of thermostats. The standard device performs only one function - it maintains the set temperature (more details: ""). Programmable thermostats have a number of additional features. For example, you can set the temperature for several days, change it at different times of the day. All these features allow not only to save on fuel, but also to maintain comfort in the house.

The most expensive are devices with thermostats, which, using a special sensor, count even slight temperature fluctuations in the street and regulate the power of the unit depending on this.

Gas boiler heat exchanger material

In order for the purchased device to turn out to be of high quality and durable, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the material from which the heat exchanger is made.

The most reliable gas boiler is cast iron. Despite the fact that cast iron products are sensitive to temperature changes, they serve for at least several decades. Since cast iron boilers are heavy, they are found only in the floor version.

Steel structures have less weight, besides their cost is low. But at the same time, they are subject to corrosion, and, accordingly, they are not able to serve for a long time. For this reason, they are not the best option.

Copper boilers are resistant to corrosion, besides they can be mounted on the wall due to their low weight. Such models are considered the best - they are easier to install than cast iron, but at the same time they are durable.

Gas boiler manufacturers

Currently, there are many manufacturers of heating equipment. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question often arises as to which company a gas boiler is better. The devices of German companies (Villain and Wolf) are considered the most reliable, durable and high-quality devices, but they are quite expensive. Italian gas boilers are no less high quality, besides, they have an affordable price.
As for whether foreign technology is really better than domestic products, this is not always the case. But as far as gas boilers are concerned, there is no doubt about the correctness of this statement - imported appliances turn out to be more reliable and convenient to use.

When choosing a gas boiler, you need to pay attention not only to its price, but also to performance and quality. It is better to spend more money on a high-quality, efficient and durable boiler than to change it soon.

When choosing, you need to consider the following characteristics of the boilers:

  • material of manufacture;
  • the number of contours;
  • thermostat type and ignition method;
  • installation option (floor or wall);
  • number of power levels;
  • type of energy use (convection or condensing).
Most often, gas boilers are used to create an autonomous heating system in private houses; they are rare in apartments. The popularity of such equipment is primarily due to the low cost of fuel and the boilers themselves.

But at the same time, we must not forget that natural gas is a dangerous type of fuel, and the installation of gas equipment will require obtaining an appropriate permit. In addition, any natural gas heater should be placed in a separate room with good ventilation and a chimney.

In order to always be comfortable in the house, the boiler must also be equipped with a thermostat that allows you to change the degree of heating depending on the air temperature.

Which gas boiler is better, watch the video:

We will talk about the types, features of operation, but most importantly, the rating of gas boilers for heating a private house will be presented. This information is useful to all those who are currently puzzled by the choice of heating equipment. The organization of heating the house and heating water for domestic use is a must for those who live or move to a private house. Gas equipment is considered the most effective and inexpensive to use. We will talk about him today in today's article.

What type of boiler to choose

The first thing you should pay attention to before buying is the output power of the system. This parameter is calculated taking into account the climatic zone in which the equipment will operate and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises that need to be heated. The calculation is not very difficult. Since in private houses the height of the ceilings rarely exceeds 3 m, you can attach yourself to the area of ​​​​the rooms. This parameter is multiplied by the coefficient for the installation region, and then divided by 10.

The correction factors have the following meanings:

  1. For the southern regions, where there are no severe winters, it is 07,-0,9.
  2. For the middle band, the coefficient is already growing significantly - 1-1,2.
  3. In moderately cold climates, calculations are guided by numbers 1,2-1,5.
  4. The most difficult thing is to warm up the house in the northern regions, where the coefficient from 1.5 can go up to 2.

A simple example. Let's take two buildings of 100 squares of the same size and energy efficiency. We carry out the calculation for the south: 100 * 0.7 / 10 \u003d 7 kW. For the north - 100 * 2/10 \u003d 20 kW. There is nothing complicated in such calculations, and you can choose a boiler for yourself. However, there are many nuances that even professionals cannot take into account without knowing how your house is built and how energy efficient it is. This means that if the building is poorly insulated, such calculations may be pointless.

The next point that you need to pay attention to is the way the boiler is installed. The organization of the space around and the safety of equipment operation will depend on it. There are two types here:

  1. Floor boilers- this is powerful bulky equipment that requires a separate room (boiler room) for installation and normal operation. The power of such equipment can be simply huge, it has a very high efficiency, it is possible to instantly supply hot water to the draw-off point.
  2. Wall mounted boilers- they are used to organize individual heating in apartments and small houses. They are very compact and can even be installed inside cabinets without taking up much space. The size of the equipment imposes some restrictions on it. In particular, all working parts (pump, burner, electronics and heat exchanger) are in close proximity to each other, which creates difficult operating conditions at constant elevated temperatures. Of course, the parameters of the devices are carefully calculated, but the overall service life of such systems is still much lower than that of floor systems.

