What a teacher should be like in the memory of a student. A real teacher will make an unloved subject a favorite. Several interesting essays

At all times, the teacher was a respected person, because he taught not only science, but also life, and instructed. Unfortunately, modern teachers do not gain the same respect as before. Children sometimes do not obey, play pranks, and do not learn their lessons. Let the essay-reasoning “What a teacher should be like” be mandatory in school. Most likely, children will openly describe the problem in the text. On the other hand, a similar topic may have another purpose, namely: reflection. I would like to appeal to the students: no matter what kind of teachers they are, respect them!

What kind of teacher is he?

Of course, the adult who stands at the blackboard with a pointer graduated from a special educational institution with the profession of “teacher”. This is said in general terms. In fact, teachers each have their own specialization. Let's think about what structure the essay “A Good Teacher” should have. There is no need to write that he should not burden you with homework and give bad grades. This will be wrong, because you must somehow study, master the subject.

Let's start the story. A good teacher explains his subject in an accessible and interesting way, talks about the topic, and gives examples. A competent teacher will listen to every student and answer all questions. If something is unclear, he will try to explain it again. You cannot take advantage of the teacher’s kindness and patience. The student must also be able to treat academic subjects responsibly.

I want to be a teacher!

If a student dreams of becoming a teacher, then they must understand that a lot will depend on their attitude towards children and their subject. It will be useful to write an essay-reasoning “What a teacher should be”, and then show it to the teacher who, in his opinion, is the best. It will be important to listen to advice, comments, and wishes. After all, this is a living example, a beloved teacher.

What should the text be? Tell us why you want to be a teacher, what subject to teach. Or maybe your dream is to teach elementary school? Be sure to open up this topic. How do you see yourself, how do you explain, how do you raise the younger generation. How would you react if a naughty student started acting up in your class?

How to write a good essay?

To make it easier to write an argumentative essay on the topic “Teacher,” put yourself in the shoes of any teacher. Or ask the class teacher to spend an out-of-class hour to play teacher: stand with a pointer at the blackboard. Any student can come out and explain any favorite topic for 5-10 minutes. On the other hand, you can practice this way during recess.

How did you feel? But keep in mind that being a teacher is much harder than you imagine. The teacher should also have time to check your notebooks, and not only yours.

What the student doesn't see

It is unlikely that students will include such an item as the teacher’s activities outside the lesson in the essay-reasoning “What a teacher should be.” An exception can only be for those whose parents are teachers, and who see every day a tired mom or dad with a stack of notebooks at home, with teaching materials, textbooks, and notes. If a teacher only had 4 lessons today, this does not mean that his working day is completely over. This is not true at all.

It will be useful for students to ask their favorite teacher and class teacher what it’s like to be a teacher. Most likely, he will share his impressions and talk about his work.

Don't forget that good teachers are not born, they are made. If a teacher loves children, life, his subject, and knows a lot of interesting things, then he is happy and made the right choice. The essay-reasoning “What a teacher should be” is a good reason to think about teaching life and the intended choice of profession. You should not submit to momentary desires; such a choice must be conscious. It is important to understand a certain subject well.

The education system in Russia, as we know, is not the most productive. However, despite this, the tradition of educating our teachers is considered an excellent example of what a teacher should be. Today we will talk to you, dear reader, about who a real teacher is and what he is like. So:

What should a teacher be like?

Having tried to imagine the audience that will be interested in this article, we came to the conclusion that it will mainly consist of young beginning teachers or trainers, as well as those people who care about the quality of education. In this regard, we will try to highlight those personality traits of a person that will help him become a real teacher.

A real teacher is a person, first of all, who is responsible and understands his responsibility. The fact is that an educator or any person who somehow conveys information to those who are not familiar with it broadens people's horizons. That is why he is responsible for the quality of information and its truthfulness.

It is no secret that a person, once he has learned something, will find it difficult to change the usual structure of his activities. That is why it is very important to teach a person the right behavior. The basis of any activity determines its success. This applies to absolutely everything in our lives. It is with this thesis that such a quality as the conscientiousness of a teacher is associated. It lies in the fact that the teacher, having the correct information, teaches a person the correct behavior. Many experienced teachers try to get feedback from their students. They give the task to write an essay on what a teacher should be like.

