St. Neil Stolobensky. Neil Stolobensky

, December 6 (Greek), December 7 and in the Cathedral of Tver Saints

Born into a peasant family in a small village of the Novgorod diocese. In the year he became a monk at the monastery of St. Savva of Krypetsky near Pskov.

After 10 years of ascetic life in Konovia, he retired to the Seremlya River, towards the city of Ostashkov, where for 13 years he led a strict ascetic life in continuous battle with the machinations of the devil, which were expressed in the appearance of ghosts - reptiles and wild animals. Many residents from the surrounding areas began to come to the monk for instructions, but he began to feel burdened by this and prayed to God to show him a place for the feat of silence. One day, after a long prayer, he heard a voice: “Nile! Go to Lake Seliger. There on Stolobensky Island you can be saved!” From the people who came to him, the Monk Neil learned where the lake was, and, having arrived there, he was amazed by its beauty. In the middle of the lake is an island covered with dense forest; on it the monk found a small mountain and dug a cave, and after some time he built a hut, in which he lived for 26 years. He accompanied the feats of strict fasting and silence with another, special feat - he never went to bed, but allowed himself only a light nap, leaning on hooks embedded in the wall of the cell.

The saint's godly life many times aroused the envy of the enemy, which manifested itself through the anger of the local residents. One day, someone set fire to the forest on the island where the saint’s hut stood, but the flames, reaching the mountain, miraculously died out. Another time, robbers broke into the hut. The monk told them: “All my treasure is in the corner of the cell.” There stood an icon of the Mother of God. The robbers began looking for money and went blind. Then, in tears of repentance, they began to pray to the saint for forgiveness. Many other miracles performed by the saint are also known. He silently refused offerings if those who came to him had an unclean conscience or were in bodily uncleanness.

In anticipation of his death, the Monk Neil prepared a coffin for himself. And at the very time of his repose, the abbot of one of the nearby monasteries arrived on the island and introduced him to the Holy Mysteries. After the departure of the abbot, the Monk Neil prayed for the last time, poured the holy icons and cell, and gave up his immortal soul to the Lord on December 7 of the year.

After the death of St. Neil, monks from various monasteries came to Stolobny Island, wandered to holy places, and lived in his cell for some time. Abbot Anthony and monk Herman built a tomb over the grave of the monk, at which healings of the sick were performed even before the foundation of the monastery. For about a year, the monk German settled on the island where the wanderer Boris Kholmogorets lived at that time. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Novgorod (1576-1591), they built a wooden church in honor of the Epiphany with a chapel in the name of Blessed Basil, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker (+ 1557).

Soon a monastery with a communal charter arose, which received the name Nilova Hermitage. Its first rector was hieromonk

Life. Prayer. Troparion. Kontakion.

The Monk Nil Stolobensky was born at the end of the 15th century in one of the villages of Derevskaya Pyatina, Zhabensky churchyard in the Novgorod land (in some texts of the Life of the saint, the village of Zhabna itself, the center of the churchyard or volost, is called his homeland). Who the saint's parents were and what name he bore in the world is unknown. It is only known that his father and mother led a pious life and raised their son in the fear of God.

After their death, around 1505, the monk took monastic vows with the name in honor of the Monk Nile, the ascetic of Mount Sinai (November 12) at the monastery of the Monk Savva of Krypetsky (+1495; August 28, old style / September 10, old style). Having assumed the angelic image, the Monk Neil began to lead a high ascetic life, oppressing his flesh with strict abstinence. Diligently fulfilling all the obediences assigned to him, he unquestioningly obeyed the abbot. In all his actions, the Monk Neil showed humility, meekness and kindness. Having tamed his passions, humbled his flesh with fasting and vigil, and washed his soul with tears, he became the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit. Through his feat of fasting and obedience he earned the reverent attitude of his brethren. But, in order “not to accept respect from people like themselves,” the Monk Neil wished to go into solitude. Having received the blessing of the abbot, Neil left the Krypetsky monastery in 1515 to live in the desert. He found a deserted place near the Cheremkha River in Rzhev district. Having set up a small cell, the saint devoted himself to the feats of unceasing prayer and abstinence. There the Monk Neil lived for 13 years, eating herbs and acorns.

He spent all his time in constant prayer. Demons, in order to frighten the saint and drive him away from the desert, appeared to him in the form of ferocious beasts and reptiles. But the holy ascetic drove them away with prayer and the sign of the cross. Unable to drive the saint out of the desert, demons taught evil people to harm him. One day, robbers came to the holy hermit, thinking to find some treasures with him. Having learned about their arrival, the Monk Neil said a prayer and went out to meet them with an icon of the Mother of God in his hands. The robbers were frightened by the vision of many warriors behind the saint. They got scared and began to ask the saint for forgiveness. Saint Nile lovingly accepted their repentance and sent them away in peace.

Thirteen years later, by the arrangement of God’s Providence, the name of St. Neil became known in many surrounding villages. Many began to come to him for blessings, instructions and advice. The ascetic life of the holy hermit aroused worldly praise, and this extremely upset the humble monk. From that time on, he began to diligently pray to the Most Holy Theotokos to show him another place for desert exploits.

One day, half asleep, he heard a voice commanding him to go to Stolobnoye Island, which is on Lake Seliger, not far from the city of Ostashkov. The relocation of the Monk Neil to this deserted island took place in 1528. The monk found the indicated place. The saint lived his first winter in a cave he dug in the mountain. Then he built a small wooden chapel and a cell, in which he labored for 27 years, struggling with evil spirits. Here he intensified his feats of fasting and prayer. The saint never lay down to sleep, but rested, leaning on wooden hooks driven into the wall.

The enemy of the human race tried to expel the saint from this place, appearing to him and threatening him with troubles. He also taught the surrounding villagers to harm the ascetic. The previously unwanted island suddenly became necessary for the residents of the villages neighboring it, and they decided to cut down the forest on it and plow up the arable land. They set fire to the felled forest, hoping that the saint’s cell would burn along with it. But when the fire that was raging across the island approached the dwelling of the Monk Nile, through the prayer of the saint, the flame went out.

On Stolobny Island, through the prayers of St. Neil, a miracle again occurred from the icon of the Mother of God, which was in his cell and was the main treasure for the saint. As in the Serem desert, the Monk Nile was attacked by robbers, demanding treasures. The saint told them that all his treasure was in the corner of the cell - there stood an icon of the Mother of God.

Having rushed there, the robbers became blind. Having repented of their evil plans, they received their sight through the prayer of the saint.

After a long and intense struggle with passions and the devil, the Monk Neil was awarded by the Lord the gift of spiritual insight and reasoning. Thanks to the saint’s instructions, many people corrected their lives. Through the prayers of the saint, they received help from God and consolation, even the waves on Seliger were tamed, and fishermen caught in the storm were saved from death.

A tireless warrior with a world of passions, the Monk Neil was very sensitive to the beauty of God's world. The Life tells that, having come to the island of Stolobnoe, covered with pine forest and “all kinds of forest and buttocks,” the saint found it “velmily red” and rejoiced “at finding such a place and loving it dearly.” It is no coincidence that many of the miracles performed by the Monk Neil, both during his life and after his death, are associated with the “rebuke” of the rogue woodcutters who encroached on the protected forest. For many years, a carved image of the ascetic stood as a holy guardian of the source of the great Russian Volga River in a wooden chapel on the edge of the village of Volgoverkhovye.

The Monk Neil lived on Stolobnoye for 27 years, enduring all kinds of misfortunes, sorrows and hardships with great patience. Shortly before his repose, the Monk Nile dug a grave in the chapel he had built, “and set his coffin in the ground, and those who came and wept over him tenderly.” By the providence of God, and through the prayers of the Saint, before his blessed death, the abbot of the nearby Nikolo-Rozhkovsky monastery, Sergius, arrived with the Holy Gifts. The Monk Neil predicted to him that a monastery would be built on the island. After the repose of St. Nil (December 7, 1554), his holy relics were placed in the tomb by the abbot of one of the Novgorod monasteries, Anthony, and the monk of the Nikolo-Rozhkov monastery, German.

After the death of St. Neil, monks from various monasteries came to Stolobny Island, wandered to holy places, and lived in his cell for some time.

Around 1590, the monk Herman settled on the island where the wanderer Boris Kholmogorets lived at that time. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Novgorod (1576 - 1591), they built a wooden church in honor of the Epiphany with a chapel in the name of Blessed Basil, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker (+ 1557; commemorated August 2).

Soon a monastery with a communal charter arose, which was called the Nile Hermitage. Its first rector was Hieromonk Herman.

