Generator set. Types of electrical generators and principles of their operation What is "swearing at Mother God"

It is generally accepted, and this is literally imposed on our consciousness, that the Russian language contains many obscene words, so that even a special speech can be distinguished - Russian obscene language, which is allegedly spoken by half of the population of our country. The Russians are credited with extraordinary rudeness in their statements, without which, they say, neither the army, nor medicine, nor construction can do in our country. Moreover, we ourselves seem to be sophisticated scolders, in contrast to civilized and cultured peoples, to which we reckon everyone except ourselves.

However, the special rudeness and craving for obscenities among the Russian people is a delusion imposed from the outside, and not at all our national trait, since the need for verbal insult exists among all peoples and people, and this is a reflection and embodiment of the universal human need to take revenge on the offender, to make retribution to the enemy, punish with offensive language. Each nation has developed its own forms of verbal revenge and punishment, although they sometimes do not seem to us, Russians, something really offensive.

So, for example, the Japanese, in whose language there are practically no offensive words, from our point of view, inflict insults on their enemies, deliberately not using the grammatical category of politeness, so characteristic of the Japanese language. In Russian it would sound like this. Instead of a polite request: "Please, open the window, please," we would simply order: "open the window," to a person whom we cannot address as you or a little known to us. Hindus and Kazakhs have retained a special way to offend a relative: intent on offending, they call him simply by his first name, and not by his family status - daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law. It's the same as if we suddenly called an elderly, respected person, whom everyone calls by his patronymic name "Vasily Ivanovich", Vaska. For the Germans, accusations of impurity and slovenliness are extremely insulting. They also exist among us when we call someone a pig or a pig, but for Russians this accusation is not too offensive. It turns out that a verbal insult is a refutation of what is especially dear and important to the people: for the Japanese, the distance between people is important and they keep it with the help of the grammatical category of politeness. For a Hindu or Kazakh, family relations are dear, and their destruction offends them. The Germans are the guardians of cleanliness and order, and they are offended by accusations of slovenliness. But all this does not seem particularly offensive or shameful to us. Our Russian forms of insult seem much more obscene and offensive to us. And this is all because it causes grief to Russians, that is, grief, and this is precisely the meaning of the word offend - to cause grief, painful insult, grief to a person - we are really saddened by completely different words that touch the strings of our national soul and make them tremble and cry. It is precisely in us Russians that these words evoke feelings of fear, shame and shame, because for us concepts that are stained by insult are dear and sacred.

What is "swearing at Mother God"

The most terrible insult for Russians is blasphemy, blasphemy against God, insulting the Mother of God and the saints, what was called "swearing at God the Mother." Even in unbelieving people, this caused a feeling of inner shudder, instinctive fear of God, and acted on a person as a severe blow, causing moral pain and shock. Blasphemy was severely punished in Russia. In the first article of the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, blasphemy was punishable by burning.

It is believed that thanks to such cruel measures, blasphemy has practically disappeared from Russian speech. But it's not. It has acquired special forms, which are expressed by the word "swear". Blasphemy in Russian is the worship of the devil, and in the living language the word devil is used more often in this meaning. Damn it, go to hell, the devil knows, the devil what, - all these are intentional replacements for the Name of God with the name of the enemy of the human race, whom believers have been wary of and are wary of remembering. In the old days, such blasphemy was rarely used. They evoked the same horror as direct blasphemy against the Lord, for the remembrance of the name of the devil in the minds of the Russian people, as well as of any people who have faith in God in their souls, called for help from unclean forces in the same way as the remembrance of the name of God called for action. and to the help of the Lord and his angels. That is why swearing was forbidden among pious people, it caused a shock to the soul, as well as a direct reproach to God.

But in the modern Russian world, where there is almost no genuine religiosity, the remembrance of the devil has ceased to be a curse. Since God and the Mother of God for the majority of the people is no longer a shrine, then blasphemy in the form of swearing, but in fact the worship of the devil and evil spirits, embodied in the images of the devil, goblin, "damn mother" and "damn grandmother", has become a common figure of speech, expressing our annoyance and annoyance.

How much we have lost the fear of remembering the devil's name is evident in the customary blasphemous reference to the devil in the expression "hell, what?". But before us is a question by which a person, renouncing God, seeks an answer and help from the devil. This phrase is essentially opposed to the expression "help, Lord," "give, God," "save, Lord." It contains an appeal in the ancient vocative case “line” and an interrogative pronoun “what”, put here in anticipation of an answer to the call of evil spirits. So, it turns out that, believing swearing to be a simple outburst of irritation, we are actually blaspheming, calling for help and haste not from God and his good forces, but from the devil and demons, under various names that have made their way into our language. Following the "damn what?" we multiply, madly, other questions to the demons: “hell, how?” and “hell, how much?”, “hell, who?” and “hell, why?”… But all these are forms of communication with evil spirits, or, in other words, blasphemy.

Swearing "what the world stands on"

Another terrible type of insult is swearing, which in ancient times was called “obscene barking”, likening swear words and expressions to dog barking. Swearing has its origins in the ancient worship of the Russian man to Mother Raw Earth, which, according to our primordial ideas, gave birth to us, wears us, feeds and waters, clothes, warms and after death gives the last shelter to our body. That is why there is an expression “to swear on what the light stands”, because the light stands and the world rests on Mother Earth. Mother Earth is an ancient shrine, which in the old days had to be touched with a hand before a person got up from sleep, so permission was asked from the Earth to stand on her feet. It was instructed to ask the Earth for permission to plow and sow, otherwise she, mother, would not give a good harvest. They swore an oath by eating a handful of earth, which, in case of a lie or violation of the oath, stood up like a lump in the throat. That is why we sometimes, without understanding for what purpose, say, assuring the interlocutor of the matter we need: "If you want, I will eat the land." Until now, the oath, so necessary in human relations, is connected precisely with the earth. Because of this, we speak, giving a promise to “fall through the earth to me,” that is, in the event of a violation of the word or a deliberate lie, we doom ourselves not to rest in the damp earth, but to fall into tartarara, into the underworld, into hell. Of the same meaning is the curse “so that you fall through the ground!”, which once caused righteous fear.

Mother Earth in the Russian picture of the world is similar to her own mother in caring for her children, therefore, swearing as an insult is addressed to the mother of the offended person and at the same time to the earth that wears him. The defamation of the mother in our ideas is the desecration of the womb that bore him, and the native land that nurtured him, and such words, if the offended one honors and loves his own mother, cause the same horror as the remembrance of the devil in a person who is deeply religious and sincerely believes in God . And although we have long forgotten the ancient rituals of worshiping Mother Raw Earth, for the most part we still love our mothers, and therefore our soul trembles and is indignant at swearing, and is overwhelmed with a sense of resentment.

Blasphemy and swearing are an insult to the two highest feelings in human nature - the feeling of the saint as our awareness of the holiness of our Creator in all His manifestations, and the sense of the sacred as an understanding of the place of our creation, the material from which we are created, this sacred is the mother and her prototype - Mother Earth. The Lord, according to the conviction of all religious peoples, created us from the Earth (in the word to create the root of zd means earth or clay). The earth is a place of power, a person lives and feeds on it in the physical sense of the word, and he certainly compares it in the depths of his soul with his own mother, who is sacred to us in the same degree. She gives birth to us, raises and nourishes us, and takes care of us until the end of our days. The sacred, like the holy, obliges us to veneration, reverence, saving from all reproach and desecration. And when a swear word is uttered with bad lips, accusing the offended mother of unchastity or fornication, then he experiences a feeling of shame and horror, which is inevitable when desecrating and desecrating everything sacred. In Polissya, there is still a belief that for those who swear, the earth burns under their feet for three years.

The veneration of the sacred Mother Earth was the strongest side of the pagan picture of the world. Our ancestors were in awe of springs, sacred groves, holy mountains. They welcomed the land awakening in spring, asked her permission to plow and sow, thanked for the harvest. Women rolled along the mowed stubble, saying: “Nyvka, nyvka, give me a snare” ... Christianity did not develop this tradition, but it did not prevent the peasant from revering Mother Earth as a nurse and benefactor. The sacred relationship to the earth was destroyed in the cities, where people did not depend on nature at all and relied only on the Lord and on themselves. And the last hundred years of persecution of the peasantry finally eradicated the class that revered Mother Earth as sacred. And then swearing ceased to be an insult for many. It has become the dirty speech of rude people.

