When and how to plant plums in spring and autumn. Plum: planting and care, pruning, reproduction, diseases, pests, photo. Yellow plum: planting and care Planting a white plum and care

Juicy, sweet, with a delicate taste plum is one of the most popular fruits growing in summer cottages. It can be eaten freshly picked, cooked from it fragrant jam, compotes and other preparations. At the same time, plants often become a real decoration of the garden - the plum blossoms very beautifully in late spring, and its trees are lush and easily create a cute and cozy corner in the garden for relaxation.

Plum is a genus of perennial shrubs and trees that belong to the Rosaceae family. It unites more than 250 plant species. Thanks to selection, varieties were bred from some species, which are now grown in summer cottages. They differ in color and size of fruits, ripening time, and sometimes in taste. The following are the most popular:

Large, dense, purple-red fruits. Variety early
The fruits are juicy, with a rich sweet peach flavor, round shape and bright yellow color. This early ripe variety is recognized as one of the best yielding yellow fruits.
Early maturing, winter-hardy and high-yielding variety. The tree produces large dark purple oval-shaped drupes, ideal for homemade preparations, since it is very easy to separate the stone from the pulp
It fully corresponds to its name, as it gives fruits a couple of years after planting, and they ripen at the very beginning of the warm season. Plums are reddish, large, juicy
The fruits are juicy, heart-shaped, have a rich dark red color. Mid-season, very sweet plum variety
An interesting mid-season variety that produces tasty medium-sized red fruits.
Late variety, which takes a very long time to prepare for the fruiting period after planting. The fruits are large, yellow, with excellent taste
A high-yielding, frost-resistant yellow-fruited plum variety that produces small but very tasty fruits.

There are a great many types of plums that summer residents cultivate in their garden plots. But they have a lot in common:

  • the fruit is a drupe;
  • pink or white flowers are collected in inflorescences or solitary;
  • leaves lanceolate, toothed.

Plum is cultivated almost throughout Russia, but it is rarely grown on an industrial scale.

This plant is not highly resistant to low temperatures, therefore, with sharp and severe frosts, there is a high risk of losing all the trees to a single one and being left without a crop at all.

We buy seedlings

It is best to buy plum tree seedlings in specialized nurseries for growing garden plants, since in spontaneous markets there is a high risk of running into a sick tree or being deceived and buying the wrong variety that you would like. In nurseries, plums are most often sold on the so-called seed rootstocks - these are rootstock plants germinated from seeds, to which a scion is grafted - another plant. Thus, we get the same tree, which will then give us fruits. Trees grown from these seedlings begin to bear fruit early and abundantly.

It is also sometimes possible to purchase self-rooted seedlings, that is, those that are grown from root shoots or cuttings. They are good because in case of freezing of a tree, it can be restored, and it is also convenient to grow seedlings on their own.

It is best to choose plum seedlings that meet the following parameters:

ParameterNumeric value
Age1-2 years
plant height110-140 cm
Barrel diameter1.1 to 1.3 cm
Trunk height before branching40-60 cm
Trunk diameter at 10 cm from the grafting site1.3-1.7 cm
Branch lengthabout 15-20 cm for a one-year-old and about 30 cm for a two-year-old
root systemAbout 4 roots from 25 cm long

Following this table, it will be more convenient to choose the right plum seedlings.

Conditions for growing plums

A plum tree after planting grows for about 7 years - at this time it bears fruit weakly. Then, at 12-15 years old, the most fruitful period begins, when the plant will annually delight you with a huge amount of juicy plums. Then the tree begins to age, and gradually the yield decreases. These are average figures, which largely depend on the plant variety. Before purchasing seedlings, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the existence of the plum - this will largely determine the rate of growth and development of the tree, the beginning of the fruiting period and productivity.

Plum is a photophilous plant, so find a well-lit and sunny place on your site. If it is slightly shaded in the morning or evening - it's okay, it will not harm the plum.

You should not plant a tree in a lowland - in spring or autumn, cold air can accumulate there, which is detrimental to the plant. It is good if the plum grows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fence or house, where it will be protected from the winds.

The ideal place for plum growth is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fence or house

Humidity is also a significant factor when growing plums. It does not tolerate drought well, but you should not plant it where the soil water stagnates. The soil should have good drainage and a pH in the region of 6.5-7.2.

You can not plant a plum near other trees - they will deprive it of the necessary amount of moisture

Plum planting in autumn

Plums are planted both in spring, starting from mid-April, and in autumn until mid-October. The main thing is that at least 25 days remain before the first frosts. The technology for planting plums in the fall is as follows:

Everything, the plum is planted.

When tying the plant, do not use wire - it can damage the bark of the tree.

Video - How to plant a plum

Video - We plant a plum

Taking care of the plum

Pruning of a plum tree is carried out annually, starting from the first year of life - thanks to this procedure, a neat and beautiful crown is formed. Old branches are also cut off - this is a healing pruning, which is done in April as needed.

