What is the best way to lay the foundation of the house. Finishing and facing the foundation of the house: types and methods. Plinth siding trim

The basement in any building performs the main function - protection from the cold at home. Therefore, its finish must be of high quality. At the moment there is a wide range of material for lining the basement.

In order to make out exactly what materials will be needed for facing the basement of a house, you must initially determine its functions.

  • The plinth serves not only to protect the building from the cold or harsh climatic conditions. It is located between the ground and the floor in the building.
    Due to this distance, it is possible to insulate the house using certain materials for this.
  • Basement height may vary. In this situation, it all depends on the size of the house itself and climatic conditions.
    In cold regions, the plinth reaches 70 cm in height. And so its average size is 30-50 cm.

It is laid out from red refractory bricks using concrete mortar and, as a rule, does not have a very attractive appearance. Because of this, basement facing material is used, which will help to finish and decorate the building.

Varieties of materials for finishing the basement

The options for lining the basement are quite diverse. There are very interesting design of this part.
Facing material for the plinth can be:

  • Ceramic tiles (ceramic granite).
  • A natural stone.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Brick
  • Colored cement mortar and so on.

Since the plinth is very close to the ground, the materials for lining the plinth of the house should not absorb dirt and moisture. Let's take a closer look at each type of material.

Ceramic tiles in the plinth

Ceramic tiles have been used for many years in finishing work. She has already managed to establish herself as the most practical finishing material. But not all of its species are frost-resistant.

  • The most popular plinth facing material is porcelain stoneware, which is one of the subspecies of ceramic tiles. It surpasses conventional ceramics in its properties and characteristics.
  • Due to the fact that the material is subject to double firing during the production process, the structure of porcelain stoneware is very dense, and therefore the strength is at a high level.

Porcelain stoneware plinth facing material:

  • Practical. Easy to install and easy to clean, even with detergents.
  • Reliable. On its surface, it withstands quite strong mechanical and physical loads and is firmly fixed.
  • Moisture resistant. Not able to absorb dirt and moisture.
  • Durable. The service life of the material is about 20 years.
  • Does not wear out. The surface retains its original appearance even when heavily exposed to damp environments and other weather or climatic conditions.
  • Does not burn. Freely withstands very high temperatures.
  • Frost resistant. Due to this, it is very often used for exterior cladding of a building.
  • Wear resistant. The material can withstand any load.

Natural stone in finishing works on the plinth

The facing materials of the plinth made of natural agglomerates are quite diverse.
But the most popular are:

  • Sandstone.
  • Marble.
  • Granite

These plinth facing materials have excellent properties and performance.

  • Reliable and very durable, as they can withstand almost any physical and mechanical stress.
  • Practical, despite their rather big weight, they have a fairly easy installation.
  • Durable. Natural stone does not have a specific lifespan.
  • Moisture resistant, in its structure can not absorb moisture. Accordingly, dirt will also remain on the surface of the material. It is easily cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • Wear resistant. The surface of natural stone, even with very frequent cleaning, is not deformed, and the appearance of the material remains the same.
  • Fire resistant. Natural stone does not burn or melt.
  • Withstand high and low temperatures.
  • Natural agglomerate does not rot or corrode. It is also environmentally friendly, which makes it possible to use it for interior decoration.

The plinth is the part of the foundation that rises above ground level. Therefore, the same requirements are imposed on its finish as on the entire base. It consists of a whole range of activities - the arrangement of the blind area, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the characteristics of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to presentably finish the basement? It is desirable that it is beautiful, and not too expensive and complicated. There are more than enough materials for finishing the basement. But the price of some products is such that not everyone is able to "lay out" that kind of money. In addition, the installation of some products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view, there are not so many options for inexpensive finishes.


This design is suitable for buildings erected from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick, and so on), with the exception of wood, since it is unlikely that the plastered foundation will be in harmony with it.



  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a short operational period.
  • The need for frequent renewal of the paintwork (in the case of surface application of the composition).
  • The complexity of care. It is quite problematic to wash pieces of dirt that has got in - basically, only “dry” cleaning. In terms of maintenance, decorative plaster mixtures are preferable, but they are quite expensive.

Finishing Features

There is another opinion - to paint "on top", since such a treatment will clog all pores and prevent moisture from penetrating. But the question arises - what about vapor permeability? If there is a basement, and even intensively used, the question is important.