Also, the small size limits such gas boilers in power, although in the southern regions they can freely heat houses up to 200-300 m².

It is also important to know what type of burner is installed in your boiler. This parameter affects not only the efficiency of the system, but not its appearance. Distinguish:

How gas boilers are arranged and work

Before proceeding with the review of different models, let's talk a little about the technical part of such equipment. Knowing the question will allow you to better navigate the functions of the boiler.

Table 1.Working parts of the boiler

Detail, photoDescription
We have already talked a little about her. Flames burst from this part. The gas is ignited by a piezoelectric element.
With the case, everything is clear - it is a metal box of the right size with a heat insulator that protects the internal parts from others, and those around from internal parts.
In fact, this is a radiator, inside which heated water circulates through the tubes. A burner burns under the heat exchanger and heats the water inside it.
This device forcibly pushes the coolant through the heating system. Everything is very clear here.
Gas combustion products must be removed from the boiler so that they do not enter the room. To do this, a separate chimney route is installed, which is led out into the street through the walls or ceiling - depending on the type of boiler.
In modern equipment, heating is completely controlled by electronics. Depending on the complexity of the heating equipment, the “brains” for it will also differ.

In general, simplified, the system works like this. The gas is supplied through the pipes to the boiler, where it goes straight to the burner, which is ignited by a piezoelectric element - previously this had to be done manually. The fuel begins to burn, releasing a lot of thermal energy, which is captured by the heat exchanger and transferred to the water inside it. So that the water does not boil and does not burst the heat pipes with pressure, it must be moved, constantly changing the heated coolant to the already cooled one - this work is performed by pumping equipment. Also, the gas boiler system is equipped with other devices so that it can be quickly controlled - pressure relief valves, gearboxes, combs, pressure gauges and much more. It all depends on the specific model.

Interesting to know! An important role in the reliability of the boiler is played by its security system, which prevents water from boiling, freezing, blocking the pump in case of failure or gas leakage. All these functions are implemented by special add-ons and sensors that cost a lot of money.

If the boiler is double-circuit, it can simultaneously heat the coolant in the heating system and water for hot water supply at home. The scheme of operation of such a boiler is more complex than the one we described above.

What are the types of gas boilers

Table 2. Types of gas boilers

Type of gas boilerDescription

Atmospheric and other burners are installed in boilers with an open combustion chamber. As we wrote earlier, they need a natural draft of air - it is taken from the room, and the combustion products are removed through the chimney. It is possible to install such a boiler only in a separate room, the volume of which will be three times the hourly gas exchange of the equipment.

The advantages of the design include its simplicity - fairly easy repair and maintenance. No noise during operation - only pumps do this. Relatively low price and a large assortment.

Disadvantages - low efficiency, the need for a chimney and a separate non-residential premises.

There is no need to isolate such a boiler from the living space, since the chamber in it does not come into contact with the surrounding air in any way. In such boilers, coaxial chimneys are used, which are simply brought out through the wall to the street. In such a chimney there are two pipes - external and internal. One of their bottom is inlet, and the other is exhaust. The length of this pipe is small, which is very convenient to use.

You can use such boilers even in apartments. Most often they are wall-mounted.

The advantages of the equipment include: safety of work, small dimensions, no need for a separate room, ease of operation and quick installation. Among the shortcomings, we note the rather high cost and high noise level.

About the contours, in principle, everything is clear, so we will not go into too much detail. We only recall that double-circuit models simultaneously work with a heating system and hot water supply. There is no way to get confused in the choice.

There is another division into classes of gas boilers. Separately, we will not write about it, but will mention it in the course of listing models in our rating.

List of the best boilers for your home

In recent years, nothing supernatural and revolutionary has appeared on the boiler market, so you can turn your attention not only to the latest innovations, but also to proven systems.

Gas boilers - the best solution if it is possible to install them

wall models

Let's start with wall-mounted gas boilers. They are of condensation and convection types. The former are the most economical and productive, since not only the thermal energy released during the combustion of gas is used to heat water, but also the energy of condensing steam. The efficiency of such devices is very close to the coveted mark of 100%. Naturally, these boilers are more expensive, so we will list the best models on the market in this class separately. In the meantime, all about convection wall-mounted boilers.

Weissman boilers have always been distinguished by quality and reliability. They are assembled on one modular platform, which greatly simplifies repair and maintenance. The list includes three versions of this model - for 34, 30 and 24 kW. Depending on the region of installation, the power of such a boiler may be enough for a house of 250 square meters.