In a fruit-bearing tree, it is important to thin out the fruits by removing part of them. The remaining plums will be bigger, tastier and juicier.

Since the plum is a heat-loving plant, it must be well prepared for wintering. To do this, the plant is fed, and the soil around it is well compacted. The tree trunk should be whitewashed with lime mortar both in autumn and in winter - this will help it to more easily endure temperature changes and weather variability in the spring and autumn. Lime mortar is prepared as follows: 3 kg of freshly slaked lime is mixed with 2 kg of clay and diluted in a bucket of water. It also saves well from frost and watering the plant. To protect the plum from birds that can peck at the buds, it is covered with a net for the winter.

It is not worth fertilizing the plum for the first 2-3 years - the fertilizers applied during planting will be enough for it. But then you should regularly apply both organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil around the trunk. In spring, nitrogen-containing complexes can be added to the soil; from the middle of the season, nitrogen-potassium and potassium-phosphorus top dressings are introduced. Before wintering, you can add a little organic matter and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

The earth around the trunk is periodically loosened and weeds are removed. It is also important to periodically remove root shoots, about 4-5 times during the summer. It appears at a distance of up to 3 meters from the mother tree. It is necessary to remove it, as the growth weakens the adult tree and reduces productivity. The procedure is simple: the soil is dug up to the place where the process is connected to the main root, and it is torn off. If the growth is removed in this way, then it will grow less often and more slowly.

Video - Preparing young trees for winter

A plum tree on the site allows you to get tasty and healthy fruits that you can not only eat, but also make jam, compotes, wine and jelly from them. Plum is a fairly unpretentious plant, so its cultivation does not cause any particular difficulties. The tree is easy to care for and does not require complex pruning. In order to count on a quick harvest, you need to know how to plant a plum.

Autumn planting plum

Although this tree is indeed unpretentious, it is very sensitive in the first few months after planting.

To increase the survival rate of the plant, one should strictly adhere to the transplantation technology, which was developed and tested by gardeners over many years of working with this fruit: planting a plum in the fall allows you to achieve a good survival rate of seedlings.

Selection of planting material

For plums, like absolutely any plant, certain conditions are important. Breeders have been able to develop many varieties that are adapted to different climates and soil composition.

In order for a tree to really have a high yield, you should choose varieties of seedlings that can survive in certain conditions. To do this, you need to ask about popular varieties in your area.

It is very likely to unknowingly choose a good variety that produces many fruits, but which is not able to withstand frost or local drought. By relying on the right variety, you can increase the chances of a good harvest and survival of the tree.

When buying seedlings, you should pay attention to the root system. It should be well developed, and the root itself should be dug out of the soil to the maximum.

You should not choose trees whose main root has been cut too close to the trunk.

It is desirable that the thickness of the tree be about 1-2 cm or a little more. For some varieties, seedlings, even at the age of two, can be thinner than 1 cm, so deviations as an exception are quite acceptable.

Autumn plum reproduction should take place during the period of cessation of the vegetative cycle, when the seedling has completely shed its leaves and prepared for the coming winter. It is best to plant plums in mid-October. For planting, you can use both annual and biennial seedlings.

Site selection and pit preparation

Before you plant a plum in the fall, you need to choose a good place for it. The tree will be on it for decades, and the future yield directly depends on it.

It is desirable that there are no competitors in the vicinity of the plum, sucking useful substances out of the soil. The place itself should be sunny or in partial shade. For fruit ripening, it is important to get a sufficient amount of light, therefore, with full shade, obtaining full-fledged fruits becomes impossible.

You can plant a plum in the fall with a minimum set, because the plants at this time are in a state of pause, therefore it is completely undemanding. All that is required is:

  • shovel;
  • seedling;
  • 3-4 kg of humus;
  • 10 liters of water.

Autumn planting of plums is accompanied by much less effort than spring. It is advisable to prepare a pit a few days in advance.

A hole is dug with parameters of 60x60 cm and with the same depth. The usual humus is introduced into it. It is enough to take it in an amount of 3-4 kg and mix it in a ratio of 1:10 with the earth from the pit. After that, about one bucket of this mixture is poured to the bottom of the pit.

When planting, the tree trunk falls into a hole on a previously poured hill of earth and humus. The trunk of the tree is set on top of the embankment, and the roots are spread evenly along its slopes. After that, the pit is filled up to the edge, and no more than 10 liters of water is poured on top to compact the soil.

A few weeks before the start of the first persistent frost, it is necessary to protect the seedling from freezing. To do this, cover the backfilled pit with straw and protect it from moisture penetration with sheet metal, slate or tarpaulin.

The tree trunk itself should be wrapped in a bag or film. Such a precaution will be needed only in the first year after planting. This will protect the seedling from freezing, so that in early spring it will be able to take root well and begin active growth.

