American house layout: style features. American houses. Projects, photo, design Projects of American-style square houses

By writing this title, I mean a house that the average American family can afford. In this case, I just went to and looked for houses within a 30 mile radius around me.

I searched for a long time, by the way, because the photos are bad. Americans don't bother taking pictures because everyone knows roughly what's inside. You still have to go and see.

In general, I chose a couple of houses with a cost of up to 200 thousand. And I will try to comment on what you will see in the pictures. Since such houses are even very familiar to me.

Here, look at the house. 3 Bed 3 Bath, that is, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with toilets. In the first picture, as in the song, it is sung: “This will be the front, it is called the facade.”

I've lived almost exactly like this before. So, I know the device at home well. On the right is a garage for 2 cars, and the garage is quite long and spacious. To the left is the entrance and a small porch. A tiny front garden, by default, builders plant rose hips there. We enter the house:

To the left is the entrance door, immediately from it there is a staircase to the second floor. Directly you see the windows overlooking the frontyard, that is, right in front of the house. In the first picture, these same windows to the left of the front door, did you get your bearings? There are two figs hanging on the wall, it's just for beauty.

If we do not stop in place and continue to stomp, then we will reach the opposite wall of the house and exit through the glass sliding door to the backyard, that is, to the backyard.

Our kitchen was made differently, and even on the right, not on the left. Here is the same kitchen in more detail:

The refrigerator is far from the stove. Not very convenient, we had it next to the stove. Here, above the stove, a microwave oven is attached to the wall - as they often do now. It also seems inconvenient to me, because it is simply dangerous to lower the hot from above.

Cookers are now made with a double oven. That is, the lower one is large, and the upper one is a little smaller, so as not to waste gas in vain, if you just need to put out one chicken. There is one oven here. Lighting and an extractor hood are required above the stove, moreover, with a fan at two speeds.

When renting a house, as a rule, everything is already worth it, except for the refrigerator. Or maybe now a refrigerator is built in. To the right of the sink is a dishwashing sink. In the sink itself, a garbage chopper is necessarily built-in - disposal.

I stole this from another house, but that's the point. There are suspended ceilings above, and long white doors to the right and left are built-in pantries. Well, here's a hacker's workplace as I see it. A pair of monitors for what else?

In general, I didn’t see anything in the basements: bars, game rooms, gyms, workshops. I show a piece of my basement in this video: Fizkult-Greetings from Doctor Vlad I do not insert it here, so as not to take up space, just click on the link.

On the ground floor, in addition to the hall with the kitchen, there are two more rooms - on the left and on the right. Here is one of these rooms from the same house:

Here it is empty. You can leave it like that. I saw some have a playroom for children. I note that it is not wires sticking out of the ceiling, but such a standard chandelier, as in the picture. It has a chain so it can be raised or lowered. Or she is above the table, then lowered. Or there is no table, then they raise it so as not to knock heads. How much I live, all the time I knock on such! 🙂

Often in one of these side rooms there is a fireplace, a TV and armchairs. Now I'll steal the photo from somewhere else in their house.

Yes, here is a classic of the genre - a relaxation room with a fireplace, with a TV on the wall. From the same, approximately, at home. There is also a sofa and comfortable, soft chairs. We ate, now you can sleep! All this is still on the first floor.

Here is a small fireplace. Pay attention to the ceiling - it is sloping. That is, there is a roof right from above, without an attic above this room. And two windows to look at the stars. In the last picture in the article, you will see these windows on the left, right in the roof.

It's empty right now, but that's because the house is for sale. Of course, an appropriate entourage is always created around the fireplace.

And in this picture is already the second floor, that is, one of the bedrooms.

Most likely, this is the parent's bedroom, that is, the master bedroom. It differs in that it has its own toilet with a bathtub. The sink is often made double there, so as not to quarrel in the morning.

