Blood in the urine of a cat. The cat has blood in the urine - why and what to do to the owner What to do if the cat has red urine

In veterinary terminology, the appearance of blood in the urine of a cat is called hematuria, which in Latin means “bloody urine” (hema - blood, urine - urine). The discovery of this symptom is a serious wake-up call for the owner to immediately pay close attention to the health of the pet.

Hematuria can be a symptom of many diseases and ailments in cats. The main thing is to remember that a cat is not a person, he cannot say where and what hurts him. Therefore, at the first sign of blood in the urine, you should immediately consult with an experienced specialist. It is advisable to immediately collect urine for analysis and bring it to the hospital along with the sick animal, which will significantly increase the speed of making the correct diagnosis.

What does normal cat/cat/kitten urine look like?

Urine is a fluid produced by the kidneys and excreted through the urinary system. Excretion removes harmful metabolic products, salts, foreign substances, enzymes, hormones, vitamins from the body. This whole process contributes to the maintenance of a normal internal environment of the body, the so-called homeostasis.

A healthy cat has clear, yellow or orange urine. Color largely depends on the type of nutrition, the nature of metabolism.

What does the urine of a cat / cat / kitten look like with hematuria?

Blood in the urine of cats can be seen with the naked eye, changing from straw to red or brown. In rare cases, clots in the form of blood cords or blotches may be observed.

With a mild course of one of the diseases listed at the beginning of the article, blood is not always visible visually. It is possible to detect it only with the help of laboratory research, namely microscopic analysis. Erythrocytes are found in the urinary sediment. Some red blood cells retain their shape well, while others, on the contrary, are severely deformed: wrinkled, swollen, flattened, etc.

Dark staining of urine can also acquire in cases that are in no way associated with any disease. For example, if a pet likes to eat beets or carrots. There are few such fans, but they do exist. Exclusion from the diet of these products quickly brings the color of urine to the physiological norm.

Collecting cat urine is not difficult. This should be done with gloves to protect yourself from possible infection in case of infection. Also, do not forget to disinfect the cat litter before and after sampling.

The filler is removed from the tray, the grate is left. After the next trip of the cat to the toilet, the liquid is carefully poured into a transparent vessel (a glass for collecting tests). However, only urine collected no more than 3-4 hours ago is suitable for analysis.

There is another way to collect urine for analysis. For collection, a disposable sterile syringe without a needle from a tray in which there is no filler, or filled with a special non-absorbent filler, which is sold in zoopharmacies as part of a urine collection kit, is suitable. The tray must first be washed thoroughly.

Not all cats are docile. In especially “shy” or wayward cats, you can take urine for analysis only with the help of a catheter. Naturally, the procedure should be carried out by a specialist.

Both general and biochemical blood tests should be taken on an empty stomach, which is very important for making a correct diagnosis. If there is a need for an ultrasound, it is also done on an empty stomach.

Hematuria can most often be identified fairly accurately by a change in the color of the urine. When red blood cells (erythrocytes) cause a change in the color of the urine that can be seen with the naked eye, the condition is called overt hematuria. But in those conditions when blood is released into the urine in small quantities, neither the doctor nor the owner will notice a change in the color of the urine, then this condition is called latent hematuria and can only be determined by urinalysis. Sometimes cats excrete pure blood, and outside the tray, also the remains of blood can be seen on the animal's fur in the crotch area.

The collected urine sample is examined in transmitted light: glassware is raised to eye level, placing it opposite a window or other light source. Red or dark brown urine, the presence of blood clots indicates hematuria. Going to the doctor in this case is not advisable to put off indefinitely.

If the liquid does not have obvious signs of staining, and the pet’s condition is difficult to diagnose as normal, then to calm one’s own conscience, the urine is sent for examination to a veterinary laboratory. With the help of special methods, laboratory veterinarians will accurately determine whether there are red blood cells in it or not, and at the same time they will check the delivered sample for other items: the presence of protein, white blood cells, acetone, pus, microbes, epithelium, etc.

