Remedy for colic folk medicine. Folk remedies for colic in infants. Treatment of colic folk remedies

Colic in newborns is a fairly common condition.

The digestion of the baby is just beginning to form, and even the processing of breast milk is associated with the accumulation of gases inside the gastrointestinal tract, which are not dangerous, but cause severe discomfort.

Parents need to eliminate such symptoms in the child, since its absence suggests normal sleep in the baby.

Colic in newborns can be treated at home with perseverance and patience.

Such therapy involves physiotherapeutic methods, the use of medicinal plants and homeopathy.

Treatment of colic in infants at home

When a baby is born, all its internal organs and systems begin to work in a completely different way. In newborns, the gastrointestinal tract is not fully adapted, it is extremely vulnerable and sensitive.

Digestion of food in an infant causes intestinal spasm, colic in the abdomen.

Colic in the intestines is often observed in childhood, they are not dangerous, but cause a lot of difficulties for parents and children.

However, after a few months, when the gastrointestinal tract becomes more perfect, the phenomenon is able to go away on its own. This is a physiological condition, not a pathological process.

Colic appears in infants who are breastfed and bottle-fed.

The baby begins to cry, scream for no reason (about 3 hours a day), anxiously move his legs, press them to his stomach, which often swells due to the gases accumulated inside it.

Colic in newborns appears at any time of the day, regardless of food intake. By evening, the baby's well-being worsens, because the reaction to discomfort in a given period of time is more dramatic.

How unpleasant colic will be in a baby depends on the personal characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk methods of therapy

Colic in the abdomen of a newborn is difficult to confuse with any other ailment. Treatment with home methods is characterized by an excellent effect.

What to do and how, it is possible to learn from parents, since folk methods have been used for a long time.

They have a positive effect on gas discharge, and also help to strengthen the abdominal muscles of the baby, improve gastrointestinal motility and promote the absorption of food.

belly massage

Massage of the child's abdomen is carried out when he has intestinal colic and for preventive purposes. The food will move more actively, the air will come out easily, without provoking a spasm.

It is possible to massage the abdomen up to 5 times during the day, after waiting 30-40 minutes after feeding. The child should be undressed, in connection with this, it is required to create a favorable temperature in the room.

The stomach should be warmed, for this purpose a salt heating pad or an ordinary warm diaper is applied to it.

The baby is placed on an elastic, stable surface, which is covered with a disposable diaper, since defecation may occur after manipulation.

The impact should be small and subtle. The massage is done with warm hands.

The cream is not used in this situation, it can increase the pressure too much.

It is permissible to slightly smear the hands and stomach of the baby with sterilized vegetable oil or treat with talcum powder. Before the start of the manipulation, the baby is held vertically for 3-5 minutes.

Massage involves the following elements:

  • Soft stroking clockwise. It is carried out with the palm or fingers. You need to press lightly on the sides and ribs.
  • Reception "mill". It is done with two palms, which are located across the abdomen. The surface from the bottom of the ribs to the pubic joint is alternately stroked, making circular movements.
  • Circular strokes near the navel. 2 fingers seem to draw flower petals on the baby's skin.
  • Strokes that start from the navel and go down to the left thigh. They are made in a spiral, keeping the given direction.

Each reception is done 8-10 times.

colic exercises

It is the optimal means for gas discharge and facilitating emptying. This set of exercises contributes to the correct pressure on the walls of the abdomen and favorably affects the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

They are used during the onset of an attack of colic:

  • "Bike". The baby is taken with both hands by the feet and in turn, bending the legs at the knees, they begin to press it to the stomach. At the same time, it is rolled from side to side.
  • The kid lays down with his stomach on an inflatable ball, holding and slightly shaking it. Slight pressure ensures proper gastrointestinal motility.
  • The child turns face down, placing a folded warm towel under the lower abdomen. The legs are spread apart and pulled to the stomach. These exercises provide a pose on all fours, during which it is easier to move gases.

Salt heating pad

This device is a tightly closed container with a saline solution that is harmless to the health of the baby. A special device during pressing or changing the posture starts heating the contents.

Being initially in a liquid state, it begins to solidify, taking the form of the object on which it is located.

Due to this property, the salt heating pad does not provoke discomfort in the baby, since it is physiologically placed on the stomach.

The heat coming from it does not rise more than 54 degrees. This device is used for gas discharge during colic, removes spasm.

Dill against colic

Dill has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing properties. It includes an essential oil that increases lactation in mothers, so it is also useful for internal use.

Dill water for newborns from colic has long proven itself in the best way. It favorably affects the improvement of the immune system, which is extremely important during the formation of the intestinal microflora.

The medicine is made from seeds. 1 tsp dill is ground, 0.2 l of boiling water is added, left in a water bath for about 30 minutes.

After it is removed from the heat, it is necessary to hold it under the lid for 45 minutes, strain through triple gauze. This tool is given to the child in the process of eating 1 tsp. three times a day.

After 15 minutes, the spasm stops, which is noticeable by the reaction of the baby.

Many experienced mothers are sure that this is the best remedy. When the baby does not like the taste, it is acceptable to mix it into breast milk or formula.

Intestinal colic and fennel

Remedies for painful spasm for an infant can be made from fennel. It has a similar effect, but the action lasts much longer.

There are 2 known methods for making a composition for colic in infants, where fennel will be the main component:

  • 1 tsp fennel, which is bought at a pharmacy, is poured with a glass of boiled water. Further infused for 30 minutes. Then it is filtered and cooled. 1 tsp. three times a day is given to the baby before meals.
  • The essential oil inside fennel in the proportion of 0.05 g is diluted with 1 liter of boiled water. The dose and method of use is the same as in the previous recipe.

Fennel reduces pain and gas formation, helps to absorb food.

Teas for colic

It is permissible to prepare tea for colic for newborns yourself, using various combinations of medicinal plants:

  • mint;
  • anise seeds;
  • Valerian;
  • Caraway.

Crushed funds are taken in the same amount and mixed. For a drink, 1 tbsp is taken. per 0.2 g of boiled water.

It is brewed for 15 minutes, filtered, cooled and used by the baby for 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. This tea can also be consumed by a nursing mother.

There are already prepared products that contain natural ingredients.


This medicinal herb has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane, helps to calm the baby and improves the immune system.

Chamomile is often used to bathe a baby. However, it is most effective in relieving intestinal colic.

A decoction is prepared from 2 tbsp. plants and 0.3 l of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Boiled water is added to the finished mass to the initial volume. Chamomile is given to a baby in 1 tsp. three times a day during swelling.

Prevention of colic

Eliminate intestinal colic in newborns, it is always difficult to treat them. It is much easier to organize baby care and feeding in such a way as to prevent their occurrence.

This phenomenon, which is called colic, is not considered a separate disease.

These are symptoms that indicate that the digestive system is not fully working due to the lack of the necessary enzymes that help speed up the digestion of baby food.

