south korea jeju island how to get there. Jeju - Land of Love. Therefore, you should definitely go to Jeju-do island in South Korea

Jeju is the largest island in South Korea. Due to its mild tropical climate, the flora of this place is very different from the main part of the country. When you exit the airport, you will be greeted by the numerous palm trees of the resort. Jeju was created by a volcanic eruption many millions of years ago. It is composed of lava and basalt. Therefore, it is a World Heritage Site and protected by UNESCO.

In general, the island is famous for its first-class beaches, breathtaking nature, clean air, measured life. But you will not be bored here thanks to the many attractions, parks and entertainment. Koreans love to spend their honeymoon on this romantic island. Getting to it is very easy - half an hour by plane from Seoul, and you are already here. One of the pluses is There aren't many tourists here yet.. Therefore, while there is an opportunity, you should hurry up and enjoy all the benefits of Jeju!

Sculpture Park "Love Land"

A very unusual and informative park, which houses about 140 sculptures depicting different sexual poses. The park is very popular with honeymooners and couples visiting the island.

The sculptural compositions themselves were created by students of Seoul University. The park is small, you can walk around in an hour. But there will be plenty of impressions from the visit! Jeju has a sufficient number of institutions dedicated to the sexual education of people.

The highest mountain ( 1950 m.) in the country is located on Jeju Island. Hallasan is an extinct volcano, in the crater of which Pannoktam Lake is located. And on the mountain itself, the oldest Buddhist island temple, Kwanymsa, was built. The area itself, around the mountain, has been declared a national park. Hallasan is a natural monument of Korea.

Divers "Haenyeo"

A professional diver is a "woman of the sea". A living tourist attraction of Jeju. This profession is now dying out. Young people leave to work on the mainland. Therefore, you can only meet an aged woman or a very elderly grandmother who fishes in the sea.

Haenyo dive to a depth of three to five meters, without special equipment, using only a wetsuit and holding their breath. The government of the country is trying to preserve the culture of “henyo”, even opened a special school where even tourists can learn this craft. Training is free and lasts 4 months.

Tolkharuban - stone grandfather

Symbol of Jeju. You can find them absolutely throughout the island, in any corner of it. These "grandfathers" are considered the protectors of the local population. According to one legend, they guarded the island from pirates while the men were at sea. Another legend says that Tolkharuban grants wishes. To do this, he needs to rub his nose. But if you rub your stomach, it will come to life. But it is also a statue of fertility. So if you rub his nose, you will have a boy. If the ear, then the girl.

Journey to the waterfalls

Amazingly beautiful waterfalls are scattered all over Jeju Island. The only waterfall in Asia that flows into the sea -. It can be reached by a long staircase, and along the way, admire the extraordinary beauty of the scenery and the haenyo diving nearby.

Near the city of Seogwipo, you can look at the Cheongjien waterfall. A bridge of volcanic stones was laid across the river into which it flows. According to it, the groom must carry the bride on his back.

Under the Seven Nymphs Bridge, which is located on the territory of the Chungmun complex, a waterfall carries its waters.

A shallow, naturally occurring cave, five meters high. Located on Mount Sanbansan, exactly half way to the top. In the grotto itself, a statue of Buddha was installed. And from the cave you can see the island of Marado and a rock in the shape of a dragon's head.

An interesting pastime that will appeal to all citrus lovers. Thanks to its subtropical climate, Jeju is an ideal place to grow tangerines. On special farms, you can collect them with your own hands and try them. No wonder the island is called "tangerine paradise".

At the foot of the mountain is a traditional village. Here you can get acquainted with the traditions, way of life, life of the people of ancient Korea. A thousand-year-old tree grows near the entrance. In the village itself there are huts, schools, temples, government buildings with a thatched roof, the ruins of a fortress, ancient graves. You will also have the opportunity to see ancient rituals, participate in games, and taste the local cuisine.

Hallim Park is a botanical garden. In addition to plants, some species of birds and animals live here. In addition, a rock garden, a bonsai garden, and a water garden were laid out in the park. There are also several small volcanic caves here. As a bonus, in the park you can taste freshly made juice from the fruits of the cactus grown here.

Jeju is a great place for outdoor enthusiasts. You can explore it by hiking. For example, along the secondary craters scattered around the island. Or go hiking along the coast. Water lovers will be able to kayak on the sea surface or go down to the bottom with a dive tour: explore corals, marine flora and fauna. You can also admire nature, mountains, and the sea by cycling, rollerblading or riding horses along the island.

Museums of Jeju

If you like to wander around museums and galleries, then you will definitely like the museums of Jeju Island for their uniqueness and unusualness. Museums such as the Teddy Bear Museum and the Mini World Park will appeal to parents with children. Fans of history and culture should visit the Museum of History and Folklore, the village museum Sonyp and the Museum of Divers Henyo. Well, lovers of everything unusual should definitely go to the "Museum of Sex". And of course, it is worth taking the time to visit the museum in the form of a teacup dedicated to green tea.

What else is worth visiting?

You will definitely like ostrich farm where you can ride this amazing bird. Exploring the many clean and beautiful beaches is a must.

Gourmets should visit this unique attraction. On certain days, in one of the most beautiful places on the island, a food truck stops. Find it and, admiring the local scenery, taste a sandwich, Italian pasta, or a traditional soup.

If you have time, be sure to visit the greenhouse of chrysanthemums and orchids, Mok Sok Won Garden, Bonsai Park, Emiji Botanical Garden, Yeonduam Park, elephant show.