So, blasphemy aroused the strongest fear in a person. It was the fear of the inevitable vengeance for the desecration of God's Name and for the invocation of demons and devils. Swearing, on the other hand, shocked a person, causing him a feeling of terrible shame. Shame, as you know, having the same root as the words to chill, cold, and in ancient times this word sounded like a cold, was an image of the strongest chills, a person seized with shame seemed to himself unprotected, lonely and naked, since he was deprived of the main primordial defenders - the Mother of the Raw Earth and the native mother.

Corruption of flesh and spirit

There is another type of strong insult in Russian - foul language, the use of so-called bad words denoting sewage, excrement, human organs below the belt and its physical functions. Such a perception of foul language was based on an ancient setting, through the language of introducing the concepts of good and evil into our picture of the world: in this case, the top meant good, the bottom - evil, and in this system the human body was divided into good and evil halves by the border of the belt.

Human organs below the waist were, and still are, unclean. And the wise men said this: "we are all half people, half cattle."

A person who is insulted with nasty words, calling them sewage or a reproductive organ, the back of the body, that is, shameful, obscene, vulgar words, experiences a feeling that in Russian is called the word shame. Shame arises when a person is verbally or physically exposed to people; etymologically, it means a feeling of horror, which covers when the forbidden is exposed. It is no coincidence that they say about someone who shames someone or shames himself - he is arrogant, he scoffs and curses. And thus our language emphasizes that the filth of the flesh is naked, freed from the cover and exposed in all its impurity for all to see. Today, however, profanity is far from being perceived by everyone as shameful language. People who have lost the idea of ​​their own pure and impure flesh also lose their squeamish attitude towards an unclean word, truly the filth of the flesh gives rise to the filth of the spirit, and the speech of a Russian person is more and more filled with impurities.

So the insult in Russian included three types of words that caused a kind of paralysis of the soul, severe shock, dumbfounded and offended - this is blasphemy, swearing and foul language. Blasphemy entailed a feeling of fear, swearing caused shame, and foul language gave rise to shame in a person. It was about these verbal insults that it was said that a word can kill. For such insulting words made a person seem to die, having experienced grief, and in essence this word - paralysis of the soul, since grief comes from the concept of squirming, that is, squirming and freezing in a crouched state. It is about the insult that the Russian proverb says: “The word is not an arrow, but it strikes more strongly.”

This is not to say that people today do not understand this at all. But swearers and swearers have become so rooted in their souls to dirty speech that even in a decent environment they find equivalents to them, directly referring others to an unclean meaning - numerous fir-trees, sticks, yoshkin cats, Japanese policemen, pancakes, which now cultural-looking ladies and gentlemen, and even children do not shy away from them - they do not mislead anyone around them. They are a disgusting phenomenon not only of dirty speech, but also testify to the dirty way of thinking of those who pronounce such euphemisms.

Scolding - verbal defense

However, in addition to insulting words, leading to paralysis of the soul, in the Russian language there are swear words that serve a person for the benefit. After all, the very word swearing means our verbal defense, in an effort to avoid a physical collision with the enemy and to manage when expressing our aggression with words alone. As they used to say, "a birch is not a threat, where it stands, it makes noise there." Indeed, it is better to curse the enemy with a swear word than to crack open his skull in the heat of the moment. This is how the warning worked: "Swearing - scolding, but do not let your hands free."

Swear words or verbal defense are very different from offensive words. Swearing has long been used as a form of warning the enemy that he will be attacked if he does not resign and surrender. Such is the custom of the Russian people. We do not attack the enemy from behind, as the steppe peoples do. We do not rush at the enemy suddenly, without warning, as is customary among our mountaineer neighbors. Russians tend to warn the enemy about an attack, and in this warning we, as a rule, put ritual words of vilification of the enemy - the same Russian abuse. The famous message of Prince Svyatoslav "I'm coming to you", which surprised his opponents so much, is an example of a Russian warning to adversaries about an impending battle. The generosity of the Slav warrior here was usually accompanied by ritual threats to the enemy, which did not so much demoralize the enemy as cheered up the scolding himself.

Indeed, the use of verbal abuse originates from the ancient military rite of humiliation of one's enemy before a fight. Such rituals strengthened in the fighters a sense of their own superiority over the enemy. The ritual of scolding was so obligatory in Russian everyday culture that there is a well-known saying on this score, coming from the audience interested in the fight: “It’s full of scolding, it’s not time to fight.”

The most important thing in such rituals is the renaming of the enemy from a human into an animal, and into an animal that is easy to defeat. Fearless, non-dangerous animals and cattle - a goat, a ram, a donkey, a pig, a fox, a dog - became the name of the opponents of the Russian warrior. They were used depending on what hurt the enemy more - the slovenliness of the pig, the stupidity of the ram, the stubbornness of the donkey or the harmfulness of the goat ... But the names of predators - the wolf and the bear, the confrontation with which did not promise an easy victory, were never used in the battle. They commemorated animals in the defensive battle in a collective sense: a creature or cattle are also universal renaming before a fight. With an exclamation of "Oh, you cattle!" or “Wow, creature!” We are used to throwing ourselves in hand-to-hand combat.

The renaming of a person into cattle was also important for the Russian because the Russian, kind by nature, was not ready to kill his own kind even in open battle. He needed not only to rename his opponent into an animal, but also to convince himself that he sees the enemy in front of him not in human form, but in the form of a beast. For, as Vladimir Vysotsky wrote, “I can’t hit a person in the face since childhood.” And so, in order not to hit a person in the face, this face was renamed in Russian into an animal image: this is how abusive threats were born - to fill the face, punch in the snout, clean the face, tear the mouth, cut into the mug, break the muzzle. All the words listed here are the naming of an animal muzzle - an inhuman appearance. By humiliating the enemy in this way with his threat, a person who prepared for a fight or a fight freed himself from remorse that he had raised his hand against a person. The enemy for him became like a beast.

There is a verbal defense and another way to rename the enemy before the fight. To justify his aggression, the fighter called the enemy by the name of a stranger, a person of a strange, hostile kind-tribe. Russian history has accumulated many such nicknames, imprinted in the memory of the language thanks to many invasions and wars. From the Turkic languages ​​​​the dunce came to us (from the Tatar bilmas - “he does not know”), blockhead (Tatar hero), balda and badma. This is the memory of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the subsequent hostile neighborhood with the steppes. The war with Napoleon was reflected in the words sharomyzhnik (French cher ami - “dear friend”) and trash (French chevalier). These words have gone through a complex history. They arose as a result of the superimposition of ancient Russian roots and French borrowings on each other. It was with the reliance on the Russian root in the word shushval (scrap, scrap, patch) that the word chevalier, denoting a French enemy, was rethought. This is how trash arose - the name of every worthless, good-for-nothing person. The French sher ami - dear friend was also rethought in our language with the help of the Russian root - shara (emptiness, gratuitousness), shar, na shara, (for nothing) in conjunction with the suffix -yg-, known in the words skvalyga, bastard, rascal. Sharomyga, sharomyzhnik, thus, became the ironic nicknames of a beggar and a nonentity. By the way, the word bastard has a similar formation. The Tatar root buldy (“enough”) is used here, and the drunkard means a drunkard who does not have the concept of “enough”, that is, the ability to stop drinking intoxicated in time. Let us also recall the shalopaya here: borrowed from the French language chenapan (scoundrel) was transformed into the word shalopai under the influence of the Russian naughty, mischievous, and began to mean an ordinary loafer.

Newer swear words for outsiders are the Greek idiot (special, different, alien) and the French cretin (stupid). For our language, they are also a sign of the inferiority of a person, his alienation from his native community, which allows you to use these words in verbal defense, taking the idiot and the cretin out of your circle.

