Operation of buildings and structures, preventive maintenance of buildings and structures. Plans for current and major repairs Plan schedule for the repair of buildings and structures


from ______________20___ No. _______________

provision of services for technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures

According to the objects of the plan for 20____


(Name of specialized organization)

_________ Signing date "___" ________ 20___
Limited Liability Company "Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transport" (NII Transneft LLC), represented by ____________________________, acting on the basis of ______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the one hand, and ____________________ (full and abbreviated name of the organization), hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by ____________________________, acting on the basis of ______________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", and individually as the "Party", have concluded this Agreement as follows:


    1. "Bank Guarantee"- a document issued by the guarantor bank, which provides for the maximum guarantee amount for the service provided.

    2. « Date of entry into force of the Treaty» - date of signing (conclusion) of the Agreement by the Parties;

    3. "Customer" - An organization of the Transneft system concluding an Agreement for the provision of services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures with the Contractor.

    4. "Building"- the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional building system with above-ground and (or) underground parts, including premises, engineering networks and engineering support systems and intended for living and (or) activities of people, locating production, storage products;

    5. "Executor"- a specialized organization engaged by the Customer to provide the Services under this Agreement;

    6. "Calendar planon technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures» - Annex No. 1 to this Agreement, which establishes the terms for the provision of Services for the inspection of structures of buildings and structures;

    7. « An object» - production complex (pumping station, terminal, linear production dispatching station, production service base, etc.) with buildings and structures located on its territory, where services are provided under this Agreement;

    8. Organizations of the Transneft system (OST)– organizations carrying out, on the basis of the charter and/or civil law contract, activities related to: transportation of oil and oil products through main pipelines; production of equipment, pumps, electric motors and/or other technological devices for main pipeline transport facilities; ensuring the efficiency (operation), financial stability, security, social, informational and/or other support for the operation of facilities/enterprises of trunk pipeline transport, if in such organizations Transneft and/or its subsidiaries are founders or participants (shareholders), owning in aggregate more than 20 percent of shares (shares, etc.);

    9. "Reporting materials" (documents)- acts on the provision of documentation for buildings or structures, protocols for the control of building structures of buildings or structures, acts for conducting a technical examination of structures of buildings or structures, technical reports on the results of a technical examination of structures of buildings (structures) prepared by the Contractor based on the results of a technical examination of building structures and structures;

    10. « Contractor's staff» - employees of the Contractor and / or individuals engaged by the Contractor on the basis of a civil law contract to provide the Services or individual elements;

    11. « Customer Representative» – a person authorized by the Customer to perform actions on his behalf in accordance with this Agreement;

    12. Program for carrying out works / services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures- Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement, which determines the type, volume, composition of the Services provided by the facility;

    13. « Representative of the Contractor» - a person authorized by the Contractor to perform actions on his behalf in accordance with this Agreement;

    14. « Application» - a document containing any information regarding the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement, specified in the list of annexes to this Agreement and being an integral part of this Agreement;
1 1.15."Contractor"- any organization from among the subjects of small and medium-sized businesses specified by the Contractor in the application for participation in the procurement or attracted by the Contractor upon prior written agreement with the Customer to perform any part of the provision of services under the Contract;

1.16."Construction"- the result of construction, which is a three-dimensional, planar or linear building system, which has ground, above-ground and (or) underground parts, consisting of load-bearing, and in some cases, enclosing building structures and designed to perform production processes of various types, store products, temporary stay of people, movement of people and goods;

1.17. « Service provision period» - the period of time established by this Agreement, during which the Contractor is obliged to provide the Services provided for in this Agreement and hand them over to the Customer in the manner established by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

1.18. « ValiditypresentAgreements» - the period of time from the Effective Date of this Agreement until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under this Agreement;

1.19. « Side» - Customer and/or Contractor;

1.20. "Terms of Reference for works/services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures" - Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement, which determines the type, scope, composition of the Services provided, requirements for the execution of reporting documents of the facility.

1.21."Technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures"- a set of measures to determine and evaluate the actual values ​​of the controlled parameters that characterize the performance of the object of the survey and determine the possibility of its further operation, reconstruction or the need for restoration, strengthening, repair.

1.22.Technical report on the results of a technical examination of building structures (structures) - Appendix No. 6 to this Agreement defining the reporting forms for the Services provided, the requirements for the preparation of reporting documents for the Building or Structure;

1.23."Service"- performance of technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures of the Customer.

1.24."Operating organization"- the owner of the Object.

