Lining for painting in the interior of the apartment. How to finish clapboard inside the house: the process in pictures. Noble interior of a country house

Board-lining, as a finishing material, is rarely used in apartments - except that they sheathe balconies and loggias with it. Even if the design of the rooms involves finishing one wall with wood, they often use planken, which can be mounted with a gap, or a floor board, since it does not have a chamfer. But in the interior of private houses: urban, and especially suburban, painted lining looks quite harmonious, and it is this design option that we will discuss in this article.

Our instructions will help those who want to finish the interior with painted clapboard with their own hands, but do not know how to do it right.

On sale you can see at least five types of board profiles with a tongue-and-groove connection, which we all used to call clapboard, and you can see some of them in the photo below. In addition to the presented types of profiles, there is also a “landhouse”, which has a figured surface, and an “American”, whose profile is an elongated triangle. These are purely facade options (see Clapboard for exterior decoration: choosing the best), so it makes no sense to talk about them now.

In addition, the board varies in size, and, of course, in grades. The type of profile and the size of the material is selected, depending on where exactly it will be installed. As for quality, for interior decoration you need to take only the highest grade, which is called "Extra".

The type of wood also matters. Softwood is not used for residential decoration, as it releases resin, which will ruin your finish. Pine or spruce is appropriate only for the interior lining of the bath.

How to choose the right board

Let's return to the options for the sections of the board. Most often, ceilings are trimmed with clapboard, but not every profile is suitable for this purpose.

Imitations of logs and beams immediately disappear - these are options for walls, and even then, depending on what design is supposed to be implemented. If you want a house built from foam blocks to look like wood, using a block house or imitation timber solves this problem without any problems.


  • A board with a flat surface looks better on the ceiling, especially when the room is not very high. On an ordinary horizontal ceiling, a wide lining looks better. If the ceiling has several planes, as is the case in attics, then a narrow board is much better suited for sheathing - especially if it is painted in different colors, as is done in the example below.

  • In general, painted lining in the interior of a living space looks more than harmonious. The natural color scheme of wood, of course, is very pleasing to the eye, but if it is a flat plane and the same tone, the finish loses its charm and becomes monotonous. Dosed accents, contrasting shades, as well as a change in the direction of mounting the board help to get away from this effect.
  • When it comes to ceilings, the ability to break this monotony with transversely mounted bars helps a lot. Although, in many private houses with beamed floors, it is possible to use load-bearing beams in the design of the ceiling. To implement such a design, it is also better to use a narrow board.

  • But on the walls, it should be wider, at least 20 cm. Cladding elements of this width look the most harmonious - and therefore many other wall materials (plastic panels, MDF) are produced in the same size.

A lining that imitates a beam or a log is usually placed horizontally so that the imitation of the log house is complete. A board with other types of sections: softline, calm, eurolining - you can arrange it as you like.

The difference between these profiles is only in the configuration and number of grooves and chamfers, the structure of the tongue-and-groove connection. Their front surface will not differ too much - in any case, if we compare the material of the same class with each other.

Boarding Secrets

The quality of the material affects, of course, the final result, but it still needs to be mounted correctly. First of all, the board must be allowed to lie down for at least two days in the room where the finishing will be carried out, after which it must be immediately treated with a fire-retardant composition.

  • In addition, it makes the wood pattern more expressive, which will be very useful if you decide not to paint over the skin with opaque paint, but to use, for example, transparent azure. It is necessary to apply a protective composition carefully, not forgetting also about the ends and grooves.
  • While the impregnation dries, you can start preparing the surfaces for cladding. Of course, it is not necessary to clean them to the ground - unless the old plaster is crumbling. But if somewhere there are cracks, crevices, drips - and other troubles, they need to be eliminated.

  • In general, wood does not like drafts, so it is better to lay insulation in the skin. In any case, this must be done on the outer walls, ceilings under the attic, in the attic. You can mount the lining both on an aluminum profile and on a wooden crate.