Another important quality of a teacher is to be able to find his own unique approach to teaching for each of his students. This skill is very difficult to master, as it requires enormous patience and maximum effort in order to find this approach. As you know, each person is unique, therefore only general principles work in education. Various details and tricks in the educational process must be skillfully used depending on the specific person being taught and the specific situation at hand. However, one cannot ignore the fact that a teacher is also a person whose powers are far from limitless. It is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to find an approach to each student if the teacher has thirty people in his class. Thirty people with their own characteristics and capabilities. This is the main flaw in the education system in Russia. Excessive universalization excludes the possibility of full development of the personality, knowledge and skills of a particular student. We believe that the further development of the pedagogical system should go through individualization. The commonality of principles must be preserved, but various techniques and approaches must be developed more deeply. Only in this way will we receive an education that will give our society mature, skillful and intelligent people, which will ultimately lead to universal progress and prosperity.

An important quality of a teacher is to be open to new experiences. Simply put, the teacher must be modern. A modern teacher is obliged to create something new in his personal educational system, and take successful attributes from other representatives of the teaching staff. Modernity also means the ability to keep abreast of the latest developments in the educational field. Modernity is the desire and desire of the teacher to use new technologies and actively introduce them into their teaching system. Modernity also means progressive views on global problems of society and social life, since the teacher works not only on the development of specific skills of the student, but also on their adaptation in our complex, ambiguous world.

What other qualities should a teacher have? A good teacher cannot but possess such a quality as the desire for creativity. It is a well-known fact that any use of imagination and a non-standard approach to any activity not only truly interests people, but also helps to achieve better results. A teacher must be able to support and develop the creative spirit of his students. The teacher is obliged to create conditions so that his students can apply not only the traditional patterns of performing activities, but also use their imagination. It is very important to see those students who especially need it. It is during childhood and adolescence that a child gets the only chance in life to develop his imagination and increase his level of intelligence.

I believe that being a teacher is a true calling. Far from it, not every person will be able to master such a complex, responsible and humane profession as a teacher. I’ll try to tell you what a teacher should be like in my opinion.

A real teacher must love his job. If you don’t want to go to school in the morning, you don’t like children, and you’re not interested in your subject, then this profession is not for you. A teacher should be passionate about his work and his work should give him pleasure and joy.

Also, a teacher must love his subject and master it to the maximum. After all, he conveys his knowledge to children and it is very important that it reaches children’s minds in the most accessible and interesting way. The entire atmosphere in the classroom depends on how enthusiastically the teacher teaches his lesson. Students always feel the mood with which the lesson is taught and whether the teacher is trying. Therefore, it is very important that a person minds his own business. After all, if a teacher presents his material competently and engagingly, then he will interest the children and, perhaps, many will follow in his footsteps and take up this area.

It is important that the teacher understands the youth. It happens that it is extremely difficult to find a language with the older generation of teachers, since they do not understand the hobbies and interests of children. But time does not stand still, and if a teacher wants to be on the same wavelength with his students and feel them, then it is important for him to take into account many nuances and characteristics of children’s behavior.

Being a worthy teacher is a whole science that not everyone can master.

Essay-reasoning A real teacher

I believe that a teacher should have a single set of qualities, because it is he who will have to not only give basic knowledge to students, but also help in the development of their personality, the formation of a humane attitude. The teacher is also a mentor, and his behavior is an example for many. Because his image is often carefully stored in the memory of every adult.

Nowadays, it is extremely important for a teacher to be not only educated, but also restrained, regardless of the circumstances. After all, a teacher who is controlled by emotions will most likely not be able to set a worthy example to the younger generation. An important quality that a teacher should have is good-naturedness - this is what you should teach your schoolchildren, especially at a time when teenagers are increasingly showing aggressiveness towards everything around them. Loyalty is another quality that, in my opinion, a teacher should have. No less important is the ability to find an individual approach to any child, be it a mischievous naughty child or, on the contrary, a quiet, calm, withdrawn child.

A demanding person, namely a teacher, must have this quality, since every student is obliged to follow the regulations prescribed in the school. The teacher is also subject to this charter. He must be demanding not only in relation to his students, but also to himself.

Thus, I assume that a person who is called to be a teacher must be tolerant, loyal, demanding, good-natured, humane, and be able to competently and clearly formulate his speech and thoughts. After all, it is on the shoulders of the teacher that the greatest task of raising, educating and developing students falls; it is on him that the way the younger generation will manifest itself in society depends.

Essay Good teacher.

Option 4

Teaching is a profession that seems never to fall into the category of unclaimed ones. School curricula, requirements and authors of textbooks change, new subjects are introduced, and this profession, just as it was of high importance in society, does not lower its standards.

