Shade-tolerant perennial flowers. Shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennial flowers for the garden. Perennials for shady places

My garden is partly in deep shade - this shadow falls from a high fence located around the perimeter of the site, part of the land obscures a small house, and tall sprawling trees, which I do not allow anyone to cut down, cover the grass under them with branches.

At first, I was frustrated that I couldn't plant my favorite roses and clematis wherever my eye fell.

Plants are shade-loving and shade-tolerant. Shade-loving plants prefer not to be exposed to the bright rays of the sun at all, while shade-tolerant ones feel good both in partial shade and in sunlit areas.

Therefore, before deciding which plants you will plant, be sure to decide what kind of shade is on your site. If this is the north side of the house, and even shaded by tree branches, you need to choose exactly shade-loving plants that can grow with little or no sunlight.

If this is the east or west part of the garden, or areas where the sun shines through trees that form partial shade, the choice of plants should be different - you need shade-tolerant plants.

It is best to plant unpretentious perennials in the shade, which do not require frequent transplantation and winter in open ground without problems.

shade plants

Plants that do better in deep shade than in open sunny areas are shade-loving plants. And the first place among them is occupied by ferns.


There is such a variety of fern species (there are more than 10,000 of them in nature), which differ in color, shape, size, height, pattern of carved leaves, that only these plants can decorate all parts of your garden where sunlight does not fall.

Unpretentious ferns look exquisite in single plantings, they are good among stones imitating rocks, high types of ferns can be planted as a hedge or along paths.

Fern leaves grow straight from the roots, they are carved, openwork and always very lush. The only negative of this plant is that it does not bloom. but the decorativeness of the foliage atones for this shortcoming with a vengeance.

This perennial grows quite strongly, and this circumstance should be borne in mind when planting a plant in open ground. For a garden that is in the shade, a fern is indispensable.


Next on the list of shade-loving perennials that are a real eye-catcher in the garden are the magnificent hostas, which are rightly called "dark queens".

Hostas, like ferns, have very different shapes and sizes, but they also differ in the color of the leaves - the large leaves of these plants are green, yellow, gray, blue and even multi-colored.

Also, unlike ferns. hosta blooms - small flowers resembling bells in shape.

The size of this unpretentious plant varies from 10 to 80 cm, and hostas look great in group plantings, in combination with ferns, as well as planted in one bush on the lawn. Often hostas are planted as a frame for paths in the garden.

The hosta goes well with such a shade-tolerant perennial as astilbe with its shaggy multi-colored inflorescences in the form of panicles.

By the way, the hosta will also grow in sunny areas, but its leaves in this case will turn green. A variety of shades of this plant is achieved precisely by planting them in the shade.

Lily of the valley

Another shade-loving plant that is unpretentious and does not require complex care is a magnificent lily of the valley that will not only decorate your shady garden, but also fill it with a magical aroma.

This perennial is not demanding on the composition of the soil, loves shady and moist areas, grows well, blooms profusely, and at the same time belongs to rare types of flowers.

Lilies of the valley can be planted under trees, along the fence, on the north side of the house - it is in such conditions that it will feel good and delight you with abundant and decorative flowering throughout May.

It should be borne in mind that lilies of the valley grow rapidly, have a powerful root system, so in a few years the garden area where you planted a couple of these unpretentious plants will be covered with them like a carpet.

Therefore, it is better not to plant these flowers next to the garden, they will drown out your cultural plantings. Digging up the ground after lilies of the valley is quite difficult due to the large number of roots.

shade tolerant plants


Astilba can also grow in the shade, but if at least a little sunlight falls on this plant, it will bloom much better, and astilbe flowers are very decorative and have a wide variety of colors, from white to dark purple. Therefore, it is better to plant astilbe after all in partial shade, on the western or eastern side of the house.

Astilbs blooming all summer with hostas are perfectly combined, this is a classic combination of plants for a shady garden. Astilbes love moist, fertile soils, in such conditions it will feel great.

Siberian irises

Another real decoration for a shady garden is irises, which are rightfully considered one of the most exquisite flowers.

Just don't confuse bearded irises, which prefer well-drained sunny sites, with Siberian irises, which thrive in shady, moist areas.