Let's name another strategy of verbal defense, which was used by the Russian warrior and every Russian who prepared for a fight. In this strategy, it is very important to warn your opponent that he will be defeated and destroyed. It is for this that the words denoting carrion and carrion are used. These are the words of a bastard and a bitch, scum and a scoundrel, a bastard and an infection. Each of them expresses the idea of ​​the dead in a special way. If a bastard is something that fell dead to the ground, an ordinary carrion, then a bitch is a torn creature. It is no coincidence that a bear in dialects is called a scoundrel, which means tormenting prey. The vulture is also memorable - a bird of prey that feeds on carrion, tearing it to pieces. The enemy is called filth, comparing him with a creature frozen to death, and so is the bastard. In the word bastard, there is a comparison with dead foliage piled up in a heap, worthless garbage, as Vladimir Dal believed. And the word infection comes from the verb to infect (that is, to hit, kill), and denotes the infection of a person killed in battle.

So, verbal abuse is a real defense strategy, warning the enemy about an attack, humiliating the enemy and at the same time strengthening the fighter himself before the fight. Such is the history of the origin of swear words. But even today, swearing is acceptable and sometimes even necessary in speech. After all, it can fully throw out resentment at the enemy, exhaust the conflict with just a squabble and avoid assault.

Swearing - clarifying relations with neighbors

The Russian stock of insulting sayings is not exhausted by insulting and abusive words. The most important part of national life is swearing - verbal humiliation of our neighbors when expressing dissatisfaction with them and in the so-called "showdown".

In the Russian tradition of communication, which has evolved over thousands of years, the sincerity and openness of a person in interaction with his neighbors were especially valued. That is why we consider heart-to-heart conversation to be the ideal of communication, without which a Russian person shrinks in his own cocoon and dries up in soul. But the flip side of a heart-to-heart conversation - a sincere expression of dissatisfaction with our neighbors - we also really appreciate, calling it "showdown". Such communication is a heart-to-heart conversation inside out, it is accumulated grievances splashed out in the face, it is anger concentrated in a curse word that we call a relative or friend who has offended us. In Russian proverbs, such scolders are aptly compared with a dog that is changeable in temper, from ferocity to affection: "Hail, bark, dog, and lick yourself."

Abusive words, which in our language “sort things out”, are very diverse and colorful, because a person, swearing, seeks to speak out as brightly as possible, but at the same time not to offend, not to defeat, not to throw mud at. In the selection of expressions, the scolder, as a rule, proceeds from the assumption that his irritant is, as it were, not a person at all, he is a kind of empty place that does not have the main sign of a person - a living soul.

Such, for example, is the word fool, whose etymology is based on the concept of a hole - an empty place. Moreover, cursing, we like to emphasize that a fool is insane, headless, stupid. And we add stupidity to the fool, we affirm that the fool's roof has moved out, the attic without a top. Fools are called in different ways, refreshing the power of swearing with a novelty of form: here is an affectionate fool, and an irritated fool, and a good-natured fool, and an angry fool, and just a banal fool with a fool, as well as a dumbass and a dumbass. Voicedness is added by stable definitions of a fool - a fool is round, stuffed, inveterate. And if the fool is not quite a fool or pretends to be, then there are names for this - a half-fool and a moron.

Another abusive naming of the neighbor as a soulless object denotes different types of wood - here is a chock, often it looks like a “chock with eyes” or “a chock with ears”, and a block, and a log, and a log, and an oak with a club and a blockhead, moreover, for brightness the club is called stoerosovoy, that is, not recumbent, but standing, like a man. A tall and stupid person will also be called an oryasina - a long pole or twig. This is how good fellows are scolded. Let us also remember the stump, to which they add that it is old or mossy, so old people are reproached. Similar to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba man-piece of wood and the word dumbass, it from time immemorial meant a wooden pole and has the same root. Another wooden object reinterpreted as a curse is the shafts. Modern language adds bamboo and baobab to this list, and, having knocked on a piece of wood, we pronounce with a sense of our own superiority over the dumbass “hello, tree!”.

Curses with naming neighbors as shoes are also entertaining. Thus, we emphasize that before us is not a person, but only his shell without content - that is, again, without a soul. And in such terms, we select shoes that correspond to the social status of the person we scold. A boot - let's say about a dumb-headed military man, we will call a simpleton - a villager with a slipper and a felt boot, a wife will sneeze her own weak-willed husband with a slipper, and the latter with a slipper - his stupid wife, but in any case, we speak in the sense that we have before us a naked emptiness, an empty object .

The thought of one's worthlessness, uselessness is offensive to a person, and scoffers take advantage of this with pleasure. The Russian language has amassed a collection of worthlessness used in swearing. Here is the usual rubbish with garbage in addition, and more specific rags - torn clothes, and scraps - old shoes, as well as scum - unnecessary trash and garbage. There are amusing rarities in such swearing, but also worthless - oshurok (dried snot), shushval (scrap, shred). The word obormot stands apart here, it also denotes a worthless ragamuffin, and the sound similarity of a ragamuffin with a ragamuffin seems to be traced. However, the Russian rethinking of the German Ubermut (hooligan, prankster, naughty) took place in the obormot. The coincidence of the sounds of a ragamuffin with a ragamuffin and wast gave impetus to the development of a different meaning - a worthless reveler, squandered to the last dud. Similarly, at the end of the 19th century, the word ohlamon was formed, initially it correlated with the Greek ohlos (people) and literally meant “a person from the people”. But the bright coincidence of the sound of this word with the root trash gave rise to a new meaning - poorly dressed, slovenly.

Swearing addressed to loved ones is also characterized by the names of their animals, primarily distinguished by stupidity, harmfulness or worthlessness. A husband can call his wife a sheep, a goat or a chicken, and she, in revenge, calls him a goat or a ram. A harmful and capricious old man is called an old grunt (the word gritch is preserved in the Czech language and means an old dog), and a grumpy old woman is called an old hag (the word hag is preserved in Sanskrit in the meaning of a raven).

An important sign of intra-family swearing was the naming of one's neighbors by names of alien origin - dunduk (worthless, stupid) comes from the Turkic personal name, boobie (stupid, sloppy) comes from the Finnish personal name Oliska, pentyukh (clumsy, stupid) arose as a result of rethinking the Greek name (Pantelei - Pantyukha - pentyukh) when the sounds coincide with the expressive stump.

Let us pay attention to how large the number of such curses is - harmless, because they are not offensive, like blasphemy, obscenity and foul language, and do not threaten anyone, like verbal abuse. In such everyday swearing, each of us relieves nervous tension, irritation, which is usually caused by difficult circumstances of life or fatigue at work - “without swearing, you can’t do things”, “without noise and mash it won’t turn sour”. Here it is - the true purpose of Russian swearing - “to quarrel - to take your soul away”, which means to return to a calm state and really bring the matter to the end.

When we swear at our own relatives and friends, then there is great merit in such swearing. Psychological relaxation comes when a person uses all these funny names - boobies, dunduks, oryasins and peels, lumps and felt boots. For example, you will call your sloth-son a telep and you yourself will start laughing, presenting him as a clumsy bumpkin, teleporting back and forth to no avail. Or the wife in her hearts will shout to her husband: “Well, why did you get up like a dumbass!”, And he answered her: “Absolutely, a sheep, she got lost!” And it's funny, and not offensive, but instructive. Why they say in Russia: “They scold more, they live more humbly”, “they scold in happiness, they put up with trouble”, “their dogs squabble, don’t pester someone else”.

Psychologists have studied people's need for verbal discharge and found that when a person is constantly out of fear, or because of a good upbringing, or for some other reason, does not have the opportunity to express his negative feelings, his mind is darkened, he begins to quietly hate others, and may not only to go insane, but also to commit a crime or suicide. This state is called in Russian: "evil is not enough." “Evil” in verbal abuse should be enough in full, because this is the most harmless form of punishment or retribution for an annoying neighbor. After that, for both comes peace and tranquility. That’s why we all know: “scold is not smoke, it doesn’t eat eyes”, “scold doesn’t hang on the collar”, and, most importantly, “without beating your godfather, don’t drink beer either.”

So why, one wonders, have we forgotten many and many such well-aimed, sonorous, accurate abusive words, and instead of them, like a butt on the head, we cover our near and far with selective obscenities, curse at them and use foul language, while losing fear and shame and exposing showing off your own shame?

