General table setting rules: cutlery and crockery. How to properly place cutlery on the table. Table setting rules for breakfast, lunch, dinner, holiday according to etiquette. Basic rules for table setting with cutlery, napkins, crockery

The ability to set the table beautifully and correctly is a prerequisite for a real hostess. Competent serving will always be appreciated by guests, and relatives and friends will be grateful for the attention and exquisite beauty. And today we will talk about how to properly serve cutlery for a gala dinner, a big breakfast and a tea meal. For greater clarity, the serving of cutlery is also shown in the photo.

Table setting rules

Our main task today is to learn how to properly put cutlerywhen the table is set. And the basic rules of table setting will help us in this. In addition, they are all part of the etiquette:

  • Serving begins with the selection of tablecloths. For special occasions, a white or plain tablecloth is better suited, for a tea table - a colored one. If a rectangular table is used for the celebration, then the tablecloth can hang from its long side by 15 - 25 cm. The tablecloth can hang from the end of a longer length. If the table is oval or round, the tablecloth can hang from all sides in the same range of numbers - from 15 to 25 cm.
  • The main plate is placed exactly in the center of the intended place.
  • All knives and spoons are on the right side of the plate. All forks are always on the left side of the plate.
  • The knives are arranged so that the blade "looks" at the plate. The tines of the forks always "look" up. The convex part of the spoon touches the surface of the table.
  • The bread (pie) plate is placed at the top left of the main plate, as the bread is taken with the left hand.
  • Dessert devices (spoon, fork) are laid out in the upper part from the main plate. The handle of the spoon looks to the right, the handle of the fork looks to the left.
  • Glasses are placed to the right in the upper part of the main plate and are set in order of height, from the largest and tallest to the smallest. The very first (closer to the center) is a water glass (always large in volume), then a champagne glass, a red wine glass, a white wine glass, a glass.
  • The cloth napkin is located in the center of the main plate, or in the center of the bread (patty) plate.

Placement of cutlery for the main menu

Often, the main part of the celebration begins with such a serving of cutlery, where the menu will consist of a first course, meat and fish dishes, appetizers. In the figure, we showed how the main utensils should lie - a tablespoon, fork and knife. If the first dish is puree soup, then a special spoon is placed on top of the main plate with a handle to the right. The tablespoon is removed.

Arrangement of tablespoons, knife, fork and spoon for puree soup

If the menu includes fish dishes, then the fish pair is laid out in the same sequence, on the right of the main plate, the fork on the left. A fish knife has a wide blade in the form of a spatula, a fish fork has a special notch in the middle of the teeth.

The location of the knife and fork for a fish dish

A snack pair, consisting of a fork and a knife, is placed according to the same principle: the knife is on the right, the fork is on the left. Pay attention, closer to the plate is the main knife, then the fish one, then the snack one. Forks are arranged in the same sequence. Closer to the edge of the plate is the main fork, a fish fork, and a diner nearby. The tablespoon is between the fish knife and the diner.

Snack knife and fork location

A sandwich knife (for butter, pates) is placed on a bread plate. A dessert pair and a teaspoon are placed at the top. Moreover, the handles of the spoons look to the right, and at the fork to the left, in such a way that it would be convenient to take them - the spoons with the right hand, the fork with the left hand.

Location of sandwich knife and teaspoon

Serving for a big breakfast with hot dishes

Let's analyze the situation with fried eggs and toast, although instead of it there may be porridge, for which you will need a different shape of the plate and an additional tablespoon. placed in the center of the intended location. A bread (pie) plate is placed at the top left, its size is usually 18 cm in diameter. A tea (coffee) pair is placed at the top on the right side. Please note that a teaspoon is placed on the edge of the saucer, a sandwich knife on a pie plate.

