The best varieties of spray roses. Spray roses: description, review of the best varieties Rose allergy encyclopedia of roses

These amazing flowers - spray roses - amaze with their splendor and at the same time modest exquisite beauty. Spray roses are a new group of roses that have appeared recently. They are based on floribunda roses. Spray roses have low compact bushes (40-50 cm), on a branch can be scattered, like sprays up to 15 buds, large flowers. These are elegant and incredibly beautiful.

rose bloom spray

Spray roses are unpretentious, winter-hardy and decorative. They are also called bouquets.

Growing spray roses - planting and care

This group of roses is used in the design of wedding bouquets, which is why they are considered the flowers of brides. Just one branch, and for the bride a whole bouquet.

Spray roses

Spray roses do not differ in care from other types of roses. They need fertilizer. In order for the bushes to grow intensively, it is necessary from spring to the end of July to feed them with nitrogen-containing dressings. For good flowering, microelements such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. are introduced in the summer. The bush especially needs to be fed during the formation of buds, then after flowering.

Spray roses in a bouquet

There is a lot of information from amateur gardeners that banana peels are buried under rose bushes, which contain the nutrients these flowers need. They say that the flowering becomes better. The main thing when digging in is not to damage the roots. Try it too!

Spray roses bloom profusely and constantly, so you should plant them in the garden. They are grown for cutting, to decorate flower beds, balconies, patios. They are not whimsical, so they do not require special care.

Pink roses spray

Rose propagation spray

Rose cutting spray

Spray roses are propagated by cuttings. Thin lower processes are selected, having three or four leaves, cut off at an angle. The cutting should have two lower buds and a leaf at the top. Growing roses by cuttings is carried out in May-August. Now the cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with glass jars or PET bottles from under the water. Rooting cuttings of roses takes almost two months.

Spray watering roses

Spray roses require the same care as other members of the Rosaceae family, namely loosening, fertilizing, pruning, watering, removing wilted flowers. Watering is carried out when the topsoil dries up. Moisture will last longer if mulching is carried out.

Rose spray Mirabelle

Rose pruning spray

I like spray roses and pruning, which is carried out several times during the season. Dry and damaged branches should be removed first. Pruning prevents the roses from losing their decorative effect and stimulates flowering.

Roses are not difficult to grow, especially if they are spray roses.

Spray roses - beautiful border roses

Speaking of roses, one cannot ignore such a group of varieties as spray roses or, as they are also called, bouquet roses - this is a low-growing border rose, which, according to its main characteristics, is part of a large group of Floribunda roses.

They combine all the best qualities of a floribunda: abundant, long and continuous flowering, unpretentiousness and endurance in the conditions of our latitudes - with a gentle charm of miniature.

Appearance of spray roses

Small, compact, upright bushes 40 to 90 cm high, small flowers (3-6 cm) are collected in inflorescences, but each bud has its own peduncle, extending from the skeletal branch.

Spikes may be absent or in small quantities. It blooms profusely, with proper pruning, almost continuously, from the first warm nights to the very frosts.

Care and agricultural technology

Despite their small size and apparent fragility, spray roses are quite unpretentious and resistant to external factors.

With spray roses, you should prepare a pit 45x45 cm, pour a layer of drainage and compost or any other on the bottom of the pit, form a mound on which to spread the root system of the seedling, then the pit is covered with earth and the soil is compacted to remove all possible voids. Near the plant, it is necessary to make a small depression where water will collect. After planting, spray rose seedlings with warm water at the rate of 8 liters per 1 plant.

In general, caring for roses from this group is almost no different from caring for or hybrid tea roses. Spray roses love regular watering during the growing season and flowering. For better conservation of moisture in the soil, it is advisable to mulch or loosen the ground under the bushes to a depth of 10 cm. They treat top dressing very well, especially in summer, responding with abundant and long flowering. In the period from mid-spring to the beginning of flowering, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be preferred; in the summer months, plants need more phosphorus, potash and others, because. flower formation increases the need for minerals. It is advisable to prevent the soil from drying out and spray the bushes, taking precautions (avoid direct sunlight to avoid sunburn and do not spray at night, so as not to provoke the appearance of fungal infections). For winter, it is desirable to a height of 2-3 buds, especially in latitudes with little snow and windy winters.