Maybe this is happening because we have long been living in a society where people have stopped worshiping God and His Most Pure Mother? And therefore, to blaspheme Them - to swear “in God the Mother” is not something terrible for many? Perhaps swearing is in use because all these hundred years, or even more, the devil has ceased to be considered an enemy of the human race? So, it also became not scary to enter into open communication with him, cursing? And after all, these same hundred years, during which we so quickly forgot God and knew the devil, people in our country stopped worshiping Mother Earth and neglected the holiness of motherhood in general. So the swearing did not cause shame, first in the face of their native land, then in the face of their own mother, and, finally, in the eyes of their own children. As for foul language, its impurities are no longer perceived as shameful, for people are accustomed not only to speak dirty, but also to think dirty. The thing is that we, in the majority of the people, get used to thinking dirty, or even not thinking at all, we use foul language and swearing as a reflex of discontent and indignation .. With gaps in thoughts and memory, as established by neurolinguists, people just fill gaps in speech with swearing, cursing and foul language. There is even a mental illness in which a person is completely speechless, but in order to attract the attention of others, the patient spews foul language and swearing. So unreasonably swearing and habitually foul-mouthed people are akin to the mentally ill and should be perceived as such in society.

So, the belief imposed today in Russia that Russians are some kind of especially sophisticated foul-mouthed people who don’t drink, don’t eat and generally don’t live in the world without a mat is slyness or delusion. Blasphemy, swearing and foul language a hundred years ago were considered unacceptable not only in an educated environment, but also among the common people. These words bore open evil, were dangerous for society and man, they were avoided, severely punished for them. Another thing is swearing and swearing, which turned out to be a help in sincere communication with neighbors and a way to prevent assault. Here, the well-aimed Russian word serves as a useful service to this day. This does not mean, of course, that we have the right to burn relatives and friends from morning to night, but it does mean that we must protect ourselves and all those around us from insults and foul language.

Tatiana Mironova

“A modern internal combustion engine is, by definition, not the most outstanding product in terms of technology. This means that it can be improved indefinitely ”(Matt Trevitnick, president of the Rockefeller family venture fund Venrock).

An engine with a free piston is a linear internal combustion engine, devoid of connecting rods, in which the movement of the piston is determined not by mechanical bonds, but by the ratio of the forces of expanding gases and the load

Already in November of this year, the Chevrolet Volt, an electric car with an onboard power generator, will enter the American market. Volt will be equipped with a powerful electric motor that turns the wheels and a compact internal combustion engine that only recharges a depleted lithium-ion battery. This unit always runs at the most efficient speed. This task is easily handled by a conventional internal combustion engine, accustomed to a much heavier burden. However, it may soon be replaced by much more compact, lightweight, efficient and cheap units, specially designed to work as an electric generator.

When it comes to fundamentally new designs of internal combustion engines, skeptics begin to wrinkle their noses, nod at hundreds of pseudo-revolutionary projects gathering dust on the shelves and shake the holy relics of four pots and a camshaft. One hundred years of the dominance of the classic internal combustion engine will convince anyone of the futility of innovation. But only not professionals in the field of thermodynamics. These include Professor Peter Van Blarigan.

Energy locked up

One of the most radical ICE concepts in history is the free-piston engine. The first mention of it in the specialized literature dates back to the 1920s. Imagine a metal pipe with blind ends and a cylindrical piston sliding inside it. At each end of the pipe there is an injector for fuel injection, inlet and outlet ports. Depending on the type of fuel, spark plugs may be added to them. And that's all: less than a dozen of the simplest parts and only one - moving. Later, more sophisticated ICE models with a free piston (FPE) appeared - with two or even four opposed pistons, but this did not change the essence. The principle of operation of such motors remained the same - the reciprocating linear movement of the piston in the cylinder between the two combustion chambers.

Theoretically, the FPE efficiency exceeds 70%. They can run on any type of liquid or gaseous fuel, are extremely reliable and perfectly balanced. In addition, their lightness, compactness and ease of production are evident. The only problem is: how to remove power from such a motor, which is mechanically a closed system? How to saddle a piston scurrying with a frequency of up to 20,000 cycles per minute? You can use the exhaust pressure, but the efficiency drops significantly. This task remained unsolvable for a long time, although attempts were made regularly. The last ones to break their teeth were General Motors engineers in the 1960s while developing a compressor for an experimental gas turbine car. Operating samples of marine pumps based on FPE in the early 1980s were manufactured by the French company Sigma and the British Alan Muntz, but they did not go into production.

Perhaps no one would have remembered FPE for a long time, but chance helped. In 1994, the US Department of Energy commissioned scientists at the Sandia National Laboratory to study the efficiency of onboard power generators based on various types of internal combustion engines that run on hydrogen. This work was entrusted to the group of Peter Van Blarigan. During the course of the project, Van Blarigan, who was well aware of the FPE concept, managed to find an ingenious solution to the problem of converting the mechanical energy of the piston into electricity. Instead of complicating the design, and therefore reducing the resulting efficiency, Van Blarigan went through subtraction, calling for help from a magnetic piston and a copper winding on the cylinder. Despite its simplicity, such a solution would have been impossible either in the 1960s or in the 1970s. At that time, sufficiently compact and powerful permanent magnets did not yet exist. Everything changed in the early 1980s with the invention of an alloy based on neodymium, iron and boron.

A single part combines two pistons, a fuel pump and a valve system.

For this work, Van Blarigan and his colleagues Nick Paradiso and Scott Goldsborough were awarded the Harry Lee Van Horning Honorary Award at the 1998 SAE World Congress of Automotive Engineers. The obvious promise of the free-piston linear generator (FPLA), as Van Blarigan called his invention, convinced the Department of Energy to continue funding the project up to the stage of the experimental unit.

Electronic ping pong

Blarigand's push-pull linear generator is a tube of electrical silicon steel 30.5 cm long, 13.5 cm in diameter and weighing just over 22 kg. The inner wall of the cylinder is a stator with 78 turns of square copper wire. Powerful neodymium magnets are integrated into the outer surface of the aluminum piston. The fuel charge and air enter the combustion chamber of the engine in the form of mist after preliminary homogenization. Ignition takes place in the HCCI mode - in the chamber, many micro-foci of ignition simultaneously occur. FPLA does not have any mechanical gas distribution system - the piston itself performs its functions.

Frank Stelser Trumpet

In 1981, German inventor Frank Stelser demonstrated a free-piston two-stroke engine that he had been developing in his garage since the early 1970s. According to his calculations, the engine was 30% more economical than a conventional internal combustion engine. The only moving part of the engine is a twin piston, scurrying around at a furious pace inside the cylinder. An 80 cm long steel pipe, equipped with a low-pressure carburetor from a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and a Honda ignition coil unit, according to Stelzer's rough estimates, could produce up to 200 hp. power at a frequency of up to 20,000 cycles per minute. Stelser argued that his motors could be made from simple steels, and they could be cooled by both air and liquid. In 1981, the inventor brought his motor to the Frankfurt International Motor Show in the hope of attracting the interest of leading car companies. At first, the idea aroused some interest from the German automakers. According to Opel engineers, the prototype engine showed excellent thermal efficiency, and its reliability was quite obvious - there was practically nothing to break. There are eight parts in total, of which one is moving - a complex-shaped double piston with a system of sealing rings with a total weight of 5 kg. Several theoretical transmission models for the Stelser motor have been developed in the Opel laboratory, including mechanical, electromagnetic and hydraulic. But none of them was found to be sufficiently reliable and effective. After the Frankfurt Motor Show, Stelser and his offspring disappeared from the view of the auto industry. A couple of years after that, in the press every now and then there were reports of Stelser's intentions to patent the technology in 18 countries of the world, equip desalination plants in Oman and Saudi Arabia with his motors, etc. Since the early 1990s, Stelser has disappeared from sight forever, although he the website is still available.

The maximum power of FPLA is 40 kW (55 horses) with an average fuel consumption of 140 g per 1 kWh. In terms of efficiency, the engine is not inferior to hydrogen fuel cells - the thermal efficiency of the generator when using hydrogen as fuel and a compression ratio of 30: 1 reaches 65%. On propane, a little less - 56%. In addition to these two gases, FPLA digests diesel fuel, gasoline, ethanol, alcohol and even waste vegetable oil with appetite.