The design with insulation may include both a profile and a rail. We will not go into these details now in order to pay more attention to the installation of the board itself and its finishing. If you decide to do your own sheathing and its decor, be sure to watch the video in this article.

Installing the batten and fixing the board

We will briefly talk about the installation of lining, taking as a basis the option on a wooden frame. For the crate, a rail with a cross section of 30 * 40 mm is required, which must also be treated with protective impregnation in advance.


  • Install the frame elements in a direction perpendicular to the position of the board. This means that if the cladding elements will be located vertically, then the crate belts must be installed horizontally.

  • The most difficult thing is to bring the frame into a single plane, since there are no absolutely even walls in principle. To determine the degree of surface roughness, they are hung and measured with a level. If the deviations do not exceed 5-7 mm, consider yourself lucky - such minor depressions can be compensated with backing bars.
  • You need to start by determining the most prominent point, install a rail on it, which will play the role of a guide, and already from it pull and fasten a fishing line to the nail, along which you can navigate in the future.
  • The distance between the slats usually does not exceed 60 cm. If you lay insulation between them, then the step between the belts of the crate is determined based on its width - perhaps it will not be 60, but 50 cm. But in this case, the frame is not made of a slat , but from a bar, the cross section of which must also take into account the thickness of the material.

  • If the walls are very uneven, then there are only two ways out: pre-level the wall with a plaster method, or install the crate on straight hangers. With their help, you can easily level the plane of the crate. Since the price of plaster is higher, the owners usually prefer the option with suspensions.
  • The lining is fastened to the crate in a hidden way - with the help of clamps. Self-tapping screws or nails are used only to fix the first and last board. In order, it looks like this. Sheathing starts from the wall, positioning the first board so that its tongue looks into the corner - it is he who is screwed to the bar with a self-tapping screw.

On the opposite side, clamps are installed, which, going into the groove on the edge of the lining, firmly hold it. After all the clamps are screwed, the second board is installed. Its tongue is inserted into the groove of the previous one, and on the other hand, hidden fastening is carried out in the same way. As you can see, everything is quite prosaic.

Coated surface painting

Almost any paint is suitable for painting wood, including water-dispersion paints, which are used to paint plaster surfaces. But they have a high hiding power, and under such a layer the pattern of the tree is no longer visible.

  • If you have a desire to admire the natural texture of wood, use transparent paints specially designed for it. These are all kinds of stains, impregnations, glazing compositions, varnishes, which can be either completely transparent or slightly tinted.

  • For example, acrylic decorative azure, which is also called colored wood protection, can be used not only as an intermediate coating applied before proceeding with the varnishing of the surface. It is also a full-fledged topcoat, as it decorates the skin and protects it from unwanted influences.

Advice! It is always better to paint a tree by hand - this way there are less streaks and less paint consumption. Before applying, the composition must be mixed well, otherwise the shade may be uneven. There should not be greasy layers - it is better, if necessary, to paint the wall not in two, but in three layers, but thinly.

  • Start painting work from an inconspicuous place, with a small stroke - suddenly the shade of paint is not what you imagined it to be. As already mentioned, primers can have a tint, but if you use a transparent version, it can also be tinted.
  • In general, not all compositions lend themselves to tinting - this possibility, as a rule, is specified in the manufacturer's instructions. By the way, for painting the lining, you can use two shades of paint, and alternate them through one or two boards. In the interior, this finishing option looks great, saving it from the very monotony that was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

The ideal solution for painting lining are semi-gloss paints - they allow you to hide the texture of the wood, but leave a relief on the surface. Well, if you want to focus on one wall and decorate wood, for example, antique, you need to use patinating compositions. You can see an example of such a finish in the photo above.