Siding panels

Naturally, this does not mean all that are commercially available, but only those that are designed specifically for the base. By the way, they can also decorate walls.


  • Durability and reliability of facing. It protects the base well.
  • Care is not difficult - the panels are easy to clean.
  • The ability to quickly replace a damaged product.


Finishing Features

  1. The crate is pre-installed. Since the plinth is finished outside the building, it is advisable to use a metal profile as rails, and not wood - it is subject to decay.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all joints, as well as correctly calculate and maintain the necessary gaps (in case of thermal deformation of products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective if the type of product is chosen correctly (temperature of use, strength, and so on).


  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home -. This will slightly increase the time for the production of work, but significantly reduce their total cost.
  • Variety of cladding options (appearance).
  • Durability, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Light weight and easy to mount. Artificial stone can simply be glued to the base.


Finishing Features

Much depends on the material on which the imitation of natural stone is made. Practice shows that not everyone will be able to independently perform such work - finishing. Most likely, you will have to pay for someone's services.

It makes no sense to compare materials at prices. They depend on so many factors that it is simply impossible to take into account everything. We must not forget a simple truth - it is not always possible to put an equal sign between the concepts of "cheap" and "quality".


Plastering the plinth - the most economical option which does not require the involvement of professionals. But if financial possibilities allow, then it is better to stop at the 2nd or 3rd options.

  • If the house is built on a pile foundation, then a supporting frame is pre-mounted, which is sheathed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When calculating the cost of work, it is necessary to look not only at the price of the material, but also take into account what the costs of its installation will cost. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is wiser to buy a product for decoration that is more expensive and durable than to regularly repair the lining of the basement and at the same time spend money again.

Finishing the basement of a private house is an important part of the ongoing construction work, the quality and reliability of which determine the appearance of the structure under construction, its original design, and the relative durability of the building.

The basement, which rises above the base of the building, needs to be protected. Finishing the basement of the house is a decorative component, with which the building can be given an original appearance.

This method will secure its underground part of the building and protect the bottom of the outer wall from negative influences.

Types of plinths and building materials

Finishing the basement with stone will add presentability to the house

In deciding how to finish the basement of a house, several components are usually taken into account. In this case, the presence of underground structures, the type of foundation used in the construction and the building material from which the house was built are of primary importance. The exterior decoration of the basement with stone is due to a reliable type of foundation, the desire to provide the house with a presentable and rich appearance, to confirm the reliability and massiveness of the structure.

Stone decoration is more often used for certain types of plinth, when the choice of decorative finishes for the foundation is not limited either by its reliability, or by the availability of free space, or by the desire to make it cheap.

Decorative tiles - lighter and cheaper material

The relative massiveness of the stone and the light material from which the walls were built more often inclines the owner of the building to ensure that the lining of the basement of the house is made with decorative tiles, as a fairly reliable, but lighter building material.

The main parameter for choosing the finish and decorative component of the plinth is the type of the lower base of the outer wall, which was determined during the creation of the project. It is characterized in relation to the foundation and the upper part of the house and is equipped for practical reasons in different ways:

Facing the foundation of the house and the materials that are purchased for it are largely dictated by the structure of the basement chosen when creating the project.

The development of modern production of building materials has diversified the usual list of raw materials, in comparison with that which was at the disposal of the developer before.

In fashion trends from modern house building designers, there is a contrasting finish of the foundation of the house, which is chosen as opposed to the wall decoration material. Smooth walls dictate embossed materials on the plinth, implying a smooth underside finish on the outside.

Use of natural stone

Natural stone is not cheap, but it is durable and durable. This traditional type of building finish never goes out of style. An alternative to decorating a basement with natural stone can equally well be finished with granite, sandstone, limestone and marble.

Natural stone is an expensive material

For finishing, you should purchase stone in the form of cut decorative tiles with a smooth polished or deliberately rough surface with preserved natural protrusions.

This expensive finish, whose naturalness in an unpolished form is worth even more money than smooth and honed.

Porous stone tiles require waterproofing, which further increases the cost of finishing work.

Brief description of facing materials

Clinker tiles are so decorative that they not only finish the foundation of a private house, but also use them in interior spaces as a facing material. Clinker tiles for facing the basement of a house are both decorative, practical, and at the same time look quite expensive.

With its help, you can decorate both the walls and the sidewalk near the building. An additional dominant of the building being finished can be provided by choosing tiles in a contrasting or well-harmonizing color scheme, and the color of the walls, under the variety of shades produced on an industrial scale.

