What is the root word? What is the root of a word: definition, examples, rules Alternation of vowels in the root

Language is our teacher. And every word is a lesson. The lessons of cognate words are especially interesting. Here is the tractor driver. He drives a tractor. Plantain grass grows by the road. A winter hut is a place where they spend the winter. Cognate words help to understand how a word was formed and what it means. About this in the lesson “The Root of the Word. Cognate words." During the lesson, you will observe families of words, learn what cognate words are, what is called the root of a word, make sure that the root is spelled the same in related words, and also observe the alternation of consonants in the root.

Scientists have calculated that there are approximately 4,500 roots in the Russian language. The author M.A. Rybnikova believed: “To find the root of a word means to find its inner, hidden meaning - the same as lighting a light inside a lantern.” Lesson topic: “The root of the word. Similar words. Writing roots in words with the same root."

Some words are said to be related. Let's remember what this name means?

Cognates are words that can be explained using the same word. Part of this word lives in all related words. Therefore, related words There isgeneral part and general meaning.

For example, sugar bowl, sugar, candy- related words?

1. Let's see if the words have a common part ? (The words sugar bowl, sugar have the common part sugar)

2. Is there a common meaning? (Is it possible to explain words using the same word?)

Sugar bowl - a piece of teaware for sugar. This means that sugar bowl and sugar are related words. Candy is not a related word.

The words are given: fish, fish, catch, fish, fish, perch, fisherman.

Let's collect a family of related words.

How to recognize them? Firstly, the words have a common part (fish), and secondly, there is a common meaning. You can explain words using the same word.

To fish is to engage in fishing. A fish is a small fish. Fish - cooked from fish. A fisherman is one who catches fish.

Means, fish, fish, small fish, fishy, ​​fisherman- related words.

We have words left catch and perch.

Let’s select only those words that we consider related. Perch, dipped, catch, dexterous - related words?

Do the words have a common part? (Perch, fishing)

Is it possible to explain words using the same word? Perch is a small perch. This means that perch and perch are related words.

Dipped - immersed in liquid. Perch, dipped - these words have no common meaning.

Catch is the amount of fish caught. This means that catch and catch are related words.

Dexterous - skillful, possessing physical dexterity. Catch, dexterous - these words have no common meaning.

What is the common part of related words called?

The common part of related words is called the root.

The root contains a meaning common to all related words.

Let's note the root in related words. In words perch, perch perch root. In words catch, catch root lov-.

Related words are called cognates because they have the same root.

Conclusion: vowels and consonants are different.

Are the letters the same? The letters are the same.

Remember the secret of the roots! The roots of related words are written the same.

To find the root in a word, you need:

1. Find related words. 2. Select the same part.

Let's find the root in the words gift, shout out, silver.

A gift is a thing that is given or brought as a gift. The general part is a gift.

Shout out - shout loudly, make a scream. The root is a cry.

Silver - the color of silver, with a silver tint. The root is silver.

By the way snow Let's choose related words. We recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1. Affectionate name for snow (snowball).

2. Crystal of snow (snowflake).

3. Snow woman (snowman).

4. Abundant with snow (snowy).

5. Small, tightly rolled lumps of snow (snowballs).

These words have a common meaning. Let's watch the root.

Imagine that all these words have a root snow. Pronounce each word with this root. Was it comfortable for you to pronounce "snowy", "snowballs"?

You have observed the law of language: in the roots of words with the same root, some consonant sounds can be replaced by others. This replacement is called consonant alternation.

In these words the root is snow-snow, in the root there is an alternation of letters of the consonants ms.

What other consonant letters alternate in the roots of words with the same root?

Look at the last letter of the consonant in the root.

fluff-fluff OK

wow O- ear to x-sh

water it- leader ak

look there- look at d-j

rivers A- speech ka

torment A- much noah k-ch

weight s-vz weight Ival

braid A- kosh at s-sh

WHO it -leader at

tale-tell me and zh

And in words ice-ice Yana, ate glasses- spruce letter e replaces a letter e.

Note! The root is considered the same, and the words are related if the letters e And e, G And w, d-j, k-ch, h-sh and others replace each other.


Many years ago

They imprisoned strange garden.

It wasn't fruity

He was only a word.

This word,

Root word

It began to grow soon

And it brought us fruit -

There are many new words.

Here from the garden

Seedlings for you,

Here are some more landings nearby.

And here

Gardener .

The gardener goes with him.