Location of hot breakfast appliances

Serving for dessert and tea

Often a friendly or business meeting at the table ends with tea. This is especially true of holidays and warm, family evenings. Serving cutlery for the "tea" table is simple. Individual items of utensils are arranged in a certain order. The dessert plate often has a diameter of 23 cm and is placed in the center of the intended place. A cake fork is placed on the plate, which has a characteristic thick clove.

Or at a dinner party, it can be difficult for an inexperienced person to figure out how to properly use all these countless cutlery. It won’t take long to get confused, remembering the purpose of several dozen forks and spoons. It will not be possible to study the rules for using cutlery immediately. The ability to eat aesthetically while maintaining a relaxed look is a whole art.
In order to study the table rules of etiquette, cutlery, their types, purpose, it will take time. People who have been taught since childhood definitely have advantages, but others should also start to understand this art.
Information: why and what all the cutlery is for, will help you feel more confident in any society, make it easy to make useful connections, and enjoy the most exquisite food beautifully.
There are two styles of table etiquette - continental(for Europe) and American. Each of them implies significant differences in behavior at the table. In the European style of etiquette, every movement of the hands, the position of the items left on the plate are important. According to one theory, it has remained unchanged since the 17th century. Other researchers argue that the Napoleonic era greatly simplified etiquette in favor of convenience.

traditional cutlery

Every item on the table has a purpose. There are several sets that are customary to use in a solemn setting:

  • Large dining set: contains the usual spoon, knife, fork, which is used to eat most dishes.
  • snack set: items in it are somewhat smaller than ordinary dining rooms.
  • dessert set: small in size, but the items are similar to ordinary ones.
  • Garnish forks: there are two of them, one has 4 teeth.
  • sauce spoon.
  • meat set: consists of 2 forks of different sizes with 2 prongs and a knife.
  • steak knife.
  • Salad spoons and salad tongs.
  • Fish set.

Cutlery serving

Correctly setting the table for guests is the task of the waiters or the owners of the house. The cutlery on the table is arranged in strict accordance with the order in which the dishes are served, so it is easier to navigate which fork and what to eat. Under each item you need to lay a napkin. Which side the spoon and fork lies on depends on whether the guest is right-handed or left-handed.
is needed not only for aesthetics, its purpose is also the convenience of eating. In accordance with cutlery, lying in a certain order, the rules should be clear: how and why to use them, why they are here. So guests can understand where the fork or knife is for fish, with which fork they eat salad. During meals, the mood of others, the atmosphere is very important. The location of food utensils according to etiquette has been determined for centuries, it serves as a good helper to look aesthetically pleasing and dignified.

How to properly hold a knife and fork according to etiquette

In which hand to hold a knife with a fork depends on the style of etiquette. According to American- You can eat pre-cut food with your right hand. The fork is first in the left hand, then the knife is put on the plate, and it can be shifted to the right. This method is convenient for everyone who is not used to frills while eating. You can take a knife only when necessary. It must be put aside on the edge of the dish.

The European style is more strict about which hand to hold the knife and which one to hold the fork. Do not let go of cutlery while eating. The fork must always be held in the left hand.
If the food does not require cutting, hold the fork correctly in the right hand and use it like a spatula to break off a piece of chopped steak or scoop up a portion of the side dish. This method does not require special skills. You can just eat soft food with a fork or.
The upper third of the cutlery handle must be clasped with the whole palm in order to eat them more confidently without risking dropping them.

There are 3 ways to hold the fork:

You can cut meat with a knife only towards yourself in order to avoid accidents. It is unacceptable to produce extraneous sounds by touching the edges or bottom of the dishes with appliances.

cutlery language

The knife and fork on the plate can tell a lot to the waiter. Gestures with two cutlery will help confident communication with the staff during the meal. After eating, put the knife and fork in parallel so that the dirty plate is taken away.
If you want to praise the chef, you need to place the items parallel to the edge of the table towards the left on your plate. You can put the fork and knife far apart, which serves as a signal that the guest is full, the food tastes good.
Signs of poor service cutlery can be filed in three ways:

  • Cross them by holding the knife between the teeth (did not like the food);
  • Objects are located with their handles up at an angle to each other (the attitude is unfriendly);
  • Items lie parallel towards the edge of the table (administrator call).