The main task of parents will be to help the baby in the current difficult situation and alleviate his suffering.

To reduce the risk of intestinal colic, you must follow some instructions:

  • Before each feeding, you need to lay the baby on the stomach and leave to lie down for a quarter of an hour.
  • After feeding the baby or after attaching to the breast, it is necessary to hold him upright. This is necessary so that the air that gets inside the stomach with food comes out in a standard way by regurgitation, and does not get further deep into the intestines and provoke cutting pains inside the abdomen.
  • When the baby is lactating, you should focus on how he takes the breast. During the correct capture, not only the nipple, but also the areola surrounding it, is in the child's oral cavity. The nose should fit snugly against the skin of the mother. You need to listen to the sounds made by the baby when sucking. In the process of proper application, no extraneous smacking will be heard. If the nipple gripping technique is broken, air will enter the mouth and go further into the intestines, which will lead to colic.
  • When feeding a baby from a bottle, specially made nipples should be used, make sure that air remains at the bottom of the container.
  • If the child is breastfed naturally, the mother should review her diet and remove from the daily menu those products that can cause increased gas formation inside the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased gas formation is noted when the mother eats legumes, certain types of fruits or confectionery.

Treatment of colic in newborns at home is an important aspect in medicine, but not only specialists should know effective folk remedies for getting rid of this condition in infants.

Treatment should be discussed with a specialist, since most of the components can provoke an allergic reaction in infants.

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The digestive tract of a newly born child is completely sterile. In the first year of life, the intestines are inhabited by “good” microbes. They actively multiply, causing bloating and increased gas formation. Pediatricians consider colic to be a natural process that does not require medication. And in order to make the baby feel better, mothers are recommended to use unconventional methods.

diet for colic

The body of a newborn in the first 3-4 months is very sensitive. Just one product that a nursing woman decided to pamper herself with can provoke another attack of flatulence. Until the baby is 4-6 months old, mom is advised not to use:

  • whole milk;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans and peas;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • white cabbage;
  • raisins and grapes;
  • pears;
  • bell pepper.

Zucchini and carrots, cauliflower and prunes are useful. For lactating women whose intestinal microflora has been disturbed due to pregnancy, fermented milk products are recommended: natural yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, hard cheese and kefir. The mother's body will share digestive enzymes with the newborn, and colic in the baby will appear less frequently.

Formula-fed babies with flatulence are given both regular and sour-milk mixtures. Combined nutrition helps the intestines of the baby to produce enzymes for digesting food. Peristalsis improves, and gases practically do not bother the baby.

In addition to mother's milk or formula, the child should also receive boiled water. At the age of 4-6 months, babies are given a weak chamomile tea, which soothes and relieves spasms. But for some crumbs, such drinks are contraindicated, because from them the child develops an allergy or flatulence increases.

With dehydration or lack of fluid, digestive processes slow down, it becomes more difficult for the intestines to process milk. Food stagnates and ferments, gas bubbles form, and the newborn's stomach swells and starts to hurt. First, babies are given a tablespoon of boiled water. Gradually, the amount of liquid increases.

It is also useful for mom to drink non-carbonated water and herbal decoctions if the newborn is not allergic to the latter.

The child is crying because of stomach cramps. Babies who are younger than 3 months are not recommended to give medicines, dill water or candles. Medications are replaced by warming the intestines with warm diapers or towels.

High temperatures increase blood flow to the abdomen, improving the functioning of the digestive organs. Heat removes spasms and promotes the release of gases. How to warm up a diaper? Fold in several layers and iron with a hot iron. Attach the cloth to the inside of the arm: if the skin is warm and pleasant, you can cover the newborn's tummy with a diaper. Left a red mark and tingling? Cool the fabric a little, and then apply, otherwise you can burn the delicate skin of the baby.

In winter, a terry towel or diaper is heated on batteries. Put a dry compress on the heater, leave for 10-15 minutes. When the cloth is warm enough, remove and place on the bowel area.

The only drawback of the diaper compress is that it cools down quickly. Mom has to constantly heat the fabric, so neither she nor the child can rest and sleep.

An alternative to a diaper is a heating pad, which is filled not with water, but with salt or sand. The dry matter is heated in a frying pan, oven or microwave. They fall asleep in a rubber shell and apply to the newborn's stomach, wrapping it with a terry towel.

There are also special heating pads for babies with woolen covers. As a filler, manufacturers use cherry pits or barley husks. The material retains heat for a long time and is suitable even for babies with sensitive skin or a tendency to allergies. Heating pads for newborns are heated in the microwave.

The baby's stomach with flatulence is covered with a pillow or a terry dressing gown. Plus: such a compress retains heat for a long time, so newborns do not wake up in the middle of the night from another bout of spasms. Minus: it is difficult for a child with intestinal pain to lie in one place and wait for the pillow to warm up to a comfortable temperature.

Colic occurs due to increased gas production. To remove spasms and pain, the baby is undressed, leaving only a diaper, and applied to his mother or father with his stomach. The head of the newborn is placed on the right hand, and the upper and lower limbs are trying to spread as much as possible to the sides. The baby is stroked on the back and gently rocked to soothe.

When the baby presses his belly against the mother's body, his intestines contract and the gases come out. Spasms disappear, and the baby, lulled by warmth and a familiar smell, calms down and quickly falls asleep.

You can attach a newborn to your mother's or father's belly at night, when the parents do not have the strength for motion sickness and exercise. If the method does not work, it is recommended to stretch the intestines of the baby with gentle movements. Pressing lightly, massage clockwise, and then run your fingers several times from the stomach to the navel and a little lower. Circular movements will relax the muscles and intestines, and the stomach will be cleared of gases.

Restless babies who do not want to lie on their mother are recommended to be rocked in the star position. Put the head on the elbow, the tummy on the forearm, and let the baby's arms and legs hang down on the sides. Hold the back of the newborn so that he does not fall, and gently rock, singing a song or talking to the child in a half whisper.

It is difficult for mothers who are tired of tantrums and screams of the baby to remain calm, but the baby should not be scolded for colic or physical force should be used against him. Punishment only worsens the emotional well-being of the newborn, he is more nervous, and spasms intensify. A woman should give the baby to dad or put him in a crib, go to another room for a few minutes, and when irritation and anger subsides, return to the child. The calmer the mother, the faster the baby will stop crying and fall asleep.

It is useful to do exercises with newborns. Exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis, preventing the formation of gases. But you should deal with the child before meals, when he is not bothered by colic and spasms.