Very interesting

Walk in the verbal garden!

(E. Izmailov)

Similar words: garden, planted, seedlings, planting, gardener(gardening specialist) , gardener(a worker who takes care of the garden).

Is it possible to add words gardening, planting, soot, seedlings?

Garden- related to the garden.

Plant- the same as planting.

Saplings- plants transplanted from another place. At the root of words with the same root, there is an alternation of consonants d-j.

And here soot has no general meaning. Soot is a black residue from combustion.

Let's call a family of words with the same root UCH-: teacher, student, training, scientist, retrain, memorize, teacher, educational, teacher's room, head teacher, teach, study.

In the lesson you learned that the common part of related words is called the root. The roots of related words are written the same. Cognate words are words that have the same root and common meaning. To find the root in a word, you need to select related words and highlight the same part in them.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  3. Padabum.com ().
  • Write down the word salt and add words with the same root to it. Recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1) A small vessel for table salt - ...

2) Put salt in something for taste - ...

3) Having a taste of salt - ...

  • Write out words with the same root from proverbs and sayings. Select the root.

1) Truth is not friendly with lies.

2) In a friendly team, things get complicated.

3) I read a book and met a friend.

4) Learn to value friendship.

  • Divide the words into two groups of words with the same root.

Water, water, driver, flood, seeing off, conductor, watery, watery, guide.

Home is the root of the word. Sometimes with rearrangement of furniture, but still - home, homeland. By comparing we find all the morphological doors and enter the endless and most interesting chambers of the Russian language. A word is usually made up of a stem and its ending. It is based on a prefix, a root and a suffix, the so-called morphemes, that is, the minimal parts of a word that can no longer be divided. The root morpheme has a lexical meaning, while the rest have a grammatical or word-formative meaning.

In russian language

We all know that in the very beginning there was the Word. And this was probably the root, that is, the main and defining part. It is he who controls the main lexical meaning. - this is the main morpheme, which has a common part with all related words. It is necessarily present in every word, even without the presence of other morphemes. But other morphemes cannot live without a root! For example: house, add the suffix - house. So what is this? IR without root house?!


The same goes for other related words: little house And home, brownie and even house manager - everywhere the same root of the word related to the word house. Such words are called cognates. There may be options here. At the word house All relatives turned out to be nouns, but there are distant relatives: okay, okay, okay, okay.

Difficult words

There is one root and even two in a word - house manager for example, again: the first root is house, second - management, from the word control. Such words are called complex. Spelling in them is strictly regulated by spelling rules.

Homonymic roots of words

And sometimes even a magnifying glass doesn’t help: it’s impossible to determine what the root of a word is. After all, there are such ridiculously confusing cases when words with completely different meanings have the same root. These are the roots of words, called homonymous, and you definitely need to learn to distinguish them. Homonymous means identical in sound, but completely different in meaning. Wear- root nose, And nose on the face - also with a root nose. How to be? Even knowing what the root of a word is and having accurately identified it, it is necessary to correlate these words by lexical meaning and establish that they are not the same root.

Roots bound and free

This one is the one nose, who on his face can calmly do without endings, even touching ones - oh, what a nose!, especially without the Amikoshon ones - Well, what a nose you have!, that is nose- the root is independent, and therefore is called free. There are many of those. But there are also completely dependent roots; they survive only in conjunction with other morphemes - prefixes and suffixes: understand For example. Well, how do you understand what the root of the word is? understand"? Such roots are called related. Even more interesting are roots with one letter : shoes, put on, take off your shoes.

Rearrangement of furniture

Very often, fundamental changes occur - one sound is replaced by another when different forms of the same word are used or in related words. There are certain rules for spelling. This is called alternation, which applies to both vowels and Moss - moss, lies - lies, run - run, For example. There are historically established alternations ( historical) And phonetic.

Modern transformations

In many words, the roots were fused with other morphemes, the language was simplified. For example: western, factory, celebration, mourn and others.

  • ROOT, -Rnya, pl. roots, -to her, m.

    1. The underground part of a plant, through which it strengthens itself in the soil and receives water from the ground with minerals dissolved in it. Tree roots did not hold well in muddy soil. Paustovsky, Colchis. Vasily Petrovich weeded the weeds under the cherry trees and uprooted the most stubborn yellow chamomile bushes. Kataev, Khutorok in the steppe. || The wood or substance of that part of a plant. Licorice root. Soap root.| About an individual plant (when counting). Tokhpan added that young people are already undertaking to plant fifty thousand roots without interrupting their main work. A. Kozhevnikov, Living Water. - An estate of thirty acres ---, an apple orchard for twelve roots, twenty grape bushes. Zakrutkin, Floating village. || pl. h. (roots, -ev). The underground parts and greens of some plants (carrots, parsley, celery, etc.), used for food. Soup with roots.

