Masters in Scotland. Schools in Scotland. Early childhood education in Scotland

  • The 2nd largest administrative and political unit of the United Kingdom.
  • Arriving for training courses in Scotland, you will immediately pay attention to its isolation. It has its own church, legal system and parliament.
  • Scotland consists of about 800 islands.
  • The symbol of the state is the unicorn, which expresses the spirituality and moral purity of the locals.
  • Between the two islands of the country operates the shortest flight in the world, it lasts an average of 74 seconds.
  • Studying in English courses in Scotland for Russians, you will pay attention to the number of red-haired locals. There are 14% of them in the country.

Benefits of studying in Scotland

  • Favorable prices. The cost of courses in Scotland for foreigners is lower than classes in England or the USA, while the level of education is very high.
  • Entertainment all year round. About 350 festivals, beach holidays, clubs and restaurants known all over the world, museums and castles - in this country you can easily find something to your liking.
  • Well-established educational process. Unlike London and other famous British cities, education in Scotland is not so popular. In this regard, you are guaranteed small groups, personal attention and a minimum number of Russian speakers in the class.

English courses in Scotland: study programs

  • Vacation. These courses are convenient for pupils and students. You can come for summer, winter, spring or autumn holidays and spend your time with benefit.
  • Preparation for exams. This program is intended for those who plan to enter European universities.
  • standard courses. A program that will help you quickly start speaking and writing in English.
  • Intensive. Designed for those who are ready to actively work on the development of language skills and want to prepare for the delivery of a language text in a shorter time.
  • Business courses. A program for those who use English in the professional field.
  • language and hobbies. This program combines not only language classes, but also art, history, and sports.

At the age of five, children move to primary school (primary school) in schools in Scotland, at 12 years old they move to (secondary school), where they study until they are 15 years old. Foreign students, including Russian children and schoolchildren, can study only from the age of 7 years. In the primary and further into the secondary grades, students are engaged in basic disciplines, including some natural sciences, history, computer science, English and French. At the same time, each educational institution in Scotland has its own specifics in constructing the curriculum, and it necessarily includes sports, as well as creative disciplines such as drawing, playing musical instruments and even cooking.

At the age of 15, students must pass the final exam for the certificate of upper secondary education (which corresponds to the GCSE in the UK), thereby completing the first level of education (Nationals). Students then have the choice of either going to college for a vocational education or continuing at ages 16 to 18. After successfully completing this stage, graduates receive a Higher Grade certificate, which is enough for admission to.

The optimal way for Russian children, schoolchildren, and students to study in Scotland at a university is to first complete two final years at a school in Scotland or a college, and then complete the Foundation Course educational program. As a result, the applicant will receive an excellent level of preparation for entering and studying at the University of Scotland, improve their English proficiency and receive a high school diploma in Scotland.

The Scots consider their education (both secondary and higher) to be better than English and strive to stand out against the backdrop of the general British system. Differences appear in elementary school. Children in Scottish schools do not study for six years, but for seven and move on to secondary school at the age of 12.

From the age of 5 to 12, children attend primary school ( primary school). At the age of 12 they go to secondary school ( secondary school). At the age of 15, students take exams for a general certificate of secondary education Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE Standard Grade) corresponding to the English GCSE. After that, the student can either go to a college of further education, or continue at school for a Higher Grade. To do this, you need to study from 16 to 18 years old and pass exams in 5 or 6 subjects. This certificate is enough to enter universities.

To study in other parts of the UK or get into one of the top universities, you need to complete the so-called "sixth year" of school and get a certificate Scottish Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (SCSYS), which is equivalent to a common British diploma GCE A level. Now instead of the SCSYS certificate, graduates are issued a certificate Advanced Higher. It generally corresponds A level- Higher and Advanced Higher certificates are recognized by all universities in the UK.