Advantages of autumn planting over spring

All gardeners will think about when it is better to plant a plum in spring or autumn. Both methods have their advantages, but when using purchased material, it is the seedling planted in autumn that gives a higher survival rate.

This is due to a number of factors:

  • insensitivity to damage;
  • no impact during spring activation;
  • the soil is already compacted at the moment of awakening;
  • freshness of the material.

A seedling grown in autumn develops much better. It is able to start bearing fruit a season earlier than a tree planted in spring.

An important advantage is that the seedling bought in the fall was removed from the nursery at the time of the termination of the growing season. It does not react to damage to the root system when dug up for transplantation.

Seedlings that are sold in the spring can spend quite a lot of time with the seller. For this reason, the tree may begin to activate growth even before it hits the ground. This greatly weakens the viability of the seedling, and it begins to fade.

As a result, after planting, the plant gets sick and can often die or not be accepted at all. Of course, in the spring there is no need to take care of protecting the plum from frost, as it would be in the fall. The question of how to grow a plum from a spring seedling has its own specifics, which requires pre-soaking the tree.

plum care

Planting a plum tree in the open field and caring for it is not too difficult. With the arrival of spring warmth and the retreat of severe frosts, the tree opens from burlap or a film wrapping its trunk and branches.

With the first signs of awakening of the kidneys, you can proceed to periodic watering. To begin with, the soil around the trunk lends itself to loosening. Keep the soil around the trunk moist, but allow it to dry completely before adding more water. This will protect the root system from decay.

The first year of life, caring for a tree is quite simple. The main task for the gardener is to form the correct direction of growth. To do this, a stake is hammered near the trunk and the tree is tied up. By setting the right direction without slopes in the first year of the plum's life, you can achieve an even trunk.

To speed up the cultivation, it is possible during the summer drought to make a special solution of chicken manure at the rate of 1:20 once when watering instead of pure water. Just 10 liters is enough to reinforce the tree with the nutrients it needs.

Starting from the second year, watering with such a solution should be carried out 1 time in 2 months. When the tree trunk reaches 5 centimeters, this will mean that the root system has already developed sufficiency and the plum will be able to independently extract everything necessary for active growth.

Starting from the second year, from the moment of plum transplantation, in March it is recommended to carry out sanitary pruning of the crown. The top of the central part of the trunk is removed. This contributes to the growth of the crown in width, and not in height. As a result, harvesting will be possible without the need to use a long ladder.

In addition, branches are removed, the growth of which is directed inside the crown, because the fruits will not fully ripen on them, due to insufficient sunlight. As a result, they will become just a useless load weakening the tree. After removing the branches, the cut must be covered with garden pitch, which will reduce the loss of juice at the time the tree awakens to active growth.

Such sanitary pruning can cause a decrease in the active development of the tree, so you should try to remove branches to a minimum. It is advisable to do this no more than once every two or three years.

In the third or fourth year, the plum begins to multiply, so the first fruits appear on it. When this happens, the tree strongly draws nutrients from the soil. To avoid skipping the harvest for the next year, you should take care of the autumn top dressing after the end of fruiting. For this you will need:

  • 40 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium chloride;
  • 3 art. spoons of superphosphate.

Growing a plum is quite a simple task that can be compared to a peach, apricot or cherry. It is important to pay attention to tree planting and watering in the first year, after which care will become much easier and will be reduced to only annual autumn top dressing. On good soil, the tree may well do without additional manipulations and all that remains is to cut the shrunken branches in time, harvest and remove the fallen leaves.

In order for fruit trees in garden plots not only to grow, but also to bring tasty fruits rich in vitamins and microelements, you need to grow them correctly. Plum requires special care, so experienced gardeners strictly adhere to the basic rules for planting and caring for a tree.

In order for the tree to bring a good harvest, the inhabitants of the middle lane should choose plums with a short or medium ripeness period. Trees that are resistant to frost, drought and disease are highly valued. Many gardeners opt for the following varieties:

  • Yakhontovaya.
  • Early.
  • Chinese.
  • Giant.

These plums are also called early or fruitful. The described varieties tolerate long-distance transportation well, so they are planted in different parts of the world.

Having decided on the variety, gardeners must decide how to plant the plum. Plum planting in the ground is done in three ways: from the stone, cuttings and processes of the roots.

Of greatest interest is the process of growing plums from the stone. But this method of planting requires the most labor and time.

Growing from the bone

If you are going to grow a plum from a stone, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The process is labor intensive and requires patience.
  • Plum may differ from the "parent" in taste.
  • Not every tree planted in this way will bear long-awaited fruits.

If you decide to plant a plum from the stone, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • Bones should be taken only from juicy and tasty plums.
  • You need to plant several seeds at once.
  • Initially, the seed should be planted in a pot, and transplanted into open ground in the fall.