    2. The internal part of a hair, tooth, or nail located in the body. Tooth root. Hair roots.|| The base, the junction of the organ with the body. Root of the tongue.

    3. trans. Beginning, source, basis of something. The root of evil. The root of errors. □ - The roots of our Soviet brotherhood come from the depths of thousands of years. A. Kozhevnikov, Living Water. || Outdated And decomposition Rod, family; beginning of a generation. In Skobeevka there were more than twenty Borisov households and all from the same root. Fadeev, The Last of the Udege. - Who are you friends with - tell me. I know all their fathers. I know everything about who's roots. Gorbatov, My generation.

    4. Gram. The main part of the word (without prefixes and suffixes), which cannot be further decomposed into meaningful components.

    5. Mat. A number that gives a given number when raised to a certain power. Take the square root. Cube root.

    Fundamentally- absolutely, completely. [Raglan] showed with all his appearance that he fundamentally disagreed with what they wanted to impose on him. Sergeev-Tsensky, Sevastopol Strada.

    On the vine- 1) in an uncompressed, uncut form (about bread, grass); 2) trans. at the very beginning, without allowing it to develop. Nothing is forgotten by the soul and will not wither on the vine. Tvardovsky, Beyond the distance - distance.

    Root of Life- one of the names of ginseng.

    Put down roots- 1) to settle firmly, for a long time somewhere; 2) receive special strength, constancy (about feelings, habits, etc.). The habit took too deep roots in me. Seeing Olesya every day has become more than a necessity for me. Kuprin, Olesya.

    Grow ( or grow) roots- living for a long time somewhere, in smb. environment, get used to it, become attached. We are so deeply rooted in our home that, no matter where and how long I go, I will carry the soil of my native Oblomovka on my feet everywhere. I. Goncharov, Frigate “Pallada”.

    Harness ( or pawn and so on. ) to the root- harness with a rooter, in shafts (if there are tie-downs).

    Nip it in the bud- stop sth. at the very beginning, without allowing it to develop.

    Look ( or look and so on. ) to the root- delve into the very essence of something. affairs.

    Turn red to the roots of your hair- blush a lot.

    Blow up ( or cut down, mow down, undercut) at the root- undermine the very foundation of something; cause irreparable harm. [Yakov] undermined his father's strong farm with his wild life. M. Gorky, Three.

    Snatch ( or destroy and so on. ) with root What- completely, completely eliminate.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999;

Morphemics is one of the most difficult topics for a child. Not every student can correctly divide a word into parts. However, the ability to correctly identify parts of a word is a necessary condition for mastering a number of rules of Russian spelling.

Russian language: what is the root of a word

A morpheme is a significant part of a word. First, during morphemic analysis, the stem and ending are isolated. The stem is the unchangeable part of the word, and the ending is changeable and indicates the form of the word. For example, in the word “cows,” cows are the stem, and y is the ending. The basis of a word includes the following parts of the word (morphemes) - prefix, root, ending. An important morpheme, denoted by an arc when parsing a word, is the root of the word.

What is the root word? The root of a word is the common part of related words. What words are called cognates? Words with the same root are based on one root, but other morphemes are different. For example, tall - height, leaf - foliage, dad - daddy, sister - sister.

How to find words with the same root

  1. There are words that have the same roots, but are not the same root. Thus, in the adjectives “peaceful” and “global” one can distinguish the root -peace-, but the words will not have the same root, since in the first case the adjective is formed from the word “peace” in the meaning “without war”, and in the second - in the meaning “ what’s around, the universe.” Lexical differences between words cannot make words have the same root.
  2. You should not mix words with the same root and forms of the same word. For example, the words “carrot” and “carrot” are cognates, and “carrot” and “carrots” are word forms of the word “carrot”.
  3. Words with the same root do not necessarily belong to the same part of speech. So, if “carrot” and “carrot” are nouns, then “run” and “run” are a noun and a verb, and “fun” and “cheerful” are an adverb and an adjective.
  4. Don't forget that in addition to the root, the word has prefixes and suffixes. If you can highlight them, then finding words with the same root will be much easier. For example, the word "chin". It contains the prefix sub-, the suffix -ok and the root -borod-. Thus, now you can choose the same root words: bearded, beard, beardless.
  5. Difficulties may arise due to historical consonant alternations. Externally, the roots are different, but the meaning remains the same. The fact is that previously the sound of Russian speech was different from what can be heard today. Due to historical changes in the sound structure of a language, the same root may sound differently in different words.