There is another flirtatious signal. Cross objects slightly. Above is a knife. This speaks of a great mood after a wonderful dinner.
To make the change of dishes faster, the objects must be crossed perpendicularly. This is a signal that the guest is in a hurry.
A sign of a pause so that the plate is not taken away will be objects crossed or located on the edge of the plate.

Dessert tableware

There are separate serving items for desserts and coffee. The tea ceremony of Europeans is not as complicated as the Chinese one, but cutlery must be put no less.

Tongs, spoon for sugar.

Cake spatula.

Cheese knife.

Spatula, tongs for baking.

Coffee spoon.

Fruit set.

Compote spoon. It is customary for her to eat boiled fruits along with syrup.

Sour cream spoon. She is as fat as a ladle.

dessert set.

Special cutlery

Some appliances are served only with certain dishes.

Lobster fork and lobster tongs. Break the shell with tongs. A two-pronged small fork is used to get meat from the claws.

Devices for black caviar. With the help of a special spatula, caviar can be safely transferred to a plate or sandwich.

Tongs and a small snail fork. They get tender meat from the shell.

Knife and fork for oysters.

Every day there are more and more restaurants in Tashkent, and offers to spend an unforgettable evening are more and more tempting. We offer you to immerse yourself in restaurant etiquette and learn some simple rules for competent restaurant service consumers. By stacking cutlery one way or another on your plate, you give various signs to the waiter, which can be caught and taken into account by competent staff.

Suppose during the feast you need to “powder your nose” or “breathe fresh air”, and you move away from the waiter’s line of sight. The duties of a waiter include maintaining order, cleanliness, and so on. In this case, to show that the plate and cutlery “do not need to be taken away!” - use a categorical gesture.

"You don't have to take it away!"

The work of a professional waiter is invisible to guests. Being under professional courtship, you do not even have time to notice how snack plates are changed, appliances are updated, snacks are laid out, drinks are topped up. Sometimes you just want to stop and take a break.

As for the "pause", there are several options:


1. Provided there is an abundance of goodies in your plate, you can use only free space on the rim. Based on this, we put the cutlery, with the blade touching the edge of the plate, with the handles touching the surface of the table. Knife on the right, fork on the left.


2. In the case of free space, put the knife and fork on the plate, the letter "L". The tip of the knife looks to the left, and the tines of the fork look to the right, while the handles of the devices hang over the table. The distance between the tines of the fork and the knife can be a sign that the dish was rather small in size, in other establishments the same dish is served in a larger output.


3. Classic regular pause. If you are only using a snack or dinner fork, then the fork will be on the right.

We make it clear that the meal is over and you need to move on to the next dish. There are several gestures to indicate this:

Finished the meal

Devices can be arranged, as on a clock, the time is half past six. This option is convenient for collecting used dishes: the waiter does not cross the guest's personal space.

Finished the meal

Lay the fork and knife parallel to each other, handles down. The tip of the knife and the tines of the fork should be pointing up. A large distance between the tines of the fork and the blade of the knife may indicate that the dish was large enough or satisfying enough to satisfy your taste buds for the evening.

Finished the meal

The following neutral option does not indicate the size in any way
of the dish served, may indicate that everything was quite harmonious. It is also convenient for waiters when collecting dishes.

“Looking forward to the next dish!”

If you are in a hurry, there is an option to show the staff that today the service will be fast, the serving of dishes and the collection of dishes will be prompt. Fold the fork with the knife cross over, with the knife edge to the left, the fork tines should look up.

“The dish is just excellent!”