  1. Undress the baby and place it back on the changing table or other hard surface.
  2. Stroking the tummy of a newborn with a palm bent in the shape of a ladle. Move from the esophagus to the navel with light pressure.
  3. With one hand, massage the tummy, and with the other, raise the legs to facilitate the release of gases. Repeat the movement 4-6 times, give the baby a little rest.
  4. Lower and straighten your legs, stroking your hips for 5–10 seconds to relax your muscles.
  5. Connect the knees and slowly raise to the navel. Slightly spread the heels to the sides.
  6. Count 10 seconds, gently return to the starting position.
  7. Extend the legs and rub with light movements to disperse the blood and help the baby relax.
  8. With index fingers, draw a circle around the navel. One hand should move clockwise, and the other in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Thanks to the exercises, the tummy has relaxed, now you need to stroke the baby's legs and arms to relieve tension in the muscles. If you repeat the exercises 3-4 times a day, the child will sleep more calmly, because the gases will go outside, and not accumulate in the intestines.

With the next attack of flatulence, the baby is recommended to be laid on the stomach on a fitness ball, which is covered with a heated sheet. Roll the baby up and down or left and right. The direction is selected individually, depending on the reaction of the child and his intestines.

A child who is blushing and pushing should be placed with his back on the table and legs raised, and then gently press them to the tummy. Repeat 4-5 times until gases begin to leave. With colic, the exercise "Bicycle" helps. The lower limbs of the newborn are raised and bent at the knees, imitating riding a two-wheeled vehicle.

If heat and physical activity were not enough, the child is given medication or homeopathic preparations.

Folk and pharmacy remedies

Colic will pass if you drink the baby with a decoction of dill or carrot seeds. The drink has a carminative effect and eliminates spasms. An infusion of yarrow or fennel, dried chamomile tea will relieve flatulence.

Give the child no more than 10 ml of a homeopathic remedy at a time. If a rash appears after the decoction, the newborn is allergic to the plant component. You will have to treat colic with medications.

Pharmacies also sell gas tubes that help cleanse the intestines of feces and excess air, but not all children calmly tolerate such a procedure. A humane way to get rid of colic is a cotton swab dipped in massage or plain vegetable oil. The tip is inserted between the buttocks and lubricated ass. The oil acts as a laxative and carminative.

Newborns with colic are prescribed:

  • Bifidum;
  • Plantex;
  • Baby Calm;
  • Espumizan;
  • herbal teas with fennel;
  • pharmacy dill water.

Colic in newborns disappears at 5-6 months of age. If no methods and drugs help with flatulence, the mother can only endure this period. The baby's intestines will learn to produce enzymes and digest milk, gases will no longer accumulate and disturb the baby, and the baby will sleep soundly all night.

Video: how to help a child with colic

The problem of colic in newborns did not arise yesterday and not today. Back in the days when most people had no idea about medical drugs, mothers knew how to cope with the symptoms of colic in children with folk remedies, and also knew how to reduce or prevent their manifestations by eliminating one of the causes of colic - swallowing air during feeding.

So, to prevent colic, which can occur due to air entering the gastrointestinal tract during feeding, the mother can take the following measures:

  • correctly apply to the baby’s chest so that he does not swallow air along with milk. To do this, make sure that the baby completely or almost completely captures the halo of the nipple. If the child is bottle-fed, it is advisable to use anti-colic bottles;
  • before feeding, put the baby on the tummy and leave him in this position for a while. If the baby starts crying, try to distract him so that the duration of lying on his stomach at first is at least 5 minutes. Gradually, the time can be increased to half an hour;
  • after feeding, you need to hold the baby upright so that he can burp excess air. This recommendation applies more to formula-fed babies or babies with frequent spitting up. If the baby is breastfed, then it is difficult to overfeed him and thus he is much less likely to spit up.

Read more about the features of the fight against colic on artificial and breastfeeding.

Tummy massage and colic exercises

There is a special technique for massaging the tummy, which is necessary not only to combat intestinal colic, but also to strengthen the body in general. With the help of massage, food moves more actively through the intestines, and air comes out without difficulty and does not create spasms.

Mom or dad can do massage on their own - the technique is not complicated. Before the procedure, the tummy of the baby needs to be warmed up a little. To do this, a warm diaper is applied to it, but it is better to use a regular or salt heating pad, as they retain heat longer.

For massage, you should put the child on a hard, stable surface (for example, on a couch), which must first be covered with a diaper. This is necessary, because after the procedure, the small ventricle can give surprises.

The massage should be gentle and gentle. It must be done with warm hands so that the baby is pleased. Read more about massage techniques.

Special exercises will help get rid of excess gases in the stomach of the newborn and facilitate the process of defecation. With the help of exercises, the necessary pressure on the abdominal wall is provided, which helps to clear the stomach. They can be done when the mother sees that the child has begun to be disturbed by colic:

  • "Bike". The baby is placed on the back, taken by the feet with his hands and his legs are bent, pressing his knees to his stomach. At the same time, it can be rolled from one side to another.
  • Ball exercise. The baby is placed on an inflatable ball, tummy down. In this case, the child needs to be held and slightly rolled. Light pressure ensures proper bowel function.
  • Abdominal warming exercise. It is performed on a flat, slightly soft surface. The baby is placed on the stomach, a warm folded towel or a salt heating pad is placed under it. The legs need to be spread apart and at the same time pulled to the tummy.

Perform each action 5-7 times.

Videos colic massage

Herbs for colic in a newborn

Among the folk remedies for combating colic, medicinal plants are considered quite effective. Here are some of the most effective recipes.


Plant flowers are required. They need to be dried in the sun. Then take 15 grams and pour 400 ml of boiling water. The liquid should be held over low heat and brought to a boil. Then the drug should be infused for an hour, after which it can be filtered. The baby should be given one teaspoon three times a day.


Take 10 grams of fennel fruit and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The container is left warm for one hour. The drug is filtered and given to the baby no more than 10 ml before meals three times a day. Read in more detail about the properties of dill water based on fennel fruits (dill pharmacy), prepared at home and pharmacy preparations.


Dill water is prepared from the plant. To do this, you need to brew one teaspoon of dill seeds in boiling water. You will need 200 ml of water. The composition should be boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. After that, the broth should be infused for 30 minutes. Then it needs to be filtered. It is better for the baby to give 10 ml of the resulting liquid three times a day.

Mint, anise, cumin and valerian root tea

Shredded dried mint should be mixed in equal proportions with cumin, anise seeds and valerian root. Pour 20 grams of the mixture into a glass and brew in boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Give the newborn a filtered liquid in a teaspoon three times before meals.

sage tea

You need to take sage leaves and grass, finely chop to get one tablespoon. Pour a cup of boiling water over and leave for 50 minutes. After - the tincture should be filtered. Water the child should be every two hours, one tablespoon.

Important! Herbs from the click should be used very carefully. If there is any suspicion of individual intolerance, you should immediately stop taking it.

There are also ready-made children's teas based on extracts of medicinal plants for colic (Humana, Hipp, Bebivita, etc.), as well as herbal remedies in which the main active ingredient is of natural origin (Plantex, Baby Calm, Colic Calm).