In 1595, the icon painter monks of the Tver Orshin Monastery of the Ascension, Job and Nifont, painted an image of the Monk Nile, which was placed on the tomb of the saint. Around 1598-1600, the monk of the Gethsemane monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Philofey Pirogov, compiled stichera and a canon for the saint and wrote his life.

In 1665, there was a fire in the monastery, all the wooden buildings, including the temple, burned down. A temporary wooden church was built for worship. While digging ditches for the temple, the earth crumbled, exposing the coffin; Thus, on May 27, 1667, the relics of St. Neil were found incorrupt and fragrant. With the blessing of Metropolitan Pitirim of Novgorod (at the Novgorod See from 1664 to 1672, then Patriarch of All Russia; +1673), on this day the annual celebration of the discovery of the holy relics of St. Neil was established. His miraculous relics were transferred to a new tomb and placed in the wooden Church of the Intercession. On October 30, 1669, in a new stone church built over the tomb of St. Neil, chapels were consecrated in the name of the holy Apostle John the Theologian and Blessed Basil, Christ for the Fool's sake. The holy relics of St. Neil were placed in the first aisle, and on April 9, 1671 they were transferred to the main Epiphany Church (after its consecration). From May 27, 1756, a solemn encircling of holy relics around the monastery began to take place annually, and later a religious procession from the city of Ostashkov. A description has been preserved of numerous healings that took place at the tomb of St. Nile through his holy prayers.

The veneration of St. Nile gradually spread beyond the Seliger region throughout Russia.

In 1845, a desert named after him was founded even in the Sayan Mountains, in the valley of the Ikhe-Ugun River.

Now the relics of the saint rest in the revived Nilo-Stolobenskaya desert.

Prayer to our Reverend Father Nil, Stolobensky Wonderworker

O great servant, glorious miracle worker, the cheerful shepherd of the flock of Christ gathered here for you, and the God-given ruler of this monastery, the all-blessed Nile! With your soul in Heaven, stand before the throne of God and enjoy the Trinity of glory, rest with your body on earth in this divine temple and from it, with the grace given from above, you will exude various miracles, look with a merciful eye on the people who are more honest than your race, and those who are strong in asking for your help. Behold, we have been defiled by their immeasurable sins, and ever wallowing in the mire of passions, the righteous wrath of God has been brought upon us, and we are unworthy of all mercy that has been created: in the same way, we do not dare to lift our hair to the heights of Heaven, to raise lower the voice of prayer, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit We call upon you for intercession and assistance. Therefore, as you have acquired boldness, lift up your venerable hand, as sometimes the wonderful Moses the God-seer told Amalek, and extend to the Lord the Creator of all and God your warm prayer for our people, and ask the insurmountable one against invisible and visible enemies, I will lead you, indestructible health, longevity of years, peace in their days, prosperity of the Church, prosperity of the air, fruitfulness of the earth. Deliver all those who come to God with undoubted faith and reverently venerate your multi-healing relics, from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearnings and excuses of the devil. Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper to the afflicted, a patron to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the infant, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a helmsman to the sailing, and intercede for all your strong help who diligently demand all that is useful for salvation. As we instruct you through your prayers, we will complete the path on earth of our short life in comfort, we will find endless peace in Heaven, and together with you we will glorify all the good, the Giver of the One in the Trinity of the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever centuries. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4:

Like a lamp all bright, /

You appeared on the island of Lake Seliger, /

Reverend Father Nile, /

You have carried the cross of Christ from your youth on your frame, /

You followed this diligently, /

drawn close to the purity of God, /

It was from labor and miracles that you were enriched with the gift of miracles. /

Thus we too, flowing to the race of your relics, tenderly say: /

Reverend Father, /

pray to Christ God //

save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8:

Fatherland, reverend, departed, /

Thou hast moved into the desert, /

and ascended to the island of Lake Seliger, /

You showed your life cruelly, /

and, surprising many with virtues, /

You have received the gift of miracles from Christ. /

Remember us, who honor your memory, /

let's call you: //

Rejoice, Nile, our father.

The future ascetic was born in the second half of the 15th century in one of the villages of the Novgorod land. Who his parents were is unknown. The life of the saint mentions their piety - only such parents could raise their son in the fear of God and in the love of prayer. Therefore, when in 1505 mother and father died and the time came to choose a path in life, there was no doubt. The young man went to the Pskov Savvo-Krypetsky Monastery and took monastic vows there with a name in honor of St. Nile of Sinai. Monk Nil labored in this monastery for about ten years. The life of the saint tells about the first years of monastic life as follows: “After accepting monasticism, Saint Nil courageously armed himself against the inner passions of the devil. Diligently fulfilling all the obediences assigned to him, he unquestioningly obeyed the abbot. In all his actions, the Monk Neil showed humility, meekness and kindness. Having tamed his passions, humbled his flesh with fasting and vigil, and washed his soul with tears, he became the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit.”

In 1515, “in order to avoid worldly glory,” the monk, with the blessing of the abbot, left the monastery and went in search of a place to live in the desert.

The saint had to go through a difficult path until he stopped in a deserted wooded place in the Rzhev land near the Seremkha River. Here the monk built himself a cell and “devoted himself to the feats of unceasing prayer and abstinence.” The saint ate only those gifts that the forest was rich in.

“Demons, in order to frighten the saint and drive him out of the desert, appeared to him in the form of ferocious beasts and reptiles. They rushed at him with a piercing whistle and hiss, but the holy ascetic drove them away with prayer and the sign of the cross. Not being able to drive the saint out of the desert, the demons taught evil people to harm him.”

Despite the concealment of the monk's cell from prying eyes, after some time the news of his silent feat reached people. The robbers came first, hoping to find some treasure. “Having learned about their arrival, the Monk Neil said a prayer and went out to meet them with an icon of the Mother of God in his hands. It seemed to the robbers that many armed people were walking with the monk. They got scared and began to ask the saint for forgiveness. Saint Nile lovingly accepted their repentance and sent them away in peace.”

Soon, residents of surrounding villages began to flock to the ascetic in search of other – spiritual – treasures. “Many began to come to him for blessings, instructions and advice. The ascetic life of the holy hermit aroused worldly praise, and this extremely upset the humble monk. In his nightly prayers, he asked with tears the Most Holy Theotokos to guide him on the path of solitary exploits.”

The saint labored for thirteen years on the banks of the Seremkha River.

"Here is my peace"

One day, after a long prayer, Neil, half asleep, heard a voice commanding him:

- Neil! Leave here and go to Stolobensky Island; there you can be saved.

Feeling the undoubted closeness of the Lord, the monk was filled with great joy and began to prepare for a new feat. In 1528, he first set foot on the land of Stolobensky Island on Lake Seliger, where he was to live until the end of his days. The monk was amazed by the beauty and harmony of the area. Having walked around the entire island, he chose a place for his cell in a small mountain. With the words “Here is my peace, here I will dwell forever and ever,” he thanked God and dug a cave in which he lived all winter. In the second year of his life on the island, the saint built a small wooden cell and chapel.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov narrates: “Nile spent his life on the island in great deeds and prayers, in fasting and labor; His food consisted of grains and berries that grew on the island, as well as vegetables and fruits from the land, which he cultivated with his own hands. But even here the devil did not stop arming himself against the saint and frightened him with all kinds of visions. Thus, one day the devil appeared with a whole horde of demons and surrounded the monk’s cell while he was praying in it; Having surrounded the cell with ropes, the devil, with a frantic cry, threatened to drag it into the lake, but with his holy prayer he drove away the demonic horde.”

The enemy of the human race attacked the saint through people as well. Thus, he taught the surrounding villagers to harm the ascetic. The previously unwanted island suddenly became necessary for the residents of the villages neighboring it, and they decided to cut down the forest on it and plow up the arable land. They set fire to the felled forest, hoping that the saint’s cell would burn along with it. “Seeing this, the saint began to pray and with many tears prayed for deliverance from the misfortune. The merciful Lord did not abandon the prayer of His servant who trusted in Him, and preserved it by His grace: the flame suddenly went out as soon as it reached the mountain. The monk, seeing the swift mercy of God, rejoiced in spirit, and his enemies returned home in shame.”

Saint Demetrius of Rostov tells about another amazing incident:

“Once, when the monk was at work outside his cell, robbers attacked the saint and threateningly demanded that he give them his treasure; the saint said to them:

- All my treasure is in the corner of the cell; go in there and take it.

In the corner there was an icon of the Mother of God with the Eternal Child. The robbers entered the cell and suddenly became blind; then with tears they began to beg the saint for forgiveness; The monk prayed to God, and the robbers received their sight. After this, the saint turned to them with instructions about spiritual salvation and ordered them not to tell anyone about what had happened to them; They kept silent then, but after the death of Saint Nile they told about everything.”