Bearded iris, even if it grows in partial shade, will either not bloom at all, or flowering will be rare and short-lived.

Shade-tolerant Siberian irises are quite another matter. Siberian irises are non-bearded irises, they are very diverse and numerous.

The flowers of Siberian irises are smaller than flowers of garden irises, and not so interesting form, for which bearded irises are called "northern orchids", but Siberian irises bloom much more abundantly, longer, and simply fascinate with exquisite flowers with narrow petals.

Some varieties of Siberian irises simultaneously release buds and look like a “cap” of peduncles, and some bloom for a long time, releasing one flower after another.

The color of Siberian irises can be very different - flower petals can be painted in yellow, purple, white, blue, pinkish colors, or they can be combined (yellow-purple irises are very common).

White Siberian irises look very elegant, which will look beautiful in combination with ferns and hostas.

Siberian irises near water bodies will also look great. Reflected in the surface of the water, the flowers will look even more decorative and natural.

coniferous plants

And, finally, the real decoration of gardens is coniferous plants. At the same time, tall Canadian spruces, and arborvitae, and undersized junipers, creeping along the ground, feel great in the shade.

Preference should still be given to unpretentious junipers, since they require much less care than conifers.

Junipers feel great both in the sun and in partial shade, they are not very demanding on the soil (the main thing is that it is not clayey and unnecessarily heavy), some varieties perfectly tolerate full shade, but do not really like excessive moisture, not to mention swampy. This should be remembered when decorating your garden with junipers.

Junipers go well with ferns, they look very beautiful among the stones, especially if the stones are covered with moss (this effect is easy to achieve by first watering the stones with diluted kefir, and then crumbling forest moss on them.

In two or three weeks, your stones will take on the appearance of moss-covered northern Scottish cliffs.

To heighten the effect, you can land a few wild rosemary bushes there). Just keep in mind that moss loves dense shade and moisture. Therefore, periodically stones need to be watered or sprayed with water.

Juniper can be planted between large stones, or you can simply fill the area around it with pebbles (medium-sized or small, angular or rounded - this is solely a matter of the garden owner's taste, in any case, the juniper will look great).

Stones and coniferous plants are a great combination that is very often used in landscape design.

Junipers grow quite slowly, but gradually occupy a fairly large area, and this circumstance must be taken into account when planting.

If you decide to decorate a shady corner of the garden with junipers, then the distance between them should be at least half a meter. Then the bushes, growing, will not interfere with each other.

It must be remembered that junipers categorically do not tolerate the spring sun until about the age of five - if the plant is not shaded in late March - early April, it will simply turn yellow and die.

Therefore, if your juniper grows in partial shade, and the sun's rays fall on it, be sure to take care of its shelter from the bright spring sun. Even adult junipers burn in the sun, and for young plants this is fatal.

If you follow all these simple rules, choose the right plants, combine them correctly with each other, the sophistication and beauty of your garden will simply be impossible not to envy.

Is the garden not located in a sunny area? Then you need shade-loving flowers. If you place such plants in your flower bed, you can get a beautiful and vibrant landscape. To do this, you need to know the names of suitable flowers, the secrets of their cultivation.

Fragrant lilies of the valley and lupins

The most common perennials for shade are lilies of the valley. These plants are low (maximum 30 cm in length), have broadly lanceolate oblong leaves that resemble the ears of a hare. The flowers look like a brush, in which there are from 6 to 20 white jugs. Lilies of the valley bestow their buds from May to June, and they also emit a sophisticated and strong aroma.

To grow shade-loving perennials in your area, you need to plant them correctly. Most often, this process is performed in the fall (end of September). It is better to place them under bushes or trees, and also choose places protected from the winds. The soil is required moist, slightly acidic or neutral. Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with humus or peat compost (10 kg per 1 m²). The placement of lilies of the valley in open ground is carried out with the help of sprouts with part of the rhizomes in even rows into grooves, and the distance between flowers is 10-12 cm. The furrow should be about 1.5 cm deep. If the soil is dry, it must be watered after planting lilies of the valley. As soon as frosts come, you need to cover the area with mulch. This will protect against freezing in the event of a snowless winter. It must be remembered that without a transplant, flowers can be kept for 5 years.

