How to find out the square of the room for wallpaper. How to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you need per room. Calculation of the number of wallpapers for standard gluing

Cosmetic or major repairs to the house should begin with the preparation of a preliminary estimate that can display the quantity and price of the necessary materials for restoration work. If you decide to only replace the wallpaper in the room, you will need an accurate calculation of the number of rolls. This will allow you to purchase the required amount of material, save money and avoid possible problems.

How to start calculating wallpaper on the wall?

Strange as it may seem, but for an accurate calculation, you do not have to take rolls and try in every possible way to find out how many square or linear meters of vinyl, paper, non-woven or fiberglass are in them.

Initially, it is necessary to find out the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that we will paste over. Of course, floors do not need to be taken into account, since we are interested in the walls and, possibly, the ceiling, if you plan to decorate it to match the walls. For measurements, it is enough to arm yourself with a tape measure and take measurements around the entire perimeter of the walls.

To get the most accurate result, measurements are performed twice: the first near the baseboards, and the second under the ceiling. Even with a slight curvature of the walls, there may be a discrepancy in the results. This will reveal the error that will have to be taken into account when calculating materials.

Quite often, a situation arises when the lower measurement at the plinth showed a result of 8 meters. That is, each of the four walls has 2 meters. Accordingly, the room has the shape of a perfect cube. But measurements near the ceiling can be several centimeters smaller. Based on this, we can conclude that the room in volume is not a cube, but a truncated pyramid or prism. Even small discrepancies will lead to the fact that the corners of the wallpaper at the top will deviate from the general pattern of the material.

Because of this, wallpaper should be glued horizontally. The transverse overlay of the material can hide the unevenness of the room. As a result, we can conclude that measurements allow you to find out not only the perimeter of the room, but also to find out the true geometry of the room, respectively, you can choose the most effective finishing option.

Further steps to calculate the number of wallpapers on the wall consist of a fairly simple miscalculation. To do this, the obtained values ​​​​are substituted into the formula S \u003d a * b. In this case, a and b are the sides of the rectangle that the wall protrudes. After that, it is necessary to measure window and door openings, they are calculated using this formula, only the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bare subtracted from the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. As a result, you can get fairly accurate values ​​for the amount of wallpaper needed for pasting the walls.

To date, there are several options for calculating wallpaper on the wall:
  1. By the number of stripes and the perimeter of the room.
  2. According to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls that need to be pasted over.
  3. When using a special online calculator.

To choose the best option for you, consider each of the options in more detail.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper on the wall by the number of stripes and the perimeter of the room.

This option provides for an accurate determination of the number of strips of material that will be required for pasting a particular room. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Initially, the width and length of the room are measured. Based on the data obtained, the total perimeter of the room is determined.
  2. The width of the door and window opening is also measured. The data obtained must be subtracted from the total perimeter.
  3. After that, the resulting value is divided by the width of the wallpaper roll that is planned to be used.
  4. The resulting value should be rounded up to an integer value. This value will be the number of stripes required for gluing.
  5. When you know how many strips are needed for a particular wall, this value must be divided by the length of one roll.
  6. In order to have enough material, the obtained values ​​are rounded up.

In this way, the exact number of strips and rolls of wallpaper can be obtained. In order to get acquainted with the calculation methodology in more detail, it is necessary to consider all the steps on a specific example.

Calculation example. If you need to paste over a room with dimensions of 7 m by 3 m and a wall height of 2.5 m, which has a window opening of 2 m by 1.5 m and a doorway of 1 m by 2 m, you must specify the dimensions of the wallpaper roll: length 10 m, and width 53 cm.

To calculate the required number of rolls, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Determination of the perimeter of the entire room: (7 + 3) x2 \u003d 20 meters.
  2. Calculation of the width of the door and window opening: 3 + 1 = 3 meters.
  3. Calculation of the total perimeter minus openings: 20-3=17 meters.
  4. The resulting value must be divided by the width of the material roll: 17/0.53=32. The result shows that 32 strips of the selected wallpaper will be required for this room.
  5. To calculate the number of strips in a roll, it is worth dividing the total length of one roll by the height of the walls: 10/2.5=4. This indicates that there are 4 strips in one roll.
  6. The last step is the division of the number of all strips into the number of segments in one roll: 32/4=8.