How many intrigues and misfortunes the saint had to endure is known only to the Lord. We have been given the gift of ripening the fruits of the ascetic’s holiness - the gift of penetrating into the secret affairs of people and guiding those who sin on the path of truth. Through the prayers of the saint, the waves on Seliger were tamed and fishermen caught in a storm were saved from death.

“The God-fearing inhabitants who were fishing near the island, honoring the saint, sent him fish from their catch for food. One day they sent one of their comrades to him with fish. The saint, foreseeing in his spirit that the fisherman had defiled himself by adultery, closed the window of his cell in front of him and did not accept the fish from him. The fisherman, returning to his comrades, told them about what had happened. They sent another to the monk with a fish, and the monk joyfully accepted the fish from him and, blessing it, released it.

At another time, one man wanted to cut down forest on the island to build a house, but suddenly a terrible thunder roared and a voice was heard forbidding the forest to be cut down. However, he was not afraid of this and began to load the cart with trees, but the horse could not budge it. Seeing this miracle, the man left in fear, promising never to do that again.”

For twenty-seven years the monk labored ascetic on Stolobensky Island. The time of his death was revealed to the saint. Several years before his repose in the Lord, he dug a grave in the chapel and placed a coffin in it. Coming there every day, he cried over that coffin, saying to himself:

- Behold my peace, behold my dwelling!

When the time of death approached, the monk began to pray to God to be worthy of receiving the Holy Mysteries. Then Abbot Sergius of the St. Nicholas Monastery arrived on the island and gave Holy Communion to the monk Nile. Talking with the abbot, Neil was filled with prophetic inspiration and said: “Holy Father! After my departure to God on this island, God will erect a temple to glorify His name, and this place will be the dwelling of monks.”

“After this, the monk, entering the cell, said the usual prayers and, taking the censer, covered the holy icons and the entire cell; then (...) he reposed in the Lord in 1554, on the seventh day of December.” A tomb was built over the saint’s grave, where healings of the sick were performed.

“Aren’t these miracles?”

After the death of St. Neil, Stolobny Island attracted many monks seeking solitude. They came, lived in the saint’s cell - and went further in search of their place, until finally the monk Herman came here around 1590, who settled on the island. Together with the wanderer Boris Kholmogorets, who lived here, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Novgorod and with the help of many God-loving surrounding residents, they built a wooden church in honor of the Epiphany with a chapel in the name of Blessed Basil, Christ for the Fool's sake, the Moscow Wonderworker. Monks began to gather around the temple. Gradually, cells were built and surrounded by a fence. This is how a monastery with a communal charter arose, which was called the Nile Hermitage. Hieromonk Herman became its first rector. In 1595, the icon painter monks of the Tver Orshin Monastery of the Ascension, Job and Nifont, painted an image of the Monk Nile - according to the stories of those who knew the saint during his lifetime and remembered him well. The image was placed on the tomb of the saint. Following the painting of the icon, local veneration of the saint arose. In 1598–1600, Filofei Pirogov, a monk of the Gethsemane monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, compiled stichera and a canon for the saint and wrote his life.

Miracles did not cease to occur at the tomb of St. Neil.

On the feast of St. Basil (August 2/15), when pilgrims were gathering in the desert, two boys entered the chapel where the saint’s coffin was located, and foolishly began to play, throwing rowan trees at one another. Suddenly a terrible thunder roared, the children froze and fell to the ground. When the people saw the boys lying motionless, they began to serve the saint a prayer service and call on him for help. The children came to their senses and said that when they were throwing rowan trees, they saw an old man who told them to stop; They did not listen to him and fell to the ground due to terrible thunder. Through the fervent prayer of their parents, the children returned home healthy.

Isaiah Travkov, the servant of the boyar Belsky, once driving through Lake Seliger past Stolobny Island, blasphemously spoke to his companions: “Although you, Nile, are holy, I will still pass by.” When Isaiah returned home, he suddenly fell ill with stone disease. Another time, while driving along the lake, Isaiah felt especially bad, could barely breathe and told those traveling with him that he was dying. Then he remembered his blasphemy, realized that he had been punished by the monk, and asked to be brought to Stolobny Island. As soon as they brought Isaiah to the island, he felt better; He himself reached the chapel, before the tomb of the saint of God he repented of his madness and received healing. After this, the Monk Nile appeared to Isaiah in a dream and said: “Why don’t you go to Nile and say that he doesn’t work miracles? Aren’t these miracles?” And then from the book he began to read the tale of his miracles. After this, the admonished Isaiah revered Saint Nilus as a great wonderworker.

In 1665, there was a fire in the monastery and all the wooden buildings burned down. A temporary wooden church was built, and on May 27, 1667, during the laying of a new stone church, the ground above the tomb of the saint collapsed and the incorrupt and fragrant relics of St. Nile were exposed. His miraculous relics were transferred to a new tomb and placed in the wooden Church of the Intercession. On April 9, 1671, they were transferred to the main Epiphany Church of the monastery, where the holy relics rest today.

A special feat of Saint Nile was that he did not lie down to sleep, but slept sitting up, leaning on two large wooden hooks driven into the wall of his cell. It was in this position that the saint peacefully departed to the Lord. And although the Orthodox tradition, unlike the Catholic one, is not characterized by the depiction of saints in the form of sculpture or bas-relief, the iconographic image of the Venerable Wonderworker Nile of Stolobensky is better known in the form of a wooden carved sculpture depicting a bent, half-sitting old man with his head bowed and his hands resting rhythmically on his knees. His entire figure testifies to prayerful concentration and detachment from everything external and temporary. It is not known for certain when such a wooden figure first appeared, but in the 19th century, a pious tradition developed in the Nilo-Stolobensk Hermitage: pilgrims who visited the monastery were given figurines depicting the saint.

More than two centuries after the death of St. Neil of Stolobensky, another saint of the Russian Orthodox Church - Seraphim of Sarov - will say: “Save yourself - and thousands around you will be saved.” It would seem that Saint Nile did nothing else: after spending more than 40 years in the desert, he prayed, labored, struggled with passions - he was completely focused on internal work, on his salvation. But to this day, around him - approaching his holy relics, passing through the places where he labored, calling on him in prayers, thousands of people are saved, finding joy and consolation in turning to the great ascetic.

Brief life of St. Neil of Stolobensky

The Most Reverend Nil of Sto-lo-bensky was born into the family of a peasant in the small village of Novgorod Diocese -hii. In 1505, he took monastic vows in the monastery of the Presiding Savva Krypets-ko near Pskov. After 10 years of moving life in Ki-no-vii, he retired to the Se-rem-lyu river, in the hundred-ro-nu city of Ostash -co-va, where for 13 years he led a strict as-ke-ti-che-life in a continuous marriage with the goats of dia-vo-la, which you were fascinated by the appearances of ghosts - reptiles and wild animals. Many residents from the surrounding areas began to come to the priest for instructions, but he became this heavy to walk and pray to God to show him a place to move without saying a word. One day, after a long prayer, he heard a voice: “Nile! Go to Lake Se-li-ger. There on the island of Sto-lo-ben “How can you be saved!” From the people who came to him, the great Nile found out where the lake was and, when he arrived there, he was glad his beautiful wife.

In the gray lake there is an island covered with a dense forest; on it, the pre-similar one found a small mountain and fell into the cave, and after some time, built or hi-zhi-nu, in which he lived for 26 years. By-moving a strict post-no-thing and silently co-leader also gave another, special-by-movement - no -where he didn’t go to bed, but only pretended to do a light nap, leaning on the hooks embedded in the wall of the cell- Lii.

God's most-pleased life many times aroused the envy of the enemy, which manifested itself through evil of local residents. Once upon a time, someone set fire to the forest on the island, where there were hundreds of h-lives, but the flames reached the place -ry, it miraculously died out. Another time, burglars burst into the hut. The Reverend told them: “All my treasure is in the corner of the cell.” There's a hundred-ya-la iko-na Bo-go-ma-te-ri. Once upon a time, he started looking for money and became blind. Then, in tears of grief, they began to pray to the saint for forgiveness.

Iz-ve-we and many other chu-de-sa, so-perfectly pre-similar. He silently refused from the people who came to him, if the conscience of those who came to him was unclean or they were in an unclean forest.

In anticipation of the end, the great Nile built his own coffin. And at the very time of his re-establishment, the abbot of one of the nearby monasteries arrived on the island and communicated the Holy Mysteries to him. After the departure of the abbot, the holy Nile prayed for the last time, surrounded the holy icons and the cell, and -gave the Lord his immortal soul on December 7, 1554. The glorification of his holy relics (now not in the Znamensky Church of the city of Ostash-Ko-va) so-top-shi- In 1667, the celebration was established on May 27 and on the day of repose.