In modern interiors, lining is especially popular - an excellent finishing material for walls and ceilings. It appeared a long time ago, when cracks were closed in train cars with thin wooden slats. Builders borrowed this idea and began to use thin plates of wood for decoration. The lining is a thin sheathing, specially processed board from selected types of wood. Most often it is coniferous wood - cedar, pine or spruce. Lining is a versatile finishing material that is perfect for decorating a nursery, living room, bedroom, kitchen and even a bathroom. This material is environmentally friendly, which also meets modern design trends in creating eco-interiors. We offer a photo selection of the interiors of various rooms, with clapboard trim.

Lining colored
The lining is used not only in natural color, it can be painted in the colors of the interior. Natural wooden lining is most often painted in white or pastel colors. Sometimes with the help of paint or varnish they enhance the color of natural wood, or give it a new, original shade. With the help of paint or varnish, you can give the pine the appearance of bleached oak or dark walnut. There are other ways of decorative processing of painted lining, for example, artificial aging, or brushing.

Lining in the nursery
The interior design of modern nurseries is increasingly moving away from pink and blue stereotypes. The priority is the decoration with environmentally friendly materials and the development of artistic taste and sense of style in the child literally from birth. Country styles, Provence, Chebi-chic, which use lining for walls and ceilings, are now very popular in children's rooms.

Lining in the living room
In the living room, designers advise using light-colored clapboard trim, and using darker wood furniture. Eco-interior of the living room with an abundance of natural materials, forging as a decor, natural stone is now at the peak of popularity.

Lining in the bedroom
In the bedroom, it is important to create a cozy, warm environment. Increasingly, designers are turning to the decoration of walls or the bedside space with wooden clapboard. It is better to use eurolining from real lumber, the best of which is larch wood.

Clapboard in the kitchen
In the kitchen, walls and ceilings sheathed with wooden clapboard look very expensive, neat and elegant. To achieve the maximum effect, decorative lining is painted in the tone of natural wood or white, and also treated "antique" or covered with patina.

Lining in the bathroom
In the past, there was a myth about the unsuitability of lining as a finishing material for the bathroom. Now this finish is very popular and there are many ways to process it to make it moisture resistant.
The use of varnishes and tinting compositions absolutely changes the general idea of ​​​​the color range of wood products. Popular styles for bathroom decoration - zen, spa style, country, eco-style, provence cannot be realized without the use of such a finish.

When you hear the word lining, the first thing that comes to mind is a country house or cottage, in which this material looks cheap and cheerful, but sets the necessary country style mood.

In the apartment, you can also make country music, transferring the relaxing atmosphere of your favorite summer house to the city. But what if you want to create a modern urban style? Here, lining can also show its best side, becoming an interesting interior detail. The main thing is to follow a few tips from the pros, which we will discuss below.

Keep the gaps

American designer Jason Arnold loves to make wooden walls in modern houses or urban apartments. He argues that only with the help of a coin, lining can be made stylish: insert coins between the boards when leveling so that they are fastened at the same intervals.

In the interior in the photo below, Arnold used lining for the whole wall, and covered the doors with it, visually hiding them in the wall. The stripes of the lining echo the head of the bed and, you see, look modern. Metal fittings and exquisite furniture also take the room away from the country style.

Always paint

Painted or tinted boards don't look as rustic as those left with a natural texture. This means that it is more appropriate in urban interiors, even if you adhere to country style.

London-based designer Rita Konig says the white-painted batten looks clean and fresh and is perfect for the kitchen, laundry room or bathroom. We, in turn, would not advise you to use a lining in the bathroom, in which there are no windows, but for the kitchen this is really a great solution.

For small spaces, Rita recommends using wall paneling painted in bright or dark colors to add drama or draw attention to any area or object.

Let it shine

The main advantage of lining on the walls is that it creates an interesting texture that cannot be achieved with paint. It is the "plank" - that's what matters. But at the same time, it is not at all necessary to leave a rough texture. If you cover the lining with glossy paint or heavily varnished, it will take on a more modern look.

Horizontal or vertical?

