What can be put in manually. Rules for carrying baggage on an airplane. Transportation of medicines in hand luggage

Updated: 09/16/2019

Question: “What can I take on a plane?”- is relevant for most travelers for whom air travel is not a weekly or even monthly procedure, but an event that is most often performed a couple of times a year - when flying to rest and back. Therefore, the list of things that can be taken on a plane is constantly forgotten and has to be studied again before the next flight. What kind of things should be taken into the cabin of the aircraft so that during the inspection at the airport nothing was confiscated from you, sent for an in-depth individual inspection and not forced to pay extra for excess baggage? All this is covered in this article.

By the way, shortly before the flight, it doesn’t hurt anyone to find out what exactly you can take on a plane, because the rules of air transportation change periodically and you can’t be sure that, due to their tightening, you can safely carry on board all those things with which you can easily flew a year or even a few months ago. Often on thematic sites you can find advice according to which the list of things allowed for transportation can be found on the ticket itself. However, due to the fact that more and more people know and do this, the advice is not entirely relevant, because when you issue an e-ticket at the airport, you only need a passport.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (click on the link for a quick jump)

Features of transporting things on airplanes

During the implementation of passenger flights, all things carried by people can be in two places: in the cabin of the aircraft or in its luggage compartment. Things that are taken with you into the cabin are considered hand luggage. The same items that are handed over in a suitcase, backpack, bag or bag during the check-in process and are received by passengers only at the destination airport are considered baggage. It is hand luggage that is subject to the main number of restrictions, and it is this that is usually meant when they specify what can be taken on a plane, because things are much simpler with luggage.

Currently, most airlines classify the following items as hand luggage: outerwear, women's and men's handbags, backpacks (not exceeding the maximum allowed sizes) diplomats, umbrellas, canes, books and magazines, folders for papers, photo and video equipment, glasses with cases, laptops, tablets, e-readers, pushchairs, baby cots, wheelchairs, crutches, Duty Free items, and a small amount of groceries.

It is also allowed to transport in the form of hand luggage especially valuable, breakable and fragile items, the weight of which does not exceed 75 kilograms, and their dimensions do not exceed one additional passenger seat, for which the airline will charge a separate fee without fail. Such items that are allowed in the cabin of the aircraft also include large musical instruments, which also require the purchase of an additional plane ticket (if the instrument weighs more than 32 kg).

Here it should also be noted that each air passenger is allocated only one place for hand luggage, i.e. carry three backpacks on board or most likely it will not work. In addition, the size of hand luggage and its weight is usually set by the airline within certain limits. On average, these parameters are respectively 115 cm (the sum of the height, length and width of a bag, backpack or small suitcase) and 8-10 kg. The indicated figures may vary slightly depending on the airline you have chosen, and you can clarify them directly on its official website.

For example, for Etihad Airways, these figures are slightly less and amount to 111 cm and 7 kg. Here you need to understand that no one will especially measure your backpack with a ruler, so you should not worry about a couple of extra centimeters. But no one will allow you to be very impudent and drag a large suitcase on wheels into the cabin of the aircraft. Similarly with weight: I flew the same Etihad with a 7.5 kg backpack and there were no particular objections from the airline, although they still saw the weight of the backpack in the process of gluing the tag, when hand luggage was also put on the scales.

Maybe I was just lucky that time, but knowing that overweight can be charged extra ($ 15-25 for each kg) makes me think that it's better not to risk it. Especially what can you take on a plane things with less weight and similar functionality. For example, instead of a thick hardcover book, download its electronic version to a smartphone or tablet. And yes, the indicated weight limits are for economy class passengers, and if you are flying in business class, then the total allowed weight of hand luggage is usually higher.

What can you take on a plane in hand luggage

With the fact that generally leads to hand luggage, figured it out. It remains to consider in more detail the list of individual items that can be carried in hand luggage. Here I would even replace the word “can” with the word “necessary”, and now I will explain why. No passenger can be sure what will happen to their luggage during the process of loading and unloading the aircraft. And even when choosing the most reputable airlines in the world, there is a risk of encountering a situation in which luggage will be lost - temporarily or (which is still less common) forever. Therefore, there is a whole list of valuable things and essentials that you can take on a plane and you need to do it anyway.