Every day a teacher is surrounded by hundreds of children who look at him, respect him and try to imitate him in some way, so the example that the teacher sets must fit within the framework of high culture, reasonable thoughts and actions.

A teacher needs to know and have psychology skills that will help build productive work with students every lesson, day after day, throughout the school year. A teacher should never lose his temper even at the behavior of the most notorious hooligan; to lose his temper means to become like a low person. There are different types of students: calm and quiet, bullies and provocateurs; the teacher should neutralize the behavior of each.

The teacher needs to follow developing trends in many areas of knowledge, be modern, use modern technologies and teaching methods in the classroom in order to meet the interests of the new generation of students.

If we briefly structure the traits that a teacher must have, we get:

  • Respect for schoolchildren;
  • Humanity;
  • Mental and physical health;
  • Intelligence;
  • High social activity and commitment;
  • Readiness for systematic self-development.

During the school year, each student needs to master a course in the subject. Since children are all different, the teacher must divide his attention among them all, explain something, suggest something, guide them. Of course, it is not so easy to find an approach to everyone, but that is what a teacher is all about and he should not single out “favorites” from the class. The teacher needs to interest schoolchildren in his subject and convey its essence. Children will be happy to go to such a teacher, they will show respect and complete tasks willingly.

In general, the profession of a teacher is a great responsibility for every little life entrusted to him, in order to fill this life with high intellectual and moral development, for which grateful students will always say thank you.

Essay 5

When you just come to school, you want the teacher to be kind, like a mother, so that it is interesting to work with him, like a kindergarten teacher. Then you add the desire to see him as fair, capable of understanding your actions and moods. Finally, the time comes when you begin to evaluate not only his knowledge and talent as a teacher, but also his human qualities. You understand this last thing well when you are already parting with him.

I was lucky to find out about this much earlier. That year, my older brother went to sixth grade, and on the first Sunday in September, geography teacher Yuri Ivanovich took the kids on a hike. Then such trips became a part of my life, because my brother allowed me to go with him to buy groceries for the next outing, find out which neighbor I could borrow an ax from, or something else equally interesting.

Yuri Ivanovich was engaged in sports tourism for many years, fulfilled the standard of a master of sports, participating in routes of various categories of difficulty, he traveled and walked around almost our entire country, loved and admired it, loved nature and all living things. He usually took older kids on hikes, but he included two sixth-graders in his small team - my brother and his friend.

Yuri Ivanovich took boys and girls to his house outside the city, to the “hut,” as he called it. He taught the children to carefully prepare for the route (even the simplest one), to light the stove, make a fire, and melt snow in a pot for tea. In winter they wandered through the forest on skis, in warm weather they fished, picked mushrooms, and stored firewood for the winter.

During the New Year holidays, a trip took place to Mountain Shoria - an area of ​​extraordinary beauty at the junction of Altai, Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau. Yuri Ivanovich included our boys in the team. The whole family was preparing for this event, but the day before my brother said that due to a chronic illness he could not be taken on the hike.

It turned out that one of the teachers accompanying the schoolchildren refused to take his brother into his group after learning about his serious illness. The parents were dejected because they had high hopes for this trip and believed that the mountain taiga air was the best medicine. Little brother tried his best not to cry. There was nothing I could do to help him.

Late in the evening the phone rang, my mother listened in silence, her face expressing either amazement, joy, relief, or even admiration. It was Yuri Ivanovich who called and asked his mother to prepare all the medications that his brother took during an exacerbation of the disease, to write instructions: what, how much and in what cases to drink. He also said that he takes the boys under his personal responsibility and that his mother should not worry.

Of course, it was a wonderful trip and, of course, no one got sick. We remember Yuri Ivanovich with respect and admiration. And when someone said that this was the act of a real teacher, my mother replied: “No, this is the act of a real man.” I remember this moment clearly, because it was then that I realized what a real teacher should be.

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What should a real teacher be like? The author, D. Orlov, reflects on this question.

He believes that a teacher should be a professional who can captivate with the “magic of the literary word,” an unconventional approach to the subject, and a manner of behavior that “makes you want to understand what is happening.” Such a teacher was A.A. Titov, whom the children lovingly called San Sanych. D. Orlov believes that he was able to captivate his students with the help of Gorky’s text. He was a man in love with literature, passionate about his profession. He passed on these best qualities to his students: “We become those who teach us.”

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Andrey Dementyev wrote: “Don’t you dare forget the teachers.” These words need to be remembered not only when we are in school, but also when we enter adulthood.