In Jason Arnold's experience, horizontal planks not only help make a room feel larger, but also look more contemporary. However, in rooms with very high ceilings (for example, in two-story rooms with a common area), he prefers to use vertical installation.

We especially liked the idea of ​​Rita Konig to combine the direction of the lining: vertical from the bottom, and horizontal from the middle of the wall; this will visually balance the loaded room.

Dosed application

Making all the walls of a room with clapboard is rarely justified, only if in very small rooms such as a bathroom or laundry room. Even if it seems like a good idea to you, it's best to try mounting the boards in one area first and see if that's enough. Quoting Arnold:

You can use clapboard as a backsplash (especially since it's surprisingly easy to clean) or as an accent wall to add texture. If you choose to use it on an accent wall, paint it the same color as the rest of the walls. A variety of textures will be just right to make the solution look concise and fashionable.

Combine with other materials

Jason Arnold suggests pairing clapboard with materials such as brick, marble or concrete for an ultra-modern, urban aesthetic. Wood will automatically soften a space filled with such brutal and cold materials. For this reason, Arnold advises using clapboard in lofts, covering an accent wall with it to contrast with exposed brick. And in order to balance the marble countertop in the kitchen, an apron from a lining is perfect.

Mix board widths

When choosing the ideal width of lining boards, do not be afraid to combine different formats. You can use one width for the walls and another for the ceiling or floor, or set the rhythm by alternating the width of the boards on the same surface.

According to Rita Konig, this gives the room a relaxed look, while the difference in width may not even be immediately noticeable until someone specifically points out.

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For many, lining the inside of the house with a photo idea, the design of which can be found in a huge variety, is an original solution for repairs.

This natural finishing material will make the room visually larger, more interesting and add personality to the room.

Characteristics and types

Despite the fact that lining has earned its popularity for a long time, not everyone has a clear idea about its varieties and advantages. This is due to the rapid growth of the range in the construction market. Let's look at the existing variations.

Plastic lining

This type of material is one of the subtypes of PVC panels. A fairly common type of finish, which is due to a wide range of colors and various patterns, but is afraid of any external influence.

Plastic products have a number of advantages:

  • Not afraid of water. PVC does not give in to rotting, fungal diseases and a mold. Ideal for rooms with high levels of humidity;
  • Low market price compared to wood products;
  • A wide range of colors that allow everyone to choose panels to their taste.

Plastic panels are produced in several forms:

  1. Clapboard - panel. It is characterized by a perfectly smooth external structure and increased strength. It has a unique pattern of wood from which it is made;
  2. Block house. Technical characteristics are similar to wall beam, however, the surface of these products is rounded;
  3. Eurolining. It has deep grooves and long spikes that contribute to the creation of a particularly durable surface;
  4. American. The feature of overlapping installation allows these products to endure the influence of external factors quite steadfastly;
  5. Peasant woman. These panels are ideal for finishing ceilings.

Depending on the parameters and method of installation, lining is suture and seamless. For interior design, the second option is often used, due to the huge variety of colors.

Clapboard made of wood

Wooden lining is stronger and more environmentally friendly than PVC panels. However, it has a number of operational features:

  • A wooden product requires pre-assembly preparation, which consists in processing the elements with a special protective compound. Thus, you prevent the panels from rotting and protect them from the negative effects of moisture. In view of the fear of moisture, you should not choose a similar material for cladding rooms with high humidity;
  • Wooden lining has a high level of fire hazard;
  • The cost of the material cannot be called low.

When buying a lining made of wood, you should pay attention to the class of goods. It depends on the quality of the feedstock:

  1. Premium class panels have a smooth surface. No defects are allowed;
  2. Class "A" includes products that are made from the middle of the timber. One flaw per 150 cm is allowed;
  3. Class "B" is assigned to a material that has 4 defects per 150 cm of the product;
  4. The lowest "C" class allows for the presence of imperfections and color differences along the entire length of the panel.

It's important to know: protective treatment of the surface sheathed with wooden clapboard should be carried out annually!

