Badan - planting and care in the open field. Badan in the garden - planting in open ground and further care Badan flowers planting

The birthplace of the plant is Altai, and there it is known not only as a beautiful flower, but also as a popular remedy. Badan belongs to the family of dicotyledonous plants, numbering 30 genera and 600 species. It is used as a drink to restore the body's immune forces, and for this reason, in places of its natural range, the plant is called Chigir or Mongolian tea.

The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, large, fleshy, shiny. The shape is a bit like the ears of an elephant, which is why badan is sometimes called elephant ears. By autumn, a large amount of sugar accumulates in the tissues of the plant, so the flower is preparing for wintering. An increase in sugar leads to a change in the color of the leaves, they turn red. There are many flowers in the inflorescence, their number can exceed 120 pieces, the size is up to 2 cm, and in color they are red, white, pink and blue.

In total, the plant has 10 species, many varieties have been bred on their basis. But the most common are three varieties.

Table. Badan types

Badan typeFeatures and brief description

It grows up to 50 cm in height, the leaves are juicy and large. The flowers smell pleasant, the inflorescences are pink. In nature, it grows on rocky slopes. Inflorescences appear immediately after the snow melts among the first, flowering time is not more than a month. The plant is adapted to grow in regions with adverse climatic conditions.

The rhizomes are strongly developed, because of the stony soil they rise above the ground. The height of the Pacific badan is about 40 cm, lilac flowers resemble bells in shape, flowering from May to the end of June. Leaves 20 cm in diameter form dense thickets, green in summer and red in late autumn.

The name is due to the shape of the leaves, which have a dense pulp and feel great under a layer of snow. The flowering period is 20 days, but it may vary depending on the specific weather conditions in the area. Flowers can be white or white-purple.

Important. The less selective influence on Badan, the more resistant it is to negative temperatures. Mother plants easily withstand Siberian frosts, and European breeding species react very negatively to such sharp fluctuations.

Growing features

The plant does not belong to the category of capricious, and everyone can grow it. Badan can be grown throughout our country, and the further north, the easier it is.

Droughts often occur in the southern regions, and the plant reacts very poorly to a lack of moisture. In such conditions, it is necessary to carefully monitor the remaining moisture in the soil and water it in a timely manner. Another feature is that in the south of the country it is recommended to plant a plant in shady places, since it cannot withstand the scorching rays of the southern sun.

  1. Place. The further north your region, the more sun the plant requires, respectively, it should be planted in the most illuminated areas. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of mother plants, but it must be borne in mind that varietal representatives of flowers are more sensitive to adverse growing conditions. For example, if a sunny site in Siberia belongs to the optimal zone for vegetation, then not even every weed can withstand the same place in the Krasnodar Territory, not to mention artificially bred varieties of flowers.

  2. The soil. As mentioned above, in nature, badan prefers rocky areas. The plant has perfectly adapted to such conditions, a powerful thick rhizome feels fine on the surface of the earth, does not freeze, does not have sunburn, is not damaged by diseases and pests.

  3. Water balance. It is a little more complicated here, because the plant does not tolerate both excess and lack of moisture. It does not die, but significantly slows down the growing season, in extreme cases, drying of the lower leaves may be observed.

  4. Nutrients. Feeding is not recommended, the plant is so unpretentious that it develops quite normally even on very poor soils. But it reacts negatively to an excess of fertilizers. If you feed a little during planting, then you do not need to interfere in further development.

  5. Care. Badan foliage covers the ground so tightly that weed growth is completely inhibited, respectively, there is no need to do weeding and loosening. The timing and time of flowering depend on the variety, some in favorable conditions can bloom twice a year. In one place, the plant lives for 10-12 years; transplanting without special need is not recommended. Another nuance is that badan can oppress other varieties of flowers; to contain its spread, plantings must be protected with decorative borders.

If the leaves quickly and abundantly turn yellow, then this indicates extremely unfavorable growing conditions, most often an excess or lack of moisture. The absence of peduncles indicates problems with lighting, since the plant, although it does not like direct sunlight, does not tolerate full shade well.

In snowless frosty winters, the roots of ornamental varieties of bergenia can freeze, and therefore they must be covered with fallen leaves, mowed grass, straw and other effective materials.

In early spring, the shelters must be removed, otherwise the roots will warm up and get sick or die.

Growing bergenia in a pot

Planting in pots has its advantages - such flowers can be transferred to different places, due to which the appearance of the backyard landscape is constantly changing. In addition, mobility allows you to look for the most favorable growing places for them. Planting in a cache-pot is done in a certain sequence.

Planting is simple, in such conditions the plant can grow for several years. Transplantation is required with noticeable deviations of the growing season, at the same time it is necessary to check the location of the pots, because not all conditions are considered optimal for growth. In winter, the flowers must be removed.

Plant propagation methods

It is best to propagate bergenia by dividing the rhizome and rooting rosettes. Such breeding methods guarantee success, require a minimum of time and effort. Badan gives flowers the next year after planting. It can also be grown from seeds, but it will be impossible to achieve such early flowering, you will have to wait at least three to four years.

Division of the rhizome

Work can begin at the end of September. During this period, the plant has already accumulated enough useful substances for a successful wintering, and the air temperature allows planting.

If everything is done in a timely and correct manner, the plant will successfully survive the winter and sprout in the spring.

Rooting sockets

This method has other terms, work must begin immediately after the end of flowering. Why? During this period, vital energy goes not to the development of the flower, but to the vegetation of the leaves. This means that the sockets are activated, the likelihood of new leaves is much higher. How to propagate bergenia with rosettes?

Reproduction by seeds

Before sowing, the seeds must be stratified - for three months they must be kept moist at a temperature of + 1 ... 3 ° C. Seeds can be sown in moist soil, take the container outside and cover with a layer of snow. If this is not possible, then they will have to be kept in the refrigerator for this time, which is not very convenient.

Further manipulations should be done in early March.

Now the seedlings are fully prepared for planting in open ground.

Practical advice. Planting with seeds is quite troublesome, experienced gardeners recommend using this method only when planting new varieties from purchased seeds. Own flowers are much easier to propagate using the methods described above.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings in open ground

Step 1. Dig a hole with clay about 30 cm, the specific value is selected taking into account the size of the bergenia root system. Experienced flower growers always recommend digging a little deeper; in the future, the planting height is easily adjusted with sand.

Step 2 Pour a drainage layer on the bottom, it is better to use sand. The drainage layer is required, it removes excess moisture and prevents rotting of the root system. The thickness of the sand layer is within 3-5 cm, with its help immediately adjust the depth of the hole, taking into account the size of the roots.

Step 3 If available, add some soil substrate. If not, the plant will develop normally. Concerns arise - a month after planting, fertilize with complex fertilizers.

Step 4 Thoroughly water the hole with water, the roots should be guaranteed to be located in moist soil. Watering the backfill field of the upper layer cannot guarantee the fulfillment of this condition.

Step 5 Together with the earth, carefully remove the flower seedlings from the plastic cup. To do this, turn it upside down, shake it, support the ground with your other hand.

Step 6 Plant a flower in a wetted hole. Compact the soil around the growing point and water again. It remains to mulch the plant.

To improve rooting conditions, it is recommended to cover the flower, use a six-liter plastic bottle from drinking water for this. Cut off the bottom evenly and put the container on the plant, this is how a small greenhouse is made. With its help, it will be possible to speed up the process of flower development. Before the onset of winter frosts, it is recommended to perform mulching, this will help the plant, which is not yet fully strengthened, to endure severe frosts.

Follow all the tips and badan will decorate your flower beds for a long time. Remember that this is a medicinal plant and helps to cope with various diseases with folk methods.

Video - Badan: planting and care in the open field

Badan is very unpretentious in care, this property attracts many summer residents who do not have the opportunity to live outside the city all summer and constantly take care of flowers. From these plants, you can create a full-fledged flower bed, with the right selection of flowers, it looks great throughout the warm season. How to choose plants for beginners so that the flower bed is always attractive? Our website has detailed instructions.


To effectively decorate a flower bed or garden plot, it is not at all necessary to go in search of exotic flora, because there are many interesting specimens among local plants. One of them is badan, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult. It can be grown both in open ground and in a special tub. An unusual, beautiful and very useful plant of Asian origin is unpretentious - therefore it is suitable even for novice gardeners.

How best to grow bergenia: in open ground and tub

Badan - unpretentious cold-resistant plant

Badan (star anise), being a Siberian inhabitant, is really unpretentious, resistant to adverse conditions and cold weather. No wonder it is called a saxifrage. On open ground, this plant feels comfortable, especially if you take into account a few nuances before planting:

  • Stagnation of water in the garden plot is unfavorable for this herbaceous plant. Therefore, before planting, effective soil drainage and water outflow should be ensured;
  • A good place for planting bergenia should be sought on the north side of the garden plot, since the flower prefers shady and semi-shady areas. If it is planted in a sunny area, the formation of flowers will occur with some delay;
  • Being moderately resistant to drought, bergenia does not require too frequent and intense watering. Under natural conditions, it perfectly retains moisture;
  • Badan belongs to the category of frost-resistant plants, which means that it does not need special warming for the winter period. However, late return frosts can adversely affect its flowering.

It is also possible to grow bergenia in special containers - tubs. This gardening method, known as container gardening, is widely popular in European regular style gardens. This direction is very much in demand in urban conditions, as well as in summer cottages and any other objects where there is a lack of soil or problems with its quality.

Pots for plants are mobile and stationary. For a spectacular decoration of the front seats, the pot-in-pot option is used, that is, “a pot in a pot”. In this case, a simple container containing the soil substrate and the plant itself is placed inside the decorative container.

A tub for bergenia must be selected based on the expected size, as well as the characteristics of its root system. In this case, containers with medium dimensions are suitable.