Plants take excellent care of themselves - they crowd out other representatives of the flora from the site. The only thing you need to do is water the culture in hot weather. In addition, loosening the soil and getting rid of weeds is mandatory. In case of diseases, it is required to treat the plants with fungicides.

Another shade-loving garden flowers are lupins. Buds - blue, pink, dark red, white, yellow. The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings. It is completely undemanding to the soil, but when planting it is necessary to enrich it with peat.

Flower care in the first year of life consists in removing weeds and loosening the soil. Be sure to add soil if the root neck of the plant is suddenly exposed. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will not hurt for a flower bed with lupins. After 5-6 years, the bushes need to be removed and new ones planted, since old flowers will not give lush buds. If lupins grow in windy areas, then they must be tied up. Watering the culture is carried out moderately, otherwise it may get sick.

Saxifrage and periwinkle

Excellent shade-tolerant flowers for the garden - saxifrage. This is a common plant that can decorate any flower bed or summer cottage. They are decorated with retaining canopies and alpine slides. The culture has more than 350 species that are found throughout the world. The plant is compact, hardy and durable. Flowers are white, pink and red. The leaves are green with a silvery tint, the height of the saxifrage is 70 cm, it creates original carpets that have an attractive appearance. You can grow a plant from seeds, followed by transplanting into open soil. You need to know that the first leaves are weak, so picking is required after their number increases.

It is recommended to plant these shade-tolerant perennials in late May-early June. Saxifrage requires soil preparation with good drainage. The distance between the bushes should be 9-11 cm, so that they have room to grow. Thanks to this, you will get a solid flower carpet.

In order for the saxifrage to grow well, it is necessary to properly care for it. It is very important to carry out regular moistening, but the soil must have time to dry out. When the soil is flooded, the flowers may rot. For top dressing, you should use complex fertilizers, which can be purchased at any florist's shop. In the first year, the saxifrage will not bloom, this will happen only in the second summer.

Excellent plants for a shady garden - periwinkles. These are semi-shrubs that creep along the ground, are characterized by leathery leaves of a dark green hue. Sometimes they have a cream border or spots. The flowers are solitary, the most common are blue, but there are also white, pink and pure purple buds. The mass disclosure of culture falls in the spring, during this period periwinkles look especially attractive.

Plants are grown from seeds that are placed in the soil in spring or winter. Sometimes these perennial flowers are planted even in the summer, but in this case it is done on rainy or cloudy days. Sowing depth - 1 cm, then the grooves are covered with soil and watered. Caring for a periwinkle is quite simple. You don’t even need to remove weeds, because the plant can handle it on its own. Sometimes you can feed the culture with organic matter or mineral fertilizers. At the end of the mass flowering, it is necessary to cut the periwinkles so that they have a beautiful shape next year.

Anemones and marigolds

If you have a shady garden, then anemones are perfect for it. These are original herbaceous plants, surprising with their colors and buds. Such a culture prefers loose fertile soil with good drainage. You can grow plants from seeds or tubers, it depends on the anemone variety. The most difficult thing in caring for plants is to maintain an optimal level of humidity, since the roots of the culture will not tolerate excess water.

To create mulch for anemones, experienced gardeners recommend using peat, fallen leaves, or special mixtures. The thickness of such a layer is about 4-5 cm. If you enrich the soil in advance, then you can not feed the plants throughout the summer season.

The most common anemone varieties are:

  1. 1. Forest. They are dense bushes, the height of which is up to 1.5 m. These perennials for the garden have buds that are located singly. Their diameter is 6-7 cm. The leaves of the plants are large, characterized by long petioles.
  2. 2. Crowned. The height of this variety of anemone is 25 cm, and the flowers reach 6 cm in diameter and can be of different shades. The leaves are collected in a rosette.
  3. 3. Japanese. The length of the bush is 40 cm. The palette is quite wide, the buds are groups of loose inflorescences.
  4. 4. Delicate. This species is undersized (maximum 20 cm). They are very reminiscent of daisies, the color is from white to purple.