Warmth against colic

Something warm will help soothe the pain in the tummy. There are three main ways to do this:

  • The child is applied to the mother's tummy with the tummy. From here, the baby receives the necessary portion of heat, which warms the sore spot. In addition, the baby is soothed by tactile communication with his mother - he feels the presence of a loved one.
  • Salt heating pad will also help. It heats up to the optimum temperature and gives off heat to the baby. Such a heating pad is sold in every pharmacy.
  • Warm diaper. It works on the principle of a salt heater. The fabric is ironed, folded and applied to the tummy.

diet for mom

Treatment of colic in a newborn will not bring results if the mother does not revise her diet. A woman who is breastfeeding her child must follow a special diet. To do this, you should give up milk, many fruits, vegetables, sweets. Read this article about what you can and cannot eat for a nursing mother.

If all these measures do not help, then after consulting a doctor, you can try using medications based on dimethicone and simethicone.

Colic in newborns is a fairly common condition.

The digestion of the baby is just beginning to form, and even the processing of breast milk is associated with the accumulation of gases inside the gastrointestinal tract, which are not dangerous, but cause severe discomfort.

Parents need to eliminate such symptoms in the child, since its absence suggests normal sleep in the baby.

Colic in newborns can be treated at home with perseverance and patience.

Such therapy involves physiotherapeutic methods, the use of medicinal plants and homeopathy.

Treatment of colic in infants at home

When a baby is born, all its internal organs and systems begin to work in a completely different way. In newborns, the gastrointestinal tract is not fully adapted, it is extremely vulnerable and sensitive.

Digestion of food in an infant causes spasms of the intestines, colic in the abdomen.

Colic in the intestines is often observed in childhood, they are not dangerous, but cause a lot of difficulties for parents and children.

However, after a few months, when the gastrointestinal tract becomes more perfect, the phenomenon is able to go away on its own. This is a physiological condition, not a pathological process.

Colic appears in infants who are breastfed and bottle-fed.

The baby begins to cry, scream for no reason (about 3 hours a day), anxiously move his legs, press them to his stomach, which often swells due to the gases accumulated inside it.

Colic in newborns appears at any time of the day, regardless of food intake. By evening, the baby's well-being worsens, because the reaction to discomfort in a given period of time is more dramatic.

How unpleasant colic will be in a baby depends on the personal characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk methods of therapy

Colic in the abdomen of a newborn is difficult to confuse with any other ailment. Treatment with home methods is characterized by an excellent effect.

What to do and how, it is possible to learn from parents, since folk methods have been used for a long time.

They have a positive effect on gas discharge, and also help to strengthen the abdominal muscles of the baby, improve gastrointestinal motility and promote the absorption of food.

belly massage

Massage of the child's abdomen is carried out when he has intestinal colic and for preventive purposes. The food will move more actively, the air will come out without difficulty, without provoking spasms.

It is possible to massage the abdomen up to 5 times during the day, after waiting 30-40 minutes after feeding. The child should be undressed, in connection with this, it is required to create a favorable temperature in the room.

The stomach should be warmed, for this purpose a salt heating pad or an ordinary warm diaper is applied to it.

The baby is placed on an elastic, stable surface, which is covered with a disposable diaper, since defecation may occur after manipulation.

The impact should be small and subtle. The massage is done with warm hands.

The cream is not used in this situation, it can increase the pressure too much.

It is permissible to slightly smear the hands and stomach of the baby with sterilized vegetable oil or treat with talcum powder. Before the start of the manipulation, the baby is held vertically for 3-5 minutes.

Massage involves the following elements:

  • Soft stroking clockwise. It is carried out with the palm or fingers. You need to press lightly on the sides and ribs.
  • Reception "mill". It is done with two palms, which are located across the abdomen. The surface from the bottom of the ribs to the pubic joint is alternately stroked, making circular movements.
  • Circular strokes near the navel. 2 fingers seem to draw flower petals on the baby's skin.
  • Strokes that start from the navel and go down to the left thigh. They are made in a spiral, keeping the given direction.

Each reception is done 8-10 times.

colic exercises

It is the optimal means for gas discharge and facilitating emptying. This set of exercises contributes to the correct pressure on the walls of the abdomen and favorably affects the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

They are used during the onset of an attack of colic:

  • "Bike". The baby is taken with both hands by the feet and in turn, bending the legs at the knees, they begin to press it to the stomach. At the same time, it is rolled from side to side.
  • The kid lays down with his stomach on an inflatable ball, holding and slightly shaking it. Slight pressure ensures proper gastrointestinal motility.
  • The child turns face down, placing a folded warm towel under the lower abdomen. The legs are spread apart and pulled to the stomach. These exercises provide a pose on all fours, during which it is easier to move gases.

Salt heating pad

This device is a tightly closed container with a saline solution that is harmless to the health of the baby. A special device during pressing or changing the posture starts heating the contents.

Being initially in a liquid state, it begins to solidify, taking the form of the object on which it is located.

Due to this property, the salt heating pad does not provoke discomfort in the baby, since it is physiologically placed on the stomach.

The heat coming from it does not rise more than 54 degrees. This device is used for gas discharge during colic, removes spasm.

Dill against colic

Dill has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing properties. It includes an essential oil that increases lactation in mothers, so it is also useful for internal use.

Dill water for newborns from colic has long proven itself in the best way. It favorably affects the improvement of the immune system, which is extremely important during the formation of the intestinal microflora.

The medicine is made from seeds. 1 tsp dill is ground, 0.2 l of boiling water is added, left in a water bath for about 30 minutes.

After it is removed from the heat, it is necessary to hold it under the lid for 45 minutes, strain through triple gauze. This tool is given to the child in the process of eating 1 tsp. three times a day.

After 15 minutes, the spasm stops, which is noticeable by the reaction of the baby.

Many experienced mothers are sure that this is the best remedy. When the baby does not like the taste, it is acceptable to mix it into breast milk or formula.

Intestinal colic and fennel

Remedies for painful spasm for an infant can be made from fennel. It has a similar effect, but the action lasts much longer.

There are 2 known methods for making a composition for colic in infants, where fennel will be the main component:

  • 1 tsp fennel, which is bought at a pharmacy, is poured with a glass of boiled water. Further infused for 30 minutes. Then it is filtered and cooled. 1 tsp. three times a day is given to the baby before meals.
  • The essential oil inside fennel in the proportion of 0.05 g is diluted with 1 liter of boiled water. The dose and method of use is the same as in the previous recipe.

Fennel reduces pain and gas formation, helps to absorb food.

Teas for colic

It is permissible to prepare tea for colic for newborns yourself, using various combinations of medicinal plants:

  • mint;
  • anise seeds;
  • Valerian;
  • Caraway.

Crushed funds are taken in the same amount and mixed. For a drink, 1 tbsp is taken. per 0.2 g of boiled water.

It is brewed for 15 minutes, filtered, cooled and used by the baby for 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. This tea can also be consumed by a nursing mother.

There are already prepared products that contain natural ingredients.