Pretty simple mathematical calculations will allow you to get the answer that 8 rolls of the selected wallpaper will be required to paste this room. At the same time, it is worth remembering that this calculation method does not take into account the required amount of material under and above horse and door openings. Accordingly, you will have to buy a little more material.

  1. Calculation of the number of wallpapers on the walls by the area of ​​the pasted surfaces.

This is a more economical and accurate calculation method, especially when it comes to a room with a large area. This option is based on determining the entire area of ​​the wall surfaces that need to be pasted over.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Initially, the entire perimeter of the room is measured and multiplied by the height of the walls.
  2. At the same time, it is also worth calculating the openings of doors and windows. The data obtained must be subtracted from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which will allow you to get the exact size of the surfaces to be glued.
  3. To calculate the area of ​​​​the web of the material used, it is enough to multiply the length of the roll by its width.
  4. After that, it is enough to divide the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material in one roll.
  5. The values ​​obtained must be rounded up. This data will be the number of rolls.

Consider this method of miscalculation on a specific example. We take the same data as for the first option.

  • To measure the perimeter: (7+3)x2=20 meters.
  • The pasting area is calculated by multiplying the perimeter by the height of the walls: 20 * 2.5 \u003d 50 sq.m.
  • The total area of ​​the room without door and window openings: (2*1.5)+(1*2)=5 sq.m.
  • As a result, you can get the exact amount of area that needs to be pasted over: 50-5 = 45 sq.m.
  • As for the calculation of the wallpaper in one roll, for this it is necessary to multiply its length by the width: 10 * 0.53 \u003d 5.3 sq.m.
  • The last step is the division of the area of ​​​​one roll into the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room: 45 / 5.3 = 8.4. Thus, we found out that 8.4 rolls of selected wallpaper will be required per room. As a result, it is necessary to round the received data and purchase 9 rolls of material.

The given examples show that the results of the first and second variants are almost identical. In this case, the second method allows you to take into account the space under and above the openings. Because of this, we can conclude that the calculation itself is not very complicated and both options can be applied in practice.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper on the wall using an online calculator.

If there is no possibility or desire to independently calculate the necessary materials for gluing a room, you can use a special online calculator. Today, there are a lot of sites on the Internet that allow you to use this service for free.

To carry out the calculations, you will have to take small measurements of the room, which will need to be entered into the program, namely:
  1. The length and width of the room.
  2. Wall height from floor to ceiling.
  3. The length and width of the wallpaper roll that you plan to use for pasting.

All of the above parameters must be entered in the appropriate fields of the online calculator. After that, you can get the finished result of the required number of wallpapers.

At the same time, it is worth noting that quite often wallpaper with drawings is used for pasting a room, which must be joined with an adjacent canvas. Accordingly, the calculation must be carried out from the size of the report (the size of the ornament or pattern). Some online calculators have the possibility of this type of calculation, which will save a lot of time, effort and money.

Features of the use of different methods for calculating wallpaper for walls

All of the above options for calculating the material for the walls allow you to quite accurately determine the amount of wallpaper needed. But this is only if the walls of the room have perfectly even parameters, and the wallpaper itself does not have large patterns that require additional adjustment when pasting.

If the walls have ledges or niches, their dimensions must also be taken into account in the calculation. To do this, make appropriate notes or records.

A more difficult task is to calculate the number of wallpapers with large patterns. When pasting, these materials require adjustment of the canvases at a certain distance. This interval of the pattern, which is repeated, is called a report. In order for the miscalculations to be accurate, one report length is added to each roll of wallpaper, as a rule, it does not exceed 25 centimeters. Quite often, the manufacturer indicates this parameter on the packaging of the material. If the value is missing, then you can take measurements yourself using a tape measure.

In this case, a 10-meter roll, which is used for a wall height of 2.5 meters, will have three strips, and not four, as was originally calculated. All this must be taken into account in order to avoid troubles and additional costs in the future. As practice shows, if you plan to paste over a room of 23-25 ​​sq.m., it is worth buying two additional rolls of wallpaper. If the room is larger, add one more for every 6 rolls.

To calculate, you will need a measuring tape, a notepad and a calculator.

Room measurements

At the beginning, you need to measure the width, length, and also the height of the room in which they will be pasted.

In addition, the dimensions of door and window openings should be determined. The parameters of windows and doors will help you make the calculation more accurate and not take into account the area that does not need to be pasted over.