Note that these shade-tolerant garden plants are used to create bouquets.

Marigolds can decorate a shaded area. They are sown in open ground, for this they make holes 2 cm deep. There should be a distance of 1.5 cm between the furrows, and after placement, the seeds must be covered with earth and watered. If the seedlings germinate very densely, then they must be evenly placed on the flower bed. Caring for marigolds is not at all difficult. The main rule is to protect the flowers from the wind. It is recommended to feed the plants once a month, and if this is done more often, the bushes will only stretch and will not open the buds. Colors are yellow, white, brown-orange, etc. There are many varieties that differ in height. For marigolds, it is very important that weeds are removed from the soil. Thanks to this, they will be able to take root well and give the owners beautiful bouquets.

In the gardens of any dacha or house, there is no certain amount of sunlight. It happens that the whole garden or garden is in the shade or vice versa - in the sun. Shade in the garden can be created by large fruit trees - apple trees, pears, plum trees, vineyards, etc. They mainly create shade in the lower tier. And any gardener wants the dew to be beautiful greenery in these places - and almost nothing grows there.

In such cases, only shade-loving flowers or plants can help out, whether they are perennial or annual. They can germinate even in places with a lack of sunlight.

Shade-tolerant flowers and plants for the garden are those that also love the sun, but they only need about six hours in the morning or afternoon. But long flowering can not be expected.

Shade-loving plants love grow in nooks and crannies where the sun is almost absent. They differ from other plants in the rich green color of the leaves.

There are many varieties of shade-loving flowers that can be safely planted in a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden or vegetable garden. In hot weather, it will be very pleasant to relax in the shade, where shade-loving flowers have blossomed.

For nature, any weather is a manifestation of love for the earth, which is why there are many flowers, including shade-loving and shade-tolerant ones. Thanks to these flowers, the garden plot can be decorated under any tree, near the house on the north side or under the crown of a large tree.

Shade-loving flowers - types

Several kinds popular shade-loving colors for garden:

  • oak anemone (anemone) - "herald of spring". It blooms for 20 days - from April to the end of May (depends on planting it in the ground);
  • lily of the valley (goes well in planting with anemones);
  • large astrantia - a perennial plant (its height is from 40 cm to 1 m, flower up to 5 cm);
  • crested hollow - flowering occurs from the beginning of spring;
  • dicentra - reach a height of up to 1 m, flowering begins in May and ends in early June;
  • foxglove - a two-year-old flower, beautiful from June to August, the height of the plant reaches one and a half meters;
  • geranium (geranium blooms from one to one and a half months);
  • liverwort - a low plant (from 5 cm to 15 cm), in the form of flowering it resembles a human liver, hence the name;
  • hosta - a long-liver in the garden, can grow up to 25 years, grows slowly, and blooms in August;
  • fern.

Also, in any shade, they bloom perfectly and for a long time. all primroses grow. They can be sown immediately under the tree, and if there are seedlings, immediately plant bushes.

They love the shadow of the ifia. Violet is a low fragrant flower that blooms twice a year (April-May) and in autumn.

Shade Tolerant Beauty - bought(fragrant, graceful) a very rare plant in our gardens and orchards, but she did not deserve it. This is a very beautiful flower that blooms in the first half of summer with white bells. And no flower can kill its smell. Advantage: It can grow and reproduce in full shade. Reproduction occurs by seeds or roots. Moisture-loving plant. Propagated in spring by root cuttings. As soon as the flower fades, the aerial part dies off.

Astilbe is suitable for shady corners. It blooms from the beginning to the end of summer with small inflorescences of different colors - cream, white, pink and all reds. Moisture-loving plant, in dry weather requires abundant watering. For the winter, the stems are cut off, and the roots are covered with dry foliage. Its growth buds are located close to the soil surface, and therefore it should be protected from frost.

Daylilies and hemerocalis withstand a small shade. They love fertile soil and moisture. Currently, hybrids have been bred with their multi-colored color - from white to almost black.

annual shade tolerant plants

Of the annual shade-loving plants, they fully feel themselves - fragrant tobacco, nasturtium, lobelia.