2.1 The Contractor undertakes, on its own and within the terms established by this Agreement, to provide services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements of the Terms of Reference for the performance of works/services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement), the Program for carrying out works/services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement), this Agreement, and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the Services rendered.

2.2 The list of buildings and structures subject to technical inspection, the timing of the provision of the Services, the volume, composition of the Services provided, the type of technical inspection, the requirements for the preparation of reporting materials are established by the Terms of Reference for the performance of works/services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 2 to this Contract) and the Calendar plan for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 1 to this Contract).


    1. The total cost of the Services provided under this Agreement is determined in the Cost Calculation (Appendix No. 4 to this Agreement) and amounts to _______________________ (__________________) rubles, including VAT (18%) __________________ (__________) rubles.

    2. The cost of the Services specified in clause 3.1 of this Agreement includes all expenses of the Contractor related to the fulfillment of obligations, including: expenses associated with the departure of the Contractor's Personnel to the Facility (facilities), sending documents, etc.
3.3 The cost of the Services specified in paragraph 3.1 of this Agreement may be revised upward or downward by agreement of the Parties, by concluding additional agreements to this Agreement, taking into account the requirements, in the manner and on the grounds provided for in this Agreement, if after the entry into force of this Agreement in taxes, fees and duties will be introduced, abolished or changed by the state authorities of the Russian Federation / constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and this will reasonably entail a change in the amount of the Contractor's costs.


    1. The Customer pays for the Services rendered on a per-object basis on the basis of the technical reports agreed upon by him based on the results of a technical examination of the structures of the building (structure) (Appendix No. 6 to this Agreement) and the Acceptance Certificate for the services rendered (Appendix 7 to this Agreement) signed by the Parties within 30 (thirty ) business days from the date of receipt of properly executed invoices and invoices.

    2. The Customer pays for the Services after providing security for the performance of obligations in accordance with Article 10 of this Agreement.

    3. In the event of a delay in the provision by the Contractor of a security for the performance of the Agreement (or the transfer of bank guarantees executed improperly) from the date specified in paragraphs. 10.1 and 10.2 of the Agreement, the Customer has the right to suspend payment for the products until the provision of properly executed bank guarantees.

    4. The Customer makes settlements with the Contractor by transferring funds to the Contractor's settlement account. The Customer in the settlement and payment document indicates the exact details of the invoice issued by the Contractor for payment.
The moment of fulfillment of the obligation to pay is the debiting of funds from the correspondent account of the Customer's bank according to the payment details of the Contractor.

4.5. The Customer, on the basis of the invoice issued by the Contractor after the conclusion of the Contract, within 7 (seven) working days from the date of its receipt, transfers to the Contractor an advance payment in the amount of 30 (thirty)% of the cost of the Services, provided that the Contractor fulfills the preconditions provided for in paragraph 4.2.

Payment for the actually rendered services is carried out by the Customer, taking into account the previously paid advance.

4.6. The Contractor, upon receipt of advance payments, issues an invoice to the Customer for the amount of the advance payment received in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

1 4.7. The Contractor is given the opportunity to assign the rights of claim under the Agreement in favor of financial and credit institutions (factoring) with the obligatory notification of the Customer within 3 (three) business days from the date of signing the Financing Agreement for the assignment of a monetary claim. A proper notice is a written notice signed by an authorized person on the part of the Contractor, with a copy of the Financing Agreement for the assignment of a monetary claim and notarized copies of the constituent and registration documents of the financial agent attached. If the Customer was not notified in the manner set forth in this paragraph about the transfer of the rights of the Contractor to the financial agent, the Contractor bears the risk of adverse consequences caused by this for him.


    1. The Contractor provides the Services in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the performance of works/services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement) within the time limits established by the Schedule for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement).

    2. At least 15 (fifteen) business days prior to the commencement of the provision of services under this Agreement, the Contractor, on the basis of the Terms of Reference for the performance of works/services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures, develops and submits to the Operating Organization a program of work/services for the technical inspection agreed upon by the Customer structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 3 to this Agreement).

    3. The operating organization, within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the Program for the performance of works / services for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures specified in clause 5.2 of this Agreement, reviews it, if there are comments, returns it to the Contractor with a list of comments. In the absence of comments, approves the received Program within the period specified in this paragraph.

    4. Within the time limits determined by the Schedule for the technical inspection of structures of buildings and structures (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement), the Contractor sends the reporting materials to the Customer:
– an act for conducting a technical survey in the form of Appendix No. 5 to this Agreement signed by the Operating Organization;

Technical report on the results of a technical examination of the structures of the building (structure) in the form of Appendix No. 6 to this Agreement.