This copper has the compact case (400*340*725) that allows to install it in any rooms. The most powerful model of these consumes at the peak of 3.5 cubic meters of gas per hour - this is considered a very good indicator of efficiency. There are quick-detachable connectors on the hydroblock, there is a heating control system, depending on the ambient temperature. Innovative coaxial chimney protected from freezing, efficiency in the region of 93%, operating mode on liquefied gas and an intelligent equipment diagnostic system. Of the minuses, one can name the absence of a remote control panel, but this is not significant. The cost of a boiler in various online stores ranges from 42,000 to 60,000 rubles.

This boiler can immediately be written to the leaders of our rating. Here is a product from a well-known German manufacturer. The average cost for this is 60,000 rubles. It also has a closed combustion chamber and a good coaxial chimney. Conveniently, the power of forced ventilation can be adjusted exactly along the length of the chimney.

The model has the highest efficiency in the class. Its walls are reliably protected from heating, which allows you to mount the boiler without indenting from the side wall. Able to work on liquefied natural gas. It heats the water in the DHW circuit very quickly - there is no need to drain it for several minutes. The system is compatible with the proprietary WRS control module, which can be mounted both on the boiler and as a remote control module. The boiler starts softly.

You can note the entire model range - the power varies from 9.4 to 24 kW. The system has 2 heat exchangers - one for each circuit. The expansion tank has a volume of 8 liters, which allows you to get a performance of 11.5 liters per minute of hot water.

We are falling into a more affordable price niche. Here the boiler from Italy Baxi feels good. This brand, in fact, is considered one of the most prestigious, but this particular model is inexpensive and performs well in practice.

It belongs to the fourth generation, which was developed specifically for Russia, and specifically, it is designed to operate at a reduced gas pressure at the inlet - 5 mbar. It is very convenient that the boiler has a separate temperature control system in the radiators and the underfloor heating system. The maximum power of the boiler is 24 kW. It has very modest dimensions - 299 * 400 * 730 mm.

Of the advantages, we note:

  • water accounting system;
  • post-circulation mode;
  • use of a pump with an air vent;
  • compatibility with solar collectors;
  • separate temperature control;
  • low pressure protection system;
  • a pleasant price in the region of 38,000 rubles;
  • remote thermostat and remote control.

The disadvantages include a small display on which information is displayed, how the cat cried.

Boiler Baxi Eco Four 1.24 F

Of the inexpensive solutions, we also note the goods from the Korean manufacturer Navien. These are boilers with a closed chamber, which are also adapted to our conditions. At a cost in the region of 28,000 rubles. they give excellent results. The boiler power can be 24 kW.

Pleased with the following features:

  • frost protection - if the temperature of the coolant drops below 10 degrees, the heating and the pump will automatically start;
  • remote control panel;
  • stable work.

The boiler has a stainless steel heat exchanger. On the one hand, a minus, but on the other, a plus - the part is very strong and durable, and the efficiency of copper heat exchangers is boosted by turbocharging. Among the shortcomings, we note a little noise and unstable heating of hot water.

Let's move on to condensing wall-mounted boilers.

Boiler Navien Deluxe 24K

The German manufacturer Valiant offers its customers the highest quality heating equipment. The thermal power of this model is 24 kW - you already know how to convert to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The cost of such a model is on average 55,000-60,000 rubles.

Of course, the condensing boiler will have much lower gas consumption with high heat transfer. The model has the option of enhanced water heating for hot water supply - it produces up to 24 kW. The boiler is equipped with a DIA system for collecting and analyzing information about the operation of the boiler. The equipment can work both from a coaxial chimney and from a conventional one. Suitable for heating systems with low temperatures.

The burner has a chamber for preliminary mixing of gas and air, which increases the efficiency of the boiler. There is an automatic control of combustion and ignition, due to the control of the consumed air. The pump can automatically switch from hot water to heating. The volume of the expansion tank is 10 liters.

With such a high quality, this boiler does not have the highest price. In addition to high quality, you can also note the beautiful design. Of the shortcomings, only vulnerability to power surges can be called, so a stabilizer is required.

Boiler Vaillant ecoTec plus VUW INT IV 246

This boiler is the most economical in its class. The price for it is already in the region of 100,000 rubles, but the quality, especially the high one, is always expensive. The main feature of this model is the presence of a Matrix cylindrical type burner. It is high-tech and has many micro nozzles. This structure minimizes heat loss. A steel ring-type heat exchanger also has high efficiency.

Efficiency of the device is 98%, two ways of heating hot water, small body, remote control, operation with liquefied gas, high-quality and smart electronics, easy repair. And this is not all the advantages of the model. There is only one drawback - the high price.