The Most Reverend Neil of Sto-lo-bensky pre-sta-villed on December 7, 1554.

Many years later, Hiero-Monk Herman came to the island of Lake Se-li-ger, where the holy mover was seen, and followed behind him is the holy man, the wanderer Bo-ris. Together they sat down on the island and built a temple in honor of God's appearance with a work in the name of the saint bliss of Va-si-lia, Moscow's miracle-do-creator. Over time, a monastery arose in the place of the movement of the pre-ex-Ni-la, named after him. Ino-ka-mi Or-shi-na mo-na-sty-rya by-la na-pi-sa-na iko-na pre-po-dob-no-go Ni-la, in place in gree -the holy miracles have begun to happen for the sick. Subsequently, Saint Nek-ta-riy, the archbishop of Siberia and Tobolsk, who lived in the monastery, decided -to build a stone temple instead of the former, de-re-vyan-no-go. During the laying of the fund-da-men, the earth fell and the incorruptible relics of the pre-excellent Ni-la were revealed . The re-establishment of the relics took place on May 27, 1667, at one time the celebration of the holiday was established. in honor of this event.

Complete Life of St. Neil of Stolobensky

The Most Reverend Nile of Sto-lo-bensky was born in the second half of the 15th century in one of the villages of De-rev-skaya Five Zha-ben-sko-go-sta in the Nov-gorod-skaya land (in some texts of the life of the pre-po-do-no-go his birth is called Zhab-na - the center of the city or parish). Blessed ancestors re- ceived him in the fear of God, in the love of prayer and reading the soul. she-lez-nyh books. After their death around 1505, the Reverend took monastic haircut with a name in honor of the Reverend th (V; commemoration of November 12) in obi-te-li pre-po-do-no-go Sav-vy of the Kry-pets-ko-go († 1495; commemoration of August 28 -hundred). After the arrival of otherness, Saint Nil courageously lived against the internal passions of Dia-vo-la. With diligence, he fulfilled all the tasks placed on him in obedience, he spoke without words Igu-me-nu. In all his actions, the venerable Neil showed humility, meekness and non-malice. Having tamed his passions, having subdued his flesh with vengeance and vigilance, and having washed his soul after him, he became the chosen one with the judgment of the Holy -go Spirit.

In order to gain worldly glory, the Most Reverend Nile in 1515 used the blessing of the word on the hundred la and po-ki-null Kry-pet-ky mo-on-stairs for desert-but-living. Following God's instructions, the venerable one walked through many uninhabited places and finally, arrived to the Rzhev land, chose a deserted forest place near the Se-rem-khi (or Che-rem-khi) river. Having erected a small cell, the saint gave in to the movements of incessant prayer and abstinence. Pi-shchi serve lu-di and other fruits of the forest. The demons, in order to frighten the saint and drive him away from the desert, appeared to him in the form of ferocious animals and reptiles. They rushed towards him with a piercing whistle and shush, but the holy ascetic drove them away with a prayer. and the sign of the cross. Not being able to drive the Most-presence out of the desert, the demons taught evil people to harm him. One day they came to the holy hermit, thinking of finding some kind of blood from him. vi-sha. Having learned about their arrival, the Most Holy Nile made a prayer and went out to meet them with the icon of God Ma-te- ri in hand. Once upon a time, it seemed that a lot of armed people were coming with the great one. They became frightened and began to ask the saint for forgiveness. Saint Nile accepted them with love and left them in peace.

After 13 years, according to the dispensation of the Pro-thought of God, the name of the Venerable Ni-la became known in many surrounding regions -le-ni-yah. Many began to come to him for the good-word-ve-no-e, on-becoming-me and with-ve-ta-mi. The moving life of a holy person has called forth worldly praise, and this is extremely disappointing to me. go ino-ka. In night prayers, with tears, he asked the Most Holy God to put him on the path of solitary people on the move. gov.

Once upon a time, in a subtle dream, the pre-po-like heard the idea of ​​going to the island of Sto-lobny, located on Lake Se-li-ger. The transfer of the great Nile to this deserted island took place in 1528. The saint lived the first winter in a cave in the mountain, and then built a small village ke-liu and cha-sov-nu. An enemy of the man's generation tried to drive the saint out of this place, appearing to him and threatening him -yes-mi. He taught the surrounding villagers to harm the movement. The previously unneeded island suddenly became undesirable for the residents of the neighboring villages, and they decided -cut the forest on it and plow the plow. They burned down the felled flax forest, hoping that the holy cell would burn along with it. But when the fire raged across the island and approached the dwelling of the great Ni-la, according to the prayer The flame went out. As in the Se-rem-skaya desert, on the pre-dob-no-go Ni-la na-pa-li raz-boy-ni-ki, demanding so-treasures. The saint told them that his treasure was in the corner of the cell - there was a hundred icons of God Ma-te- ri. Throwing yourself in there, you suddenly went blind. Having appeared in evil plans, they, through prayer, became holy.

After a long and intensified struggle with passions and dia-vol-m, the venerable Nile received favor from the State -yes, yes, of the spirit of vision and race. Thankfully, many people have righted their lives, according to his prayer, they -lu-cha-li-help from God and consolation. According to the holy prayers of you, the waves on Se-li-ge-re were tamed and the fish were caught in the storms and saved from death -ti. The great Nile lived for 27 years on Sto-lob, with great patience with all sorts of things, quickly -bi and li-she-niya. A special move of Saint Ni-la was that he did not lie down to sleep, but slept sitting up, leaning on two large red hooks driven into the wall of the cell. Several years before his death, the venerable Nile fell out at one o'clock and placed a coffin in it, to which he came every day and mourned his sins.

It was before the time of his death that Ni-lu met his death on December 7, 1554. Not long before, his spiritual father, the abbot of the Ra-kov-sko-Niko-la-ev-sko-mon -Ser-gius stood and partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The pre-precious fore-said the appearance of a foreign environment in the place of its movements. Before the blessed demise, he showered the cell, and then rested peacefully, leaning on the trees. ki. When the brethren of the Rozh-kov monastery arrived, there was a sense of well-being in the holy cell, and the face -chiv-she sh-yal with an unusually-veined light. He was buried in the coffin he had prepared.

After the end of Pre-ex-Nile, foreigners from different monasteries arrived on the island of Sto-lobny , traveled to holy places, and lived in his cell for some time. Abbot An-to-ni-em and monk Ger-ma-n over the grave they pre-arranged the coffin, Some people, even before the establishment of the abode, had experienced pain. Around 1590, the monk Herman settled on the island, where the wanderer Bo-ris Khol-mo-gorets lived at that time. According to the blessing of the mit-ro-po-li-ta of the New-city-rod-skogo Alexander (1576-1591), they built-and-de-re-vyan- temple in honor of God's appearance with a parish in the name of the blessed Va-si-liy, Christ of the ra-di of the Yuro-di-vo-go, Mos- kov-go miracle-do-creator († 1557; commemorate 2 August).

Soon a monastery arose with a community charter, receiving the name Ni-lo-voy pu-sty. Her first leader was Hieromonk Herman.

In 1595, the mo-na-hi-iko-no-scribes of Tver Or-shi-na Voz-ne-sen-skogo mo-na-sta-rya Job and Ni-font on -pi-sa-is the image of the pre-precious Ni-la, who was laid on the coffin of the pre-precious Ni-la. In 1598-1600, Fi-lo-fey Pi-ro-gov, monk Gef-si-man-skogo ski-ta Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vo-go mo-na- st-rya, co-sta-vil sti-hi-ry and ka-non of the saint and wrote his life.

In 1665, a fire occurred in the monastery, and all the wooden buildings, including the temple, burned down. To complete divine services, a temporary church was built, and on May 27, 1667 A new stone temple was built over the tomb of the Most Precious Ni-la. During the digging of ditches for the temple, the earth fell upon the coffin; This is how the incorruptible and blissful relics of the Lord Ni-la were created. According to the blessing of the mit-ro-po-li-ta of the New-city-rod-skogo Pi-ti-ri-ma (at the Nov-go-rod-skaya ca-fed-re with 1664 to 1672, then - Pat-ri-arch of the All-Russian; † 1673) on this day an annual celebration was established -re-te-niya of the holy relics of the pre-extended Ni-la. His miraculously-creative powers were transferred to a new tomb and placed in the village of Po- blood temple. On October 30, 1669, in the new stone church, works were consecrated in the name of the Holy Apostle John God-words and bliss-no-go Va-si-lia, Christ-ra-di yuro-di-vo-go. The holy relics of the pre-dol-no-go Ni-la were in the first place, and on April 9, 1671, re-re- did they carry them to the main temple of God (after its consecration). Since May 17, 1756, the solemn observance of holy relics around the monastery began to take place every year -rya, later - a procession of the cross from the city of Ostash-ko-va. A description has been preserved of the many works performed at the tomb of the pre-precious but Ni-la according to his holy prayers to you. Nowadays, the not-holy relics of the Pre-po-do-no-go Ni-la are in the Znamensky Temple in the city of Ostash-Ko-ve Tver. of the diocese.