This medicinal herb has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane, helps to calm the baby and improves the immune system.

Chamomile is often used to bathe a baby. However, it is most effective in relieving intestinal colic.

A decoction is prepared from 2 tbsp. plants and 0.3 l of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Boiled water is added to the finished mass to the initial volume. Chamomile is given to a baby in 1 tsp. three times a day during swelling.

Prevention of colic

Eliminate intestinal colic in newborns, it is always difficult to treat them. It is much easier to organize baby care and feeding in such a way as to prevent their occurrence.

This phenomenon, which is called colic, is not considered a separate disease.

These are symptoms that indicate that the digestive system is not fully working due to the lack of the necessary enzymes that help speed up the digestion of baby food.

The main task of parents will be to help the baby in the current difficult situation and alleviate his suffering.

To reduce the risk of intestinal colic, you must follow some instructions:

  • Before each feeding, you need to lay the baby on the stomach and leave to lie down for a quarter of an hour.
  • After feeding the baby or after attaching to the breast, it is necessary to hold him upright. This is necessary so that the air that gets inside the stomach with food comes out in a standard way by regurgitation, and does not get further deep into the intestines and provoke cutting pains inside the abdomen.
  • When the baby is lactating, you should focus on how he takes the breast. During the correct capture, not only the nipple, but also the areola surrounding it, is in the child's oral cavity. The nose should fit snugly against the skin of the mother. You need to listen to the sounds made by the baby when sucking. In the process of proper application, no extraneous smacking will be heard. If the nipple gripping technique is broken, air will enter the mouth and go further into the intestines, which will lead to colic.
  • When feeding a baby from a bottle, specially made anti-colic nipples should be used, make sure that air remains at the bottom of the container.
  • If the child is breastfed naturally, the mother should review her diet and remove from the daily menu those products that can cause increased gas formation inside the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased gas formation is noted when the mother eats legumes, certain types of fruits or confectionery.

Treatment of colic in newborns at home is an important aspect in medicine, but not only specialists should know effective folk remedies for getting rid of this condition in infants.

Treatment should be discussed with a specialist, since most of the components can provoke an allergic reaction in infants.

Useful video

The digestive tract of a newly born child is completely sterile. In the first year of life, the intestines are inhabited by “good” microbes. They actively multiply, causing bloating and increased gas formation. Pediatricians consider colic to be a natural process that does not require medication. And in order to make the baby feel better, mothers are recommended to use unconventional methods.

diet for colic

The body of a newborn in the first 3-4 months is very sensitive. Just one product that a nursing woman decided to pamper herself with can provoke another attack of flatulence. Until the baby is 4-6 months old, mom is advised not to use:

  • whole milk;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans and peas;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • white cabbage;
  • raisins and grapes;
  • pears;
  • bell pepper.

Zucchini and carrots, cauliflower and prunes are useful. For lactating women whose intestinal microflora has been disturbed due to pregnancy, fermented milk products are recommended: natural yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, hard cheese and kefir. The mother's body will share digestive enzymes with the newborn, and colic in the baby will appear less frequently.

Formula-fed babies with flatulence are given both regular and sour-milk mixtures. Combined nutrition helps the intestines of the baby to produce enzymes for digesting food. Peristalsis improves, and gases practically do not bother the baby.

In addition to mother's milk or formula, the child should also receive boiled water. At the age of 4-6 months, babies are given a weak chamomile tea, which soothes and relieves spasms. But for some crumbs, such drinks are contraindicated, because from them the child develops an allergy or flatulence increases.

With dehydration or lack of fluid, digestive processes slow down, it becomes more difficult for the intestines to process milk. Food stagnates and ferments, gas bubbles form, and the newborn's stomach swells and starts to hurt. First, babies are given a tablespoon of boiled water. Gradually, the amount of liquid increases.

It is also useful for mom to drink non-carbonated water and herbal decoctions if the newborn is not allergic to the latter.

how to bathe a newborn baby

Heat from colic

The child is crying because of stomach cramps. Babies who are younger than 3 months are not recommended to give medicines, dill water or candles. Medications are replaced by warming the intestines with warm diapers or towels.

High temperatures increase blood flow to the abdomen, improving the functioning of the digestive organs. Heat removes spasms and promotes the release of gases. How to warm up a diaper? Fold in several layers and iron with a hot iron. Attach the cloth to the inside of the arm: if the skin is warm and pleasant, you can cover the newborn's tummy with a diaper. Left a red mark and tingling? Cool the fabric a little, and then apply, otherwise you can burn the delicate skin of the baby.

In winter, a terry towel or diaper is heated on batteries. Put a dry compress on the heater, leave for 10-15 minutes. When the cloth is warm enough, remove and place on the bowel area.

The only drawback of the diaper compress is that it cools down quickly. Mom has to constantly heat the fabric, so neither she nor the child can rest and sleep.

An alternative to a diaper is a heating pad, which is filled not with water, but with salt or sand. The dry matter is heated in a frying pan, oven or microwave. They fall asleep in a rubber shell and apply to the newborn's stomach, wrapping it with a terry towel.

There are also special heating pads for babies with woolen covers. As a filler, manufacturers use cherry pits or barley husks. The material retains heat for a long time and is suitable even for babies with sensitive skin or a tendency to allergies. Heating pads for newborns are heated in the microwave.

The baby's stomach with flatulence is covered with a pillow or a terry dressing gown. Plus: such a compress retains heat for a long time, so newborns do not wake up in the middle of the night from another bout of spasms. Minus: it is difficult for a child with intestinal pain to lie in one place and wait for the pillow to warm up to a comfortable temperature.

how to wash a newborn baby

Mom is the best sedative

Colic occurs due to increased gas production. To remove spasms and pain, the baby is undressed, leaving only a diaper, and applied to his mother or father with his stomach. The head of the newborn is placed on the right hand, and the upper and lower limbs are trying to spread as much as possible to the sides. The baby is stroked on the back and gently rocked to soothe.

When the baby presses his belly against the mother's body, his intestines contract and the gases come out. Spasms disappear, and the baby, lulled by warmth and a familiar smell, calms down and quickly falls asleep.

You can attach a newborn to your mother's or father's belly at night, when the parents do not have the strength for motion sickness and exercise. If the method does not work, it is recommended to stretch the intestines of the baby with gentle movements. Pressing lightly, massage clockwise, and then run your fingers several times from the stomach to the navel and a little lower. Circular movements will relax the muscles and intestines, and the stomach will be cleared of gases.

Restless babies who do not want to lie on their mother are recommended to be rocked in the star position. Put the head on the elbow, the tummy on the forearm, and let the baby's arms and legs hang down on the sides. Hold the back of the newborn so that he does not fall, and gently rock, singing a song or talking to the child in a half whisper.

