What to do if a 5 year old child. Specificity of intellectual development

If you are the parent of a five-year-old child, then ask yourself, how is your relationship with him? Do you always understand him, are you interested in what worries the baby? After all, adults often show respect and attention to other people, but they cannot build trusting relationships with their child. To understand how to find the right approach to a five-year-old little man, you first need to delve into the psychological characteristics of the development of children during this period.

Children under the age of 5 are very curious

Psychology of a child at the age of five

This stage in the life of a baby is usually characterized as a transitional one: from early childhood to the status of a preschooler. Active development, knowledge of the surrounding world is noted. At the age of five, children overcome a certain turning point, they become aware of themselves as individuals in a social environment, their qualities and capabilities. They are more sensitive to the attitude towards themselves from the outside. All this suggests that a small person develops his own self-esteem. What it will be depends on many factors, but first of all on what he receives from the world around him. Especially from interacting with adults.

Communication with parents is an important factor in psychological development

Tip: you should pay attention to your behavior as a parent, because the child is very actively copying it. Examples of close relatives (brothers, sisters) also influence in this regard.

Psychological tests for 5 years

By nature, any kid wants to be good, to be appreciated and praised. Therefore, it is extremely important to support this aspiration both for parents and other adults (grandparents, educators). If a child performs a positive act, it is certainly worth noting. But here the main thing is to indicate what exactly you are praising him for. The child must understand that it is good to do this and repeat their actions in the future.

Emotional and cognitive aspects of development

At the age of five, the emotional sphere continues to develop and mature steadily. You may notice that the baby's feelings become deeper. If before he experienced rather simply the joy of communication, now this is expressed in a more complex form: sympathy and affection. And from here such moral concepts as friendship, sensitivity, kindness, and eventually a sense of duty take their roots.

The child also shows the ability to think. However, he may not always come to the right conclusions.

Emotional development of children of 5 years

Then follow this advice: parents should respect the first conclusions of the baby and, in an unobtrusive form, correct them if necessary.

The age of why-cheeks is 5-6 years

Sociability of children of five years

The child shows an increasing interest in children of about the same age. And from the usual communication only in the family, he is increasingly moving to a broader relationship with the outside world.

Often a preschooler in this period divides children into “good” and “bad”.

But this is how he evaluates them based on the opinions of adults. Kids can be friends, quarrel, be offended, go for reconciliation, even be jealous, but they also help each other. An increasing need arises for the child to recognize himself as a person, respect among other peers.

Communication with peers is an important component of development

In view of the fact that cognitive interest prevails in children of five years of age in communicating with adults, a lot of questions that they ask are inevitable. More often in the nature of "why." This happens because it is the adult who is the indisputable authority, the source of knowledge.

Helpful advice: it is important to listen to the child, because no matter how parents can explain to the child everything that worries him and replenish his knowledge.

Strong-willed qualities, purposefulness develop. With their help, children can overcome certain difficulties that arise at this age. But along with active independence in the spirit of "I myself", the guys often overtake failures, while discouraging them. And if there are a lot of misses, then this can subsequently lead to a feeling of insecurity.

Parents should pay attention to the physical development of children

How to build trust with your child

In fact, no special knowledge and actions are required in this matter. The main thing is to always put yourself in the place of your child, strive to present the world as he sees it. And then it will be much easier to understand what your baby wants, and how exactly you can help him. It is clear that adults do not really remember what they were like at the age of five, but something remains in their memory. It would be nice to sometimes remember and ask yourself questions: “How did I behave at that age? what I liked, etc.” Simply put, look at the world through the eyes of a child.

Curiosity at 5 years old is the basis of intellectual development

The relationship between parents and children is, so to speak, a whole field for the development of such skills as care, help, respect. A five-year-old child is receptive not only to memorizing rhymes, numbers, letters. You can really talk to him, even about love. Just try it, sometimes you can hear the amazing truth that adults are afraid to tell themselves. But more often in society it is understood as follows: what can a child know at the age of five.

Comparison with other children is unacceptable

To understand how to build relationships with a child, trust each other, you need to remember some things and follow simple rules in everyday communication.

Principles of the correct approach to the baby at the age of five

Agree that even an adult will be pleased when they come up to him after a hard day’s work, ask “how are you?”, hug, warm with a kind word. So it is with children. Talk to them in a friendly way, ask how their day went, what was new in the garden, or maybe ask deeper questions about what worries them.