How soon will it bloom

Badan flowers are small, but collected in inflorescences, so it looks quite bright

The flowering period of bergenia begins in the spring and lasts from three weeks to two months, depending on the variety of the plant. In rare cases, flowers appear again in August.

One peduncle can contain up to a hundred flowers, each of which has five petals fused at the base. Their color is different - white, dark pink, raspberry, purple, scarlet and ruby. In shape and appearance, they resemble miniature bells.

What climate is suitable for and on what soil it grows best

The plant can be planted in cool regions

The most favorable for badan is a temperate climate, where the average temperature in winter is about 0⁰С, and in summer - from +15 to +20⁰С. In its natural environment, it steadfastly withstands frosts of about -30–40⁰С.

With regard to soil, the plant is not capricious. The ideal option for bergenia is turfy land without excess fertilizer. In addition, saxifrage successfully grows on clayey and stony soils. So, it is ideal for arranging alpine slides in landscape design.

When starting planting bergenia in the open field, it should be noted that different varieties of this plant are characterized by a different degree of endurance.

Popular varieties of bergenia with a photo

Now there are more than 10 types of plants, the most popular of them are grown in Russia.

Bergenia and badan - the same thing?

The second name of Bergenia is “elephant ears”

Bergenia is the second name of the classic badan. Bergenia is a whole genus of plants from the saxifrage family, which combines at least ten varieties.

Due to its vitality, bergenia is perfectly adapted to harsh conditions and stony soils. The branching and thick rhizome of this plant is located in the uppermost layers of the soil, and sometimes makes its way to the surface.

Glossy leaves, neatly collected in a basal rosette, are large in size and have a dense leathery texture. It is because of this that they are unofficially nicknamed "elephant ears".

In spring, erect and long flower stalks begin to appear with beautiful umbrella inflorescences. The average flowering period is one and a half or two months. After that, leaflets are formed in place of numerous bright flowers.

Bergonia is grown mainly for decorative and medicinal purposes. From its leaves, which have survived the winter, a tonic and tonic drink is brewed. And the rhizomes of this plant have gained wide popularity in Tibetan medicine.

Heart-leaved bergenia

The leaves of this variety are shaped like hearts.

Heart-leaved bergenia, whose birthplace is Altai, is widely popular among gardeners. Its height depends on the conditions of growth and care, but almost never exceeds 40 centimeters. Delicate and beautiful inflorescences can have a different color - white, lilac, pink and purple. A distinctive feature of this variety are large and lush leaves, each of which resembles a heart in its shape.

Under the snow cover, the hearty bergenia favorably tolerates harsh winter conditions and temperatures reaching -35⁰С. Its flowering period begins in May and lasts only up to three weeks.

thick-leaved bergenia

The foliage color of the thick-leaved variety is darker than that of the heart-leaved variety.

This variety of bergenia is larger and can reach a height of up to 55 cm. Its bright green massive and dense shiny leaves with a diameter of up to 30 cm gradually turn red-brown by autumn. Collected in a basal rosette, they have a rounded shape.

The plant usually begins to bloom in late April. On average, its flowering period lasts 55 days. Flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 centimeters are similar in shape to bells. They are characterized by an attractive lilac-pink color.

ciliated bergenia

The color of this variety is nondescript and is not suitable for bright accents in the garden.

The ciliary bergenia, widespread in Tibet and the Himalayas, is the most frost-resistant among all its counterparts. It grows mainly on rocky ledges and wooded foothills, as close as possible to water bodies and shade. An external distinguishing feature from other varieties of badan is that on the basis of its leaves there are villi resembling cilia. The color of the flowers is predominantly white or pale pink, with an expressive purple calyx.

Division by rhizome is an easier way to plant bergenia

There are two effective ways to plant bergenia that can be successfully used by beginner gardeners:

  • sowing seeds;
  • division of the rhizome with young rosettes.
  1. Fill with a special soil for flowers several boxes with a small depth. Slightly compact and moisturize it.
  2. Sow the seeds in even, shallow grooves, pour moderately with warm water, and then sprinkle with a layer of soil.
  3. Place the boxes in a darkened room where the average air temperature does not exceed +18–20 degrees Celsius.
  4. Periodically moisten the earth with slightly warm water.
  5. Under these conditions, the first sprouts will begin to appear after about three weeks.

The division of the rhizome of badan is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. Significantly overgrown dug out or cut rhizomes of the plant must be cleared of the ground and dried leaves.
  2. Carefully divide the rhizome according to the number of rosettes.
  3. Deepen into the ground about three centimeters that part of the rhizome that will take root. Longer rhizomes should be planted in an almost horizontal position, approximately half covered with earth.

The most favorable time for planting seedlings in open ground is the middle of the first spring month. During this period, young seedlings are strengthened as successfully as possible..

Seedlings should be well acclimatized before planting. To do this, already in early March, on the warmest and calmest days, take seedlings from the greenhouse to the garden. Over time, when there are no more frosts in the morning and at night, you can leave it on the site for the night. For this, seedlings need to equip an effective shelter made of polyethylene. As it warms up, the polyethylene cover can be removed - this will allow the seedlings to harden in natural conditions.

Immediately before planting in open ground, bergenia seedlings must be watered with liquid fertilizer based on nitrogen and phosphate compounds. As a result, the seedlings will be able to take root more firmly.

It is better to germinate seedlings from seeds at home

An important condition is proper soil preparation. The best option is a fairly loose and light soil that will warm up well in the sun. If the soil is clay, it needs to be diluted with sand. And in sandy soil, on the contrary, add clay.

The optimal size of the holes in the soil is from two to two and a half cm.

Seedlings should be planted in the soil along with an earthen clod. A distance of at least 12 cm should be maintained between seedlings. Seedlings should be watered with water at room temperature.

Video about landing in open ground in the spring

To protect seedlings from pests, precipitation, frost and sunlight, it is necessary to securely cover the seedlings with plastic wrap. From time to time it should be slightly opened so that the plants are fully ventilated. Remove the film only after the plants are fully rooted.

Planted bergenia seedlings will need high-quality mulch, which will help retain the necessary amount of heat and moisture in the soil, and will also prevent the growth of weeds.

Both organic and inorganic materials can be used for mulching, depending on conditions and needs.

Organic types of mulch include:

  • straw;
  • pine needles;
  • mature compost.

All these natural materials contribute to the improvement of the structure of the upper layers of the soil.

Inorganic materials for mulching are:

  • expanded clay;
  • agrofibre;
  • black polyethylene film.

They create shade well and maintain an optimal level of humidity, but they have a certain drawback - creating a greenhouse effect and overheating the soil on hot sunny days.

When planting bergenia in garden plots, it is very important to avoid common mistakes that beginner amateur gardeners often face.. The main ones include:

  • too deep immersion of seeds in the soil layers;
  • planting seedlings without prior adaptation and hardening;
  • neglect of proper mulching;
  • growing a plant in areas that are as much as possible illuminated by the sun;
  • too frequent and abundant watering.

How to plant a perennial flower at home: video

Care in the garden from the moment of landing in open ground until autumn

After planting seedlings, the plant needs to provide conditions for development

How to care during growth and flowering: watering, fertilizing, pruning, top dressing

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, it is required to perform sanitary pruning - namely, to remove all damaged or dead leaves, as well as overgrown leaves that spoil the harmonious appearance of the shrub.

Properly selected fertilizers and top dressing will benefit badan. The first time to fertilize the plant should be in the spring, immediately after the sanitary pruning. For this, the usual top dressing containing the optimal complex of minerals is suitable. Then it is necessary to apply fertilizer after two weeks from the beginning of flowering. During this period, the shrub needs additional nutrition, as new leaves begin to form on it.

An equally important condition is regular competent watering. However, excessive soil moisture should not be allowed. The plant should be watered according to the following scheme:

  • the first time - during the formation of buds;
  • the second - during the flowering period;
  • the third - three weeks after the completion of flowering.

But with a sufficient amount of natural precipitation, this procedure is optional. Proper mulching will help to more effectively preserve the life-giving moisture around the bushes, which is a necessary condition for young plants that are not firmly established. To do this, cover the soil with organic or inorganic materials.

Care after flowering. How to prepare a plant for winter

Badan is a cold-resistant plant, therefore it does not need complex preparation for the winter period. In harsh climatic conditions, you should simply cover the soil around the plant with spruce branches. In the southern ones, additional warming is not required - there are quite enough dry leaves left over from autumn.

What problems do gardeners have with growing a flower? However, with an excess of humidity, there is a risk of developing fungal infections. They are evidenced by a white coating on the underside of the leaves and brown spots on the top. It is easy to solve this problem and prevent its occurrence in the future by removing all damaged parts of the plant and carefully treating it with any available antifungal drug.

Unfortunately, sometimes bergenia can suffer from pests such as slobbering pennits and nematodes.

In the fight against slobbering pennits, the most effective is double spraying of plants with special preparations - for example, Aktara and Aktellik.

Nematodes are more difficult to deal with. There are several steps to take here:

  • carefully dig a bush;
  • keep it in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour;
  • transplant to a new site.

After that, the entire area in which nematodes were found must be treated with an insecticide. However, in the future, it should not grow anything.

Badan combines all the best properties of a garden plant - it is beautiful, unpretentious and healing. Following the recommendations regarding planting and care, even a novice gardener can grow it.

In the spring flowerbed, one cannot fail to notice large rosettes of juicy green foliage, with bright pink inflorescences on dense erect peduncles. This is badan, planting and care in the open field for which even a novice grower will not cause trouble. But the garden, thanks to an unpretentious, catchy and very useful plant, will truly change.

Perennial garden varieties of bergenia come from those parts of Asia where other representatives of the green world would not be too comfortable. Plants settle not only in alpine meadows and lowlands, but also on rocky ledges, highlands. Such conditions "hardened" the flower, often called saxifrage for its endurance.