★ Documents. This primarily includes a passport, travel insurance, driver's license, airline tickets, travel vouchers (if you are flying on a package holiday), etc. I don’t think it’s worth explaining what problems you may encounter even at the airport of departure without having these documents in your hands.

★ Money. Here, too, everything is very clear. In addition to cash, travelers checks and bank cards can also be included in this category, which are also better to keep with you.

★ Jewelry. It will be better if items made of precious metals and stones, expensive wristwatches, as well as things that are not too expensive in terms of market price, but do not have a value as a memory for you personally, will also be in flight with you.

★ Electronic gadgets: smartphones, phones, tablets, laptops, cameras and camcorders, electronic readers, audio players. All these things are better preserved in the cabin than in luggage, when loading and unloading which loaders at all airports in the world do not stand on ceremony too much. In addition, most of these things will help pass the time of the flight and distract from the anxious thoughts of those who do not know

★ Keys to the house, apartment and car, if all this is taken with you. These things weigh a little, but losing them together with luggage can be a serious problem.

★ Medications that you cannot do without during the flight.

Features of carriage in hand luggage of certain categories of things

Although certain categories of items can be taken on a plane, there are some restrictions on their account, which it is important to know about in advance. First of all, it concerns the transportation of liquids in the aircraft cabin. Not knowing these requirements, travelers are often forced to throw expensive toilet waters, lotions and other hygiene products into the bin during inspection, and then purchase all this already abroad, spending additional money on it, which could be used more rationally on vacation.

I advise you to definitely read the article, which will also allow you to avoid unpleasant parting with your favorite things or some souvenirs that, unknowingly, were captured in hand luggage and which must be thrown into the trash and donated to a customs officer due to the ban on transportation in the cabin.

Rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage

The main requirement here is identical for most airlines in the world and is that what can you take on a plane only liquids, the total volume of which is not more than one liter, and the maximum size of individual containers is not more than 100 ml. Here you need to understand that all kinds of gels and pasty substances also belong to liquids. For example, aftershave lotion or gel, hand or aftershave cream, toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, face mask, shampoo and shower gel, contact lens fluid, antiseptic, etc.

Pay attention to the size of the containers, and not the amount of liquids contained there. Those. a bottle of liquid with a capacity of 200 ml is considered a violation, even if it contains only one quarter of the same liquid, i.e. about 50 ml. This restriction on the carriage of liquids does not apply to drinks, including spirits, purchased in Duty Free stores after passing through security. At the same time, it is better to keep such drinks in special branded packages of the same stores.

In addition to restrictions on the volume of liquids carried, they should be presented correctly for inspection. Even if you now know how to exercise, you should not put all the bottles in different pockets. In accordance with current air transport regulations, all vials should be placed in a small transparent bag or a regular cosmetic bag with transparent walls that do not interfere with inspection should be used for this. At the same time, one passenger is allowed to use only one such package (cosmetic bag).

Transportation of medicines in hand luggage

Medicines in liquid and syrup form are also subject to restrictions regarding the volume of vials (100 ml). Therefore, you should take in your hand luggage only those medicines that you cannot do without during the flight. With pills, the situation is simpler, but still, in order to avoid unnecessary questions, also do not take too many of them. If you are flying on an airplane exclusively with hand luggage (without luggage), it is better to take a prescription for potent drugs with you, which should confirm the need for this amount.

If you managed to get air tickets that allow you to fly to Thailand cheaply, I advise you to read the article, especially the part that talks about medicines prohibited from being imported into the country. This will allow you to avoid troubles when going through control at the airport and you will know exactly what medicines you can take on a plane when going to this country and what not.

What can you take on a plane for comfort

During long flights, people often assume that they need a lot more things in the cabin than meets the eye. Therefore, in the process of forming hand luggage, you need to remember which of the things will contribute to your comfort when sitting on an airplane for a long time at a high altitude. Below is a sample list of things that many travelers make sure to take on a plane and do not regret it.

★ An inflatable pillow to avoid discomfort in the neck during a long flight. Personally, I no longer like inflatable pillows for transport, but with synthetic winterizer filler, but they take up a lot of space ...

★ Toothbrush and paste, especially on a long night flight. It is better to take the paste in a small tube: firstly, there is less space and less weight, and secondly, the same restriction of 100 ml.

★ Wet wipes: help to refresh the skin of the hands and face, as well as sanitize hands before eating. For the same purposes, a special liquid in the form of a spray is suitable, but again it must “fit” into the total volume of 1 liter.