    1. The Contractor who carried out the technical inspection draws up the Technical Inspection Report (Appendix No. 5 to this Contract) and submits it to the Operating Organization. The operating organization, within 3 (three) business days, reviews the submitted document, signs or returns it to the Contractor with comments and obligatory references to regulatory documents. Upon receipt of comments, the contractor within 3 (three) working days eliminates the comments, sends the revised / corrected document again to the representative of the Operating Organization and the Customer.

    2. The Contractor, after the completion of the technical survey, draws up a Technical Report on the technical survey of the structures of the building (structure) and sends it to the Customer, within the time limits specified by the Calendar Plan for the technical examination of the structures of buildings and structures.

    3. The Customer, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the technical report on the technical examination of the structures of the building (structure), reviews and approves it, returns it to the Contractor if there are any comments,
The Contractor, within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the list of comments, eliminates the comments and sends the finalized / corrected technical report to the Customer.

    1. After completion/adjustment by the Contractor of the technical report on the technical examination of the structures of the building (structure), the Customer re-examines the technical report within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of the revised/corrected report.

    2. The technical report on the results of the technical examination of the building (structure) structures shall be sent by the Contractor to the Customer in three copies on paper and on a CD (optical disk) in the formats “.doc”, “.xls” and a scanned image “*.pdf”.

    3. The Contractor shall not be entitled to use or transfer to third parties the reporting materials for purposes not related to the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement without obtaining the written consent of the Customer, except for the provision of reporting materials to Transneft.

    4. The Contractor, within 1 (one) business day from the date of approval by the Customer of the reporting materials, sends to the Customer 2 copies of the original of the Acceptance Certificate of Services Rendered (Appendix No. 7 to this Agreement), signed by the Customer, and a copy of the Acceptance Certificate of Services Rendered by fax or scanned to email _______________ Customer. In the case of sending a copy of the Acceptance Certificate for Services Rendered, the Contractor shall arrange delivery to the Customer of the original Acceptance Certificate for Services Rendered in a manner that guarantees its receipt by the Customer no later than the 7th (seventh) day of the month following the reporting month.

    5. The Customer reviews the Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered (Appendix No. 7) and, in the absence of claims (comments), signs the Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered and sends to the Contractor one copy of the signed Certificate, including by fax or in a scanned form to the email address _______________ ________ Contractor, in the following terms:
- documents dated from 01 to 10, - by the 14th of the reporting month;

Documents dated from the 11th to the 20th - by the 24th of the reporting month;

Documents dated from the 21st to the 31st - no later than the 03rd of the month following the reporting one.

    1. The Contractor, within 4 (four) calendar days after the Customer signs the Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered, provides the Customer with an invoice and an invoice or a copy thereof, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If a copy of the invoice or invoice is provided, the Contractor shall arrange for the delivery of the original invoice and invoice to the Customer in a manner that guarantees its receipt by the Customer no later than the 14th day of the month following the reporting month.

    2. Upon receipt of the original of the Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered, if the Customer signs a copy of it, the Customer arranges for the signing of the original Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered, sending one copy of the signed Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered to the Contractor.

    3. In the event that the Customer has claims to the Services rendered, the Customer sends a reasoned refusal to the Contractor to the Certificate of Acceptance of the Services Rendered. When the Customer sends a reasoned refusal to sign the Acceptance Certificate for the services rendered, the Parties draw up a Protocol to correct the Customer's comments, indicating the deadlines for eliminating the identified deficiencies.

#cs #repair #structures

Maintenance should be carried out at intervals that ensure the efficiency of the operation of the building and structure from the moment of completion of its construction or overhaul until the moment it is put on the next overhaul. At the same time, natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and mode of operation of the facility should be taken into account.

The recommended maintenance interval is 2 to 5 years. This period is the most effective in the operation of the building and structure. All objects of the Ministry of Defense, as well as those leased from the local administration or other departments, are subject to current repairs.

Maintenance works are divided into planned and unforeseen. Scheduled repairs are carried out according to a pre-compiled annual plan. Unforeseen repairs are carried out during the operation of the facility and include work, the delay of which cannot be allowed without prejudice to the safety and normal technical operation.

The basis for ensuring the safety and compliance with the functional purpose of the building and structure is scheduled maintenance. In dilapidated buildings and facilities subject to demolition, the necessary maintenance may be carried out annually. This must be done to ensure normal living and working conditions before the deadline for major repairs (reconstruction) or demolition of the building.