In landscape design, as in the photo, bergenia has found its place on alpine hills and near water bodies, in group plantings with other decorative perennials. The mono-planting of this rapidly growing and forming picturesque clumps of dense foliage of culture is quite common.

Growing bergenia and caring for it on the site will not make it difficult for the ever-busy summer resident. The main thing is to find a suitable place for the perennial and create conditions for growth and flowering.

Where and how to plant bergenia?

The unpretentiousness, frost resistance and endurance of bergenia in nature were fully transferred to garden varieties. Therefore, even a beginner can grow them in his flower bed. Like other perennial crops, bergenia is planted with seedlings or daughter rosettes separated from an adult plant.

But before you plant a badan, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The culture feels best in areas with loose, light soil. Such soil helps the surface roots to receive nutrition, oxygen, as well as the moisture that badan badly needs.

When choosing a place, preference is given to areas where the badan will not suffer from drought and direct sunlight, as well as from the proximity of spring stagnant water. In partial shade, the plant will be quite comfortable, but if the sockets have to spend a lot of time in the sun, the soil under it must be mulched.

Badan has no special requirements for the composition of the soil. Well, if in the area where the badan is to be planted, the soil has a slightly alkaline reaction. However, even on a slightly acidic substrate, the plant can adapt, bloom and multiply.

Badan flower care after planting

As soon as the snow begins to melt, the leaves of bergenia appear from under it. True, the foliage left over from last year managed to suffer during the winter.

Therefore, in the spring, care when planting bergenia in the open field begins with the removal of damaged or dead leaves. Following the rosettes are brought in, which are designed to stimulate growth and support plants during flowering.

When pink or lilac bells in panicle inflorescences fade, the plantings are fed again. This time, fertilizer will restore nutrient reserves and speed up the growth of rosettes.

Top dressing is combined with watering or carried out on already moist soil. Since bergenia responds well to water, it must be watered:

  • during the formation of buds and the appearance of peduncles;
  • in two 10–20 days, if there is not enough precipitation during this period;
  • in the future, until the end of summer with the threat of drought.

In the hot season, when the soil loses moisture due to evaporation, and the roots can dry out, the soil is mulched. It is especially important to do this, as in the photo, when leaving after planting the badan.

Badan breeding

You can get young bergenia plants on the site by sowing seeds of the variety you like or by dividing an already grown plant.

Seed propagation of bergenia provides for cold stratification.

Seeds sown in furrows with a depth of no more than 0.5 cm of the furrow are planted in moistened soil and sent to the cold. Ideally, if the planting container is taken out into the open air and sprinkled with snow, which will maintain optimal humidity and prevent future seedlings from freezing.

In the first days of March, the container is placed in heat, in the light, but not under direct sunlight. At a temperature of 18–19 ºC and maintaining high humidity, the seeds begin to swell and hatch in 20–25 days.

Caring for an bergenia flower after planting involves watering and careful loosening of the soil around the seedlings. If the passages are too thick, they are thinned out, leaving one plant per 3–5 cm.

45–55 days after sowing, young plants dive, spreading from each other at a distance of at least 6–7 cm. By June, you can determine the place where to plant bergenia. But before that, the seedlings are hardened, gradually increasing the period of stay of boxes with seedlings in the fresh air. In the first half of summer, the strongest seedlings are brought into the ground. The rest are transplanted in August.

Planting bergenia in open ground and caring for plants

The root system of bergenia is located close to the soil surface, so you should not make large, deep holes. It is enough to choose a 6-8 cm soil with a scoop, and pour a little sand on the bottom of the hole as drainage. Since the plant will gradually expand its boundaries, grow, the interval between the holes is made at least 40 cm. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered.

If most perennials bloom the next year after planting in the ground, then the badan is not in a hurry to show the summer resident their inflorescences. The first buds are formed only after 2–3 years, but at the same time, bergenia is already forming daughter rosettes.

This is an excellent planting material, which is easy to separate from adult plants in the summer, after flowering and until the first days of September. The rhizomes of such divisions are practically under the surface of the soil or protrude above it, and even a beginner can cope with their digging.

It is necessary to divide the plant so that at least three healthy buds remain on the root cutting. Leaves are cut from seedlings, leaving a pair of the strongest. Landing in is carried out to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters. In order for the badan to have room for growth, a gap of at least 30 centimeters is left between future plants. In the first month, feeding is not needed, but should be regular and plentiful.

With proper care, bergenia planted in open ground blooms a year earlier than seedlings, that is, in the second or third year after the start of independent life.

When to transplant bergenia? This plant can grow in one place for a very long time and without visible problems. Therefore, a transplant is taken when required:

  • limit the growth of badan on the site;
  • on the contrary, to receive planting material for reproduction from adult plants.

Uncontrolled sprawl of plantings leads to their excessive density, which is fraught with diseases and the accumulation of pests.

Problems in growing and caring for bergenia

Most often on badan there are fungal diseases caused by crowding and high humidity. Signs of such infections appear on the leaves in the form of brown or whitish spots, blackening or necrosis of tissues.

Affected leaf blades dry out, and the disease grows. You can cope with the trouble when growing and caring for bergenia:

  • spraying with systemic fungicides;
  • establishing care and irrigation regime;
  • rarefaction of landings in order to organize an influx of fresh air to the bases of outlets.

Among the pests that damage the plant, slugs and slobbering pennits should be mentioned. While insects can be controlled with insecticide treatment, worms pose a greater threat. Plants affected by them are dug up and destroyed in order to prevent the spread of the nematode. The area where badan grew is repeatedly treated with insecticides against soil pests, and then left fallow until next year.

Preparing garden bergenia for winter

Badans are frost-resistant, however, in winters with little snow, some cultivars can freeze. So that in the spring the curtain does not look bare, and then does not recover for several years, young plants that have not had time to fully acclimatize are recommended to be insulated. This can be done using a thick layer, for which fallen and dried leaves, spruce branches, high-moor peat are used.

Planting and growing bergenia - video

Chigir tea, Mongolian tea, bergenia, badan - all these names belong to the same plant. A herbaceous rhizomatous perennial, in rare cases an annual, whose birthplace is Altai, can often be found in the grower's collection. It belongs to the saxifrage family, so named because of the habitat of these plants - they grow on stony substrates, settle in cracks between stones, thereby destroying them over time.

Badan leaves are large, green, shiny, collected at the root in a beautiful rosette and resemble elephant ears in their shape - that is why the plant received another name, “elephant ears”. In autumn, due to the accumulation of sugars in the tissues, the leaves turn red.

Badan is beautiful during flowering - white, red or pink corolla flowers up to 2 cm each are collected in corymbose inflorescences located on long peduncles. In one inflorescence there are up to 120 pieces.

Badan is famous not only for its beauty and unpretentiousness, but also for its medicinal properties.

Varieties, varieties of badan and photographs of flowers

In total, 10 species of bergenia are known to grow in the wild. Based on them, many decorative varieties have been bred. Only three types of plants are popular with gardeners:

  • thick-leaved;
  • Pacific;
  • hearty.

- a beautiful herbaceous perennial, reaching 50 cm in height. Its habitat in the wild is rocks and rocky slopes. The flowers in the inflorescences are painted in a rich dark pink color, emit a pleasant aroma. The flowering period begins some time after the end of the snow melt and lasts about a month. The leaves are large, thick, leathery, heart-shaped or rounded, dark green, changing their color to purple-red by autumn. Grows very slowly.

- herbaceous perennial with thick above-ground rhizomes. Single stems up to 40 cm high end in lush inflorescences. The flowers are lilac, bright, like bells. The flowering period begins in May and ends at the end of June. Leaves up to 20 cm in diameter, oval, dense, growing at the very root, green in summer and red in autumn. In the wild, it grows among stones and shrubs, forming dense thickets.

- a perennial wintering under the snow up to 40 cm high. Dark green leaves are dense, rough, heart-shaped - that's why the type of plant got its name. The flowering period begins in May and lasts about 20 days. Small flowers, lilac or pink, are collected in dense racemose inflorescences. Sometimes there are varieties that give flowers of a white or lavender hue.

Choosing a place for planting badan

Badan is a plant resistant to low temperatures, wintering calmly in the conditions of the Siberian winter. But there are also varieties that are sensitive to temperature changes - European. They are planted in those places of the garden plot, where the accumulation of cold air is least likely.

For planting a perennial in the garden, a shady place is chosen, since the badan is shade-tolerant, and under the scorching rays of the sun it lives poorly - it does not want to grow and looks depressed. But planting a plant in full shade is also undesirable - bergenia may stop blooming. The ideal location is a slightly shaded rocky area on the northeast, northwest or north side of the site.

Badan is planted in July or August

Badan is planted in open ground in late July or early August. Any soil is suitable - the main thing is that good drainage is provided, since badan does not tolerate excess and stagnant moisture. In nature, the plant settles on poor soils, therefore it is advisable to try to create similar ones in the garden. Mix sand, gravel, soddy soil in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 - and the soil for badan is ready. If the soil in the area is loamy, then crushed stone and sand are added to it.

Holes for bushes are made at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other so that the rhizomes of each plant can develop freely.

Care for the plant badan in the open field

The fact that a recently planted plant does not bloom for a long time should not be blamed on yourself or improper care: bergenia grows very slowly and only in the second year of life gives the first flowers. At the same time, it is not difficult to care for and create the conditions necessary for the existence of this plant. With the onset of autumn, help the bergenia prepare for winter - cut off the dry inflorescences, and in the spring remove the old overwintered leaves. In the first year after planting, the soil around young plants must be mulched.

Watering is done regularly, but in small portions - it is impossible to fill the plant. In the wild, bergenia independently regulates soil moisture, since fallen leaves cover the soil in the rhizome area and do not allow it to dry out - they should not be removed at all. Overdrying the soil is also undesirable. If fallen leaves are removed for aesthetic reasons, then the soil around the plant is mulched.