As you know, Korea is located on the mainland, on the Korean peninsula. However, it is often referred to as an island nation, as it owns over 4,000 islands that surround it on all sides. Among them there are many small and uninhabited, sticking out of the ocean, and sometimes completely submerged at high tide. As a rule, these are the tops of former mountains that have gone into the sea.

There are also large islands where people live. It is impossible to visit all of them and describe them, but among all the islands there is one that you simply cannot help visiting while in Korea. This is Jeju Island - the largest of the Korean islands and the most distant. Given that the island arose about 1 million years ago from a volcanic eruption, then today I really want to look into prehistoric times. Located 90 km from the southernmost point of Korea, Jeju is known as the Korean Hawaii.

The island was opened for tourists relatively recently, in the past political criminals were exiled here, and for two hundred years the islanders were generally forbidden to visit the mainland and communicate with the inhabitants of the country. In Jeju-do, unlike Korea itself, there is practically no influence of Confucianism, so matriarchy reigns everywhere. The women of the island mostly work and support their families, while the men usually sit with the children and run the household. Even now, husbands are often subordinate to their wives and unquestioningly carry out all their orders.

This way of life has been established since ancient times, when sea women appeared on the island. From an early age to very old age, they dive into the depths of the sea in order to collect seafood - sea kale and various shellfish. Even the history of the island itself is connected with one of these women. Nowadays, henye women dive in special black suits that fit their bodies from head to toe, and masks. They are able to dive to a depth of 20 meters and stay there for at least a minute. This profession is dangerous, but brings a good income. The ability to dive among the islanders is passed down from generation to generation.

Being an island of volcanic origin, Jeju has 368 secondary craters, in the center of the island is Mount Halla 1950 m high, it is an extinct volcano with a large crater on top and lush vegetation on the slopes to the coast. Halla-san is the highest mountain in South Korea and people often climb to its top to meet or see off the sun.

The island has many bizarre rocks, coves, bays and beautiful beaches. Their indispensable attributes are snow-white sand, perfect cleanliness, mountainous surroundings, the absence of noisy highways and urban development nearby, and a long coastline.

The climate is typically maritime with minimum temperatures above zero even in winter - a warm current passes nearby. The southern coast is subtropical. The beach season lasts from May to October. The water temperature even in autumn falls slightly below summer. The short and mild winter is marked by the fact that at this time the famous tangerines are harvested.

Some sights of Jeju

The area of ​​this unique collection of plants of the subtropical and tropical zones is more than 112 thousand m2. There are both closed and open areas, as well as separate gardens designed in national styles: Korean, Italian, French, Japanese. Among other plants, tangerine trees and pineapples grow in the garden.

thirty eight meters observatory sprawls wide in the center of the Botanical Gardens and houses a garden of 15,024 square yards.

There are an additional 134,426 square yards of parks and gardens outdoors. There are four gardens of different cultures, various theme parks and almost 2,000 different types of tropical and subtropical plants. The Yomiji Botanical Garden is considered the largest garden in the world. The park is open year-round to visitors from all over the world.

The most scenic waterfalls in Jeju-do! The waterfall flows directly into the sea. A long staircase leads to the waterfall, the rocks are twined with vines. The second Jeongbang waterfall is about 3 km away on the seashore. This is the only waterfall in Asia that falls directly into the ocean. The jets falling from 23 meters make thousands of sounds and clouds of white spray, which perfectly complement each other and harmonize with the blue of the sea. Here you can get very close to the jets and even stand under the pleasant refreshing spray, which is what we do.

The name "Cheongjeyon" is translated as "Pond of the Heavenly Emperor". This waterfall is formed by three ledges and originates in a cave located upstream, the water flows from the ceiling of the cave and flows down the rocks, flowing into the sea.

It is said that one of the peaks of Mount Hallasan, where the lake is now located, was uprooted and thrown to the ground, as a result of which mountain sanbansan. The myth describes how the mountains on Jeju Island differ from one another, this mountain, for example, does not have a crater.

About halfway to the top of Sanbangsan Mountain, there is a natural grotto. This is a 5-meter-high mountain cave, in which there is a Buddha statue. , named after one of the Buddhist deities, is considered one of the 10 main attractions of the island. As the legend says, it was he who took upon himself all human suffering, and there were too many of them, even on this tiny island.

That is why the small ponds, formed by drops of water that fall from the ceiling all year round and are said to be the tears of Sanbandeok, are unlikely to ever become empty.

You can drink these tears, they quench your thirst well on a hot day, but we were forbidden to fill a thermos with them and take them with us. The views of the coastal fields and sea open from the grotto are very picturesque. From inside the cave, you can even see the island of Marado and the Dragon's Head.

According to some sources, it is believed that Manjangul is the longest lava tunnel in the world, because its length is more than 13 kilometers. It is located on the northeast coast of the island. This is how the tunnel was formed. After the volcanic eruption, lava flowed. Gradually, she began to cool down. Having cooled, first of all, from the surface, the lava was covered, as it were, with a hard shell, but inside it still continued to be liquid and hot. The lava flow cooled most quickly at its "shores", from there the tunnel arch began to form.

The level of the current inside then went down, then rose, and the "banks" gradually rose on both sides, solid peaks hung over the stream, and then they closed together. But it turned out that the level of lava inside the tunnel finally dropped before it had time to harden, and as a result, the tunnel remained almost hollow, and now you can walk along it.

Located on the border of two different natural areas between the cities of Seogwipo and Jeju volcano Saraorym you can see various types of vegetation, and, having climbed to the top from the south side, you can admire the picturesque views of the mountain scenery of Gyeongvorak, see many other small volcanoes in the Hallasan mountains, including the famous visitors will enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the city of Seogwipo.