However, those few shortcomings that wooden products have cannot overshadow the beauty inherent only in natural materials.

Interior decoration options

Interior designers often use lining to decorate walls and ceilings. A matte or lacquered surface in light colors can visually expand the space.

To add zest, the panels can be painted with oil paint of the desired color. An unusual effect can be achieved by rubbing the paint with your hands instead of the usual brush. Staining is carried out before the installation of the board.

If you decide to completely sheathe the wall, give preference to non-traditional installation, for example, diagonally or herringbone. The wooden panel also allows you to apply the image using a blowtorch. The drawing covered with oil paint on top looks very unusual and interesting.

Decorating the walls in the nursery, you can highlight the sleeping area, focusing on brightly painted panels. Light walls look good along with the unusual color of the ceiling.

Despite the huge selection of design solutions, the classic version remains the most used. It consists in finishing the walls with a material painted in white matte color. This combination will fit perfectly into the Scandinavian style. If none of the available solutions satisfied you, it is quite possible to create an interior based on your taste preferences.

Coating methods

The final coating of this material is a mandatory and responsible task. Finishing can be done with both paint and varnish. Consider all the options in order to confidently navigate the choice.

  1. Dye

Paints are of two types:

Oil paint

The surface treated with oil paint has a long service life and is not afraid of moisture. This coverage needs to be renewed every 5 years. The process is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears. Painting does not require special skills, so it will not be difficult.

Need to know: paint, oil-based becomes a little lighter after drying, pay attention to this when choosing a color.

acrylic paint

This paint is odorless, dries fairly quickly and is unpretentious to temperature conditions. High quality indicators will allow the surface to look great for a long time. The only drawback of acrylic paint can be considered a high cost.

  1. wood stain

Decorative glaze, or allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the wood panel, but is only suitable for high-end products that do not have flaws.

Finishing coating that does not change the color of the product, but only adds shine to it, and makes it resistant to external destructive influences.

Acrylic scuba tank

Requires a minimum of drying time and is environmentally friendly. If necessary, it can be diluted with water.

Note: it is worth making your choice in favor of scuba diving in the case when there are allergy sufferers in the house.

Alkyd varnish for lining

This varnish dries for a long time, creating a protective layer on the surface. Ideal for rooms with a high level of humidity and heavy loads on the surface.

  1. Wax based paint

Oil-wax is an innovation in the construction market among the finishing coatings for wooden lining. The oil structure allows it to penetrate deep into the surface of the product, and the wax gives the panel a unique external shine.

All of these options are suitable as a finishing coating for lining. However, you can make the final choice based on your wishes and the overall design of the room.

How to use lining in the interior of a country house, see interesting ideas in the following video:

The construction of a country house is nearing completion. The next stage of work is interior decoration.

Today we will talk about such a finishing material as lining. Many, having heard the word "lining", imagined the interior of a bathhouse or a "Soviet" loggia. Yes, it may have happened before.

But woodworking production does not stand still, new technologies in wood processing have produced a new material - "euro lining". The name itself indicates that the product is produced according to European standards, therefore it has a rather attractive appearance and excellent characteristics.

This material attracts the attention of connoisseurs of natural, environmentally friendly interiors, where wooden walls, floors and even ceilings become an integral part of the overall image of the home.

Wooden lining

Initially, this type of lumber was used to fill gaps between the boards of freight wagons, hence the name - "lining". Today it is an independent, widely used material, both for external and internal decoration of buildings and structures. .

Plain lining (euro lining) It is a narrow, long, flat board with a groove on one side and a tongue and groove on the other. At the same time, eurolining is of better quality, it has special grooves for ventilation on the inside. Board width from 100 mm, length from 2 m, profile thickness is usually 12 mm.

But lumber producers are not standing still. Everyone knows such names as "blockhouse" and "American" - this is the same lining, but modified.