Badan does not like frequent transplants, so it is better to choose a place in the garden for him once and for all - in one place he can exist for up to 10 years. For the winter, the plant is not dug up - it winters well in the ground, covered with spruce branches.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Feed the bergenia plant a couple of times a year

Top dressing of badan is carried out a couple of times a year, in spring and autumn. The plant responds especially well to the feeding of "Kemira", which is bred at the rate of 1 tbsp. per 10 liters of water per 2 sq.m.

Ways to propagate the badan plant

Badan is propagated both by seeds and cuttings or by dividing the bush. The division of the bush is carried out no more than once every 5-6 years. An exception is the need for rapid reproduction of the plant. You can determine the time to start dividing by the size of the leaves - they begin to shrink. The bush is divided into 4-5 parts.

Propagation cuttings are usually taken from the mother plant in May-June - these are rosettes with several medium-sized leaves and part of the rhizome (about 10-20 cm). The stalk is immediately planted in the ground 2-3 cm deep. The plant should have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

Propagation of bergenia by seeds is the longest process of obtaining new young plants. It is advisable to sow them directly into soddy soil in the second half of summer and provide seedlings with regular watering. For the winter, young plants are covered with straw or dry leaves.

You can also grow bergenia for seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in February in a box with soil, which is then exposed under the snow. In March-April, the container should be brought into the room. Grown seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of summer.

Diseases, pests and plant care during this period

Badan's immunity is enviable - it is resistant to attack by pests and the effects of various pathogens. Usually the plant is sick only with improper care. Badan may encounter ramulariasis - a fungal infection, the symptoms of which are leaves covered with brown-gray spots with a reddish or dark border. On their lower part, the appearance of a whitish coating can be noted. The spores of this fungus tolerate winter well and can easily get into the area with fresh planting material. Removing the affected leaves and spraying the plants with Bordeaux liquid, foundationazole and other preparations will help to cope with this scourge.

With poor drainage, the roots can rot in the bergenia, and it dies. Sometimes a plant that grows in strong shade is attacked by a drooling penny. The fight against it is the creation of unfavorable living conditions for it, that is, they provide good lighting and low soil moisture.

For bergenia, nematode worms are also dangerous. If they spread strongly, then it will be extremely difficult to save the bushes. The plant is dug out of the ground and its rhizome is placed for some time in a solution of potassium permanganate, then planted in the ground in a new place. The old site is treated with means to combat nematodes.

Badan goes well with other plants on the site.

Badan looks spectacular from spring to late autumn, so it can decorate any part of the garden. It looks most advantageous in borders, borders, it is great for creating alpine slides, it covers rocky areas of soil well. It would be nice if you can plant it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba decorative pond or a large stone.

Badan goes well with the following plants:

  • aquilegia;
  • sedge;
  • geranium;
  • iris;
  • fern;
  • phlox;
  • bells;
  • lungwort;
  • day-lily;
  • astilba.

This is not the whole list of plants with which bergenia can make an excellent duet. The most winning options are squat and lush bergenia combined with slender and narrow-leaved plants, possibly vines.

Watch the video material on this plant.

Badan in folk medicine

Badan is good not only for its decorative properties: it is an excellent healer. Its leaves and rhizomes have been used for many centuries in folk medicine in Buryatia and Tibet. On the basis of bergenia, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent preparations are prepared. The plant has proven itself in the treatment of non-communicable diseases of the intestine, fibroids and cervical erosion. Badan leaves are applied to burns, and a tincture of them is used for loose stools and against high temperatures. A powder prepared from dried leaves is sprinkled on wounds, so that they quickly heal. Badan has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps with stomatitis and gingivitis, relieves headaches.

Badan leaves, thawed in the spring from under the snow, are used to make teas that tonic and cleanse the body.

In the spring flowerbed, one cannot fail to notice large rosettes of juicy green foliage, with bright pink inflorescences on dense erect peduncles. This is badan, planting and care in the open field for which even a novice grower will not cause trouble. But the garden, thanks to an unpretentious, catchy and very useful plant, will truly change.

Perennial garden varieties of bergenia come from those parts of Asia where other representatives of the green world would not be too comfortable. Plants settle not only in alpine meadows and lowlands, but also on rocky ledges, highlands. Such conditions "hardened" the flower, often called saxifrage for its endurance.

In landscape design, as in the photo, bergenia has found its place on alpine hills and near water bodies, in group plantings with other decorative perennials. The mono-planting of this rapidly growing and forming picturesque clumps of dense foliage of culture is quite common.

Growing bergenia and caring for it on the site will not make it difficult for the ever-busy summer resident. The main thing is to find a suitable place for the perennial and create conditions for growth and flowering.

Where and how to plant bergenia?

The unpretentiousness, frost resistance and endurance of bergenia in nature were fully transferred to garden varieties. Therefore, even a beginner can grow them in his flower bed. Like other perennial crops, bergenia is planted with seedlings or daughter rosettes separated from an adult plant.

But before you plant a badan, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The culture feels best in areas with loose, light soil. Such soil helps the surface roots to receive nutrition, oxygen, as well as the moisture that badan badly needs.

When choosing a place, preference is given to areas where the badan will not suffer from drought and direct sunlight, as well as from the proximity of spring stagnant water. In partial shade, the plant will be quite comfortable, but if the sockets have to spend a lot of time in the sun, the soil under it must be mulched.

Badan has no special requirements for the composition of the soil. Well, if in the area where the badan is to be planted, the soil has a slightly alkaline reaction. However, even on a slightly acidic substrate, the plant can adapt, bloom and multiply.

Badan flower care after planting

As soon as the snow begins to melt, the leaves of bergenia appear from under it. True, the foliage left over from last year managed to suffer during the winter.

Therefore, in the spring, care when planting bergenia in the open field begins with the removal of damaged or dead leaves. Next, complex fertilizers are applied under the sockets, which are designed to stimulate growth and support plants during flowering.

When pink or lilac bells in panicle inflorescences fade, the plantings are fed again. This time, fertilizer will restore nutrient reserves and speed up the growth of rosettes.

Top dressing is combined with watering or carried out on already moist soil. Since bergenia responds well to water, it must be watered:

  • during the formation of buds and the appearance of peduncles;
  • in two 10–20 days, if there is not enough precipitation during this period;
  • in the future, until the end of summer with the threat of drought.

In the hot season, when the soil loses moisture due to evaporation, and the roots can dry out, the soil is mulched. It is especially important to do this, as in the photo, when leaving after planting the badan.

Badan breeding

You can get young bergenia plants on the site by sowing seeds of the variety you like or by dividing an already grown plant.

Seed propagation of bergenia provides for cold stratification.

Seeds sown in furrows with a depth of no more than 0.5 cm of the furrow are planted in moistened soil and sent to the cold. Ideally, if the planting container is taken out into the open air and sprinkled with snow, which will maintain optimal humidity and prevent future seedlings from freezing.

In the first days of March, the container is placed in heat, in the light, but not under direct sunlight. At a temperature of 18–19 ºC and maintaining high humidity, the seeds begin to swell and hatch in 20–25 days.

Caring for an bergenia flower after planting involves watering and careful loosening of the soil around the seedlings. If the passages are too thick, they are thinned out, leaving one plant per 3–5 cm.

45–55 days after sowing, young plants dive, spreading from each other at a distance of at least 6–7 cm. By June, you can determine the place where to plant bergenia. But before that, the seedlings are hardened, gradually increasing the period of stay of boxes with seedlings in the fresh air. In the first half of summer, the strongest seedlings are brought into the ground. The rest are transplanted in August.

Planting bergenia in open ground and caring for plants

The root system of bergenia is located close to the soil surface, so you should not make large, deep holes. It is enough to choose a 6-8 cm soil with a scoop, and pour a little sand on the bottom of the hole as drainage. Since the plant will gradually expand its boundaries, grow, the interval between the holes is made at least 40 cm. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered.

If most perennials bloom the next year after planting in the ground, then the badan is not in a hurry to show the summer resident their inflorescences. The first buds are formed only after 2–3 years, but at the same time, bergenia is already forming daughter rosettes.

This is an excellent planting material, which is easy to separate from adult plants in the summer, after flowering and until the first days of September. The rhizomes of such divisions are practically under the surface of the soil or protrude above it, and even a beginner can cope with their digging.

It is necessary to divide the plant so that at least three healthy buds remain on the root cutting. Leaves are cut from seedlings, leaving a pair of the strongest. Landing in is carried out to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters. In order for the badan to have room for growth, a gap of at least 30 centimeters is left between future plants. In the first month, top dressing is not needed, but watering should be regular and plentiful.

With proper care, bergenia planted in open ground blooms a year earlier than seedlings, that is, in the second or third year after the start of independent life.

When to transplant bergenia? This plant can grow in one place for a very long time and without visible problems. Therefore, a transplant is taken when required:

  • limit the growth of badan on the site;
  • on the contrary, to receive planting material for reproduction from adult plants.

Uncontrolled sprawl of plantings leads to their excessive density, which is fraught with diseases and the accumulation of pests.

Problems in growing and caring for bergenia

Most often on badan there are fungal diseases caused by crowding and high humidity. Signs of such infections appear on the leaves in the form of brown or whitish spots, blackening or necrosis of tissues.

Affected leaf blades dry out, and the disease grows. You can cope with the trouble when growing and caring for bergenia:

  • spraying with systemic fungicides;
  • establishing care and irrigation regime;
  • rarefaction of landings in order to organize an influx of fresh air to the bases of outlets.

Among the pests that damage the plant, slugs, nematodes and slobbering pennits should be mentioned. While insects can be controlled with insecticide treatment, worms pose a greater threat. Plants affected by them are dug up and destroyed in order to prevent the spread of the nematode. The area where badan grew is repeatedly treated with insecticides against soil pests, and then left fallow until next year.

