Thermal balance and efficiency of the boiler unit. determination of fuel consumption. What is the boiler efficiency? Boiler room efficiency formula

There are 2 methods for determining efficiency:

By direct balance;

Reverse balance.

Determining the efficiency of a boiler as the ratio of the useful heat consumed to the available heat of the fuel is its definition by direct balance:

The efficiency of the boiler can also be determined by the inverse balance - through heat losses. For the steady thermal state, we obtain

. (4.2)

The efficiency of the boiler, determined by formulas (1) or (2), does not take into account electric energy and heat for own needs. This boiler efficiency is called the gross efficiency and is denoted by or .

If the energy consumption per unit of time for the specified auxiliary equipment is , MJ, and the specific fuel consumption for electricity generation is, kg / MJ, then the efficiency of the boiler plant, taking into account the energy consumption of the auxiliary equipment (net efficiency),%,

. (4.3)

Sometimes referred to as the energy efficiency of a boiler plant.

For boiler installations of industrial enterprises, energy consumption for own needs is about 4% of the generated energy.

Fuel consumption is determined by:

The determination of fuel consumption is associated with a large error, so the direct balance efficiency is characterized by low accuracy. This method is used to test an existing boiler.

The reverse balance method is characterized by greater accuracy and is used in the operation and design of the boiler. At the same time, Q 3 and Q 4 are determined according to the recommendation and from reference books. Q 5 is determined by the schedule. Q 6 - is calculated (rarely taken into account), and in essence the determination of the reverse balance is reduced to the determination of Q 2, which depends on the temperature of the flue gases.

The gross efficiency depends on the type and power of the boiler, i.e. performance, type of fuel burned, furnace design. The efficiency is also affected by the mode of operation of the boiler and the cleanliness of the heating surfaces.

In the presence of mechanical underburning, part of the fuel does not burn out (q 4), which means it does not consume air, does not form combustion products and does not release heat, therefore, when calculating the boiler, they use the estimated fuel consumption

. (4.5)

The gross efficiency takes into account only heat losses.

Figure 4.1 - Change in boiler efficiency with load change



5.1 Loss of heat with flue gases

The loss of heat with outgoing gases Q c.g occurs due to the fact that the physical heat (enthalpy) of the gases leaving the boiler exceeds the physical heat of the air and fuel entering the boiler.

If we neglect the low value of the fuel enthalpy, as well as the heat of the ash contained in the flue gases, the heat loss with the flue gases, MJ / kg, is calculated by the formula:

Q 2 \u003d J h.g - J in; (5.8)

where is the enthalpy of cold air at a=1;

100-q 4 – share of burned fuel;

a c.g is the coefficient of excess air in the exhaust gases.

If the ambient temperature is zero (t x.v \u003d 0), then the heat loss with the outgoing gases is equal to the enthalpy of the outgoing gases Q y.g \u003d J y.g.

The loss of heat with exhaust gases usually occupies the main place among the heat losses of the boiler, amounting to 5-12% of the available heat of the fuel, and is determined by the volume and composition of the combustion products, which significantly depend on the ballast components of the fuel and on the temperature of the exhaust gases:

The ratio characterizing the quality of the fuel shows the relative yield of gaseous combustion products (at a=1) per unit heat of combustion of the fuel and depends on the content of ballast components in it:

- for solid and liquid fuels: moisture W P and ash A P;

– for gaseous fuels: N 2 , CO 2 , O 2 .

With an increase in the content of ballast components in the fuel and, consequently, , the heat loss with the exhaust gases increases accordingly.

One of the possible ways to reduce the loss of heat with flue gases is to reduce the coefficient of excess air in flue gases a c.g., which depends on the air flow coefficient in the furnace a T and ballast air sucked into the boiler gas ducts, which are usually under vacuum

a y.g \u003d a T + Da. (5.10)

There are no air suction in boilers operating under pressure.

With a decrease in a T, the heat loss Q c.g. decreases, however, due to a decrease in the amount of air supplied to the combustion chamber, another loss may occur - from chemical incompleteness of combustion Q 3 .

The optimal value of a T is chosen taking into account the achievement of the minimum value q y.g + q 3 .

The decrease in a T depends on the type of fuel burned and the type of combustion device. Under more favorable conditions for the contact of fuel and air, the excess air a T, necessary to achieve the most complete combustion, can be reduced.