Maintenance work, as a rule, is carried out by third-party organizations, upon the submission of military units and the decision of the Department for Operational Maintenance and Provision of Public Services to Military Units and Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. That is, current repairs are contracted, because various contracting organizations are involved. However, in some cases, repairs can be carried out by civilian personnel or personnel of a military unit.

When carrying out current repairs, the possibilities of attracting the internal resources of the military unit in which repairs are being carried out should be taken into account.

These resources are:

Work performed by military personnel, as well as by residents;
- transport and mechanisms allocated by the military unit free of charge;
- materials and products obtained from dismantling;
- local building materials (gravel, sand, clay, lime, chalk, etc.);
- the possibilities of the military unit and the management of houses to provide the work of military personnel with material resources.

Planned costs for current repairs at the expense of internal resources are determined depending on the natural and climatic conditions of the region. For current repair work performed at the expense of internal resources, a separate act of acceptance of work is drawn up. These works are not paid.

To account for the forces and means of internal resources and the actual costs of current repairs at the expense of internal resources, a register is kept in military units.

The main document, according to which the planned current repair is carried out, is the Plan of economic activity of the part for the year. The annual plan (with the distribution of objects by quarters) is compiled taking into account the results of inspections. This takes into account the estimate and technical documentation for current repairs, measures to prepare buildings and structures for operation in seasonal conditions. It includes such works, the volume, place and time of which are provided in advance.

The initial data for drawing up plans are:

Technical condition of the building and structure (according to the results of the general autumn and other types of inspections);
- provision of material resources;
- allocation of appropriations for current repairs;
-opportunities to attract the internal resources of the military unit;
- set deadlines for repairs;
- remarks and proposals of the inspecting persons to eliminate the detected shortcomings in the operation of the facility.

Attached to the plan are:

1. Plan-list of current repairs;
2. Statement of the need for building materials for current repairs;
3. Calendar schedule of works.

These documents are an integral part of the plan.

The current repair schedule is drawn up for each building or structure to be repaired according to the frequency of repairs. The plan-sheet includes work aimed at saving the structures of objects from premature wear, destruction and preparation for winter. Particular attention is paid to the repair of roofs, gutters, plinths of buildings and blind areas. The current repair system includes work on the restoration of windows, external doors, glazing, putting in order sanitary facilities, water supply and sewerage systems, heating and ventilation, etc. Of great importance are works on the insulation of buildings (insulation of external doors, repair and glazing of dormer windows, thermal insulation of pipelines, heating systems, water supply and sewerage systems in attics, stairwells, basements, and other places). The plan-sheet of the current repair includes work aimed at the uninterrupted operation of communal facilities.

A statement of the need for building materials is compiled on the basis of an object sample of materials. It is the basis for drawing up an application for basic materials and equipment. This takes into account the possibility of reusing materials and equipment obtained from the dismantling of structures.

A calendar schedule is drawn up for facilities subject to ongoing repairs. It makes a note of the actual performance of the work.

The plan is developed in two copies, signed by the command of the unit and submitted to the supplying (servicing) body for approval on December 25 of the current year. The maintenance body considers the current repair plan, agrees, corrects and approves it. One copy of the approved plan is sent to the commander of the military unit before December 30 of the current year. It is mandatory.

The need for financial resources is planned depending on the replacement cost of objects according to differential norms. In addition, for the current repair of engineering and technical equipment of facilities, external engineering networks, funds are planned in the amount of 0.5% of their replacement cost.

The replacement cost of a building or structure is an indicator that reflects the actual value of the object in modern conditions. It is updated at the beginning of each year, taking into account wear and actual maintenance costs. This takes into account the costs of capital and current repairs, reconstruction and revaluation of fixed assets for a given period.

To carry out unforeseen current repairs on buildings and structures that are not subject to scheduled current repairs in the period under review, the work plan provides for reserve amounts up to 10% of those allocated for scheduled current repairs.

The calendar plan for the reconstruction of the building is the main document of the project for the production of works, which reflects the development of the process in time and space and covers the entire range of works, from preparatory work to the delivery of the repaired facility to the acceptance committee.

There are the following main tasks that must be solved when drawing up a calendar plan:

Completion of the reconstruction of the building within the normative or directive period;

Continuous and uniform use of human and material and technical resources;

Maximum combination of work.

The scheduling should reflect:

The duration of certain types of work and cycles on private fronts of work;

Calendar chart in time scale;

Diagram of the movement of workers;

Schedules of receipt and consumption of materials;

Calculation of technical and economic indicators of the calendar plan.