Boiler Viessmann Vitodens 100-W

Video - Rating of wall-mounted gas boilers

Floor models

Let's move on to floor boilers now. We will also first name the leaders of the convection type, and then the condensation type.

Before you is a single-circuit heating boiler from Weissman. It is low-temperature and has an open combustion chamber, which means that it will have to be installed in a boiler room. Its power is 29 kW. They will ask you for about 110,000-120,000 rubles for this in the store. Very productive system of the small size which traditionally differs in high quality of execution.

The heat exchange parts of the boiler are made of gray cast iron and flake graphite. The burner has a fuel pre-mixing chamber. Weather-compensated automation is very energy efficient. The ignition system is implemented in such a way that the boiler starts silently and efficiently. Such a boiler can be easily combined with storage units to provide hot water at home. I don’t want to consider a high price for such reliability and coherence of all components as a disadvantage, but this is what stops many users from such an acquisition.

Yes, and yet, such a boiler, when connected to the DHW system, cannot provide long-term heating of the water in the flow mode - you quickly fill the bathroom, and its temperature drops sharply. To avoid this, you need to spend water with a small pressure.

Boiler Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D870

From the budget line of boilers of this type, we single out a model from the Slovak company Proterm. It costs about 60,000 rubles. The boiler is also single-circuit and has an open combustion chamber. Useful power is at the level of 26 kW, so it is enough for a small house.

Let's name the pluses:

  • summer-winter mode;
  • smooth power adjustment;
  • informative display;
  • heat exchanger protected from condensate and the possibility of replacing its middle section;
  • small size and cooling circuit.

The remote control for such a boiler can only be purchased separately, which somewhat lubricates a good impression.

Boiler Prothrem Bear 30 KLOM

Of the condensing single-circuit boilers, we again note the model from Valiant. Power 34 kW for just some 180,000 rubles. It is very efficient and reliable, like all real German technology. DHW is realized by connecting an external storage boiler, as in previous cases. As an option, you can take a double-circuit boiler from the ECO series.

  • The efficiency of the device is around 99%;
  • modulating type burner;
  • economical gas consumption;
  • touch control panel;
  • DIA system;
  • flame and ignition control.

The disadvantage of the boiler is still the same - you need a voltage stabilizer, but at this price, these are already trifles.

Boiler Vaillant ecoVIT VKK INT 366

So, we went through the most common models in our country from different price segments. We hope you find the material useful.

Video - Which boiler to choose: floor or wall

It is difficult to choose gas boilers - they are usually sold already with apartments or houses, so people simply do not know what to look for. But what if you urgently need to purchase good equipment, but there is no time to delve into all the design features? In fact, a lot of knowledge for the right choice is not needed. And the availability of a ready-made rating of gas boilers for 2019 makes it easier for the buyer.

The best wall-mounted convection gas boilers
1 place 9,4 Buyers Choice35700 r.
2nd place 9,2 Sophisticated security system39470 r.
3rd place 9,0 Closed extended tank of seven liters39100 r.
Best Wall Mounted Condensing Gas Boilers
1 place 9,8 High power - 30.6 kW99250 r.
2nd place 9,3 Best quality55880 r.
3rd place 9,1 Approximate efficiency - 104%58860 r.
The best floor convection gas boilers for a private home
1 place 9,7 Heats up to 128 square meters26430 r.
2nd place 9,5 Best functionality and quality58720 r.
3rd place 8,8 Profitable price21030 r.
The best floor condensing gas boilers for a private home
1 place 9,3 The highest efficiency - 107.5%148930 r.
2nd place 9,0 High efficiency with maximum reliability219800 r.
The best single-circuit gas boilers
1 place 9,4 Optimum performance and safety44850 r.
2nd place 9,2 The boiler saves up to 15% of gas45000 r.
The best double-circuit gas boilers
1 place 9,2 German assembly41370 r.
2nd place 8,9 Provide heat for an area up to 188-240 sq.m.49950 r.

What to look for when choosing a gas boiler

When choosing a gas boiler, you need to rely on the reputation of the company and its breakdown statistics. But there are some criteria, without which it is simply impossible to find a good device. Let's try to figure out what you need to remember before buying gas equipment:

  • Boilers are divided according to the installation method into wall and floor, so analyze where you have more space;
  • The type of boiler - convection and condensing - must be selected depending on the desired price;
  • The number of circuits - there are double-circuit and single-circuit boilers - affects whether the boiler can heat water;
  • The greater the heated power, the better the device will work;
  • The type of combustion chamber - closed or open - indicates whether a person can see how the boiler works;
  • There are different sizes of boilers, so it is important to consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where it will be installed;
  • High-level security is literally vital, because gas equipment can explode.