How to paint roller blinds at home. How to paint fabric blinds. Lace window: beauty and practicality

Roller blinds are very attractive and useful types of window coverings that are also very durable. Window blinds are available in a wide range of different colors, you can buy roller blinds in Kaliningrad in Kaliningrad in a specialty store, but if you are struggling to find the color you need or your window blinds look miserable to yourself, then you might want to know how to paint.

Cheap white curtains are available in many stores and it really doesn't take much effort to turn them into something really great.

As long as you have the right tools and materials, you really shouldn't have a problem painting your blinds in a few hours.

Measure and buy blind

The first thing you need to do is find the right curtain for your room. To do this, start by measuring the window size with a measuring tape. Also measure the length needed for the blind. Take a closer look at the blinds, try to find a fairly inexpensive white blind as you will change its color anyway.

Choose Paint

Depending on the material of your blinds, different colors will work. You will always need to choose paints that are flexible and won't crack when rolled into blinds. The modern paints are much better than some of the older ones we had available and this allows these rollers to be painted. If you are painting on cotton or fabric blinds, make sure you select fabric paint.

If you're unsure of the paint you need, talk to a specialist at your local hardware store.

Prepare the blinds

Before you start painting your blinds, you must first make some preparations. It's easier to paint the blinds before you put them up. For this you need a lot of space. If you have a large enough table, this would be ideal. Otherwise, you will need to prepare your workspace on the floor. Use some newspaper and dust sheets to protect the floor and use duct tape to keep everything in place.

Unfold the curtains completely and place it on the floor. if it doesn't stay flat, you can use tape to hold it in place. It will be much easier to work on the whole blind at once than to try to work on separate areas.

Paint the blinds

Now use a brush or roller to paint the entire curtain. You will need to do this carefully so as not to bend over. Also make sure you paint the face of the blinds to match your room's décor.

You may need to apply another coat of paint to your roller blinds to ensure they are completely covered and streak-free.

There are several types of structure control, so before installing roller blinds, the advantages and disadvantages of important mechanisms should be considered.

The spring mechanism is easy to operate, it is fixed automatically when the desired opening level is reached. The springs tend to stretch, so the width of the panels should not exceed 0.5 m.

The chain mechanism or cord is installed from any convenient side, the adjustment is carried out manually. With proper care and handling, a simple adjustment option will last a long time.

Roller blinds, equipped with an electric drive mechanism, are regulated by an electric motor, to which a signal is sent from the control panel. This type of curtain regulation provides new opportunities for the design of non-standard rooms.

Selection of roller blinds for different types of premises

Roller blinds are a practical way to decorate windows and provide reliable protection from the sun's rays. their colors are able to satisfy the most demanding requirements and preferences. You can show your imagination and paint the fabric blinds yourself, linking the color scheme of the existing interior with the decor of the window opening.


Roller blinds and Roman blinds - what to choose for decorating a rest room? There is no single recipe, but Roman blinds are more in line with the office style. It is also appropriate to place them on the sunny side. The rest are preferable. The window opening is decorated with a curtain made of dense fabric that does not let in light and light tulle, which gives the interior a homely feel. The main requirement is that the fabric of the curtains should be as dense as possible and not let in sunlight during the day and bright light from lanterns and advertising signs at night.

Living room

Roller blinds fit especially well into the interior of living rooms made in the style of minimalism, and in combination with organza, tulle or classic curtains, they will bring a touch of oriental chic or discreet classicism. In addition to protecting from light and the sun, roller blinds allow you to realize unique design solutions and make the living room a room where all family members will feel comfortable.

Blinds in kindergarten

In preschool institutions, roller blinds are used to decorate sleeping rooms, classrooms, halls, and halls for holding matinees. Making window blinds in a kindergarten allows you to create a homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort, increase the comfort of the room, reduce the fatigue of kids and increase the efficiency of staff. Roller shutters are made of environmentally friendly materials that are protected from dust, ultraviolet radiation, and unpleasant odors. Roller blinds allow you to create complete blackout when viewing educational and developmental materials. For the decoration of preschool institutions, natural, easily washable fabrics of rich and bright colors, themed prints with favorite fairy-tale characters are used.

Fabric selection

Fabric windows make it possible to change the interior design. The most common types of fabric include:

Fabrics differ in the degree of transparency and texture: smooth, velvety, metallic or structural like burlap or straw. Roller blinds are decorated with tassels, fringe, braid, and the main thing here is to show a sense of taste.

Variety of colors

When decorating rooms of any type, fabric for roll structures is chosen based on the characteristics of natural light and the general style. The color scheme and texture of the fabric should harmoniously fit into the overall style and be combined with the color of furniture and home textiles.