Before planting, preparatory measures are taken: the seeds should be hardened by placing them in the refrigerator for a day. It is necessary to set the temperature + 2 degrees. Then the bones are placed in a damp cloth and left for six months. The fabric with seeds needs to be moistened periodically. When the seeds swell and crack, it is necessary to plant them in the ground. The soil must be well moistened. After planting, the plum needs top dressing and good watering.

When choosing a plum seedling, be sure to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The sprouts should have a strong root system with 4–5 roots 25 cm or more in length.
  • According to the method of pollination, plums are divided into 2 types: the first ones pollinate themselves, the second ones definitely need a company of a different variety of plums in order to start fruiting. In this case, planting a tree away from other plums is not recommended, since close planting contributes to their pollination, without which the plum will not bear fruit.
  • Plum seedlings are grafted and rooted. The second type has the property of self-healing during frost.
  • Seedlings come with an open and closed root system.
  • There should be no stains or damage on exposed roots.
  • A healthy seedling does not show signs of drying out, the trunk and branches should be fresh and clean.

A tree with open roots should be well examined, its condition and size of the roots should be assessed, if the appearance of the seedling does not meet the above criteria, it is better to refuse to plant it.

Seedlings with a closed root system are already rooted in the ground, therefore they have a clod of soil, which does not allow assessing the size and condition of the root. In this case, it is difficult to make the right choice, since the actual state of the germ can only be assessed by its appearance.

Plum must be planted at strictly defined times: before the buds swell in spring or at the end of September.

Landing in the ground and the nuances of growing

Plum is a capricious tree, so the landing site should be treated with special attention. It grows in any suburban area, but it cannot be guaranteed that the plant will definitely bear fruit. The most favorable for planting plums are sunny places on the hills, well protected from the winds. It is preferable to land on a site near the fence from its northern part, in such conditions the seedling will be protected from cold gusts of wind and will have access to the sun from the south side.

It is necessary to plant the plum in fertile soil, preferably with a sandy or loamy composition, in addition, the tree gives a good harvest on alkaline soil. The landing pit should be made about half a meter deep and no more than 1 meter wide. Transplantation is carried out in moist soil, but care must be taken that there is no stagnant water in this place.

The distance between seedlings depends on the plum variety. For trees that spread widely, it is necessary to provide a free space of about 3 meters. If the variety is with a small crown, then the distance should be made smaller.

A plum tree does not need inorganic fertilizers; humus diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 2 will be an ideal top dressing for it. After planting, the fruit tree needs abundant watering with heated water. Plum is a plant that loves heat and light, so when choosing a place to plant, you need to pay special attention to these factors.

The plum tree is moisture-loving, so drying out is very detrimental to it. In hot weather, watering should be done once a week: 6 buckets of water for an adult tree and 4 buckets for a young one. A signal of a lack of moisture will be cracks covering the fruit. But it must be remembered that excessive watering is harmful to plums. With an excess of moisture, the leaves of the tree turn yellow and the top dies off.

In winter, you need to make sure that the snow around the seedling is no higher than 60 cm, excess cover must be removed.

Planting period

Since plum trees can be planted in spring and autumn, gardeners need to determine the most favorable period for themselves.

Each season has its pros and cons to consider.


Spring planting is preferred. For planting, you should choose stronger annual seedlings..

In the spring, the plum should be planted in warm ground, immediately after the buds swell. This is usually done in early April. If this time is missed, you can land a little later, in the spring this will not be such a serious mistake as in the fall.

Planting pits are prepared in the fall, they are dug out with a diameter and a width of 60 cm. If a tree is planted in a cultivated area, it must be dug up by 1–2 bayonets of a shovel within a radius of 1.5 meters near the landing site.

The place under the tree is prepared in advance - it should be sunny and high, humus with earth is poured into the hole in a ratio of 1: 1, a wooden stake or a straight stick is placed in the center of the recess, and then a seedling is tied to this support so that the rope does not press on the bark . When planting, the upper part of the root adjacent to the trunk is left 5 cm above ground level, after a while the soil will settle, and the roots will be on the same level with it. This is done so that the trunk does not begin to rot.

Plum is one of the most famous fruit crops. It came from Asia and spread throughout Europe, not forgetting Russia. This shrub is quite unpretentious and easily takes root. in summer cottages, however, you should count on a good harvest only with proper care and proper planting.

When is it better to plant a plum: we take into account the variety, climatic zones, season

The main rule of any planting or transplanting a tree- it must have time to take root before the onset of heat or cold weather, otherwise the whole year will be wasted.