How to calculate the wallpaper in the room around the perimeter

The first step is to calculate the perimeter of the room, which is equal to:

Perimeter = (length of one wall + length of adjacent wall) * 2

Calculating the Estimated Web Height

To find out how long your wallpaper will be, use the formula:

Estimated stripe height = room height + ornament pitch (rapport) + margin for upper and lower allowances (5 cm)

Calculation of the number of strips for pasting a room

To do this, you first need to measure the width of the strip of wallpaper that was selected for gluing.

Then we calculate the number of strips required to cover the entire room:

Number of stripes per room = perimeter / width of wallpaper strip

Important! The resulting numbers should be rounded up to the nearest integer value, otherwise you can get a few centimeters of a wall without wallpaper.

Calculation of the number of strips from one roll

After we have determined the number of wallpaper strips per room, we can calculate the number of stripes per roll. To do this, you will need to find out the length of the roll (usually it is indicated on the label).

Number of strips from 1 roll = roll length / calculated strip height

Important! The resulting numbers should be rounded down to the nearest integer so that only whole canvases are pasted on the wall.

Calculation of the number of rolls per room

After all the calculations done, we can finally find out the number of rolls for pasting the entire room:

Number of rolls = number of strips per room / number of strips from 1 roll

Important! All received numbers are rounded up, because rolls are ordered only whole.

How to calculate wallpaper for a square room

The calculation of wallpaper around the perimeter of the room is not always suitable, since the presence of windows and doors is not taken into account, so you have to calculate by area.

Wall Area Calculation

To calculate the area, use the following formula:

Total area = wall length * wall height

Now we calculate the area of ​​​​the walls that will be covered with wallpaper. To do this, you first need to calculate the area of ​​window and door openings, and then use the formula:

Wallpapering area = total area - area of ​​windows and doors

Calculation of the number of rolls

A standard roll 53 cm wide and 10 m long is usually enough for 5 sq.m. rooms.

To calculate the number of rolls for the entire room, you need:

Number of rolls = room area / area that can be glued with 1 roll

Important! Round the resulting number up.

If your wallpaper is patterned

If there is a large pattern on the wallpaper, find out its report, and then calculate the ceiling height multiple of it and carry out calculations with it.

For example, the wall has a height of 2.6 m, and you decided to purchase wallpaper with a pattern pitch of 40 cm. It turns out that you need to cut into pieces 2.8 (0.4 * 7), because if you cut 2.6, the pattern will not match.

So recalculate everything that you measured, only as if your walls were 2.8 m high, and not 2.6.


If you are still not sure about the correctness of your calculations, then below are the hint tables.

How to use tables?

First you need to calculate the perimeter or area of ​​​​the room, depending on which table you will use.

Area tables:

To use the table below, you need to determine the length of the roll, and also make sure that the width of the wallpaper strip is 50 cm. Then you can easily determine the number of rolls you need.

For the following table, in addition to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you only need to measure the height of the ceilings. After that you will be able to find out the required number of rolls per room.

Tables around the perimeter:

In order to use the tables below, you will need to decide on the width of the selected wallpaper strip, as well as the length of the roll. After that, you measure the height of the ceiling and look at the table, how many rolls of wallpaper will be needed.

Roll size (strip width / roll length = pasting area): 0.53 m / 10.05 m = 5.33 sq.m

HeightRoom perimeter, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2.4-3.5m4 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20

Roll size: 0.53 m / 15 m = 7.95 sq.m

HeightRoom perimeter, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10
2.4-3.5m3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14

Roll size 1.06 m / 10.05 m = 10.65 sq.m

Specify the required dimensions in meters.

Room dimensions:

Y– The length of the first side of the room to be wallpapered.

X- The length of the second side of the room for gluing.

H- Room height.

P– Perimeter (the sum of the lengths of all sides). To calculate the value of the perimeter of a room, add the length of all its walls.

D– Distance from the beginning of gluing to the first corner. Meaning D measured from the beginning of gluing to the first corner (clockwise), it cannot be equal to or greater than the length of the wall.

To carry out the calculation, you can set either the length of the walls of the room or its perimeter (in the second case, the option to start gluing will not be available).

If the room has a rectangular or square shape, enter the parameters Y, X,H. For rooms of irregular shape with ledges and niches, it is possible to calculate by specifying the values H and P.


If the room has a window opening, press "Add window" and enter its dimensions: length WX and height WY.

WZ- The distance from the beginning of wallpapering determines the location of the window in the room. Enter the distance from the starting point of pasting to the window.

The number of added windows is not limited.


In order for the program to take into account the presence of a doorway in the calculation, you must click "Add doors" and enter their lengths DX and height DY.

DZ– Distance from the beginning of wallpapering to the doors.

It is possible to add multiple doors.


L– The length of a roll of wallpaper depends on the type and manufacturer. Standard value L 10.05 m. However, non-woven wallpaper for painting can be produced in rolls of 30 and 50 meters.

W– The width of the roll is determined by the characteristics of the production line and can be 0.53 m (standard), 0.7 m and 1.06 m.

R- Repeating a drawing, or the so-called. rapport is the distance over which the same pattern repeats.

Z- Margin for leveling, the amount of allowance at the floor and ceiling, which, after gluing, must be cut off with a sharp knife to fit the ruler or rule (0.05-0.15 m).

F- Move picture. Check this box if you want to calculate based on the wallpaper repeat offset for matching.

If you want to print the visualization, check the box " Black and white drawing”, so you get a drawing that is close to the requirements of GOST and save color ink or toner when printing.

Important! If incorrect parameters are entered, to continue the calculation, you will be prompted to pay attention to the corresponding parameter and make changes.

The calculator will help you calculate the total area of ​​​​the walls of the room (in m²), calculate the consumption of wallpaper, taking into account windows and doors. You will know the area of ​​one roll of wallpaper, the length of the sheets required for pasting a room of a specified height, taking into account trimming allowances, as well as the number of whole sheets of wallpaper contained in the roll. What will be the remainder of each roll and how many rolls (pieces) of a given length are needed to paste over the room. The calculator will calculate how much wallpaper is needed for the room and how many rolls are needed, taking into account the presence of window and door openings. The total balance of all wallpapers will also be calculated.

Such data allows you to buy the right amount of wallpaper for the room, taking into account the nuances and glue the room with your own hands or hire professionals. It is advisable to have a stock of one roll in excess of the calculated quantity, this will save time and money in the future, in case of improper cutting or damage.

Wallpaper is the most popular means of decorating walls in residential areas. With their help, you can make absolutely any design in the room without resorting to excessive financial costs. When choosing wallpaper, consumers face the problem of choosing the right number of rolls. How to calculate the number of wallpapers correctly?

What is needed for the calculation

Usually, the roll label indicates an approximate scheme for calculating the number of wallpapers. To find out the value yourself, you must calculate the following parameters in advance:

  • Wall surface area.
  • Roll width.
  • Roll length.
  • Ceiling height.

The length and width of the wallpaper roll can be seen on the label upon purchase. Knowing the values ​​​​will help to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers per room.

The main types of wallpaper depending on the width

Some 20 years ago, all wallpapers in the countries of the former USSR had standard length and width parameters: 50 cm by 10 m. In the modern world, the repair materials market implies a large number of different types of wallpaper. Let's consider the main ones:

  • standard rolls. They have a width of 50 to 55 cm. The most common type of wallpaper. Length parameters can vary from 8 to 12 m for paper or vinyl based wallpaper. If their basis is fabric, then the length parameters will be 15 m. This type of wallpaper is optimal for pasting walls with a ceiling height of 300 cm.
  • A roll 60 cm wide. This type of wallpaper was widespread in the 90s. 20th century. However, now they are practically not used. The length value can be from 8 to 10 m.
  • Roll width 74 cm. European type of wallpaper. They are standard length. It is 10 m.
  • Meter rolls. Appeared about 10 years ago. However, they have already gained popularity. Roll widths range from 100-106 cm. Manufacturers produce meter-long wallpapers with different lengths. The standard one is 10 m. They also produce rolls with a length of 12 and 25 m.

Find out the area of ​​the room

Main stages of work:

  1. We draw a floor plan.
  2. We make our own measurements.
  3. We make the necessary calculations.

We draw a floor plan on our own

How to count the number of wallpapers for one room? Before you get started, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Paper.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil or pen.

It is necessary to draw a plan of all the rooms in the room. To do this, you need a ruler and a pencil. Absolute precision and scale ratio are not required here. The main thing is to schematically depict the room necessary for the calculation.

After the walls are schematically depicted, the location of the windows and doors in the room should be indicated on the plan. Scale and precision values ​​can also be ignored.