★ Some of the warm clothes that will save you from the cold on board the aircraft (warm jacket, socks, a small blanket).

★ Devices for entertainment: tablet, electronic reader, player, smartphone. More and more airlines are using new aircraft with built-in multimedia systems for each passenger during long flights. However, there is no guarantee that this will definitely be, and besides, it is not a fact that you will like the selection of films, music and games, so your entertainment features will not interfere. And if there are USB chargers on board, then it’s generally fine.

★ Dry rations. You can read about what food can be carried on board the aircraft in a separate article (link above). Immediately, I will only note the fact that on board the aircraft you often want to eat and drink something between regular meals, which for many is not enough. And if there are no problems with drinks (at least when flying on regular flights), then the situation with food is worse. Therefore, you can always take something satisfying on the plane, not very crumbling and not annoying your seat neighbors. For example, marshmallows or chocolate bars.

In order not to take unnecessary things from home, I advise you to check on the airline's website or on travel forums which of the things described above are already on board and taking them on a plane is superfluous. For example, on Etihad airlines, each passenger receives a comfortable pillow, blanket. Everyone also gets a small bag containing ear plugs, an eye patch, socks (very short), a tiny tube of toothpaste and an equally small hard toothbrush. It seems to be the same with Turkish Airlines.

Now you know what you can take on a plane and have a clearer idea of ​​what you might need during the flight. Finally, I advise you to definitely remember how your one-way flight went, what you missed on board and what was superfluous. Then already on the return flight you have the opportunity to slightly adjust your hand luggage and put in it not only what can you take on a plane but also what you personally need. I wish you pleasant flights and soft landings!

Hand luggage is the items that each passenger of an airliner can take into the cabin. The size and weight of the allowable luggage is determined by the carrier, and these parameters differ significantly for different companies. However, there is a list of things that cannot be taken in hand luggage on an airplane, and everyone needs to know it so that there are no problems during boarding. We bring to your attention the new rules of 2019 regulating the composition of hand luggage and luggage in Russia.

Things that can not be taken into the salon

As in the rules of previous years, passengers are strictly prohibited from carrying any weapons in the cabin of an airliner. The list includes:

  • Firearms and traumatic weapons (pistols, rifles, revolvers, machine guns, machine guns, etc.);
  • Melee weapons (daggers, knives, sabers and swords);
  • Throwing weapons (grenades, knives, bows).

Please note that it is forbidden to take even toy weapons that mimic existing models in reality.

Substances prohibited on board under the new rules

The list of substances prohibited for carriage as cabin baggage includes flammable liquids. These include compounds whose flash point does not exceed 66 degrees: diethyl ether, cyclohexane, benzene, acetone and ethanol, alcohols, various aromatic compounds, turpentine, kerosene. In plain language, varnishes and paints, printer inks, tinctures, esters, sealants, cosmetic lotions, solvents and solvents cannot be taken on board.

The second type of prohibited substances are explosives. They are divided into liquid (nitroglycerin, ethyl nitrate, nitroglycol), gel-like, suspension (ammonium nitrate mixtures), emulsion and solid (tol, hexogen and nitrate).

Radioactive substances are also not allowed in hand luggage. These are mixtures or compositions containing radioactive isotopes (germanium, vanadium, cadmium, selenium, zirconium, molybdenum, rubidium, and others). Accordingly, you will not be allowed on the plane if you take with you isotopes necessary for treatment or diagnostics, or gamma ray logging instruments.

When landing, you are also confiscated oxidizing substances, which may not be combustible, but at the same time provoke and support the combustion of other materials. The list of oxidizing substances unacceptable for carriage in hand luggage includes:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleaches;
  • Perchloric acid solution;
  • ammonium chlorate;
  • ammonium bromate;
  • Fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate;
  • Ammonium nitrite and its solutions;
  • Mixtures based on sodium nitrite, potassium nitrate and ammonium salt.

And the last group of substances that cannot be taken into the salon according to the new rules of 2019 are toxic and infectious substances that, if inhaled, interact with the skin or enter the body through food, can cause death, severe poisoning or illness. This group also includes pathogenic bacteria that are dangerous to the health and life of people and pets.