See also: in the book of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to St. Neil of Stolobensky

Like an all-brightening lamp/ you appeared on the island of Seliger Ezer,/ like Father Nile:/ you for the Cross of Christ from your youth was on the horizon,/ you diligently followed that,/ you drew near with the purity of God having lived,/ you became rich in miracles and the gift of miracles./ Thus We, flowing to the race of your relics, touchingly say:/ Reverend Father,// pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: You appeared like a bright lamp on the island of Lake Seliger, Father Nile, for from your youth, having lifted the Cross of Christ on your shoulders, you followed Him with zeal and approached God with purity, and therefore you were enriched by the gift of miracles. So we, coming to shrine with you, cry out in heartfelt contrition: “Reverend Father, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.”

Kontakion to St. Nil Stolobensky

Fatherland, O Lord, having retired,/ you settled in the desert,/ and you ascended to the island of Seliger,/ you showed cruel life,/ and surprised many with your virtues,/ granting miracles from Christ You have accepted./ Remember us, who honor your memory, so we call you // Rejoice, Nile, our father.

Translation: Having left your homeland, venerable one, you settled in and, having ascended to the island of Lake Seliger, showed a harsh life and, surprising many, received the gift of miracles from Christ. Remember us, who honor your memory, and cry to you: “Rejoice, Nile, our father.”

Glorification of the Venerable Nil Stolobensky

We please you,/ like Father Nile,/ and we honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks// and interlocutor of angels.

Prayer to St. Nil Stolobensky

O great saint, glorious miracle worker, the flock of Christ gathered here for you, cheerful shepherd and monastery of the sowing God-given leader, the all-blessed Nile! With your soul in Heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy the Trinity glory, rest with your body on earth in this Divine Temple and from it various graces given to you from above exude miracles, look upon you dear keep a keen eye on the people ahead of you who are more honest than your race and who ask for your strong help. Behold, we are defiled in immeasurable sins and wallowing ever in the mire of passions, the righteous wrath of God is brought upon us and all mercy is unworthy of being created; Moreover, even if we do not dare to raise our eyes to the heights of Heaven, we raise a prayerful voice below, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we call upon you for intercession and help. You, as you have acquired boldness, raise up your holy hand, just as sometimes the wonderful Moses the God-seer conquered Amalek, and extended your warmth to the Lord, the Creator of all and to God. prayer, ask for the welfare of the Church, the goodness of the air, the fruitfulness of the earth. Deliver all who come to God with undoubted faith and reverently venerate your multi-healing powers from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and temptations of the devil. Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper to the sick, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the poor, a nourisher to the child, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a food to the floating. Whose and intercede for everyone, your strong help to those who diligently demand, everything that is useful for salvation. As we instruct you through your prayers, we will complete the path to earth of our short life in comfort, and we will find endless peace in Heaven and glorify together with you all the good Giver, the only one in Troy glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages . Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to Venerable Nile of Seliger, Stolobensky Wonderworker

Kontakion 1

Chosen from the swaddling clothes into the army of Christ and inscribed from youth in the book of the eternal life, wondrous in miracles, our venerable father Nil, all who are satisfied through him with God’s abundantly given gifts, come together to sing to him, as an intercessor and prayer book for our souls, saying in joy: Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Ikos 1

The Lord sent His angel to you, Reverend Father, to announce when I saw your wisdom about the heavenly things, so that you might pass from the former desert into it, in which you labored; You know neither the place nor the country, but rather trust and believe in the Lord who sent you, like a feathered creature flowing into the nude. We, your children, who meet you on your way, greet you and proclaim: Rejoice, you who left us an image of obedience; Rejoice, for the love of Christ you have attributed all the red of this world for your skills. Rejoice, you who appeared like Melchizedek; Rejoice, for you have hidden earthly parents from us, so that you may be considered a son to the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, for for the deprivation of kinship and friendship you have acquired a fellowship with the heavenly ones; Rejoice, reverend one, who hated every pleasure of this world. Rejoice, for for this you accepted the institution of heavenly life; Rejoice, reverend one, having served the Lord with honor and righteousness. Rejoice, for this you have been honored by Him with honor and eternal glory; Rejoice, thou who perfected the course of life in day and night struggles. Rejoice, in the unevening days of the Kingdom of God, abide everlastingly; Rejoice, eternal heir to those good ones, whom no eye has seen or ear heard. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the place shown to you by God, Reverend Father Nile, you rejoiced at its beauty; out of joy, because the Lord God did not despise your labors, you exclaimed with this grateful voice: O Most Holy Trinity, one in Divinity in three Persons, indivisible, God the Father Almighty, God the Only Begotten Son, God the Comforter of the Soul, radiant light of the world, mentor and provider of all salvation, grant me until the end of my life, in this place I will sing to You a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having your whole mind deepened, Reverend Father, in the teaching of a blessed eternity and desiring to settle down in the nude, you incessantly cried out with David: alas for me, for my coming will continue, for my tears were to me like bread, day and night. We, marveling at your wisdom, cry out: Rejoice, reverent one, having obeyed the earthly wisdom of the Divine will; Rejoice, your desire is for the Master, Christ the Lord, having every affirmation. Rejoice, having crushed the networks of the enemy with the wings of Godly thought; Rejoice, you have completely put to shame all his evil intentions against you. Rejoice, having left temporary possessions and loved the poverty of Christ; Rejoice, for now for this you have achieved His eternal and inexhaustible wealth. Rejoice, vigilantly vigilant in the mortification of passions even until the end of your life; Rejoice, having passed through temporary death to eternal immortality. Rejoice, for deep humility you were exalted to eternal crowns; Rejoice, thou who received the sacrament in unapproachable glory. Rejoice, you have revealed to us the very image of all virtues; Rejoice, for for this reason you have now been called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

You have shown yourself to be strong and invincible, O Reverend Father, to the ancient enemy and envious person of our bliss: when in vain it is for you, as day by day you affirm the ladder of virtues to the unshakable heaven, and a man of flesh, but like an incorporeal angel you go through life, the thoughts of you blessed by God places away, various ghosts frightening you; But you, like a spider’s net, drove away all his deceits with cheerful prayer, so as not to dare him to look at you from afar, always hearing you sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an undoubted hope of your salvation, Reverend Father Nile, you were always ready for the end of this life, and having death in mind, before that you made a place for your much-labored body with your hands. We, your children, sing a funeral hymn for you, saying: Rejoice, having changed your labors and monastic exploits into eternal rest; Rejoice, thou who destroyest the darkness of passions. Rejoice, now clothed in the robe of dispassion; Rejoice, living angelic life on earth. Rejoice, you who have come to the city of imperishable Eden; Rejoice, O Lord, thou vouchsafed to stand before the terrible Throne in eternal glory. Rejoice, you who diligently loved the commandments of Christ the Lord; Rejoice, for you are an honest friend and you yourself are loved by Him. Rejoice, having endured much sorrow with great thanksgiving; Rejoice, you who have received the unspeakable joy of your Lord. Rejoice, for you have been granted by God to be glorified in blessings; Rejoice, for your glory always comes from people. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

With a storm of unfaithful thoughts about you, reverend father, people were confused with frenzy, thinking that it was not for the love of Christ that you walked the cruel desert path, but the guilt of your solitary life did not allow the acquisition of property, for the sake of and to color you; but instead of the desired treasure, you found one image of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Eternal Child, held in Her hand, by the Lord Jesus, to the Unmarried One you sang day and night: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

We hear and believe, Reverend Father Nile, that God grants you, who love Him, so much reward, which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and the heart of man has not sighed. If we also wish to receive your God-pleasing prayers, we cry out to you: Rejoice, you have received complete fulfillment of your desires; Rejoice, you have looked upon the hedgehog with faith, and now you contemplate the glory of the unapproachable Divinity face to face. Rejoice, for from there you draw unspeakable joy and joy; Rejoice, for what you desire and desire will not happen to anyone forever. Rejoice, for no one will be attacked by the enemy’s slander and temptations to your soul; Rejoice, for you have steered your ship to a truly good place. Rejoice, for you have become them, like on the mountains of Ararat, on the very mountains of heaven; Rejoice, for he is no longer afraid of drowning. Rejoice, for your mind is strengthened forever by a grace-filled strengthening; Rejoice, for you have been richly enriched with Divine gifts. Rejoice, for before the sound of the Arkhangelsk trumpets, you imash the spiritual vision of God; Rejoice, for when, after their proclamation, the dead will rise from their graves, and you will rise with this body to the sight of God. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

You appeared like a godlike star, O Reverend, on the island of Seliger Lake; for you illuminate the entire surrounding country given to you by the Sun of Truth, Christ God, with grace, and in the sea of ​​this passionate life you instruct those overwhelmed by the help of your prayers on the path of salvation, leading to the heavenly fatherland, and teach you to sing with one mouth and one heart with you to the glorified God in the Trinity : Alleluia.