Preparing garden bergenia for winter

Badans are frost-resistant, however, in winters with little snow, some cultivars can freeze. So that in the spring the curtain does not look bare, and then does not recover for several years, young plants that have not had time to fully acclimatize are recommended to be insulated. This can be done with a thick layer of mulch, for which fallen and dried leaves, spruce branches, and high-moor peat are used.

Planting and growing bergenia - video

Badan is a perennial plant. It blooms from March until the end of May. If the region is warmer, then the badan continues to bloom in summer. The plant is pollinated by insects. Fruiting of badan begins from the end of July and lasts until August, in the dry fruit there are many small seeds. Badan planting and care in the open field in the fall will be given below, it is considered an evergreen plant that has medicinal properties.

In folk medicine, bergenia leaves are used in the treatment of toothache, tuberculosis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary tract diseases, rheumatism, and goiter. In Mongolian medicine, the roots and leaves are used for nausea and vomiting.

Badan planting methods

There are three main ways to plant bergenia:

Use of rosettes of leaves,
- a method from a container,
- planting rhizome.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • With the first method, the rhizome is partially dug up and, together with an earthen clod, is transferred to another area. In this case, it is not necessary that there are buds on the root - rosettes of leaves will suffice.

The method is the most gentle, but most suitable when the plant is transplanted after a short time interval. It can be used at any time, except during the flowering period. It is best to transplant bergenia in the fall. If it is not possible to plant the plant immediately, it can be placed in a container.

  • According to the second method, landing can be performed at any time of the year, except for the winter period. It is recommended to plant seedlings from seeds in the spring, then over the summer period it will become much stronger and create a supply of nutrients.

When transplanting, the plant is removed from the container along with a clod of earth. The hole must be prepared in the appropriate size. If the badan has grown strongly, then it is quite possible to divide it by shaking off the soil and cutting the root. After that, you can plant.

  • With the third method, it is necessary to dig out part of the root, clear the ground. At least five dormant buds should be placed on the root. You can store such roots for quite a long time. This requires darkness, a cool climate. Roots for storage are shifted with straw or special paper. Care should be taken that the roots do not dry out during storage, but the humidity must also be certain so as not to cause the process of decay.

If the roots have been stored for a long time, before planting they should be soaked for several hours in water, to which a little manganese or copper sulfate is added.
This planting method does not give a 100% germination result. From long-term storage, the roots may well lose their strength for growth.

It is recommended to plant bergenia in a shaded area so that the light falls on it in a diffused form. You can also use a sunny place, but you will have to monitor the condition of the soil and water it in a timely manner. The soil for planting should be sod light, without excessive moisture, with a low acidity content.

Badan care rules

There is nothing complicated here, because the plant is considered unpretentious. The main task is to ensure that the soil on the site does not dry out. This will help the old leaves of the plant, which will cover the ground with themselves.

If bergenia grows in an area open to the sun, visible to the eyes of guests, the old leaves from the bushes will have to be cut off so that the plant always looks beautiful. In this option, you will have to water and mulch the ground so that it does not dry out.

Badan can not be fed. Only after flowering, when forming new rosettes, can a soluble complex of fertilizers be applied. You should not fertilize more often so that flowering does not disappear. The old leaves of the bushes break off in the autumn.
Growing bergenia in a permanent place can last up to ten years without a transplant.
Badan is able to decorate your site with its original appearance; it does not require special attention in care.

The blooming bergenia plant is a charming evergreen "inhabitant", which is considered a worthy decoration of any summer flower garden. About what varieties and types of bergenia exist, how to properly plant and care, grow and propagate the plant, as well as what garden crops to combine in landscape design, we will tell in the article!

Description: varieties and varieties of badan

An unusually beautiful bergenia plant, completely strewn with small pink flowers, came to gardeners from Siberia. It was the harsh growing conditions that made the herbaceous plant unpretentious and able to winter in any region of our country.

Due to its beauty and unpretentiousness, bergenia will not leave indifferent any gardener.

An amazing feature of bergenia is not only in the beauty of the inflorescences, but also in the wonderful healing properties: the leaves and rhizomes of the garden perennial are considered a treasure trove of ascorbic, tannic and gallic acids, carotene. Medicines prepared from thick-leaved bergenia have a good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and improve the secretion of the digestive glands. And tea brewed from the leaves will not only have an unusual aroma, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Interesting! Often gardeners compare bergenia, planting and caring for which does not take much time, with elephant ears. And all because the plant has beautiful, large leaves, which throughout the season can change their color, which greatly enlivens the flower garden, emphasizes its uniqueness and picturesqueness.

Badan leaves - juicy and bright - will decorate the garden, even when the plant does not bloom

In nature, there are about 10 species of this flowering plant and many of the most unusual varieties. This feature allows you to create luxurious flower arrangements using only bergenia.

The most common horticultural crop is thick-leaved bergenia, which got its name because of its fleshy leaves with petioles, which contain a supply of moisture. Crossing thick-leaved bergenia with other species, breeders managed to breed several varieties of this crop:

  • "Britten" with soft pinkish flowers (gardeners call this variety "apple blossom" among themselves);

Sort "Britten"

  • "Purple Glocken" with fragrant inflorescences of rich purple color;

Sort "Purple Glocken"

  • "Abbenglute" with bright pink velvety flowers;

Grade "Abbenglute"

  • "Morgenrote", "Sunningdale" - no less beautiful, but late flowering varieties. The peak of their flowering occurs in the middle of the summer season.

Grade "Morgenrote"

Planting a plant

If you want the bergenia, planting and caring for which is extremely simple, to grow in full force and retain all the useful properties as much as possible, try to recreate the natural conditions for its growth.

For planting, it is better to use lightweight soddy soil, avoid clay soil, or dilute it with fine sand or gravel. Badan also grows well in the composition of sand, compost and clay soil, but stagnant water has a bad effect on its growth and flowering. If the post is sufficiently drained, then flowering plants can safely beautify the shores of reservoirs and ponds.

Badan feels good on various soils

The best time for planting is spring or late summer. Before planting, the soil is prepared, its composition is determined and, if necessary, improved, and weeds are removed. Only after that a spacious hole is dug (up to 30 cm), the rhizome of the plant is placed in it and sprinkled with earth.

Advice! Planting is carried out with the utmost care so as not to damage the root system!

Often, before planting, the hole is filled with water, into which the rhizomes are placed and covered with a layer of soil. Then the soil is compacted and mulched with sawdust and peat. If it was the second method (using water) that was chosen for planting, then watering will be required only after 5-7 days.

plant care

Like any garden crop, bergenia requires care, but it cannot be called burdensome. All that is needed for normal growth and fabulous flowering is timely watering, excluding stagnant water and overflow, suitable feeding, periodic cleaning of falling leaves and mulching.

It is better to mulch the soil around the bush to ensure uniform evaporation of moisture.

Important! In the spring, bergenia needs to be cleaned of last year's shoots, get rid of dried leaves, and shorten the shoots a little.

If the plant was not planted in a prominent place in the backyard, then you can not clear the garden crop from last year's leaves: gradually falling off, they will cover the soil with a kind of protective layer that will help maintain moisture in the ground and save the plant from overheating in the summer heat.

In one place, bergenia can grow quietly for about 10 years, while it does not require a transplant and is extremely resistant to frost on the soil.

Fertilizer and top dressing of bergenia

The plant is very responsive to properly selected top dressing. Before the flowering of badan and after, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers. 2-3 weeks after flowering, you can feed the plant: fertilizers in this case activate the process of growing up and aging of the leaves, which at this time are just beginning to change their color.

The plant should be fed with mineral compounds

Plant propagation

The breeding procedure is somewhat lengthy and complicated, but not all of us prefer easy solutions. For those who do not succumb to difficulties, we will talk about two methods of reproduction - with the help of seeds and cuttings.

Method 1. Growing bergenia by propagating seeds.

To begin with, we note that the bergenia has black and very small seeds (1-2 mm). During the first few years, seedlings develop slowly, forming miniature rosettes no more than 2.5 cm long. Seedlings need constant watering and supervision, and in late autumn they must be covered with dried leaves until spring. In addition, seedlings are necessarily dived with a substrate of compost, loamy soil and sand (ratio 1: 1).

bergenia seeds

Experienced breeders note that the best breeding method is planting in early spring in a special seed container, which is fearlessly exposed in winter under the snow and only in the middle of spring is placed in heat. Seedlings are planted in the area of ​​​​permanent growth in the second year in the second half of summer.

Method 2. Growing bergenia by cuttings.

Strong and healthy middle-aged plants are selected for propagation by this method. Before planting, a part of the branch with an apical bud and a rosette is separated, almost all the leaves are cut off. Usually after a few days you can see the first signs of rooting. It is recommended to plant cuttings at a distance of no more than 40 cm from each other, placing the outlet in the prepared soil to the base. The procedure for caring for seedlings is similar to adult plants.

The easiest way to propagate a plant is cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Thick bergenia is insensitive to pests and diseases. But this is only if all the conditions for the growth of the flower are met, otherwise the plant may suffer from spotting from time to time: brown spots with sharp outlines will appear on the leaves. In the future, the color of these spots will change from brown to brown-gray. On the underside of the leaves, a white, unhealthy coating gradually forms. To get rid of a fungal disease, it is enough to cut off diseased leaves or spray with a Bordeaux liquid composition, foundationazole or preparations with a high copper content.

Badan disease - spotting

Badan: combination with other plants

Badan, planted in flower beds, creates unusual compositions with plants such as:

  • fern;
  • mahonia;
  • lungwort;
  • juniper;
  • astilba;
  • hellebore.