Important advice: if you do this sincerely, with love, then the child will definitely open up and answer you.

  • Watch the tone in which you speak to your son or daughter. Speech should be friendly, encouraging. Even if the baby upset you with something, then you can clarify the situation in a calm tone, without screaming. It is easier for children at the age of five to answer when they are not being pressured, but are trying to understand why they did it. If you explain something to a child, do it as simply as possible, in a language that he understands. Accessible, clear and unambiguous.
  • Always listen to your child. Do this carefully, do not try to interrupt, even if he says something that is not entirely logical. You can carefully correct what was said after the child has finished speaking. And then he will definitely take it into account.
  • Set clear boundaries in the behavior of the child, but according to his age characteristics. It is important that he understands that if certain things cannot be done, then this rule does not change.

Advice: here it is important not to give slack to the adult himself. If you said that there are enough sweets for today, and then you give out more, then the child will not have a stable concept, and when it’s really impossible, a feeling of permissiveness will develop. Kids really love boundaries and rules.

  • In dealing with a five-year-old baby, show maximum patience. Indeed, often children themselves do not know what they want, and why this happens to them. They are still learning this skill - to understand themselves. And it is normal that the child can dress, clean, walk longer than you want. Who would like to be constantly pulled and rushed?
  • It is good when parents encourage the curiosity of children. Naturally, a child at 5 years old asks a lot of questions. There is one nuance here. The kid definitely wants to get an answer. And how he recognizes it depends directly on the adult. Try to become for him at this age the main source of correct information. For this, you do not need to have special erudition. Advice to parents: if you do not know what to answer the baby, offer to look for it together in a book or at least on the Internet. But be sure to find the answer, otherwise he may find it elsewhere. And there is no guarantee that this information will be correct.
  • Pay attention to what your child is interested in. Try to catch what he is drawn to, and develop these abilities. You can, of course, try different areas of hobbies, and then gradually determine what the baby likes more: singing or drawing, English or ice skating. The child must be independent. Parents should not impose interests on him.

Ability Development and Learning - School Readiness
  • Be a positive example for your child. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that children are a mirror of their parents. At this age, they grasp everything instantly, both good and bad. So watch your words, emotions, actions. But if you made a mistake in the presence of a child, then you need to clarify that adults can also make mistakes.
  • Never, under any circumstances, compare your child to others. This factor greatly affects his self-esteem. You should also not constantly criticize and scold the child, especially in front of other people. It is better to calmly talk about the situation. At the same time, you should look directly into the eyes of the baby, but with an understanding look.
  • Do not demand or expect from the child what he is not able to fulfill at his age. Everything should be in moderation, including the number of rules and restrictions. When there are too many of them, he may stop noticing them.

Educational games are a very important moment in the development

And the last point is highlighted separately. These are games

Kind, educational games should be played with kids. And it is best to build relationships with a five-year-old child in this form. This means that the baby needs to be carried away by one or another activity: turn cleaning into a fun competition, who will quickly add the cubes; cooking can also be turned into a game, sew an apron for a child, and the baby will become your assistant in the kitchen.

Joint games will help parents understand children better

You also need to participate in the children's games themselves. Just do it from the heart, with love, feel this process. Then the child will really be interested with his parents. And this is also a guarantee of a good relationship with your own baby. Remember that you and your child should enjoy communication. If so, then you are on the right track!

The most important job of a parent is raising a child. His future and the future of his parents depend on his upbringing.

Child development

When a child turns 5 years old, he begins to perceive himself primarily as a person. He notices the difference between the sexes, it becomes important how he looks. The child begins to understand that he is different from others. Children of this age have their own opinion and defend it. From the outside, it seems that they are intractable and stubborn, but the reaction of the parents is very important for the child. They want to please their parents.

Five-year plans are developing quite actively. The main places where the child is located are the house and the kindergarten. The child at home can continue the game started in the kindergarten. Children are not interested in expensive toys. They enjoy playing with their favorite cars and dolls. Children like it very much when they read poems or fairy tales. Even kids love to play musical instruments, mostly toy ones. They are interested in music, and children listen to it enthusiastically.