Ease of use is that it can be glued with frost-resistant glue directly on the foundation of the house.

The plaster is applied in several stages

Decorative plaster is an excellent option for finishing the foundation with your own hands, giving you the opportunity for a comprehensive manifestation of fantasy, from colors to creating a variable structure.

However, for its application, a number of preparatory stages are carried out, not so much expensive as labor-intensive, starting with the coating of the soil layer and up to the fiberglass reinforcement.

The plaster itself is also applied in several layers and covered with a protective layer, but it lasts for several years at most.

Consideration of options for finishing the basement with decorative plaster is applicable only with a low construction budget.

PVC panels successfully imitate natural stone and tiles

PVC panels are an inexpensive material for plinth sheathing, using which you can imitate any other building material and choose any shade of color for this.

Do-it-yourself plinth finishing is a great option for low-budget and short-term construction. It leaves a rich selection of imitation surfaces and their colors to the consideration and whims of the future happy owner. Moreover, special panels for the foundation are produced, which exceed conventional PVC wall panels in terms of strength and reliability.

A reliable base is able to ensure the reliability of the building. When lining and insulating it, you should not save.

Choice of finishing materials

Materials for facing the foundation are selected taking into account the intended purpose and type of basement. The type of basement is used for reasons of the presence or absence of additional arrangements to protect the house from the effects of weather conditions. For more information on how and how to finish the basement at home, see this video:

The main task of the plinth is to protect the lower house base from pollution, erosion, natural precipitation and sunlight. All this in a cumulative effect, if the foundation is not reliably protected, in a few years it can even destroy concrete.

The use of various types of plinth finishes is predominantly protective, but at the same time, the decorative component is also important.

Finishing the foundation with your own hands

The answer to the question of how to sheathe the foundation depends on what material the developer chose. Such work requires some special knowledge, but it is quite realistic and feasible to do everything yourself.

To finish the house with your own hands using decorative plaster, you need to apply a primer layer, let it dry, apply a layer of putty very carefully, reinforce it, and then apply a layer of decorative plaster with a spatula to finish the basement and form its texture.

PVC panels are more convenient to mount on the frame

Decorative plaster still needs to be sanded and painted, but compared to other types of work, it is inexpensive and quite reliable. Modern acrylic paints provide frost resistance, and it comes out quite beautifully.

For further decoration with bricks, tiles or PVC panels, you can apply concrete plinth finish or ignore finishing materials and simply paint a flat concrete surface with polymer paint so as not to veneer. Concrete is applied to a metal mesh, which is fastened with dowels, after which a formwork of a special design is built along the perimeter of the building, and the formation of a concrete base begins.

The disadvantage of laid concrete is the need to wait until it dries, but its surface is suitable for many finishes. There are many things to consider when deciding how to clad the foundation of a house.

Layered finishing of the plinth with stone tiles

Natural stone will last for many years

The advantages of natural stone are undeniable, and in general, this is a fairly profitable investment, given that the stone for the plinth can be used for many years, and with skillful handling it will not require work for decades.

Stone facing tiles for the foundation give the house a rich and solid look, are not afraid of moss, have undeniable ennobling properties, but this finish is more expensive than the others.

In addition, it requires the mandatory installation of a drainage system and exerts significant pressure on the foundation, so it is relatively rarely used for the basement of private houses. Clinker bricks, polymer panels and artificial stone require approximately the same technique and amount of glue. For more information about finishing with natural stone, see this video:

You can decorate the basement of a brick house with your own hands using almost any materials for strengthening and decoration, but for the use of each of them there are certain technological subtleties of preliminary preparation of the facade.

Low tides will save the basement and foundation from destruction

For the house, it is not so much the decorative as the protective component of the base that is important. It should serve as a barrier to the dwelling from the lower base, so the option of being flush with the walls does not carry any function other than partial beauty.

The protruding version of the base perfectly protects the foundation and underground insulated structures, but is too vulnerable to weather conditions, and before deciding how to veneer, you need to choose how to protect it from precipitation from the roof. Otherwise, any decorative panels will become unusable in a few years. How to finish the ledge so that the tides look harmonious, you need to decide even before the start of the tiled or panel cladding stage.

The sills can be made of metal with a polymer coating of copper sheet, clinker bricks or ordinary metal.