The ballast air in the combustion products, in addition to increasing the heat loss Q c.g., also leads to additional energy costs for the smoke exhauster.

The most important factor influencing Q c.g. is the flue gas temperature t c.g. Its reduction is achieved by installing heat-using elements (economizer, air heater) in the tail section of the boiler. The lower the temperature of the flue gases and, accordingly, the lower the temperature difference Dt between the gases and the heated working fluid, the greater the surface area H is required for the same cooling of the gas. An increase in t c.g. leads to an increase in losses with Q c.g. and to additional fuel costs DB. In this regard, the optimal t c.g. is determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations when comparing the annual costs for heat-using elements and fuel for various values ​​of t c.g.

In Fig. 4, one can single out the temperature range (from to ) in which the calculated costs differ insignificantly. This gives reason to choose as the most appropriate temperature at which the initial capital costs will be less.

There are limiting factors in choosing the optimal one:

a) low-temperature corrosion of tail surfaces;

b) when 0 C possible condensation of water vapor and their combination with sulfur oxides;

c) the choice depends on the temperature of the feed water, the temperature of the air at the inlet to the air heater and other factors;

d) contamination of the heating surface. This leads to a decrease in the heat transfer coefficient and to an increase in .

When determining the loss of heat with the exhaust gases, the decrease in the volume of gases is taken into account

. (5.11)

5.2 Heat loss from chemical incomplete combustion

The loss of heat from chemical incompleteness of combustion Q 3 occurs when the fuel is not completely burned within the combustion chamber of the boiler and combustible gaseous components CO, H 2 , CH 4 , C m H n appear in the combustion products ... Afterburning of these combustible gases outside the furnace is almost impossible because due to their relatively low temperatures.

Chemical incompleteness of fuel combustion can be the result of:

- general lack of air;

– poor mixing;

- small size of the combustion chamber;

– low temperature in the combustion chamber;

- high temperature.

With sufficient air quality for complete combustion of fuel and good mixture formation, q 3 depends on the volume density of heat release in the furnace

The optimal ratio at which the loss q 3 has a minimum value depends on the type of fuel, the method of its combustion and the design of the furnace. For modern furnace devices, the heat loss from q 3 is 0÷2% at q v =0.1÷0.3 MW/m 3 .

To reduce the loss of heat from q 3 in the combustion chamber, they seek to increase the temperature level, using, in particular, air heating, as well as improving the mixing of combustion components in every possible way.

Creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a country house is quite simple - you just need to properly equip the heating system. The main component of an efficient and reliable heating system is the boiler. In the article below, we will talk about how to calculate the efficiency of a boiler, what factors affect it, and how to increase the efficiency of heating equipment in a particular house.

How to choose a boiler

Of course, in order to determine how efficient this or that hot water boiler will be, it is necessary to determine its efficiency (efficiency factor). This indicator is the ratio of the heat used for space heating to the total amount of generated heat energy.

The formula for calculating efficiency looks like this:

ɳ=(Q 1 ÷Q ri),

where Q 1 - heat used efficiently;

Q ri is the total amount of released heat.

What is the relationship between boiler efficiency and load

At first glance, it may seem that the more fuel is burned, the better the boiler works. However, this is not quite true. The dependence of the boiler efficiency on the load manifests itself just the opposite. The more fuel is burned, the more heat energy is released. At the same time, the level of heat loss also increases, since strongly heated flue gases go into the chimney. Consequently, fuel is consumed inefficiently.

Similarly, the situation develops in cases where the heating boiler operates at reduced power. If it does not reach the recommended values ​​by more than 15%, the fuel will not burn completely, and the amount of flue gases will increase. As a result, the efficiency of the boiler will drop quite a lot. That is why it is worth adhering to the recommended power levels of the boiler - they are designed to operate the equipment as efficiently as possible.

Calculation of efficiency taking into account various factors

The above formula is not entirely suitable for evaluating the efficiency of the equipment, since it is very difficult to accurately calculate the efficiency of the boiler, taking into account only two indicators. In practice, a different, more complete formula is used in the design process, since not all of the heat generated is used to heat the water in the heating circuit. A certain amount of heat is lost during the operation of the boiler.