Based on the data obtained, the veterinarian-therapist, coupled with the data of the clinical examination, will be able not only to find the cause of the pathology, but also to prescribe the correct treatment.

There are 4 main reasons why blood can be observed in the urine of a pet.

1. Parenchymal renal hematuria - the appearance of blood due to problems with the kidneys.

Renal parenchymal hematuria can be associated, for example, with very high proteinuria (increased amount of protein in the urine), with inflammation of the kidney in any of its parts, with specific viral and bacterial infections, in which pyuria (bacteria in the urine) can also develop.

2. Hematuria with pathology in the urinary tract.

If everything is fine with the pet’s kidneys, and there is blood in the urine, then the problems are most likely related to the urinary tract:

  • Inflammation or infection of the bladder, urethra, or ureters may cause pyuria and/or dysuria - difficult, painful urination.
  • Acute inflammation, toxic effects of drugs, tumors can cause quite severe bleeding, which directly threatens the pet's life.
  • Changing the shape of the bladder due to the occurrence of polyps, calculi (stones) in the ureters (urolithiasis), urethra, bladder due to trauma and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Recent bladder injury and consequent hematuria is an absolute indication for immediate veterinary attention.

If the kidneys are normal and hematuria does occur, the next most common cause for this is problems with the urinary tract. Dysuria (painful difficulty urinating) and/or pyuria (bacteria in the urine) occurs when there is infection or inflammation in the bladder, ureters, and urethra.

Tumors, toxic drugs, acute inflammation - can cause very severe bleeding that threatens the life of the animal. Changes in the shape of the bladder due to polyps, diverticula (“pockets”), calculi (stones) in the bladder, urethra, ureters due to irritation and trauma to the mucous membrane cause hematuria. Fresh bladder trauma and hematuria after trauma are an absolute indication for emergency veterinary care.

Of the infectious agents, not only urinary tract bacteria can be accompanied by hematuria - chlamydia, mycoplasmas, viruses, protozoa, and even helminths can cause it.

3. Hematuria associated with diseases of the genital tract.

In inflammatory processes in the cat's prostate, blood can also enter the urine.

Possibly contaminated urine with bloody discharge from the vagina or prepuce. Blood can enter the urethra in males with inflammation of the prostate.

4. Hematuria as a consequence of a systemic disease.

Diseases of the blood, liver, some systemic infections, heart failure, hyperthermia (overheating) and other pathologies can cause hematuria. There is also hematuria after intense physical exertion.

In any case, if the cat has blood in the urine, you should definitely see a veterinarian.

The owner of a cat with hematuria is unlikely to be able to help on his own, rather, on the contrary, inept actions will lead to irreparable consequences. The only thing that is required from the owner is to deliver the cat to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible or show it to a familiar specialist. If it is not possible to quickly bring the animal to the hospital, then you can try to get advice by phone, describing in detail all the signs that were observed.

Correspondence conversation rarely has a positive effect, since only during a personal examination, the veterinarian makes appropriate conclusions about the condition of the cat and the severity of the disease process.

As a first aid, the cat owner should:

  • Provide a sick animal with rest by placing it in a warm, draft-free room on a bedding.
  • Intramuscularly introduce painkillers (no-shpa, balargin), which will alleviate the pain syndrome.
  • Eliminate all solid foods from the diet, instead offer liquid food and easily digestible feed; water in plenty.
  • For disinfection of the urinary tract, before going to the doctor, give the cat a decoction of bearberry, parsley root, furadonin.
  • Inflammatory products from the urinary tract are removed with a decoction of juniper, horsetail.

Experimenting with antibiotics is not worth it, as their uncontrolled use will only complicate the situation, worsen the cat's condition and require longer treatment in the future.

Once again, it should be repeated that all these manipulations will alleviate the painful condition of the animal, but will not lead to a cure. Therapeutic measures for hematuria should be carried out only by a veterinarian, after a comprehensive clinical and laboratory study.