To build a duration matrix under each type of work, the labor input matrices indicate the strength of the teams N. By dividing the labor input of each type of work on each private front by the corresponding numerical strength of the team N, we obtain the duration t for each type of work on the private front (Table 9.2).

When starting to draw up a calendar plan for repair and construction work, it is necessary first of all to establish a rational sequence for their implementation at the facility. Taking into account the peculiarities of the production of repair and construction work, the sequence of their implementation at the fronts is determined based on the following requirements:

Work should begin from the distant "wells" relative to the tower crane, thereby excluding the transfer of materials from disassembly over the mounted "wells";

It is impossible to simultaneously dismantle and install in adjacent "wells" separated by a bearing wall;

It is necessary to strive to provide the scope of work to subcontractors for the performance of special work, that is, to ensure the readiness of individual sections;

External communications should be laid before the tower crane is installed;

Repair of the facade must be carried out after dismantling the tower crane;

Dismantling of structures in wells should be done from top to bottom, and installation - from bottom to top.

To determine a rational method of organizing work, three fundamentally different options for organizing work are compared:

With continuous use of resources (with zero stretching of resource links);

Continuous development of private fronts of work (with zero stretching of frontal connections);

Critical works identified while taking into account resource and frontal connections.

If the duration of a major overhaul differs by 15-20% from the normative or directive terms, the schedule is adjusted with a change in the duration of certain types of repair and construction work and the sequence of their implementation or production conditions.

The calendar plan for the production of works can be displayed on a drawing sheet, regardless of the calculation method, in the form of a line graph, cyclogram, network graph in the OFR or OVR system. The calendar plan should indicate the relationship between work, time expectations, deadlines, names of work, the number of the private front, the quantitative composition of the brigade, production shifts and work reserves (if the latter were determined), as well as other information necessary in the opinion of the developer of the plan.

On the same drawing, a diagram of the movement of workers employed daily in the implementation of simple and complex processes for the entire period of the overhaul of the facility is built. The vertical scale of the diagram of the movement of workers is set based on the possibility of a denser filling of the drawing. The number of workers in the second and third shifts is shown inside the general diagram of the movement of workers. If, when drawing up the calendar plan for the reconstruction of a quarter, the diagram has significant peaks and troughs, then it is necessary to make an adjustment to the calendar plan by shifting work due to time reserves or changing the intensity. On the schedule sheet, the following technical and economic indicators of the organization of work are given, the calculation of which is carried out in the PZ:

where t t t is the total duration of work performed in the first, second and third shifts, days.

When calculating the calendar plan on a PC, an integral indicator for evaluating the accepted method of organizing work according to the program developed at the Department of OS is determined. The composition of the integral indicator with significance coefficients includes differential indicators of timeliness, combination, uniformity, continuity of work and continuity of the use of the scope of work.

An integral part of scheduling are schedules for the delivery and consumption of materials, parts and structures in the production of reconstruction (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3

The linear calendar schedule for the receipt and consumption of materials, products and structures consists of the left and right parts. The left part of the schedule is filled in based on the data of the calendar plan for the production of works at the facility (according to the list of main structural elements and works). On the right side, for each type of material and product, two lines show the incoming cargo flow (taking into account the corresponding stock) and daily consumption.


Operation of buildings and structures, scheduled preventive maintenance
buildings and structures

Acts of investigation of the causes of accidents in buildings or structures.

The technical passport must be accompanied by:

Copies of working drawings or dimensional drawings of plans, sections, facades of buildings or structures with deviations from the project (if any) included in them;

· a list of requirements stipulated by the project or examination to ensure the normal operation of the building or structure.

System of preventive maintenance of buildings and structures is a set of organizational and technical measures for supervision, care and all types of repairs carried out in a planned manner.

All buildings and structures are subject to periodic technical inspections. Inspections can be general and partial.

During a general inspection, the entire building or structure as a whole is examined, including all structures of the building or structure, including engineering systems, various types of finishes and all elements of external improvement or the entire complex of buildings and structures.

During a partial inspection, individual buildings or structures of the complex, or individual structures, or types of equipment, engineering systems are examined.

Regular general technical inspections of the building are carried out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

spring inspection carried out after the snow melts. This inspection should be aimed at surveying the condition of the building or structure. During the spring inspection, the scope of work for the current repair of a building or structure carried out in the summer period is specified, and the scope of work for major repairs is identified to be included in the next year's plan.

autumn inspection It is carried out in order to check the preparation of a building or structure for winter. By this time, the entire scope of work on summer current repairs should be completed.