Like all floribundas, spray roses do not like prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, drafts and strong winds that dry out the soil, so a place that is slightly shaded and moderately ventilated is well suited for planting, for example, in the shade of fruit trees, or deciduous with not too dense crown.

Spray roses are carried out according to the principles common with many garden roses:

  • spring pruning carried out immediately after the opening of the bushes. All frozen shoots and those affected by diseases are removed. Annual branches are shortened to 6-7 buds, last year's and older ones - up to 3-4.
  • summer pruning allows you to achieve continuity of flowering, and is mainly aimed at the prevention of various diseases and thickening of the bush. All shoots growing inside the bush, branches affected by diseases, damaged buds are cut out.
  • pruned in autumn all weak shoots that will definitely not endure frost, shoots growing inside the bush, the tops of the shoots of this year are cut off.

It should be remembered that pruning must be carried out with a sharp tool that does not allow the cut to become flaky, the places of cuts on stiff shoots are processed with garden pitch, and the cut plane should be directed inside the bush.

Spray roses in landscape design

Due to their low height, spray roses are ideal for borders and for decorating small, gentle slopes, elevated flower beds. Miniature spray rose bushes allow you to bring them to the fore even in a small rose garden, shading the beauty of taller plants.

However, most often spray roses are used as cut roses, their inflorescences already look like bouquets on their own, and are very popular for wedding arrangements.

Popular varieties

Spray rose variety “Allergy”

Allegory .

Variety with erect bushes up to 70 cm tall, umbellate inflorescences from 25 to 50 buds, goblet flowers, double (up to 35 petals), orange-pink, 4-5 cm in diameter, almost odorless.

It blooms continuously throughout the season, in connection with which both buds and flowering flowers can be seen on the bush at the same time, the buds do not crumble for a long time both on the bush and in the bouquet (on average, from 10 to 15 days).

The variety has high frost resistance, resistance to diseases is above average, the bud is resistant to rain.

Border roses variety “Snow Dens”

Snow dance . The bush is upright, lush, up to 75 cm high, with dark green smooth leathery leaves, awl-shaped spikes, red, inflorescences in the form of brushes, flowers from white to pale green, 4-5 cm in diameter, cup-shaped and open, densely double ( 40-45 petals), almost odorless.

Blooms from May to late autumn, continuously. Feels better in partial shade.

The variety has above average frost resistance, resistance to diseases is also above average. Requires shelter for the winter and preventive treatments for fungal diseases.

Border rose variety “Heidi Klum”

Heidi Klum . A small rose with a compact, low bush up to 50 cm tall, foliage is medium green, semi-glossy, dense, lush, cup-shaped flowers, open, 6-9 cm in diameter, densely double (40-60 petals), lilac-purple with pink tones, with a pronounced aroma.

Flowering is plentiful, repeated. Requires a well-lit area for good flowering, with shading from direct sunlight, protection from prevailing winds, but with sufficient air movement. Frost resistance is average (requires shelter and protection from the winds), resistance to diseases is high, the bud holds rain well.

Spray roses variety “Favorite Lydia”

Beloved Lydia . This variety belongs to the classic representatives of spray roses. A small, rather sprawling bush (60-70 cm in height and up to 50 cm in width), buds are collected in brushes of 5-9 flowers, inflorescences are racemose. The flowers are traditional goblet-shaped, from light pink to rich pink with a lilac tint, 3-5 cm in diameter, double (up to 40 petals), the aroma is weak. Flowering is very abundant, continuous throughout the season. It is very unpretentious, has high frost resistance and resistance to diseases.

