Do-it-yourself garage budget. Cheap do-it-yourself garage: the choice of building materials and construction technology. The soft ones are

Many vehicle owners are wondering how to quickly build a garage from inexpensive building materials. A car that stands in the open air is exposed to various atmospheric influences. This not only burns out the paintwork, but also quickly corrodes the body, assemblies and parts under the hood.

The cheapest garage is the metal “shell” famous in the 90s or a ready-made prefabricated metal one. But this is not at all the best option, since condensate collects there, there are temperature drops, which also negatively affects the car, but it is better to build a warm room.

Today there are many building materials for the construction of the building. They differ from each other not only in cost, but also in specific gravity, which determines the type of foundation for the structure. The lighter the structure, the less powerful the foundation can be made.

Foundation laying

Under a heavy structure, it is better to make a strip foundation; for a light one, it is enough to make a columnar one. The only thing that must not be forgotten is that even if an inexpensive columnar foundation is being built, it must be laid to the freezing depth. In our latitudes, this is at least 80 cm. A columnar foundation, of course, will reduce the cost of building a garage. Some argue that the foundation can be laid in a trench 40 cm deep. But then it can be excruciatingly painful when, after a cold winter, the structure “leads” due to the fact that the foundation will crack and begin to collapse. This effect may not be noticed immediately - only after a few years.

Before you start building, you need to carefully calculate all the costs and weigh your financial capabilities.

Only after that you can decide what to build a cheap option from.

Construction materials

What is needed for construction

  1. Used brick - the material is quite cheap, warm and reliable. But it is worth considering that often its surface does not have an attractive or even decent appearance. This means that walls made of such material will either have to be plastered or covered with other finishing materials. And this will make the whole structure more expensive than some of the new materials.
  2. Sandwich panels are a modern building material. It is distinguished by low weight, ease and speed of installation of structures from it. Most types of these panels do not require exterior and interior decoration. These are three-layer slabs with an internal insulation layer and a coating on the outer sides of metal, expanded polystyrene or magnesite board. They are quite large (from 1000 × 2000 mm), which speeds up the installation of structures made of them. It is worth noting that for the construction of such panels you need to make a frame. It can be made of wood, metal and even reinforced concrete structures. The most commonly used metal frame. It is strong and durable, does not give, unlike wood, shrinkage and shrinkage. And yet you can build a frame out of wood. Such wall material as "sandwiches" allows you to carry out all stages of the construction of the structure yourself.
  3. Decking can also be attributed to those building materials from which you can build a garage at low cost. This design is arranged on a metal or wooden frame. In this case, you must not forget to take into account the costs of warming the structure. Since without wall and ceiling insulation, it will be the same tin can with all its shortcomings as the finished prefabricated one.
  4. OSB boards are also popular today among those who build lightweight structures. The advantage of OSB is that it is not affected by moisture like other lumber. OSB acquired this property due to its three-layer structure, where in the outer layers the chips are located horizontally on the surface of the plate, and in the inner layer - vertically. From this material, you can build a fairly cheap room for a car. Its construction will not take much time, because. also performed on the frame, and the dimensions of the plate are quite large. The spans between the racks of the frame should not exceed 1.2 m, because OSB-plates - the material is quite flexible. Large spans will make the structure fragile. The thickness of the wall plates must be at least 18 mm. On sale there are also plates with a thickness of 22 mm. Outside, the walls of this material can be finished with siding. But this operation should not be done immediately if there are not enough funds. It is allowed to begin with covering the walls with plastic wrap, because OSB boards resist moisture well. Warming from the inside is not necessary. But if you still want to insulate the room, you can do it over time, when additional financial opportunities appear. Inside the room, there will be a space between the racks of the frame that can be filled with mineral wool or foam.

To build this structure with your own hands, it is not necessary to own a profession. It is enough to have elementary skills: the ability to work with a hammer, screwdriver, electric saw.

The first and obligatory stage is the creation of the project. For this, you can also not resort to the services of a designer. After all, the garage is a simple rectangular box. The best option is 4x6 m with a height of 2 m. If you build it for a minibus, then you can make the width and length a little larger (although this is not necessary), and the height - 2.5 m.

Construction project

To optimize construction costs, there is nothing left but to build a frame garage. In accordance with the dimensions, you need to calculate the number of racks. At the same time, do not forget that the spans between them must correspond to the width of the wall panels, taking into account the fact that they are fastened end-to-end, and the sandwich panels are overlapped (they have special locks for this purpose).

Today it is prestigious to have automatic lifting gates, but they are expensive. Therefore, if you decide to meet the minimum budget, then choose the cheaper option. You can purchase the same in appearance, but with a mechanical (manual) lifting of the gate leaf. But still, this element should not be neglected.

Automatic lifting gates

There is another constructive element that will help optimize the cost of construction. Instead of a gable roof, which requires the construction of a rather complex truss system, you can make a single-pitched roof. Under it, the truss system is much simpler. But do not neglect its strength, as this may affect the strength of the entire structure. The slope of a shed roof must be at least 25 ° so that an excessive snow load is not created on the structure and it does not collapse.

During construction, one should not forget that the floor must be above ground level so that neither rain nor ground water gets inside. To do this, it is not necessary to immediately make a concrete screed. You can strew the floor with rubble and tamp it down. Over time, when funds appear, it will be possible to make a screed on this crushed stone base.

Video: foam block construction

Sometimes new vehicle owners start thinking about how to quickly build a garage when rains and then colds are coming. You can quickly build a frame and sheathe it. This will take 2-3 weeks. But it is important to remember that the foundation, which is mandatory for any stationary structure, must be defended for at least 3 weeks until it gains 70% strength. Therefore, if you want to build a room for the rainy and cold season, you need to start work in the spring, as soon as the ground has completely thawed.

Brick is expensive, but recently it has not been in demand, and not only because of the high cost. Yes, the brick looks beautiful, has excellent characteristics, but construction takes too much time. Another thing - alternative materials:

Here are the three main building materials used economical builders. Let's explore the details technology building a garage cheaply and reliably.

from wood

Perhaps, wood- this is the best option, because here, like in no other option, external aesthetics, environmental friendliness, economy and ease of construction are successfully combined. But working with wood has its own nuances.

Please note that there are two ways to build: from round logs and frame technology. The first is more reliable, the second is cheaper. Choose the most suitable option for you.


How to build a garage cheaply with your own hands from wood? Preparatory stage consists in choosing the location of the future structure and its model. Garages are free standing or attached to the building. The types of gate opening are also multivariate. All of these points must be in advance.

After drawing up a plan and layout, the construction site is leveled, cleaned, and rammed. The site must be perfectly flat so that after that there are no kinks and distortions.

The site is ready, it's time to start the most important part of our construction - pouring the foundation. Along the perimeter of the future development, a trench is dug, on which formwork is installed. Definitely a must do pillow from several layers of sand and gravel, which is carefully compacted.

The base is reinforced with metal rods and poured with concrete. Now you need to let the foundation stand at least three weeks. When the foundation is ready, we proceed to the lower strapping, which is carried out from the board 50x100 mm.

ATTENTION: Be aware of the wood's tendency to absorb moisture and rot. Therefore, pre-treat the building boards antiseptic.

For corner posts and gate leaves, it is best to take timber, while other frame elements are made of boards 50x100 mm. When performing the lower strapping, maintain an interval of no more than 120 cm.

Also, if you want your garage to be as durable, strong, solid and last as long as possible, install braces at the corners. This will give the structure more stability.

The hardest part of the job is foundation pouring and frame erection. For the frame, stronger, thicker boards are needed, while for the arrangement you can already use a 25x100 mm board, even a simple lining will do here. The board is then sheathed with any finishing material, after which it is necessary to carry out hydro- and vapor barriers by laying several layers of polyethylene or polypropylene film.

As you can see, the garage itself is cheap wood not that hard to build.

Garage photo wooden:

cinder block

The second most popular building material for a garage is cinder block. To date, cinder blocks are of several types:

  • from blast-furnace slag, which is famous for its excellent performance and durability;
  • shell rock;
  • brick fight.

To improve performance, some manufacturers add more perlite, polystyrene and other materials.

The cinder block is good for everyone, but there is one in it flaw: like a tree, he absorbs moisture, which is rapidly destroyed. With dry soil, this quality of the material will not be problematic, and with proper construction it will last up to fifty years, but in places where ground water, it is better to choose another material, because, if the tree can still be varnished, carry out such manipulations with a cinder block it is forbidden.

ATTENTION: You need to know that cinder blocks are divided into types not only by composition, but also by configuration into hollow ones, which are used for walls, and solid ones, intended for the foundation. Ignoring this feature can lead to the rapid destruction of the entire structure.


In the construction of a garage cinder block, we also carry out preparatory work, cleaning and leveling the site, developing a plan for the future building.

A flood foundation is ideal for a tree, but cinder blocks do not need such a powerful support, it will do here. The strip foundation is made as follows: the top layer of soil is removed and a trench is dug about 45-50 cm deep and 40-45 cm wide. Then a pillow is made of sand and broken brick, which is then poured with cement.

You can also do it differently: the trench is covered with sand, and then filled with water. The combination of water and sand gives the construction strength and makes it resistant to time and changes in temperature and humidity. After that, reinforcement is laid on the bottom and the entire structure is concreted.

In a month, you can start building walls. The third way to build a strip foundation even easier: rubble stone is poured into the trench instead of sand and the entire structure is poured with cement raster, not lower than 150 marks.

After the foundation has been erected, the basement is equipped with heat and vapor barrier materials. The most versatile option for hydro, heat and vapor barrier is a simple ruberoid.

  • walling;
  • floor screed;
  • roofing;
  • hanging gate.

cinder block masonry identical with bricklaying, only here this work is carried out several times faster. Laying can be carried out in the stone floor (spoon method) or in one stone (poke method).

Masonry in 2 and 1.5 stones is also practiced. You choose the option that suits you, remembering that the thickness of the walls directly affects the durability of the garage and its ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature. A one-stone garage will freeze in winter, even if several heaters are installed in it, while one and a half and two stones will be warm and cozy.

When building walls, you should initially lay out the corners, and only then, stretching the building cords between them, start laying blocks using the brick method, that is, blocking the seam of the previous row.

When constructing the floor, remember that the screed must be at least 10 cm. Concrete is good for screed M200, which is poured in several layers, and then, after drying, rubbed.
The final stage - electrification and interior decoration.

Garage photo from cinder blocks:


How easy is it to build a garage? For this, a universal material is suitable. corrugated board. It is perfect for fences, for sheds, it also makes good garages. But here the most important condition is the competent choice of corrugated board: only cheaper is suitable for building a garage brand PS or FROM.

Decking is marked with a letter and a number. Letter "FROM" stands for "purpose for walls", number - sheet stiffness. The higher the number, the stronger the sheet. S-20- the best option for construction.

Sometimes sellers, due to their illiteracy or when there is no twenty in stock, advise ten or eight for construction, but! Never fall for this sales trick! A garage made of such a sheet, although it will cost much less, will not last long, besides, it will be icy in winter, and it will be impossible to warm it up. And the walls will shake from the wind. You need it? We think not, therefore, we stop at the standard twenty.

Ideal deck thickness half a millimeter.


How to build a cheap garage with your own hands from corrugated board? We will need:

  • reinforcement and concrete for the foundation;
  • elements for the frame: corner, bars, metal rods;
  • metal elements for gates;
  • self-tapping screws.

Arm yourself next tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. welding machine;
  3. Bulgarian;
  4. metal scissors;
  5. jigsaw.

Garage photo from corrugated board:

Let's get to work. First of all, we fill. Having cut off the soil by half a meter, the resulting trench is covered with sand and poured with water. Under the frame racks, wells are made, which will simultaneously become foundation racks.

This work will help to make the foundation stronger and more resistant to ground movement. Wells are driven to a depth of at least half a meter.

Further, everything is standard: a wooden formwork is erected, on which the bars of the reinforcing structure are installed. For strength, the rods are attached with wire. Now the main thing is not to forget to install frame structure racks in the wells.

IMPORTANT: Before installing racks, it is necessary to process bitumen underground part of the building.

To prevent the racks from warping, they are carefully aligned with level. The last stage of work is pouring reinforcement with concrete. Use mark 300, for this case, this is an ideal option.

Some builders claim that it is possible to build within two or three days after pouring concrete, but professionals advise to wait for the required three weeks, otherwise the foundation may crack, and then it will no longer be possible to correct the error. Patience and again patience is the key to success.

When the foundation is ready, erect metal carcass. Here, welding, and a grinder with an electric jigsaw for cutting metal pipes of the right size, and some more welding skills are useful. With the basic skills of a welder, the frame is cooked in a day or two. The newcomer is transported for a week. In order to make a frame, you need to carefully study the drawing several times and cut the material according to its data.

Using welding, we cook horizontal metal rods to the racks. Welding in progress at three points. If the frame is made of timber, then in addition to everything, special fasteners for wooden beams are welded to the racks. The bars are attached with self-tapping screws.

Now the corrugated board is attached self-tapping screws. You can adjust the sheets to size using a jigsaw. This work is best done team out of three or four people, it is almost impossible to cope with it alone.

When the frame is completed, the installation phase of the gate begins. Here you also need to show patience and maximum attention in order to avoid mistakes. The frame of the gate is made of metal corners and sheathed with a profiled sheet. This job can be done in a day or two.

As a rule, it is performed in a single-sided version. The roof frame is made of crossbeams (wooden or metal), on which a crate from a lining is attached. It is important to take into account the climatic features of your region.

In the southern regions, a lightweight construction of the crate can be used. In the north, where the winter period with blizzards and snow drifts is long enough, it is better to make a stronger, more solid structure that can withstand the load of snow.

We have described the main stages of construction technology. Now it's your turn to choose what cheaper build a garage with your own hands for your swallow. And we only have to wish you good luck and a peaceful sky over your head!

Useful video

How to lay the cinder block during construction budget garage, watch the video:

There are a lot of ways to build a garage with your own hands: from a simple iron box with minimal amenities to a full-fledged brick building with several rooms and the ability to live in the summer. Most men perceive the garage as a personal territory where you can do what you love - take care of the car, make crafts, relax with friends, and so on.

To begin with, you should answer the main question: why do you need a garage? Think about how you are going to use it, what you need it for in the first place. The budget, complexity of construction, material and a set of additional amenities will depend on this.
The few motorists who simply need a place to store their car often opt for private parking lots with a canopy or buy special metal boxes.

Small houses are transported on a tractor, their installation takes several hours. Those who wish to use the garage as a warehouse, workshop or recreation area should take the issue of building more seriously. For most purposes, a strong and durable building with additional amenities such as electricity and water is needed. Also take into account the peculiarities of the climate of your region: construction in the northern latitudes will cost more, and the technology is more difficult. Building a garage with your own hands in warm latitudes with little rainfall is easier and cheaper, but choosing a good place can be a question.

How to choose a seat

Many motorists prefer to build on the territories of garage cooperatives. In this case, you avoid serious problems with amenities and accommodation. Renting a plot of land and building a garage will be inexpensive. Often the owners of the cooperative offer a choice of one of several plans, taking into account the dimensions of the machine, the height of the building, the summing up of communications, and the maintenance of the building. In addition, your garage will be guarded around the clock - you can not worry that your property will be damaged or stolen.

If you are building a garage on your site, the main problems will be the choice of location and the design of the road. Let us immediately indicate that building a house with a garage is not recommended - a large room with iron gates will take heat in in winter, the unpleasant smell of gasoline and oil can become a hindrance to your family. It is better to choose a site 5-10 meters from the house, so that the garage gate and the gate from the yard are on the same line. It is better to make the distance from the garage to them about ten meters - so it will be possible to drive the car out of the garage for the duration of repairs or other work, but it will remain in your yard.

Land selection

The best option is to build on a flat piece of land. Before starting work, dig down with a shovel about a meter - make sure that there is no sand or cavities below (especially true for areas with sharp elevation changes or near rivers). A good site will untie your hands and allow you to build a large and heavy building.

The construction of a garage in the city, near multi-storey buildings, must be agreed with the architecture department or a similar body. Illegal construction of a garage, even a metal box, is fraught with serious legal troubles. In this case, it is better to take a building plot for a long-term lease or purchase.

Size and construction

As we said, it all depends on the goals. A standard metal box has dimensions of approximately 4x4x2.3 meters - enough to put a car in and make a simple repair.

A good brick garage will measure about 5 x 8 x 3 meters with a flat slate roof or a simple concrete slab. Such dimensions suggest not only a place for a car. Workbenches and machines, cabinets and shelves for storing parts, fuel, chemicals for interior care, tools and more. In special cases, a garage is built with a greater depth (up to 12 meters), for a place for a motorcycle or trailer (relevant for rural areas).

When choosing a building material, you should focus on the local market. If a brick factory, a metal rolling shop or sand or stone quarries is located near the place of residence, the cost of construction can be reduced by purchasing materials in bulk.

  • Some craftsmen erect a wooden garage. The cheapness of such a design and ease of construction are the main advantages, however, if the technology is not followed, this garage can become a grave for a car. The tree is very afraid of dampness and fire, its use as a workshop also raises questions.
  • Another thing is aerated concrete blocks. They are easy to put even for a beginner, they are relatively cheap and available for purchase almost throughout the CIS. However, their cost is quite high at the moment.
  • A brick garage with competent masonry of 1.5-2 bricks is preferable. This is an expensive construction, but it will last more than 100 years if the technology is followed. It can be sold by recapturing the price of construction (especially if there are communications).

Do-it-yourself garage foundation

For walls made of brick or aerated concrete, a foundation is required. It will become a solid support for a heavy structure, allowing the garage to last for decades without major repairs.

A standard foundation pit has a depth of up to 1-1.5 meters, a width of at least half a meter. You can dig it out manually or with the help of special equipment (if available). The choice of foundation is determined by several parameters:

  • Availability of materials.
  • Availability of time for installation or pouring.
  • Types of foundations for a garage

    A monolithic foundation made of stone and concrete mortar is considered traditional (proportion: 1 part of Portland cement to 3 parts of screening). The stone is laid in a pit in an even layer of 30-40 cm, first large fragments, then medium ones, at the end crushed stone. It is worth pouring in one or two passes with a liquid solution. After the solution seeps between the stones, pour again 5-10 cm below their level. Then lay a new stand in the same way, pour a solution with a greater density.

    Installing such a foundation will take several days, and sometimes a week, but it will become a solid foundation for construction.

    The foundation should be 20-30 cm above ground level. At the final stage, it is worth laying large fragments so that they create a flat plane around the entire perimeter (use a long water level or a pendulum). Thick concrete and sheets of roofing material will help you finally level the level of the foundation. After that, you can start building walls of brick or aerated concrete.

    For a wooden garage or an iron box, the foundation can be just a concrete pad with metal pipes of medium diameter poured around the perimeter of the garage. Profiles for the frame of a wooden building or the metal box itself can be welded to them.

    Recently, the common methods of installing the foundation are tape, monolithic and pile (columnar, prefabricated).

      • Tape - reinforced concrete structure with tape pouring of concrete into the pit. Metal reinforcement gives stability to the future structure, concrete creates a pillow for the future building. Before laying, it is worth pouring dry sand to the bottom of the pit and waterproofing the future foundation.

      • Columnar or pile is a foundation of concrete piles (2-3 meters distance between them) and concrete filling of cavities. The main advantage of such a foundation is ease of installation, however, it also requires special equipment.

    • A monolithic slab is another type of strip foundation, which involves pouring a huge concrete pad reinforced with concrete. At the bottom of the pit, a depth of 0.5-1.5 meters (depending on the type of soil - the more stable, the thinner the pillow can be), sand is covered with an even layer. Then it is necessary to protect the future pillow from water and pour the reinforcement frame (sometimes a large stone is used) with concrete. The disadvantages of such a foundation are the high cost and the need for special equipment (ideally, a concrete truck). If the foundation is made of stone, the concrete can be mixed with a small concrete mixer or even a small container (bath, balia) by hand.

    The expediency of the pit in the garage

    If you are an avid car enthusiast or are engaged in private vehicle repair, you need a pit. You will be able to independently repair the chassis, without the risk of being crushed by your own car if the jack fails. In addition, the garage pit is often used as a makeshift cellar for vegetables - and this is no joke. All useful space of the garage can be used in the household.

    When calculating the parameters of the pit, it is worth considering the distance between the wheels of the car, its weight and overall dimensions. For heavy cars (over 1.5 tons), it is worth taking care of the foundation for the pit - this will become an additional reinforcement of the structure. A standard pit measures 5x.05x1 meters and is dug exactly in the middle of the garage. If space allows - make steps from the side of the gate for a convenient descent into the pit (for example, pour out of concrete). Steps can also play the role of shelves for tools during repairs. A wooden or iron ladder for descending into the pit is not recommended - it is inconvenient and traumatic in the cold season.


    Wooden walls - the erection of beams along the perimeter (about a meter of distance between them), fastening them together in the upper plane with the help of transverse beams. Use iron staples to reinforce the structure. The walls should be made of long boards, having previously covered them with a primer. For additional insulation, place sheets of foam or mineral wool between the outer boards and the inner ones. Building a garage from solid logs (like a log house) is also possible, but it will cost you a round sum.

    Brick walls are a popular option for building a red or white brick garage. The thickness of the walls varies from 20 to 50 cm, depending on the type of roof. Wall laying always starts from the corner. Use a simple water tool or a more expensive laser tool to level the level. It is necessary to lay a brick on a thick cement mortar (the ratio of cement and sand: 1 to 3). Ligation of bricks should be overlapped. Beautiful masonry, such as "Lipetsk" or facing brick, is laid last and only on a powerful foundation. If the garage provides windows, then you should take care of concrete floors, which you can purchase or cast yourself.

    It is not recommended to make large windows for the garage, as in the house. A good option would be small but wide windows in the upper third of the wall. They will give enough light, but save a large amount of workspace.

    Aerated concrete, like brick or cinder blocks, overlaps from the corner. The construction of walls from this material is easier and faster, but the price per m3 will be more expensive. If you can use used materials for building a brick garage (for example, for an additional room or interior decoration), then in the case of aerated concrete, you should choose one specific type of block and purchase a sufficient amount of it. In warehouses or specialized sites, use the calculator to calculate the required number of gas blocks.

    The roof as the most problematic part of the construction

    Building garage walls with your own hands is easy - two strong men can do it in no more than a month. However, installing a roof often causes a lot of difficulties. For a budget option, simple concrete floors are used, which are installed at an angle, down to the back of the garage. 2-3 standard floors are enough to build a simple and reliable roof. To protect from rain, cover such an overlap with roofing felt and tar.

    If it is not possible to lay concrete floors, slate or corrugated board will be a good way out. A wood frame with a slight slope towards the back of the garage will make a good base for the slate. The gaps between a flat ceiling and slate can be bricked.

    A more complex option is a triangular roof with a small attic between the planes. In this case, you will have to order wooden beams and install them on an already finished ceiling plane. Wooden beams will become the legs of an isosceles triangle, fastened with brackets to each other at the top of the triangle. Lighter boards with the help of long self-tapping screws fasten the triangles together.

    Slate sheets are placed from the bottom up, so that water does not leak under the sheets. Slate nails are driven directly into the beams, so the distance between them should be small (optimal - the width of the slate sheet minus the width of two waves).

    Do-it-yourself garage door

    First, let's calculate the width of the gate. The formula is simple: the width of your car + 0.5-1 meter for free entry and exit from the garage. There are several ways to make a convenient gate:

    • Rising up. Slatted gates that go up and in, under the ceiling, are now gaining popularity, but their operation requires electricity to power the lifts. They are installed by small private companies.
    • An easier option is to weld metal gates. The framework of double-leaf gate is cooked from metal profiles. The plane can be either a solid metal sheet or a wooden shield knocked down from boards. Take care of the place under the castle in advance.
    • Curtains for the gate must be taken the largest. They are welded to a metal frame, which is assembled separately and installed during the construction of the walls.
    • The gate must open outwards. For a large canvas, it is worth making two manual latch locks that will hold the canvas by the lower and upper parts of the frame. This will keep the gate from bending during gusts of wind and distortions that may come with time.

    Garage interior decoration

    If you just store the car in the garage and do nothing else there, it will be enough to wipe the cracks between bricks or blocks with mortar. In the case of using the garage as a workshop, you should take care of the functionality of the space - make an exhaust hood, putty the walls, punch out places for socket boxes, pour metal frames under workbenches. Painting the walls for such a structure is not needed. Also pay attention to the ease of cleaning - there should be no closed corners, the perimeter should be ventilated.
    Lighting is best placed around the entire perimeter - 4 neon lamps above the work surface with independent switches to save energy.

    Heating and insulation of the garage

    This is worth taking care of if you work in a garage or live in northern latitudes with cold and frosty winters. Styrofoam insulation in the garage is a possible option. Sheets of 5 cm foam will protect the building from heat loss.

    Garage heating is best arranged using portable heat blowers. Small electric batteries and fans placed around the perimeter will be a good way to heat the room.

    Installation of autonomous heating, water-type batteries (in the case of a garage attached to the house) is theoretically possible, but practically not used in practice.

    Drawings and diagrams for building a garage with your own hands

    There is a huge amount of such information on the Internet. However, for planning a garage for a specific land, vehicle, and purpose, it is best to consult an experienced architect. Spend several thousand rubles on a consultation with an expert who will help you draw up a competent drawing of the future structure. Not only the survivability of the structure, but also your safety directly depends on this.

    In public libraries, you can still find old Soviet books on the topic "how to build a garage with your own hands." Even though new materials and building techniques are coming to the market every day, classic garage building schemes can be useful to you. At least they can be used to calculate the overall dimensions.

    Estimated estimate for construction

    • Price of land (or rent)
    • The work of an architect
    • The price of building materials
    • Rent of special equipment
    • Laying communications.

    Building a garage in the countryside will cost you about 100,000 rubles.
    For the city, this price can be three times more expensive (due to the expensive delivery of materials and the peculiarities of the legislation).

    Popular questions and answers

    • How to conduct electricity in the garage?

    If it is built on the territory of a garage cooperative, this is not a problem. Contact the administration, and you will be allocated a cable. You only have to buy a meter and sign a contract. For a garage near a private house, the cable can be laid underground from the house or above the ground (at least 3 meters high). In urban areas, it is more difficult to conduct light. To do this, contact the department of architecture and the power supply company.

    • What is the best place to place workbenches and machines for a garage workshop?

    It is better to place them on the back wall of the garage. In the same place it is better to place several sockets, a place for a compressor, put cabinets for consumables.

    • How to choose a lock for a garage?

    If the garage is located near the house - a large lock with a long key is enough. If the garage is far from home, install 2-3 different types of locks (Hinged, internal with different keys).
    Sometimes the owners install an alarm against robbers. Bars on the windows are also not uncommon.

    • How to protect the garage from fire?

    Facing with refractory bricks, construction from aerated concrete blocks or other refractory material will be a good protection. You should also take care of the grounding of the electrical network.
    Styrofoam insulation reduces fire protection - for some types of foam, the temperature of a burning cigarette is enough to catch fire. If insulation is installed around the entire perimeter of the garage, then it will easily flare up even from a small fire. Learn it.

    • Should I make several rooms in the garage?

    If you are going to be engaged in repair and production - yes. A small partition can be made in order to protect the machine from dust and dirt. In addition, sometimes a garage is attached to a summer kitchen, a barn and other outbuildings. This is a good option to save space while maintaining the working space.

    Many people dream of a good and inexpensive garage, especially residents of big cities. Men perceive the garage as their personal place, a refuge, a shelter. So what is the best way to do it? Let's figure it out.

    About preparation

    First, I would like to say that it is cheaper to build your own garage than to buy one. Sometimes prices go up to the sky for old and rotten boxes, especially in cities with a population of over one million, where there are sorely not enough places even for parking.

    1. Before building it is necessary notify the administration of your locality that you are going to build a garage. Be prepared that the authorities may demand money, that's how everything is arranged.
    2. To get started you need choose a seat. A dry place on a small hillock is perfect so that excess moisture evaporates quickly and puddles do not form. Otherwise, in cold weather, you will literally have to make your way to the entrance.
    3. Do not be shy attach your own to another garage, but only with the permission of the owner. It is desirable that the foundation of the future garage be sandy or clay for subsequent excavation of a place for a basement.
    4. When the place is chosen it is worth starting the construction of the basement first. Dig with an excavator (if it’s completely tight with money, then you can do it yourself) the entrance to the basement of a meter and a half to two, and then proceed to level the basement directly of any shape and size that you prefer. Then install concrete walls (concrete is recommended because wood and other wooden materials will rot quickly), floor and ceiling. The basement is ready.

    Garage construction

    Now let's move on to the ground part. Start building walls. Can be used:

    • concrete plates;
    • strong bricks (white);
    • expanded clay blocks;
    • profile pipe (for the frame);
    • aerated concrete;
    • cinder block;
    • wood;
    • sandwich panels.

    Advice! Don't forget to make a small hole in the wall to allow excess moisture to escape from the garage in the spring and fall.

    Roof, gate and floor

    Then you will need to install strong iron gates, which you can buy or make yourself. After erecting the walls and gates, you will need to take care of the roof. The roof can be made flat (the easiest option). To do this, lay concrete slabs on the wall by hiring specialized equipment.

    It is not forbidden to build a sloping roof. What is more often not recommended, because it is inconvenient in operation, applied to garage structures.

    After the walls and roof are erected, the floor is to be made. To do this, lay out boards along the perimeter of the entrance to the basement, as if fencing it off. Fill the remaining space with concrete (of course, not in the basement) to the level of the door. After the concrete has hardened, you will get a garage, or rather “under-garage”.

    The most important part: electrical

    To turn your creation into a full-fledged garage, you should conduct electricity into it. If the neighbors also do not have electricity, then you can negotiate with them in order to “throw off” money for the supply of an electric cable.

    This procedure is not exactly cheap, and if the neighbors have electricity, then just bring electricity to you, of course, warning the administration. Without a meter, the room will not be approved, so you need to take care of the meter during the connection process.

    More specifically about the choice of materials

    Here is what material is now used to make car houses:

    Pros: With reliable assembly, a fairly durable design.

    Minuses: lifting equipment is needed, whose hourly payment depends on the ingenuity of the customer.

    1. Brick frame. This beautiful, expensive and durable material. Usually, it is customary to purchase broken bricks or low-grade material for garages. Well, for a private house, where everything should be “from the needle”, they buy an additional facing type of brick.

    Buildings placed separately require additional insulation. Therefore, the wall will be at least 2 bricks (25 cm thick or more).

    The difficulty is as follows: the need for a strong foundation. It is under the brick wall that a monolith with reinforced mesh is poured.

    Pros: no need for interior decoration. The original look is already a modern classic.

    1. and expanded clay blocks. The latest cement-based materials, better than bricks. It's not just about the price. After all, according to the characteristics they perfectly retain heat. The construction process itself does not take much time. Why is that? Both types of building materials are large in size and relatively light in weight.

    The design feature is only in the reinforced belt, which is necessary for the base of any garage roof.

    With a foundation it's easier: rather shallow tape type. From which blocks specifically to choose - it is better to decide at the construction site.

    Pros: not inferior to brick, much lighter overall weight, consumables at low cost. Big efforts are not needed.

    An exception to the rule is flame retardant impregnation. Will give refractory properties to any tree. And if the building is planned to be multifunctional (there is also a pantry, a workshop or even a bathhouse to the garage), then it is the treated wood that is best suited. On the site or in the country - that's it.

    1. Profile pipe and plastic panels. These are materials for express construction. Applies here as well. A garage made of sandwich panels and a profile pipe will be very cheap at a price, but it is assembled in less than a day. The longest time to mess with the base is a concrete platform for a regular box for a car (it’s faster to bring and lay an ordinary old concrete slab or several). Using modern inexpensive materials, car owners receive unheated containers for personal cars.

    But everything is solvable, and such a structure can be easily insulated with mineral wool, and the interior of the garage will be created by asbestos-cement sheets or OSB (foam based).

    The cons are the following: You need a welding machine and experience with it.

    Pros: there are many ready-made plastic structures on sale that can be delivered to the place or assembled by the hands of installers.

    1. Metal carcass. It's about sheet steel. A garage without welding experience cannot be done with your own hands, but a good friend will do everything beautifully for a modest price. For your information, a car box made of iron is much cheaper than brick or concrete.

    Minuses: thermal conductivity of metal. Without insulation and heating devices, it is impossible to create comfortable conditions even for a car.

    Budget insulation

    If you are going to be in the garage for a long time, then insulate the walls with glass wool and surround it with chipboard sheets, and also install the stove, having previously made a hole in the ceiling for the pipe.

    This approach only applies to variants of refractory materials. Wood and plastic are a separate situation, and such materials need to be insulated in several stages.

    Suppose a tree (beam or timber) is well not desirable to be sheathed from the inside with glass wool. Natural material for building a garage loves clay, less toxic heaters. Inexpensive to sheathe the same board.

    For plastic panels, special sheets are sold with a front part treated with stainless steel.

    Let's walk on the roof

    In other words, on the roof. There are two types:

    Both options are the most budget types, although even in the garage it is possible to come up with something unusual (dovecote, guard house and much more).

    1. For the base, a concrete slab is ideal for all time. It is placed on the walls at a slight angle, otherwise there will be no water during the off-season.

    During the installation process, there are always joints between the plates, it is easy to smear them with cement mortar, and then foam them from the inside.

    Outside, several layers of roofing material, overlapped by a burner, will suffice.

    Pros: Compared to a double-sided one, it is 20 percent more profitable.

    1. Go to work: timber, empty concrete slabs (voids). Plywood or lining is enough for the inside of the ceiling. Boards from 4 cm thick are enough for the rafter system. The cheapest way to make a crate is from an unedged board with a wane removed. Under the roof, nothing better has yet been invented than asbestos cement slate sheets.

    Pros: ceiling insulation. The garage can easily be covered with sawdust, slag, and earth from above.

    Results of construction and selection of materials

    Which one is better to build a garage, of course, is not for us to decide. But the calculations are as follows:

    1. The fastest option for a garage- this is a sandwich panel with insulation.
    2. Cheap, easy and practical- foam blocks with reinforcement under the roof.
    3. Acceptable and heavy, but aesthetically pleasing This is a building made of treated wood.
    4. Expensive, long, but for life- a brick garage with a thick wall and a concrete floor.
    5. Prefabricated options, like already assembled boxes, are not suitable everywhere, because they have a minimum of reliability.

    The garage will be thought out in great detail, if possible without adjusting to the materials available from the main construction site.

    Important! Let the frame be even from the oldest, ugliest, but workable brick. Such an approach, specifically to protect a private house, saved more than one family in case of a fire.

    Budget garage from improvised materials

    The video below has garnered the most views in its category. Not surprising. The author shows how to build a garage from pallets. The construction took 2 months, improvised materials were used for construction.

    If you are going to buy a car, then you will need a garage for it. Such an acquisition is significant for many, so the newly minted owners of their own vehicle are trying to build a cheap garage with their own hands. Modern construction technologies allow you to build it in the shortest possible time, spending a minimum of funds.

    Material selection

    The cheapest solutions for walls will be cinder blocks and foam blocks. The latter are easier to lay, which is why consumers choose cellular concrete most often. If you are thinking about how to build a garage cheaply, then you should pay attention to the foam block, which has a small weight, so even one person will be able to handle the work process. For such a garage, a strip foundation made of concrete is suitable, while the width of the structure can be approximately 200 mm.

    When thinking about how to build a garage cheaply, you should remember that it is better to make the foundation low, which will reduce the cost of construction. Three cubes of concrete will be needed to build a standard garage with dimensions of 3 x 6 m. At the same time, the base will need to be deepened by 0.9 m. It should be remembered that this parameter is not standard, because the foundation must be located below the ground freezing line.

    If you want to build a cheap garage with your own hands, you also need to take care of an inexpensive roof. Traditionally, it is single-pitched with a wooden frame system and slate coating. For maximum cost reduction, it will be enough to install only a crate under the slate. It is better to refuse the use of ondulin, because it will almost double the cost of roofing.

    Construction of aerated concrete garage

    If you are thinking about the question of what to build a garage from, then you can choose aerated concrete. The foundation can be not only lightweight tape, but also monolithic. Experts recommend using it. With its help, it will be possible to distribute the load as evenly as possible, which will reduce sedimentary deformation to a minimum.

    If you are aiming to reduce the cost of construction as much as possible, then it is better to use a strip or combined foundation, which is made of reinforced concrete and a columnar monolithic belt. After the foundation is completed and the concrete has hardened, you can begin to build walls.

    The first row should be carried out on a pre-laid layer, and if you decide to use a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, then aerated concrete blocks are laid directly on the base surface. This will allow for high-quality waterproofing using roll material. Experts recommend purchasing hydrostekloizol, which is laid on top of bituminous mastic.


    If, when deciding what to build a garage from, you have chosen, then their installation should be carried out with dressing of the seams. You can use cement mortar or glue as a masonry mixture. The latter option will cost a little more, but working with this mixture is much more convenient and easier. The thickness of the seam can be a limit of 3 to 5 mm, while when using a solution, this parameter will be increased to 1 cm.

    Every two rows of masonry, a metal reinforcing mesh should be placed, its edges should protrude a few centimeters beyond the walls, which will allow you to control the laying of the reinforcement. When aerated concrete is used, jumper beams are laid over the opening for the gate. For one machine, the width of the opening will be approximately 3 m, while for two machines it is possible to make a common opening with a width of up to 6 m.

    The jumper should be made of two profile corners, the shelf of each of which will be 100 mm. The corners should be placed along the edges of the blocks and fixed to each other or to the reinforcement in several places. Then the elements must be coated with a primer. The jumper should be laid on the same mortar that is used when laying aerated concrete blocks. The edge of the beam on both sides should be located on the walls for a length of 200 mm. If you plan to equip a wider opening, then you will need to calculate the beam, taking into account the bending load.

    When building a garage from aerated concrete, you will have to complete the construction of the walls, only after that you can proceed to tying them with belts. Their design will depend on the type of roof, floors and wall features. In this case, loads must be taken into account. If it is planned to build a second floor, then it will be necessary to lay reinforced concrete. To equip the roof from wooden roof trusses, it is necessary to lay a mauerlat, which is a log or wooden beam. It should be fixed, and before laying the strapping beam on the walls, it is necessary to lay waterproofing from bituminous mastic and roll material.

    Addition in the form of a viewing hole

    Aerated concrete garage may require the construction of a viewing hole. For this, a pit is dug, the dimensions of which will be as follows: 1.5 x 0.8 x 1.8 mm. The inner walls of the pit must be lined with bricks, and then covered with plaster. To carry out such work, it is necessary to use slag brick, which has high water resistance.

    For plastering, it is necessary to use a part of cement and 4 parts of sand, diluted with water. At the final stage, the walls are painted. Along the perimeter, you can install a frame welded from profile corners. For concreting the floor, you can use the same solution as for arranging the foundation. The layer thickness will be approximately 70 mm.

    Building a cinder block garage: building a foundation

    A cinder block garage can be built on It will not only be the cheapest, but also the easiest to perform. To begin with, a trench is dug, on the bottom of which rubble stone is laid in layers. Layers should be filled with cement. It is necessary to use a solution of brand M-150 or higher.

    For self-preparation, Portland cement 400 must be mixed with sand and water. The liquid will need such an amount to achieve the mobility of the mixture. To install a plinth along the perimeter of the trench, it is necessary to install a wooden formwork. A waterproofing layer of two layers of roofing material is laid along the basement.

    Building walls and roofs

    Having bought building materials cheaply, you can start building walls. Up to this point, gates are installed, which will be strengthened into masonry as it is erected. When installing cinder blocks, it is necessary to observe the dressing of the seams. It is necessary to start the installation of products from the corners, pulling the cord between them.

    I-beams 120 mm should be used for overlapping. Their length should be 25 cm more than the width of the room. The elements are located across the garage in 80 cm increments so that the elements repeat the slope of the long wall. After completing these works, you can start sewing the floor. Below are 40-mm beams, on top of which roofing material is laid.

    At the next stage, slag, a semi-rigid mineral slab or expanded clay is laid. When building a cheap garage with your own hands, you should make sure that during operation it does not require repairs and additional costs. To do this, when laying the roof, it is necessary to bring it out at the back and front by 20 cm. Such visors prevent the walls from getting wet during rain. A screed is made on top of the roofing material and slag, the thickness of which should be 20 mm. At the final stage, the roof is protected from moisture with rubemast or aquaizol.

    Features of building a garage from a metal profile

    A garage made of a profile pipe costs only 30,000 rubles. To assemble the frame, you can use a welding machine or bolted joints. After the assembly of the frame is completed, its surface must be protected with a primer and a layer of paint applied at the final stage.

    The finished frame is sheathed with sheets of profiled metal. To protect the frame, you can use special dyes that are suitable even for rusty surfaces. This choice will save not only money, but also time. When applying a paintwork material, a protective layer is created that eliminates corrosion.

    Construction of a wooden garage

    A garage made of boards will be able to withstand a monolithic foundation, which will also act as a strong floor. After the mortar has hardened, the bottom strapping should be made of boards, the size of which is 100 x 500 mm.

    For the construction of gates and corner posts, it is necessary to use square bars with a side of 100 mm. To increase the strength of the frame in the corners, it is necessary to install struts. To build such a garage, building materials will cost you cheap. After completing the work on the frame, you can begin the construction of the roof. For this, boards 100 x 25 mm are used, which are sheathed with profiled sheets.


    You can build a cheap garage with your own hands by installing wooden gates. Their cost compared to metal will be lower, as well as reliability. Without interior decoration, the price of a garage can be reduced even more. But if you do the work yourself, you can save on the services of specialists. You can decide which material to prefer by reading the information in the article. Below will be presented the technology of building an inexpensive garage.