The speech of a child at this age is meaningful, he speaks in sentences using generalizing words. Vocabulary is 2500-3000 words. Pay attention to the child's knowledge of himself and his family. A five-year-old child should be able to communicate with children. He can already approach other children or a child, talk to them, start the game. To make it easier for a child to establish relationships with children, one should teach him to restrain the unreasonable aggression characteristic of this age. Children will be happy to play with a five-year-old kid if he willingly shares toys, knows how to keep up a conversation, and is attentive to other children.

You should teach him to politely ask for something, to thank, to give compliments.

When a child turns 5 years old, he continues to ask a lot of questions. He must answer intelligibly and patiently. At this age, children willingly help their parents, follow instructions. The child will be happy to help parents set the table. He is pleased to see the whole family at the table, listen to conversations. It is worth involving the baby in the discussion of vacation plans, major purchases, and in the distribution of the family budget. It is important to remember that the child remembers everything that adults talk about among themselves. He will most likely repeat your words in the game and when communicating with other children. A child, like a sponge, absorbs the attitude of adults to the world around them. Therefore, in the presence of a child, it is necessary to control your statements and words.

The child constantly needs to be praised for good deeds, not scolded in the presence of strangers. The kid feels the need for love and learns to give it to people. Hug him more, give all your love and tenderness.

Educational activities for children aged 5 years

At this age, he really likes to work with plasticine, paint pictures, cut paper figures, glue figures, build from designer parts, and assemble mosaics. The child remembers poems and lyrics, can retell a short story, begins to memorize numbers and letters. He can count up to 10, compare numbers, distinguish colors, select shades, knows the alphabet. The five-year-old confidently distinguishes the seasons, parts of the human body, recognizes living and inanimate nature. The child can tell interesting stories, explain the purpose of objects. He distinguishes between concepts: far, close, forward, backward, etc.

Logic games are very important. A useful activity will be the collection of grooves and pictures on the cubes. It is important to remember that a child cannot do several tasks at the same time. The child's questions must be answered in an accessible way. It is already possible to conduct classes to develop writing skills - write sticks, hooks, etc. in a notebook. It is advisable to take a break in classes after 15 minutes. Try not to overload your child with activities.

Boys at the age of five can play with dolls with girls. This behavior is typical for this age. Kids like to go to visit friends, have a tea party. It would be appropriate to purchase a puppet theater for a child, consisting of hand puppets. So the child will be able to invent plots of fairy tales, or play roles in familiar fairy tales.

At this age, the child needs to pay attention to physical development. The child is very active. You can record it in sections and purchase a sports corner. The child with enthusiasm and pleasure will be engaged on it. The height of a five-year-old boy is from 105 to 112 cm, the height of a girl at 5 years old is from 105 to 115 cm. When choosing a table for a child, give preference to an adjustable table and chair. The baby should reach the floor with his feet, the back should be even. To develop the child's manual dexterity, conduct ball games, climbing and other exercises. The child's room should be lit and kept clean. Constantly need to carry out wet cleaning, monitor the lighting of the working area.

Features of communication with a five-year-old child

At the age of five, children develop fantasy. Adults sometimes perceive it as a lie. You need to learn to distinguish when a child is lying, justifying his bad deed, and when he is telling a fictional story. It is necessary to explain to the child why it is important to tell the truth and what harm a lie can cause. It is important to be patient in this matter. The child, most likely, will not learn how to behave the first time. Children still do not know how to control themselves. Repeated repetition can give a positive result. If you decide to punish the baby, it is better to do it immediately after the misconduct. Later, he will not be able to understand why he is punished. It is very important at this age to observe the daily routine. The kids still need to sleep during the daytime, and the night sleep should be 10 hours. It is important not to change the familiar environment and lifestyle of the child. Any change brings stress. He is sensitive to the slightest change in the situation and rules. A five-year-old child can already brush his own teeth, but parents need to be constantly reminded of this. He can swim independently under the supervision of adults.