Some schools provide an opportunity to take exams and directly to get an English A-level. Most schools for older children

In Scotland, there are 43 colleges for special or further education (similar to Russian technical schools). They offer academic and professional qualifications in most subjects, from entry level to diploma of higher education. In colleges, you can get a specialty in the following areas: information technology, the study of the basics of business, electronics, engineering, sports, tourism, interior and exterior design, health care, media, finance. After a year of full-time study here you can get Higher National Certificate, and students who have studied for two years become owners Higher Education Diploma.

Preparatory programs can serve as an alternative to college education Foundation. There is also a single Scottish International Preparatory Program SIFP, the successful completion of which gives graduates the opportunity to enter almost any university in Scotland.

The usual length of study at a university is bachelor degree- 4 years. The last year gives students the opportunity to receive a bachelor's degree with honors (Bachelor with Honors). The first two years they study a wide range of basic subjects, and then devote another two years to special disciplines in their chosen profile.

Basic course at a Scottish university (undergraduate) lasts 4 years. Curriculum flexibility is inherent in local universities. Students have the opportunity to study a wide variety of disciplines, even if they are taught in different faculties. Graduates can be awarded joint degrees, for example, in accounting and economics. Some educational institutions offer so-called (sandwich courses) aimed at gaining practical work experience while studying.

Entrance requirements for universities in Scotland

Entry requirements are quite high. Typically, the base level for applicants is 550 points in TOEFL or 5.5 points for IELTS. Some university departments require at least 600 or 6 points. And the medical and law faculties require at least 7 points. The most reliable way to enter a Scottish university is to study for the final two years at a Scottish school or college, complete the program Foundation Course. These courses prepare foreign students to obtain the Scottish Certificate of Secondary Education. At the end of the program, students take the state exams necessary for admission to universities.

The procedure for admission to Scottish higher education institutions is no different from admission to English educational institutions and is carried out through a nationwide service UCAS. The procedure for admission and paperwork should be started as early as possible: 1-2 years before the start of training. The margin of time will allow correctly choose university, realistically assess your capabilities, prepare and pass all entrance exams on time ..

In order to enter a Scottish university, one must not only know well, but know very well English. We recommend that you improve your language in courses in Scotland itself. Many language centers are members of the Scottish Consortium for the Teaching of English ( SELTIC), which controls the quality of teaching. Local schools offer a variety of options from general English to super intensive, exam preparation and university admissions.

The system of admission to higher education institutions in Scotland as a basic course ( undergraduate), and for those wishing to narrowly specialize in a particular field of knowledge (postgraduate), is as flexible as the entire system of higher education. Structure of education allows students to receive such a system of assessments, which is credited to them when moving from one educational institution to another. If a student wants to change the faculty or university, then the grades are counted in accordance with the conditions of the chosen educational institution.

Postgraduate education (postgraduate) available to all those with diplomas from recognized educational institutions around the world. In Scottish universities there is an intensive one-year master's degree program and a three-year advanced doctoral program.

Scotland is a country of ancient traditions and the latest scientific and technological achievements. Studying here is prestigious and promising!

By choosing to study in Scotland, you have made the right choice! A full range of educational services is at your service:

  • secondary education in Scotland;
  • language courses in Scotland (Edinburgh), offering several study programs;
  • summer language schools in Scotland (Aberdeen, Edinburgh and other cities);
  • higher education in Scotland (Glasgow).

Secondary education in Scotland

Proud Scots love to compete with stiff England in everything. This historical confrontation also affected the education system. Scottish students enter the middle classes at the age of 12, while the British are already at 11. Thus, the duration of education in primary school is 7 years, which is 1 year longer than in England. The Scots believe that the extra year in school is good for children.
Among private Scottish schools, schools with separate education have become widespread. The most famous school for boys, Merchiston Castle is famous for its rich Scottish traditions. In the process of difficult learning, students perfectly master the main subjects of the school cycle and foreign languages ​​\u200b\u200b(French, Italian, etc.). The school ranks first in the ranking of Scottish educational institutions. It is interesting because children study from morning until late at night. It is not easy to enter here: despite the large school load, there are a lot of people who want to.
Among schools for girls, the Scottish school of St. George in Edinburgh is popular. It has been leading its history since the 19th century. The original goal of girls attending school was to enter the University of Edinburgh. A century later, the school continues to function and actively cooperate with Merchiston Castle. Graduates of St. George's School pass exams with excellent marks and enter the best universities. The school practices an individual approach to each student. At St. George's School, both Scottish girls and boarders - girls from other cities and even countries study. The residence is located on the school grounds.