Blockhouse - lining imitating round logs (the outer side is semicircular). The thickness of the profile reaches 36 mm, the length is from 2 to 6 m, the width varies depending on the thickness from 90 to 190 mm. Block house is usually made from softwood.

Lining-American resembles a wooden beam. As the name suggests, it came to us from America. The lining profile resembles a rectangular trapezoid. The thicker part (from 22 to 40 mm) has a groove, the narrower part (from 14 to 28 mm) has a tongue.

"American" is usually used for outdoor work - facade decoration, and is laid strictly horizontally from the bottom up. The narrow part of the board is on top, and the wide part is overlapped. But it can also be used for interior decoration in certain interiors.

The lining is classified by class:

  • class "extra" - the highest quality and most expensive lining, with high decorative properties;
  • classes "A" and "B" - lining of medium quality;
  • class "C" - the cheapest and lower quality material.

In the "price-quality" ratio, softwood lining (spruce, pine) is the most popular, it is cheaper compared to other species.

Hardwoods (linden, aspen, larch, cedar) do not emit resin when heated, are less susceptible to decay, have healing properties, and therefore are often used in the decoration of saunas and baths.

Internal lining of residential and non-residential premises

To finish the premises of a house with clapboard, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of high-quality material (smooth dry boards, without traces of resin, without fallen knots, etc.).

Eurolining in this case is better. Already at the stage of production of the material, the lining is treated with antiseptics, its color is evened out with special compounds, and covered with a finishing layer. With the usual clapboard, you will have to work before you achieve a surface that is close to ideal.

The lining is mounted on the crate, previously fixed to the walls or ceilings. If necessary, a layer of heat-insulating material can be laid between the vertical and horizontal guides of the crate.

A vertically laid lining will help visually "raise" the ceilings, and horizontally - visually "expand" the room. Various stains will help to “knock down” the yellowish color of the wood, which will help to change the color, while maintaining the natural structure of the wood. The stains will not only give it the desired shade, but also protect the wood from decay and pests.

Interiors using lining

There is an opinion that lining inside the house is the lot of a summer house, a bathhouse or a rustic-style interior of a residential building. Let's try to debunk this statement. Wood is a noble building material that is combined with many other finishes in rooms of different styles, even in modern high-tech.

Wooden lining looks great with plaster, painted walls, wallpaper, textiles, tiles. With the right proportional and color combination of materials, you can create a truly unique, elegant and cozy interior.

You can use lining in the interior not only for lining walls and ceilings, but also for decorating furniture.

Of course, the most traditional interior with lining is country style.

Lovers of the natural color of wood prefer the Scandinavian style, in which the wooden lining is perfectly combined with stone and massive wooden beams on the ceiling.

Those who are annoyed by the excessive abundance of unpainted natural wood in the interior will be attracted by the Provencal style. The lining can be painted in traditional pastel colors for this style, harmoniously combining it with plastered walls and rough plank floors.

Artificially aged lining is the highlight of the shabby chic style.

And this is how the walls of the house in the Russian style look like. If the house is built of stone, and this style is very close to you, then the internal (as well as external) wall surfaces can be sheathed with a block house.

High-tech wall decoration option. They can be painted white, gray or silver. In this interior, the walls are the background, and do not attract much attention.

An option to combine lining with stone, painted walls and ceramic tile floors in a minimalist interior.

Lining in the interior of the hallway in combination with plaster.

It is possible to use lining as a finishing material not only in living quarters, kitchens, corridors, but also in bathrooms. Only the requirements for it will be more stringent: the main condition is moisture resistance.

Any material in the bathroom can become moldy. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide good ventilation in the room, fasten the lining vertically, treat it with protective impregnations, wax or varnish, and ensure ventilation between the lining and the wall to which it is attached.

Ceilings can become beautiful and interesting when used in lining the lining.

The possibilities of this material are endless. It is enough to show taste, to correctly apply the lining in the interior style you like, combining it with other materials, and the result will certainly please you for many years.