In other words, you need to plant and transplant a plum:

  1. In early spring: it is necessary to plant before the start of sap flow and the appearance of buds, that is, already in April, as soon as the earth warms up. In this case, the plum will immediately begin to actively develop and feed, which will give it the opportunity to get stronger until the next wintering. Also, the advantages of spring transplantation include timing: if the gardener is slightly delayed with planting, he will not have to worry about the health of the seedling.
  2. In the first half of autumn, from the end of September to the 20th of October. It is important to have time to transplant 3-4 weeks before the onset of cold weather, otherwise the plant will freeze. Transplanting in the fall helps to fully prepare the garden for next year.

A plum transplant in May is possible, but undesirable: the tree will not have time to gain strength and is unlikely to bear fruit in the first year. Sometimes rooting can take up to two years.

The selected variety also affects the timing of transplantation.: for example, winter-hardy varieties can be planted immediately after the snow melts.

Just as important is the location: for the Moscow Region and the Middle Strip, the transplant dates described above apply. In Siberia and the Urals, it is worth doing an autumn transplant a little earlier, when about a month remains before frost, it is also necessary to stop at specially bred varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting

Transplanting plums in the fall has a number of advantages:

  1. The opportunity not to lose a year if the tree does not take root. If during the autumn transplant the plum fails to take root or suffers, in the spring the bush can be replaced with a new one without spending a whole year.
  2. No need to rush in the spring. In the spring, it is important to have time to plant a plum before buds begin to appear in it, but the earth does not always have time to warm up, and you should not forget about night frosts.
  3. In autumn, transplanting can be combined with other agrotechnical work without wasting time.
  4. Plum will receive a double "portion" of fertilizer - in the fall when transplanting and in the spring.
  5. Having transplanted the plum in the fall, the bush will immediately begin to develop in the spring, which will allow it to grow faster.

The disadvantages of autumn work include the inability to trace the plant. If in the spring the gardener regularly appears in the country and immediately pays attention to the problem, then in winter the tree will have to wait until the thaw.

Also, in some regions, winters are unpredictable (they can be too hot or, on the contrary, warm), which also affects the characteristics of transplanting and growing.

Choosing the time to transplant it is important to focus on your own comfort and climate. For example, if winter is not constant, and seedlings often die due to temperature changes, it is worth planting them in the spring.

Basic landing rules

Before you start transplanting, it is worth remembering a few important rules:

  • You can only transplant young trees, no more than 2-3 years old. At an older age, the plant is already developing a huge root system, due to which transplantation will be difficult;
  • when digging, it is important not to damage the roots, otherwise the bush will take an additional year to restore the system. It is best to transplant without cleaning the roots;
  • when transporting a plant from one place to another, it is important to carefully handle the roots;
  • when planting plums in the spring, it is necessary to prepare the pits in the fall, during autumn work - 2-3 weeks before they begin.

Step-by-step guide to outdoor planting, cultivation and care

A successful transplant depends on several factors, we have prepared for you a step-by-step guide to planting and caring for a garden plum seedling.

seedling preparation: It occurs in three stages. First you need to water the bush abundantly so that it is easier to dig it out. To do this, pour 4-5 buckets of plain water onto the plum roots.

Then you need to dig around the tree in a circle at a distance of 70 cm from the trunk, dig out a cone-shaped piece with roots and carefully pull out the plant, trying not to damage the roots.

If the tree needs to be transported, its roots should be wrapped with a bag or film, securing it with a rope.

Location selection: plum loves a sunny warm place with protection from the wind, without excess water and without stagnant melt water. Best of all, the plant takes root on moderately moist and fertile soils; clay soil does not suit it.

Other large crops should not grow near the shrub, otherwise they will pull all the nutrients from the plum and create a shadow.

It is also important to remember that the roots of the plant reach several meters - the distance between the trees should be at least 3 meters.

Articles that may be of interest to you:

  • The benefits and harms of plums for human health.
  • The best varieties of plums to grow in your area.
  • Plum care in the fall in the country.

Landing in open ground: The first step is to prepare the soil in advance. With an autumn transplant, this is done in 2-3 weeks, that is, at the beginning of autumn.

It is necessary to dig holes 70cm * 70cm * 70cm at a distance from each other. Then pour a layer of drainage (broken brick or stone) - this will help remove stagnant moisture.

After you need to pour a layer of compost and cover it with a thin layer of earth - this will protect the roots from an excessively strong action of fertilizers. The remaining earth is mixed in equal proportions with humus, 300 grams of wood ash are added and poured into the pit.

When planting in the ground, they dig a hole and carefully transfer the bush there, straightening the roots. Then the seedling is watered abundantly, and the ground is mulched.

When planting, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is 3-5 cm above ground level.

Aftercare: the first 2-3 years, the main care for the plum will be its growth and crown formation.

To do this, you need to regularly care for, remove the lower branches, shorten excessively long ones and thicken the crown. It is important to do this while the branches are young, then pruning will be painless.

Plum requires regular watering(about 5 buckets of water for each tree), loosening the soil and removing weeds. With a plentiful harvest, it is necessary to provide branches with props so that they do not break.