Spray rose variety “Mimi eden”

Mimi Eden. A variety with a low (55-85 cm) strongly spreading (90-110 cm) bush, almost without thorns, medium-sized leaves, semi-glossy, dark green, flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of 5-10 pieces, the flower is spherical, medium-sized (3-4 cm ), terry (up to 40 petals), two-tone (lower part from pale green to white, inner part from creamy pink to deep pink), the aroma is delicate, almost not pronounced.

Blooms profusely and continuously from early June until frost. Resistance to disease and frost is high.

Spray rose variety “Tamango”

Tamango . The bushes of this variety are low (up to 50 cm), rather sprawling (40-45 cm), the leaves are dark green, leathery, the thorns are small, reddish. The flower is cup-shaped, up to 7.5 cm, from bright scarlet to deep red, terry (up to 40 petals), the aroma is pleasant, moderately pronounced.

Blooms profusely, continuously, until frost. A variety of high winter hardiness, resistance to diseases is above average. The flower does not fade.

Spray roses are a relatively new group of roses. This group appeared only in the second half of the 20th century and has already managed to catch the fancy of flower growers from all over the world. They are also called patio roses. What is spray and patio roses? The spray group separated from the floribunda group. They are represented by low compact bushes. The average height is about 50 cm. Although they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can open on one branch. The flowers themselves can be both large and not very large. The diameter of the flowers is from 4 to 7 centimeters. Due to the large number of flowers on one bush, spray roses are called pink sprays.

These are incredibly refined and ornamental plants. They are used to decorate personal plots, and are also used to create bouquets, including wedding ones. Therefore, these flowers are often called "wedding". Spray roses combine the best qualities: long and abundant flowering, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and endurance. They can also be grown in central Russia due to their good frost resistance. There are not so many thorns on the stems, or they may be completely absent. If the flowers are cut correctly, then you can get a long and continuous flowering - with the onset of heat and until the first frost. Culture is actively used in landscape design. They are grown in containers, as well as along paths. The flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

The best varieties of spray roses

The rapid popularity of flowers has contributed to the fact that new varieties of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and color palettes began to regularly appear in the world: Lovely Lidia (Favorite Lydia) is one of the very first varieties bred in Holland at the end of the 20th century. The bush is quite sprawling, about 70 cm high. The flowers are small (3–4 cm), pink, lighter at the edge, darker in the middle. Mimi Eden (Mimi Eden) - an incredibly beautiful and elegant rose of a white and pink palette.

The buds are light apricot, becoming soft pink as they bloom, eventually fading in the sun and turning white. Tamango (Tamango) - very compact (about 50 cm high) and decorative rose. The buds are large (6–7 cm in diameter), densely double (about 40 petals), saturated scarlet in color, arranged 10–12 pieces per branch. The high winter hardiness of the variety allows it to be grown in cold regions of the country. Typhoon (Typhoon) - a very bright rose with double buds of rich orange color. The edges of the petals are red, gradually turning yellow towards the middle. Satin (Satin) - an amazingly beautiful rose with marble two-tone buds.

The flowers are large (up to 8 cm), bright pink with cream stains. Tiramisu (Tiramisu) is another spectacular variety with two-color buds, bred in Holland. The rosettes are small, the petals are terracotta inside, the outside is cream, one brush contains 12-15 flowers. The bush is compact (up to 50 cm). Rubicon (Rubicon) - a very sophisticated rose of dark purple color. The buds are large, goblet-shaped, the aroma is light, refined. Orange spray (Orange spray) - a new variety of roses with a bright orange color of the petals. The buds are small (3–4 cm), reminiscent of a Tea rose in shape, exude a light aroma.

How to choose the right seedlings

Rose planting material can be sold in mini containers or in bags filled with a nutrient substrate, less often open. When planting in the fall, it is better to choose seedlings with an open root system, but plants in containers are better suited for planting in the spring.