Diagnosis of the causes and treatment of diseases leading to the appearance of blood in the urine of a cat / cat / kitten

As a rule, a veterinarian will need a series of studies to determine the causes of blood in the urine, since the effectiveness of the treatment will depend on this. This will require a detailed medical history, the results of monitoring urination. Feeding and behavior of the cat are also important. The most detailed information will allow you to quickly and accurately reach the correct diagnosis. According to the chemical and physical analysis of urine, it is easy to determine bacterial cystitis or urolithiasis, as well as other diseases of the urological sphere.

With a source of blood in the lower parts of the urinary system, urine, as a rule, is stained unevenly, the first or last portion of urine may be contaminated with blood, while with a renal origin of bleeding, the so-called total hematuria (the color of “meat slops”) is observed, when urine completely uniformly colored red. X-ray of the bladder, ultrasound examination of the organs of urination and urination are required to clarify the diagnosis.

If your pet is over five years old, it is recommended to donate blood to determine the functional abilities of the kidneys and other internal organs.

Diagnostic measures for the detection of blood in the urine are aimed at identifying the pathology and further assessing the degree of inflammation and the general condition of the body. This will help in predicting the outcome of the disease, choosing the right treatment and further prevention.

In cats, blood in the urine is most often caused by urolithiasis. This is due to the anatomical features of the structures of the urethra. It is narrow and long, has an S-shaped bend. This contributes to the difficult passage of clots, crystals and leads to blockage of the urethra. In such situations, a urinary catheter, which is placed for several days to empty the bladder, can help.

Treatment of hematuria depends on the initial condition and the causes of it. If the urethra is blocked by sand or stone (which is much more common in cats), urgent surgery may be required, and antibiotics are suggested for bacterial cystitis. If a neoplasm is diagnosed, then surgery followed by chemotherapy may be recommended. To address problems associated with the urinary tract or kidneys, diets that change the composition of the urine and/or medications may be offered as needed.

Treatment directly depends on the correct diagnosis, but most often similar groups of drugs are used. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic drugs (for example, human no-shpa or drotaverine) are usually prescribed. If treatment is not taken on time, a small course of antibiotic therapy may be needed. Immune remedies, vitamin complexes, herbal medicines are prescribed only by a veterinarian. You can not independently prescribe treatment for your pet, even if you have a medical education. It must be remembered that a cat is not a person, and some human drugs can only aggravate the situation.

Blood in the urine of a cat / cat / kitten - how not to start the disease or what to look for?

It is unlikely that furry owners examine urine every day, trying to see if there is blood in it or not. Yes, and doing it every day does not make sense. The only reason for concern can be the unusual behavior of a cat or cat associated with the process of urination.

In most cases, such an unpleasant symptom as hematuria is accompanied by depression of the pet, refusal to feed, and fever. The animal may experience pain while coping with natural physiological needs, which is manifested by its anxiety, throwing around the apartment, heart-rending meowing, attempts to “go to the toilet” in places not intended for this, and other signs of discomfort at the time of urination. If such signs appear, it's time to conduct a home mini-examination.

Blood clots in cat urine is a serious condition that requires immediate veterinary attention. In medicine, this condition is called hematuria. Pet owners should be familiar with the underlying causes and treatment of blood in the urine of a cat in advance. The sooner the pet gets help, the sooner he will get better.