In the first year after planting, the plant will have enough fertilizer already applied to the pit, then you will have to feed it.

spring as a complementary food, you can use a solution of bird droppings or a cowshed, nitrogenous fertilizers are also suitable. autumn it is worth adding superphosphate or potassium sulfate - 100 grams for each plum.

Proper winter preparation

Preparations for winter must begin a few weeks before the onset of cold weather. Fertilizers must be applied for each plum: a bucket of humus, 200-300 grams of ash and 30 grams of superphosphate or potassium sulfate will be required per square meter of land.

Fertilizers should be lightly dug in, loosening the ground, and watered abundantly.

Then you need inspect the crown and trunk, removing all pests. Spoiled leaves and branches are cut and burned away from the trees, spoiled bark is scraped off with a scraper and a metal brush.

In the process of work, you need to be careful not to hurt healthy areas.

After leaf fall to protect against insects the trunk is whitened with a special solution from a store or a mixture of equal parts of lime, clay and cowhide. You can also add copper sulfate - 30 grams per liter of whitewash.

Just before frost the trunk is insulated with burlap or straw. If the winter promises to be cold, you can use slate or roofing material. If the bushes are still small, you can cover them with a bag or spruce branches on top, make a “hut” from the boards.

Any "shelter" must be carefully secured so that the wind does not blow it away. Soil under the tree spud and spread with manure.

Is it possible and how to transplant a plum in the fall?

You can only transplant young trees, up to 4-5 years old. Older trees have overdeveloped roots, which makes it extremely difficult to dig them out without damage.

Wherein plum is extremely sensitive to any wounds and because of this, it will take longer to settle down in a new place.

When transporting, you need to monitor the branches and roots: the first can be carefully tied with a rope, the second can be wrapped in a bag. The rest of the transplantation occurs according to the method described above.

At first glance, the plum may seem rather capricious and difficult to care for, but this is not true. Careful and careful care is mainly required by young seedlings. that are just starting to grow.

A few years later already the formed tree will require a minimum of effort- watering, feeding and warming for the winter.

Record How to plant a plum in the fall? first appeared Pro Farm.


Plum is a rather unpretentious plant, so its cultivation does not cause any special difficulties. To get a rich harvest, it is important to know how to properly plant and care for plums.

Plum seedlings can be planted in autumn or spring. Departure times vary by region. If the seedlings manage to take root normally before the arrival of winter frosts, then even in the cold season it will be much easier for them to grow and develop.

In the first months after planting, the plum tree is highly sensitive. In order to increase the survival rate of a plant, it is important to adhere to the transplant technology that has been repeatedly tested by gardeners: autumn planting of a tree provides a higher survival rate.

The circumstances of the autumn planting give her some advantages over the spring:

  • fresh planting material;
  • the soil compacted by the time the awakening began;
  • low sensitivity to damage;
  • no interference during spring activation.

A seedling grown in autumn develops much better. Its fruiting begins a season earlier than a tree planted in spring. It is also important that the removal of the seedling purchased in the autumn from the nursery occurred at the moment of termination of the growing season: there is no reaction of the root system to damage during digging for transplantation.

Seedlings sold in the spring can spend quite a lot of time with the seller. For this reason, the tree may begin to activate growth even before it enters the ground.

The viability of the seedling from this is greatly weakened, it may begin to wither. As a result, the plant begins to hurt after planting, may not be accepted and die. Growing plum from a spring seedling requires pre-soaking the tree.

The optimal time for planting plums is mid-October. In the spring, it is recommended to plant a plum in central Russia, since young trees during autumn planting may not have time to fully grow stronger and freeze in winter.

But if the climate is not particularly harsh, a plum tree can also be grown in the conditions of central Russia. In this case, top dressing should not be abused, which lead to excessive growth of branches and provoke a burn of the roots.

Selecting the best variety

For normal growth and development, a plum tree requires certain conditions. Betting on the right variety increases the survival of the tree and the chances of a high yield.

Thanks to the work of breeders, a large number of varieties adapted to different soil composition and climate have been bred. To grow a productive tree, you should choose varieties of seedlings that can survive under certain conditions.

To do this, it is important to know which plum varieties are popular in your area. There is a possibility of unknowingly choosing a productive variety that is unable to tolerate drought or frost in the region.