Chusan Cholly Rocks off the coast of Chungmun Daepo. Chusan Cholly rocks. Stone pillars that seem to be driven along the coastline are truly the most famous and most beautiful natural formations on Jeju Island. These rocks were formed when lava flowed from Hallasan Mountain one million years ago to the coast. Then stone pillars appeared in the form of cubes and polygons of various sizes.

This beautiful place is like a painting. When the high tide begins, the waves jump like erupting lava up to 10 meters high. Crashing against the rocks and foaming, they retreat into the sea, and at that moment new waves come in and either weaken the previous ones or strengthen them. When their amplitudes add up according to the laws of interference, a huge fountain of spray rises to the top and a bright rainbow flashes at that moment. You can admire such a picture and sea breeze for hours!

A distinctive feature of Jeju-do is symbols-talismans - stone idols of Tolkharubany, in pagan times defending the villages and fortresses of the island. For some reason, only Easter Island is usually associated with stone idols. Jeju Island can also be called the island of stones. It is no exaggeration to say that life on the island begins and ends with stones. “We come from stone and return to stone” is what the people of Jeju say. Indeed, Tolkharubans bless the birth, people are born on a stone floor, then people build their dwellings from stone (there is simply no other building material here), then they pray to their stone sculptures all their lives, protect their fields from the wind with stone fences, and when they die, stone fences surround the grave mounds.

The inhabitants of the island still believe that this thick-nosed creature is the deity of the island and its protector. "Haruban" is the local language for "grandfather"; it is a statue of a stone grandfather with big eyes and a big nose, usually made of porous volcanic stone. Statues ranging from small to huge can be found throughout the island. Placed in front of the entrance to a house or fortress, Tolhoruban can protect against a variety of enemies, both real ones from this world, and intangible ones from the other world. There is a sign - if you hold on to his nose and make a wish, it will come true.

By the way, there are also dolmens on Jeju Island. But just as it is impossible to describe all the beauties of the heavenly paradise, it is impossible to tell about all the delights of the earthly paradise. You need to visit Jeju yourself, see everything with your own eyes and enjoy an unearthly vacation.

Therefore, you should definitely go to Jeju-do island in South Korea!

According to the materials and

According to geologists, Jeju Island appeared about 300-400 million years ago as a result of regular and prolonged eruptions of the Hallasan volcano. At the moment, it is considered extinct and is described as the highest point in South Korea.

When people first appeared on the island, which is currently a province of South Korea, is not known for certain. One of the first written references to it dates back to 662 AD. However, even before that, Jeju was inhabited by people. True, until 662, it was an independent country, which was called Thanma.

The documents say that after the conquest of the island by one of the three Korean states of Silla, Thanma continued to enjoy almost complete autonomy. In 1130, Silla fell, and a new powerful state of Koryo appeared in its place, to which Thanma passed. It was in 1105 that Koryo abolished the autonomy of the former country, and the rulers of a powerful state, maintaining close ties with the Mongols, gave the island a name - Chejudo.

For almost two centuries, the people of Jeju were forced to work for the invaders. This state of affairs could have lasted longer if in 1270 there had not been a mass uprising of peasants against the oppression of the Mongols. Almost the entire population of the island participated in the rebellion, as a result of which all the Mongols were driven out of the island. Moreover, as a result of the uprising, the new Jeju government managed to completely take control of the sea routes that passed near the southern part of the island. The inhabitants of Jejudo could not enjoy their freedom enough: already three years later, a huge army, numbering more than 10,000 people from the Mongols and soldiers of the Koryo army and 160 warships, crushed the uprising and removed the new government.

Since 1910, the volcanic island became part of Japan and even became known as Saishu, but after the Second World War, it again became part of South Korea.

After 1960, Jeju Island began to turn into an elite resort.

Currently, Jeju-do, with its unique and amazing history, is considered the pearl of the Republic of Korea. UNESCO listed Jeju as a world heritage site, and in 2011, Jeju was named one of the seven new wonders of nature in an international competition.

Koreans call Jeju Island "the island of three abundances."

Because, first of all, stones are found in abundance here (due to volcanic origin), secondly, the strongest gusts of wind walk along the slopes of extinct volcanoes, and thirdly, these are courageous fearless women who hold the whole island. So it turns out, three abundances - wind, stones and women.

The usual situation on Jeju Island is considered to be a family in which the main breadwinner is a woman, and a man takes care of the household and raises children. Collecting seafood (mostly diving for crabs and sea urchins) at great depths (most often about 20 meters) is considered a very honorable and profitable occupation for women. Moreover, this skill is passed down among local residents from generation to generation. Divers are better known among the Koreans themselves as haenyo. The catch can be prepared immediately, going ashore, in local eateries.

When women's boats moor to the shore, they are immediately surrounded by crowds of tourists: guests of the island buy octopuses, shrimp and shellfish from divers at affordable prices. Therefore, to their husbands, they go without a catch. Without seafood, but with a wallet full of money. And for money on Jeju Island, you can buy anything you want.

In order to see underwater what divers see, it is not at all necessary to be able to hold air for a long time or attach oxygen cylinders to your back. Near the uninhabited island of Munson, there is a real miniature submarine in which you can dive into the depths of the sea with its crew. Getting to it is not difficult: boats to the submarine depart from the coast of Jeju Island regularly.