At the age of five, the child prefers familiar simple dishes. He is wary of culinary innovations. A child at the age of five may be impulsive, easily excited, prone to fears. Adults need to monitor their emotions, children copy their parents' behavior in the family in everything.

child's birthday

A child's birthday is a celebration of friends and family! Invite your friends to the party. It is wrong to seat children at the table right away. First, it is better to play and work up an appetite. If the apartment is small, you can play in the yard. Such games are suitable: “It's in the bag”, “What it looks like”, “Words on the topic”, “Dreamers”. It is best to congratulate the child unexpectedly. Children love surprises. Take the birthday boy away, turn off the lights and bring in the birthday cake. Return the birthday boy only after the countdown and dressed in a beautiful suit. It is already possible to include competitions with the definition of the winner in the program of the birthday party for a child of 5 years old. Children have a desire to win and excitement. But not everyone knows how to lose. It is worth paying attention to such children, and even more so if it is a birthday boy. You can exclaim words of support to a baby ready to burst into tears. The birthday boy needs to be prepared in advance and a secret revealed to him: the holiday will be fun and memorable if all the children have fun.

When organizing games, it is worth adhering to some rules. There is no need to play the game until everyone gets bored with it. It would be nice to take a break for dancing or refreshments, you can also consider gifts. Sometimes children can play out so much that they don’t even hear the driver. At this time, it is appropriate to play the game. Even at the beginning, you agree with the children about the rule: if an adult pronounces a conditional phrase, everyone immediately freezes. For example, "Cats freeze!" and the children immediately execute the command. Now you can say whatever you want. The children will hear you.

At the end of the game, certificates are awarded to the winners. The funnier the content of the letters, the better. For example: "This certificate allows the owner to brag about victory and show the medal to passers-by." Signature: birthday boy, mom, dad. Merry holiday!


Parents often think about how to prepare their son or daughter for school. What skills should children have when they are going to sit at a desk for the first time in a year?

What are they?

Every year of life for children is a certain stage. It's adults who don't change as fast as they do. After all, childhood is the time of the most highly intensive human development. In no other years does he acquire so much as being a preschooler.

In its first 5-6 years, a child from an absolutely helpless newborn turns into a fully formed person. He has his own interests and character traits, individual views on life. This speed of success and the manifestation of new abilities are simply amazing.

The child is now 5 years old. It grows rapidly - right before our eyes. Such a boy or girl needs energy. So the quality of food is important.

The behavior of the child also changes. He develops an evaluative attitude towards himself and other people. He is quite often interested in what is good and bad, he really wants to live by the rules. Those who violate it, he condemns. Parents for him are an ideal, a subject to follow in every little thing. So try to keep your example positive.

"I got it"

As for the psychological component, at the age of 5 a child already understands a lot. He listens to your explanations and adequately responds to all requests from adults. He can occupy himself if his parents are not yet able to be with him.

Psychologists say: 90% of personality is formed from 5 to 7 years. And during these two, in general, short years, mothers and fathers can “invest” in their child the very qualities that they consider necessary, cultivate precisely those habits that, in their opinion, cannot be dispensed with.

All this is not difficult. Children in these years easily copy those whom they love, respect and appreciate. Their behavior is the most good, correct, the only possible one. So control your actions and words. After all, if you say one thing and act completely differently, then do not expect anything good from your child!

Write and read

Communicating with five-year-old boys and girls is a pleasure. At 5 years old, a child is interested in everything. He is unusually open to all new information, knowledge, as well as to various skills. He wants to do everything at once, try everything: dance, draw, and play tennis. It is curious that he actually comes easily both mentally and physically.

Nobody is surprised that even before the first grade, many kids already know the letters, they can write them, some also read quite fluently. Kids usually also mastered the simplest arithmetic operations, they can add, subtract. In a word, now is the most favorable time to “shove” more valuable and useful things into your child. Very little time will pass - and this marvelous, delighting mom and dad, gambling interest in the world around us will slowly fade away. So do not miss such a good time.

At the desk

Psychological research provides such interesting data. Of all the six-year-olds who go to school, only 30% have learned to hear what the teacher says, remember, do what he tells them to do, and then analyze their actions.

And 70% do not know how, 25% require that they repeat the task twice or even three times. 30% of children hear, understand, remember, but do not know how to act independently. Such a boy sits and drives a pen on the table. Doesn't work, so to speak. The teacher should come up to him and say: "Come on, write the numbers." Otherwise, he will not do anything until the end of the lesson and, therefore, will not learn.

This is where all the difficulties of first graders come from. And the unwillingness to go to class in a week. However, when a child has lived correctly for five years, all these skills are formed in him.