Pathological causes

The tactics of its treatment depends on the cause of the development of hematuria. Most often, pathology develops due to such factors:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys. The inflammatory process that affected the kidney tissue causes blood impurities in the cat's urine. In such a situation, the animal needs treatment.
  2. Traumatization of the urinary system. In most cases, pets that walk on the street face this. Minor injuries go away on their own and do not lead to complications, but in severe cases there is a risk of rupture of the bladder and kidney tissues. The cat needs immediate therapy, otherwise an infectious disease will begin to develop in her body.
  3. Inflammation localized in the ureters. Most often, this pathology is noted in urolithiasis, when the fractions, passing through the urinary canal, damage it and lead to the penetration of blood into the urine.
  4. Cystitis. With this disease, erosions appear in the bladder.
  5. Benign and malignant neoplasms in the urinary system. For this reason, urine with blood in a cat is noted if the tumor has reached a significant size.
  6. The use of medicines. This is observed if the owner of the cat gives him inappropriate medicines. As a result, intoxication develops in the cat's body, which provoke bleeding. It is forbidden to give animals Aspirin and Paracetamol.
  7. Chronic diseases. These pathologies can affect the entire cat's body. In this situation, blood can also be observed in the feces.
  8. Diseases of the reproductive system. This is another common reason why a cat has blood in their urine. In this case, the animal begins to lick itself more often in the genital area.

In any case, the cat needs treatment if there are blood impurities in her urine. By contacting a veterinarian, you can find out what to do and how to prevent the progression of the disease.

natural factors

In some cases, blood streaks in cat urine occur due to natural causes. This does not apply to cats. Only 2 factors can cause bloody urine in cats:

  1. Estrus. Vaginal discharge during urination is partly washed away by urine, as a result of which the urine becomes pinkish. As a rule, after the completion of estrus, the condition of the animal is restored, and the blood in the urine completely disappears.
  2. postpartum period. If the cat has lambed, then bloody whites and suckers will come out of her uterus within 2-3 days. They are partially washed away by urine and fall into the tray. When the cat's uterus is completely cleansed, the problem will be solved on its own.

If the cat's urine turns red due to natural factors, then its owner may not worry, because no therapy is required in such a situation. In this case, you do not even have to change the diet of the animal.

First aid measures

If it is not possible to promptly show the pet to the veterinarian, he must be given all the necessary first aid measures. First of all, they are aimed at improving the well-being of the animal. In this case, experts recommend paying attention to such points:

  1. Peace. It is undesirable to let the animal out for a walk and give it to children. The cat needs to be placed in a quiet and warm place where it will be as comfortable and safe as possible.
  2. In acute pain syndrome, intramuscular injections of Diphenhydramine with Analgin or No-shpa can be performed. In this case, dosages should be precisely selected.
  3. If the condition of the pet worsens, it must be transferred to a semi-liquid or liquid diet. From the diet of a cat or cat, any dry food and solid food should be excluded for a while.

Do not self-administer antibiotics to your cat as they can lead to additional complications. The owner of a sick animal should focus his efforts on getting him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Do not expect the disease to go away on its own.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

Before treating hematuria, a thorough diagnosis must be made to determine the cause of the problem. The primary diagnosis is based on the presence of negative symptoms. A complete urinalysis is the most common diagnostic procedure. It is used to confirm the development of infections and inflammation of the urinary tract.

Additionally, the veterinarian may prescribe the following diagnostic manipulations:

  • identification of pathogenic microflora;
  • laboratory study of urine;
  • testing for symptoms of other diseases;
  • ultrasound examination of the bladder.

The treatment regimen is selected depending on the established diagnosis. However, experts identify a number of basic treatment methods:

  1. Infectious diseases involve the use of antibiotics. The average treatment time is 2-4 weeks.
  2. With a diagnosed idiopathic form of cystitis, the veterinarian prescribes a special diet, anti-inflammatory drugs, a plentiful drinking regimen and a change of scenery.
  3. If an animal develops blocked urethra syndrome, only an experienced specialist can help him. To do this, the urethra is thoroughly washed under general anesthesia. Most often, males face urethral blockade. In rarer situations, the disorder affects cats.
  4. With stones in the cavity of the bladder of the animal, they must be removed. For this, special preparations can be used. In severe cases, the veterinarian prescribes surgery.