Badan in the flowerbed

But with lilies of the valley, periwinkle and other undersized and creeping plants, it is better not to plant bergenia - it will not only get lost among them, but will also prevent them from growing, and it will be limited in space. A well-groomed bergenia growing under the spreading crown of any deciduous tree looks unusually picturesque and harmonious. Badan is no less beautiful, surrounded by spring bulbous flowers - delicate hyacinths, charming snowdrops and blueberries, bright crocuses.

Badan in landscape design

An important feature of bergenia - the unpretentiousness of care and lighting - allows you to grow a plant both in the shade and under direct sunlight, in flower beds surrounded by other flowers and as an independent unit of landscape design. Thanks to its creeping rhizomes, bergenia effectively covers the soil, preventing the appearance of weeds.

How to grow badan: video

Badan in the garden: photo

Badan is a spectacular garden plant. Its large leathery leaves retain their decorative effect even in winter. When planting bergenia in open ground, caring for it is not difficult. It is only important to choose a convenient place for him and organize the right care.

Varieties of badan and its varieties

The most common species of this plant are thick-leaved bergenia (it is also called medicinal) and bergenia heart-leaved. Such varieties exist in the wild. Recently, more types of Pacific multi-colored and purple have been grown.

Today, the plant has become popular with gardeners and breeders have taken up its cultivation.

So new hybrids appeared:

  • Baby Doll, or Dolly. Flowering begins in April-May. Light pink inflorescences look like small bells. The leaves are rounded.
  • Britten. Its delicate pinkish petals are similar to apple blossoms.
  • Purple Glocken. It blooms in May with fragrant purple inflorescences.
  • Morgenrote and Sunningdale. Late flowering varieties. The peak of flowering of this species is the middle of summer.

Varieties differ in the color and shape of the leaves, they may have jagged or wavy edges.

The nuances of growing

Badan tolerates cold winters well, is not afraid of frost. The flower does not require special growing conditions. It can grow in a shady corner of the garden, and in a sunny place, the main thing is that in the midday heat a shadow falls on it.

  • It does not make great demands on the soil.
  • When choosing a place for badan on the site, you should know that it does not tolerate stagnant water and excess moisture. Of course, it needs to be watered, but it will tolerate a lack of water better than its excess.
  • During flowering, dried flowers are removed.
  • For good growth and flowering, this large plant must be fed.
  • The soil around the bushes must be loosened, not allowing it to dry out.
  • Weeds are suppressed under powerful leaves.

Landing in open ground

This plant is native to Siberia. A flower grown in such harsh conditions can grow in any region of Russia.

In order for it to develop well, it needs to create an environment close to natural. For planting, you should choose a light fertile soil, not clayey and well-drained.

Planting is best in spring or late August.

Landing is done in three ways:

  • bush with leaf rosettes;
  • prepared seedlings;
  • rhizome.

A bush plant is transplanted at the end of summer.

With this method, the following manipulations are performed:

  1. Badan is carefully dug out without damaging the rhizome, and together with an earthen clod, they are planted in a prepared hole with water.
  2. Sprinkle the planting with earth and compact.
  3. The next watering is done in a week.
  4. By frost, the bush will take root and calmly endure the winter.

Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out with the onset of heat in June. Seedlings are planted in prepared holes. When removing the plant from the container, you need to make sure that soil is preserved on the roots. Seedlings should not be planted in a sunny place.

The rhizome is planted in April. It must have five dormant buds. Before planting, the roots must be placed in water for several hours. The planted plant is mulched with peat.

When planting, prepare a spacious hole so that the roots of the plant fit well in it.

Badan plant care

Caring for this plant will not be burdensome. If you did everything right when planting, the flower will not require much attention.

  • For growth and abundant flowering, the plant will require a sufficient amount of water. This does not mean that it needs to be constantly watered. It is important to monitor the condition of the soil and water the plant when it dries, avoiding excess and stagnant moisture.
  • Plant nutrition is important. It is fertilized twice a month. For this, mineral and organic fertilizers are used. A good liquid top dressing of 1 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska and 2 tbsp. spoons of organic fertilizer "Effekton-C", diluted in 10 liters of water.

In spring, the plant should be given a neat, attractive appearance. To do this, remove dried leaves, shorten long shoots. The earth around is loosened, weeds are removed. The plant can grow in one place up to 10 years. In the future, it should be transplanted to another place, dividing the overgrown bush into smaller parts.

Badan after flowering

After flowering is completed, the bergenia flower needs to be fed. To do this, you can use the Kemira-combi fertilizer. One tablespoon of the composition is dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered under the root.

Faded flower stalks should be trimmed to maintain a neat appearance.

Seeds are also collected after flowering. In order not to lose them, gauze bags are put on wilted flowers. In September, cut inflorescences are placed in a dry, ventilated room. Here they are dried for several weeks, then they are poured out of bags, cleaned and sent for storage.

Plant propagation methods

Badan is propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Reproduction by seeds

Badan has small black seeds. They are sown immediately after harvesting directly on the surface of the prepared beds, sprinkled with moist soil on top. All summer they make sure that the earth does not dry out. For the winter, crops are covered with fallen leaves.

You can sow seeds in open ground in May. They germinate in a few weeks. Further care is performed as usual for sprouted seedlings. In autumn, young animals are sheltered.

Seedlings develop very slowly, in the first year miniature rosettes 2.5 cm high are obtained. When a height of 10 cm is reached, the plant dives and is planted in the chosen place of further growth. In four years, the bergenia will strengthen and begin to bloom.

Growing bergenia cuttings

For reproduction use healthy plants not younger than 4 years.

  • Before planting, a part of the root with three buds and leaves is separated from the bush.
  • Leave two or three leaves.
  • The cuttings are planted in the ground, keeping a distance of 40 cm between them.
  • The roots are sunk into the ground to a depth of 4 cm. In a few days, the cutting will take root.

Further care for seedlings is carried out, as for adult plants.

Diseases, pests and care during this period

If you follow the rules for caring for the plant, carefully prepared the soil for planting, there may be no disease in the badan. But still there are some troubles to which he can be exposed.

  • Pennitsa is drooling. This pest appears if the bush grows in full shade and on too wet soil. Pennitsa secretes saliva, which contains larvae. The parts of the plant covered with saliva rot and then dry up. Saliva protects the larvae well, so folk remedies do not destroy it. To get rid of the penny, they use such chemicals as Tsvetofos, Intavir.
  • Nematode. This roundworm lives in the soil and lays ball-like larvae. A dangerous pest multiplies very quickly. To destroy it, you need to dig up a diseased plant. With a small amount of damage, you can remove the diseased roots and transplant the bush to a new place. The soil should be treated with chemicals and no crops should be planted in this place during the year.
  • Badan is prone to leaf spot. Dark spots cover the leaves on the front side, and a white coating appears on the back. In the fight against the disease, the diseased parts of the flower must be removed and Bordeaux liquid is used. Unfortunately, this fungal disease does not destroy even low temperatures.

Use in landscape design

Badan is a spectacular large plant. It looks advantageous in combination with many ornamental crops, and therefore is one of the favorite plants for landscaping garden plots and park areas.

Flower arrangements of bergenia and plants such as:

  • fern;
  • magnolia;
  • astilba;
  • juniper.

They will decorate shady corners on the site.

The spring flowerbed is picturesque, where bergenia will be surrounded by primroses - hyacinths, blueberries, crocuses, snowdrops.

The neighborhood of badan with undersized creeping flowers will be inconvenient. Its spreading bush will interfere with their growth, which will not make a beautiful element in the design of the garden.

In addition, bergenia has medicinal properties. Medicinal is thick-leaved bergenia. When its leaves turn black, they are used to obtain a healthy drink. The black leaf of the plant is part of the "taiga tea" - it strengthens the immune system and has a tonic effect. It has long been used by hunters and geologists, going to the taiga.

Having become acquainted with such a beautiful and useful plant as bergenia, it is impossible not to plant it in your garden. Moreover, the flower does not require special care and will always delight with its healthy appearance.

"Siberian tea" - this is the name of the plant "Badan". This beautiful and unpretentious flower in care has healing properties. You can meet in nature on rocky surfaces. Lowland plants and places along streams are attracted.

plant description

Badan, which has the name "thick-leaved saxifrage", belongs to the category of evergreen and perennial plants. Badan is distinguished from other plants by the presence of a powerful thick rhizome and an inflorescence of fragrant flowers in the shape of a bell. Badan leaves are dark green. Plant height can reach 50 cm. The color palette includes white, pink, purple, purple, dark crimson options.

Attention! In culture, 5 varieties of badan are known. The most popular are thick-leaved and hybrid. Medicinal properties are more pronounced in thick-leaved bergenia.

Landscape designers like to use this plant. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Several specimens planted nearby quickly cover the ground under them with their bright green leaves.
  2. Badan "survives" weeds.
  3. It goes well with a lot of plants.

After winter, leaves appear from under the snow, which have a brown tint. Subsequently, they turn green. The flowering period of the plant falls on April-May.

Planting and plant care

Badan, planting and caring for which is optimal in the spring, has another interesting property. The leaves turn bright red in the midst of autumn, making a great addition to any landscape of the season.

Before planting bergenia in a new area, you need to make sure that the soil is suitable. It is better if the soil is:

  • moisturized;
  • drained;
  • light.

The plant does well in partial shade. If planted in full sun or shade, the plant will survive but will not produce abundant flowers. A contraindication for planting badan is the presence of clay soil on the site. In addition, there should be no stagnant water. Otherwise, the plant will start to hurt or even rot.

Badan can be grown from seeds or vegetatively propagated. After the plant is first planted in the ground, it feels great for ten years. Badan does not withstand frequent transplants.

Important! Planting and care in the open field are more desirable. But in some cases, those who want to see badan throughout the year plant a plant in greenhouses.

Features of plant care

During the dry season, Siberian tea should be watered once a week. Although in general, the plant tolerates drought without problems.