In addition to regular inspections, there may be extraordinary inspections buildings and structures after natural disasters (fires, hurricane winds, heavy rains or snowfalls, after fluctuations in the earth's surface, etc.) or accidents.

Results of all types of examinations are drawn up in acts in which the detected defects are noted, as well as the necessary measures to eliminate them, indicating the timing of the work.

Based on the data of technical inspections of buildings and structures, individual structures and types of engineering equipment, annual repair plans are drawn up, which are approved by the head of the institution.

Repair work divided into two types: current and capital. The classification of repairs is determined according to the following criteria: if the frequency of repairs is up to 1 year - current repairs, if the frequency of repairs is more than 1 year - major repairs.

For ongoing repairs buildings and structures include work on the systematic and timely protection of parts of the building, structure and engineering systems from premature wear by taking preventive measures and eliminating minor damage and malfunctions.

For overhaul buildings and structures include such works in the course of which the worn-out structures and parts of the building and structure are replaced or replaced with more durable and economical ones that improve the operational capabilities of the reconstructed objects. The overhaul of buildings and structures can be complex, covering the repair of a building or structure as a whole, and selective, consisting of the repair of individual structures of a building, structure or a separate type of engineering equipment.

Technical and economic information about buildings and structures that may be required on a daily basis during their operation should be concentrated in the technical passport and in the technical operation log.

Technical certificate is compiled for each building and structure accepted for operation. The technical passport is the main document for the object, containing its constructive and technical and economic characteristics.

To account for maintenance and current repairs of the corresponding building or structure, a maintenance log should be kept, in which records are made of all maintenance and current repairs performed, indicating the type of work and the place of their implementation. The log of technical operation of a building and structure is the main document characterizing the state of operated facilities.

Acceptance of buildings and structures commissioning after the completion of the overhaul is carried out by the commission with the drawing up of acts, and the acceptance of the work performed on the current repair is carried out by the head of the institution and is formalized by an act or an entry in the maintenance log of the building or structure.

Investigation of the causes of accidents with buildings and structures.

An accident is understood as a collapse, damage to a building, structure as a whole, its parts or a separate structural element, as well as exceeding the maximum allowable deformations that threaten the safe conduct of work and entail the suspension of operation (construction) of the facility or its part.

Depending on the scale and degree of consequences of an accident, buildings and structures are divided into accidents of the first category and accidents of the second category.

To the accident of the first category include the collapse of buildings and structures or their parts (destruction of ground building structures, underground transport and hydraulic structures, breakthroughs of dams, dams, reservoirs, etc.), which:

caused a disruption in the functioning of other sectors of the economy;

caused the death of two or more people;

led to the number of victims of more than 15 people.

To an accident of the second category include collapse or damage to buildings and structures, their parts or individual structural elements that threaten the safe conduct of work and do not fall into the category of accidents of the first category.

The head of the organization in which an accident of the first category has occurred must immediately send messages:

· to the territorial executive authority and to the relevant executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

to a higher authority according to departmental affiliation;

· to the prosecutor's office at the place where the accident occurred.

The head of the organization in which the accident of the second category occurred, transmits messages:

· to the territorial executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and to the relevant executive authority of the city and district;

· to a higher authority according to departmental affiliation.

Organization of investigation of the causes of accidents with industrial buildings and structures.

relevant executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

· ministries and departments of the Russian Federation on objects under construction and operation, subordinated to them;

· relevant executive authorities of cities and regions ("Regulations on the procedure for investigating the causes of accidents in buildings and structures ...").

Act the technical commission to investigate the causes of the accident is subject to approval within 2 days by the body that appointed the commission.

The approved act is sent within 5 days:

to the territorial executive authority;

to a higher authority;

· to the appropriate territorial body of Rostekhnadzor;

· in addition, for accidents of the first category - to the prosecutor's office at the place where the accident occurred.

Repair of a building - a complex of construction works and organizational and technical measures to eliminate its physical and moral deterioration, not related to a change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building.

It is necessary to restore the operability of building elements in the case when their operation is no longer possible, or in advance, without waiting for the failure of the structures.

In the first case, the repair is forced and is called repair on demand. In the second case, the repair provides, along with structural elements. This type of repair is called planned. It has various organizational forms, among which the system of preventive maintenance is the most common. It is a set of organizational and technical measures for supervision, maintenance and all types of repairs, carried out periodically according to a pre-planned plan in order to prevent premature wear and tear, prevent accidents, and also to maintain buildings in a state of constant operational reliability.