Plinth: ebbs and insulation

Wood finishes are good for appropriate homes, and their durability can be ensured by the use of protective compounds. Stone and decorative tiles are an ideal, but expensive option, the choice of which should be approached taking into account all the components.

usually protrudes above the ground. This part needs to be finished not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for practical purposes. We will look at six of the most popular options with detailed installation instructions.

The strip foundation is a concrete mix with metal or crushed stone and gravel filler. Firstly, such a surface looks unattractive, even if its edges are perfectly even. And they are rarely even - depending on what kind of formwork was used when pouring. Usually there are traces of shields and.

Based on this, we designate the tasks of finishing the basement:

  • it must protect the surface of the fill from and, the scorching rays of the sun and winds;
  • cladding hides not only all the flaws of the foundation, but also a layer;
  • and finally, decorative cladding should match the general and decorate the building.

The basics of self-finishing the basement of a private house

Before talking about how to sheathe the basement of a house from the outside, let's dwell on the basics. First, the installation of the cladding can be dry and wet. In the first case, the material is attached to or directly to the concrete surface using fasteners. The second option requires the installation of battens and the use of building mixtures.

The second essential point is to take into account the climate of your region.

It is important that the plinth sheathing does not absorb water and does not let it through to the surface. Another nuance - the cladding should not lose its qualities under the influence of reagents that are used in winter.

Advice! Considering the operating conditions of the facing material, its choice must be approached with all responsibility, trusting trusted manufacturers who guarantee the quality and durability of the product.

Features of the choice and use of natural stone for lining the basement

The most respectable and expensive in decoration is natural stone. Construction professionals recommend not using loose rocks, such as shell rock and limestone, to decorate the basement. They will soon lose their presentable appearance.

For this purpose, dense frost-resistant material, preferably dark in color, is suitable.

Magmatic gabbro and granite are best suited in this regard.

Important! In finishing with natural stone, an important condition is reliable sealing of joints and seams. If marriage is allowed, moisture will seep behind the cladding and destroy the base.

Features of choosing natural stone for outdoor decoration

Natural stone must match in color and texture. But besides this, there are other requirements. If the stones themselves are very heavy, they need additional fasteners for a strong fixation. It is also important to know that silicate rocks (quartzite and sandstone) are incompatible with carbonate rocks (marble, limestone). Their chemical components react with each other. The result is gradual mutual destruction.

Master class on facing the basement with natural stone

Now let's see how the whole process looks in practice.

Illustration Action Description

A metal mesh must be fixed on the surface of the base. It will firmly fix the solution.

Lay the broken plinth stones on the ground first in the order you will place them on the vertical surface. Natural stone does not have two identical parts, so you need to assemble the cladding, as you assemble a puzzle.

The details that will be below and above need to be cut off so that there is a straight line. Use for this with a special stone-cutting wheel.

To clad the basement with natural stone, prepare a solution of sand and. The consistency should be fairly thick. It is better to wet the stones before installation.

To form gaps between stones, insert wooden or stone chopsticks. Start laying from the bottom up.

After the stones are firmly fixed on the plinth, remove the chopsticks and fill the gaps with mortar.

The nuances of facing the plinth with artificial stone

Artificial stone will cost you much cheaper than natural. This feature attracts a lot of developers. In addition, the artificial material has the correct geometric shapes, and this greatly simplifies the laying. All you need to do is cut the tiles a little in the corners with a grinder.

Attractive variety of shades, shapes and textures:

Such a stone has less weight compared to natural, so less mortar is required. Modern artificial materials are not inferior to natural ones in moisture resistance and durability. Their only drawback is a slightly unnatural look. But now you can find collections that can only be distinguished by closer inspection.

How to choose an artificial stone for the plinth

Don't try to buy the cheapest stuff. As a rule, its quality leaves much to be desired. It is best to use stones cast in silicone molds, they most accurately imitate the natural texture. Before paying for the lot, study the colors of the stones: the paint should not overlap with other shades. The stones should not have holes or cracks, interspersed with foreign particles.

On the inside of the stones there should be grooves for adhesion to the mortar, and the edges should have clear contours for quality joints on the wall.

Advice! Take cladding collections that have corner stones. This will greatly simplify installation.