A more accurate calculation of the boiler efficiency is made using the following formula:

ɳ=100-(q 2 + q 3 + q 4 + q 5 + q 6), in which

q 2 - heat loss with outgoing combustible gases;

q 3 - heat loss as a result of incomplete combustion of combustion products;

q 4 - heat loss due to fuel underburning and ash precipitation;

q 5 - losses caused by external cooling of the device;

q 6 - heat loss together with slag removed from the furnace.

Heat loss during the removal of combustible gases

The most significant heat losses occur as a result of the evacuation of combustible gases into the chimney (q 2). The efficiency of the boiler largely depends on the combustion temperature of the fuel. The optimum temperature difference at the cold end of the water heater is achieved when heated to 70-110 ℃.

When the flue gas temperature drops by 12-15℃, the efficiency of the hot water boiler increases by 1%. Nevertheless, in order to reduce the temperature of the outgoing combustion products, it is necessary to increase the size of the heated surfaces, and, hence, the entire structure as a whole. In addition, when carbon monoxide is cooled, the risk of low-temperature corrosion increases.

Among other things, the temperature of carbon monoxide also depends on the quality and type of fuel, as well as the heating of the air entering the furnace. The temperatures of the incoming air and the outgoing combustion products depend on the types of fuel.

To calculate the heat loss index with outgoing gases, the following formula is used:

Q 2 = (T 1 -T 3) × (A 2 ÷ (21-O 2) + B), where

T 1 is the temperature of the evacuated combustible gases at the point behind the superheater;

T 3 - the temperature of the air entering the furnace;

21 - concentration of oxygen in the air;

O 2 - the amount of oxygen in the outgoing combustion products at the control point;

A 2 and B are coefficients from a special table that depend on the type of fuel.

Chemical underburning as a source of heat loss

The q 3 indicator is used when calculating the efficiency of a gas heating boiler, for example, or in cases where fuel oil is used. For gas boilers, the value of q 3 is 0.1-0.2%. With a slight excess of air during combustion, this figure is 0.15%, and with a significant excess of air, it is not taken into account at all. However, when burning a mixture of gases of different temperatures, the value of q 3 \u003d 0.4-0.5%.

If the heating equipment runs on solid fuel, q 4 is taken into account. In particular, for anthracite coal, the value of q 4 \u003d 4-6%, semi-anthracite is characterized by 3-4% of heat loss, but when coal is burned, only 1.5-2% of heat loss is formed. With liquid slag removal of burned low-reactivity coal, the value of q4 can be considered minimal. But when removing slag in solid form, heat loss will increase to the maximum limit.

Heat loss due to external cooling

Such heat losses q5 usually do not exceed 0.5%, and as the power of the heating equipment increases, they are further reduced.

This indicator is associated with the calculation of the steam output of the boiler plant:

  • Under the condition of steam production D in the range of 42-250 kg/s, the value of heat loss q5=(60÷D)×0.5÷lgD;
  • If the value of the steam output D exceeds 250 kg/s, the heat loss rate is considered to be 0.2%.

The amount of heat loss from slag removal

The value of heat loss q6 is only relevant for liquid ash removal. But in those cases when solid fuel slags are removed from the combustion chamber, heat losses q6 are taken into account when calculating the efficiency of heating boilers only if they are more than 2.5Q.

How to calculate the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler

Even with a perfectly designed design and high-quality fuel, the efficiency of heating boilers cannot reach 100%. Their work is necessarily associated with certain heat losses caused both by the type of fuel burned and by a number of external factors and conditions. To understand how the calculation of the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler looks in practice, we will give an example.

For example, heat loss from the removal of slag from the fuel chamber will be:

q 6 \u003d (A sl × W l × A p) ÷ Q ri,

where A sl is the relative value of the slag removed from the furnace to the volume of fuel loaded. With proper use of the boiler, the share of combustion waste in the form of ash is 5-20%, then this value can be equal to 80-95%.

Z l - the thermodynamic potential of ash at a temperature of 600 ℃ under normal conditions is 133.8 kcal / kg.

A p is the ash content of the fuel, which is calculated on the total mass of the fuel. In various types of fuel, the ash content varies from 5% to 45%.

Q ri is the minimum amount of thermal energy that is generated in the process of fuel combustion. Depending on the type of fuel, the heat capacity varies within 2500-5400 kcal/kg.

In this case, taking into account the indicated values ​​of heat loss q 6 will be 0.1-2.3%.

