Children's fairy tales online. Lyrics - Battle of a Clear River

All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us always had a nice pistol in our pocket and a supply of piston tapes to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...

One day Raisa Ivanovna said:

- Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes together, will go to the “Khudozhestvenny” cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars”. This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come quickly, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

- Sleep, it’s still night!

And what a night - as bright as day!

I said:

- How not to be late!

But mom whispered:

- Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!

I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers began to sweep, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now I definitely had to get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:

- Why are you, restless soul?

I said:

- We'll be late! What time is it now?

“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “you go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when necessary.”

And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone, with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind, went to the cinema.

There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall began to get dark and the picture began. And we saw how red soldiers were sitting in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him; they were nibbling grass, daisies and bells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them...

And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had very little ammunition, and he ground his teeth and began to cry.

Then all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some with two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart sank, I couldn’t stand it, I pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:

– First class “B”! Fire!!!

And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds at all costs. I kept firing at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I probably spent a hundred rounds on him, but he didn’t even look in my direction.

And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka fired from the elbow, Andryushka fired in short bursts, and Mishka must have been a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:

- For help! Help out your own!

And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out guns with corks and started banging so hard that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran through the rows, shouting:

- Stop acting up! Stop it!

And the gray-haired controllers ran after them and kept stumbling... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller and landed on the bald head of one guy. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

– Calm down your madhouse!!!

But we continued to fire with all our might, because the red machine gunner had almost fallen silent, he was wounded, and red blood was flowing down his pale face... And we, too, had almost run out of percussion caps, and it is unknown what would have happened next, but at that time, because Red cavalrymen jumped out of the forest, sabers sparkling in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever they looked, to distant lands, and the Reds shouted “Hurray!” And we, too, all as one, shouted “Hurray!”

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music started playing on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and also hungry.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, we, all the boys who had been to the cinema, were gathered in the large hall.

There was a table there. Fyodor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:

- Hand over your weapons!

And we all took turns coming to the table and handing over our weapons. On the table, in addition to the pistols, there were two slingshots and a tube for shooting peas.

Fedor Nikolaevich said:

“We discussed this morning what to do with you.” There were different proposals... But I give you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in enclosed spaces of entertainment enterprises! In addition, you will likely have your behavior grades reduced. Now go and study well!

And we went to study. But I sat and studied poorly. I kept thinking that a reprimand was very bad and that mom would probably be angry...

But during recess Mishka Slonov said:

“Still, it’s good that we helped the Reds hold out until our own people arrived!”

And I said:

- Certainly!!! Even though it’s a movie, maybe they wouldn’t have lasted without us!

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale “The Battle of a Clean River” by V. Yu. Dragunsky will be interesting and exciting for you. All heroes were “honed” by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, paying great and deep importance to children’s education. Every time you read this or that epic, you feel the incredible love with which the images of the environment are described. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy produce the pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. The dialogues of the characters are often touching; they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. There is a balancing act between good and bad, tempting and necessary, and how wonderful it is that every time the choice is correct and responsible. Folk legend cannot lose its vitality, due to the inviolability of such concepts as friendship, compassion, courage, bravery, love and sacrifice. The fairy tale “The Battle of a Clean River” by V. Yu. Dragunsky is definitely worth reading for free online, there is a lot of kindness, love and chastity in it, which is useful for raising a young individual.

All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us always had a nice pistol in our pocket and a supply of piston tapes to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...

One day Raisa Ivanovna said:

- Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes together, will go to the “Khudozhestvenny” cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars”. This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come quickly, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

- Sleep, it’s still night!

And what a night - as bright as day!

I said:

- How not to be late!

But mom whispered:

- Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!

I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers began to sweep, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now I definitely had to get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:

- Why are you, restless soul?

I said:

- We'll be late! What time is it now?

“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “you go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when necessary.”

And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone, with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind, went to the cinema.

There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall began to get dark and the picture began. And we saw how red soldiers were sitting in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him; they were nibbling grass, daisies and bells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them...

And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had very little ammunition, and he ground his teeth and began to cry.

Then all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some with two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart sank, I couldn’t stand it, I pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:

– First class “B”! Fire!!!

And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds at all costs. I kept firing at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I probably spent a hundred rounds on him, but he didn’t even look in my direction.

And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka fired from the elbow, Andryushka fired in short bursts, and Mishka must have been a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:

- For help! Help out your own!

And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out guns with corks and started banging so hard that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran through the rows, shouting:

- Stop acting up! Stop it!

And the gray-haired controllers ran after them and kept stumbling... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller and landed on the bald head of one guy. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

– Calm down your madhouse!!!

But we continued to fire with all our might, because the red machine gunner had almost fallen silent, he was wounded, and red blood was flowing down his pale face... And we, too, had almost run out of percussion caps, and it is unknown what would have happened next, but at that time, because Red cavalrymen jumped out of the forest, sabers sparkling in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever they looked, to distant lands, and the Reds shouted “Hurray!” And we, too, all as one, shouted “Hurray!”

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music started playing on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and also hungry.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, we, all the boys who had been to the cinema, were gathered in the large hall.