This is the most beautiful island in all of East Asia. Mount Hallasan rises almost in the middle of the island. It is considered the highest in South Korea, its height above sea level is 1950 meters. Once lava erupted from the crater, it has now become basalt, which is used for construction and crafts. Stone idols, grandfathers, which are called "tolkharubans", are cut out of it. They are the symbols of Jeju Island. It is they who are most often depicted on souvenirs and postcards.

For several centuries now, stone sculptures have been considered a talisman against evil spirits for local residents. There is not a single islander who does not have a three-meter idol at home. During the development of tourism, enterprising craftsmen and artisans guessed to make miniature copies of tolkhorubans. Therefore, the question of what to bring from Jeju Island is simply irrelevant.

The inhabitants of the island do not agree with the opinion of scientists that the island and the rocks located in its immediate vicinity appeared as a result of the eruption of the Hallasan volcano. They have their own opinion about the appearance of the island and rocks in the sea, for example, very close to the island there is a lonely rock - Vedulge. Some of the locals are firmly convinced that this is the hero of the battle with the Mongols turned to stone. With the help of higher powers, in front of a huge army, he became a stone rock, and the enemy soldiers from what they saw rushed to their heels. In fact, this hero is not fictional, he really fought with the Mongols for the independence of the island: his name was Choi Yong and he had the rank of general.

Another part of the island believes that Vedulge is a petrified beautiful girl. Her lover went to sea and did not return. From anguish, she turned to stone. Near this lonely rock you can always meet a huge number of tourists on pleasure boats: the place is romantic and quiet. In addition, it is to Vedulga that a traveler who likes to go fishing should go: for an inexplicable reason, the fish near this rock are apparently invisible. Anyone who takes a tackle and goes to the "Lonely Rock" of Jeju Island will never be left without a catch.

hallim park

One of the most visited places in Jeju Island. The park has a huge variety of flowers, in addition there is a Palm Alley, which was planted by the founder of the park, there are gardens of dwarf trees and stones. In Hallim Park, you can admire the bizarre-shaped trees that grow in ordinary pots. Their age can reach 300 years.

Also in the park there is a Garden of Tropical Plants, Wildflowers and Palms, a Water Garden and a Garden of Beautiful Birds. In the latter, you can walk along with peacocks and other birds that roam freely. And you can also feed a lot of birds and small rodents from the palm of your hand.

Hallim Park is distinguished from other tropical parks by the presence of unique caves made of natural lava - Cheopje (Chepjeggul) Sanyeong (Ssangyeongul) caves. Both two are again included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

There is an exhibition hall of volcanic stones in Hallim. Nowhere else you will be able to see so many samples ...

Yomiji Botanical Garden

The botanical garden as a whole consists of several interconnected mini-gardens, it performs a whole range of functions - educational, educational, aesthetic. Yomiji Garden exchanges seed material with 200 botanical gardens from 130 countries and, thanks to this, constantly replenishes its collections.

The garden is planned in such a way that a huge greenhouse occupies a central place, branches from it with themed gardens, and in the central hall there is an elevator with an observation deck at the top and several exhibition compositions that change depending on the season and time of year.

The building was built in 1992, and the Botanical Garden itself was opened to the public in October 1989. The greenhouse includes a main hall, an observation tower with a viewing platform, a cactus garden, a jungle garden, a flower garden, a tropical fruit tree garden and a water garden. The greenhouse contains 1,200 species of plants, and in total in the Botanical Garden - two thousand species.

In the center of the hall are local plant species. Part of the exposition is devoted to wild species of chrysanthemums, which are endemic to Jeju.

In the same room, other types of local flora are presented, decorated in combination with local volcanic tuff.

Walking around the elevator in a circle, you can see other wonderful plants that fill the space of the hall and create the atmosphere of a winter garden.

Flower garden

This garden contains flowering plants of tropical and subtropical zones. At the entrance, on both sides of the alley, you can see orchids - cattleyas, vandas, phalaenopsis and other hybrids.

The garden also features a wide variety of bromeliad species, creepers, alpine plants and others. In the center of the overall composition there is a pond with an island, around which there are sculptural groups, arches, pergolas and trellises with climbing flowers. The garden is large, so the designers used the area to create a different mood: there are crowded romantic corners, solemn bright parterres, and bright gazebos for relaxation.

A separate place is allocated for begonias. For these colorful flowers, a bright gazebo was built, the roof of which is twined with hanging bougainvilleas.

Water plant garden

Water lilies, lilies, water hyacinths, callas, cyperus, miscanthus, monsteras, Victoria Regi, mangrove trees are represented in this garden. The water garden has four round ponds and four waterfalls.

Succulent garden (cactus garden)

The garden contains plants from the arid desert climate.

jungle garden

The garden occupies a significant part of the greenhouse and is designed to convey the atmosphere of the rainforest of the Amazon basin or the equatorial forests of Africa.

tropical fruit garden

There are 40 kinds of fruit trees in the garden. Near each tree, transparent showcases are installed, where certain tropical fruits are demonstrated.


In the garden, you can find trachycarpus, washingtonia, cicadas and other types of subtropical palms.

There is a flower garden behind the palm garden

Italian and French gardens

Both gardens are a single complex, solved in strict geometry: the French regular style of the time of Le Nôtre and the Italian one in the form of a copy of the garden of the Villa Ovata near Rome, built in the 15th century.

Korean garden

Here are all the local types of vegetation that are considered "Korean". These are hibiscus, peach and plum (sakura), keria, chaenomeles (wild quince), lilacs, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, tree peonies, cersis. Of the conifers, Chinese and Japanese pines are represented, which are called Korean in Korea.