  1. Top dressing of the plant should be carried out in the spring after flowering.
  2. Remove dry inflorescences. An exception is if seed propagation is planned.
  3. It is necessary to carefully clean the plant from dry leaves in the spring in order to prevent a sudden return of frost from hitting the root.
  4. To protect the plant from weevils.
  5. For the winter, the roots of the plant should be covered so that it does not freeze out.

Attention! Badan does not like abundant watering, which can lead to spots on its leaves.

There are many varieties of badan on sale that are not adapted to harsh winter conditions. If the plant is not covered for the winter or dry foliage is cut off in the fall, then in the spring the bergenia will be forced to spend energy on restoring greenery. Such a plant will not be able to bloom.

Considering that Siberian tea grows in breadth, when planting between rosettes, plants should be left from 30 to 50 cm so that they do not interfere with each other in the development process.

To help the plant develop successfully, it is recommended to feed it. This is usually done before flowering. As a means of feeding, you can use the following composition:

  • 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska;
  • 5 kg of compost;
  • 5 kg of peat.

Thoroughly mix all these components together and spread under the leaves of the plant.

Ways to propagate bergenia

The easiest way is to divide the bergenia outlet into parts and transplant to a new place. The root of the plant is close to the surface. If you take even a segment with one kidney, then the plant will take root easily.

Plant propagation

Experienced gardeners also advise planting a segment with a slope. This ensures faster rooting of the plant, and will also give an increase in the number of vegetative buds. That will allow you to quickly carry out a new reproduction of badan.

Badan planting time

Those who want to use this method of transplantation usually ask, at what time should the bergenia be divided? Planting and leaving in late autumn in this case would be a mistake. The most favorable period is the end of July - August. This will additionally lead to the fact that badan will not thicken on the territory.

Planting seeds and care in the garden in the future is carried out, on the contrary, from the spring. In this case, the plant will have time to strengthen well before frost. If you want to plant badan seeds in the fall, then you should additionally cover the area chosen for planting with peat or sawdust. This will increase the chances of spring seedlings.

Disadvantages of the seed method of plant propagation:

  1. Long growing period of the plant.
  2. Low germination of seeds planted in autumn.
  3. After germination, a transplant will be required (reproduction takes place in two stages).
  4. In the first year, the plant will only produce 5 leaves, which makes it impossible to use the outlet for design purposes.

Attention! "Siberian tea" can be planted in the form of seedlings. In order for the plant to gain enough strength, seeds in boxes or containers should be planted in February.

It is worth counting on flowering in plants that were obtained from seeds only after 3-4 years.

Badan diseases

Like any plant, bergenia can be affected by any disease. Although it should be noted that pests do not attack badan so often. Diseases are mainly fungal in nature, and are associated with the wrong choice of soil or care.

Most often, the leaves of the plant are affected. They can become "leaky" due to the work of slugs, snails, weevils. In this case, it is necessary to treat the plant with special chemicals. It is impossible to use them in hot weather, which can destroy the plant.

Rarely, but the plant is affected by nematodes. Getting rid of this type of pest is difficult. They lay their eggs on the rhizome of the bergenia. As a result, even cleaning the soil is unable to get rid of the problem. If a decision is made to transplant bergenia, then chemical treatment is carried out in its place, and for a long time they do not plant in this area.

Important! If spots appear on the leaves of the plant or the bergenia has stopped blooming, you should make sure that there is no excessive moisture. In addition, it is possible to carry out the treatment with nitrophoska or ash.

Amazing and versatile in its properties, the badan plant will definitely appeal to its owners with its unpretentious care and discreet, but individual appearance.

Few people know that from the dried leaves of a plant called badan, prepare very tasty, aromatic and, most importantly, healing tea. Out of ignorance, many flower growers and gardeners throw out these dried, shriveled leaves.

Such tea in Altai (the birthplace of bergenia) is called Chigir tea, but in Siberia it was given a different name - Mongolian. With the onset of spring, the leaves that were under the snow cover and underwent natural fermentation acquire healing properties. So, this unusual tea is able to strengthen the immune system, cure a large number of diseases, and it also has excellent tonic properties. Not so long ago, the dried leaves of this wonderful plant could be freely bought on the market. Fresh green bergenia leaves are not used to make medicinal tea, but they are used in the preparation of cabbage rolls (instead of cabbage leaves).

Once you have tried this wonderful drink, you will certainly want to grow bergenia yourself, which is quite simple to do, since this plant is unpretentious, and it can also suppress the growth of weeds around it. With the onset of spring, all you have to do is collect the remaining leaves, rinse and dry them thoroughly, and then you can make delicious tea from them. Store such leaves in canvas bags. By the way, this drink can be drunk at almost any age. It is noteworthy that the rhizome of bergenia also has healing properties; medicinal ointments and decoctions are prepared from it.

Badan is an evergreen perennial and belongs to the saxifrage family. It has not only medicinal properties, but also a spectacular appearance. This plant is also called Bergenia (lat. Bergenia), and it is named after the German botanist and physician Karl Bergen.

This plant has spectacular inflorescences of small goblet flowers. They are placed on peduncles, on which leaves are completely absent. In one inflorescence, there are approximately 120 fairly large (up to 2 centimeters in diameter) flowers. Its shiny large leaves, resembling elephant ears in shape, are collected in a rosette. That is why it is sometimes also called "elephant ears". This plant is able to bring zest to the architecture of any garden. So, it is often used when composing compositions with such narrow-leaved and variegated plants as arabis, hosta or phlox. They also look great when combined with rocks and small ponds.

There are only 10 types of bergenia, and most of them are suitable for growing in the garden. However, if you want to drink medicinal tea from this plant, then you will need to plant thick-leaved badan. To plant it, you need to choose a shaded place, preferably not far from the trees, or rather in their shade. If it is placed in a sunny place, then badan will grow extremely poorly, and its development will be slow.

Fairly light, loose, moist and slightly alkaline soil is suitable for planting bergenia, and all because its horizontal, thick roots are very weak. They are very close to the surface of the soil, and that is why it is so important not to allow the earth to dry out or stagnate moisture in it. In the wild, the root system is protected by fallen leaves, because they mulch the soil, helping to retain moisture in too dry weather, and they also protect the earth from waterlogging during heavy rains. When grown in gardens, these dry leaves are harvested in the spring as garbage or collected as medicinal raw materials, and because of this, the root system loses its natural protection.

Badan is characterized by intensive growth. So, if you plant a couple of small sprouts side by side, after 2 or 3 years they will completely cover the surface of the soil. A large number of evergreen silky leaves grow from adventitious small roots of the maternal root system. In this regard, bergenia completely suppresses the growth of weeds near itself and it is not necessary to weed it.

Thick petioles of dark green bergenia are selected from under the snow cover at the very beginning of spring. They grow very quickly, and already in the last weeks of April or the first - May, flowering begins, which lasts until the end of June. Its flowers are collected in panicles and their petals have a slight coating of wax. These fragrant flowers are purple, bright red, pink or white. These spectacular panicles rise above the rosettes of ornamental leaves. In autumn, these leaves turn brown-lilac or bright bronze, and they remain so until spring. Badan can bloom twice a year, and the second bloom occurs in August or September.


Badan can be propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds.

How to grow bergenia from seeds

Sowing seeds should be done in the first half of March. To do this, it is advisable to prepare a wooden box (size 50x70 centimeters), pouring purchased earth for flowers into it. Seeds are sown in grooves half a centimeter deep, located at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. First, these grooves are carefully shed with warm water, and then the seeds are sparsely poured. Place the box in partial shade, in a warm place (temperature within 18-19 degrees). Watering should be carried out systematically. Sprouts will usually appear after 3 weeks. And after a month they can be thinned out. Planting seedlings is carried out in the first days of June.

Shallow holes (up to 6 centimeters) are made in open ground, and it is recommended to place them in a checkerboard pattern of 40x40 centimeters. A small amount of sand is first poured into each hole, and then an earth mixture consisting of humus, loamy and soddy soil, as well as sand mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2:1. Plant development is extremely slow. Before the onset of cold weather, they usually have 2 leaves of shoots and this is quite normal. For the first wintering, bergenia should be covered with peat or fallen leaves. In the following years, this is no longer necessary. This medicinal plant will bloom 3 or 4 years after planting.

Peculiarities of badan breeding by dividing the bush

This method of breeding bergenia is quite simple. New roots during growth are very close to the surface of the soil, and therefore they can be easily dug out without damaging the mother rhizome. Thus, the plant is propagated in May or June. The divisions should have at least 3 buds and 2-3 leaves. The separated roots are planted in pits having a depth of 10–15 centimeters, and they are placed 30–50 centimeters apart. Planted delenki need to be watered abundantly. The bergenia bush should be divided no more than 1 time in 4 or 5 years. At the same time, do not forget that this flower grows in breadth, and it needs a large amount of free space.

Features of care

Caring for this plant is very easy. In autumn, he needs to remove dried inflorescences, and in spring - wilted leaves. In the 1st season, after the bergenia is planted, you need to mulch the ground (for any method of reproduction). Watering is done as needed, but make sure that there is no overdrying of the earth. Mineral fertilizers must also be applied to the soil. In the spring, it is recommended to use the Kemira Lux universal fertilizer, and in the autumn - a solution of superphosphate fertilizer (20 grams per 10 liters of water per 1 square meter of land).

Remember that bergenia is extremely negative about transplants, and it grows quite well and develops in the same place for 10 years.

Main types

Badan thick-leaved

The bush reaches a height of half a meter. Fragrant flowers are painted in dark pink, and shiny leaves are in light green. In autumn, the leaves change their color to brown-red.

Badan pacific

Its bell-shaped flowers are painted in a bright pale lilac color. The leaves are large (diameter up to 20 cm), rounded.

Badan hearty

The height of the bush, depending on the growing conditions and plant variety, is from 20 to 40 centimeters. The flowers are painted in pink, purple, white or lilac. It has lush, heart-shaped leaves.