The procedure for the seizure of prohibited objects

If, during the inspection of hand luggage before boarding, objects and substances prohibited for transportation are found in you, they will be confiscated without fail. In the process of withdrawal, the airport staff will issue an act.

If the confiscated items are on free sale, but cannot be transported in the cabin, they will be given to the mourners or left for storage at the airport.

If a passenger is found to have cartridges or gas weapons without accompanying documents, they will be immediately handed over to the police, and a passenger trying to carry objects that are criminally liable for carrying and storing will be removed from the flight and handed over to the internal affairs authorities.

Exceptions to 2019 Rules

When packing your hand luggage, you can put a few things in your bag that are exceptions to the lists listed above:
  • A bottle of vinegar with a volume of not more than half a liter;
  • Alcoholic drinks up to 70% in manufacturer's packaging;
  • Cosmetic aerosols with a volume of not more than 0.5 l;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Lighters and receptacles for their filling (no more than two);
  • One medical thermometer;
  • No more than two kilograms of dry ice for food cooling;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide in a vial up to 100 ml;
  • One manual tonometer.

Additional airline requirements

Some air carriers have tightened the rules for carrying hand luggage, adding potentially dangerous objects to the generally accepted prohibited items, through which a passenger can injure others. These included corkscrews for opening bottles, needles for injections (in the absence of medical indications, confirmed by a certificate), knitting needles and crochet hooks, nail scissors and penknives.

To avoid problems during screening, check the hand luggage rules of the selected company. They are usually published on the airline's website.

Going abroad, many travelers ask themselves the question - what can not be taken on board the plane, but what can? The list of things prohibited for transportation is quite large.

To prevent customs officers from confiscating personal property, you should find out in advance what you can take on the plane, the rules of a particular carrier and customs (if the flight is international).

What can not be taken on a plane?

There are a number of rules common to all types of air travel:

  • When preparing for a trip, you should carefully study the conditions for transporting items of different groups, in some countries an attempt to violate these rules is punishable by law.
  • Each airline has its own rules for carrying personal belongings - they determine how much luggage you can take into the cabin. How many kilograms is allowed to take? Usually the total weight of things does not exceed 10 kg.
  • You need to check in luggage as many things as possible, leave especially valuable items with you - documents, mobile gadgets, money. In hand luggage you can carry an umbrella, a cane, a stroller, outerwear. What stroller can you take? It is most reasonable to purchase a stroller-cane for flights.
  • What about a laptop? As practice shows, the safety of complex technical devices is a sore spot for many carriers. Therefore, it is permissible to take a laptop with you, there are usually no restrictions for portable equipment.

What is forbidden to take in hand luggage?


Hand luggage on an airplane is all things recognized as safe for passengers and their presence in the cabin will not cause inconvenience. The list of hazardous items is constantly changing, the exact information should be obtained shortly before the flight directly from the representatives of the carrier company.

It should be remembered that the found prohibited items will be confiscated, they will not be allowed to be taken on board the aircraft. Any wrangling with the staff, attempts to prove one's case (with an obvious fact of violation) will not lead to success - the risk of being late for your flight will be very high.

Some items are forbidden to take with you and this list is the same for all airlines:

  1. Flammable substances in liquid and solid form.
  2. Any types of weapons - traumatic, souvenir items, knives and daggers.
  3. radioactive items.
  4. oxidizing substances.
  5. Magnetized items.
  6. Poisons of plant and chemical origin.
  7. Children's toys imitating real weapons.

If any of the above items is found in the luggage, the passenger will not be allowed on the plane, even arrest is possible. Therefore, you should not take risks and try to deceive the customs officers.

The following items cannot be transported in the aircraft cabin: nail files, penknives, razors, syringes, tweezers and scissors. According to the rules of air transportation, these things are classified as piercing and cutting and pose a potential danger to passengers. They will not be taken from the traveler, but they will definitely be asked to put them in luggage.

Separately, the rules for transporting devices with external batteries should be clarified - there are special rules for transporting batteries, the so-called high-risk flights. In this case, the list of things that cannot be taken into the cabin of the aircraft will be significantly expanded, even personal items will be banned. As a rule, the status of such a flight is announced in advance. Baggage weight may also vary.

How to transport liquids?