Let them play more

A child is not an adult. He masters the world through the game. All the rules of life, its laws and norms - only in a playful way, and not through lectures or notations. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him the same alphabet, reading, arithmetic only in this way.

At this time, the kids begin to ask rather difficult questions, which makes some adults nervous. And in vain. You can’t brush off your son or daughter! For example, how do you answer this: “Why are the leaves green, but the sky is not, is it blue?” Moms and dads, no matter how busy they are in the evenings, must answer all this truthfully and clearly. And here, educational games for children 4-5 years old are very good helpers, simply irreplaceable. They have no competitors yet.

Tests and puzzles

True, the kids will have to think very carefully. After all, the tasks are not so simple. But there will be a great workout - for the development of memory, also imagination with attention, even counting, and other properties necessary for a preschooler.

For example, there are many crossword puzzles designed for this age. You can also add sentences from different words, mixed. And how children are carried away by tests! The ones where you need to choose only the right answers.

Children love to look for any differences in the drawings. Here attention, perseverance, perseverance develop.

There are many other types of pastime from the series "educational games for children 4 - 5 years old." The same picking up puzzles is not just an occupation for the child to calm down at home and not disturb anyone. No, this is a great way to develop his creativity.

All familiar characters

There will be nothing wrong if adults tell the baby what the letters are. For children 5 years old it will be interesting. But how to learn them with a child?

Usually girls and boys themselves begin to ask: “What are these badges?” - when someone from the family reads a book to them. There is also a special alphabet for children 5 years old. This colorfully printed alphabet is a lovely book. She is still unfamiliar to kids. So it's time to buy it right now and start practicing.

The main thing at the same time is not to demand that the baby firmly learn everything. It is more important to maintain an interest in learning. It is enough to carry out such classes for children 4-5 years old for 10-15 minutes a day. It is good to learn letters with short words. But the form of the game is strictly required!

guessing game

Folklore is more useful than ever - riddles for children 5 years old. They are very figurative, concise, easy to remember. This is a kind of mental gymnastics. And how beautifully creative thinking develops at the same time, the same ingenuity and ingenuity. And what is important for our time is the gift to solve simple problems in a very non-standard way. If you want to develop your child mentally, do not neglect "guessing games". What’s more, the kids love them. And composed in poetic form, they are much more curious.

But in verse they force the children to pay their attention to the little things that previously remained invisible, broaden their horizons.

And what joy covers the baby and pride in himself when he finds the right answer! Moreover, children can play without adults, on their own, which gives them the ability to communicate with each other, live in a team and reckon with others. All this is useful not only in school - in general in life. Contact people, as noted, are more easily promoted, and their leisure time is more meaningful.

More advice. Solve riddles with children. Or try making them yourself. Even on your household, vital material. It is very funny! Not to mention the benefits for the whole family, for a good atmosphere in it.

New idea

Praise children more for success in any business. Don't berate mistakes. Are things going smoothly for you at work? And do not get tired of maintaining a keen interest in learning in the child, and not only in the field of reading.

Age crisis is an integral part of growing up of every child. Gradually developing, the baby is becoming more and more familiar with the world around him and his mental perception is changing. Do not take the crisis as something negative. In psychology, this term means a transition to something new, a change in the understanding of the world to a more adult one.

Several stages of childhood crises have long been identified - one year, three years, five years, seven and, finally, adolescence. All these age categories are most susceptible to changes in the psyche, and each child goes through these stages in different ways. The task of parents at the same time is to help the child overcome them.

Stages of psychological maturation

The earliest crisis in a child begins at the age of one year. It is at this time that the baby begins to actively explore the world. He is already crawling, walking and wants to learn literally every subject. The child does not yet understand that some things can be dangerous and does not distinguish them from others. He would love to play with a socket or a hot iron.

Parents should be as careful as possible during this period of a child's life. There is no need to physically punish him, because the baby does not understand why there are so many restrictions around. Calmly give the child information in the form of a game.

The best option to prevent interest in dangerous objects is to keep the child out of sight.

At the age of three, the baby is already beginning to identify himself, to understand that he is a separate, independent person.. He wants to do everything himself, including adult work. Do not prevent him from doing this, let the child be an adult for a while.

Ask him to wash the dishes, put away toys. Children of this age are willing and happy to provide any help. Try not to impose a lot of prohibitions, it is better to offer a choice, so the child will feel that he is trusted.