Video review

Badan planting and care in the open field

Green plants are especially pleasing to the eye in early spring, when the main colors and colors are still awakening. Badan or Bergenia (Bergenia) is one of those plants that grow in the open field and appear green already from under the snow. It is also called Siberian tea. This plant is colorful, especially given its early flowering period, bergenia will organically look near a small pond.

Badan planting and care in the open field - is it worth planting and is the process of caring for it laborious? This article will help you to learn everything about the properties of bergenia and other important things regarding this wonderful plant.

In addition to easy care and attractive appearance, it is good because it can live in one place for quite a long time. So you can forget about thinking about a new landing site and careful care. But what you should not forget about is the healing properties of bergenia.

Badan flower description. A photo

Badan refers to perennial plants that remain green all year round. It has a dense and thick rhizome, slightly branched. The rhizome is close to the surface. Badan leaves are large, rounded, petiolate. The outer leaf plate has a smooth leathery texture.

Curious! Gardeners note the similarity of the leaves with the ears of an elephant.

The stems of the plant reach a length of 30 cm in height. The goblet-shaped bergenia flowers are located at the top of the stem, collected in racemose inflorescences. The color of the flowers is red, bright pink or white. Flowering time for bergenia begins in spring and continues until the end of the growing season.

Badan species and varieties

There are different types of badan in the world, including:

  1. Thick-leaved (medicinal). As the name implies, it is used in medicine. However, this does not exclude the possibility of planting this variety as an ornamental.
  2. Hearty. This variety of bergenia is popular with landscape designers. Gardeners like high frost resistance, so the variety is common throughout Europe.
  3. Purple. Leaves make it purple. Closer to winter, they become crimson, provided that they grow in a sunny place.
  4. Pacific. This variety is also called multi-colored. It looks like thick-leaved bergenia and replaces it in the Far Eastern territories.

Badan thick-leaved

bergenia cordifolia (Bergenia cordifolia)

Badan purple (Vergenia purpurea)

B. pacific (Bergenia pacifica kom)

There are among the usual varieties and hybrids. They differ in particular unpretentiousness. The best of them:

  • the hybrid variety Baby doll is hardy, like all its brethren. It differs in the design of the leaves (green base with bronze edging) and the color of delicate inflorescences (they are lilac-pink);
  • hybrid variety Bressingham White - a variety of small stature, has perfectly white flowers. Named after the place where the variety was bred;
  • Hybrid variety Silberlicht - like the previous hybrid, this one is short with reddish peduncles, and the flowers are pure white, turning pink with time.

Bergenia Baby Doll

Bergenia Bressingham White

Bergenia 'Silberlicht'

Planting bergenia in the open field in the Urals

Choosing a place where the plant will grow is easy. Whether it's sunny or shady, it doesn't matter. Badan is unpretentious, so it will feel good both there and there.

Important! Creating habitual conditions will ensure full growth and retain medicinal properties.

After choosing a place, you should find out what type of soil is in it. It is best planted in lightweight soddy soil or soil consisting of a mixture of sand, clay and humus.

Important! The prevailing clay soil, even diluted with sand and gravel, is not suitable for bergenia. Stagnation of water in the soil also adversely affects the condition of the flower.

Planting itself in open ground is carried out in spring or late summer. The soil is prepared in three stages:

  1. Weeds are weeded.
  2. Dig a hole about 30 cm in diameter.
  3. Fill it with water.

Next, the rhizome is placed in the prepared hole, sprinkled with earth and rammed. Often, a small layer of sawdust or peat is poured on top of the soil layer.
The first watering after planting in open ground will be required in 5-7 days.

Important! Badan grows in breadth. It is worth considering this in order to prevent "conflicts" with neighboring plants.

Planting bergenia in open ground in the Urals is no different from planting in other areas. You should know that the inhabitants of the Urals were among the first to discover the properties of the plant.

Caring for bergenia in spring and autumn. flowering period

Care, like planting, will not take much time, and in order for the plant to please as long as possible, you need to follow a few fairly simple care rules:

  • timely watering;
  • suitable top dressing;
  • cleaning up fallen leaves;
  • mulching.

Important! In the spring, last year's leaves are removed, and new shoots are slightly shortened.

If for some reason the soil cannot be mulched, then last year's leaves do not need to be removed. They fit perfectly and, moreover, do all the work themselves.

As for top dressing, mineral fertilizers are needed in the periods before and after flowering. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil after flowering in 2-3 weeks.

Badan is able to live in one place for about 7-8 years, after which it is necessary to transplant it to a new place. You should not abuse transplants - the recovery process will not have time to go through, and the plant will start to hurt.

Badan breeding

Unlike planting and care in the open field, the breeding process is long and not so simple. For gardeners who are not afraid of difficulties, this section of the article will help increase the number of bergenia. So, reproduction can be carried out in two ways.

1 way. cuttings

For reproduction in this way, strong uterine bushes are selected that have reached at least six years of age. In the interval between May and August, a part of the rhizome with a rosette of leaves is cut off after flowering, a few of the top ones are left from all the leaves.

Important! It is better to take root a bush that has at least three dormant buds in the axils of the leaves.

Planted cuttings in loose soil, deepening to the outlet. Rhizomes should be at a depth of 4 cm. It is desirable to plant at a distance of about 30 cm. The first flowering will take 2-3 years, since young plants do not form new rosettes, but 10-20 new bushes can be obtained in this way.

2 way. Seminal

For reproduction in this way, small seeds of bergenia are collected, which are then sown. You can do this in several ways:

Sowing seeds in the fall, immediately after harvest

Seeds are sown in dug up and weeded soil. After preparing the soil, humus is poured into it along with sand and everything is mixed into a homogeneous soil. The seeds are then sown evenly.

In the first 2 years, seedlings develop slowly and need regular watering. Care must be taken that fast-growing weeds do not prevent sprouts from developing in a falling shadow. For the winter, seedlings are covered with leaves, or with lutrasil (spunbond).

As soon as winter ends, the seedlings are planted in a box, and the box itself is placed in the remaining snow. At the beginning of summer should be planted in open ground. You should not worry about new bushes - Bergenia tolerates picking calmly.

Sowing seeds in early May

The seeding process is the same as in the first method. Its only feature is that spring sowing will sprout in the second week. As soon as the length of the sprouts reaches 8-10 cm, they are planted in open ground. This usually happens towards the middle of summer. Seed-grown plants bloom for 3-4 years.

Pests and diseases of bergenia

The chemical composition of this plant protects itself from most pests. However, in shady places, slobbering pennitsa annoys, and nematodes living in the soil can periodically attack. There are many ways to get rid of the latter.

Here is one of them - it is enough to place the rhizome of the affected bush in potassium permanganate - this will become a quarantine for the plant. After the procedures, it should be transplanted to a new place, and the previous one should be treated with chemicals from worms.

Preparing badan for winter

As mentioned earlier, bergenia is frost resistant, but during spring frosts it becomes necessary to cover the bushes due to the possible loss of flower buds. However, this measure is more desirable than necessary.

Important! Evergreen perennials, such as bergenia, should not be covered for the winter. Covered, they overheat, resulting in fungal infections.

Badan: combination with other plants

The best combination of bergenia with other plants is achieved if they are not similar to each other. That is, they have a different shape of leaves and differ in the range of colors. When planting bergenia, one should take into account the location of a number of low ground cover plants.

Badan in landscape design

Badan is a perennial that is suitable for decorating gardens in a natural style. Most often, Bergenia crassifolla (Thick-leaved Badan) and Bergenia cordifolla (Heart-leaved Badan) are used in decoration. On an alpine hill, the plant is placed on the northern, northwestern or northeastern slope.

In landscape design, bergenia bushes show the border of a flower garden, or are used to emphasize lines. You can also create an array around trees or shrubs.

Medicinal properties of bergenia

With proper planting and care for bergenia, the plant will delight with healing material. For a long time, bergenia has saved people from diseases. Its ability to stop blood and inflammation, as well as its possible use as an antiseptic, makes it unique and extremely useful.

The listed properties do not constitute a complete list of the medicinal properties of this plant, you can add getting rid of candidiasis of the oral cavity, and fibromyoma, and erosion of the CMM - the salvation from this is badan.

Important! Bergenia roots are contraindicated in people with tachycardia, hypotension and increased blood clotting.

Hypotension patients can use a decoction of the roots of bergenia, if herbs that raise pressure are added to it. This is necessary to eliminate the pressure-reducing effect.

Badan was often brewed and drunk instead of tea. Such a drink with a pleasant aroma gave not only vivacity, but also improved blood pressure, strengthened the walls of blood vessels and helped to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe for bergenia tea is quite simple: last year's brown leaves, harvested in the spring, are dried and crushed.

Important! Green leaves cannot be harvested or harvested as they have not undergone natural fermentation and may be toxic.

At the next stage of making tea from bergenia, the crushed leaves are brewed in boiling water. You can add a little black tea to the infusion for a richer taste.

If tea is used for medicinal purposes, then you need to drink it 3 times a day before meals. Badan tea will also help fight diarrhea, depression, and fever. Tibetan medicine, known throughout the world, uses this drink as a remedy for tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Important! Prolonged use of a decoction of bergenia leads to constipation and disruption of intestinal motility.

Badan has been used not only in medicine. In cosmetology, I also use plants to fight seborrhea of ​​the hair and face, by making various lotions. Badan cosmetics have the ability to narrow pores, so they are used in the treatment of acne. Badan can also help get rid of sweating and dermatitis.

Bergenia-based preparations are used not only in the treatment of human diseases - it is also widely used in veterinary medicine.

Experiments conducted using this plant have proven effective treatment for SARS, whooping cough and other respiratory infections. Even the properties listed above do not end the list of all possible ones! Cooking is another place where bergenia has found use, but that's another story...