However, nothing is given with little blood. If the problem of converting thermal energy into electrical energy was successfully solved by Van Blarigand, then the control of the whimsical piston became a serious headache. The top dead center of the trajectory depends on the degree of compression and the rate of combustion of the fuel charge. In fact, the braking of the piston occurs due to the creation of critical pressure in the chamber and the subsequent spontaneous combustion of the mixture. In a conventional internal combustion engine, each subsequent cycle is an analogue of the previous one due to rigid mechanical links between the pistons and the crankshaft. In FPLA, the duration of the cycles and the top dead center are floating values. The slightest inaccuracy in the dosage of the fuel charge or the instability of the combustion mode causes the piston to stop or hit one of the side walls.

The Ecomotors engine is distinguished not only by its modest dimensions and weight. Externally, the flat unit resembles Subaru and Porsche boxer engines, which provide special layout advantages in the form of a low center of gravity and hood line. This means that the car will not only be dynamic, but also well-controlled.

Thus, this type of engine requires a powerful and fast electronic control system. Creating it is not as easy as it seems. Many experts consider this task difficult. Harry Smythe, Scientific Director of the General Motors Propulsion Laboratory, states: “Free-piston internal combustion engines have a number of unique advantages. But to create a reliable serial unit, you still need to learn a lot about the thermodynamics of FPE and learn how to control the process of combustion of the mixture. He is echoed by MIT professor John Heywood: “There are still a lot of white spots in this area. It is not certain that a simple and cheap control system can be developed for FPE.”

Van Blarigan is more optimistic than his peers. He argues that the control of the piston position can be reliably provided through the same pair - the stator and the magnetic shell of the piston. Moreover, he believes that a full-fledged generator prototype with a tuned control system and an efficiency of at least 50% will be ready by the end of 2010. Indirect confirmation of the progress in this project is the classification in 2009 of many aspects of the activities of the Van Blarigand group.

A significant part of the friction loss in conventional internal combustion engines is due to the rotation of the connecting rod relative to the piston. Short cranks rotate at a greater angle than long cranks. OPOC has very long and comparatively heavy connecting rods that reduce friction losses. The unique design of OPOC connecting rods does not require the use of piston pins for the internal pistons. Instead, large-diameter radial concave sockets are used, inside which the connecting rod head slides. Theoretically, this design of the assembly allows you to make the connecting rod longer than usual by 67%. In a conventional internal combustion engine, serious friction losses occur in the loaded crankshaft bearings during the power stroke. In OPOC, this problem does not exist at all - linear multidirectional loads on the inner and outer pistons completely compensate each other. Therefore, instead of five crankshaft support bearings, OPOC requires only two.

Constructive opposition

In January 2008, famed venture capitalist Vinod Khosla declassified one of his latest projects, EcoMotors, a company founded a year earlier by John Coletti and Peter Hoffbauer, two recognized motor building gurus. Hoffbauer's track record includes many breakthrough developments: the first turbodiesel for Volkswagen and Audi passenger cars, the boxer engine for the Beetle, the first 6-cylinder diesel for Volvo, the first Inline-Compact-V inline 6-cylinder diesel, first installed in the Golf, and its twin VR6 built for Mercedes. John Coletti is no less famous among automotive engineers. For a long time he led the Ford SVT division for the development of special series of charged cars.

The total assets of Hoffbauer and Coletti include more than 150 patents, participation in 30 projects for the development of new engines and 25 projects for new production cars. EcoMotors was created specifically to commercialize Hoffbauer's modular two-cylinder, two-stroke, boxer turbodiesel with OPOC technology.

Small size, crazy power-to-weight ratio of 3.25 hp per 1 kg of mass (250 hp per 1 liter of volume) and tank thrust of 900 N m with more than a modest appetite, the ability to assemble 4-, 6- and 8-cylinder blocks from separate modules - these are the main advantages of the 100-kilogram OPOC EM100 module . If modern diesel engines are 20-40% more efficient than gasoline internal combustion engines, then OPOC is 50% more efficient than the best turbodiesels. Its calculated efficiency is 57%. Despite its fantastic charge, the Hoffbauer engine is perfectly balanced and very smooth.

In OPOC, the pistons are connected to the centrally located crankshaft by long connecting rods. The space between the two pistons serves as a combustion chamber. The fuel injector is at top dead center, and the air inlet and exhaust ports are at bottom dead center. This arrangement, coupled with an electric turbocharger, ensures optimal cylinder scavenging - there are no valves or camshafts in OPOC.

The turbocharger is an integral part of the engine, without which its operation is impossible. Before starting the engine, the turbocharger heats up a portion of air to a temperature of 100 °C for one second and pumps it into the combustion chamber. The OPOC diesel does not need glow plugs, and starting in cold weather is no problem. At the same time, Hoffbauer managed to reduce the compression ratio from the usual 19-22: 1 for diesel engines to a modest 15-16. All this, in turn, leads to a decrease in the operating temperature in the combustion chamber and fuel consumption.

Trojan horse

Already today, EcoMotors has three completely ready-to-produce boxer units of various capacities: a 13.5 hp module. (dimensions - 95 mm / 155 mm / 410 mm, weight - 6 kg), 40 hp (95 mm / 245 mm / 410 mm, 18 kg) and 325hp module. (400 mm / 890 mm / 1000 mm, 100 kg). Hoffbauer and Coletti intend to demonstrate an electro-hybrid five-seat mid-range sedan with an OPOC diesel generator based on one of the mass models already this year. The average consumption of diesel fuel in this car will not exceed 2 liters per hundred in combined electric and mixed modes. EcoMotors recently opened its own technical center in Troy, Michigan and is already looking for a suitable facility to mass-produce its motors. Despite the declassification of the project, extremely scarce information comes from the bowels of the company. Apparently, Vinod Khosla decided to hold off his killer cards for the time being.

Responsibility for the supply of electricity to the consumption sources in a vehicle with an internal combustion engine lies with the generator. Without it, it is almost impossible to imagine a modern motorcycle or car. In the article we will reveal the principle of operation of the generator, its main components and elements.

When the driver turns the ignition key, electrical energy is supplied to the starter. This device in the first seconds of the car is the only one that is powered by a battery (battery) and helps to rotate the crankshaft. After starting the power plant, the rotation of the engine is transmitted through a belt drive to the generator.

Almost immediately, the battery turns from a source into an energy consumer and begins to regain its charge. Now the generator with the engine running becomes a source of electricity.

The principle of operation of a car generator is that it receives mechanical rotational energy from the engine and converts it into electrical energy.

In the absence of this device in cars, there would not be enough for long-term work. But with the generator, not only the absence of discharge is obtained, but also the process of recharging. Its power is enough to operate all installed electrical appliances that affect the performance of the machine, as well as increase the comfort of the driver and passengers.

When several energy-intensive consumers are simultaneously started in the car, the generator power may not be enough, in which case the battery comes to the rescue. Thanks to such a connected system, the consumer does not notice the inconvenience, and both devices create the best option for the operation of the electrical components in the car.

Requirements for generator

The device and principle of operation of the generator impose certain obligations on the performance of its functions. The main requirements consist of the following items:

  1. simultaneous and uninterrupted supply of electricity to the necessary components, as well as battery charging;
  2. while the engine is running at low speeds, there should not be a significant charge from the battery;
  3. the voltage level in the network must be stable;
  4. the generator must be strong, reliable, low noise and not create radio interference.

Mounting and drive of the device

The drive in all cars has a standard form: a pulley mounted on the crankshaft is connected through a belt drive to a pulley on the rotor shaft of the device. The dimensions of the pulleys in the transmission are set from the need to obtain a given number of revolutions on the generator.

Block mount

In modern cars I use V-ribbed belts. With their help, you can transfer more revolutions to the generator rotor.

The device is attached to the block body in the engine compartment. A belt tensioner is also installed there. It is necessary to establish a high-quality transmission of rotation in order to prevent the belt from slipping along the pulley. Otherwise, the electricity will switch to the use of the battery, which will lead to its complete and imperceptible discharge.

It is customary to distinguish two groups of structurally different generators:

  1. devices with a fan next to the drive pulley are considered to be a traditional design;
  2. the design, in which two fans are installed in the body of the device, is considered newer and belongs to compact devices.

Generator device

The main parts of any generator are a fixed block - the stator and a rotating structural element - the rotor. The stator contains a winding of copper wires. It is fixed on both sides with covers, usually made of light aluminum alloys. On the side of the pulley mounting - the front cover, and on the side of the brushes - the rear.