It is difficult for mothers who are tired of tantrums and screams of the baby to remain calm, but the baby should not be scolded for colic or physical force should be used against him. Punishment only worsens the emotional well-being of the newborn, he is more nervous, and spasms intensify. A woman should give the baby to dad or put him in a crib, go to another room for a few minutes, and when irritation and anger subsides, return to the child. The calmer the mother, the faster the baby will stop crying and fall asleep.

how to clean a newborn baby

colic exercises

It is useful to do exercises with newborns. Exercise stimulates intestinal peristalsis, preventing the formation of gases. But you should deal with the child before meals, when he is not bothered by colic and spasms.

  1. Undress the baby and place it back on the changing table or other hard surface.
  2. Stroking the tummy of a newborn with a palm bent in the shape of a ladle. Move from the esophagus to the navel with light pressure.
  3. With one hand, massage the tummy, and with the other, raise the legs to facilitate the release of gases. Repeat the movement 4-6 times, give the baby a little rest.
  4. Lower and straighten your legs, stroking your hips for 5–10 seconds to relax your muscles.
  5. Connect the knees and slowly raise to the navel. Slightly spread the heels to the sides.
  6. Count 10 seconds, gently return to the starting position.
  7. Extend the legs and rub with light movements to disperse the blood and help the baby relax.
  8. With index fingers, draw a circle around the navel. One hand should move clockwise, and the other in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Thanks to the exercises, the tummy has relaxed, now you need to stroke the baby's legs and arms to relieve tension in the muscles. If you repeat the exercises 3-4 times a day, the child will sleep more calmly, because the gases will go outside, and not accumulate in the intestines.

With the next attack of flatulence, the baby is recommended to be laid on the stomach on a fitness ball, which is covered with a heated sheet. Roll the baby up and down or left and right. The direction is selected individually, depending on the reaction of the child and his intestines.

A child who is blushing and pushing should be placed with his back on the table and legs raised, and then gently press them to the tummy. Repeat 4-5 times until gases begin to leave. With colic, the exercise "Bicycle" helps. The lower limbs of the newborn are raised and bent at the knees, imitating riding a two-wheeled vehicle.

If heat and physical activity were not enough, the child is given medication or homeopathic preparations.

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Folk and pharmacy remedies

Colic will pass if you drink the baby with a decoction of dill or carrot seeds. The drink has a carminative effect and eliminates spasms. An infusion of yarrow or fennel, dried chamomile tea will relieve flatulence.

Give the child no more than 10 ml of a homeopathic remedy at a time. If a rash appears after the decoction, the newborn is allergic to the plant component. You will have to treat colic with medications.

Pharmacies also sell gas tubes that help cleanse the intestines of feces and excess air, but not all children calmly tolerate such a procedure. A humane way to get rid of colic is a cotton swab dipped in massage or plain vegetable oil. The tip is inserted between the buttocks and lubricated ass. The oil acts as a laxative and carminative.

Newborns with colic are prescribed:

  • Bifidum;
  • Plantex;
  • Baby Calm;
  • Espumizan;
  • herbal teas with fennel;
  • pharmacy dill water.

Colic in newborns disappears at 5-6 months of age. If no methods and drugs help with flatulence, the mother can only endure this period. The baby's intestines will learn to produce enzymes and digest milk, gases will no longer accumulate and disturb the baby, and the baby will sleep soundly all night.

how to prepare dill water for a newborn

Video: how to help a child with colic

Colic in newborns requires competent treatment, because this problem prevents the baby from growing and developing calmly. There is discomfort in the tummy for no apparent reason and makes the baby cry uncontrollably and writhe in pain. Parents are often ready to do anything to save their child from suffering and sleep peacefully.

Colic and gas in newborns are frequent companions of the first three months of life, symptomatic treatment will help to cope with abdominal pain and make it easier to endure this difficult period.

How can a mother help a child?

No one knows the needs of the baby better than his mother, therefore, she usually has to deal with the treatment of colic in newborns on her own. To help your own child and calm down, you have to use not only medications to improve the discharge of gases. Often, maternal tenderness and warmth allow the baby to relax in their own arms and fall asleep, forgetting about the pain in the abdomen.

Tips to help your baby feel better:

  1. A good way to help the baby get rid of not only the pain, but also the stress that it causes, is to lay the baby on the mother's stomach. In this case, close contact between the bodies should be ensured by removing clothing and a diaper. The warmth of the mother's breast, native breathing over the ear and pressure on the tummy will soothe the baby and ensure the passage of gases.
  2. Massage the anterior abdominal wall in a clockwise motion with moderate pressure on the loops of the colon, which will increase peristalsis and ensure the removal of stool and excess air. Read more about abdominal massage for colic →
  3. Gymnastic exercises are a good way not only to strengthen the child's muscle corset, but also to save him from digestive problems. Take the child's legs with your palms and alternately press one or the other to the stomach, as if riding a bicycle.
  4. Another simple exercise option is the “fold” exercise. Raise the straight lower limbs of the baby so that his hips rest against the stomach. This light pressure will stimulate the intestines and increase their motility.
  5. Another affordable option for saving a child from colic is a joint dance. Take it on the handles and, holding it tightly to you, make swaying movements from side to side. This method has a calming effect and allows the baby to fall asleep.

To cope with colic in a newborn, one should adhere to the tactics of complex treatment, because medicine still does not know the exact causes that cause abdominal discomfort in infants.

The fight against colic includes the following methods:

  • psychological - bodily contact and closeness of the mother allow the baby to calm down and forget about the pain;
  • medication - taking herbal preparations and drugs that have a carminative effect;
  • physiotherapy - dry heat on the stomach;
  • mechanical - massage of the abdominal wall and gymnastics;
  • nutrition correction - elimination from the menu of a nursing mother of products that cause fermentation in the intestines;
  • folk medicine - decoctions of herbs and plants.


Switching from breastfeeding to formula is a common cause of colic symptoms in newborns, so a suitable baby food should be selected before treating this condition.

However, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are also found in children who feed on mother's milk. Read more about the rules of nutrition for a nursing mother →

In such a situation, a woman needs to reconsider her diet and limit foods that cause increased gas formation:

  • peas, beans and lentils;
  • Rye bread;
  • yeast baking;
  • pears, grapes;
  • kvass and carbonated drinks;
  • cabbage.

But often the food that a woman consumes plays a minor role in the occurrence of colic, so the cause may lie in something else.


The best way to eliminate colic in an infant with physical therapy is to apply dry heat to the abdomen.

Take a piece of thick flannel and fold it into a small square pillow. Iron it with an iron to make the diaper warm, put it on the newborn's stomach and hold it until it cools down. Heat relieves spasms well and allows you to relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Clinical methods of physiotherapy can also be used, among which:

  • ozokerite treatment;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • SMT therapy (sinusoidally modulated current).

Medical treatment

There is an opinion among the people that colic in newborn boys is much more pronounced, which is why drug treatment is more often used in them, although this is not a completely true statement, because this disease can appear in absolutely any child.