Problem warning

There is no universal and guaranteed way to treat hematuria. Each individual situation requires a thorough diagnosis. The treatment regimen is selected depending on the results of the examination. Sometimes, despite therapy, the clinical symptoms of the pathology may recur. In this case, the animal requires an auxiliary examination and treatment.

It is very difficult to choose a preventive regimen, because blood in cat urine can occur for several reasons at once. But veterinarians believe that measures aimed at improving the overall health of the cat can help prevent the development of hematuria, even in elderly animals.

Complications can be prevented if the following rules are followed:

  1. The owner must walk outside with his pet. This will minimize the risk of injury and avoid hypothermia.
  2. Your cat needs a balanced diet. To do this, you need to buy high-quality food or feed your pet with natural products. You should refrain from budget-class feed additives. The results of specific studies show that 12 months of such a diet is enough for a cat to become disabled.
  3. The animal must systematically undergo antihelminthic treatment.
  4. Secure locks must be installed on the windows in the dwelling so that the animal cannot accidentally fall out through the open sash.

A caring owner will provide his cat or kitty with regular care and prevent the development of any diseases. In this case, blood in the urine will be observed only during estrus and after lambing.

The appearance of blood in cats during or after urination causes anxiety and sometimes panic of the owner. The condition is not associated with a threat to the life of the animal, but measures must be taken.

In a cat, blood in the urine is always accompanied by damage to the urinary canal. Hence the pain and restlessness. If the owner reads specialized literature, he will know that his animal has hematuria. The terrible name is not a disease, it is only a symptom that speaks of the addition of blood to the urine. This may occur for various reasons.

Causes of blood in the urine of a cat

According to the source of origin of blood in the urine, 2 reasons can be distinguished:

  • mixing occurs in the bladder or on the evacuation route through the canal;
  • the problem is localized higher - in the kidneys.

In the first case, blood is a secondary phenomenon. It is caused by injury to foreign objects, stones and sand, on the walls of the bladder and ureter. The cause may be an injury in an unsuccessful fall. And it is not necessary to fall from the 9th floor. Loss of balance while sleeping and landing off the back of the couch can lead to this condition.

Neoplasms and metastasis of tumors in the bladder will lead to the appearance of bloody spots in the urine. It is extremely rare in animals to find hemorrhagic cystitis. This condition is caused by a prolonged temperature drop or draft. For example, when the apartment is hot, and the cat sleeps under the front door and is exposed to a draft for a long time. The hallmark of cystitis is incontinence. While urolithiasis is manifested by prolonged sitting in a characteristic position on the potty, often to no avail.

The most difficult in terms of treatment and the condition of the pet is the situation when the blood enters the urine in the kidneys. This is due to cell damage, the appearance of cysts, the destruction of the pelvis and other processes that the veterinarian will need to establish. The hallmark is the appearance of blood in the urine. This is not a clot, not blotches, but a uniform staining in bright scarlet or red.

The summary list of reasons why a cat pees bloody urine can be described as follows:

  • kidney inflammation;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • neoplasms;
  • injury;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis disease.

What to do if there is blood in the urine of a neutered cat

Cats, unlike cats, have a long, curved urinary canal. Therefore, when sand forms in the bladder, it is more difficult to remove it. It scratches the walls, which causes bleeding and manifestations of inflammation. In a neutered cat, blood in the urine does not appear as a result of the operation, but because of the wrong lifestyle after the deprivation of sexual behavior.

The cat becomes calmer and prefers good food and long sleep. This leads to weight gain and changes in urine composition. That provoke stones. More often the process develops 1-3 years after castration.

In this case, emergency assistance will be required in the form of a change in food and treatment, and then a change in lifestyle. As a preventive measure, veterinarians recommend feeding castrated males with special food. On the packaging of such feeds there is a note that it is suitable for castrates. As a last resort, you should opt for a food formulated for indoor cats.

Why can there be blood in the urine of a cat

The appearance of blood in the urine of a cat requires special attention. Sometimes such a manifestation is attributed to estrus. During normal estrus, cats do not have any discharge from the loop. Blood is always a pathology.