The main nuance of the design is that the windows “looking” to the north side are decorated with fabrics of warm shades: orange, golden, beige, cream. Gray, green, purple, blue, metallic - cold colors and balance the interior of the room with windows facing south.

Vertical and horizontal blinds

Vertical fabric blinds with a pattern are a popular type of construction. The luminous flux is regulated by vertical lamellas that rotate around their axis. interior for any purpose and provide maximum protection. This type of blinds is organically combined with other window decor elements: heavy curtains and tulle. In addition to being used as light-protective curtains, vertical structures are used to decorate niches, shelves, and can serve as a light partition. Ease of regulation, functionality and affordable price allows you to hang blinds in the design of both office and home interiors.

Horizontal fabric blinds are functionally different from vertical ones, they are easy to use and consist of individual slats located in a horizontal plane. The advantage of horizontal structures is that they can be picked up, completely freeing the window opening.

Roller blinds are very popular for interior design of loggias and balconies. on windows with your own hands - a suitable option to save money and direct design skills in the right direction!

Care is not a hassle at all.

When operating roller blinds, it is recommended to pay special attention to regular maintenance. During weekly wet cleaning, it is recommended to clean fabric blinds with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water, and when washing windows, roll them up. Caring for fabric blinds is much easier than traditional curtains. All that needs to be done is to remove the weighting strips and wash the fabric blinds in the bath or machine wash.


It is recommended to wash fabric blinds with shampoo or detergent for delicate fabrics. So that soap stains do not remain on the canvas, a thorough rinse in warm water is required. Dry the canvas in a straightened state in a natural way. Ironing of the product is carried out with an iron with a pre-set temperature regime that corresponds to the type of fabric. In order not to damage the embroidery or coating located on the curtains, they are ironed from the wrong side.

Fabric blinds for plastic windows are your good choice, which will serve as an elegant point in interior design, emphasize individuality and a sense of style. Practicality, variety of fabrics and perfect design are the main characteristics of roller blinds. The average price for fabric blinds starts from 300 rubles. per m 2 and depends on the height, width of the product, type of construction and category of fabric.

Where we looked at what blinds are. As it turned out, the blinds are one-color. And they get bored with time. Accordingly, there may be a desire to decorate them.

How to decorate blinds? There are several options and possibilities here. To get started, you can use acrylic paints. This option is suitable for any material of the blinds - plastic, fabric, metal, and wood. The easiest way is to make a rainbow. That is, each individual strip can be painted in its own color. Get a kind of rainbow on the window. It will take a lot of paint - but the effect achieved will be strong, and the result is very, very original. But it is possible without a rainbow - just a different color than white.

You can use white acrylic building paint (for bathrooms).

And color is given using a variety of pigments. By the way, pigments for concrete are no worse than pigments for paint, but they are much cheaper. It is best to apply the paint with a brush, and remove the strips of the blinds and paint them on the floor on newspapers. First one side, and then, after drying, the other side. The colors of the two sides may not match. This will give additional effect to the blinds 🙂

Further, it is not necessary to paint the entire strip of blinds entirely. You can limit yourself to any line, figure, outline of the picture. Savings on paint and an increase in aesthetic appeal compared to one-color painting of all strips in one color is evident.

Further, as the complexity increases, paint on blinds. So paint is spent less, and the result can be better than with a single-color coloring. The easiest way to apply a pattern to the blinds is using a stencil and a can of paint. A stencil is cut out, zilch - and the drawing is ready! The only difficulty is to correctly calculate and expand the blinds so that the parts of the pattern match. Or they didn’t match - it will turn out even more original.

More difficult to do without a stencil and apply drawing by yourself, with a brush and paints on a pencil contour. But even here there are no special requirements other than accuracy and precision - if they are desirable. Moreover, the drawing does not have to be coherent or special. These may be the most common geometric shapes - but nevertheless, they will still add more beauty to the blinds than it was before them.

Further, the ways to decorate the blinds vary depending on the material.

So, if you have plastic blinds, then you can use the method called "". This method has been described more than once before and consists in the fact that the pattern is cut out from a self-adhesive film (oracal), and then pasted onto the desired surface. The only difference is that in the case of blinds, you will need to break down and cut the pattern into pieces in accordance with the width of the blinds. The width of each plank is best measured separately so that there are no “extra” pieces of oracal hanging from the blinds.

Next, suppose you decide to decorate your blinds with fabric. There are more options here than with plastic blinds. So, the easiest (but expensive) option is to take the blinds to the printing house and order printing on fabric. A wonderful realistic drawing on your blinds will appear quickly and will not wash off or fall off.

A less expensive option is this. We also touched on the application on our website, and it was mainly devoted to appliqué on fabric. Which is what we need. The easiest option is to create a fabric pattern and stick it on the blinds. More difficult, but also more beautiful, is to sew the fabric with decorative stitches.