Greens and herbs

  1. Fern. The most shade tolerant plant. More than 50 species of this ancient plant grow on the territory of Russia. They have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. In the garden, gardeners usually use common fern, in which leaves resembling feathers can reach up to 1.5 m in height. They do not tolerate drought, so they should be watered more often.
  2. Shade-tolerant creepers. This is Actinidia - kolomikta, Schisandra chinensis. They always have good flowering, even with a lot of shading. Also very popular with gardeners is girlish grapes (triastring and five-leaf ornamental culture). Impomoea is an excellent climbing annual plant, which has large bell-shaped flowers of different colors.

Conifers and shrubs

A lot of shrubs, including conifers, are adapted to the lack of sun. The most popular of this type are rhododendrons. In the wild, they grow on forest edges. In the shade, you can plant a creeping form of evergreen boxwood - they will add shine to the shade. Holly mahonia will look very beautiful in the shade and will beautifully bloom and bear fruit with blue berries.

Feels great in the shade hydrangea. This is the most luxurious bush, which can winter with us.

Feels very good with northern exposure yew berry. Its color varies from yellow to almost black. There are quite a few varieties of this plant, even some that do not grow large.

There are many more shade-tolerant conifers - these are larch, fir and a huge number of varieties of juniper.

When fruit trees grow large in the garden, flowers and shrubs should not be neglected. Nowadays there are quite a lot of them: shade-loving and shade-tolerant. And this is just salvation from a dull desolation. And you should never bury your dream of blooming flower beds.

Shade-loving flowers for gardens

Almost every summer cottage is divided into certain zones - well-lit and shaded. Areas of the plot in the shade often remain empty and look inorganic, and therefore we decided that it would be quite relevant to study shade-tolerant plants for summer cottages.

To tell the truth, almost every second dacha has buildings or mature trees that cast a lot of shade on a young garden, vegetable garden and flower beds. Partial shade does not scare plants, because they receive their share of solar heat and light during the day in any case. But what to do with areas that are not illuminated by the sun at all or are illuminated minimally? What plants can be planted behind a country house, under an old apple tree or on the side of a new car garage? These questions are answered by specialists, who have done painstaking work on selecting the necessary information, as well as studying forums and collecting a wide variety of opinions.

Today we will try to describe in detail the areas of plant cultivation, choose annual and perennial flowers, shrubs, berry and vegetable crops for shaded areas.

Such formation of zones and selection of plants for growing in the shade are especially relevant for owners of standard dachas of 6-9 acres, where, frankly, there is not enough space, but oh, how much you need to plant everything!

Determination of site shading and plant selection

You should be very serious about studying the site for planting and the time of its shading throughout the daylight hours. Many of us already know the agricultural technology of popular country plants, and therefore it is not difficult to understand that not every one of them will be able to develop normally in full shade. In such an environment, only some types of ornamental plants feel normal. For the rest, it will be necessary to choose zones with partial shading, where the sun is at least half a day.

Distribution of plants in the area

The problem of the correct distribution of plants in the country is very serious, because in small areas it is very difficult to figure out where and what will grow, how to properly plant. Particular difficulties haunt beginners who have just acquired a summer house and decide where exactly the garden, garden, flower garden will be.

Often, trees are planted along the fence so as not to occupy usable area in the country. But here you should choose the right side so that the shadow from the trees does not obscure large areas of the site. You can also distribute them evenly throughout the dacha, taking into account the requirements of distances. In this way, it will be possible to form areas with partial shading and leave some areas with the most light for those plants that prefer the maximum light.

Summer residents are also accustomed to planting shrubs along fences and hedges, but here it is worth understanding that some of them will be in complete shade from the fence or trees planted earlier. Therefore, the most correct solution would be to plant berry or ornamental shrubs closer to the center of the summer cottage, for example, to divide the territory into certain zones.