If you were unexpectedly pleased with the served dish, and you do not want to leave the workers of the invisible front unattended, add up another not tricky combination. The waiter will definitely pay attention to the friendly gesture and will definitely bring good news to the cook.

"Did not like"

It also happens that the dish does not correspond to visual and taste representations. There can be many reasons, but the fact remains in your plate. Such symbolism will not be particularly pleasant for the staff, but there is reason to ask about the underlying reasons for such an assessment. The waiter can clarify the shortcomings and, after agreeing with the manager, there is a chance to leave a good impression of the establishment with a small decorated dessert from the establishment itself.

"Service was not good"

If you come across a waiter with a bad mood, moreover, he ruined it for you, there is an option that can make it clear that “the service was not to your liking!”. Such a gesture can be used if, when serving, they first brought the steaks, when the steaks were already half eaten, they brought the bread, and when the steaks were over, they brought the sauce to the steaks. It doesn't happen very often, does it? Based on the fact that the serving and attendants were the other way around, we put the devices of the “no need to take away” option and turn the plate 180 °. Devices can be directly put up by handles. After such an attitude of the service personnel to the guests, the location of the devices on the left or right is not taken into account. The very fact that the service is wrong is shown by inverted instruments.

"Lack of a friendly smile"

In the case of quite tolerable service, but lack of hospitality, in the process of eating food, you can make a demonstrative short-term pause to the attendants with the gesture “Not enough friendly smile!”. So you remind the waiters of hospitality, courtesy, goodwill and smiling.

"Bring the Book of Complaints"

The most “terrible” gesture of the language of cutlery is “bring a mournful book!”. As a basis, we take the combination “finished the meal” with a parallel arrangement of devices and figuratively turn it over 180 °. Devices can be placed directly on the surface of the dish with the handles up. Which device is on the left, which is on the right, in this situation it does not matter.

“I liked everything very much!”

If you were satisfied with the dishes, service and plan to become a regular guest, use the combination "I liked everything very much!". The only caveat of this position is that it is undesirable to insert the knife into the middle tines of the fork, as this will be interpreted as “I didn’t like the dish!”. To contact the blade of the knife with the teeth of the fork, you must use the extreme teeth.

“Everything is just wonderful!”

Finally, I would like to present a slightly flirtatious gesture, similar to a sitting girl in a “leg to foot” position. The most important thing is that this capricious person was 100% satisfied. They raised the tone and mood, and this is all thanks to the well-coordinated work of the whole team of the hospitable establishment. The guest can address this gesture as a token of gratitude to his companion.

Knowing such simple combinations of instrument locations, you can show your attitude to everything that happens, but also give signs to competent staff. The latter, in turn, will be able to quickly correct the situation, if it is still possible.

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The holiday begins with a feast! And no one will argue with that. We have long been accustomed to immediately recalling food, drinks and desserts when we talk about the past holiday.

If some kind of celebration is being prepared, they also first of all think about the festive table, various dishes. But the decoration of the table, the arrangement of dishes also play a huge role!

Beautiful table setting can completely transform the holiday, bring the event to a completely different level. At the same time, it is not supposed to arrange dishes, lay out forks and spoons in a random order. It is important to know a number of nuances.

Over the years, people have already managed to develop peculiar “formulas”, the observance of which ensures comfort at the festive table for everyone. Serving is a real art. Remember the basic nuances so that your table is really elegant. A few interesting ideas for decorating a festive table will always come in handy.

Basic rules for serving a festive table

We immediately note a few nuances. These rules are universal for any table setting, regardless of the occasion for the holiday. It is important to pay attention to the choice of serving items. They should reflect the thematic focus of the feast, fit into the interior and design of the room as harmoniously as possible.

Dishes, napkins, plates and cutlery should be selected according to color, shape and materials, design, so that all items create a single ensemble together. It is advisable not to allow dissonance. It is necessary to take into account the color of textiles: tablecloths, napkins.