But more often, the owners decide that it is urolithiasis and begin to treat it. After the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, improvement occurs for a while. It is dangerous in uncastrated cats. In females, although urolithiasis occurs, but in very rare cases. More often, the blood in the urine does not come from the urinary canal, but from the loop. Blood is a discharge from the uterus and signals a serious process in which the ureters may be affected.

Pyometra, a purulent inflammation of the inner surface of the uterus, cats carry on their feet. The animal can be kept appetite and activity. Only some females develop soreness in the abdominal region. Allocations can be purulent or purulent-bloody. Pyometra is subject to surgical treatment, and the sooner, the higher the chance to save life and health. If the owner noticed blood in the urine of an uncastrated cat, then this is a reason to immediately sound the alarm, even if the animal feels well.


Often, owners begin to treat a cat with blood in the urine, guided by the experience of treating their own cystitis or someone else's recommendations. It may be dangerous. The wrong choice of drug, an overdose or an unsuccessful combination of drugs lead to intoxication.

What is possible and necessary for one disease is contraindicated for another. For example, with cystitis, a metabolic stimulant will help to more effectively remove toxins from the body in the form of decayed cells. On the other hand, if the animal has an oncological process of the urogenital area or metastasis from other organs, then the acceleration of metabolism is contraindicated. It will lead to tumor growth.

The doctor will select medications after an examination, which often includes only ultrasound. In some cases, you will need to take a urine test, and it is better to do this through a catheter. Such a fence will allow you to see the true composition of the fluid without microflora, which joins the urine in the urethra. During the study, the doctor will look at the kidneys, if their structure is smooth, the size is normal, then the treatment will be limited to removing the inflammatory process and normalizing the composition of the urine.


The prescription list will include antibiotics, Cyston, possibly Kanefron, B vitamins, folk remedies. The selection and dosage of the drug should be carried out only by a doctor. The most important selection criterion is an established or suspected diagnosis. And the parameters that affect the choice of certain drugs and their dosage are the weight, age, severity of the animal's condition.

Folk remedies

You can help your pet on your own only with folk remedies. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, chamomile is useful, which must be brewed according to the instructions and drunk 3-4 times a day in a volume of up to 10 ml each time. The substance is anti-inflammatory and soothes injured mucous membranes. Collections of other herbs are best purchased at a veterinary pharmacy in the form of ready-made tinctures such as "Healthy Kidneys". To draw up a herbal collection for a cat, it is important to clearly maintain the allowable proportion. Doing this at home can be difficult.

Is it dangerous

By itself, hematuria is not dangerous. But this only applies to the fact that the symptom is not included in the list of manifestations that are life-threatening for the animal. Any injury always causes the growth of pathogenic microflora, which can easily lead to inflammation, and then to kidney failure.

Oncological processes of the genitourinary system are difficult to treat. Therefore, the owner will have to recognize the disease as a fait accompli and make a correction in the lifestyle of a domestic cat, taking into account the diagnosis.

In some cases, for example, with pyometra, timely surgical intervention will prevent the development of other symptoms that are life-threatening for a pet.

Prompt and correct initiation of treatment for kidney problems will not only improve the quality of life, but also significantly prolong it. In summary, we can say that blood in the urine is not a threat to the death of the animal, but inattention can provoke the development of fatal signs.

No pet can tell its owner about how they feel. Therefore, any changes in the behavior of the pet should alert.

One of the main and noticeable symptoms is hematuria. It is this problem that can be easily traced in domestic cats and cats that go to the tray. If found, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What can be encountered and what should the owner be afraid of

For starters, urine is the fluid that is excreted from the body as a result of the work of the kidneys, ureter, and bladder. Together with it, various slags, micro- and macroelements leave. Normally, it should be transparent or light yellow.

Diuresis in a healthy pet is 1-2 ml / kg / h. The minimum should be 1 ml.