The value of q5 will depend on the power and design output of the heating boiler. The operation of modern low-power installations, which are often used to heat private houses, is usually associated with heat losses of this type in the range of 2.5-3.5%.

Heat losses associated with mechanical underburning of solid fuel q 4 largely depend on its type, as well as on the design features of the boiler. They range from 3-11%. This is worth considering if you are looking for a way to make the boiler work more efficiently.

The chemical underburning of fuel usually depends on the concentration of air in the combustible mixture. Such heat losses q 3 are usually equal to 0.5-1%.

The largest percentage of heat loss q 2 is associated with the loss of heat along with combustible gases. This indicator is influenced by the quality and type of fuel, the degree of heating of combustible gases, as well as operating conditions and the design of the heating boiler. With an optimal thermal design of 150 ℃, the evacuated carbon monoxide gases must be heated to a temperature of 280 ℃. In this case, this value of heat loss will be equal to 9-22%.

If all the listed loss values ​​are summarized, we get the efficiency value ɳ=100-(9+0.5+3+2.5+0.1)=84.9%.

This means that a modern boiler can only operate at 85-90% of its capacity. Everything else goes to ensure the combustion process.

Note that achieving such high values ​​is not easy. To do this, you need to correctly approach the selection of fuel and provide optimal conditions for the equipment. Usually, manufacturers indicate what load the boiler should work with. At the same time, it is desirable that most of the time it be set to an economical level of loads.

To operate the boiler with maximum efficiency, it must be used in accordance with the following rules:

  • periodic cleaning of the boiler is obligatory;
  • it is important to control the intensity of combustion and completeness of fuel combustion;
  • it is necessary to calculate the thrust taking into account the pressure of the supplied air;
  • it is necessary to calculate the share of ash.

The quality of solid fuel combustion is positively affected by the calculation of the optimal thrust, taking into account the air pressure supplied to the boiler and the rate of carbon monoxide evacuation. However, as the air pressure increases, more heat is removed into the chimney along with the products of combustion. But too little pressure and restriction of air access to the fuel chamber leads to a decrease in the intensity of combustion and more severe ash formation.

If you have a heating boiler installed in your home, pay attention to our recommendations for increasing its efficiency. You can not only save on fuel, but also achieve a comfortable microclimate in the house.

The value is from 0.3 to 3.5% and decreases with increasing boiler power (from 3.5% for boilers with a capacity of 2 t/h to 0.3% for boilers with a capacity of more than 300 t/h).

Loss with physical heat of slag occurs because when burning solid fuel, the slag removed from the furnace has a high temperature: with solid ash removal = 600 ° C, with liquid - = 1400 - 1600 ° C.

Heat losses with physical heat of slags, %, are determined by the formula:


where - proportion of slag collection in the combustion chamber; - slag enthalpy, kJ/kg.

With layered combustion of fuels, as well as with chamber combustion with liquid slag removal = 1 - 2% and higher.

For chamber combustion of fuel with solid ash removal, the loss is taken into account only for multi-ash fuels at > 2.5%∙kg/MJ.

Efficiency of the boiler unit (gross and net).

The efficiency of a boiler unit is the ratio of the useful heat used to generate steam (hot water) to the available heat (the heat supplied to the boiler unit). Not all useful heat generated by the boiler is sent to consumers, part of it is spent on own needs (drive of pumps, draft devices, heat consumption for heating water outside the boiler, its deaeration, etc.). In this regard, a distinction is made between the efficiency of the unit in terms of the generated heat (gross efficiency) and the efficiency of the unit in terms of the heat released to the consumer (net efficiency).

Boiler efficiency (gross), %, can be determined by the equation direct balance


or equation reverse balance


Boiler efficiency (net), %, according to the reverse balance is determined as

where is the relative energy consumption for own needs, %.

Topic 6. Layer furnace devices for burning fuel in a dense and fluidized (fluidized) bed

Furnaces for burning fuel in a dense layer: principle of operation, scope, advantages and disadvantages. Classification of furnaces for burning fuel in a dense layer (non-mechanized, semi-mechanical, mechanical). Fuel dispensers. Mechanical furnaces with moving grates: principle of operation, scope, varieties. Layered furnace devices for fuel combustion in a fluidized bed: principle of operation, scope, advantages and disadvantages.

Layer furnace devices for burning fuel in a dense layer.