It is worth remembering that the setting of the festive table is needed not only to create a pleasant atmosphere, a special festive mood, but also to ensure comfort. It should be convenient for each guest to use dishes, cutlery, napkins. For this, the placement of all objects is thought out, the optimal distances between them are determined.

There is and traditional sequence in which the festive table is usually served.

Vases with flowers will be a worthy decoration of any holiday table. Even at business lunches and official receptions, they are indispensable elements of table decoration.

Remember that cutlery and glassware need to be more than just clean. On a properly served holiday table, these items are sure to shine. To do this, they are first washed, then thoroughly dried, after which they are polished to a shine with napkins.

Plates for serving a festive table

Please note: the plates themselves can be real works of art, true table decorations. Sometimes it is they who determine the thematic focus of the feast. Therefore, approach the choice of plates and sets thoughtfully. For a solemn event, you can purchase dishes separately.

Of course, it is important to remember how arrange the plates correctly during table setting.

  • Smooth the tablecloth again, make sure that there are no wrinkles or litter on it. Start spreading. There should be plates in front of each guest. You can not put them on the very edge of the table. The approximate distance from the plate to the edge is usually two centimeters. Professional waiters instantly determine the desired distance from the edge of the table by placing middle and index fingers between it and the plate.
  • When the occasion is solemn, it is worth using the so-called "double plates". You first put a small dinner plate, and already install a snack bar on it. Since the plate should not slide, a napkin should be laid between the dishes.
  • There are also special pie plates, which are located to the left of the main ones. The distance from the pie plate to the diner should be 5-12 cm.
  • If the feast is especially solemn, all the edges of the plates are placed on the same line, clearly. So line up small and patty plates.

The centers of all plates must be placed in one line.

Arrange the plates correctly. Be sure to consider that there will be vases, salad bowls, and cutlery on the table. Each guest should feel comfortable, be able to move quietly without touching the neighbors on the table.

Cutlery for serving a festive table

Now it's time to learn how to properly place cutlery for a festive table setting. In ordinary life, we are accustomed to reducing the number of forks and spoons to a minimum, putting cutlery in random order. But for festive serving, this approach should be avoided. Remember all the nuances.

It is not necessary to lay out all the devices in a row. If the menu contains only snacks, you will not need cutlery. They are needed only for the second hot dishes.

All appliances should be perpendicular to the edge of the table, parallel to each other.

When dessert cutlery is required, they should be laid out in front of the plate. First a knife, then a fork and a spoon. The fork handle turns to the left, while the spoon and knife handles turn to the right.

Glassware plays a huge role on every table. Wine glasses and glasses decorate the table, become eye-catching decor details. At the same time, their practical function is also important. For example, the comfort of guests can largely depend on the shape of the glasses. Of some models, it is inconvenient to drink, some do not lie well in the palm of your hand.

Learn how to properly arrange glassware.

  • You can arrange glassware in the center, to the right of the plates. If the glass is placed in the center, it should be behind the plate. When you want to put the glass on the right, it should be placed in the place where the end of the first knife intersects with the top edge of the plate. Mineral water and juice are poured into this glass.
  • For fruit drink, kvass, you need to put a mug. The handle is turned to the right.
  • A glass, a glass for alcoholic beverages is placed to the right of the main glass. When the assortment of drinks is large, the glass should be placed on the left, and all glassware for alcohol should be placed to the right of the plate.
  • More than three items in one row should not be placed. This already creates discomfort, looks ugly.

The distance between glasses, glasses should be approximately one centimeter.

Glasses, glasses, wine glasses for table setting

The capacity and type of glassware depends on what kind of drink will be in it.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, it is customary to allocate a separate glass for each drink.

For vodka, an ordinary glass is placed, for fortified wine - Madeira. A separate glass is required for dry white wine. Champagne is poured into wine glasses, the capacity of which is 180-210 ml. If red dry wine is served, it should be accompanied by a special Rhine wine glass. Juices, water are poured into a glass, the capacity of which can be 250-350 ml.