The ceiling is also sloping, so they do it so that there is more volume in the bedrooms. At the top there is a fan with light bulbs. Sometimes it is controlled from the remote control so as not to get up and turn off the light.

This is the bathroom in the master bedroom. Our toilet was around the corner, and the bath opposite. Well, there may be different subtleties. All toilets must be ventilated. Turns on next to the light.

And here is the children's bedroom. It was the former tenants who decorated it so. Of course, there are a million options. See what kind of kids you have. Americans always try to ensure that each child has his own room.

And a third bedroom. So, they took it and painted it in different colors. It is clear that this is also a children's bedroom.

Another small picture: landry-room, that is, a washing and drying machine. The author was greedy and removed, apparently, on the phone. And now I'll steal from another house and glue them together.

You can see for yourself that the machines on the right are more modern. Both there and there you can see where hot and cold water is connected. Gas for the dryer is connected at the bottom. In the left picture you can see how the washing machine is on a pallet, drain under the pallet. This room is small, just behind the entrance from the garage.

Well, in the end, look at this house from the back.

In our house, the facade was exactly the same, but behind both floors are full, in the whole house. Apparently the bedrooms are small. On the ground floor there is a small window for the kitchen. They always make him so small. There are no pictures of garages, otherwise I would have posted too.

I’ve figured it out now, I haven’t told much about it yet. Every room has a smoke detector hanging on the wall or ceiling. And now they are also obligated to hang up the CO indicator, that is, carbon monoxide.

This is the so-called carbon monoxide, colorless and odorless, which is just “burned out” if the stove is closed early. They are the ones who get poisoned. All these sensors howl terribly when my wife is cooking if something is on fire in the house. And they fall silent only if you thoroughly ventilate everything.

These indicators have one more unpleasant property. When the battery starts to run out, they seem to beeping. That's it at night! You get up, pull the battery out of it and put a new one in the morning.

I haven't lit the lighting yet. Well done, right? There are many switches in the house. The simplest example - you entered the house, turned on the light, undressed, took off your shoes and immediately went up to the second floor. There is a second switch that can be used to turn off the light on the stairs. And there are a lot of such “paired”, and even built-in switches throughout the house.

In short, I'm rounding up. Ask if something is unclear. Here is a direct link to this house: 2461 Hearthstone Drive And here is the second one, from where I dragged the pictures too: 1471 Hearthstone Drive As you can see, they are on the same street.

Both houses are from Hampshire, not far from me and from Chicago. The one that I mainly talked about costs 190 thousand, the second 170. Approximately, because you can always bargain and agree.

P.S. And here is what a small apartment looks like, which can be obtained almost for free for people with little income.

The bulk of American housing is made up of cozy houses no more than two stories high. The projects of such cottages involve a large family living in them under one roof, where large living rooms and kitchens are located on the first floors, and bedrooms and children's rooms on the second (remember the movie Home Alone;)).

The layout of American houses has features that make it easy and quick to distinguish it from other types of residential buildings:

  • wide porch;
  • the presence of an equipped additional room in the attic;
  • comfortable terraces for reading a newspaper and drinking morning coffee;
  • tiled roofs;
  • bay windows.

Modern projects adapted to our climate. Cottages are being built using frame technology, which involves the use of dry lumber. Next, the wooden frame is insulated and sheathed with OSB boards. This is the simplest construction method and does not require the help of large construction teams. There must be a garage for one or two family cars. The house itself must have good sound insulation, while all finishing materials are exclusively natural.

The style of buildings made using this technology can be called recognizable, but the facade decoration, which the customer chooses independently, will help to make them original and unique.

This construction technology allows you to implement any design ideas without involving complex construction equipment. Despite the absence of the need to use expensive equipment, the cost of houses remains at a premium level due to the implementation of original stylistic solutions and the use of high-quality building materials.