There was a table there. Fyodor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:

- Hand over your weapons!

And we all took turns coming to the table and handing over our weapons. On the table, in addition to the pistols, there were two slingshots and a tube for shooting peas.

Fedor Nikolaevich said:

“We discussed this morning what to do with you.” There were different proposals... But I give you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in enclosed spaces of entertainment enterprises! In addition, you will likely have your behavior grades reduced. Now go and study well!

Victor Dragunsky
Deniska's stories

"The Battle of a Clear River"

Performer: Evgeniy Vesnik

Evgeny Yakovlevich Vesnik (January 15, 1923, Petrograd - April 10, 2009, Moscow) - theater and film actor, theater director, author of a number of scripts for radio and television, People's Artist of the USSR (1989).

The name of Victor Dragunsky is known to children in our country and abroad. He wrote about a hundred stories from the life of the boy Deniska. These stories, told, as the author himself said, “in secret to the whole world,” are known to our readers as “Deniska’s stories.” Viktor Dragunsky lived a long, interesting life. But not everyone knows that before becoming a writer, in his early youth he was a worker, then an actor, a “red” clown in the arena of the Moscow Circus, acted in films, and directed the small Blue Bird Parody Theater.
He devoted himself to every task that Viktor Dragunsky was involved in until the end. He treated any work he did in his life with equal respect. He was a kind, cheerful person, but irreconcilable with injustice and lies. Viktor Yuzefovich loved children very much, and the children were drawn to him, feeling in him an older, kind comrade and friend. I would like to quote a few lines from Viktor Yuzefovich’s letter to Japanese children for a book published in Tokyo. “I was born quite a long time ago and quite far away, one might even say, in another part of the world. As a child, I loved to fight and never let myself get hurt. As you understand, my hero was Tom Sawyer, and never, under any circumstances, Sid. I'm sure you share my point of view. To put it bluntly, I didn’t study well at school. Once, when I was twelve years old, I ended up in the police. And it was like this: I sat at home and pretended to do my homework. And suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound. A stone flew into the room through the glass... Needless to say, a few moments later I grabbed the drunkard, who was constantly trying to bite me, and dragged him to the police station. Since then, the cheerful policemen have fallen in love with me.
From early childhood I fell deeply in love with the circus and still love it. I was a clown. I wrote a story about the circus, “Today and Everyday.” Besides the circus, I really love young children. I write about children and for children. This is my whole life, its meaning.” His “adult” stories invariably feature children. This is a touching little village boy from the story “He Fell on the Grass.” Tatka, the trainer’s daughter, the so-called “circus boy” at a rehearsal in the arena and, finally, a boy near the circus with a ticket in his hands (“Today and Everyday”). The boy’s question: “Will there be a clown?” brings the hero of the story, clown Nikolai Vetrov, out of a terrible state after the death of Irina. “There will be a clown! Necessarily will!" - answers Vetrov. In one of his monologues he says: “...I must bring joy to children every day. Laughter is joy. I give it with both hands. The pockets of my clown pants are filled with laughter... Not a single day without work for children, not a single child without joy. Hurry to bring joy to children. Children have enemies, it’s monstrous, but it’s true. Today and every day there is a performance on the convex arena of the earth, and there is no need for gloomy military interludes! We must protect children! Today and every day!” When Viktor Yuzefovich was an actor, he willingly performed in front of children. He usually acted as Santa Claus during the winter holidays. Most often this was in Sokolniki Park. While speaking, he observed the children and easily communicated with them. Later, all this was reflected in the stories “My Friend the Bear”, “Exactly Twenty-Five Kilos”, “Puss in Boots”...
The appearance of Viktor Dragunsky’s first book, “He’s Alive and Glowing,” in 1961, very quickly made him a popular writer. The books came out one after another. These were new adventures for Deniska, who our children loved. Soon, based on the stories of Viktor Dragunsky, a film called “Funny Stories” was made, then there were several more film adaptations, including a number of television films. The books of Viktor Dragunsky were translated into many languages ​​of the peoples of the Soviet Union and into a number of foreign languages. Viktor Yuzefovich received many letters from children and their parents and tried to answer them whenever possible. Viktor Yuzefovich never refused to speak in front of a school audience. He read his stories wonderfully, and children especially loved listening to stories about Deniska when the author himself read them. Many times Viktor Yuzefovich performed at pioneer bonfires in Peredelkino. where Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky constantly lived, who organized festive pioneer bonfires for children living in villages and towns in the neighborhood. Famous children's writers and artists were invited to these bonfires. Countless times, Viktor Dragunsky appeared on the radio reading his stories, which were included in the fund of the All-Union Radio.