Layered furnaces designed for combustion of solid lumpy fuel (from 20 to 30 mm in size) are easy to operate and do not require a complex expensive fuel preparation system.

But since the process of fuel combustion in a dense layer is characterized by a low burning rate, inertia (and, therefore, it is difficult to automate), reduced efficiency (fuel combustion occurs with large losses from mechanical and chemical underburning) and reliability, it is economically feasible to use layer combustion for boilers with steam capacity up to 35 t/h.

Layered furnaces are used for burning anthracites, coals with moderate caking capacity (long-flame, gas, lean), brown coals with low moisture and ash content, as well as lumpy peat.

Classification of layer furnaces.

Maintenance of the furnace, in which the fuel is burned in the layer, is reduced to the following basic operations: fuel supply to the furnace; drilling (mixing) of the fuel layer in order to improve the conditions for supplying the oxidizer; removal of slag from the furnace.

Depending on the degree of mechanization of these operations, layered furnace devices can be divided into non-mechanized (all three operations are performed manually); semi-mechanical (one or two operations are mechanized); mechanical (all three operations are mechanized).

Non-mechanized layer furnaces are furnaces with manual periodic supply of fuel to a fixed grate and manual periodic removal of slag.

semi-mechanical furnace devices are distinguished by the mechanization of the process of supplying fuel to the grate using various casters, as well as the use of special slag removers and rotary or rocking grates.

The efficiency of the boiler unit or the efficiency of the boiler unit is the ratio of the amount of heat used in the boiler unit to the amount of fuel heat consumed. Part of the steam produced in the boiler unit is directly consumed for its own needs, for example, for feed pumps, draft fans, smoke exhausters, and blowing of heating surfaces. Given these costs, introduce the concept Boiler unit net efficiency.

The heat used in the boiler unit to produce steam or hot water,

where AT - hourly fuel consumption, kg/h (m3/h);

D- hourly productivity of the boiler unit, kg/h;

q k.a - the amount of heat transferred in the boiler unit to water to turn it into steam or to produce hot water and referred to 1 kg of steam or water, kJ / kg (kcal / kg);

ŋ k.a - efficiency of the boiler unit.

For a boiler unit producing saturated steam

where i" - enthalpy of saturated steam;

i p.v - enthalpy of feed water;

q pr- amount of heat removed from the boiler unit with purge water, kJ/kg (kcal/kg); usually q pr= (0.01-0.02) i", where i" - the heat content of water at a temperature t n.

For a hot water boiler unit in which hot water is produced

where i 1 - enthalpy of water entering the boiler; i 2 - enthalpy of water leaving the boiler.

If the amount of steam produced and its enthalpy are known, as well as the hourly fuel consumption and the calorific value of the fuel, then the efficiency of the boiler unit can be determined,%:

For modern boiler units, the value q 1, depending on the steam capacity of the boiler unit, the temperature of the flue gases, the type of fuel burned and the method of its combustion, can vary over a very wide range from 75 to 80% for boiler units of small capacity, in which solid fuel is burned in layered furnaces, and up to 91-95 % for large boiler units with fuel flaring. The highest efficiency is obtained for boiler units operating on liquid and gaseous fuels.

For boiler units of small capacity, heat losses range from 20 to 25%, and for large ones from 5 to 9%. The main heat losses are those with flue gases. q 2


Determine the efficiency of the boiler unit and evaluate the heat losses of the boiler unit with steam capacity Q = 10 tons/hour at steam parameters: pressure P= 1.4 MPa (14 kgf/cm2) and temperature t = 197.3°C. Hourly fuel consumption 1500 kg, feed water temperature 100°C, calorific value of fuel Q p n = 20647 kJ/kg (4916 kcal/kg). To assess the heat losses of the boiler unit according to the average values ​​given in the relevant sections. the valueq PR ( amount of heat removed from the boiler unit with blowdown water) take equal to 0.

According to the table and the given steam parameters: pressure R and temperature t we find its enthalpy ~ 2790 kJ/kg (666 kcal/kg). At 100°C, the heat content of the feed water will be approximately 419 kJ/kg (100 kcal/kg). Therefore, the heat received by 1 kg of steam according to the formula,q to

. a= 2790 - 419 = 2371 kJ/kg ( q to . a \u003d 666 - 100 \u003d 566 kcal / kg).