A voltage regulator is installed from the back to the brush mechanism. There is also a rectifier. The covers fix the stator and are fastened together with several screws. The legs, with which the generator is attached to the car body, are cast together with the covers. In the same way, a stretch ear is obtained.

A bushing can be installed in the hole of one of the legs, which helps to adjust the installation of the generator on the bracket, choosing the required clearance. Also, the ear of the tensioning mechanism is equipped with several holes for installing the device on cars of various brands.


How the generator works depends on the quality performance of its functions by each of their blocks. The stator base is assembled from identical sheet steel elements up to 1 mm thick. If the base of the stator (package of plates) is made using winding, then the yoke of the block contains protrusions located under the grooves. For such bulges, the layers of the winding are fixed. Also, the protrusions help to better cool the entire structure.

generator stator

Almost all generators have the same number of slots. There are, as a rule, 36 of them in serial cars. Insulation is carried out between them using an epoxy insulator.


For automotive generators, the main distinguishing feature is the pole arrangement of the rotors. The winding of this knot is closed by two stamped metal bowl-shaped halves, with protruding beak-shaped petals. They are fixed on the shaft, as if clasping the winding with these petals.

Bearings are installed on the shaft, one of the shaft ends has a thread with a keyway and a seating surface for a pulley.

generator rotor

brush knot

This block has sliding contacts. In autogenerators, it is accepted to use two types of brushes:

  • electrographite;
  • copper-graphite.

In the first case, there is a periodic decrease in voltage at contacts with the ring. This leads to poor-quality operation of the generator, which supplies an unstable voltage in such a situation. However, they also have a positive effect, because there is less wear, unlike copper ones.

Rectifier blocks

There are two main types of rectifier nodes:

  1. in the first case, diodes are pressed into the heat sink plates;
  2. in the second case, structural ribs are used in which the diodes are soldered to the heat sinks.

heat sink plates

The closure of such plates is very dangerous for the entire car. The reason for this incident is the pollution that got between the plates. It can be conductive and short the positive side of the wiring to the negative.

A short circuit between the plates can cause a fire in the car.

To avoid such a development of events, each plate is individually coated with an insulating layer in production.


The design uses ball bearings. In the production of generators, they receive lubricant for the entire operational period. Roller bearings are sometimes used by American automakers. The pin side fit is usually an "interference" fit, while a slip fit is used on the pulley side. The reverse logic is used when installing the cover in the seats.

Dismantling the generator bearings

Turning from the side of the contact group of the outer race of the bearing leads to the failure of this mating pair (bearing / cover).

So, the rotor can touch the stator. To avoid this, additional seals are often placed in the lid: a plastic sleeve, a rubber ring.

Generator cooling

The operating temperature is lowered by means of fans mounted on the rotor shaft. The traditional design assumes that air is supplied to the cover of the device from the side of the contact group. With an external arrangement of the brush assembly, the cooling supply is carried out through a protective cover that closes the contacts with the brushes.

Cars with a compact arrangement of nodes under the hood are often equipped with a generator with a special additional casing. The intake of cold intake air is provided through its slots. In compact design generators, cooling is carried out on both sides of the covers by means of two fans.

Voltage regulator

Also, all modern generators are equipped with semiconductor electronic voltage regulators. The regulator provides heat compensation. The voltage supplied to the battery depends on the engine compartment temperature. The colder the air, the more voltage is applied to the battery.

A generator is a device that produces a product, generates electricity, or creates electromagnetic, electrical, sound, light vibrations and impulses. Depending on the functions, they can be divided into types, which we will consider below.

DC generator

In order to understand the principle of operation of a DC generator, it is necessary to find out its main characteristics, namely, the dependences of the main quantities, which determine the operation of the device in the applied excitation circuit.

The main value is the voltage, which is affected by the rotation speed of the generator, current excitation and load.

The basic principle of operation of a DC generator depends on the effect of the energy sharing on the magnetic flux of the main pole and, accordingly, on the voltage received from the collector with a constant position of the brushes on it. For devices that are equipped with additional poles, the elements are arranged in such a way that the current section completely coincides with geometric neutrality. Due to this, it will move along the line of rotation of the armature to the position of optimal switching, followed by fixing the brush holders in this position.


The principle of operation of an alternator is based on the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy due to the rotation of a wire coil in a magnetic field. This device consists of a fixed magnet and a wire frame. Each of its ends is connected to each other by means of a slip ring, which slides over an electrically conductive carbon brush. Due to such a scheme, an electrically induced current begins to pass to the inner slip ring at the moment when half of the frame connecting to it passes the north pole of the magnet and, conversely, to the outer ring at the moment when the other part passes the north pole.

The most economical way, which is based on the principle of operation of the alternator, is a strong output. This phenomenon is obtained through the use of a single magnet that rotates relative to several windings. If it is inserted into a wire coil, it will begin to induce an electric current, thus causing the galvanometer needle to deviate away from the "0" position. After the magnet is removed from the ring, the current will change its direction, and the arrow of the device will begin to deviate in the other direction.

car alternator

Most often it can be found on the front of the engine, the main part of the work is to rotate the crankshaft. New cars boast a hybrid type, which also acts as a starter.

The principle of operation of a car generator is to turn on the ignition, in which the current moves through the slip rings and is directed to the alkaline node, and then switches to rewinding the excitation. As a result of this action, a magnetic field will be formed.

Together with the crankshaft, the rotor begins its work, which creates waves penetrating the stator winding. AC current begins to appear at the rewind output. When the generator is operating in self-excitation mode, the rotational speed increases to a certain value, then in the rectifier unit, the alternating voltage begins to change to a constant one. Ultimately, the device will provide consumers with the necessary electricity, and the battery will provide current.

The principle of operation of a car generator is to change the speed of the crankshaft or change the load, at which the voltage regulator turns on, it controls the time when the excitation rewind is turned on. At the moment of reducing external loads or increasing the rotation of the rotor, the turn-on period of the field winding is significantly reduced. At the moment when the current increases so much that the generator stops coping, the battery starts to work.

In modern cars, there is a control light on the instrument panel, which notifies the driver about possible deviations in the generator.

Electric generator

The principle of operation of an electric generator is to convert mechanical energy into an electric field. The main sources of such power can be water, steam, wind, internal combustion engine. The principle of operation of the generator is based on the joint interaction of the magnetic field and the conductor, namely, at the moment of rotation of the frame, the lines of magnetic induction begin to cross it, and at this time an electromotive force appears. It causes the current to flow through the frame with the help of slip rings and pour into the external circuit.

Inventory generators

Today, an inverter generator is becoming very popular, the principle of which is to create an autonomous power source that produces high-quality electricity. Such devices are used as temporary as well as permanent power sources. Most often they are used in hospitals, schools and other institutions where even the slightest power surges should not be present. All this can be achieved using an inverter generator, the principle of operation of which is based on constancy and goes according to the following scheme:

  1. Generation of high-frequency alternating current.
  2. Thanks to the rectifier, the received current is converted into direct current.
  3. Then an accumulation of current in the batteries is formed and the oscillations of electric waves are stabilized.
  4. With the help of an inverter, constant energy is changed to alternating current of the desired voltage and frequency, and then supplied to the user.

Diesel generator

The principle of operation of a diesel generator is to convert fuel energy into electricity, the main actions of which are as follows:

  • when fuel enters the diesel engine, it begins to burn, after which it is transformed from chemical into thermal energy;
  • due to the presence of a crank mechanism, the thermal force is converted into mechanical force, this all happens in the crankshaft;
  • The received energy with the help of the rotor is converted into electrical energy, which is necessary at the output.

Synchronous generator

The principle of operation of a synchronous generator is based on the same purity of rotation of the magnetic field of the stator and rotor, which creates a magnetic field together with the poles, and it crosses the stator winding. In this unit, the rotor is a permanent electromagnet, the number of poles of which can start from 2 or more, but they must be a multiple of 2.

When starting the generator, the rotor creates a weak field, but after increasing the speed, a large force begins to appear in the excitation winding. The resulting voltage through an automatic adjustment unit enters the device and controls the output voltage due to changes in the magnetic field. The main principle of the generator operation is the high stability of the outgoing voltage, and the disadvantage is the significant possibility of overcurrent. The presence of a brush assembly can also be added to the negative qualities, which will still have to be serviced at a certain time, and this by itself entails additional financial costs.

Asynchronous generator

The principle of operation of the generator is to constantly be in braking mode with the rotor rotating ahead, but still in the same orientation as the magnetic field at the stator.

Depending on the type of winding used, the rotor can be phase or short-circuited. A rotating magnetic field created with the help of an auxiliary winding begins to induce it on the rotor, which rotates with it. The frequency and voltage at the output directly depends on the number of revolutions, since the magnetic field is not regulated and remains unchanged.

Electrochemical generator

There is also an electrochemical generator, the device and principle of operation of which is to generate electric energy from hydrogen in a car for its movement and powering all electrical appliances. This apparatus is chemical in that it produces energy by passing the reaction of oxygen and hydrogen, which is used in the gaseous state to produce fuel.

Acoustic interference generator

The principle of operation of the acoustic noise generator is to protect organizations and individuals from listening to negotiations and various events. They can be tracked through window panes, walls, ventilation systems, heating pipes, radio microphones, wired microphones and devices for laser pickup of received acoustic information from windows.

Therefore, companies very often use a generator to protect their confidential information, the device and principle of operation of which is to tune the device to a given frequency, if it is known, or to a certain range. Then a universal interference is created in the form of a noise signal. To do this, the apparatus itself contains a noise generator of the required power.

There are also generators that are in the noise range, thanks to which you can mask a useful sound signal. This kit includes a block that generates noise, as well as its amplification and acoustic emitters. The main disadvantage of using such devices is the interference that appears during negotiations. In order for the device to cope fully with its work, negotiations should be carried out for only 15 minutes.

Voltage regulator

The basic principle of operation of the voltage regulator is based on maintaining the energy of the on-board network in all modes of operation with a variety of changes in the frequency of rotation of the generator rotor, ambient temperature and electrical load. This device can also perform secondary functions, namely, to protect parts of the generator set from a possible emergency operation of the installation and overload, automatically connect the excitation winding circuit or alarm device emergency operation to the on-board system.

All such devices work on the same principle. The voltage in the generator is determined by several factors - current strength, rotor speed and magnetic flux. The lower the load on the generator and the higher the speed, the greater the voltage of the device. Due to the greater current in the field winding, the magnetic flux begins to increase, and with it the voltage in the generator, and after the current decreases, the voltage also becomes smaller.

Regardless of the manufacturer of such generators, they all normalize the voltage by changing the excitation current in the same way. With an increase or decrease in voltage, the excitation current begins to increase or decrease and conduct the voltage within the required limits.

In everyday life, the use of generators helps a person a lot in solving many emerging issues.

Gasoline and diesel generators are devices that convert the mechanical energy of rotation of the shaft of an internal combustion engine into electrical energy. They are used as a temporary or permanent power source.

When talking about autonomous devices that generate electricity, they operate with the expressions "electric generator" and "power plant". There is no clear distinction between these terms, however, when talking about power plants, they often mean quite powerful devices (over 15-20 kW) designed for continuous operation. When they talk about power generators, they mean relatively low-power mobile units used as a backup (emergency) power source.

The principle of operation of electric generators is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which manifests itself in the following. When a closed conductor rotates in a magnetic field, an electric current arises in it (electromotive force - EMF). The magnitude of the EMF depends on the length of the conductor, the density of the magnetic field, the speed of its intersection and the angle at which the magnetic lines of force intersect.

The device of gasoline and diesel power generators

In general, an electric generator consists of an internal combustion engine with all systems that ensure its operation (fuel tank, air filter, starter, muffler, etc.) and the generator (alternator) itself, consisting of a moving part (rotor, armature) and a stationary ( stator). In the generator, EMF is not excited in conductors rotating in a stationary magnetic field, as in the figure above, but vice versa - in stationary conductors (in the stator winding) due to the rotation of the magnetic field created by the rotor.

To create a magnetic field, the rotor can be made of permanent magnets (asynchronous generators) or have a winding that is energized to create a magnetic field (synchronous generators). And by changing the number of poles at the rotor, you can get the required voltage frequency (50 Hz) at different engine speeds. For example, to obtain a voltage frequency of 50 Hz in the circuit shown above, the rotor must rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm, and in the circuit shown below - 1500 rpm.

The three-phase generator circuit is not much more complicated:

Thus, when the rotor rotates by the internal combustion engine, an electromotive force is induced in the stator windings, which creates an alternating voltage in them, which is used to power one or another device - an energy consumer.

The figure below shows a 2.75 kVA compact gasoline generator.

2.75 kVA gasoline generator: 1 - frame, 2 - engine, 3 - generator, 4 - air filter, 5 - gas tank, 6 - muffler, 7 - panel with sockets.

Three-phase and single-phase

According to the number of phases and the magnitude of the output voltage, electric generators can be single-phase (220V) and three-phase (380V). At the same time, you need to understand that single-phase energy consumers can also be powered from a three-phase generator - turning on between phase and zero.

When using a three-phase power generator, the phenomenon of phase imbalance should be taken into account. It is necessary to observe an approximate equality (which differs by no more than 20-25%) of the sum of the powers of the devices connected to different phases, while it is necessary that the load on one phase does not exceed 1/3 of the generator power.

In addition to three-phase generators for 380V, there are also three-phase generators for 220V. They are only used for lighting. Turning on between phase and zero, you can get a voltage of 127V.

Many generator models can output 12V.

Synchronous and asynchronous

By design, generators (alternators) are asynchronous and synchronous. For asynchronous armatures, there are no windings; only its residual magnetization is used to excite the EMF.

This makes it possible to ensure the structural simplicity and reliability of the device, the closedness of its case and protection from dust and moisture. However, this is achieved at the cost of a poor ability to withstand the starting loads that occur when starting equipment with reactive power, which include, in particular, electric motors. Therefore, asynchronous devices are best used to work with a resistive load.

A synchronous generator has armature windings that are energized.

By changing its value, the magnetic field and, accordingly, the output voltage on the stator windings are changed. Adjustment of the output parameters is carried out using voltage and current feedback, implemented in the form of a simple electrical circuit. Thanks to this, the synchronous generator maintains the voltage in the network with greater accuracy than the asynchronous one and easily tolerates short-term starting loads.

The disadvantages of synchronous generators include the presence of a brush assembly on the rotor, through which current is supplied to it. During operation, brushes overheat and burn out, their fit worsens, resistance increases, leading to further overheating of the assembly. In addition, the sparking of the moving contact creates radio interference.

Modern models of synchronous generators are equipped with brushless excitation systems on a rotor winding. They do not have the disadvantages associated with the presence of a brush assembly.

Synchronous alternators are installed on most generators.

inverter generators

The principle of operation of an inverter generator is as follows. The alternating current leaving the generator (alternator) enters the rectifier unit (step 1, figure below), where it is converted to direct current (step 2). After smoothing the ripples (filtering) with capacitive filters (step 3), the signal is fed to the transistor or thyristor converter unit, where the direct current is converted back to alternating current (step 4).

Only now, getting even a satisfactory sinusoid at the output is not a cheap matter, manufacturers of inverter generators, saving on expensive components, create something at the output of their generators that only remotely resembles a sinusoid, and the cheaper the generator, the less the output voltage shape will look like to a sinusoid.

The form of tension depicted in blue is not an exception, but a ubiquitous reality. Not only a computer cannot be connected to an inverter generator with such a voltage, but also light bulbs. Before buying, you must definitely find out how close the output voltage shape is to a sinusoid, because. even the high cost and fame of the company are not a guarantee that the manufacturer has not saved on details.

The high quality of the output voltage waveform is achieved not only by the inverter, but also by the use of a three-phase generator instead of a single-phase one, since in this case, immediately after the rectifier (step 2), a much more even signal is obtained.

Usage correct Inverter-type gasoline generators contribute to the safety and long service life of all electronics that require high-quality voltage. In addition, these types of gas generators have low weight, small dimensions, reduced noise level. In addition to all the advantages, gasoline generators inverters allow you to control the engine speed depending on the load, which makes it possible to save fuel.