Japanese garden

This garden features all the traditional elements of a Japanese garden. These are a bridge, a stream, a rock garden, stone lanterns, an arbor and a pond. As usual, there is not a single straight line, the dominant of the garden (bridge) is displaced from the center, the concept of emptiness is realized through a rock garden adjacent to the tea arbor.

Cheonjeyeon waterfall park

Next to the Yomiji Botanical Garden is Cheongjeyeon Waterfall Park. The river that forms them flows through a deep gorge. Thanks to water dust from waterfalls in the gorge - its own microclimate. Here, on the one hand, high humidity, and on the other - coolness in the summer heat. Tropical plants feel wonderful in this microclimate: the gorge is all buried in their greenery.

Near the largest, second waterfall, a beautiful bridge of unusual shape is thrown across the gorge. It is quite long, wide and very "humpbacked": it forms something like a high arch over the abyss.

Seven nymphs are depicted on the sides of the bridge. The bridge is called Sonimgyo, but more often it is called Chilsongyeogyo, which is translated as the bridge of the seven nymphs or seven fairies. According to local legend, seven nymphs served with the Heavenly King. At night, he let them go swimming to this waterfall, and beautiful fairies came here naked under the protection of the stars and the sounds of jade flutes. Hence the name of the waterfall - Cheongjeyon - the pond of the Heavenly Emperor.

Looking towards the sea from the Sonimgyo Bridge, you can see the third waterfall and the road that runs along the coast. On the other side of the bridge, through the branches of the trees, the second, largest of the three Cheongjiyon waterfalls is visible. The first waterfall is located in a cave, which is located at the source of the river.

If you leave the gorge and go a little further, you can see a beautiful pavilion that looks like a Buddhist temple. The gazebo can be reached by a long staircase. Inside there are many paintings on wood. The paintings on the ceiling of the gazebo detail the same story about fairies and the Heavenly King. Nearby is the Five Blessings Fountain. In the center of it, in a circle, there are five creatures, symbolizing various blessings of life. The carp blesses the birth of sons, the turtle symbolizes longevity, the pig - wealth, the dragon - glory, and the duck - love. All this is written on a plate installed next to the fountain. It is believed that if you stand in front of the corresponding beast and accurately throw a coin into the bowl at the top of the fountain, then the required good will certainly descend on the one who asks. This recommendation is written on the same label.

Next is the tangerine plantation park. There are a variety of varieties of tangerines. From the tiny kumquat, which is eaten with the peel, to huge citrus fruits, the size of a human head. They say that these big ones do not eat, but put somewhere in a car or in a room for a pleasant smell. There is also a small shop where you can buy all these tangerines, as well as local honey, chocolate and souvenirs.

Spirited Garden Bonsai Trees

The garden is private and owes its existence to Mr. Beom Young Son. He began to work on the creation of the garden in 1968. At first it was just a hobby, but gradually turned into the meaning and purpose of life. It took twenty-four years for the unprepossessing, thicket-covered area to turn into a wonderful garden.

The Inspirational Garden is perhaps the only bonsai garden in the world where all the trees grow outdoors. Although, probably, to call it only "bonsai garden" is not entirely correct. With the same success, it could be called a rock garden. There are a great many of them here. It is said that when a new stone is brought in, the owner of the garden walks along the paths for a long time and chooses a place where the stone will blend harmoniously into the landscape without disturbing the harmony of bonsai, other stones, ponds with carps and surrounding hills, poured to protect plants from the wind and create a characteristic for the landscape island.

The art of bonsai is more than art, it is a whole philosophy, according to which any such garden is the product of three virtues: truth, goodness and beauty. Not every person can successfully engage in this art. Now in the garden, on an area of ​​​​24 hectares, there are about 2000 bonsai trees. In every corner of the park one can feel that its owner is not only an outstanding bonsaist, but also a wonderful landscape designer. After all, he is the author of all the main compositions and small details of the landscape. Graceful ponds, a waterfall, winding alleys, small sculptural forms, gazebos, grottoes, stones are located between the picturesque artificial hills. Stones of different types: river or sea, “treated” with water, pieces of volcanic lava and all the rest found somewhere in the fields or mountains.

Inspirational Garden lives up to its name. Here you can walk for a very long time, finding peace of mind and harmony.

Jeju Island is an incredibly beautiful place that is just made for relaxation. Visiting it, no one can be disappointed.

Jeju Island (Jeju or Jeju-do) is the largest in South Korea, and at the same time - the smallest province in the country. Jeju is located in the very south about a hundred kilometers from the nearest coast and is washed by the waters of the Yellow Sea.

In this post, I will tell you why you should come here, about the sights and beaches of Jeju Island, about the most suitable time to visit, about ways to get there cheaply, the transport system of the island and much more. It turned out to be a great guide to the results of our stay for several days. I am sure you will find this information useful.

Read also:

Clean and transparent sea water

Jeju Island South Korea

Holidays on Jeju Island are very popular with Koreans (plus tourists from neighboring China and Japan). Newlyweds often spend their honeymoon here, kids come in whole school groups, with friends and relatives. But there are not so many foreign tourists, which for us was, perhaps, a plus. It is worth coming here for chic seascapes, beaches with black volcanic or more familiar light sand, fresh air, parks, entertainment complexes and well-developed infrastructure.

National costumes

Jeju is an island of volcanic origin, which was formed many years ago as a result of an eruption. The central part of the island is occupied by the long-extinct Hallasan volcano, which is the highest point in Korea (1950 m). The island is warmer than the rest of South Korea, there is no winter in the usual sense, so this is the main resort in the country.