For flowers and berries, a place can be found everywhere, since we have long studied the technology of vertical gardening and high beds. Besides, there are always such small architectural forms that involve growing flowers on hills. You can also consider unique decorative flower beds, special garden sculptures, original pots in the country and other products, thanks to which plants are provided with the most correct conditions for growth and development.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants

We are accustomed to seriously confuse these concepts, believing that both those and other plants can easily cope with dark areas in the country and endure conditions without sunlight. We recommend to distinguish between concepts and when buying a particular crop, it is imperative to study agricultural technology, the requirements for choosing a place to plant a plant in a country house. Remember, the shade can be stable throughout the day, partial (a certain part of the day due to the course of the sun) or diffuse (sunlight through the branches and foliage of vigorous plants).

The degree of shade and soil

It should be understood that not only light conditions are necessary for the development of plants, but also certain soils and other conditions. Thus, in the dense shade cast by summer cottages, dense plantings of shrubs or trees, they will feel good sedum sedum, kupeny, magnificent elecampane, heart-leaved tiarka, European hoof.

If you combine these summer cottage areas with well-moistened soil, then it is possible to plant black cohosh, primrose, hellebore, astilbe, dark geranium.

In areas with diffused shade, for example, under walnuts or old apple trees, it is quite possible to arrange a planting of spring umbilical, fragrant woodruff, lupins, daylilies. Some medicinal and fragrant plants will also grow here - peppermint, lemon balm, and others.

You also need to know that not only soil moisture determines the possibility of growing some plants in the shade or partial shade, but also its composition. Thus, on sandstones and sandy loams in partial shade, kupen, lily of the valley, periwinkle, violet, creeping tenacious and others feel normal.

shade tolerant shrubs

Interesting is the fact that in the shade of an orchard or on the fences delimiting summer cottages, you can often find shrubs that do not feel any negativity from the shadow. They grow and develop quite normally, without requiring special treatment.

But it is advisable to plant them in partial shade, scattered shade, under trees, since the complete absence of sun seriously affects flowering.

Penumbra is also suitable for hydrangeas, it will not harm viburnum, elderberry. On the same plots, you can plant ivy, parthenocissus, clematis.

Flowers and ornamental plants in the shade

In this section, we will present a small list of plant names that are okay with shaded areas, and some are even ready to live without sunlight.


The largest number of shade-loving plants is among perennials. Due to the abundance of plant species, it is possible to create not single plantings, but entire longline flower beds that will decorate the shady landscape.

Badan- a plant that prefers medium and dense shade. In such conditions, only flowering can suffer, while bergenia grows well.

early blooming daylily prefers partial shade, but in strong shade, flowering noticeably weakens. Modern varieties of daylily are best planted in the sun.

hosta- a plant that not only is not afraid of the shadow, but simply loves it. The only requirement is moist soil.

Aconite feels good in shady areas, but like most, prefers moist soil.

Astilbes- shade-tolerant plants, but prefer partial shade or partial shade.

For dicentres penumbra and shade with well-moistened soil are also the best place to live in the country.

Brunner- a pretty and absolutely picky plant that will survive in any shade. But you should be careful with it, as the brunner grows quickly.

In the scattered shade of a young garden blooms beautifully doronicum.

Lily of the valley and cyanosis - almost classic plants for shade and partial shade in the country.

In addition to this list, lupine, bathing suit, fragrant violet, periwinkle, arizema, tiarka, majestic chistous, ostrich, primrose and many others feel great in different shades.


It's worth starting with pansies, choosing different varieties of which and planting in shady places during different periods of the warm season, you can easily achieve flowering from spring to autumn.

Digitalis- a tall biennial plant that copes well with the lack of sun, but always subject to the observance of agricultural technology.

If you need to plant something in full shade, remember to forget-me-not, which will soon create a whole carpet of pretty flowers by self-sowing.


It is rather difficult to choose from annuals, since there are not so many lovers of shady places.

Balsam- copes with partial shade, but suffers from a lack of flowering in full shade.

fragrant tobacco- an excellent and quite beautiful plant that can be planted in diffused sunlight in a young garden.

Begonia evergreen- suitable for shaded flower beds and single plantings.


Almost all bulbs love sunlight, but there are some exceptions that thrive in minimal light.

Most of the small-bulbous ones, whose flowering begins in early spring, can grow in the shade of the garden or shrubs. These are crocuses, blueberries, white flowers, snowdrops.

Daffodils, which still bloom brightly and do not change the vertical position of the stem, are positive for the shade in the garden.