Order the construction of an American house

If you want a beautiful American cottage in St. Petersburg or Leningrad region, then our company is ready to help you with its construction. We offer you a large selection of ready-made projects with the possibility of their adjustment, as well as the creation of individual solutions from scratch on a turnkey basis. Photos of finished buildings can be viewed on the website in the appropriate section, which also indicates the approximate prices for the proposed housing.

The construction of frames came to us from America, where this technology prevails in low-rise construction. Its history comes from the very first colonies of settlements that appeared on these lands. It is not surprising that the projects of American frame houses are so popular in our country. What are the features of this technology? We are all familiar with this style, from the films we watch so often at home. American-style frame houses are simple in shape, often have two floors, a veranda and a garage on the 1st floor. When the house is located on the site, much attention is paid to the landscaping of the site and a good lawn in front of the house. An unconditional attribute of this style is a well-groomed low fence. As you can understand, this style requires a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

The interior layout of the house involves the construction of spacious and comfortable rooms. The roof usually has a complex shape, being a decoration of the house. Often has "cuckoos". Also, modern American frame houses can have a shed roof with a large angle of inclination, complemented by a well-thought-out drainage system (drainage system and snow retainers)

The construction of houses based on a wooden frame has a number of features that affect both the layout and the appearance of the house.

American-style houses are considered one of the most popular in Russia for the construction of suburban structures. This is because such houses have been seen more than once in the movies, in pictures, and, perhaps, with our own eyes. These houses, in addition to their visual appearance, are distinguished by a lot of interesting features that are most often ignored in our country.

In this article, using the example of a photo of an American-style house, we will talk about all its features, origin and construction.

Origin of American Style

The American style was finally formed in the 18th century and it is considered not only an element of the taste of the developers of that time, but also the comfort of the residents.

Americans feel much better in small private houses and believe that having their own personal independent territory is much better than being crowded in apartments of high-rise buildings. In the USA, people live in families and it is not very convenient to settle from five to ten people in one apartment.

Also, the appearance of the style is based on religious principles. In Russia, people profess a completely different Christianity and do not think much about the design of their house, which fits the design of the local church.

In the US, people are used to being distant from others, as everyone shares their views on religion, politics. This is a country of freedom of speech, so all people are different and you want to live separately from the annoying neighbors that you constantly have to see in the entrance. In their opinion, only poor people live in apartments.

Today, the American style has grown to the peak of its development. Gradually improving, under the influence of changes in the world of technology, American homes have become even more interesting, comfortable and in some cases even non-volatile.

It is also worth noting that this kind of houses were built initially because of their environmentally friendly features, as well as the ability to buy those materials that are not produced in the country. Today, this restriction has been lifted, but the inhabitants of the country still adhere to the classic version.

Key Features of American Style Homes

Before creating an American-style house project, everyone always thinks about what other advantages are there that are not yet known?

In fact, they are much more than just a beautiful appearance, interior, and landscape design. The main features of the American-style house include the following:

  • symmetry of the structure;
  • low-rise;
  • attached garage;
  • multiple inputs;
  • vast territory;
  • eco-friendly finish;
  • veranda, terrace or wide porch.

American houses are perfectly symmetrical, which means that there is one even whole structure, which most often resembles the shape of a cube. Americans prefer to build houses not in width, but in height to a greater extent, since they do not always have the opportunity to stretch the house over a large part of the site.

A competent ratio of the frame of the house to the site, as well as the proportional dimensions of the walls, are considered the most convenient option for housing today.

The main feature of the American house is its low-rise. In general, it is not at all necessary to build houses with three floors, and a Russian resident knows this. No one wants to build tall houses, and then heat those rooms in which no one lives.

As a rule, the style lies in a favorable layout, where on the ground floor there is a connection to all communications, as well as a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom, a living room and offices for work, if necessary. On the second floor there are bedrooms, as well as rooms for personal purposes. One-story American-style houses have fewer rooms and are not equipped with offices.