Jeju is called the tangerine island because of the tangerines that grow here. Another symbol of the island is the kharyban or stone grandfather, a figure carved from volcanic rock. They can be found everywhere, small figurines as souvenirs or large ones standing near houses and in parks.

figurines haruban

For me personally, this is the most interesting region in South Korea. I think Jeju is perfect as an unusual vacation spot, there are all the possibilities on the island for this.


Jeju is shaped like an ellipse with the Hallasan volcano in the center and a mountainous area that gradually flattens as it approaches the seashore.

The airport is located in the north next to the main city of Jeju-Si, and in the south is the city of Seogwipo. It is these two settlements that are the most convenient in terms of location and choice of housing.

Lagoon on the coast

Jeju weather

The climate in Jeju is subtropical monsoon, with four seasons familiar to us.

The winter season lasts from November to mid-March - this is perhaps the worst time to visit Jeju Island.

Spring comes from mid-March and lasts until mid-May. At this time, it is very beautiful here, everything is blooming, the air is perfectly fresh and clean, but it’s too early to swim. Ideal for hiking and excursions.

We traveled around the island at the end of May, and it was already noticeably humid and warm, although the water in the sea was cool (but we were after Thailand :))

Beaches with black volcanic sand

In summer, from June to early September, the hottest weather is + 25 ... + 32С, the sea warms up from the end of June to +25 degrees. If you come for a beach holiday, the best months are July and August. But, as usual, at this time most of the people. Interestingly, it is in summer that there is a lot of precipitation.

Autumn lasts from late September to early November, nature is painted in bright colors of red, yellow, orange. Again a good time for sightseeing.

drinking spring

The sights of Jeju are very numerous, and you definitely won’t have enough time to go around them all, I’ll only tell you about the main ones. I will talk about the beaches separately below.

The highlight of the program: dormant volcano Hallasan. There are only 7 routes in the park next to the volcano, but two lead to the top. The whole round trip will take you a full day of light. The starting point of the most popular Seongpanak route can be reached by bus 181 from Jeju Si. We never saw the volcano, all the time it was hiding from our sight behind a veil of clouds.

Olle Trails- special hiking trails laid throughout the island. Choose any and go ahead, enjoy the unity with nature.

outlandish bird

To Jeju right now three sex museums: Jeju Loveland (Entrance 9,000 won), Museum of Sex and Health (12,000 won), World Eros Museum (7,000 won). You are provided with spicy pictures.

Sex Museum in Jeju Island

Manjang-gul cave- the longest cave in the world, formed in volcanic lava. Located in the eastern part of the island, you can get there by bus 101.

Extinct volcano Seongsan Ilchul-bong and the park of the same name around it (entrance 2000 won). Just a gorgeous must see place in Jeju! Popular with tourists to watch the sunrise (if you're lucky with the weather), although you can come at any time. During our stay, the volcano was shrouded in clouds. Nearby is a cool beach with black sand and simply picturesque places, you can walk for several hours.

Descent down the slope of the volcano, all in the fog

One of the main cultural attractions of Jeju are haenyo(or women of the sea, literally). Haenyeo are divers who dive to the seabed to a depth of 3-5 meters, some even up to 20 meters, without using special equipment. They spend several minutes underwater.

There are not many divers left, and most of them are elderly, so hurry to see! Haenyeo put on a little show on the beach at Seongsan Park.

Schedule of the show of women divers

Udo Island- a very tiny island, which can be reached by ferry from Jeju. Volcanic landscapes, clear sea water, the smell of algae in the air.

On Udo Island

folklore village Seongeup Folk Village(free admission) - traditional houses, statues of stone grandfathers.

Cheonjiyeon Pokpo and Jeongbang Pokpo waterfalls(both 2,000 won) are located in Seogwipo City.

Cheonjiyeon Pokpo Waterfall

Jeju Attractions - Jeongbang Pokpo Waterfall

Jungmun Resort– a whole amusement park complex with interesting entertainment, museums, beaches, hotels, etc. Here are, for example, the Yakcheon-sa temple, the Teddy Bear Museum, the Yeomiji Botanical Garden.

At Jungmun Resort

Another popular entertainment area is located in the northwest of the island and is called Hallim. There are several beautiful beaches and a park here.

Jeju beaches

The best beaches of Jeju Island:

- one of the most beautiful beaches on the island, located in the western part.

Hyeopjae Beach in Jeju

Geeunmeung Beach- located next to the previous one, but there are much fewer people here during the season.

Samyang Beach and Hamdeok Beach- two good beaches near Jeju-Si city, easily accessible by bus

Gimnyeong Beach- a small beach with white sand and calm waters.

- located next to the Jungmun Resort complex, there is a good infrastructure, many hotels and entertainment.

Jeju Beaches - Jungmun Beach

Read also:

How to get to Jeju Island

You have two options: fly in by plane or take a ferry from the mainland. I recommend the first option, fast and inexpensive. For example, we flew to Jeju from Kuala Lumpur (by Air Asia), and then to Busan on Eastar Jet, we paid 48,600 won for two tickets (or 2,860 rubles at the exchange rate at that time). I think it's cheap for 40 minutes of flight and 15 kg of included luggage for each. This is not "Victory" for you.

Planes fly to Seoul (Incheon or Gimpo), Busan and other major cities in South Korea, as well as to various Asian destinations, close and not so. There are no direct flights from Russia, you need to make a transfer, most likely it will be Seoul. The cheapest way to fly is from the cities of the Far East of the Russian Federation, which is logical.

Airlines worth paying attention to are Korean Air, Air Busan, EastarJet, Jeju Air, Tway. The last three refer to low-cost airlines.