Ikos 5

You have seen, reverent one, how in this world all things are vanity and all things are involved in corruption: for the world and its lusts pass away; You understood that by doing the will of God, by that alone you abid forever; For this reason, fleeing the world and your relative, you wholeheartedly endeavored to please the eternal God. Moreover, for your great zeal, hear us, who always say to you: Rejoice, unpaired eagle, flying with the wings of God-thinking to behold the unflickering light of the Sun of Truth, Jesus Christ; Rejoice, purest mind, not defiled by worldly delights. Rejoice, beauty of pure sense of smell; Rejoice, abstinence of fasters. Rejoice, invincible pillar of piety; Rejoice, honest spiritual treasure. Rejoice, bright friend of virtues; Rejoice, dearest vessel of the blessed hiddenness. Rejoice, joy and consolation for those who mourn; Rejoice, travel guide. Rejoice, free physician of all kinds of diseases; Rejoice, quick intercessor of the offended. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

He preaches the very deserted place, Reverend Father Nilos, where you labored until the end of your life, what were your labors, struggles and patience, as in all your life you had no one who grieved and consoled you in patience, but even more so from everywhere you were subject to bitterness , erected from the invisible enemy; not tolerating the envious person of your God-pleasing life, having once heard people like you burn your cell with you, but you, like him himself, and like all his evil networks, you had to defeat the Kamyk, like David against Goliath, unceasingly to the Lord God song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Raising enlightenment to the whole world of your virtues, reverend father, we give thanks for them, we glorify the Heavenly Father, who has given you so much grace of His greatness, and to you, as a warm prayer book for us, we joyfully sing: Rejoice, zealous executor of God's commands; Rejoice, having astonished angels and men with your patience. Rejoice, sweet repose flowing under your roof; Rejoice, restoration to those who are exhausted from labor. Rejoice, abundant source of miracles; Rejoice, you are a quick helper to those who call upon you in all their needs. Rejoice, for those who trust in you for shameless protection; Rejoice, a calm haven for all who flow to you. Rejoice, those who want to follow your immaculate life as a strengthener; Rejoice, candlestick, burn with the light of piety. Rejoice, guide in the darkness of unbelief to those who are lost; Rejoice, giver of reason to us. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

Although, reverend, from the present age the charming one passed away, every day you wept and wept over your tomb, not like fearing death, even as such a saint of God as you are, the only passage is from labors to repose, from sorrows and illnesses to eternal life. joy and cheerfulness; but more than that, desiring to be freed from the bonds of the flesh and to present ourselves to the Throne of God Almighty with the Archangels and Angels, and together with them solemnly sing the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Everything new appeared to you, reverend, when you were separated by the commandment of the Lord from the temporal ones: the heavens are new, the earth is new and the city Jerusalem is new, prepared by God, like a bride adorned for her husband, you were accepted into eternal cohabitation with indescribable joy by the Angel and all the saints. We, rejoicing at your exodus, touchingly say: Rejoice, thou vouchsafed to behold the one God in three Persons; Rejoice, accepted into the number of His true admirers. Rejoice, for not to anyone with the earthly, but also with the heavenly powers on the Throne of unapproachable glory to Him who sits: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts; Rejoice, for from Him you receive a fulfillment of abundant grace. Rejoice, and vigilant guardian of your flock gathered on earth by God; Rejoice, thou who imitate the life of thy holy mentor to all. Rejoice, for you strengthen those who follow you to fight the enemy courageously; Rejoice, for you have interceded for them crowns, worthy of labors and exploits, from Christ God. Rejoice, you know with hope that they should not mother-in-law in vain and not work in vain; Rejoice, for you continue to serve them with coolness and consolation. Rejoice, for you yourself have made the right paths of the Lord; Rejoice, for you taught everyone to walk along the same paths. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

A strange hearing is heard in our ears about you, Rev. Father Nilos: behold, you had such a gift in the flesh from God, as if you understood what you had done in secret from man, and you rebuked him for being scalded with sinful uncleanness, teaching you not to do that anymore. We, marveling at your insight, glorify God, who glorifies such His faithful servants, and cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You have obeyed the will of God with all your might, O Reverend Father; In the same way, you have desired and received all the great things from God; from us, as our father and mentor, hear and accept this praiseworthy song: Rejoice, O Reverend, for your holy soul, according to your desire, is now found in the heavenly tabernacles; Rejoice, for you receive peace and joy as a reward. Rejoice, for in the land of this joy you taste indescribable sweetness; Rejoice, for mortal man cannot eat or speak of that sweetness. Rejoice, for the eye of man has not seen and the ear has not heard of that kindness and goodness; Rejoice, for you have received more consolation than desire and desire. Rejoice, you who are also good intercessors for us; Rejoice, from your grace-filled gifts we are not envious of the giver. Rejoice, for you provide for our salvation; Rejoice, for you care about our virtuous accomplishment. Rejoice, for through you our mind is taught to think about God; Rejoice, for through you the darkness of ignorance is driven away. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

Every word to praise your angelic life is displeased, Reverend Father: how can we please him according to his wealth, whom God Himself marvelously glorifies? For his body, unaffected by corruption on earth, exudes rivers of miracles, heals all kinds of illnesses and drives away demons, but his holy soul with the twenty-four elders sings forever in heaven to Him who sits on the Throne: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

It is impossible for such eloquent speakers to awaken any sinner to repentance, as yours was strong and effective, reverend, with one mania: when you saw a man coming to you, deep in carnal impurities, you shut the window of your cell from him. , not just abhorring the sinner, but showing that the soul guilty of sin is disgusted by the Holy Spirit; He also repented and promised to keep his soul and body pure. We, rejoicing because we have a zealous provident for our repentance, cry out to you like this: Rejoice, our true mentor; Rejoice, for as you taught what you taught, you yourself did it without laziness. Rejoice, for for this reason you have been called great in the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, for thou art worthy to be included among those who are virgins and follow the Lamb on Mount Zion. Rejoice, pillar of piety and affirmation; Rejoice, firm rule of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, having perfectly kept all the commandments of the Lord; Rejoice, for Christ's sake you have left everything and found everything in Him. Rejoice, for through the benefits of your deeds, like sweet fruits, you nourish the souls of the faithful; Rejoice, for you have instructed me to the extent of your current virtues. Rejoice, having learned to live a non-covetous life for Christ’s sake; Rejoice, the commandment of Christ: “You cannot work for God and mammon,” having done good. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

Although, reverend, you neglected to save your soul in every possible way about your body: you had no rest in it all your life, neither by sitting down, nor by lying on the ground; but instead of repose, the rods supported the bodily weakness, and thus you completed the path of this much-sorrowful life; For this reason you left your body to us incorruptible and many-miraculous in imitation of your deeds, but with your soul you presented yourself to the Throne of the Master, from the faces of the Saints to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You have appeared as a wall, O Reverend Father Nile, strengthening us in the temptation of the enemy; just as in ancient times God commanded the Israelites to lift up a serpent in the desert on a tree, so that those wounded by serpents, looking at it, would be healed; This is also what you proposed to us, so that whenever a brother, through the slander of the enemy, is defeated by some passion, he would look at your miracles, his enriched body and be healed: for you also had the same flesh and subject to the same passions, just as we do, but by the grace of God you have appeared as the conqueror of all passions. For this reason, for the sake of triumphantly thy memory, we sing: Rejoice, O Reverend, having put to shame the ancient enemy, the murderer of the devil, with all his cunnings; Rejoice, for all your life you have not shown the slightest pleasure to the flesh. Rejoice, you who have no friendship with the world of any kind; Rejoice, having won a glorious victory over him. Rejoice, thou who has comfortably passed through the aerial ordeal of the prince of darkness; Rejoice, you who did not hear the barking of mental dogs. Rejoice, for you have not found our adversary the devil to slander you; Rejoice, for all his power is in the air; by your coming, you have been put to shame and humiliated. Rejoice, for as you ascend into the heavenly fatherland, you are the center of the heavenly Angels and Archangels; Rejoice, for having seen you, all the Holy Ones rejoiced. Rejoice, for thou hast been worthy to hear this dear verb: “Come, blessed son, inherit the Kingdom prepared for thee”; Rejoice, for this longed-for lot is also our intercessor. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