Five years is a very difficult stage. There are several age features of this period:

  1. Imitation of adults
  2. Managing the emotionality of behavior
  3. Interest in new hobbies and interests
  4. Eagerness to socialize with peers
  5. Rapid character formation

The child develops very quickly and it is often difficult for him to cope with this.

Symptoms and causes of the crisis

A sharp change in the behavior of the baby, his reaction to the words or actions of adults is the first and most obvious sign of the transition to a new stage of development. At this age, watching parents, the child wants to be as similar to them as possible. Probably everyone remembers how in childhood they wanted to grow up faster. But it does not work out quickly to grow up, and the child begins to get nervous and close in on himself because of this.

The baby's brain is actively developing, he already knows what it is to fantasize. Children are happy to invent imaginary friends for themselves, compose different stories. They successfully copy the behavior of mom and dad, distort their facial expressions, gait, and speech. The age of 5 years is also characterized by a love of eavesdropping and peeping; curiosity in relation to the world around grows in the child.

Upon the onset of a crisis, the child closes, he no longer really wants to share his successes and failures with adults. The baby has different fears, ranging from fear of the dark and ending with the death of loved ones. During this period, children are extremely nervous and insecure, they are embarrassed by strangers, afraid to start communicating with them. They always think that they will not like an adult. Sometimes a child is afraid of the most ordinary things.

The behavior of the baby changes completely in the opposite direction. A previously docile child becomes uncontrollable, he does not obey, he shows aggression. Children can constantly whine, demanding something from their parents, cry, throw uncontrollable tantrums. Irritability, anger very quickly replace a good mood. Experiencing a crisis, children get very tired and many parents do not know what to do to return everything to normal.

You can understand the parents who first encountered a crisis of 5 years in a child. Perplexity, even fear, is the main emotion at first. However, growing up is inevitable, and often parents, not realizing this, believe that the child is simply manipulating them. What needs to be done so that the baby comfortably overcomes a difficult stage?

Provide your child with a calm environment. In families where the parents themselves constantly swear, it will be morally difficult for the child to cope with his own internal problems. Try to bring him to the conversation, to understand what is wrong, what worries him. Many children do not immediately, but make contact and begin to trust their parents with their secrets and fears. Think about how to calm the child and offer a joint solution to the problem.

A few tips on how to behave with a child's tantrums are given by Dr. Komarovsky:

Show attention to the baby, always be interested in him, his success. Enlist him to help around the house, explaining why it is important to keep clean. A calm explanation is the best way to let the child understand what the simplest duties are for. A very good result gives a story about your own successes. Share them with your child, you can also tell about your fears.

Five years is no longer a crumb to be followed everywhere. Give the baby some freedom of action, show him that he can already be independent. If necessary, communicate with him as with an adult, children appreciate this very much. Always support him and do not scold him for mistakes. Having taken on a difficult task and failed, the kid himself will understand that he did not heed the advice in vain.

Actions "forbidden"

Often parents, faced with a crisis in a child, immediately begin to introduce a lot of taboos and restrictions, scream, get upset, take offense. Under no circumstances should this be done. It is difficult in some situations to maintain self-control, but it is still easier for an adult than for a child with little experience. With the correct reaction of adults to whims and tantrums, the crisis will not drag on for a long time.

You don’t need to show your child your own aggression and anger at his actions, get lost and panic during a tantrum. React calmly, sit down and just wait until the child calms down. Having lost a violently tuned spectator, children quickly come to their senses. After that, you can talk together and figure out the cause of the whims.

Remember, if you behave as aggressively as the baby, his behavior will only get worse.

Do not control the child everywhere and everywhere, try to overpower yourself and stop teaching him . A good option would be to come up with a duty together, which from now on will be performed only by a child.. For example, watering flowers. Explain that if they are not watered, they will wither. Buying a pet is also a huge contribution to the development of independence in children.

age five It is considered a rather difficult period in the life of a child, since it is from this age that independent life begins.

Children of 5 years old remain the same mobile, love to communicate with their peers. Very often you can see how they make something or draw. Five-year-olds, unlike four-year-olds, begin to reach for books like a sponge, absorbing everything new and interesting.