The ferry can be reached from Busan and some other cities on the coast. From Busan, the ferry to Jeju costs about 50,000 won, takes 12 hours and runs three times a week. If you choose this path, it is only out of interest.

Monthly calendar of cheap flights to South Korea

Transport around the island


Bus service is well developed in Jeju. You can get by bus to almost any corner, including directly from the airport. There are bus terminals in Jeju Si and Seogwipo, between which buses run, as well as from there to different parts of the island.

Express bus from the airport

We took a bus route map from the Information Office at the airport upon arrival. Here .

Intercity buses are blue and red. Blues start at 1,150 won (for the first 20 km) and Reds start at 2,000 won. Further, for every 5 km, 200 won are added, if you drive more than 40 km, then pay 3,000 won (about 180 rubles).

Express bus

The route is signed on the side

Payment is made in cash or by T-money card. It’s better to buy a card right away, it will be much more profitable, besides, it works in any other city in South Korea in the subway and buses, and even supermarkets. Using the map, you can still transfer to another bus within 30 minutes and ride it for free.

There are special interactive displays at bus stops where you can see the route you need, as well as the time of its arrival - just space! Well, a nice bonus - every bus has free Wi-Fi at a decent speed, so you can post fresh photos :)


If you need to get from the airport to the city and don’t want to bother with bus routes, besides, if you are with large bags, I recommend it.

Rent a Car

Renting a car in Jeju is also quite real. You will need an international driving license and you must be over 21 years of age. Car prices start at 60,000 won per day. Gasoline and gas are quite expensive.

Every year, tours to South Korea are gaining popularity among active travelers. The country attracts with a variety of attractions, amazing nature and magnificent beaches. The South Korean island of Jeju is one of the most fascinating places for tourists to visit. It is considered a real paradise, which is located on the territory of South Korea.

In 2011, at the international competition "New seven wonders of nature", it was Jeju, in the middle of which the highest mountain of the country can be seen, was recognized as one of the seven new wonders of the world. Jeju can indeed be undoubtedly attributed to the wonders of nature, and even such an organization as UNESCO did not bypass it, including it in its World Heritage List.

Island name

To be extremely true, the exact name of the island sounds like Jeju. This is due to the fact that the character "to" is always attached to the name of the island or province. But this hieroglyph is depicted in different ways. According to the first version, we are talking about a province, and in the second version, it is about an island. In the case of the name Jeju, any character can be added to it, because the most beautiful volcanic island also has the status of a province.

Many Jeju tourists consider "Pearl of South Korea". There is not a drop of exaggeration in this name: the mild climate, picturesque landscapes, the cleanest and most comfortable beaches, parks and attractions attract tourists to the island not only from Asia, but from all over the world. By the way, about the climate: many experts believe that even a short stay on the South Korean island has a healing effect on the human body. It is warm here almost all year round: it is humid in summer, and there is no precipitation on the island for most of the winter.

Jeju has long had another interesting name - this "Island of Three Abundances". In abundance on this island you can always find stones, wind and women. Strong gusts of wind are constantly encountered on the slopes of an extinct volcano. Stones are everywhere here, because the island is completely composed of volcanic lava. With women here, too, everything is in perfect order: almost all of Jeju has been dominated by matriarchy since ancient times. An uninformed tourist may wonder: how is matriarchy possible in South Korea?

In Jeju, where customs and culture are almost in no way connected with continental ones, a woman is the head of the family. In addition, she does not give orders to her husband and is constantly in bliss and bliss: a woman on this island fully provides for her family, and, as a rule, she has to work in difficult conditions. And at present, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity on Jeju Island dive to great depths to get shellfish, algae and other seafood. At the same time, a strong half of the island's humanity is engaged in housing arrangements and watching over the younger generation.

Short story

According to the arguments of geologists, Jeju Island arose about 300-400 million years ago due to constant and prolonged eruptions. Hallasan volcano. At present, it is considered extinct and is the highest point in South Korea.

When people first appeared on the island, which is currently a province of South Korea, is not known for certain. One of the first written references about him appear in the year 662 of our era. But even before that, Jeju was inhabited by people. Only, until 662, it was an independent country, which was called Thanma. It is known from documents that after the capture of the island by one of the three Korean states of Silla, Thanma remained to enjoy almost complete autonomy. In 1130, Silla ceased to exist, and instead a new strong state of Koryo arose, to which Thanma passed. In 1105, Koryo declared the autonomy of the former country invalid, and the rulers of the state, who maintained close ties with the Mongols, gave the island the name Jeju.

For almost two centuries, the population of the island was forced to work for the conquerors. This state of affairs could have continued longer if it had not happened in 1270. mass uprising of peasants against the slavery of the Mongols. Almost the entire population of Jeju took part in the rebellion, at the end of which all the Mongols were expelled from the island. In addition, after the uprising, the new Jeju government was lucky enough to completely take control of the sea routes that passed near the southern part of the island. The inhabitants of Jeju did not manage to enjoy their freedom to their fullest: three years later, a large army, which numbered over ten thousand Mongols and soldiers of the Koryo army and 160 warships, extinguished the uprising and removed the new government.

Since 1910, the island became part of Japan, and even began to be called Saishu, but after World War II, it again became part of South Korea. From 1948 to 1951, the communists led the fight against their opponents on Jeju: almost 20% of the indigenous population of the island died at the hands of partisans. From 1951 to 1960, almost all local residents were in poverty. They could only feed themselves with seafood. After 1960, Jeju Island began to transform into luxury resort, which was first chosen by the Chinese and Japanese. Some time later, travelers from the Old World also headed to the volcanic island. The tourist infrastructure on the island, where the woman has the final say, has begun to develop dynamically. Currently, almost 80% of the over half a million indigenous people of the island work in the service sector.