Before buying, carefully inspect the bush and its root system for damage and other defects, such as mold and dried patches. In the case of purchasing plants in a bag, pay special attention to the condition of the soil, it should be crumbly, not have a specific smell. The best choice would be a strong healthy seedling with white roots on the bottom.

The successful combination of the scion with the stock is indicated by an even callus at the grafting site.

Site selection and soil preparation

Both beginners and experienced gardeners can grow crops, the main thing is to observe all the nuances of growing. To plant a plant in the garden, you need to choose a sunny, but protected from the winds area.

Varieties with light petals should preferably be planted in sunny areas, and roses with dark inflorescences are recommended to be placed in partial shade. If this is not done, then with high solar activity, the intense color of plant buds will soon become light.

It can take up to three months to prepare quality land for flowers, so for planting plants in the fall, the soil must be prepared from summer or in October if planting is planned for spring.

The basic rules for soil preparation are as follows:

  1. We remove weeds and their rhizomes from the site.
  2. We dig up the soil on the bayonet of a shovel with simultaneous transshipment of the earth. Next, a ditch is made 40-50 centimeters deep and the top soil with fertilizers is poured to the bottom, and then the bottom layer mixed with fertilizers. For several months of standing, the earth in the ditch sags and is saturated with useful substances. Along with this, excess moisture also disappears.
  3. Some flower growers immediately plant plants in pre-dug soil with dug recesses, but this method is considered less effective.

In the case of planting plants in previously prepared, transshipped soil, the root system will develop rapidly and receive unhindered access to oxygen.

Many gardeners do things differently. They dig up the site on a spade bayonet without prior leveling in the fall. This will help to freeze the topsoil and destroy pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms harmful to roses, pest larvae. Fertilizers added during this period will be able to dissolve over the winter.

With the advent of spring, the landing site is leveled with a metal rake and holes are dug for planting crops. The depth and width of such recesses should be 25-30 centimeters higher and wider than the root system of the plant. Subject to these parameters, the pit is filled with light nutrient soil, which will give impetus to the intensive development of the root system.

During the preparation of the soil for the rose garden, it is necessary to take into account the influence of predecessors. It is known that roses do not grow well in areas where Potentilla, cherry, quince or hawthorn were previously located. In such areas, a 50 cm layer of earth is removed and replaced with new soil.

The acid composition of the soil can be determined by litmus paper. So red indicates acidic soil, blue indicates neutral acid soil. On acidic soil, sorrel and horsetail usually grow, on alkaline soil - clover or horseradish. In the presence of alkaline soil, superphosphate or compost, needles are added to its composition. Wood ash or bone meal is added to acidic soil.

top dressing

Despite their unpretentiousness, spray roses need regular feeding. It is especially important to fertilize the bushes during the budding and flowering period.

Top dressing is carried out according to the rules common for most species: during the period of bud appearance and until the end of summer, nitrogen fertilizers are preferred.

By autumn and at the end of flowering, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. You can use both ready-made store mixes, and make them yourself.


The rules for watering a variety of spray roses do not differ from the rules for watering other types of roses. You need to water directly under the root to minimize the ingress of moisture on the leaves. You need to start watering only when the soil has dried well after the previous time.

One bush requires about 8 liters of water. It is strictly forbidden to use cold, not settled water for watering roses. After watering, you need to loosen the soil so that crusts do not form.


Despite the compactness of this type of roses, they need regular pruning.

Autumn produce decorative pruning if they want to adjust the shape of the bush. This pruning is optional. Given the small height of the spray bushes, autumn pruning can be completely eliminated.

The main pruning is carried out in the spring. It is required to maintain the health of the bush, its decorative properties, as well as abundant flowering. Usually, the bushes are cut above the fifth bud. If you want to rejuvenate an old bush, then pruning is done over the second kidney.

All dry branches that have not woken up after the winter must be completely removed. Therefore, pruning begins only when all the buds appear.

It is important to cut off all dry flowers. If they are not removed in time, then fruit ripening will begin, for which the rose will spend a lot of energy. This will adversely affect the further flowering and growth of the bush. By cutting off all faded flowers in a timely manner, you will not only preserve the attractive appearance of the rose, but also prolong its lush flowering.

It is possible to allow the fruits to ripen only in the first year, when flowering is excluded throughout the season.

Curly and climbing roses are usually pruned as needed. But also be sure to remove old flowers.


Spray roses can be propagated in several traditional ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • rooting.

When choosing the appropriate method, you need to take into account that breeding roses is not only a rather complicated process, but the result can be unpredictable. Since all garden roses are the result of the work of breeders, they are poorly propagated by seeds. Even if the seed germinates, there is no guarantee that the rose will look the same as the mother plant. It may be a completely different flower, with different qualities, and of course, it is not a fact that it will also be attractive.

The easiest way is to divide the bush. Using this method, you get a finished, adult plant. However, it should be borne in mind that this is stress for the parent plant. It loses immunity, can get sick. Flowering may become scarce, and growth may stop. It also takes a lot of time to root.

The most correct method is cuttings. It guarantees the safety of the mother bush. You can also be sure that exactly the same plant will grow from the cutting, with the same characteristics and external qualities. For cuttings, a part is taken from the middle of the stem, 15 cm long. The cuttings are cut at an angle of 45 degrees and placed in highly moistened soil, or in a solution that stimulates the formation of roots.

Rooting gives the same effect. For rooting, one of the stems is bent to the ground, and sprinkled with earth in one place. When roots form in the ground, the new plant is cut and planted in the right place.

Preparing for winter

For normal wintering, it is necessary to make a hill from the ground above the shoots of plants. Before hilling, non-lignified shoots, flowers and leaves are removed. Experienced gardeners already in the last decade of October cut off all the flowers and buds of roses. This will help harden the plants and prevent the use of additional nutrients from the soil. Sand or dry soil is poured over the stems of roses to a height of 35 centimeters. Next, the hill is covered with sawdust, low-lying peat or spruce branches.

Do not take soil from the row spacing of flowers, such actions can cause damage to the root system of plants.

There is another method of sheltering roses for the winter, air-dry. It consists in the device of an improvised frame made of metal wire up to 50 centimeters high. Further, this design is furnished with foam rubber, foam sheets or reeds. Next, a plastic film is pulled over the frame, which will protect the plant from moisture penetration. To prevent the destruction of the material, hanging pieces of the film are sprinkled with earth. An impromptu shelter can be ventilated before the onset of cold weather with negative temperatures below -15 degrees.

Rose spray - what is it and how is it used in garden design

Spray roses are without a doubt one of the newest varieties of roses. And the debate about which group they belong to has not subsided so far. But the classification of roses is rather conditional and only time will put everything in its place. The only thing that can be said about these roses is that they originated from the Floribunda group. Each such spray-rose branch is a whole bouquet. Sometimes these roses are called bouquet or border roses. These varieties attract attention with their incredibly elegant appearance and decorative effect, abundant flowering that lasts for a long time, as well as versatility in use (borders, in the garden, cutting, side containers).

The use of spray roses in landscape design (ideas)

Multi-flowered roses such as sprays look great in regular style gardens. The brightness of the selected variety is easily emphasized by group plantings and clipped borders: But against the background of lawns and paths, spray roses also look amazing, it’s not for nothing that they are called “border” roses: And for container plantings, it’s better to choose medium-sized sprays: Of course, the above varieties with a photo and the description is far from a complete list of this subgroup. However, we emphasize once again that many varieties of spray roses have good resistance to adverse factors, so they will surely find fans among gardeners.

Pest and disease control


For effective pest control, a soap solution with the addition of mustard powder or chemicals Karbofos, Aktelik, Rogor is used.


A pale yellow or white leafhopper with an elongated body does not pose a danger to the plant. The main harm is caused by insect larvae that feed on the juices of the plant.

spider mite

You can detect the pest with a magnifying glass or by thin cobwebs that bind the leaves.