Video instruction for finishing the basement with artificial stone

The technology for decorating the facade with artificial stone is not much different from working with natural stone. But there are some nuances, and you can learn about them in this video - how to finish the basement of a house with your own hands:

What is the finish of the basement with plastic panels under the stone

Plastic is now quite able to compete with natural materials. Modern components make it strong and durable. This material quite successfully imitates natural stone, and the ease of installation allows even a beginner to decorate the facade.

Advice! When choosing plastic panels for outdoor use, give preference to well-known brands. Cheap goods quickly fade and crumble from temperature changes.

How to make a plinth lining around the house with your own hands from plastic plinth panels - in detail in this video:

Finishing the plinth with siding and its nuances

Siding can be made from vinyl, polyvinyl chloride or propylene. All three of these varieties are suitable for plinth decoration, as they are resistant to external influences and temperature changes. There is also metal siding on sale, but it is the least suitable, as it is not resistant to prolonged exposure to moisture.

How to finish the basement of the house with siding - in detail in this video tutorial:

The use of facing tiles for the basement of the house

If you have not yet decided how to decorate the basement of the house inexpensively and beautifully, pay attention to the facing tiles. Not all tiles are suitable for outdoor use. It should have a non-porous structure that does not absorb moisture. You can choose the color and shape of the material that best matches the design of the facade.

An interesting point: it is not necessary to decorate the plinth with thick tiles. A standard thickness is enough, and you do not have to additionally strengthen the base.

The only drawback of this design is that it is not possible to additionally insulate the foundation with mineral wool. But there are other options, which we will discuss below.

Note! For outdoor tile laying, the temperature during work is important, it should not be lower than minus five degrees. Do not be fooled by the advice to use winter mortars for masonry - the tile will quickly fall off.

In the photo, options for finishing the basement of a private house with tiles:

Finishing the basement of a private house with do-it-yourself tiles

If there is a need to additionally insulate the foundation, use this master class:

Illustration Action Description

Fix a solid insulation on the outside of the foundation, for example, penoplex.

Install a metal mesh on the surface of the insulation. Fasten it firmly with special fasteners.

Start laying with corner elements. Position them with the desired gap of at least 1 cm.

After the corners, start fixing the rest of the elements. Make light vibrating movements when pressing the tile so that the solution penetrates through the cells of the grid.

After the masonry has become, fill the seams with mortar and decorate with a jointing tool.

Cheap and cheerful: finishing the basement of a private house with a profiled sheet

Is there an answer to the question of how inexpensively to finish the basement of the house from the outside? For budget construction, profiled sheet is an indispensable material. It will reliably protect the foundation from moisture and temperature, and also hide

In some residential buildings, the plinth is part of the foundation, while in others it rises above it. It distributes the load from the walls to the foundation and performs the functions of an external subfloor fence. And the decorative finish of the basement of a private house protects it and the entire lower part of the building from moisture, dirt and various mechanical influences. The choice of lining material should be approached as thoughtfully as possible.

The main purpose of finishing the basement is to protect the foundation and the lower part of the wall of the house from above from moisture. But the aesthetics of the appearance of the facade should not be forgotten either. When choosing a finishing material and cladding, it is often necessary to take care of only the first of these factors. But you want to get the decor not only durable and reliable, but also beautiful.

The basement of a private house can be:

  • Speakers;

    flush with the wall;


Types of plinth: 1-Protruding, 2-Level, 3-Western

The most inconvenient option for cladding is flush with the wall. It is problematic to mount thermal insulation material and finish on such a foundation.

The most reliable and practical is the sinking base. It is best to design a house with him. It will last the longest. Above such a base, you don’t even have to equip an ebb to protect against rain, spending materials and money.

Types of materials for lining the plinth

There are a lot of materials for the exterior lining of the basement, which have different characteristics and appearance, in stores now.

According to the latter indicator, when choosing a finish, designers recommend focusing on the contrast between the basement and wall cladding. If the wall is smooth, then the texture base should be made embossed. And vice versa.

Natural stone finish

The first among all the options for facing the foundation and basement of a private house in terms of sophistication and environmental friendliness is natural stone. But it is also the most expensive finishing material. They sell it in the form of tiles from:



The surface of the stone can be rough, matte or polished. For the installation of such a cladding, cement mortar is used. If a porous material is chosen for finishing, then before sticking to the plinth, the stone is coated on the inside with water-repellent compounds for waterproofing. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate into the pores and destroy the tile.

Among the minuses of this plinth cladding can be noted:

    Increased labor intensity of work;

    The high cost of consumables.