After all, most household generators operate at least 70% of the time with a minimum load. Conventional gasoline generators must maintain 3000 rpm in any mode of operation (so that the current frequency is 50 Hz). In the minimum load mode, although they consume less fuel, but only slightly. The inverter generator is devoid of this limitation and, at minimum load, can slow down to 1000-1200 rpm. Due to this, in this mode, consuming 2-3 times less fuel than a conventional generator. And due to the lower engine speed, the generator makes less noise.

The disadvantages of inverter generators compared to conventional ones are:

  • High price. If the price of an inverter gas generator is not much more than usual, then most likely there is no sinusoidal voltage at the output.
  • The absence (with rare exceptions) of models with a power above 7 kW.
  • Less reliability. As you know, as the complexity of the equipment decreases its reliability. Plus, the electronics of the inverter generator may not withstand inrush currents from the motors of the connected equipment, such as a pump.

Gasoline generators

Gasoline generators use gasoline engines as the drive. Gasoline generators are usually relatively light, compact, air-cooled, portable models with relatively low power (up to 10 kW).

They run on A-92 or A-95 fuel and are mainly used as a backup power source during a temporary power outage or to power a power tool in places where there is no power supply.

The resource of gasoline power generators is relatively small - 500-2500 hours (generators with a two-stroke engine have the smallest resource). However, some models that are equipped with four-stroke engines with cast-iron cylinders, overhead valves and oil supply to rubbing parts under pressure can reach a resource of 4000 hours or more.

Two-stroke and four-stroke. Gasoline generator engines can be two-stroke and four-stroke. Their difference is due to the general design features of 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines - i.e. the advantages of the latter in relation to the former in terms of economy and service life.

Electric generators with two-stroke engines are smaller and lighter, they are used only as backup power sources due to their low resource of about 500 hours.

Gasoline generators with 4-stroke engines are designed for much more active use. Depending on the design, their service life can reach 4000 hours or more.

The device of a four-stroke gasoline engine (Honda) with an overhead valve arrangement: 1 - fuel filters, 2 - crankshaft, 3 - air filter, 4 - part of the ignition system, 5 - cylinder, 6 - valve, 7 - crankshaft bearing.

Design features. The design features of the internal combustion engine (ICE) of a gasoline generator that affect its resource include the grade of material from which the cylinder block is made, the location of the valves, and the mode of supply of oil to rubbing parts.

Alternators with an aluminum cylinder block are inexpensive, but their resource is also small - about 500 hours. Engines with cast iron cylinders and side valves have a resource of about 1500 hours. Generators with internal combustion engines with cast-iron cylinders, overhead valves and oil supply to rubbing parts under pressure, in addition to a long service life (about 3000 hours), have reduced fuel consumption and low noise level. However, they are much more expensive than the first options.

The advantage of the overhead valve arrangement is due to the fact that it allows to reduce the surface area of ​​the combustion chamber and, accordingly, the heating of engine parts. In addition, the compression ratio is increased, leading to an increase in engine efficiency. The overhead valves are abbreviated as OHV (overhead-valve, see photo above).

Gasoline generators can be single-cylinder or two-cylinder. Generators with a four-stroke V-twin engine are powerful units.

Advantages and disadvantages of gasoline generators. In addition to relative lightness and compactness, the advantages of gas generators include low cost, lower noise level (than diesel ones), the ability to work without problems in the cold.

The lower noise level (an electric generator with a two-stroke gasoline engine is much noisier than with a four-stroke one) is due to the general features of the operation of a gasoline internal combustion engine. However, the gas generator is still very noisy, and a casing with sound insulation can make it quiet.

But the main advantage of gasoline generators compared to diesel ones is the lower price.

The disadvantages include a relatively low resource and increased consumption of gasoline (in comparison with diesel fuel in diesel generators).

As for the resource, it can be extended by timely and high-quality maintenance and the use of high-quality fuel. It is necessary to change oil, filters, candles in a timely manner, control the tightening of bolted joints, etc.

Diesel generators

The diesel generator uses a diesel engine as a drive. Diesel generators are mainly used during long power outages. It is in these cases that they maximize their advantages. However, if necessary, they can also be used as a backup for short-term outages.

Diesel generators have a wide range of power - from 2 to 200 kW and more.

The resource of their work is also impressive. It depends on the design and parameters of the generator (mainly on the number of revolutions and type of cooling) and can vary in a wide range - from 3000 to 30000 or more hours.

When operating a diesel generator, it is important to know that running at low loads or idling is detrimental to diesel engines. So in the instruction manual there may be a requirement not to idle for more than 5 minutes, and to work with a load of 20% for no more than 1 hour (the numbers may be different, for example 40%). This will start the generator at idle. There are recommendations, in the form of a preventive measure, every 100 hours of work to carry out a 100% load, lasting about 2 hours. Since fuel ignition in a diesel engine occurs due to high temperature at the end of the air compression stroke and fuel supply at the right time, and the average cycle temperature decreases at idle, this leads to a violation of the mixture formation process, combustion in the cylinder and incomplete combustion of the fuel. Which, in turn, leads to the formation of persistent deposits in the cylinder, exhaust manifold, coking of the nozzle, dilution of the oil in the crankcase by unburned fuel and disruption of the lubrication system.

Speed. According to the number of revolutions, diesel generators are divided into low-speed (1500 rpm) and high-speed (3000 rpm). The former have higher operational advantages. They have low fuel consumption and noise level, high resource. They are usually used as a permanent source of electricity in the absence of such. Their disadvantages include a high price.

Generators with high-speed engines have a higher fuel consumption compared to low-speed ones, an increased noise level and a shorter resource. Their main advantage is their low price.

The reduced resource of high-speed generators is explained simply. The intensity of wear depends on the number of revolutions of the shaft, the higher it is, the higher the wear.

Cooling. Engine cooling in diesel generators can be air or liquid. Air-cooled devices are mainly low power (up to 10 kW) generators with a speed of 3000. Liquid-cooled diesel generators (water or antifreeze) are large stationary models. At their core, these are power plants, usually they are low-speed (1500 rpm), but there are also high-speed ones (3000 rpm).

Diesel generator (15 kW) with liquid cooling. The engine coolant is cooled in a radiator blown by a fan

Advantages and disadvantages of diesel generators. Among the main advantages of diesel generators are high power, stable parameters of electricity produced, low consumption of diesel fuel (significantly lower than gasoline consumption of gasoline generators) and a long service life. It is worth noting the low fire hazard due to the type of fuel. It is these advantages that make them most suitable for continuous operation in the absence of electrical networks.

Among the disadvantages are high cost in comparison with gasoline generators, large mass, high noise level, harder manual start, inability to start in cold weather without preheating, inadmissibility of working with a load of less than 20-40%, relatively complex and expensive repairs. Although, with regard to the latter, this disadvantage may well be compensated by the reliability and durability of diesel generators. A high noise level occurs mainly when idling. When working under load, this disadvantage manifests itself to a much lesser extent.

The combination of disadvantages and advantages of diesel engines determines the scope of their application - i.e. high expediency of use as constant voltage sources and much less - as backup during short-term power outages.

If a diesel generator is operated for a long time as the main source of electricity, then in the end, due to fuel savings, it is able to save money for its owner - despite the higher price.

So a diesel generator for a summer residence, in most cases, is not an option. Since most often a generator for a summer residence is bought as a backup source of electricity and low power, and diesel generators are most effective as a constant and / or powerful source of energy.

Gas generators

According to the principle of operation and externally (they may have a gas tank), gas generators do not differ from gasoline ones. The only difference is that gas is used as fuel for the internal combustion engine.

There are several types of gas generators: those operating on liquefied gas (mixtures of propane and butane, abbreviated as LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas), on methane (on network gas, NG - Natural Gas), liquefied and network gas (LPG / NG), universal gas gas generators originally adapted to work on liquefied gas and gasoline.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas generators. Gas generators have some advantages over gasoline and diesel ones.

The resource of operation of the electric generator on gas is higher than that of gasoline. This is due to the fact that during the combustion of gas, fewer substances are formed that cause wear of engine parts, and the oil film is not washed off the working surfaces of the cylinders and pistons when the engine is started.

The work of gas power generators is easy to automate - due to the characteristics of the fuel. When generators are connected to the gas network, the need to replenish it disappears.

The disadvantages include the potential explosiveness of the gas and the need to use cylinders (or have network gas supplied).

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