The system of planned preventive repairs of the Criminal Code includes:

Scheduled preventive overhaul (complex);

Scheduled preventive maintenance;

Emergency (unforeseen) current repairs performed by emergency and dispatch services;

Inspection, adjustment and adjustment of structures, sanitary systems and engineering devices of the building (inspections).

The purpose of scheduled repairs is to prevent element failures during the entire service life.

Overhaul includes troubleshooting of all worn-out elements, restoration or replacement (except for the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, load-bearing walls and frames) for more durable and economical, improving the performance of buildings under repair.

In the process of overhaul, the performance characteristics of the structures of sanitary systems and engineering devices of the building are restored. The condition for appointing a building for a planned overhaul is not the presence of malfunctions in the house, but the service life of the elements to be repaired.

The frequency of repairs is determined by the durability of structures that have the shortest service life. In accordance with the current regulatory documents, the frequency is set at 6 ... 12 years.

In the process of operation, the occurrence of failures of elements and in the overhaul periods is possible. The operational properties of such elements are restored by selective overhaul.

Capital repairs of residential buildings are financed from depreciation deductions, and public and industrial buildings - from budgetary appropriations.

Current repairs are carried out at regular intervals, ensuring the effective operation of the building from the moment of completion of its construction until the moment of delivery for the next overhaul. At the same time, natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and mode of operation of the building are taken into account.

Current repairs should be carried out according to five-year and annual plans. Annual plans are drawn up in refinement of five-year plans, taking into account the results of inspections, the developed cost estimate and technical documentation for current repairs, and measures to prepare buildings for operation in seasonal conditions.

Current repair provides for timely and systematic work to prevent premature wear of parts of the building and engineering equipment, as well as work to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions. It is usually carried out by operating organizations or special organizations on a contractual basis.

Current repairs include:

Maintenance of building elements, adjustment and adjustment of equipment;

Performing unforeseen repairs, consisting in the elimination of sudden malfunctions discovered during the examination or at the request of residents, within the time limits stipulated by the rules and regulations;

Carrying out scheduled repairs planned in advance, based on the requirements of the regulation on scheduled preventive repairs and taking into account the technical condition of the elements.

The main one is the current scheduled preventive maintenance. It also includes annual work to prepare houses for seasonal operating conditions and adjust (inspect) engineering equipment. Usually, up to 80% of the funds allocated for current repairs are provided for the performance of work on current scheduled preventive maintenance.

The frequency of current repairs depends on the degree of wear and tear of buildings of various sizes. In residential buildings with wear and tear over 60%, scheduled preventive maintenance is usually carried out annually.

Elements of a residential building and external amenities, the minimum duration of operation of which from the moment of commissioning after new construction, the last current or major repair is equal to or exceeds the duration established by VSN 58--88, must be repaired with the restoration of their performance or replaced. The share of replaced elements of residential buildings in the process of current repair should not exceed the Level:

Roof coverings -- 50%;

Floor coverings - 20%;

Other structures and engineering equipment - 15% of their total volume in a residential building. Elements of the building and external improvement, the service life of which is commensurate with the frequency of the current repair, can be completely replaced.

The preventive maintenance system allows you to clearly plan work and take timely measures to improve the performance of the building. Its effectiveness depends on the organizational structure of the repair and maintenance services, the availability of material and labor resources, the level of theoretical development of the system's position, which is what Management Company LLC has.

The reliability of buildings during their operation, as the condition of individual elements, components or the building as a whole deteriorates, can be ensured through preventive repairs. The main task of such prevention is the prevention of failures.

The system of scheduled preventive repairs consists of periodic repairs, the volume of which depends on the service life of the structures, as well as the materials from which they are made.

Repair is appointed depending on the period of operation, and the amount of repair work is determined by the technical condition. In turn, the life of the building depends on its capital group.

When determining the capitalization group of construction objects, it turns out whether they have an inextricably linked foundation, main and enclosing structures, and whether the connection of the main engineering communications has been completed. To classify buildings according to their capital value, it is necessary to represent a construction site as a structure that, if dismantled, will suffer disproportionate damage. The classification of buildings by capital group is presented in the form of table 6.1. Using this table, you can determine the capitalization group of the projected object: “Multi-storey residential buildings with built-in and attached premises on the street. Krasnaya, 176 in Krasnozhar.