Treatment of colic in newborns can be carried out with the help of drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating increased gas formation:

  1. Plantex - the powder is based on fennel fruits; to obtain a solution, it must be diluted with water. During the day, the child is allowed to drink about 100 ml of the resulting drink.
  2. Baby Calm is a medicine consisting of a mixture of dill, fennel and peppermint oils. Measure the required amount of solution and dilute with water.
  3. Espumizan is an emulsion preparation based on Simethicone. During an attack, pour 25 drops and give to the baby.
  4. Bobotik is a milky white viscous liquid containing simethicone. Can be used from the second month of a baby's life, 8 drops after feeding.
  5. Bebinos is a herbal remedy based on chamomile, coriander and fennel. Dissolve 20 drops in a glass of water and let your baby drink.

Folk methods

In many cases, in order to eliminate colic in newborns, it is not necessary to give the child medicine for treatment, because pain can be reduced at home using "grandmother's" methods.

However, before engaging in self-help, it is better to show the baby to the pediatrician so that he examines him and confirms that discomfort in the tummy is the cause of the restless behavior.

Folk recipes to relieve colic in newborns:

  1. After feeding, let your child drink dill water. This tool can be bought at a pharmacy, but not in every one, but only where there is a prescription department, because the solution is prepared on the spot and has a short shelf life. You can also prepare a decoction of dill at home. To do this, take the seeds of the plant, wipe in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder into 300 ml of hot water and put in a dark place so that the broth is infused. After cooling to room temperature, strain the liquid through cheesecloth and invite the child to drink, starting with 10-15 ml, gradually increasing the amount.
  2. Carrot seeds are an alternative. Pour 2 tablespoons into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After infusing for about 40 minutes and removing the impurities, let the baby drink the resulting tea.
  3. A decoction of pharmacy chamomile has a good calming effect, so it is better to offer it before bedtime. Place 1 sachet in a cup and pour boiling water over it. After cooling, the drink can be consumed.


It is not always easy to cope with intestinal colic in newborns, as well as to treat them, it is much easier to organize the care of the baby and his feeding in such a way as to prevent their occurrence. A special condition called colic is not an independent disease. It is rather a symptom indicating that the digestive system is not yet fully functioning due to a lack of necessary enzymes that speed up the digestion of baby food.

One of the main tasks of parents is to help the baby in such a difficult life period and alleviate his suffering.

In order to reduce the likelihood of intestinal colic, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. Before each feeding, lay the baby on your stomach and leave it to lie down for 15 minutes.
  2. After the baby has drunk the formula, or after applying to the breast, hold it in an upright position. This is necessary so that the air that has entered the stomach with food comes out naturally by regurgitation, and does not penetrate further into the intestines and lead to cutting pains in the abdomen.
  3. If the baby is breastfed, then pay attention to how he takes the breast. With a proper grip, not only the nipple should be in the baby’s mouth, but also the dark circle that surrounds it, called the areola. The nose fits snugly against the skin of the mother's breast, and the lips are turned out. Listen to the sounds your baby makes while suckling. With proper application, you will not hear any extraneous clicks or smacks. If the technique of grasping the nipple is violated, air enters the mouth and penetrates further into the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to the development of colic.
  4. When feeding a newborn from a bottle, use specially designed anti-colic nipples, and also ensure that air accumulates at the bottom of the container.
  5. When the baby is breastfed naturally, the mother will have to reconsider her eating habits and eliminate from the daily menu those foods that can lead to increased gas formation in the intestines of the child. Increased gas formation is observed after the mother eats something from legumes, as well as certain types of fruits or confectionery.

The treatment of colic in newborns occupies an important place in modern pediatrics, but not only doctors should be aware of effective therapeutic methods for getting rid of this condition in infants. Knowledge about elementary methods of abdominal massage, gymnastics, as well as approved medications will help a young mother relieve her baby from abdominal pain and give good nights not only to herself and her child, but also to other family members.

Useful video on how to alleviate the condition of a newborn with colic

Often, the first weeks and months of a newborn's life are overshadowed by his anxiety caused by painful sensations in the tummy - colic, which appear due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs.

The child's digestive system is at the very beginning of development, and therefore, in the process of digesting food, he may experience gas and difficulty with bowel movements. All this is the cause of colic.

It is important to understand that colic is not a disease or pathology, but a painful, but physiological and non-dangerous condition. The first colic can appear in babies after two to three weeks after birth and continue until the age of four months. They occur in perfectly healthy children, with excellent appetite and normal development.


The main causes of colic in children are:

  • air entering the gastrointestinal tract during feeding. This factor may be the cause of improper attachment of the child to the breast, as a result of which he does not grasp the nipple correctly. It is important to organize the correct feeding and comfortable position of the child in time, as well as the obligatory discharge of air after it. On artificial feeding, air can also enter through the nipple if the latch is incorrect or the hole is too large;
  • non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother. In order not to provoke the occurrence of colic in the child, it is better for the mother to refuse to use foods that cause increased gas formation. These products include: grapes, legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, kvass, watermelon, nuts, apples. Also, do not abuse food containing wheat flour, chocolate, strawberries and citrus fruits. The digestive system of each baby is individual and it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby after the mother consumes certain foods;
  • improperly prepared mixture(with artificial feeding). This refers to non-compliance with the instructions during the preparation of the mixture - excessive or insufficient dilution;
  • overfeeding. It is better to feed the baby less, but more often. This will avoid regurgitation and gas formation;
  • the child is rarely or not laid out on the stomach at all. This position helps to release accumulated gases and reduce the frequency of colic attacks.

In addition to the above, colic can occur against the background of various diseases, such as: lactase deficiency, cow's milk protein intolerance, dysbacteriosis, or the presence of an infectious process in the body.

Characteristic symptoms

Symptoms of colic in infants are reduced to certain behavioral features:

  • Restlessness with piercing and prolonged screaming and weeping.
  • Gases and colic mostly occur in the late afternoon (after 17-18 hours).
  • The kid presses his legs to his stomach, which indicates the presence of sharp, cramping pains in the stomach or intestines.
  • Crying and restless behavior appear shortly after feeding.
  • Bloating.
  • Despite the pain and other symptoms of colic, the infant has a good appetite, normal stools, and no abnormal weight gain.
  • After the passage of gases, the child, as a rule, becomes easier.
  • The duration of colic attacks reaches 3-5 hours.

Immediate consultation with a pediatrician requires the presence of the following symptoms:

  • the child is gaining weight poorly or losing it;
  • he has loose stools, possibly interspersed with blood, mucus;
  • intestinal colic lasts more than 5 hours a day.

For the prevention of colic in newborns, the following rules must be observed:

How to treat folk remedies?

You can relieve the pain and anxiety of the baby with intestinal colic on your own at home using folk recipes and methods.