Another good option for decorating fabric blinds is the decoupage technique. That is, with the help of patterns, flowers, fruits, etc. cut out of napkins. you can create a real painting on the blinds.

And, finally, the easiest option for decorating blinds is to cut out anything figured 🙂

If you have your own experience and tips on how to decorate blinds - write in the comments!

Creative people strive from time to time to change the surrounding interior and make it more expressive, based on a stylistic vision. This primarily applies to decorative elements such as blinds. Painting will allow not only to update the color, but also to bring original features. However, not everyone is ready to decide on such changes, and here our online store is always ready to help. If you are interested in new blinds, the range will allow you to find the right option: more than 1000 colors will not leave you without a purchase. And it's at an affordable cost. For those who still want to try their hand at painting the blinds, detailed instructions will not hurt. So, forward to the experiments!

Monochrome or multi-colored blinds?

Even despite the fact that it is not a problem to purchase blinds of a suitable design, many seek to change their color after a couple of months of operation. There may be many reasons, but the result is obvious - you need to paint the lamellas. It is with the help of high-quality paintwork materials that you can achieve your goal and update the blinds. At the same time, you can paint the lamellas not only with one, but with two or more colors. It will turn out not just original, but very bright and sunny. With such blinds, not only will your mood improve, but you will also want to productively do household chores. These blinds look great in the kitchen or in the nursery.

When painting, you should first of all take into account the material of the slats. A specialist shop will help you with the choice, or you can choose your own paint for wood, metal, plastic or aluminum. As a rule, the operating instructions are detailed on the banks. At the same time, aerosol cans will also be convenient to use. The paint is sprayed evenly and efficiently under the conditions of work. However, for multi-colored blinds, you have to paint over each slat separately with a brush.

Stages of painting blinds

The process of painting blinds consists of the following steps:

1. The first stage is preparatory. First you need to open the blinds so that light breaks through the slats. Cover the control cords with mounting tape, then close the blinds and remove them.

2. Spread the slats on newspaper or cardboard, rub each with sandpaper. This is necessary in order to roughen the surface. After the procedure, remove dust from each plank, otherwise it will have a negative effect on staining.

3. Primer. At this point, take a pre-purchased primer for the appropriate louver material and apply to the surface. By priming, you will reduce paint consumption and improve adhesion.

4. Painting process. For aerosol cans, two or three layers are suitable, it is important to carefully paint over each place.

5. When painting with a brush, do not try to immediately achieve the perfect result. Paint in several layers, after waiting for the paint to dry.

6. Once you paint over one side of the blinds, wait until it dries completely. After that, turn the canvas over and finish painting this part.

7. At the end of the process, remove the protective tape from the connecting cords and return the blinds to the windows.

Thus, the process of painting blinds does not take much time and does not require professional skills. If you want to update the familiar interior - feel free to experiment! Even in case of failure, our online store is ready to help replace old blinds with bright and beautiful models. We remind you that you can order blinds from us in any color that your imagination can think of, even the color of a winter sunset in Sevastopol Bay. And we are almost around the clock online - write to us in the online chat, or by mail

If you have good blinds, but you are tired of their boring white color, or you have repainted the walls and the color of the blinds does not match with them, do not rush to throw them away. You can create a real exclusive with your own hands.

What needs to be cooked?

For painting you will need:

  • aerosol paint (automobile paint is suitable, in a conventional bottle);
  • several caps (atomizer to the cylinder);
  • a respirator or a regular gauze bandage (sold at a pharmacy);
  • large oilcloth;
  • gloves.

If you will be making some kind of drawing, then take a large cap for filling and a thin cap for contours. You can draw the sea and palm trees, an abstract pattern or floral motifs.

How to paint

First, the blinds need to be disassembled. Carefully untie all the cords and remove the slats. Disconnect the cords from the top fastener.

It is desirable to work outdoors, but not in a dusty place. Ideally, this should be a sealed spray booth with a good exhaust, but you are unlikely to find one. Therefore, we spread the oilcloth on the balcony or under a canopy and lay out the lamellas on it.

If you are going to paint the blinds in one color, then you just need to cover them evenly with a thin layer of paint 2-3 times. The next can be applied only after the previous one has dried. Then we repeat the same on the reverse side. If you will apply a drawing, then you need to draw it on paper in advance. In this case, the slats must be laid out very carefully - in the same way as they will hang. Next, according to the principle of graffiti, we apply a pattern.

How to assemble blinds?

Once the paint is dry, you can assemble the blinds. Sequentially thread the cords into the lamellas. Lamellas painted in the same color can be assembled in any order. But if you drew some kind of drawing, then you need to carefully string them on the cord in the same order in which they lie with you.
And don't forget to brag to your friends! This work is admirable.