Language courses in Scotland

Learning English in Scotland is organized on the basis of the Regent Language Center, which is located in the country's capital - Edinburgh. Here you can learn English from scratch in the shortest possible time, improve your knowledge, learn spoken English in the UK itself. After the training sessions, the amazing beauty of Edinburgh awaits you with its monuments and castles, theaters and restaurants.
English teaching is also actively carried out by other schools located outside of Edinburgh. As a rule, small towns located in the picturesque corners of Scotland offer not only English language courses, but also a great pastime in nature. The colorful landscapes of Scotland and the hospitality of the Scots will not leave anyone indifferent.

Learn English in Scotland

Summer language school in Scotland is a great option to spend the summer with benefits for the mind and health. Clean air, beautiful weather in summer and an abundance of greenery have a healing effect on the body, strengthen the immune system. Schools accept children from 9 years old. It is important to note that many private schools are located in old mansions and castles, which makes a stay in Scotland a real adventure for children.
Standard school offers include about 20 English lessons per week and a great entertainment program. Halls and classrooms are well equipped, students can use the library. A mandatory item in each program is a visit to London and its attractions.

Higher education in Scotland

For those who want to study in Scotland at a college or university, all conditions for comfortable living, learning and recreation will be provided. Both British and foreign students study at universities in Scotland. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves a specialty to their liking.
In this harsh and mountainous country, a real oasis of wild nature, you can have a great rest and get fundamental knowledge in recognized educational institutions of higher education.
The Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland, located in the country's largest and most prosperous city, Glasgow, is especially popular. Here you can become a specialist in such interesting fields as optometry, computer animation, e-commerce and many others.
The cost of studying at universities in Scotland is available to representatives of various social groups. The acquired knowledge and skills allow graduates to find prestigious jobs in the best companies in Europe. The effectiveness of training clearly shows that Scotland is ready to offer education of the highest level for foreign students.

There are several reasons.

Unique nature. High giant mountains, lakes, untouched forests, endless fields and cliffs, from which a picturesque view of the sea opens, amaze with their beauty to the core.

Mild climate. There are no sudden weather changes in Scotland, so foreigners feel quite comfortable here.

Higher level of hospitality. The Scots are very friendly people. This is manifested in the attention of teachers to students, the care of curators about children and the attitude of ordinary citizens towards foreigners. They are ready to reveal all the best facets of their country to visitors.

Special atmosphere. For those who prefer peaceful tranquility and serene solitude, Scotland suits the best. Residents were able to preserve here a unique national flavor and identity. Ancient castles and palaces, unusual streets create an unrealistically fabulous atmosphere.

English courses in Scotland for students and adults

Basic. It is aimed at working out the 4 main language aspects - listening, grammar, reading and speaking. According to the intensity of classes, two types of courses are distinguished - Vacation and General English. The first involves 20 English lessons per week, the second - 27.

Intensive. Includes 35 lessons per week. Eight of them are aimed at developing special skills. It could be learning English for business or politics.

Preparation for exams. Upon completion of such a course, students successfully pass the FCE, CAE and CPE tests. Training lasts at least 10 weeks.

Studying on courses in Scotland for children

Vacation programs in the country are available for kids aged 8 to 17. The standard course of study includes 20 English lessons per week. The program "Medieval Scotland" also provides an acquaintance with the history and traditions of the country.