The efficiency of the boiler unit according to the formula

The amount of heat loss

Σ q i = 100 - ŋ k.a = 100 - 76.8 = 23.2%. By average values q 2 ,q 3 , q 4 given in § Thermal balance of the boiler unit, we find q 2 = 12,5%, q 3 = 1%, q 4 = 6.25%. Therefore, the amount of losses to the environment q 5 = Σ qi- q 2 - q 3 - q 4 = 23,2 - 12,5 - 1 - 6,25 = 3,45%. ,

Boiler efficiency gross characterizes the efficiency of using the heat supplied to the boiler and does not take into account the cost of electrical energy to drive draft fans, smoke exhausters, feed pumps and other equipment. When running on gas

h br k \u003d 100 × Q 1 / Q c n. (11.1)

Energy costs for auxiliary needs of the boiler plant are taken into account by the efficiency of the boiler net

h n k \u003d h br k - q t - q e, (11.2)

where q t, q e- relative costs for own needs of heat and electricity, respectively. Heat losses for own needs include heat losses with blowing, blowing screens, spraying fuel oil, etc.

The main among them are heat losses with blowdown.

q t \u003d G pr × (h k.v - h p.v) / (B × Q c n) .

Relative electricity consumption for own needs

q el \u003d 100 × (N p.n / h p.n + ​​N d.v / h d.v + N d.s / h d.s) / (B × Q c n) ,

where N p.n, N d.v, N d.s - the cost of electrical energy to drive feed pumps, draft fans and smoke exhausters, respectively; h p.n, h d.v, h d.s - efficiency of feed pumps, draft fans and smoke exhausters, respectively.

11.3. Methodology for performing laboratory work
and processing results

Balance tests in laboratory work are carried out for the stationary operation of the boiler, subject to the following mandatory conditions:

The duration of the boiler installation from kindling to the start of testing is at least 36 hours,

The duration of maintaining the test load immediately before the test is 3 hours,

Permissible load fluctuations in the interval between two adjacent experiments should not exceed ± 10%.

Measurement of parameter values ​​is carried out using standard instruments installed on the boiler shield. All measurements should be made simultaneously at least 3 times with an interval of 15-20 minutes. If the results of two experiments of the same name differ by no more than ±5%, then their arithmetic mean is taken as the measurement result. With a larger relative discrepancy, the measurement result in the third, control experiment is used.

The results of measurements and calculations are recorded in the protocol, the form of which is given in table. 26.

Table 26

Determination of heat losses by the boiler

Parameter name Symbol Unit meas. Results in experiments
№1 №2 №3 The average
Flue gas volume V g m 3 / m 3
Average volumetric heat capacity of flue gases C g ¢ kJ / (m 3 K)
Flue gas temperature J °С
Loss of heat with flue gases Q2 MJ / m 3
Volume of 3-atomic gases V-RO 2 m 3 / m 3
Theoretical volume of nitrogen V° N 2 m 3 / m 3
Excess oxygen in flue gases a corner ---
Theoretical air volume V° in m 3 / m 3
Volume of dry gases V sg m 3 / m 3
Volume of carbon monoxide in flue gases CO %
Heat of combustion CO Q CO MJ / m 3
Volume of hydrogen in flue gases H 2 %
Calorific value H 2 Q H 2 MJ / m 3
Volume of methane in flue gases CH 4 %
Calorific value CH 4 Q CH 4 MJ / m 3
Loss of heat from chemical incomplete combustion Q 3 MJ / m 3
q 5 %
Loss of heat from external cooling Q5 MJ / m 3

The end of the table. 26

Table 27

Boiler gross and net efficiency

Parameter name Symbol Unit meas. Results in experiments
№1 №2 №3 The average
Electricity consumption energy to drive feed pumps N b.s.
Electricity consumption energy to drive blower fans N d.v
Electricity consumption energy to drive smoke exhausters N d.s
Efficiency of feed pumps h mon
Efficiency of blow fans h dv
Efficiency of smoke exhausters h dm
Relative consumption el. energy for own needs q email
Boiler net efficiency h net to %

Analysis of laboratory work results

The value of h br k obtained as a result of the work by the method of direct and reverse balances must be compared with the passport value equal to 92.1%.

Analyzing the influence on the boiler efficiency of the amount of heat loss with flue gases Q 2 , it should be noted that an increase in efficiency can be achieved by lowering the flue gas temperature and reducing excess air in the boiler. At the same time, lowering the temperature of gases to the dew point temperature will lead to condensation of water vapor and low-temperature corrosion of heating surfaces. A decrease in the value of the excess air coefficient in the furnace can lead to underburning of the fuel and an increase in losses Q 3 . Therefore, the temperature and excess air must not be below certain values.

Then it is necessary to analyze the impact on the efficiency of the boiler operation of its load, with the growth of which the losses with flue gases increase and the losses Q 3 and Q 5 decrease.

The lab report should conclude on the efficiency level of the boiler.

test questions

  1. According to what indicators of the boiler operation can a conclusion be made about the efficiency of its operation?
  2. What is the heat balance of the boiler? By what methods can it be compiled?
  3. What is meant by gross and net boiler efficiency?
  4. What heat losses increase during boiler operation?
  5. How can q 2 be increased?
  6. What parameters have a significant impact on the boiler efficiency?

Keywords: boiler heat balance, boiler gross and net efficiency, corrosion of heating surfaces, excess air ratio, boiler load, heat loss, flue gases, chemical incompleteness of fuel combustion, boiler efficiency.


In the process of performing a laboratory workshop on the course of boiler plants and steam generators, students get acquainted with the methods for determining the calorific value of liquid fuel, humidity, volatile output and ash content of solid fuel, the design of the DE-10-14GM steam boiler and experimentally investigate the thermal processes occurring in it.

Future specialists study the methods of testing boiler equipment and acquire the necessary practical skills necessary for determining the thermal characteristics of the furnace, compiling the heat balance of the boiler, measuring its efficiency, as well as compiling the salt balance of the boiler and determining the value of the optimal blowdown.

Bibliographic list

1. Khlebnikov V.A. Boiler plant equipment testing:
Laboratory practice. - Yoshkar-Ola: MarGTU, 2005.

2. Sidelkovskii L.N., Yurenev V.N. Boiler installations of industrial enterprises: Textbook for universities. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1988.

3. Trembovlya V.I., Finger E.D., Avdeeva A.A. Thermal engineering tests of boiler installations. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1991.

4. Alexandrov A.A., Grigoriev B.A. Tables of thermophysical properties of water and steam: a Handbook. Rec. State. standard reference data service. GSSSD R-776-98. – M.: MEI Publishing House, 1999.

5. Lipov Yu.M., Tretyakov Yu.M. Boiler plants and steam generators. - Moscow-Izhevsk: Research Center "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics", 2005.

6. Lipov Yu.M., Samoilov Yu.F., Tretyakov Yu.M., Smirnov O.K. Tests of the equipment of the boiler room of the MPEI CHPP. Laboratory workshop: Textbook for the course "Boiler plants and steam generators". – M.: MPEI Publishing House, 2000.

7. Roddatis K.F., Poltaretsky A.N. Handbook of low-capacity boiler plants / Ed. K.F.Roddatis. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989.

8. Yankelevich V.I. Adjustment of oil-gas industrial boiler houses. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1988.

9. Laboratory work on the courses "Heat generating processes and installations", "Boiler installations of industrial enterprises" / Comp. L.M. Lyubimova, L.N. Sidelkovsky, D.L. Slavin, B.A. Sokolov and others / Ed. L.N. Sidelkovsky. – M.: MEI Publishing House, 1998.

10. Thermal calculation of boiler units (Normative method) / Ed. N.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: Energy, 1973.

11. SNiP 2.04.14-88. Boiler plants/Gosstroy of Russia. - M .: CITP Gosstroy of Russia, 1988.

Educational edition

KHLEBNIKOV Valery Alekseevich


Laboratory workshop

Editor A.S. Emelyanova

computer set V.V. Khlebnikov

Computer layout V.V. Khlebnikov

Signed for publication on 16.02.08. Format 60x84/16.

Offset paper. Offset printing.

R.l. 4.4. Uch.ed.l. 3.5. Circulation 80 copies.

Order No. 3793. C - 32

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Mari State Technical University

424006 Yoshkar-Ola, st. Panfilova, 17

In 2020, it is planned to generate 1720-1820 million Gcal.

A milligram equivalent is the amount of a substance in milligrams, numerically equal to the ratio of its molecular weight to the valence in a given compound.