Modern varieties of plums are distinguished by a wide variety. The most popular among them:

  1. Belarusian - a small tree with a rounded crown and large sweet and sour fruits weighing up to 50 grams, begins to bear fruit in the 5th year from the moment of planting, at the age of 10 the yield reaches 30 kilograms per tree.
  2. The Hungarian common is a plum variety with an average size of the tree and the fruits themselves. It begins to bear fruit in the fifth year, the fruit reaches a weight of 30 grams. The variety does not impose special requirements on agricultural technology, it is distinguished by increased frost resistance. In practice, the maximum yield from one tree per season can reach 40 kilograms.
  3. Hungarian Italian - a medium-sized tree with fruits weighing 30-40 grams. Perfectly retain their shape in warm weather, and in cold weather they are prone to cracking. The harvest is irregular: this variety is characterized by early flowering, which at low air temperatures leads to weak fertilization. This variety begins to bear fruit in the 4th year.
  4. Large-fruited - a tall tree with a beautiful pyramidal crown and light yellow fruits with some redness. The size of the fruit is impressive, the weight reaches 65 grams. Approximately for 4-5 years, the plum tree begins to bear fruit. From a 10-year-old tree, you can collect about 25 kilograms of fruit with excellent taste.

In the middle lane, more intensive cultivation of plums is hindered by insufficient winter hardiness. It is for this reason that it is important to select frost-resistant varieties for planting and growing trees in this region.

Selecting a landing site

Before planting a plum, it is important to choose the best place for it. Do not forget that a tree will grow on it for decades, and future yields largely depend on it.

It is desirable that competitors that suck useful substances from the soil do not grow nearby. The landing site should be well lit by the sun, but partial shade is also allowed. Sufficient light is essential for fruit ripening, so it is not possible to produce full fruits in full shade.

For planting plums, well-drained, loamy, moist soils rich in nutrients are suitable. Trees planted on cold, heavy, alkaline, acidic, waterlogged soils develop poorly, bear fruit poorly, and often suffer from frost.

Dry sandy and saline soils, heavy loams are unsuitable for planting this crop. Clay soil prevents the plum roots from penetrating beyond the planting pit and into the depths, their location remains superficial.

Plum refers to moisture-loving crops, but does not tolerate excess moisture. The location of groundwater on the site should not rise above 1.5-2 meters from the soil surface.

Soil preparation

The soil on the site that does not meet the requirements necessary for growing plums must be deeply dug up, mineral and organic fertilizers, and sand must be applied.

To feed the future fruit tree, it is good to introduce rotted manure into the soil. The cultivation of the land for proper planting of the plum should be carried out to a depth of about 40 centimeters.

The choice of seedlings: what to look for?

One- and two-year-old plum trees are suitable for planting. When buying seedlings, you need to carefully examine the root system, which should be well developed, and the root itself should be dug out of the soil as much as possible. Trees with the main root cut too close to the trunk should not be selected.

The seedling should have a thickness of 1-2 centimeters or a little more. As an exception, deviations are quite acceptable: seedlings of some plum varieties, even at the age of 2 years, can be thinner than 1 centimeter.

In autumn, plums are propagated after the vegetative cycle has stopped, when the seedling has prepared for the coming winter and has completely shed its leaves.

Plum Planting Technology

Compared to spring, autumn plum planting requires much less effort.

It is advisable to prepare the pit in advance, digging a hole 60 × 60 centimeters in size and the same depth in a few days.

It is enough to add 3-4 kilograms of ordinary humus mixed with earth from the pit in a ratio of 1:10 into it. At the bottom of the pit, about a bucket of such a mixture is filled up.

When planting, the trunk of a tree is lowered into a hole and set on top of a mound of humus and earth, and its roots are evenly spread along the slopes.

After that, the pit is then covered to the brim with earth, and no more than 10 liters of water are poured from above to compact the soil.

A seedling after a few weeks, before the start of the first frost, must be protected from freezing. For this purpose, the backfilled pit is covered with straw and protected from moisture with the help of a tarpaulin, slate or sheet metal.

To wrap the tree trunk itself, use a film or bag. Such precautions will only be required in the first year after planting the seedling. This will protect it from freezing, so that it can take root well in early spring and begin to grow actively.

plum care

Caring for a plum after planting in open ground is not difficult. When spring warmth comes and severe frosts recede, the tree needs to be opened from the film or burlap with which its trunk and branches were wrapped.

In the first year of life, caring for a tree is quite simple. The gardener must provide the young plant with the correct direction of growth. For this, a stake is hammered near the trunk, to which a tree is tied. The correct direction given in the first year of the life of the plum allows you to achieve an even trunk without inclinations.

In the first year, it is important to pay attention to planting and watering the tree, after which it will become much easier to care for it. A tree growing on good soil can do without additional annual autumn dressings: you just need to trim the shrunken branches, harvest and clean the fallen leaves in time.

The formation of the crown of a tree is necessary for its proper development. The crown should be medium dense, the top should be open to illuminate the inner branches. The optimal tree height is about 2.5-3 meters. When the tree reaches 2.5 meters in height, you need to gradually bend the central conductor to the east side, tying it to the branch located below.