  • Decoction of carrot seeds. Take 10 g of carrot seeds and brew in a glass of boiling water. Drink throughout the day.
  • A decoction of chamomile and immortelle. Mix dried herbs in equal proportions and steam with boiling water for half an hour. Strain, cool to room temperature and take half a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Decoction of oak bark. Take angelica, oak bark and calamus in the same proportions of 10 g each and pour a liter of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup before meals.
  • Chamomile decoction. One teaspoon of flowers is poured with one tablespoon of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes in a water bath and insist. Use as tea leaves and drink 1-2 teaspoons several times a day.
  • Dill water. Steam one teaspoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Give the baby 1 teaspoon several times a day.
  • Warm bath with chamomile decoction. Such a bath will help relieve cramps in the baby's tummy, soothe him and relax.
  • Warm diaper. Since ancient times, this method has been used to treat colic. To do this, you need to iron the diaper with a hot iron and tie it around the baby's stomach. It is better to use a warm diaper as a layer between the belly of mother and baby.
  • vent tube. This method is considered extreme. It should be used only when other methods and recipes do not help alleviate the suffering of the baby. To do this, the tube is inserted into the baby's anus and with slow twisting forward movements we help him get rid of accumulated gases and feces.

Intestinal colic is common to most children at an early age. The main thing is not to panic and realize that this is a natural state during the formation of the child's digestive and nervous systems. Many recipes and ways to help relieve the pain and discomfort of the baby during colic at home.

What is the treatment of colic in newborns at home? How to deal with the disease in order to alleviate the fate of the crumbs and relieve suffering? First of all, you need to know the nature of this disease in order to successfully deal with the causes.

Colic in the abdomen of the baby appears due to spasm of the intestinal muscles. In the process of developing the digestive system of a newborn, inconsistencies in the work of the digestive tract may occur. For example, swallowing air during breastfeeding and from a bottle can adversely affect the intestines: gases are formed. Indigestion and overfeeding can cause upset stools.

What to give a baby with gases, how to save him from torment?

What to do with cramps and gas formation in a newborn? The list of eligible assistance includes:

  1. tummy massage;
  2. warm compress;
  3. bodily contact;
  4. gymnastic exercises;
  5. gas outlet tube;
  6. dill water.

Important! These measures will help ease the well-being of the newborn crumbs. But it is important to remember that these are supportive measures, not treatments.

Tummy massage and compress

Put the newborn baby on the back, free the tummy from the diaper and vest. With a warm palm, begin to smoothly stroke the body around the navel, making movements in the direction of the sun (clockwise). It is important not to press on the tummy, but just stroke it. The warm hand of the mother and her calm state (without panic) will help the baby get rid of the torment at least for a while.

Thermal exposure relaxes the muscles, which means it relieves spasmodic tension. How to do a compress? To do this, iron the flannel diaper with an iron until it is hot and attach it to the newborn's tummy. The diaper must be folded four times. Dr. Komarovsky recommends relaxing warm baths with healing herbal infusions.

Gymnastics and body contact

Be careful with gymnastic exercises. It is advisable to do preventive exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen than to torment the baby's body during pain. He has no time for gymnastics!

The complex of preventive exercises at home includes:

  • laying out the baby on the tummy;
  • exercise "bicycle" legs.

When gaziki accumulate and disturb the baby, it is important to let him feel maternal warmth. Expose your belly and place the baby on it. The baby should also lie on his stomach. This position promotes the discharge of gases and will help to ease the well-being of the baby. The warmth of the mother and the beat of her heart will calm the baby, because he is used to hearing such a melody in his intrauterine existence.

Dill and gas pipe

These measures of influence help to divert gaziki and provide non-drug treatment. Dill seeds can be purchased from the market, washed and dried before brewing. But it is better to give ready-made tea with dill or fennel, which is sold in specialized pharmacies. Seeds purchased from a market or gardening store can be sprayed with chemicals.

Water is given before feeding as a prevention of gas accumulation.

To help the baby cope with the disease, you need to take the gas. However, remember that you can use the tube to remove gases only once every 8-9 days.

How to use the gas tube? You need to do this according to the following instructions:

  1. sterilize the tube for 12-15 minutes and cool;
  2. we cover the changing table with a moisture-absorbing diaper;
  3. lay the baby on the back and press the knees to the tummy;
  4. grease the tip of the tube and the baby's ass with oil;
  5. carefully insert the tube into the anus of the baby no more than 1.4-2 centimeters;
  6. after the introduction of the tube, you need to massage the tummy with a warm hand;
  7. slowly turn the tube without pulling it out of the baby's bottom;
  8. if the gases have departed, slowly remove the tube.

Important! Do not insert the tube into the baby's anus if you feel strong resistance. You will hurt your intestines.

Prevention of gas formation

If nothing is done, gas formation will cause unbearable pain. Consider preventive measures that can prevent the accumulation of gases in the intestines of crumbs.

  1. Do not be lazy to lay the baby on the tummy before each feeding.
  2. After feeding, wait for a burp, holding the baby as a “soldier”.
  3. It is necessary to give the baby dill water.
  4. During breastfeeding, make sure that the baby captures the halo with the mouth along with the nipple.
  5. Massage your tummy daily.

If, nevertheless, gases have formed, try to press the baby's tummy to your chest. Sometimes it's better than nothing.

Mom's diet

The baby will not need treatment for colic if the mother controls her diet and gives the baby only high-quality breast milk. What diet to choose?

1. First, exclude everything from the menu, except dairy-free cereals with vegetable oil and kefir / yogurt. Boiled meat and fish dishes with tea from dill seeds and herbs can be added to the diet. Keep this diet for three days.

2. After that, start adding one product a day, carefully watching the baby and his reaction. Start with cottage cheese or cheese in minimal quantities (up to 20 grams). Eat new foods in the morning: if colic occurs, then by night it will definitely end, and you will get enough sleep.

3. The next day, eat one more product in addition to cereals and kefir. So you can know exactly what foods the baby reacts to. They should be completely removed from the menu.

Important! Include only one product on the menu, not two or three! Otherwise, do not determine what your baby is reacting to.

4. Eliminate any tantrums and quarrels in the house. It has been proven that the muscular muscles of the baby respond to a similar atmosphere in the house with spasms. The child is accustomed to the silence and caress inside the mother's belly, do not stress him!

5. Eliminate tobacco.

List of the most undesirable foods for babies:

  • apple, grapes and juices from them;
  • raisins and dried apricots;
  • any fresh vegetables;
  • condensed milk;
  • confectionery and yeast bread;
  • fatty foods, including butter;
  • anything that contains caffeine;
  • onion and garlic.

Black tea also contains caffeine, like green tea. Replace tea with a decoction of meadow and garden herbs: chamomile, thyme, linden, mint and currant leaves. Drink decoctions with a spoonful of honey, not refined sugar.

In infancy, a baby cannot be capricious for the sake of whims or act "in spite" of her mother. If he cries, then things are really bad. Know how to understand your baby, give more affection and warmth. Soon his digestive system will improve, and the screams will stop.