    However, the facade trimmed with natural stone looks chic. It emphasizes the high status of the owner of a private house and reflects his impeccable taste.

The stone goes well with facade plaster

Wild stone calmly endures the effects of bad weather. After cladding, the foundation material has reliable protection against precipitation and frost. This finish is very durable. However, if any of the stones collapses, then for repair it will be necessary to tear off several glued side by side from the base at once.

It will be impossible to replace only one tile. And when choosing this finishing material in a store, you should be careful not to take stones from different batches. Even mined in the same quarry, they can vary slightly in shade. It is unlikely that anyone will like the facade of the house, at the base of which there is a patchwork cladding.

Moss on the stone of finishing the basement of the house should not be afraid and shy. Facing materials will definitely not be destroyed by them. It will only give the appearance of the building some chic and antiquity. The only trouble that can happen with such a basement finish is efflorescence. But it's really hard to fight them.

Clinker tiles

In second place in terms of price among the materials of the basement finish is clinker tiles. It is decorative, practical and quite expensive. She often performs not only the lining of the basement, but also the decoration of the walls or corners of the house.

Finishing the facade and foundation with clinker tiles of various colors

Externally, facade tiles for the foundation resemble clinker. But this brick is a rather expensive material. It will be cheaper for the plinth to take clinker tiles instead, which have a wide range of shades. No wonder architects love to use it for street decoration of cottages. Under its natural shades, there are no problems with tiles, cladding made of wood and other materials.

Installation of clinker tiles is carried out by means of a frame system along the base or directly on the surface of the foundation of the house by gluing with frost-resistant glue. The first option is more expensive, but allows you to lay heat-insulating material under the frame. If the basement is made warm, then you should definitely take a closer look at such a cladding with insulation for the basement of the house.

Decorative plaster

Finishing the basement, the underlying foundation and the walls of the cottage with decorative plaster is carried out only after preliminary preparation of the surfaces to be decorated. They are subject to thorough cleaning, leveling and coating with primers. And for internal reinforcement of this finish, a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is attached under it. If fiberglass is not used, then the plaster decor of the basement will quickly crack.

When properly mixed and applied, plaster on the street will last for several years. This material will be inexpensive, but facing the basement will take a lot of time. The solution often has to be laid in several layers. And paint or whitewash is still applied on top.

In terms of practicality, street decoration in the form of decorative plaster loses before other materials. But it allows you to paint the base with any color at least several times a year, thus updating the appearance of the house. Modern facade plaster is not afraid of precipitation and low temperatures. But without a water-repellent layer, such a finish will slowly begin to collapse.

Finishing with plastic panels

The easiest way to cover the plinth is with PVC panels. Externally, they can imitate a variety of materials. It is possible for any style in the exterior to find a plastic finish for the plinth under stone, wood or brickwork. It will not look so natural and beautiful, but it will cost many times cheaper than other analogues.

However, when choosing this material, one nuance must be taken into account. There are different types of plastic siding.

Those that are intended for facades on the house are not recommended for finishing the basement. They are thinner and less impact resistant. For the basement cladding, it is necessary to choose a more wear-resistant version of the PVC material.

Installation of siding panels on the plinth is carried out using guides. For docking among themselves, these trim elements have grooves and ridges along the edges. Installation is extremely simple. And if the panel gets damaged over time, then it will not be difficult to replace it. The maintainability of this type of cladding is excellent. Finishing material for partial replacement of the basement decor can be found quickly.

In many regions, such a finish is cheaper than plaster. Plus, the installation of siding is the simplest, in comparison with all other options for decorating the basement. Of the tools for cladding, you only need a screwdriver and scissors for cutting material. And in case of contamination, the plastic used to finish the plinth is easy to clean.

In the photo, the house is sheathed with siding, and the basement is covered with tile panels

What to choose for finishing the basement

Any material presented can be fixed to the foundation as a skin. Each has its own advantages. Finishing the basement with some is cheaper, while others are more beautiful and durable. Much when choosing depends on the financial capabilities of the owner of the cottage and his preferences. For frame buildings, siding is more suitable, and for brick or concrete, it is better to take clinker or natural stone tiles.

The main thing is that the decoration is in harmony with the decor of the rest of the facade. On the one hand, it should look different from what the wall is finished with. And on the other hand, to be an integral part of the overall appearance of the building.

See also the video about the lining of the basement with natural stone: