What are the basics of design. Basics of interior design tutorial. Interior styles in the design of typical apartments - V. Akhremko

It is not necessary to pay for expensive graphic design courses or spend precious years studying at educational institutions. Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, we have the opportunity to save our time and money and learn everything on our own, you just need a desire.

In this article, we've compiled helpful tips and resources for you to help you advance in the art of graphic design. Many of the materials mentioned below are in English, but we do not see this as a problem, because the real cause for concern is the lack of knowledge of English in the modern world.

1. Take your time

You should not make the most common mistake of all beginners - to rush. You will have to spend time learning Photoshop and Illustrator thoroughly, learning painting techniques and learning the basics in general.

First, learn how to draw if you don't already have this skill.

1. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to sit in the same audience with the same beginners and try to draw another cube or vase. Actually, you don't have to be a super artist. It is enough to know the basics of drawing and be able to sketch.
2. The well-known and incredibly useful book “You Can Draw In 30 Days” will help you with this. Just practice it for at least thirty minutes a day for a month, and you will be able to master more than mediocre drawing skills.

Learn the basics of graphic design

2. The book “Picture This”, based on the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, will help to cope with this, it teaches the basics of both graphic design and drawing.
3. Study fonts, colors. If you have the opportunity and desire to take courses, it’s good, otherwise you have the whole Internet in your hands, which is teeming with free lessons and videos on the topic.
4. Practice these lessons daily, they will help you in your learning.

You also need to know at least the basics of UX.

Without knowledge of UX, you cannot be a full-fledged graphic designer, because your product must first of all be user-friendly. To do this, you should read at least these two books:

1. “Design of everyday things”
2. "Don't make me think"

You must be able to write

1. A good designer must excel at communication and think through every moment of their design, including the text. Write in a way that your text is not dry and unattractive. Here again, you need to know the user experience.
2. It is worth reading the book “Made To Stick”, it will help you learn how to write catchy texts.
3. Also bookmark the Voice and Tone website. There are many examples of excellent texts here, you will need them for further work.

2. Get to grips with Photoshop and Illustrator

Now that the theory and basics have been learned, it's time to start practicing. It is worth starting with Illustrator and then moving on to Photoshop.

Illustrator is used to create icons and there are tons of tutorials and books to help you learn how to use Illustrator, here are a couple for you:

1. “Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book” is a very boring but useful book. And if you can master at least half of this tutorial, then you will already be able to navigate the program quite confidently.
2. On this channel you can find four fairly detailed video tutorials that can easily replace the aforementioned boring book.
3. "Vector Basic Training" - a book with which you will learn how to create images using curves. By the way, in addition to the book, the link also provides videos and exercises.

Photoshop is considered more complex than Illustrator, but the Internet is full of tutorials on this program:

1. Tuts+ - here you will find a lot of lessons (including Illustrator, by the way, too) that will help you learn the tools and gain drawing skills.
2. This channel contains a fairly large number of Photoshop lessons, and they will definitely come in handy.
3. Photoshop Tutorials is a fairly useful resource that, in addition to lessons, has various plugins, brushes, gradients, and much more.
4. Study these materials for at least an hour a day, and you will quickly achieve a fairly high level of Photoshop knowledge.
3. Decide on your specialty

Like any field of activity, graphic design is divided into several narrow specialties: mobile applications, logos, web design. Decide what you like best and put all your energy into studying the specialization you want.

Logo design:

1. "Logo and Corporate Identity" - in this book you will read about how to make a really cool and beautiful logo.
2. Logo Design Love - a site from the author of the above book. Also devoted to logos, so it's worth hanging out on it. Here are collected inspiring examples and interesting information about creating a logo.
3. If you don't want to stop at just creating a logo, then the Designing Brand Identity book will help you learn how to build the entire brand structure - from the website to personal business cards.

Mobile Application Design:

1. Here you will find a wonderful guide to creating a mobile application interface. With it, you can at least superficially understand what you have to deal with.
2. “Tapworthy” is a great and small book from Josh Clark, in which he talks about how to create an attractive appearance, and most importantly, a convenient application.
3. Go through the applications on your smartphone and try to understand which one is well done, which one is not very good, and which one is completely bad. And pay attention to the little things that, in your opinion, were not thought through to the end, come up with a way to correct existing errors.

Web design:

1. Here, again, the book “Don’t Make Me Think” mentioned above will come in handy for you, be sure to read it, especially since we have found a Russian translation for you.
2. You will find 20 free web design books on this resource, and we encourage you to read at least a couple of them.
3. As with mobile app design, gather the sites you like and see what's done and how. Write down the main advantages of these sites and try to live up to your ideals in future work.
For those who want to become a graphic designer, the question often arises whether it is necessary to know HTML and CSS. Let's just say that knowing the basics of development will not hinder you in any way and will even give you an advantage. But everything, of course, depends on the specific work or project.

Even if you are not going to become a web developer, the basics of HTML and CSS are worth knowing, especially since there are a huge number of free lessons that you can find in our articles:

1. Useful resources for programmers
2. 9 Most Useful Websites to Learn Programming

And also on these resources:

1. One of the best free Tuts+
2. And one of the best paid, but inexpensive ($25 / month) - Treehouse. It is suitable for beginners who are looking for intelligible and simple explanations.

4. Take care of your portfolio

Today, a diploma does not matter at all, but a portfolio means a lot. Nor do you have to work on real projects to have your own work. Just do something of your own, for example, make sketches of application interfaces, websites, draw logos for those local firms that either don’t have them, or the logo that exists is no good. By the way, in the latter case, sometimes it is worth contacting the same company with your work, and it is quite possible that your logo will be bought from you, even if for little money.

Also do some cool stuff at 99 designs, and do the exercises from the Creative Workshop book. Most importantly, fight your desire to cram all your work into a portfolio, choose only the best. Let your portfolio be small, but worthwhile. And don't be afraid to "steal" work, borrow ideas, because you are a beginner specialist and you need to learn from something. Of course, we are not talking about passing off other people's work as your own. Just take ideas and modify them.

5. Get a job

Here everyone already has their own path - either go to work in the office, or be a freelancer. Let's say right away that it is much easier to start with office work, since, most likely, you will not be the only specialist in the state and they will be able to take you under the wing to finish teaching. But getting into the office is more difficult than finding a freelance project, here your ability to understand and complete the task will already matter.

We talked above about the knowledge of the basics of development, and here they will be useful to you more than ever, because in the IT field, graphic designers are in great demand and have the highest earnings.

How to find a job? Create your website with your portfolio as the focus. Sign up on LinkedIn and try to connect with the company you want to join or the people who work there. Try to make connections, because they are the key to a good place to work.

Most importantly, do not stop studying if you have already got a job. Improve your knowledge and skills all the time, and you will not have time to look back, how to become a real pro.

Today, many young people are interested in the question of how to become an interior designer, where to start. This profession has become popular relatively recently. But today, the services of talented people in this business are used very often.

General information about the profession

The designer designs the appearance of the house, chooses furniture, combines colors. A real specialist is able to make a masterpiece out of an unremarkable apartment. Often people say that those who have chosen this profession have no chance to realize themselves. This is a false opinion. If a person is devoted to his dream, if he is drawn to design art and he skillfully fights his own laziness, then society will certainly notice and appreciate him. Following a positive assessment are excellent earnings. If you said to yourself: “I want to become an interior designer. Where to begin?" - let's learn all the subtleties of this profession.

Disadvantages of design art

Like any other occupation, the profession of a designer has certain disadvantages that you will have to face if you want to devote your life to it. Consider in advance whether you are ready to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. Get ready for these cons:

  • You will not immediately be able to bathe in the rays of glory, fulfilling expensive orders. You will have to work at a loss to achieve recognition and acquire profitable customers.
  • In order for people to contact you, you must have certain connections. It will take a long time before you can get worthy partners who will sell quality furniture and building materials to the client.
  • At first, you may experience a severe shortage of money, because few people dare to pay large sums to a beginner.
  • You will have to master the basics of psychology and work on the stability of the nervous system, because often clients do not agree with the views of the designer.
  • If you have undertaken to carry out a certain project, then you will have to bring it to the end. Customers are not interested in your health condition or special family reasons due to which the order is disrupted.
  • Modern design art is not complete without knowledge of computer programs. It will take a fair amount of time to master them.
  • It will take more than one year before you become famous.

So, if you decide that you can handle these difficulties, let's talk about how to become an interior designer. Where to begin? First of all, you need to cultivate certain qualities of character in yourself.

bring up in yourself

An interior designer, training for which is impossible without certain character traits, must have the following personal characteristics:

  • The presence of taste, and a creative approach to any undertaking.
  • The desire to work constantly and a lot, the presence of patience.
  • The desire to communicate with any people, to fulfill the wishes of the client, even if his idea seems bad to you.
  • The ability to present your project, tell about it in all colors.
  • The ability to combine any colors and shapes and create a single whole from the details.

If you think that all these points are about you, let's talk about the pleasant side of the profession, namely career growth.

Career Opportunities

Remember that it is very difficult to move up the career ladder if you are an employee without connections. If you are interested in how to become an interior designer, where to start, then first consider whether you are ready to work hard and practically for free in order to acquire a certain circle of clients. You will have to create your own portfolio. To become a successful designer at the height of your fame, you will need:

  • Get special education. If you want to become an interior designer without education, you will have even more difficulty.
  • Get a colorful portfolio.
  • Learn to work in special computer programs.
  • Learn several foreign languages.
  • Complete several large and expensive projects.
  • Get good references from big customers.

Prepare for the fact that you will have certain responsibilities and they will not always be related to creativity.

Responsibilities of an interior designer

When you think about what it takes to be an interior designer, think about your immediate responsibilities and whether you are ready to fulfill them. This is the first step towards mastering the profession. So your responsibilities include:

  • Both work on bulk orders and finalization of projects after other specialists.
  • Compliance with all customer requirements.
  • Taking measurements from the premises and its parts, creating layouts for these measurements.
  • Working with 3D modeling.
  • The choice of all the small details that complement the interior of the room.
  • Calculation of future financial costs for the project.
  • Working with people involved in the improvement of the premises, monitoring their activities.
  • Making changes to the work plan if unforeseen situations arise.

Only at first glance it seems that these are easy duties. Doing them every day is difficult mentally and physically.

How is the implementation of projects

We have analyzed how the work of the designer as a whole goes. The implementation of each individual project looks something like this:

  • Meeting with the client, forming the first impression.
  • Discussion of the assignment, all its details and deadlines.
  • Visiting the premises on which work is to be done, photographing its parts, working on drawings and drawings.
  • Making the appearance of the room in the drawings.
  • Comparison of all drawings and drawings, troubleshooting.
  • Discussion of the result with the customer.
  • Constant control over the implementation of your project in practice.

And remember that at any of these stages, the client can stop work and demand that everything be redone. It’s hard to mentally prepare for this, but almost every designer has encountered a similar phenomenon.

interior design: where to start

So, if you have decided that you want to be a designer, then two paths have opened up for you to achieve your goal. The first and easier of them is getting a special education or completing specialized courses. If you can afford it, then your training will take place according to the following plan:

  1. You are taking a vocational orientation test.
  2. If you do not have an art school behind you, you need to graduate from it.
  3. You create a portfolio of your own drawings and apply to a university based on it.
  4. You study at the university conscientiously and with enthusiasm.
  5. While you are studying, you will have to independently master the basics of working at a computer, learn several foreign languages, start looking for your first clients, create a positive reputation for yourself, learn from already established specialists, follow new trends in your business.

If you graduate from a university, you will have many chances to work in your specialty, because good universities provide graduates with such an opportunity. But if you don't have the finances to get an education, then learn how to become an interior designer on your own.

How to become a designer without special education

Although self-study does not require a lot of money, this option requires you to work hard and for a long time. In addition, your fate largely depends on a good combination of circumstances.

So, an interior designer, if you decide to learn on your own? The action plan is:

  • Learn the architectural design process.
  • Get the basics of building knowledge.
  • Learn modern design computer programs.
  • Learn the basics of lighting design.
  • Learn the theory of culture and art.
  • Work on knowledge in the field of accounting and financial accounting.
  • Explore all kinds of design methods.

To learn these skills and gain specialized knowledge, borrow appropriate textbooks from the library or use the Internet. In order for you to start realizing, you need to find the first customer.

But if you managed to find a client, do not think that the difficult moments are left behind. In design art, the hardest work begins after the training.

Where to look for orders

When you have acquired all the necessary skills, you will have to do the hard work of finding your first customer. To find a client, use one of these options:

  • Advertise yourself in several newspapers or magazines.
  • Tell about yourself as often as possible. News about you will spread in society very quickly.
  • Place your resume on special sites.
  • Create your own website dedicated to your activity. Post your portfolio on it.
  • Hand out creative flyers about your work.
  • Contact close and distant relatives with a request to look for clients for you.
  • Contact large and small firms. Perhaps they need a designer for a permanent job.
  • Go around cafes, restaurants or shops you know with a proposal for cooperation.

The first rule in realizing yourself as a professional is not to sit idle. Persistence and patience are your trump cards, which, combined with a broad knowledge base, will lead you to success.

And finally, some more useful information. What does it take to become an interior designer, besides getting Check out the list of recommendations from established professionals:

  • Understand that you have virtually no room for error in the implementation of any project. A damaged reputation is hard to repair.
  • Don't be afraid to seek advice from more professional colleagues.
  • Improve your skills through trainings, seminars or workshops.

Remember that if you wish, you can achieve absolutely any goal. Good luck!

We are used to looking for information on the World Wide Web. However, you must admit that printed publications are still more pleasant to read. An indescribable tactile sensation, the sound of turning pages, the smell of fresh printing - not a single book in the electronic version can be compared with this. And besides, the printed edition can be read anywhere and everywhere.

But in order for the information in the books to be exhaustive, they (books) must be of high quality in content. Otherwise, buying them is money down the drain.

Therefore, we will consider in this article the best books on interior design. And let's start with the basics.

There should be books like this on interior design for beginners. And they are. The profession of a designer is described as it is, without embellishment.

All the nuances from the search for customers to the presentation of the completed project are described in the book. A plus are cases from the practice of the author and her colleagues. The myths of the designer's specialty are described.

But, oddly enough, the desire to become one does not disappear. This book, along with our article on how to become an interior designer, will answer all your questions.

2. Marketing for interior designers: 57 ways to attract customers - N. Mitina

It may not be possible to immediately implement all the recommendations outlined in it, but it is worth it.

For those who want not only to get the profession of a designer, but also to quickly build up a clientele. Practical advice, a detailed description of them will allow you to translate your plans into reality.

3. Interior Designer's Handbook - Jenny Gibbs

A real printed guide for designers. How to find a client, make a project for him, present him - this is often of interest to novice designers. The book will answer all these questions.

We call this book an introduction to the profession, since there are no specific design projects in it. This material will make the fantasy work.

The book proposes to draw sketches on drawing boards. But all ideas can be transferred to one of the interior design programs.

4. Design of premises. Interior styles on examples - V. Makarova

In practice, stylistically clean interiors are rare, but eclecticism is more common. Understand the styles, their characteristic features, the rules for the design of various surfaces, the selection of textiles and other items ...

Such books on interior design will be useful for everyone - beginners, aces, teachers. This is from the list of must-have literature for the designer.

5. Design of a small apartment. Rules for increasing space - V. Akhremko

Any designer will tell you that it is easier to work with spacious houses, despite their solid area. However, often you have to deal with small apartments.

How not to succumb to difficulties, delimit the space, make the room comfortable for everyone living in it. This is what Varvara Akhremko shares on the pages of the publication.

Having mastered this book about interior design, even a novice specialist will be able to gain popularity and make significant progress in his profession.

6. Interior styles in the design of typical apartments - V. Akhremko

This book is also adapted to our realities. It discusses the basics of the design of typical apartments, color schemes, zoning rules. There are ready-made projects for inspiration, 9 interior directions are described.

7. Recipes for a happy interior - A. Muravina

The book is remarkable in that it was written by a practicing designer with 17 years of experience, a person who is included in the TOP-10 of the most fashionable decorators in Russia.

Anna Muravina's advice, her reflections, examples, ideas will be of interest to experienced and novice interior designers. The peculiarity of the publication is the A4 format (you will agree that it is unusual for a book).

But the main highlight is that the book will be useful to those who develop the design of public spaces. Tell me, are there many such publications?

8. Color. Encyclopedia - A. Starmer

Any layout, repair, decor items will be lost and cease to make sense if the color scheme is incorrectly chosen in the room. But even more important is the combination of colors and shades.

Over 200 color schemes, a palette of shades, more pictures than text - this is the highlight of the book. Think you don't need it as a designer? You are wrong. It is indispensable in building hypermarkets in the selection of materials and in communication with the client.

The pros and cons of various color compositions will be clearly presented.

9. Color in the interior of typical apartments - V. Akhremko

Even professionals with experience will find something useful in it. Combinations of shades are considered on the example of individual interiors. Such visualization will help designers to find a common language with clients who do not have spatial thinking.

10. Construction and design - P. Neufert, L. Neff

This book will be more useful not only for novice interior designers, but for already practicing ones. It can be downloaded in electronic form on numerous torrent resources. In pdf or fb2 format. But it needs to be in print.

At least for the sake of a dictionary that will help translate cryptic concepts for the client into a more understandable language. And there are over 300 such words and expressions in the book! And also the basics and tips for designing various interiors: kitchens, bathrooms, corridors, living rooms, attics and such specific rooms as pantries, closets, wine cellars.

11. Jozsef Koso Design Book Series

It's hard to say which of Jozsef Koso's books is the best. Everyone chooses what interests him at the moment. His books for self-study of interior design include the design of a country house, a city apartment, and the choice of style, material, location of stairs, and the rules for selecting lighting sources, and much more.

Editions narrowly focused. But that's why they are interesting - attention is focused on a specific topic.

12. Living environment for the disabled - H. J. Kalmet

Unusual, but because of this, a very valuable book. A real, professional designer should think about all the little things while working. About sharp corners in the children's room, sockets in the bathrooms, ergonomics in the kitchen, etc. But how difficult it is to create an interior for people with disabilities.

The book describes not only the difficulties that disabled people overcome daily on the street and in public buildings. Great emphasis is placed on adapting apartments and houses to accommodate such people.

Disabled people themselves participated in the writing of the publication, so the recommendations contained in it are based on practical experience.

13. Interior design. 6000 years of history - John Pyle

The designer must know the history of the interior. Any style, even modern, has the imprints of something that has ever existed. This unique edition is called upon to delve into all the versatility of interior design.

The book is a tour of all 6 millennia of history, from cave dwellings to modern interiors.

The text is accompanied by illustrations, half of which are in color. Writing this book is a huge undertaking. Despite the large amount of information, it is perceived easily, the text is written in an understandable style. Read it, you won't regret it.

14. Interior design - F. Chin, K. Bingelli

Book on interior design about everything. More than 300 pages provide comprehensive information about the types and use of various finishing materials, interior design and decoration, lighting principles, furniture selection and placement, and much more.

This is a true design guide, complete with a design dictionary. Therefore, the book is doubly interesting.

The book is printed on offset paper. And if now it weighs over 0.7 kg, then how heavy would it be if it were published on higher quality paper. Don't let the color of the pages fool you - it's grey. Despite such external unpresentability, the publication deserves a place of honor in the library of a professional designer.

15. Fabrics in interior design. Encyclopedia - Adrienne Chinn

Interior decoration is impossible to imagine without textiles. Whether it be blankets, carpets or curtains on the windows. Even a high-tech interior is not complete without textiles. But how to choose fabrics so that they match the chosen style and at the same time make the room cozy?

The secrets of using fabric in the interior are revealed by the author of this book. The principles of coloring and the combination of textures of the material with other surfaces in the room are outlined. Of course, not all fabrics can be immediately bought in stores.

But this encyclopedia can be a starting point for interior designers. And how to interpret the information received is a personal matter for everyone.

16. Furniture styles - G. Gatsura

One of the best publications on furniture styles from the 17th to the 20th century.

You will learn to distinguish a masterpiece from a fake, you can easily “fit” one or another piece of furniture into various interiors. Descriptions are accompanied by pictures and diagrams.

Not only an overview of furniture styles is given, but tables are also compiled to compare the characteristics of a particular trend in furniture art. The information is supplemented with the names of famous "furniture" surnames, cabinet makers, names of furniture companies.

17. Street sketching. How to Use Freehand Sketching in Professional Design - Richards J.

We know how to use interior design programs or online resources, a global search on the Internet. But they are not always available. It happens that a designer meets a client just like that, in the middle of the street, in a cafe, at a bus stop. You need to interest a potential customer. And not so much verbally as visually.

Such a quick sketch of an idea on a piece of paper is called sketching. Later it becomes an interior design project. Learn the art of street sketching with this book. Then you will always be fully equipped.

After all, no one knows in what place and at what time you can encounter a profitable order.

18. Golden rules of design. Kelly Hoppen style

The book will be useful for both home and professional designers. Well-known in Europe designer Kelly Hoppen makes you take a fresh look at the art of transforming the interior.

And it clearly demonstrates how with the help of textures, lighting, light and decor items, you can radically change the atmosphere in the room.

19. Eco-friendly home. Styles Inspired by Nature - J. Wilson

Life in harmony with nature, recycling of materials, conservation of resources - this has already become fashionable. There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, but it is all scattered.

The book contains materials from a variety of sources, advice from environmentalists, scientists and owners of sustainable housing - the use of energy resources, the choice of natural materials and their use, the location of the house, etc.

Such a book should also be in the library of a professional designer in order to be ready to maintain a conversation with the customer of such a project.

20. Design elements - N. Riley

In a fascinating, light form, the book tells about objects for decorating interiors, as masterpieces of art, developing over 5 centuries.

Each style has its own chapter. And all of them are arranged in chronological order from the Renaissance to the Space Age. It is noteworthy that the characteristic features of a particular style can be recognized immediately - in the preface. There is also a glossary to make searching easier.

The book is colorful and worth buying. Interestingly, it was published almost immediately after the publication of “Elements of Style. Encyclopedia of Architectural Details, which tells about the exterior of buildings.

This is not a complete list of literature that deserves your attention. Therefore, in conclusion, we present a list of another 20 interesting and useful books.

Perhaps you have compiled your own list? Already have favorite books, favorite authors? Tell us about them in the comments.

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Interior design is a complex but fascinating thing. Because this is a real adventure with elements of drama - to understand all the intricacies of the organization of living space. And not to be ashamed of the result in front of the neighbors.

website created for you a short guide to popular interior styles. Now you definitely will not confuse Provence with Art Nouveau.

Art Deco (Art Deco)

In such a room you do not know where to put yourself - everything sparkles, glitters, shimmers and screams. On the left, languidly, wrapped in brocade, the statue of Venus is sad, on the right, the Indian Ganesha laughs, and even the mysterious African mask found a place here. Because art deco is a mixture of everything and everything. The main thing is that it is expensive and rich. The neighbors are jealous.

High tech

If everything is around, even door handles, built-in, the surfaces are all chrome-plated and in general you feel like on board a spaceship, and Spock is about to appear from around the corner with his signature gesture, then this is high-tech style. He can be very sweet, and you have to love him - something tells us that he is the future.

Classic style

A classic is a classic in Africa too. Everything here is very solemn and luxurious. Wallpaper with curlicues, columns, furniture that is scary to sit on (what if something), paintings on the walls - just like at a royal reception. Instead of the king, of course, you. And here's what's convenient: in such an interior, no one will notice that the king is naked.


If you have a strange feeling that, on the one hand, you were inside a painting by Salvador Dali, and on the other hand, at a confession in a Catholic cathedral, you are all right - you did not go over the wine tonight. It's just modern - a style dominated by S-shaped lines and stained glass windows. So cozy.

Pop Art

Andy Warhol, Monroe and all sorts of tin cans on the walls, chairs and tables made of plastic, and bright colors dazzle in the eyes - no, you are not at an exhibition of contemporary art. This is your friend who decided to renovate his apartment in the style of pop art. Well, there is no dispute about tastes.


With the same success, you can live in a forest in a tent, but the designers came up with an eco-style. Bamboo, clay, wood, water - everything is as it should be, environmentally friendly and healthy. And there is hot water with heating. Too bad you can't have a barbecue.

A person, to one degree or another, has a certain vision of what the design of his living space should be. Even a non-professional can arrange everything in such a way that it looks beautiful and elegant. The design itself should be presented in the form of a certain formula, which will include steps for its implementation. It should also be noted that there is a whole art of design that does not have exact formulas and rules, because a sense of style helps in its implementation.

To date, there are even the basics of interior design tutorial which will help you become a professional without much preparation. Only by following these rules, you can create the perfect design and get a cozy room without visible flaws.

Any design of the room should begin with the correct layout of a particular room. To get started, you should look for special sites where you can view the proposed design options for the premises. This will help at least a little to see the planned work.

Also, detailed sites and programs can help determine the size of furniture and other items. Very often people make mistakes in creating interior design, so the virtual layout will greatly facilitate the work and help save money and time.

Some designers advise paying attention to sofas when choosing furniture, because they create comfort in any design. The basics of interior design tutorial will help you decide on your desires and plans, not paying attention to what others think or advise. It is worth noting that the choice of color for the room affects not only the general appearance, but also how a person will feel while in the room.

In many ways, the interior design is influenced by the things used in the repair. The fact is that you should choose small items that will not seem superfluous. They will harmoniously merge into the overall picture of the room.

We must not forget that plants and other green objects will harmoniously fit into any design, because they add impeccability and hide possible flaws. Adding certain layers in the interior is the main condition in creating coziness and comfort. Layers of pillows or curtains can optimally fit into the interior of any color.