Five-year-olds like role-playing story games - “daughter-mothers”, and they are already able to agree on their own who will be in the game. Also, five-year-old kids already have their own opinion on any issue. At the age of five, they are independent individuals with their own desires and needs.

Physical development of a five year old child

  • Chest circumference: 52-57 cm;
  • Height: 100-120 cm;
  • Weight: 17-25 kg.

Having reached the age of five, babies begin to grow actively, so good and proper nutrition is very important for them. Parents should exclude “empty carbohydrates” from the diet: sweets, soda, and try to remove all snacks. At this age, all the calories consumed by the child should be used for growth and development, and if the child began to gain extra pounds, you need to look for the reason.

The physical development of five-year-olds allows them to literally master a variety of sports skills with lightning speed, so this age is ideal for starting classes in some section. The main physical skills that need to be developed at the age of five are balance, coordination and speed.

A five-year-old child should be able to:

  • Quickly climb the gymnastic wall;
  • Jump from a height of 40-50 cm;
  • Throw the ball at the target from 2 m;
  • Jump on one leg;
  • Run without stopping for a distance of at least 200 m;
  • Walk without assistance on the gymnastic bench.

Fine motor skills in a 5 year old

Five-year-olds have fairly well-developed fine motor skills. They can hold a pencil or pen correctly, different lines (thick, thin, curves), make simple applications, put together puzzles and assemble age-appropriate construction sets.

Video child development at the age of five

Mental development of children at 5 years old

At 5 years old, a child is incredibly receptive to learning, grasping everything literally on the fly. By this age, the child should be able to guess simple riddles, understand the meaning of simple proverbs, find similarities and differences in surrounding objects, and determine the sequence of events.

At five-year-olds, logical thinking begins to develop, although the logic of the baby does not yet fully correspond to the logic of an adult, so parents should not zealously prove their case.

5 years is the best age for learning to read.

What should a child at the age of five know and be able to do?

  • Know the numbers from 1 to 10;
  • Be able to distinguish and draw geometric shapes, divide them into parts;
  • Know and distinguish primary colors;
  • Know all or almost all letters, name words with these letters;
  • Know your first name, last name and address;
  • Know the days of the week
  • Find differences in objects;
  • Retell the plots of pictures;
  • Know the names of vegetables and fruits, distinguish between them;
  • Concentrate on one lesson for at least 10 minutes.

As already mentioned, right now you can start preparing your child for school, but it is advisable to do this unobtrusively, delicately, based on his preferences. Otherwise, you can forever discourage learning, and we don’t need this, right?

Vocabulary in five-year-olds is already large enough to communicate with adults and peers on any topic. They manage to build quite long phrases - 6-8 words each, and also clearly pronounce all sounds, except perhaps for the sound "r", with an expression to read small verses. Speech in five-year-olds becomes figurative.

Household skills and abilities of children at 5 years old

In our time of high technology, children of the age of five, although they can easily cope with a computer or smartphone, often cannot get dressed or make their own bed. This happens because parents forget that even such simple things still need to be taught.

The sooner parents begin to involve the baby in housework, the more independent he will grow. It is imperative to teach your child how to clean an apartment, and you can start by cleaning scattered toys, gradually complicating the task. It doesn’t matter at all that at first after cleaning you will have to redo everything - over time, the child will learn everything. You do not need to immediately start correcting everything for the child, it is better to explain and suggest: what, where and why is wrong.

A five-year-old child should wash, eat and dress independently. Often a five-year-old expresses a desire to help her mother with household chores. And it is desirable to accept help, otherwise the child will get used to the fact that the mother does everything herself. The kid can help his mother with washing - for example, get the laundry out of the machine, pour the powder into the container, turn on the machine. Also, the child will be interested in growing some kind of plant. Let him plant it himself, water it and take care of it.

It is useful to take the baby with you to the store, while explaining how purchases are made and where the money comes from. At this age, the child is already able to remember which products they buy in which store.

Child psychologists are sure that it is at the age of five that character formation takes place, the child learns the rules of behavior in society. The duty of the parents is to teach him everything. It is at this age that children are already able to empathize, love and sympathize.

Sex differences at 5 years

Five-year-olds are already fully aware and accept their gender. Psychologists also believe that it is from this age that the period of lag in the development of boys from girls begins, which lasts until adolescence, and then levels off.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.