Tick ​​settlements can be destroyed with chemicals such as Vermitek or Fitoverm.

leaf roller

Of the rose pests, special attention should be paid to the leaflet. Caterpillars appear on the plant in early spring, begin to gnaw buds and young shoots, then take on the leaves. Caterpillars are harvested by hand and destroyed, with strong lesions, the plant is treated with insecticides.

powdery mildew

Of the rose diseases, powdery mildew is considered the most popular. The disease manifests itself in the form of a powdery white coating on the leaves and shoots of the culture.

The reason for its occurrence may be moderate temperature and high humidity.

Prevention of powdery mildew is spraying plants with a Bordeaux mixture and applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. At an intensive rate of development of the disease, roses are sprayed with a solution of soda ash 0.5% concentration.

black spot

This is a fungal disease that appears on the leaf blades of roses in the form of brown spots from mid-summer. Severe damage leads to complete blackening, drying out and falling leaves. Fungus spores overwinter in fallen leaves and shoots, which is why organic remains must be removed from the site and burned.

Another effective solution to the problem is the spring treatment of rose leaves with Bordeaux liquid.

There are no boundaries for perfection. It is easy to see this when looking at the new magnificent varieties of roses, striking in their splendor or, on the contrary, modest exquisite beauty.

No matter how many new beautiful flowers appear in our gardens, the rose always remains the queen among them. Recently introduced spray roses have won a place in the sun and in the hearts of fans of these magnificent flowers.

Spray - spray buds

Spray - a new group of roses, in many ways similar to the floribunda group. Small, ideally shaped flowers, collected in large inflorescences, are very suitable for a figurative name, which means "splashes" in English. Each branch, strewn with numerous charming flowers, resembles a miniature bouquet. Tenderness, sophistication and at the same time solemnity characterize flower arrangements in which spray roses are present. A photo, even the most skillful, cannot convey the beauty of these flowers.

Spray roses have bushy but low bushes, ideal for growing in containers and in small beds. Plant height reaches 60-80 cm. Spray roses bloom all summer until frost.

Spray Rose Care

Constantly and profusely blooming roses of this group are an excellent choice for growing as a cut flower, as well as for decorating patios, balconies, flower beds. They are considered unpretentious, not requiring special care.

For cuttings, thin lower shoots with 3-4 leaves are selected, cut off obliquely, leaving two lower buds and one leaf. This procedure is best done in the summer, from May to August. Cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 3: 1 or in a special soil for roses. From above they are covered with transparent bags or glass jars. Two months later, a young rooted bush is formed.

Spray roses need exactly the same care as all other representatives of the Rosaceae family, they also need top dressing, loosening, watering, pruning, removal of wilted flowers. Plants should not be watered too often, only as the top layer of soil dries. Mulching helps retain moisture longer, so you should not neglect it.

Spray roses spend a lot of energy on flowering, they cannot do without top dressing. Mineral fertilizers, especially of prolonged action, should be applied in the spring, during the formation of shoots. A second top dressing will be required after the first wave of flowering.

To rejuvenate the bushes, it is necessary to prune several times during the season. First of all, damaged and dry branches should be removed and only strong shoots should be left. Without pruning, roses lose their decorative effect, and flowering worsens. Many people think that roses are capricious and difficult to grow. In fact, these are easily cultivated flowers and the most unpretentious among them are spray roses.

Varieties of miniature roses

The group includes many exclusively ornamental varieties with distinctive features in color, size and shape of flowers and leaves. Here is some of them:

  • rose varieties Arrow Folies has purple-red flowers with white strokes, glossy dark green foliage and strong stems with large spikes. These beautiful roses bloom profusely and practically do not get sick, the buds are not damaged by rain. Suitable for mass plantings.
  • Abundant and long lasting varieties Raymond priva have a rare lilac, with a purple tint, color. The bright yellow eye of the middle of the bud very nicely complements the rare beauty of the flower. The bushes are low, up to 30 cm. The plant tolerates heat well. Used for groups and borders.
  • One of the popular varieties Allegory. Differs in original terry flowers of an openwork form and saturated orange-salmon or coral color. Roses have almost no fragrance. Bushes erect, up to 70 cm tall. Twigs are a whole bunch of 25-30 buds. Blooms throughout the season.
  • Variety Lydia many call the spray rose pattern. A small bush during flowering is completely hidden under pretty bunches of perfect shape. Plays of color from creamy pink to almost raspberry look very impressive. Lydia blooms continuously and profusely, tolerates cold weather well, gets sick a little. Grow it for cutting or to decorate the garden in the foreground of mixborders and flower beds.

There are no boundaries for perfection. And classically luxurious roses on long stems, and tiny roses collected in inflorescences always remain the queens of flowers. Vivat, queen!

It is very nice when the topic raised in the magazine resonates with amateur gardeners. In the last issue of the magazine, we answered a question about spray roses. Today, in continuation of this topic, the personal experience of Tatyana Maksimovskaya. She grows spray roses in the Urals. Photos prove that her experience is very successful. Dear readers, if you also have something to add about growing plants, send your stories to the address: 603086, Nizhny Novgorod, PO Box 65 or by email. mail: [email protected] Your photos and letters will participate in the contest "In my own land".

With all the variety of ornamental plants in the garden, roses probably occupy the most honorable place, because they start flowering in June and continue until late autumn. Some varieties (primarily hybrid tea roses) bloom with a short break, others almost continuously, and spray sprays can also be attributed to them.

Literally, the name Rosa spray means "spray", "fountain", and this is justified: numerous medium-sized flowers are collected in large brushes.

Another name for bouquet roses. Each branch is a whole bouquet! They are loved by both florists and landscape designers.

These roses captivate at first glance low bushes, all strewn with numerous flowers, form an openwork cloud. There can be up to 30 buds on a branch, the flowers stay on the bush without fading, for a very long time. If you pinch the central bud in the inflorescence, then the rest will bloom at the same time.

Small bushes 50-70 cm high are very compact. They are good for container planting (a group of three roses), or you can land them along the paths in a checkerboard pattern every 30 cm.

The only "disadvantage" of spray roses is that they do not have a strong smell, only a light, delicate aroma.


Spray roses can be attributed to the floribunda group, so planting and caring for them is the same as for other roses.

When planting grafted seedlings, we deepen the root neck by 2-3 cm so that the grafting is comfortable, neither cold nor hot. If, for some reason, the branches of the rose dry up, prop up, then new replacement shoots will come out of the dormant buds of the root collar.

In early spring, we make the first top dressing with a complete mineral fertilizer, and if you use modern long-acting fertilizers, then one top dressing is enough.

To preserve moisture and less care, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the roses, best of all with humus, which also provides additional nutrition. Next top dressing after flowering.

In August, no nitrogen fertilizers, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for better ripening of shoots.


These roses are quite unpretentious, have good health, grow quickly and winter stably.

I, in the Chelyabinsk region, withstood short-term drops to 15-17 degrees below zero. But then we usually have a good snow cover which is the best cover. For insurance, so that the roses do not prop up when the snow melts, you can cover them along the frame with a dense (50-60 units) covering material.


The color range of spray roses is very diverse: from various shades of milky white, pink and to red-brown tones. Among the sprays, two-tone and striped colors are often found. Due to the large number of flowers on the stem, such roses form a whole airy cloud!

Lydia is the earliest of the spray roses. Terry goblet buds (4-5 cm in diameter) of pure pink color. Leaves are shiny and glossy. Bush straight, compact, 50-60 cm high

Luviana - flowers in white-green colors, densely double, goblet-shaped (4-5 cm in diameter).

Mimi Eden is a miniature version of the climbing rose Pierre de Ronsard/ Eden Rose. The flowers are densely double, cup-shaped, white with a pink center (3-4 cm in diameter). In cold and rainy weather, flowers can rot.