All the boys of 1st class "B" had pistols.
We agreed to always carry weapons. And each of us always had a nice pistol in our pocket and a supply of piston tapes to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn’t last long. And all because of the movie...
One day Raisa Ivanovna said:
- Tomorrow, guys, is Sunday. And you and I will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes together, will go to the “Khudozhestvenny” cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars”. This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Meeting near the school at ten o'clock!
I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come quickly, and when I woke up, my mother was still sleeping. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:
- Sleep, it's still night!
And what a night - as bright as day!
I said:
- How not to be late!
But mom whispered:
- Six o'clock. Don't wake up your father, please sleep!
I lay down again and lay there for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the wipers began to sweep, and a car began to hum outside the window. Now I definitely had to get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head:
- Why are you, restless soul?
I said:
- We'll be late! What time is it now?
“It’s five minutes past six,” my mother said, “you go to sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when necessary.”
And sure enough, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone, with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind, went to the cinema.
There our class took the best seats in the first row, then the hall began to get dark and the picture began. And we saw how red soldiers were sitting in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him; they were nibbling grass, daisies and bells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.
And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the Reds began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them...
And the red machine gunner began to fire back, but he saw that he had very little ammunition, and he ground his teeth and began to cry.
Then all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some with two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart sank, I couldn’t stand it, I pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:
- First class "B"! Fire!!! And we started firing with all the pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds at all costs. I kept firing at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulets; I probably spent a hundred rounds on him, but he didn’t even look in my direction.
And the gunfire all around was unbearable. Valka fired from the elbow, Andryushka fired in short bursts, and Mishka must have been a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:
- Ready!
But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked around and shouted:
- For help! Help out your own!
And all the guys from “A” and “B” took out guns with corks and started banging so hard that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.
And there was a terrible commotion going on in the hall. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran through the rows, shouting:
- Stop acting up! Stop it!
And the gray-haired controllers ran after them and kept stumbling... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller and landed on the bald head of one guy. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:
- Calm down your madhouse!!!
But we continued to fire with all our might, because the red machine gunner had almost fallen silent, he was wounded, and red blood was flowing down his pale face... And we, too, had almost run out of percussion caps, and it is unknown what would have happened next, but at this time, because Red cavalrymen jumped out of the forest, sabers sparkling in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever they looked, to distant lands, and the Reds shouted “Hurray!” And we, too, all as one, shouted “Hurray!”
And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:
-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music started playing on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.
And then I realized that I was very tired and also hungry.
Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.
And on Monday, when we came to school, all of us, all the boys who had been to the cinema, were gathered in the large hall.
There was a table there. Fyodor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:
- Hand over your weapons!
And we all took turns coming to the table and handing over our weapons. On the table, in addition to the pistols, there were two slingshots and a tube for shooting peas.
Fedor Nikolaevich said:
- We discussed this morning what to do with you. There were different proposals... But I give you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in enclosed spaces of entertainment enterprises! In addition, you will likely have your behavior grades reduced. Now go and study well!
And we went to study. But I sat and studied poorly. I kept thinking that a reprimand was very bad and that mom would probably be angry...
But during recess Mishka Slonov said:
- Still, it’s good that we helped the Reds hold out until our own people arrived!
And I said:
- Certainly!!! Even though it’s a movie, maybe they wouldn’t have lasted without us!
- Who knows…

The main characters of Victor Dragunsky's story “The Battle of the Clean River” are first-grade schoolchildren of one of the Moscow schools. The story is told from the perspective of student Denis Korablev. In those days, every self-respecting boy had a toy pistol and a supply of caps for it in his pocket.

One day the teacher said that on Sunday all the first-graders would go to the cinema to watch a film about the struggle between the Reds and the Whites. Denis began to look forward to Sunday.

And then the long-awaited day came, and the first-graders, accompanied by two teachers, went to the cinema. When the film started, the guys began to follow the plot with enthusiasm. Everything was calm until the red fighters were attacked by the white ones. The Reds had a tough time and the school kids didn't like it.

They began to violently express their indignation. And then Denis could not stand it, and, deciding to help the Reds, he ordered to open fire. The first graders took out their toy pistols with caps and began shooting at the hare.

It became very noisy in the auditorium. The teachers ran through the rows and demanded that the children stop the disgrace. But the schoolchildren continued to shoot at the whites running across the screen. This continued until the guys ran out of percussion caps. Fortunately for them, soon help came to the red fighters, and the schoolchildren calmed down.

And on Monday, the school director gathered all the boys who went to the cinema and demanded that they hand over their toy guns to him. Then he said that he was giving all the boys a verbal reprimand with reduced grades for their behavior.

But during the break, Mishka, Denis’s friend, said that they had done well to help the Reds in the film. And Denis agreed with him.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Dragunsky's story “The Battle of the Clean River” is that the power of art sometimes forces a person to act contrary to common sense. The first-graders believed so much in what was happening on the screen that they decided to help the heroes of the film and opened fire with toy pistols right in the cinema hall. The guys sincerely believed that they were helping the heroes of the film.

Dragunsky's story “The Battle of the Clean River” teaches how to critically assess the situation and not violate the rules of conduct in public places. The students acted based on the best intentions, but the school principal regarded their action as a violation of order and punished the children.

In the story, I liked the main characters, first-graders who sincerely wanted to help the red fighters defeat the whites.

What proverbs fit Dragunsky’s story “The Battle of the Clean River”?

A man holds on with help.
All the sisters got earrings.
The enemy jumped out into the field and caused grief to everyone.