Table 6.1 - Classification of buildings by capital group

Group of buildings

Characteristics of the building and structural elements

Service life of the building, years

Buildings are stone, especially capital; foundations - stone and concrete; walls - stone (brick) and large-block; ceilings - reinforced concrete.

The buildings are stone, ordinary; foundations - stone; walls - stone (brick), large-block and large-panel; floors - reinforced concrete or mixed, as well as stone vaults on metal beams.

The buildings are stone, lightweight; stone and concrete foundations; walls of lightweight masonry made of bricks, cinder blocks, shell rock; ceilings are wooden, reinforced concrete or stone vaults on metal beams.

Buildings are wooden, chopped and block-shaped, of mixed construction; foundations - strip rubble; walls - chopped, cobbled, mixed (brick and wood); ceilings are wooden.

Prefabricated panel buildings, frame, adobe, adobe, half-timbered buildings; foundations - on wooden chairs with rubble pillars; walls - frame, etc.; floors - wooden

Buildings are frame-reed, from boards and other lightweight ones.

The designed object belongs to the 1st capital group, from which it follows that at the initial stage of the life cycle of the object, Management Company LLC is obliged to carry out current repairs of the building at intervals of no more than 5 years, capital - 25 years.

The accumulated static data allow for various structures and schemes of buildings, materials, service life to determine the parameters of the density distribution of the time of failure and the timing of assignment of structures for repair.

The maintenance of the building, carried out by the management company, includes a set of works to maintain the elements, specified parameters and modes of operation of its structures and technical devices in good condition, as well as inspection, adjustment and adjustment of structures, sanitary systems and engineering devices of the building (inspections).

The purpose of inspections is to establish the possible causes of defects and develop measures to eliminate them. During inspections, the use and maintenance of the premises is also monitored.

Scheduled inspections of residential buildings, which are carried out by the Criminal Code:

General, during which the building is inspected as a whole, including structures, engineering equipment and external landscaping;

Partial - inspections that involve the inspection of individual elements of a building or premises.

General inspections should be carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn (before the start of the heating season).

Defects discovered during inspections, deformations of structures or equipment of buildings, which can lead to a decrease in the bearing capacity and stability of structures or buildings, collapse or disruption of the normal operation of equipment, must be eliminated.

Management Company LLC, on the basis of inspection and survey reports, is obliged within a month to:

Draw up a list (based on the results of the spring inspection) of measures and establish the scope of work necessary to prepare the building and its engineering equipment for operation in the next winter period;

Clarify the scope of work on current repairs (based on the results of a spring inspection for the current year and an autumn inspection for the next year), as well as identify malfunctions and damage, the elimination of which requires major repairs;

Check the readiness (based on the results of the autumn inspection) of each building for operation in winter conditions;

The frequency of inspections of elements and premises of buildings is given in Table 6.3:

Table 6.3 - Frequency of inspections of building elements

Elements and premises of the building

Periodicity, months


Wooden structures and joinery

stone structures

Reinforced concrete structures

Panels of prefabricated buildings and interpanel joints

Steel embedded parts without anti-corrosion protection in prefabricated buildings

10 years after the start of operation, then every three years

Steel embedded parts with anti-corrosion protection

15 years after the start of operation, then every three years

Carried out by opening five to six knots

Stoves, kitchen hearths, chimneys, chimneys

Inspection and cleaning is carried out before and during the heating season

Gas ducts

ventilation ducts

Ventilation ducts in rooms where gas appliances are installed

Interior and exterior wall decoration

Plumbing, sewerage, hot water systems

Heating systems: in apartments and main functional premises of social and cultural facilities, in attics, in basements (underground), on stairs, inputs, elevators, boilers and boiler room equipment

2 (during the heating season)

2 (during the heating season)

Group metering devices: water (cold, hot) heat

At least 2 times a year

Devices for regulating the supply of thermal energy

At least 2 times a year

Garbage chute


Electrical equipment:

open wiring

concealed wiring and electrical wiring in steel pipes

kitchen floor electric stoves

lamps in auxiliary rooms (stairs, lobbies, basements, etc.)

power plants


group switchboard

Smoke extraction and fire extinguishing systems




Intra-house networks, equipment and control panels of the ODS

Electrical equipment for domestic heating boiler houses and boiler rooms, workshops, water pumping of fecal and drainage pumps, water boosting and circulation installations

Residential and utility rooms of apartments, stairs, vestibules, lobbies, basements, attics

* The specific frequency of inspections within the established interval is determined by the operating organizations, based on the technical condition of the buildings and local conditions, but at least once a year.