The list of such liquids is long, however, airlines meet the needs of passengers and allow the carriage of water, lotions, gels and similar substances in containers with a capacity of up to 100 ml. Is it possible to take spirits? Cosmetics - mascara, lipstick, perfume - also fall into the category of liquids. All containers, bottles and tubes are placed in a tight plastic bag with a secure closure. No need to think that a half-empty bottle of water with a volume of 200 ml will not raise questions. It will automatically be considered complete and asked to post. In extreme cases, larger gels and shampoos can be sent in baggage.

An exception to the rule is products for children under two years of age. Often the baby needs a large amount of food, in excess of 1 liter. In this case, the passenger is allowed to take in hand luggage the required amount of food for the child, milk in a thermos. For children over two years old, sandwiches, apples, biscuits, sweets are allowed to be transported from food. Do not forget about the sense of proportion - a big cake with cream will cause a lot of trouble.

Most airlines offer a special children's menu, children are fed separately during flights that last more than three hours. You need to order a children's menu in the carrier's service department in advance.

What medicines can be taken?

Fazal E Azeem Nisar / Flickr.com

Liquid medicines are transported in the same way as other liquids - in 100 ml bottles, in a separate transparent bag with a zipper. It is not so easy to transport tablets and powders, the list of prohibitions and restrictions will be very long.

  • You can not take with you a lot of packs of pills, this will cause reasonable concern for the security personnel.
  • You can take antipyretic, antiallergic, painkillers, iodine, bandage and spray from the common cold.
  • Potent medicines, which contain psychotropic and narcotic substances, will have to be declared in a separate procedure; in addition, you must present receipts from the pharmacy and detailed instructions for use.

The list of drugs that are considered potent is different in each country. Therefore, information on the rules for transporting medicines should also be clarified at the destination, and not only at home.

What food to take on the plane?

In some cases (promotional fares, short-term flights), meals on board the aircraft are not provided. Or there is an allergy to products in the onboard menu. Therefore, it makes sense to take food with you, but before that, you must definitely check the list of prohibited foods.

Usually flights without meals are short in time, so sandwiches, nuts and chocolate bars, vegetables and fruits will suffice. Whatever food you take, it must be appropriately packaged, bread and vegetables must be cut in advance - they will not be allowed to bring a table knife on board.

The list of products for transportation in baggage is much wider. However, they are also subject to customs rules, and for each country they will be specific. So, in a number of European countries, livestock products and a number of vegetables are banned to prevent the spread of infections.

Tourists heading to the US will need to leave the following items at home:

  • meat and any semi-finished products;
  • fresh eggs;
  • dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
  • most vegetables and fruits;
  • canned foods;
  • any kind of fish.

Some countries have very specific restrictions. So, from tropical countries it is impossible to export the local fruit durian, which has a strong unpleasant odor. An attempt to transport fresh fruit is punishable by a large fine, but dried fruits are allowed for transportation.

We must not forget about the possibility of quarantine in the country: you should find out about a temporary ban on the import and export of livestock products, vegetables and fruits on the eve of the flight. You can bring products to Russia in small quantities, for personal use. Transportation of meat (no more than 5 kg), cheeses in dense packaging, hard vegetables and fruits is allowed.

Separate rules exist for the transport of fish and seafood. The following standards are provided for export from Russia: fish - 5 kg; sturgeon caviar - 250 gr. In order to avoid the spread of a specific smell, it is necessary to have a tight, reliable package.

Products from Duty free shops

Tino Rossini/Flickr.com

Food products may be opened and eaten in the aircraft cabin. Non-food items and liquids purchased from Duti free must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Export of liquids purchased at the airport is allowed in Russia, EU countries, Kuala Lumpur, USA, Canada. In other countries, the possibility of export should always be clarified.
  2. All containers must be packed in the store's branded package.
  3. If there are one or more transfers along the route, packages cannot be opened.
  4. If the transplant is in the EU, drinks and gels purchased outside the EU will fall under the general rules of transportation. That is, large volumes of liquids can be confiscated.

For detailed information, you need to contact the representatives of the carrier, or call the hotline, the specialists will definitely tell you about the features of the goods in Duty free stores and their transportation.

Alcohol - how to transport correctly?