For example, a pet weighs 4 kg, let's calculate (1 ml x 4 kg x 24 hours = 96 ml.), Therefore, approximately 96 ml should be released per day.

Causes of hematuria

There are many different causes of blood in the urine to be aware of:

  • Inflammatory disorders of the bladder caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Changes in the urethra or vaginal vestibule. Blood does not appear with every urination, but only in episodes. Diseases affect about 10% of all cats and cats.
  • Animal injury. This may be a fall from a height, a strong blow or a “meeting” with the wheels of the car.
  • Diseases, namely urolithiasis. Stones in the organ or bladder appear frequently in cats older than 7 years.
  • An increase in uric acid salts in the animal's urethra.
  • Hemophilia or blood clotting disorders. The walls of blood vessels deteriorate, causing blood to enter the urine.
  • Some infections of the urinary system. Pathogens can get there due to kidney stones or impaired immunity in primary diseases. With calculi, tearing of the mucous membrane of the bladder occurs, so there is a high chance of infection.
  • Tumors of the kidneys, ureter, or bladder.
  • Anatomic pathologies. Violations during the laying of embryonic sheets.
  • Negative changes in nutritional balance, wrong.


Blood in the urine is not the only thing the owner needs to pay attention to. Also added is increased frequency and difficulty in urination or delayed excretion, and in forbidden places, experiences constant anxiety in the place of the genital organs. The general physical condition worsens, the cat becomes lethargic, drowsy. He refuses his favorite treat.

Apathy towards everything also appears, the pet stops playing and becomes less social. Often meows, approaches the owner, rushes around the apartment.

If an infection has affected the appearance of hematuria, then it can rise.

Hematuria in a pregnant cat

Finding blood in the urine of a pregnant cat is not uncommon, the presence of red blood cells can be normal, but it is better to consult a specialist. Sometimes the appearance of blood may indicate the development of diseases such as cystitis or pyelonephritis. Possible damage to the kidney, bladder or its walls with stones in these organs.

Hematuria can be caused by dysfunction of the bladder, due to the uterus pressing on it, this is partly attributed to hormonal changes. In this case, the fetus will not be harmed.

Blood in the urine of a neutered or spayed cat

The veterinary clinic has long carried out such operations as. They help the animal and its owner to exist together and is a prevention against other diseases. But there are also disadvantages.

Any animal can develop urolithiasis after surgery, which can lead to hematuria. Blood appears because the urine output channel gradually narrows, and it becomes quite difficult for salts and sand to pass through it, not to mention stones.

It was for castrated animals that it was invented, which can warn against this situation.

First aid

If the owner has noticed this symptom in his pet, it is urgent to contact the veterinary clinic.

If it is not possible to contact a specialist immediately, you should provide first aid yourself.

  1. First, ensure complete rest for the animal, do not let it go outside, allow it to lie on a cold floor or in a windy place / room. The animal needs peace, warmth, silence and rest.
  2. Secondly, if the cat has severe pain, then No-shpu or Analgin with Diphenhydramine can be injected intramuscularly. The main thing is to calculate the dosage correctly, because if the dose is too large, this can lead to serious problems.
  3. Thirdly, in this state, the pet should eat only liquid or semi-liquid food, it is worth excluding solid and dry food from the diet.


Diagnostics is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Collection of general data and a complete examination of the animal;
  • Obtaining an anamnesis of life: information about the behavior of the cat, his diet, daily routine, visiting the street and much more.
  • Disease history. A thorough study of possible initial diseases.
  • Physical and chemical analysis of urine, determination of bacteria, salts in the composition.
  • X-ray and ultrasound of the urinary system to clarify the diagnosis.
  • Blood test study, especially if the pet is older than 5 years.

Diagnosis is needed by the doctor to fully understand the formation of blood in the urine. Determination of the degree of inflammation, infection, the condition of the kidneys and other organs, the detection of urolithiasis.