Thou didst offer all-pleasant singing to God, O Reverend Father Nile, more than sacrifices and burnt offerings, from a contrite and humble heart, soaring with the flame of love in prayer, even as I ascended into the ears of the Lord of Hosts, as if he himself appeared to be strong enough to lift him up into heaven and place him before the Throne of His Glory , where you sing to Him forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Having enjoyed the innocent light of the sacrament, O Reverend Father Nile, a mental lamp has appeared to us who are wandering in sinful darkness, instructing us to walk along the right paths towards the original light, Christ our God. We, very powerfully, walking along you, as our leaders and guides, exclaim in gratitude: Rejoice, unquenchable lamp of the church; Rejoice, thou counted among the light of God the Father as a son. Rejoice, having acquired brotherhood through His grace for the light of God the Son; Rejoice, having received from the light of God the Holy Spirit the betrothal of the eternal life. Rejoice, for you have borrowed all that you desire from this Trinitarian light; Rejoice, for you enlighten us with the blessed light. Rejoice, for for your sake we pray for us before the Throne of God, and when we depart from this life we ​​hope to escape the sight of the gloomy face of the demon; Rejoice, for with your light we too hope to arrive safely to the heavenly mountains. Rejoice, for you, who guide us, will fear the prince of darkness, not being able to bear to see the brightness of your face; Rejoice, for from your light all its nets stretched out over us, like a spider, will disappear. Rejoice, for we, guided by you, hope to come to that unstoppable light, Christ the Lord; Rejoice, for we are taught by you, and we believe to be partakers of His glory. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

Do not cease to pour out grace, O Reverend Father Nile, into the place where you completed your fasting life, and where before your death you announced through the prophetic spirit that you would be a monk to the universe: behold, according to your prophecy, here we are all joyful, here is our peace. You, as a father and mentor, strengthen us and help us to sing the soul-saving song to the Lord God until the end of our lives: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your monastic exploits, we delight in vigils, unceasing prayers, fasting, humility and patience, Reverend Father Nile; but we know, even if we could please you with our countless lips, not a single word would be enough to praise your glorious virtues. Likewise, He alone is able to glorify and please you according to His wealth, Who says: “I will glorify those who glorify Me.” And now, as the solemn conqueror of the enemies of salvation, be glorified and sit on the Throne with the twelve elders, from us your children, even if they are small, accept this offering: Rejoice, most ready defender in the grievances of those who exist; Rejoice, strong shield from the flattering and slanderous tongue. Rejoice, averter of the righteous wrath of God from sinners; Rejoice, quick intercessor of repentant sinners before God. Rejoice, in the last mortal misfortune you are more helpful than hope; Rejoice, good shepherd of Christ's sheep. Rejoice, for through your prayers you have sanctified the ancient murderer the devil in his machinations against the servants of God; Rejoice, for it is those whom he imagines to have in his power, and those whom he plucks away. Rejoice, for with the help of your prayers there is hope in hopelessness and despair; Rejoice, for you are the one who guides them, and they hope to gain the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, for you, who protect them, are not hurt by the enemy’s arrows; Rejoice, for with your help they themselves frighten the enemy. Rejoice, Reverend Father Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

O great servant of Christ, Rev. Father Nile! We are insufficient in many things that we need, having left many and in need, we now pray and ask for one thing: intercede and pray for us to our Lord God, so that on the day of the world judgment He will make us worthy to stand on the right hand and be counted among the triumphant ones to sing the song to Him forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to St. Nil Seligersky, Stolbensky Wonderworker

O great servant, glorious miracle worker, the cheerful shepherd of the flock of Christ gathered here for you and the God-given ruler of this monastery, the all-blessed Nile! With your soul in heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy the Trinity glory, rest with your body on earth in this Divine Temple and from it, with the grace given to you from above, you exude various miracles, look with a merciful eye on the people who are more honest than your race and who ask for your strong help. Behold, we have been defiled by immeasurable sins and constantly wallowing in the mire of passions, the righteous wrath of God has been brought upon us and we are unworthy of all mercy; In the same way, and not daring to raise our hair to the heights of heaven, to raise a prayerful voice lower, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit we call upon you for intercession and help. Therefore, as you have acquired boldness, lift up your venerable mountain with your hand, as sometimes the wonderful Moses the God-seer conquered Amalek, and extended your warm prayer to the Lord, the Creator of all and God, asking for the welfare of the Church, the blessing of the air, the fruitfulness of the earth. Deliver everyone who comes to God with undoubted faith and reverently venerates your multi-healing relics, from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearnings and excuses of the devil. Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper to the afflicted, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the baby, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to all who diligently require your strong help, even if it is useful for salvation. As we instruct you through your prayers, let us complete our path to the earth of our short life in comfort, and let us find endless peace in heaven and together with you glorify all the good Giver, one in the Trinity glorified by God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

Another prayer (before the tomb of the saint)

O venerable and blessed one, shepherd and ruler, Father Neil! You, since you have boldness towards the Lord Christ and towards His Most Pure Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, be a prayer book and helper and intercessor for us, your unworthy servants living in this holy monastery, of which you are the leader of God’s chosen squad for this brotherhood, and for those who come with faith to your wholesome power. Helping and interceding from the evil of our opponent, so that through your prayers those who remain in this place and come with faith to the race of your relics and in every place calling you for help will be unharmed from demons and evil people, sending glory and thanksgiving to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Canon to St. Neil Stolobensky

Song 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth and be filled with the Spirit, and I will vomit the word to the Queen Mother and appear, brightly triumphant, and sing, rejoicing, those miracles.

You humbled yourself for Christ's sake, Father Nile, and you ran away from the cross, your fatherland and your relatives; From there you entered the desert and laboriously labored in it, venerable one.

From your youth, Father Nile, you fixed your mind on God, and with perishable, incorruptible things, like a good merchant, you redeemed, and now, having come together, we honor your memory.

Through Christ's zeal, Father Nile, we burn more than fire; you despised the real one, as if you were nothing, and for this reason you dwell in the chamber where the righteous souls rejoice.

Theotokos: Heal your sick soul and body, O Lady, Your blessed servant Nile with the prayer: You are the Representative of all who are in sorrow and acquisitiveness, as having given birth to our Salvation.

Song 3

Irmos: Thy hymns, O Theotokos, living and unenvious Source, spiritually establish the face of yourself, and grant crowns of glory in Thy Divine glory.

You did not give sleep to your eyes, blessed Nile, nor slumber at all times, until you were considered worthy of the righteous villages that God has prepared for those who love Him.

With your invigorating prayers, Father Nile, and cruel abstinence, you pleased God on earth for good, and for this reason you were a terrible enemy and a glorious man.

Always thinking about heavenly life and the joy of the saints in your mind, reverend, even in tears and in sighing all your life, Father Nile, you passed through and for this reason, after death, you were glorified by miracles from Christ.

Theotokos: You exude healing streams to the sick, O Virgin, everywhere: You are the source of healing, O Lady, Who is the Lord of mercy, from You was born more than intelligence.

Sedalen, voice 4

Thou hast subdued the passionate things of the flesh, and thou hast enslaved the worse things to the best, O most glorious Father Nile, thou hast crushed the demonic machinations by fasting, and thou shalt shine in the world, like a ray of sunshine, in the radiance of thy virtues: for this sake we sing praises unto thee.

Song 4

Irmos: Seated in glory on the Throne of the Divine in a light cloud, the Most Divine Jesus came with an Imperishable Hand and called to salvation: Glory, O Christ, to Thy power.

Father Nile, you showed your life wonderfully on earth, great fasting and humility, and for this reason you inherited eternal life in Heaven; pray to those who sing to you to be saved from troubles.

Simeon the Great, who lived on the pillar, following his life, venerable one, even more powerfully, you acquired the name from your life, the rich Nile.

With fasting and prayers, Father Nile, you exhausted your body and for this sake you were honored to see the ineffable goodness that is prepared for the saints, with whom, Father Nile, pray for us.

Theotokos: Be my protection, intercession, and refuge, O Virgin, to Thy servant, heal me from immeasurable evils, sing, O Most Pure One: glory to Thy Nativity.

Song 5

Irmos: Everyone was terrified of Your Divine glory: You, the Unartificed Virgin, had God in your womb above all and gave birth to the Flightless Son, giving peace to all who sing Your praises.

Since your youth, you have tried to preserve your pure life, reverend; Moreover, having seen your purity, the Holy Spirit entered into you.