First of all, it should be remembered that only adults can transport alcohol, and the age varies in different countries. The following rules apply for the transport of alcohol:

  • From abroad, you can bring 5 liters of alcohol for personal use;
  • If the volume does not exceed three liters - the import is duty-free, from three to five - the duty will have to be paid. Usually they charge 10 euros for each additional 1000 ml.
  • When calculating the volume, all alcohol is summed up - in luggage, hand luggage and purchases from Duti free;
  • Alcohol of own production will not pass through customs - each container must have a complete factory packaging;

For safety, glass containers should be wrapped with a special bubble wrap; at check-in, luggage should be checked out as especially fragile. To do this, a badge with the inscription “fragile” is attached to a suitcase or bag.

Video: what can you take on a plane?

Preparation is a guarantee of a successful flight

If you thoughtfully approach the fees, any trip will only be a joy. Situations are different, but if you follow the simple rules of air travel, your mood will not be spoiled by the nitpicking of customs officers. In the presence of non-standard things or animals, a conscientious airline will always meet the passenger and provide comfortable conditions for transportation.

Incorrectly assembled hand luggage can cause a lot of trouble. This will stretch the queue and extend your stay at the screening. If you want to smuggle something forbidden, then at best you just have to get rid of it. Such cases are not uncommon, because passengers often forget about the requirements for filling hand luggage. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, it is important to know in advance what you can and cannot take with you on the plane.

What is hand luggage

Hand luggage is the cargo that a passenger can take with him on board the aircraft. The main baggage, if any, must be checked in before the flight. For a safe flight and being in the cabin, there are many requirements for hand luggage. It should not be too large, heavy, or contain prohibited substances and items. You will learn more about this later.

Permissible dimensions and weight of hand luggage

Let's pay attention to the dimensions of hand luggage. The requirements vary by airline, but in general they are the same. If you took a bag, then it should be no more than 55 cm long, 20 cm wide and 40 cm high. For a small suitcase, the requirements are slightly different: up to 40 cm long, 22 cm wide and 53 cm high.

Important! This norm may be slightly exceeded, since no one will measure your hand luggage in the inspection area. But still it is better not to take risks and strive not to go beyond the established values.

The exact weight of hand luggage also depends on the airline, but it is usually in the range of 5-10 kg. This is quite enough to put all the most valuable and necessary in flight. This weight is also enough if your trip is short and without a lot of things. Please note that if the weight is a little more, then they may not say anything in the inspection area, but if the excess is over 1-1.5 kg, then you will probably have to pay extra for it.

What can you carry in hand luggage on an airplane

From time to time, new rules and requirements for filling hand luggage may arise. Something completely new is unlikely to be introduced: usually small changes are made to existing rules. There are also temporary bans. For example, in 2014, during the Sochi Olympics, it was forbidden to carry any liquids with you. Fortunately, this restriction was quickly lifted.

So, let's take a closer look at what you can take in hand luggage:

  1. Medications that may come in handy during the flight. If you take several varieties of pills for reinsurance or for medical reasons, then there will be no problems in the inspection area. You should not take a whole first-aid kit with you, collected on the road: it belongs in the luggage. If you need to take any specific medicines, it is best to get a prescription in advance to prove that the medicine is really needed and will be used as directed. If you need to bring a lot of drugs abroad, then be sure to prepare prescriptions proving that you need exactly this amount for the duration of the trip: this will help to avoid inconvenience. A prescription is also required for drugs with psychotropic and narcotic substances in the composition. Also, find out in advance which drugs are prohibited from transporting to some countries. For example, in Israel, the usual green stuff is banned, in Lithuania and the USA - "Valocardin" and "Carvalol".
  2. A stroller, carrycot and crutches may be on board the aircraft, but please note that their weight must not exceed 10 kg. At the end of the article, it will be described in detail what else can be carried along with hand luggage.
  3. Technical devices. These include phones, laptops, tablets and other equipment. The main condition is to turn them off or switch them to airplane mode. It is allowed to carry in hand luggage along with the camera and a tripod if, when folded, its length does not exceed half a meter. Those who use electronic cigarettes, as well as portable chargers called power banks, must put them in their hand luggage. It is forbidden to carry them in your luggage! E-liquids are subject to the same requirements as any other liquids in hand luggage.
  4. Products. In the screening area, they look disapprovingly at the products that the passenger takes with him, so it is better to have a bite to eat with something bought in the waiting room. On domestic flights, these requirements are not so important, so you can take a sandwich, fruit, something sweet for tea with you. If the flight is carried out outside of Russia, then you should carefully consider the transportation of products of animal origin. These include meat in any form, cheeses and other dairy products. Check the rules for transporting products to the countries you plan to visit. When traveling to EU countries, it is better to refuse to import products of animal origin both in baggage and in hand luggage.
  5. Goods from Duty Free. It is difficult to resist and not buy something in such stores. Since they are located in the waiting area, which you find yourself in after passing through all the security checks, the question arises quite logically: can you take liquids bought there into your hand luggage on the plane? Yes, you can. The key is to keep them sealed.