In case of a high yield and too much load of fruit branches on a tree, it is necessary to strengthen them with props. The points of contact between supports and branches must be insulated with rags, roofing felt, tow or other soft cushioning material. Otherwise, if the support of the tree bark is damaged, gum healing may begin.

trunk circle

The near-trunk circle, the size of which at the plum must be at least 2 meters, requires careful maintenance. The soil around the trunk should be loosened regularly, removing weeds in a timely manner. It is important to uproot the root shoots regularly: weakening the tree, it negatively affects the yield.

To slow down the formation of new shoots, it is recommended to remove root shoots 4-5 times per summer. The soil around the tree should remain moist, allowing it to dry completely just before the next watering. This will serve as protection against rotting of the root system.


Regular watering is one of the main components of good plum tree care. Periodic watering of the plum tree is recommended to begin after the awakening of the kidneys.

In the spring-summer period, you need to water the plum 3-5 times, using 3-4 buckets of water per 1 square meter. The intensity of watering directly depends on weather conditions, the timing of fruit ripening, and the age of the trees.

Watering is most needed for the tree after flowering, when the fruits are tied and the ovaries grow intensively. Also, the plum especially needs watering after the pits are formed.


After watering, the earth must be mulched with dry earth, straw or wood shavings so that moisture is not lost from the subsoil.

top dressing

To speed up the cultivation of a plum tree during a summer drought, when irrigating, instead of pure water, you can add a solution of chicken manure, prepared in a ratio of 1:20.

To reinforce the tree with the useful substances it needs, just 10 liters of such a solution is enough. It is recommended to water the plum every 2 months with such a solution, starting from the second year of life.

A tree trunk that has reached 5 centimeters indicates a sufficient development of the root system, so that the plum can get everything it needs for active growth on its own.

Plum begins to multiply at 3-4 years: the first fruits appear on it. During this period, the tree intensively draws nutrients from the soil. After the end of fruiting, you should take care of autumn top dressing in order to prevent skipping the harvest next year.

To prepare top dressing, you will need 3 tablespoons of superphosphate, 2 tablespoons of potassium chloride and 40 liters of water.

It is not recommended to use the same fertilizers throughout the season. It is important to consider that all fertilizers are absorbed faster by the tree in warm sunny weather. If it is cold cloudy weather, then their absorption slows down and the plants need to be fed less often.

A positive effect on plum trees is planting green manure in near-trunk circles every 2-3 years: phacelia, mustard, vetch, winter rye. During the autumn planting, which takes place from August 15 to 20, winter rye provides the root system with protection from winter damage and serves as a good green cover for the soil.

In mid-July, summer green manure is planted. Autumn siderates are embedded in the soil in early May, summer - in the fall, when their flowering period begins.

Green fertilizers are very effective in tree care: replacing the application of manure, they improve the physical and nutritional properties of the soil, increase immunity, develop the root system and the whole tree.


In March, in the second year after transplanting the plum, it is recommended to carry out sanitary pruning of the crown. At the same time, the top of the central part of the trunk is removed, which contributes to the growth of the crown not in height, but in width. As a result, harvesting can be carried out without the use of a long ladder.

In addition, it is necessary to remove the branches growing inside the crown, since due to insufficient lighting, the fruits on them will not fully ripen. As a result, they will become just a useless weight that weakens the tree.

After removing the branches, the cut should be covered with garden pitch, so that at the moment the tree awakens to active growth, the loss of juice is reduced.

Branches should be removed to a minimum, as sanitary pruning can lead to a decrease in the active development of the tree. It is advisable to do this no more than once every 2-3 years.

Pest and disease control

Diseases and pests cause great harm to plum trees. A full-fledged harvest cannot be obtained without regular and timely protective measures.

The fight against plum diseases and pests, sanitary and preventive measures must be carried out taking into account the phases of plant development that coincide with the most vulnerable periods of pest development.

In the spring, until the buds have blossomed, the overwintered nests of pests must be removed and burned. In the crown and under the tree, it is necessary to collect and burn dried fruits.

Crowns are recommended to be carefully sprayed with N30, using 500 grams of product per 10 liters of water. This spraying is aimed at the destruction of aphid eggs and mites, pathogens of fungal diseases, rose leafworm, fruit moth caterpillars.

To protect trees from larvae of leaf-eating pests, mites, aphids, sawfly larvae, spraying on a white bud (from the beginning of bud break to the end of flowering) with insecticides Aktara, Fufanon-Nova, Alatar, adding Abiga-Peak or HOM. All drugs are recommended to be used strictly according to the instructions.

In summer, with a two-week interval, 3-4 sprays are carried out against ticks, plum codling moth, pathogens of fungal diseases. For this purpose, Horus is used (3 grams per 10 liters of water) or Abiga-Peak (30 milliliters) in combination with Fitoverm and Fufanon-Nova preparations.

In autumn, you need to collect and burn dried leaves with nests of pests, fallen fruits. A well-organized system of protective measures, combined with careful care and the necessary agricultural technology, contributes to a good harvest of plums.