As with any other residential lot, American Cottages are also equipped with a garage. The only thing is that they most often attach it to the main structure, but if there is no need for an additional room, then you can find houses with a built-in garage.

In our country, people are accustomed to metal gates, Americans, in turn, prefer roller shutters or doors that open remotely.

The layout of the American-style house is more complicated. In houses for large families, you can often find several bathrooms (on the first and second floors). It is simpler, more convenient, and if there is free space, you can use it for an additional bathroom.

Also, in such a house there can be two entrances - one front, and the second "service", which leads to the courtyard. Americans like to divide the site into several small areas so that there is somewhere to roam, even if the site itself is small.

As a rule, in Western states not much territory is allocated for personal needs for ordinary citizens. That is why for centuries people have been told that the territory needs to be zoned, which creates the effect of vastness.

On their plots, Americans prefer to do beautiful landscape design more than to plant a row of vegetable crops. This must be taken into account when building a house, since a properly planned site, even a small one, can look much more interesting.

A distinctive feature of the American house from the Russian one is also the environmental friendliness of the finish. Today, more and more often, Russian owners have begun to decorate their premises with environmentally friendly materials, as they have become more affordable both in price and in quantity. Americans love cleanliness and pleasant fresh air, so the environmental friendliness of their homes was noticed hundreds of years ago.

As for the area around the house, various playgrounds are most often built here, terraces, verandas are attached, and a wide porch is made.

As a rule, a beautiful alley leads to the house in front of the entrance to the territory, and the house itself closely borders on the neighboring plot, separating its premises from the neighboring one with a simple fence. American-style home design is all about simplicity without being overly elegant.

American style room decor

Most often, the interior of an American-style house is decorated in cream colors. For this, any suitable tile is selected, as well as other materials that allow you to recreate a classic style that gives some zest from the past.

In this business, Americans are conservative and much less often you can find a high-tech interior or in other versions. Often you can see various wooden structures that complement the interior well.

But the basis of the composition is lighting, which will bring the whole idea to life. Over the past decades, energy-saving light bulbs have been installed in houses in lamps, but ceiling lamps must always give yellow light to everything.

And yes, lamps are an important part of the decor. The more lamps and nightlights, the better. An American-style country house can be done without too much lighting.

Photos of American-style houses

American style is a special chapter in architecture and design. It has a number of characteristic features that distinguish it from the rest. These features attract many, so American-style houses are increasingly being built in the expanses of the CIS countries. They are many-sided and have a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

Let us consider in detail in the article what a typical American house is. The layout and architecture of the cottages, the features of the interior decoration of the premises will be described below.

How did it all start?

The American style, which we all know very well, evolved from the old European style. Emigrants from England and Europe brought the architectural trends of their countries, which took root in the United States for many years. Of course, everything has changed over time, but the projects of old European dwellings stand at the origins.

The architecture has such features as spaciousness, symmetry, numerous cascades of roofs, a large number of windows, columns and a minimum of relief details. The layout of American houses, the photo of which is presented in the article, is characterized by the absence of a full-fledged entrance hall, the original arrangement of the kitchen and dining areas. The main idea of ​​the premises is first of all convenience and comfort. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Architectural features of American houses

The architecture of American cottages combines simplicity and intricacy. What are the cascades of gable roofs! Along the perimeter of the house you can often find a spacious terrace, and through the numerous windows a large amount of natural light enters. By the way, shutters are also quite common.

American-style houses are usually light or pastel shades. And some elements (for example, a foundation or a chimney) are made of natural stone or sandstone. But most of all, the choice of materials from which houses are built, and the appearance of buildings is influenced by the specific location of the house.

In all states, the weather is different from each other, and this affects construction as well. For example, the terraces mentioned above are mandatory attributes of cottages located in the southern regions of America. In the northern regions of the country, houses with thick walls and basements are more appropriate. It follows from this that, although all cottages belong to the American style, each has its own characteristics.