As if you had offended the corruptible, the eternal, Father, you were deemed worthy to be accepted according to the truthful words: ask and you will receive. Moreover, as you asked, you accepted this with dignity.

The place is sanctified, on which your honorable relics rest, O Reverend, and is glorified in many countries, as it contains your relics.

Theotokos: Do not stop praying, Whom You gave birth to, Bride of God, as the Savior and Master, for the relief of sorrows and illnesses, for me to accept forgiveness, hymning Thee forever.

Song 6

Irmos: This divine and all-honorable celebration, O Divine Wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clasp our hands and glorify the God who was born from Her.

Your great life and purity, having foreseen your immeasurable humility, the Most Holy Spirit glorifies you, Father, showing you; Moreover, having passed from this life to this, you received joy there with the righteous.

Today, having come, your sacred memory, Reverend Nile, rejoices your disciples, who sing of your deeds with love, and who, thy honest dormition is glorifying, triumph, and with your prayers, Father, keep them.

Sometimes the robbers came to insult you, reverend, but you, understanding their wickedness, with the power of the Eternal Christ God and His Most Pure Mother, with the help of these weak ones, you created those who could not resist you, running away with fear, defeating them rather than winning.

Theotokos: Give me your help and deliver me from my troubles, and sorrows, and my sins, having given birth to Deliverance of all.

Kontakion, tone 8

Fatherland, reverend, having retired, you moved into the desert, and, having ascended to the island of Seliger Ezer, you showed cruel life, and, surprising many with virtues, you received the gift of miracles from Christ. Remember us, who honor your memory, and we call to you: Rejoice, Nile, our father.


Having loved, reverend, Christ's Divine commandments and hated the pleasures of this world, you zealously flowed to Him and you were a lamp, illuminating the ends with spiritual brilliance. Thus, falling down, I pray to you: enlighten the eyes of my heart, sing about your deeds, fasting, vigil, tears, illnesses, exhaustion of the blessed body for the sake of the future life, even now enjoying it, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Song 7

Irmos: Having not served the creation of God’s Wisdom more than the Creator, but, having stood up manfully from the fiery rebuke, I rejoiced, singing: O Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Your venerable cancer exudes miracles, O reverend one, abounding in grace, granting health to those who come by faith, crying out to Christ from the heart: blessed is the God of our fathers.

One of the ancient and great fathers, who shone in fasting, resembling life, O Reverend, you moved into the desert and there you remained in fasting for many years, Nile, our father.

As the true and meek Shepherd of Christ, a gentle sheep, Father Nile, you were. Moreover, having not made you angry, you appeared to those who wanted to make you angry, crying out to Christ: Blessed is the God of our fathers.

Theotokos: Illnesses are intensified on my wounds from my immeasurable sins, O Lady, leading to spiritual and physical death, but, as strong as I am, I can snatch away all sorrows and illnesses.

Song 8

Irmos: The pious youths in the cave saved the Nativity of the Theotokos to eat; Then what is formed, now in action, raises up the entire universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt Him to all ages.

From childhood, reverend father, you tried to present your conscience and heart and soul purely to the Lord. Thus Christ also glorifies miracles to you, crying out to him: sing praises to the Lord, O works, and exalt Him forever.

Now the desert is adorned with joy, Father, having your relics within you, O Reverend Nile, and your disciples, jealous of your life, rejoicing in your memory, cry out to the Creator: sing praises to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt Him forever.

In the desert, venerable one, where you had a village, you erected an honorable temple for the glory of the Epiphany of the Lord, in which His most pure Name is glorified, and everyone cries out: sing praises to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt Him forever.

Theotokos: Lamp of the Trisolar Light of existence, the dawn of Thy benevolence, take away the darkness of my sins, Mother of God, giving deliverance from needy illnesses by faith to those who extol Thy most pure Nativity.

Song 9

Irmos: Let every earth-born leap, let us be enlightened by the Spirit, let the nature of the bodiless minds triumph, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and let it cry out: Rejoice, All-Blessed Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin.

Wealth and food, praise and joy to the venerable ones, O Christ our God, having loved Him, St. Nile, all that is red in the world, is worthless to account; He also enjoys Your beauty in the blissful Light.

Through the passions of those who waver and are plunged into the storm of sin, as if you have boldness towards the Lord, always preserve those who piously sing and glorify you.

Having shone with the dawn, you shone spiritually and appeared bright to the Highest Face; Illuminate my mind, blessed one, with the Tri-radiant Light of the Divine and deliver me from passions with your prayers.

Theotokos: You are the praise of the faithful, O Blessed One, You are the intercession and sacred refuge of Christians: for You bear prayers to Your Son and God, O All-Immaculate One, and You save the Pure Mother of God from troubles by faith and love of those who praise and magnify You.


Having completed your fast, you ascended to Heaven and stood before Christ God. Nile, reverend father, pray for us, warmer than those who sing to you.

Leave me the forest on at least one mountain.
His cell was on this mountain. But they did not listen to the ascetic. Excited by demonic inspiration and envy, the peasants wanted to completely drive the saint away from the secluded island or put him to death. They cut down the entire forest, leaving only one pine tree near the saint’s dwelling. Then they lit the felled trees, hoping that the fire would reach the saint’s cell and it would burn. Indeed, the fire spread across the island, burning the felled trees with noise and crackling, threatening the pine tree that stood near the monk’s cell, the cell itself, and its occupant. Then Saint Nile tearfully prayed to God for deliverance from the misfortune, singing the psalm of David:
- God, come to my help: Lord, seek my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and put to shame; let those who wish me evil turn back and be ashamed.
And the merciful Lord did not abandon His servant who trusted in Him, but soon heard his prayer and delivered him from the misfortune. When the fiery flame, which was furiously consuming the trees, reached the mountain where the saint’s cell stood, it suddenly, by the wave of God, died out, as if flooded with water. Seeing God's swift mercy, the saint rejoiced in spirit and thanked the Lord, while his ill-wishers returned home with shame and fear.

But the more the devil suffered defeats from the saint, the more furiously he attacked him. He stirred up robbers against the saint. One day, robbers called “Kochenenki” came to the island to the monk. They thought that the monk had many treasures and wanted to take advantage of them. The monk at that time worked outside his cell. They shouted threateningly to the hermit:
- Old man, tell me where is your treasure?
The saint, having nothing with him except old rags and one cell icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which had already saved him from robbers, said to them:
- Chad! All my treasure is in the corner of the cell.
They rushed to the saint's cell; but as soon as they looked at the front corner where the icon stood, they suddenly became blind, amazed by its wonderful radiance. Overcome with fear, they fell prostrate on the cell platform and cried. The monk entered the cell and, seeing the robbers in this position, said to them:
- Collect what you came for, children.
The robbers asked the saint for forgiveness for their sins and revealed to him all the evil thoughts they had against him. The monk exhorted them to avoid evil deeds; With bitter tears they begged the saint:
- Forgive us, Father, for God’s sake, forgive us for what we have sinned before God and before you, and pray for us.
Seeing that the robbers repented of their sins with heartfelt contrition, the monk took pity on them, stood up in prayer and prayed to God for them for a long time with tears. And the Lord, who mercifully worships the prayers of His servants, soon granted forgiveness to the repentant robbers. After that, they fell at the feet of the saint and gave him thanks. He let them go in peace, but commanded them not to tell anyone about what had happened. The robbers were silent during his lifetime, but after his death they spoke about it in detail.

Miracles of St. Neil

Having cleansed himself from passions through desert exploits and patience, the Monk Nile was awarded special gifts of the Holy Spirit, which manifested themselves in wondrous signs and wonders. The monk was granted the gift of insight. The most God-fearing of the Seliger fishermen visited the hermit when they caught fish on the lake and brought him part of their catch. The monk accepted the fish from them with thanksgiving, as if sent by God, and ate it for the glory of God. Once, having finished their fishing on the lake, the fishermen landed on Stolobny Island and sent one comrade with fish to the Monk Nile. Seeing him from afar, the saint closed the window of his cell and did not respond to the knocking and call of the visitor. The fisherman returned to his comrades and told about what had happened. His comrades asked him:
“Didn’t you commit any sin, brother, that the saint turned away from you?”
He also confessed to carnal sin. Then the fishermen sent another comrade with fish to the monk. Holy willingly
accepted the gift of zeal and, blessing the one who brought it, sent him away in peace. Having come to his people, he told how the hermit willingly accepted the gift from him, how he blessed him. And the fishermen marveled at the gift of insight that the Monk Neil possessed.

The monk labored for many years on the island indicated to him by God. In place of the forest that had been cut down and burned by the Seligerians, a new one arose - and then again a daring man was found who came to the island at night and began to cut down the newly grown forest for firewood.