Self measurements

How to calculate the number of wallpapers? To do this, you should find out the values ​​​​of the sides of 1 roll and the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the room. To calculate the last number yourself, you must do the following:

  1. To work, you need a tape measure. With its help it is necessary to measure the length of the walls of the room. To do this, measurements are taken along each wall. The height of the measurements does not matter. It all depends on where it is most convenient to work. You can measure the length along the baseboard, you can in the middle of the wall or just under the ceiling.
  2. In a similar way, we find the value of the height of the walls.
  3. So that there are no errors in the calculation, it is recommended to measure all 4 walls of the room in a similar way. Then the values ​​will be the most correct.
  4. We measure the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the height and width of doors and window openings using a tape measure.
  5. Calculate the area of ​​each of the walls. To do this, multiply the length value by the resulting height value. The number found will show the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone wall of the room. From it it is necessary to subtract the value of the opening area (window or door). To calculate its area, you must also find the product of the sides.
  6. Similarly, you should find the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the walls of the room. To find the total number of square meters to be wallpapered, the resulting values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be summed up.

Find out the required number of rolls

For the calculation, you will need to know the value of the perimeter of the room. To find it, you need to get the sum of the lengths of all the walls of the room.

The resulting perimeter must be divided by the value of the width of one roll. It is indicated on the wallpaper label. The resulting value will show how many wallpaper sheets will be required to paste over the entire room, excluding window and door openings.

Next, you should calculate how many canvases one wallpaper roll will last. To do this, the value of the length of the roll should be divided by the value of the height of the room. The resulting number will show how many whole strips will come out of one roll.

How to calculate the number of wallpaper rolls for pasting the entire room? To do this, the previously obtained value of the total number of wallpaper sheets should be divided by the specified number of strips from one roll. The resulting value is rounded up to an integer. We have determined the total number of rolls required for one room.

Wallpaper should be purchased after all measurements have been completed. Compliance with these rules will allow you to find out how to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers for a room.

In order to determine the cost of services for wallpapering by a private master, you need to know the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the perimeter of the room. There are services that are calculated by square meters, such as gluing or priming. And there are services for which you need to know the running meters, for example, installation of skirting boards or gluing curbs. It is not necessary to use the services of measurers, just remember the school curriculum in geometry. This information will also help in calculating the required amount of wallpaper, glue, and so on.

Wall area = room perimeter * ceiling height

First you need to measure the width and length of the room. We must say right away that the obtained measurements of the length and width of the room must be converted into meters. For example, if the length of the room is 325 centimeters, then we consider 3.25 meters.

Room length 4.75 meters
Room width 3.25 meters

Calculate the perimeter of the room, which is equal to the sum of all sides.

P \u003d (a + b) x2, where a and b are the width and length of the room. Therefore (4.75 + 3.25) x2 = 16 meters.
The perimeter of our room is 16 meters. P=16 meters.

Now you need to measure the height of the room. We measure the height of the wall - we got 2.71 meters.
h=2.71 meters.

To get the area of ​​the walls, you need to multiply the perimeter of the room by the height of the walls.

S walls \u003d Pxh, where h is the height of the walls.
S walls \u003d 16x2.71 \u003d 43.36 meters.

The area of ​​the walls of our room is 43.36 square meters. meters. S=43.36 m2.

From this figure, you need to subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors - after all, there is no need to glue wallpaper there. We have one window in the room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 1.95 m 2 (1.3m x 1.5m). Door area 1.17 m 2 (0.61m x 1.92m). The sum of the areas of windows and doors that are not involved in wallpapering is 3.12 m 2.

The net area of ​​​​the walls is 43.36 - 3.12 \u003d 40.24 m 2.

In cases where the room is of a non-standard size and does not look like a rectangle, you will have to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach wall separately and then sum them up.

Table of wall areas for wallpaper and painting

Below is a table that will help you quickly determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls for wallpapering (or painting). To calculate the indicators, the typical area of ​​windows and doors was used. Wall area indicators vary according to the height of the ceiling of the room:

Room area, m 2 Room ceiling height 2.50 m Room ceiling height 2.70 m Room ceiling height 3.0 m
10 29 31 33
11 30,5 32,5 34,5
12 32 34 36
13 33,5 35,5 37,5
14 35 37 39
15 36,5 38,5 40,5
16 38 40 42
17 39,5 41,5 43,5
18 41 43 45
19 42,5 44,5 46,5
20 44 46 48
21 45,5 47,5 49,5
22 47 49 51
23 48,5 50,5 52,5