What is the American layout?

As mentioned above, the American promotes convenience and comfort. This is primarily about simplicity and freedom. Therefore, American houses are characterized by the absence of a full-fledged hallway and partitions between the dining area and the living room. And this is despite the fact that the American layout of the house initially involves fairly spacious rooms. Not only the living room and dining room have a wide area, there is plenty of space in the bathroom, kitchen, nursery.

But, no matter how strange it may be, the American layout of the house provides only that one family will live in the cottage, and not several generations. Therefore, they most often provide only two bedrooms: the master and the guest. And each house assumes the presence of at least two exits: front and backyard. Also, the front door can be located in other rooms on the first floor (for example, in a bedroom or office). There may be an entrance to the garage if it is attached to the house.

We must not forget about them. They are also included in the layout and are a mandatory attribute of every American-style house.

One-storey cottages

The layout of American one-story houses is striking in its diversity. Quite often, such cottages are made with a wide porch or veranda. There is no vestibule in the usual sense. At best, the entrance will be fenced off from the rest of the premises by an arch or columns.

The dining area is usually connected to the kitchen or living room. As a rule, one-story houses have two bedrooms and one nursery. Also in the cottages there is space for three bathrooms and several dressing rooms.

Quite often, garages are attached to the house, so there must be an entrance to the parking lot, next to which there is a place for a laundry corner (washing machine, dryer, ironing board, and so on). Usually it is placed behind the walls of the built-in wardrobe.

Two-storey cottages

Buildings with two floors are compact and take up less space, so their number prevails over one-story cottages. The layout of the American usually looks like this.

On the ground floor there is a spacious kitchen, dining room and living room. All three rooms are often interconnected. There is also a toilet, a pantry, if the garage is attached to the house, then the entrance to it. There may also be an office and a guest bedroom.

If the first floor is intended for receiving guests, then the second is completely the owner's territory. There is a master bedroom, children's room, bathrooms, dressing room. If the size of the room allows, often on the second floor they equip another living room.

Interior decoration

Wood is often used. The floor is covered with real parquet, there are decorative beams on the ceiling, and the walls are finished with wooden panels.

The bathroom uses traditional materials - tiles, tiles. In the kitchen, the floor is also tiled, but the walls can be very diverse. It all depends on the features of the layout. For example, if the kitchen area is not separated from the dining room and living room, then everything is done in the same style.

In most rooms, the walls are painted. Friezes, moldings and panels are used as decorative elements. For the fireplace area, choose either wood or stone. The main principle of the American interior is that everything should be harmonious and not irritate the eyes.


The layouts of private American houses are not complete without providing space for furniture, and it occupies a rather large space. After all, the furniture in American cottages is large in size, it is customary to arrange it almost in the center of the room. But it is usually very soft and comfortable. And this proves the principle of American style - comfort and coziness.

The rest of the furniture is no less bulky. Dining rooms in American homes are often decorated with natural wood tables and chests of drawers. The same principle is present in the classrooms. But in the bedrooms, among the furniture, there is usually a bed with a massive headboard and a couple of bedside tables. Sometimes you can find a chest of drawers, a dressing table, a pouffe or an armchair.

As a place of storage, the American layout of the house provides dressing rooms, which are located not only in the bedrooms, but throughout the house (for example, near the front door and in the kitchen).

Who suits the American

Despite all its advantages, the described type of premises is not suitable for everyone. The layout of American-style houses involves frequent communication with family and friends. Therefore, it is recommended to build such cottages for people:

  • active and sociable (large space and combined living and dining rooms incline to this);
  • family-oriented (a large number of wardrobes allows you to store expensive things, and the interior is conducive to placing frames with cute photos and various cozy accessories);
  • those who love travel (think of cozy furniture that is nice to sit on when you return home).

If you are more inclined towards a clear division into zones and love corridors, then this layout will definitely not bring you joy.