Some examples:

  • k-ch": ruk/a - ruch"/k/a
  • k-ts-ch": l"ik/ - l"its/o - l"ich"/n/y
  • Ms: nog/a - knife/k/a
  • g-z-z: friend/ - friend/i/t" - friend"/ya
  • x-sh: uh/o- ush/i

Although the final consonants in the roots are different, the presented pairs of words are cognate.

What is a root spelling?

Why do you even need to isolate the root of a word and look for words with the same root? The fact is that one of the basic principles of Russian orthography (spelling) is the morphemic principle. It manifests itself, for example, in the rule “Unstressed vowel at the root of a word” or in the rule “Unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word.”

In the first case, you need to find a word with the same root so that the vowel being tested is stressed. For example, v_dyanoy means water, s_stra means sisterly, d_lovoy means business.

In the second case, you need to find a word so that the unpronounceable consonant is clearly audible. For example, garlic is honor, crunchy is crunch.

Not only in these cases is it worth remembering what the root of the word is. Another important rule is based on the ability to isolate the root.

Vowel alternation in the root

Due to the same historical reasons, different vowels are written in some words with the same root. For example, in roots with alternating vowels e-i (-ber- -bir-, -per- - pir-, -mer- - world-, -steel- -steel, -der- -dir, etc.) the letter "i" " is written only when the root is followed by the suffix -a-, for example: to die - to die, to spread - to spread, to tear apart - to tear apart, to shine - to shine.

Alternating roots also include:

lag-lozh, kas-kos, plav-pilaf, clan-clone, tvar-tvor, mak-mok, gar-gor, zar-zor, jump-skoch, equal-level, rast-ros-rasch.

Root of the word- this is a significant part of a word that expresses its lexical meaning, being common to its cognates.

Root - main morpheme

Being the main part of the word, the root will be the same for word forms that are similar in meaning. Example:

forest - undergrowth - forest - forester - forestry - forest-steppe.

These word formations are united by the fact that they mean “forest” or are related to it. This conclusion is made possible by the same root part in all of them." forest", which.

A word can have one root or two:

forest noah - forest O steppeforest O rubforest O a park.

There are also linguistic units in which the root word is similar in spelling, but the lexical meaning is different. Here are some examples:

water itel — water A, mountains e - mountains a, by yearsyears niy, by troubles A - troubles A.

In each pair, one can identify an identical radical part, which has a completely different meaning. As an example, let's look at the third pair:

  • “flight” comes from the verb “to fly” (in the sky, in space);
  • "summer" comes from the noun "summer" (the warmest and hottest time of the year that follows spring).

Root in various words

There are word formations that consist only of a root and an ending. The list is not too extensive:

wave-a - earth-i - school-a - nail-i - lip-a - cow-a - star-a - village-o - book-a - kos-a - zar-ya - fish-a - meat- O.

In most cases, words are formed by combining different morphemes. There are several ways of word formation:

  1. + + (free-willed, glass-yshk-o, write-yush-y, lub-im-y);
  2. + + (under-men-a, for-garden-a, before-payment-a);
  3. + + + (to-gad-to-a, to-earth, to-glisten);
  4. + + + (no-interest-n-o, for-noise-e-in, for-se-i-in).

There are cases when the root part of a word is associated with a prefix, suffix or second root. It is impossible to determine the lexical meaning from such roots:

  • -nya-: s-nya-t, u-nya-t, under-nya-t;
  • -bav-: add, add, add.

How to determine the root in a word?

Finding this morpheme in a word helps by selecting words that have the same root and are close in meaning. The part that is similar in spelling and determines the lexical meaning will be:

pestilence e - pestilence yak - pestilence skoy - at pestilence ye — pestilence moving.

The whole series of word formation is united by the same part " pestilence." This means that it will be a root morpheme.

Garden garden new — garden ovnik - garden ik - pali garden nickname - by garden silt.

The common part will be the word form " garden ", which is the root of the given word series.