What liquid can be carried on board an aircraft

You can carry liquids up to 100 ml and a total volume of up to 1000 ml. It is important to note that liquids also include gel and creamy care products, mascaras, lip glosses, as well as products such as yogurts and jellies. The exception is baby food: its volume may exceed the prescribed 100 ml.

It is better to carry small containers with you: this will save space in your hand luggage. Avoid packages of 200 ml or more that are half full or less: there is a good chance that you will simply be asked to dispose of this at the security checkpoint.

What you can not carry in hand luggage on an airplane

Ordinary passengers are unlikely to have weapons, explosive and toxic substances in their hand luggage, but it is easy to ignore any of the restrictions and lose some of their belongings. Items that should not be taken in hand luggage include the following:

  1. Weapon-like toys. Of course, toys do not pose a threat to other passengers, but it is still better to refuse to carry them in hand luggage.
  2. It is forbidden to take any objects with magnets on the plane. Therefore, if you return from a trip and bring souvenirs to family and friends, then leave them in your luggage, especially items with magnets.
  3. You can not transport women's manicure tools: files, scissors. The place for a manicure set is in your luggage, otherwise you will have to leave it in a basket in the security area.
  4. Even especially valuable souvenir knives and daggers cannot be taken on an airplane. Pack them carefully in your luggage to minimize damage in transit.
  5. Sprays and aerosols are also not allowed on board. If you need some kind of aerosol on the plane for health reasons, then an exception can be made, but only if you provide a prescription.

What can I take into the cabin except hand luggage

To understand what you can carry with your cabin baggage, check out this list of items allowed to be carried in the cabin:

  1. Taking into the cabin of the aircraft small vehicles for transportation: unicycles, gyro scooters and others - in the event that the battery is removed from them and placed in luggage. If the battery cannot be obtained, then such a vehicle is not allowed on board. Just in case, check the admissibility of their transportation in the airline of your choice.
  2. In addition to hand luggage, women can take a small or medium-sized handbag with them. You are also allowed to bring laptop bags.
  3. If you often get cold during the flight, then you can safely take a blanket with you. It is allowed to carry folding umbrellas, but it is better to leave cane umbrellas in your luggage.
  4. You can take various magazines and other printed publications, but not in huge quantities.

Now you know what you can and cannot take with you in your hand luggage. You will not need to leave any of your belongings in the inspection area, as well as experience inconvenience from increased attention to the contents of your hand luggage, because there will be nothing superfluous and forbidden to be taken on board!

Hand luggage on an airplane always raises a lot of questions: what can I take with me to the cabin, and what can not? What is the maximum carry-on size and weight? What other requirements exist?

To answer these questions, I divided the article into two large blocks: in the first, an overview of the basic rules for carrying hand luggage, and in the second, a summary table with the conditions of specific airlines.

Rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane

Classic airlines allow you to take checked baggage and hand luggage with you on a trip (at the cheapest fares, baggage can be charged extra, in business class it is allowed to carry twice as much). Low-cost airlines usually only allow hand luggage in the base fare.

As a rule, its dimensions are as follows: 55 cm × 40 cm × 20 cm or 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions. These dimensions vary slightly between airlines, as does the allowable weight.

It is important that not all things can be taken in hand luggage, there are also restrictions - about them below. It is better to know everything in advance so as not to be upset when your favorite manicure set or family knife is taken from you.

What can and cannot be taken as hand luggage on a plane?

The list of allowed things in the cabin is usually the same for everyone, these rules are universal. Particular attention should be paid to liquids.

  • The volume of the liquid container should not exceed 100 ml.
  • In total, you are allowed to take no more than 1 liter of liquid in hand luggage in total, that is, if you have 10 packages of 100 ml each, this is approx. It is important that all these jars must be in a resealable transparent package.
  • The security service will ask you to present this liquid during the search.