Mr. Cat tells: 5 rules for collecting urine

This is the main thing you need to know when collecting urine so that the analysis is most accurate:

  • Prepare the litter box for collection. Initially disinfect and wash.
  • Do not fill it with fillers.
  • If the cat refuses to go to an empty tray, you can buy special mixtures in stores that are similar to fillers for collecting tests.
  • After the animal has done its business, you need to pour the contents of the tray into a special container for collecting tests.
  • Be sure to submit for analysis within 2-3 hours.

Treatment and prevention

The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor after a complete examination of the animal. Treatment may include:

  • dropper and intravenous injections;
  • taking antibiotics in the form of intramuscular injections or tablets;
  • diet and specialized nutrition;
  • substances for the normalization of coagulability;
  • painkillers and antispasmodics;
  • installation of a catheter if the animal cannot go to the toilet on its own;
  • surgical intervention.

To prevent the development of the formation of stones in the genitourinary organs, diseases of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system, you need to monitor the pet's diet, fulfill the prescribed, prevent from and, give fermented milk products, provide open access to water, play with your pet.

Castrated cats should be excluded from the diet of marine fish, as such animals should avoid salt.

If it is found that the cat is bleeding from the urethra, it is necessary to immediately find out the cause of this phenomenon and carry out a qualitative treatment of the pathology. There are several reasons for the appearance of such a violation, therefore, for a timely and accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to visit a veterinary clinic. At home, the diagnosis of the disease will fail both due to the owner’s lack of necessary knowledge, and due to the impossibility of a high-quality examination of the pet with all the tests.

Causes of the problem

The urethra in a cat may begin to bleed if there is damage to it, or if there is a neoplasm in it. More often, the blood from it is released from the fact that bleeding is observed in the bladder or kidneys.

The main reasons why a cat bleeds from the urethra are as follows:

  • Urethritis. The disease is related to the sex of the animal. The cat does not suffer from this disease. The disease occurs only in cats and more often if the animal is castrated. With this violation, the urethra (urethra) becomes inflamed, because of which its surface is covered with erosions, from which blood appears. A cat with this disease also suffers from seriously difficult urination and pain during this process. Treatment is carried out with the use of antibiotics and local antiseptics.
  • Cystitis. A cat and a cat can equally suffer from inflammation of the walls of the bladder. In this condition, it is not the urethra that bleeds, but the bladder due to erosions on its walls. The condition of the animal is rapidly and seriously deteriorating, and in order to restore the health of the cat, it is necessary to urgently treat it with antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian. It is strictly forbidden to appoint them independently. If cystitis is not treated, the inflammation spreads to the kidneys and urethra. Therapy in this case is complicated.
  • Injury. If the urethra is damaged, then in this case, blood appears in the urine of the cat. This usually occurs with urolithiasis, when fractions of various sizes, passing through the urethra, injure its mucosa. At this point, the cat will usually scream loudly due to acute and unexpected pain. Bleeding is rarely prolonged. After a few drops are released, the bleeding stops. Re-blood can begin to flow if the cat again suffers from a stone during urination, which will damage the delicate mucosa of the urethra. It is impossible to name any exact urolithiasis symptom that allows the owner to accurately determine the disease. The diagnosis will be made only by a specialist.
  • Consequences of catheterization. It is usually performed when the urethra is blocked, when it is necessary to remove urine that has accumulated due to some kind of violation. During this procedure, the cat's urethra is sometimes injured by the tube, which causes bleeding. It can occur both at the time the catheter is in the body of the animal, and after it is removed. It is not necessary to treat the cat, the violation gradually disappears by itself.

After the reason for which blood is released from the urethra is determined, treatment is carried out, which, if started in a timely manner, most often leads to the complete elimination of the dangerous problem. The main thing, as soon as blood appears, is not to start the disease, but immediately show the animal to a specialist and do everything, exactly following his instructions. If the animal reacts negatively to some of the prescribed drugs, they cannot be canceled on their own, but you need to re-visit the doctor and pick up another medicine.