It is great if all the glasses, wine glasses will be in harmony with each other.

Napkins also occupy a prominent place in the table setting. They are able to give the whole table a special look, create a thematic design. Interestingly, folding napkins is a whole science. You can create peacocks, water lilies, candles and ties from them.

It is important to select napkins by color, size, so that they are in harmony with the tablecloth, dishes, interior of the room in which the solemn event is held. Then the feast will be magnificent. It is believed that when setting the table, it is necessary to use cloth napkins.

It is good when they are in harmony with the tablecloth in color and texture. Sometimes they immediately purchase sets that include textiles for serving. However, original design solutions are also in demand. For example, napkins and tablecloths contrast. But with dishes, vases or plates, napkins should still be combined.

Napkins are used clean, starched. Usually a napkin is placed on a plate, you can put it on the right.

Cloth napkins are not customary to wipe your mouth. These accessories perform a decorative function, sometimes they are placed on your knees.

For hygienic purposes, use paper.

Festive table setting ideas

Tables are served differently. Any festive table can be given an extraordinary, memorable look, make the decor themed.

Table setting deserves special attention. for a romantic dinner. A woman will be able to capture the imagination of her beloved if she creates such a small miracle on the table. It is better to avoid too bright tones, stick to a few primary colors.

For example, red plates, napkins, flowers and candles of the same shade will be in perfect harmony with red glasses. A decorative heart, golden cutlery, white plates and transparent wine glasses, a snow-white flower vase fit perfectly into this serving.

The table setting in a marine style looks very original. It is suitable for lunch with family friends, New Year's breakfasts. A decorative light tree in a blue vase is placed in the center of the table, the surface of the table is decorated with a delicate blue cloth.

Transparent glasses are in perfect harmony with white plates and glass vases for dessert, light napkins. On the plates are small plates of bright turquoise color in the shape of shells.

The festive table for the New Year is also decorated in an original way. If friends decide eat before new year's eve, you can limit yourself to the arrangement of basic appliances, white plates and transparent glasses. The main decoration will be gifts in translucent fabric, placed on napkins in plates, and a festive composition of red candles and artificial pine needles.

The New Year's table is successfully decorated, when shades of brown, beige and green contrast in the serving. Bright Christmas balls in a white plate can become a real table decoration. Napkins are sometimes placed in the form of purses. So accessories become symbols of prosperity in the coming year.

, even very modest, also conquers with harmony. Plates can be placed directly on the table when it is so beautiful, made of natural wood. The red fabric in the center becomes a bright detail, balls lie on it, Christmas trees stand. The elegant rustic style captivates at first sight.

You can come up with your own ways of serving the festive table. Consider all the nuances, remember the rules. Then any solemn feast will be fine.

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How to properly arrange cutlery and dishes on the table.

So, you met everyone that should be on the table. But how to connect them all together?

The table is served strictly in accordance with the menu - this is the very first rule.

Devices with spices are installed in pairs, one device for two guests, the devices are placed at the level of crystal or glassware, between the serving items of two nearby guests. Spices should be dry and easy to spill out of salt shakers. Holes through which spices fall asleep must be securely closed with stoppers.

Salt and pepper can also be served in open salt and pepper shakers, with a spoon for spices placed on each device with a convex upwards. When serving banquet tables, salt and pepper shakers are placed on the tablecloth without coasters. Often, salt and pepper devices are supplemented with bottles of vinegar, hot sauces and vegetable oil. Mustard is usually not put on the table - it is served at the request of the guest immediately before serving the corresponding dish, always along with a spoon for mustard. Bowls for rinsing hands are put on the table if a dish is served that is eaten with fingers, such as oysters, artichokes, mussels, shellfish, etc. The bowls are half filled with warm water, a slice of lemon is dipped into the water, next to it is a napkin, which they wipe their hands with.