What you can take in hand luggage on the plane:

  • Electronics: laptop, tablet, camera, mobile phone, electric razor, hair dryer and other small appliances.
  • Hygiene products (safety (!) razor, toothbrush, shampoo, toothpaste, creams, varnishes, gels, balms - all up to 100 ml).
  • Musical instruments. It is better to clarify this point and all the nuances with the airline in advance.
  • Food in reasonable quantities. Nuts, fruits, vegetables, sweets, sandwiches, cakes and other solid foods. Yogurt, jam, honey, jam, soup - in packages of no more than 100 ml.
  • Drinks and alcohol in glass and plastic packages not exceeding 100 ml.
  • You can take baby food in hand luggage, within reasonable limits (the amount you need during the flight).
  • Medicines. If you are carrying too much or containing narcotic substances, you may require a prescription from a doctor.

What can not be taken in hand luggage:

  • Weapons or objects imitating weapons (including toys).
  • Gas cylinders, flammable liquids, including alcohol with a strength of more than 70%.
  • Knives.
  • Scissors.
  • All other piercing-cutting items (manicure set, forks, knitting needles, syringes, straight razor, tools).
  • Sports equipment is most often not allowed in hand luggage, but you need to check with the specific airline.
  • Any liquids in packages larger than 100 ml.
  • Liquid food and drinks in packages over 100 ml (yogurt, honey, jam).

Almost all of this can be packed into luggage. Any explosive, toxic and flammable liquids, weapons are prohibited for carriage on the plane, including in baggage.

For hand luggage, small backpacks and suitcases are suitable - now they are made specifically so that they can be taken into the cabin of the aircraft. Some airlines allow, in addition to one piece of hand luggage, to take another laptop, camera, handbag, small stroller. But the Pobeda airline, on the contrary, allows you to carry only a handbag / briefcase / umbrella in the cabin - the rest of the things must be packed in 10 kg of luggage.

Hand luggage on an airplane - comparison table by airlines

In addition to the basic rules that all airlines require to comply with, each has its own maximum dimensions and weight of hand luggage, usually within 5-10 kg. These rules often change - before buying tickets, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the latest information on the official website of the airline on which you plan to fly.

Collected the carry-on baggage allowances of the main Russian and foreign airlines. Dimensions and weights are given for economy fares:

Airline Permissible dimensions, cm Permissible weight
Aeroflot 55×40×20 10 kg
Victory no more than 75 cm in the sum of three dimensions handbag/briefcase
S7 55×40×20 10 kg
Ural Airlines 55×40×20 5 kg
UTAir 55×40×20 10 kg
Red Wings Airlines 55×40×20 10 kg
Nordwind Airlines 55×40×20 5 kg
Yakutia 55×40×20 10 kg
VIM-Avia 55×40×20 from 5 to 10 kg depending on the economy tariff
Aegean 56×45×25 8 kg
AirAsia 56×36×23 plus 40×30×10 laptop bag in total no more than 7 kg
Air France 55×35×25 plus 40×30×15 laptop bag 12 kg
Czech Airlines 55×45×25 8 kg
EasyJet 56×45×25 Weight is unlimited if you can lift it
Emirates 55 × 38 m 20 7 kg
Etihad Airways 50×40×25 7 kg
Finnair 56×45×25 8 kg
KLM 55 × 35 × 25 plus small bag 40 × 30 × 15 12 kg
Korean Air 55×40×20 12 kg
Lufthansa 55×40×23 8 kg
Norwegian 55 × 40 × 23 plus small bag 25 × 33 × 20 10 kg
Qatar Airways 50×37×25 7 kg
Thai Airways 56×45×25 7 kg
Turkish Airlines 55×40×23 8 kg
Ryanair 55 × 40 × 20 plus small bag 35 × 20 × 20 10 kg
Wizz Air 42×32×25

For example, my mother flew an S7 from Tyumen to Kaliningrad for 6,000 rubles round trip when they first introduced a promotional fare without luggage. It seems to be very cheap, but they find fault with the weight and size of hand luggage and force them to pay extra for any excess of the limits. And we flew on, and no one weighed hand luggage, much less measured it, although they have requirements, and we tried to fulfill them.

Nevertheless, it is desirable to meet the specified limits, especially for flights on low-cost airlines.