Island legends

Not a single scientist on the planet dares to argue with the opinion that the island and the rocks that are located in its immediate vicinity arose as a result of the eruption of the Hallasan volcano. But Koreans who live in Jeju fundamentally disagree with this conclusion. They have their own opinion about the origin of the island and rocks in the sea, which differs from those that are common in scientific circles. For example, very close to the island is lonely rock - Vedulge. So some locals are firmly convinced that this is hero of the battle with the Mongols who turned to stone. In front of the troops, with the help of higher powers, he became a stone rock, and the soldiers of the enemy rushed away from what they saw. By the way, this hero is not fictional, he really fought with the Mongols for the independence of the island: his name was Choi Yong, and he had the rank of general.

Other islanders believe that Vedulge is petrified beautiful girl. Her lover went to sea and did not return. Sadness turned her into stone. Near this lonely rock you can always see a large number of tourists on pleasure boats: the place is quiet and romantic. Also, it is to Vedulga that a traveler who likes to go fishing should go. It is inexplicable, but the fish near this rock are apparently invisible. Anyone who takes gear and drives to the lonely rock of Jeju Island will never be without a catch.

One part of the inhabitants of the island considers the rock a "general", and the other - a "girl". But the disagreements between the people of Jeju do not end there. They still can't divide the island. So, until 2006, there were two cities in Jeju, each of which wanted to be completely independent: Jeju itself, but without the prefix “to” and Seogwipo. Through the efforts of the South Korean authorities, these two cities reconciled and made Jeju the main one.

Attractions Jeju

The hallmark of modern Jeju Island are good-natured grandfathers which are made by local stone craftsmen. They even have their own name - tolkharubans. Before tourism flourished on the island, these three-meter stone statues stood at almost every house. There is a legend that the stone grandfather protects all the residents of the house from the plans of evil spirits. Of course, even now they have remained standing in their places, but in addition to large idols, enterprising islanders began to make small copies of them, which are sold inexpensively in local souvenir shops.

If someone thinks that the only thing on the island is to look at the tolharubans, lie down on the clean beaches and swim in the gentle waters of the sea, he is deeply mistaken. Jeju has a lot of sights that were made by nature itself and by human hands. So, on Jeju you can see unique bonsai. And they are shown to the public not in the building, but grow right in the park. That's what it's called "Jeju Island Bonsai Park". The place attracts not only tourists who are interested in this ancient and interesting art, but also professional photographers. They take beautiful photos in the park, which then become decorations in fashionable apartments and offices.

Not far from the park where dwarf trees grow, various events are organized almost every month. exhibitions and festivals. Only at the exhibition of chrysanthemums you can stay the whole day, and this is not taking into account the folklore village and the territory where tame ostriches from Africa live. All this on the island was created in less than thirty years.

Of particular interest to tourists on Jeju Island will be tea museum. In it you can not only learn about the rarest varieties of the southern plant, from which a healthy, tonic drink is made, but also buy by weight.

Talking about Jeju Island, and not to mention his other business card - tangerines would be an unforgivable mistake. In large areas of the island, plantations are stretched where tangerines grow. The export of citrus fruits is the second source of income for the local budget after tourism. After walking through the tangerine gardens, the traveler should definitely visit the greenhouse, where rare varieties of orchids grow right on volcanic stones and clay pots. No one leaves this large building without a purchase.

Jeju Island resort

Due to the fact that the South Korean island has been isolated from the continent for a long time, it attracts the attention of guests with its pristine nature. The most beautiful places on the island are considered to be its south and east coast. Despite the fact that newlyweds from Asian countries regularly spend their honeymoons there, nature remains untouched. In addition, very close to the coast there are small uninhabited islands, where for a fee you can stay in splendid solitude and silence for a day or two.

Unforgettable impressions will leave a visit Chongbang waterfall. From a large rock, streams of water fall noisily into the sea. Chongbang is the only waterfall in Asia that flows directly into the sea. But this fact is not taken into account. An incredible spectacle, which is a strong current, pushes everything into the background.

While relaxing on the beach, every tourist will be able to see with his own eyes what the matriarchy in jeju island. Women sail from the shore in boats and move towards a lonely rock. Then they dive to great depths and fill their boats with seafood. It is interesting that among these brave representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, there are women who have already exchanged their eighth decade for a long time. Jeju tourists call them that grandmother divers. Many of them have been earning a living since the age of 15, and some work for the tourism business, showing city guests what real exotic is. When the women's boats return to the shore, they are immediately surrounded by crowds of tourists: guests of the island buy octopuses, clams and shrimp from divers at affordable prices. Therefore, they go to their husbands, who are watching their children or grandchildren, without a catch, but with a wallet full of money.

In order to see underwater what grandmother divers see, it is not at all necessary to be able to hold air for a long time or attach oxygen cylinders to your back. Near the uninhabited island of Munson, there is a real miniature submarine in which, together with its crew, you can dive into the depths of the sea. It is not difficult to get to it: boats to the submarine depart from the coast of Jeju all the time. Only such an underwater excursion will cost a lot.

You can talk about Jeju Island for a long time and a lot, but it's better to see it all live in order to remember more than once about this place later. Whatever tourists choose: sightseeing tours or independent travel on the island, they will have an exciting trip to a completely different world, which is interesting and amazing in all its manifestations.