All this applies to flowers and ornamental plants, for which now you do not need to look for some special place in your summer cottage. Hostas, ferns, periwinkles - in the shade and partial shade, they will easily grow and show the expected result.

What vegetables can be grown in the shade?

Shade-tolerant vegetables and other garden crops are available, and almost half of them are in the country. That is, you will not have any problems with growing food if you find them a small area between shrubs or in the partial shade of the garden.

In addition, there is always the problem of placing light-loving plants, which need to be in the sun for at least 5-7 hours daily. As an example, we can cite the most popular tomatoes in the country (although there are enough such plants). So, if there is no place for all light-loving plants in the country house, you can always use the materials of our website and arrange high gardens in several tiers, come up with special designs from pipes or boxes, plant tomatoes in containers and pots, for example, creating a "heavy flower garden" in this way "on a tapestry.

If there is enough space for such plants or you have already mastered their placement, we still have many plants that can be planted in the shade.

By the way, it is better to approach this issue from the other side - when calculating the planting of light-loving plants, start from shade-tolerant ones and, placing them in suitable places, fill the remaining sunny areas with light-loving ones!

So, vegetables that grow in the shade. With proper agricultural practices, these crops can be expected to produce a good harvest even with minimal sunlight. Here is a short list of what you won’t have to look for a place for a long time on the territory of the dacha - beets and beans, lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli, onions, parsley, garlic and many others.

Garden crops in the shade (according to summer residents)

Regarding the following list ... it is not advisory, but purely conditional, since we have chosen the opinions of summer residents in it, talking about the possibility of growing certain garden crops in places with a lack of sunlight. Here are just a few of the most interesting ones:

  • Sorrel and garlic do an excellent job with full shading. Sometimes in such zones you can also harvest a good crop of carrots, but this crop is still better to be in the sun sometimes. In addition, upright beans, peas can also be grown in the shade of trees, often even cucumber plantings can be seen here;
  • In regions with hot summers, tomatoes grow well in partial shade. Of course, they need sunlight, but not always its overabundance is beneficial for tomatoes. In the shade of a young or even old garden, you can grow the entire line of green salads;
  • Red currants grow in the shade of a tall hedge. The lack of sun affects the speed of ripening, but not the quality of the crop. Horseradish grows right next to it, a little further away, in partial shade - rhubarb, Chinese cabbage, zucchini ... everything gives a normal harvest, if you take care of it.

These opinions are from summer residents from different regions, and therefore it can be noted that, depending on the climate, plants may relate differently to the shade and the sun.

There are always places in the garden that are in the shade for most of the day. But even the most shady garden can be decorated with many different plants that will fully develop and delight their owner. Shade-loving plants do not always bloom spectacularly in the garden, but have beautiful foliage.

Experts advise to purchase plant seedlings only in specialized and trusted stores.


Hosta is a decorative and deciduous perennial plant. Hosta bushes are brightly colored. They can be blue, green, gray with a contrasting border or stripes of a lighter color.

Bushes are planted in partial shade, in places protected from the wind. Bushes cover a large area of ​​the earth around them with their foliage. By this they suppress the growth of weeds and almost do not need to loosen the soil. The hosta is a disease resistant shrub, but it is susceptible to frequent attacks by slugs and snails.

Hosta can be planted not only in open ground, but also in wide pots, decorating uncomfortable corners of the garden with them.


A perennial plant, in which the ground part dies off for the winter. Feels comfortable in the shade and tolerates high soil moisture. There are about 400 species. Their size varies from 15 to 400 cm.

The plant begins to bloom in July, flowering lasts 25-35 days. Flowers are collected in panicle-shaped inflorescences 10-60 cm high. Colors are also different, but white, pink, purple and red astilbes look the most attractive.

Prolonged drought, poor soil, open and hot sun can destroy the plant. In dry weather, it is watered twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.


The plant is native to China. There, astilboides grows in ravines and forests. The height of the plant is about 30 cm, while the diameter of the leaves is 70 cm, which grow on long petioles. The peduncle grows up to 1.5 m tall. The flowers on it are small, collected in inflorescences, similar to panicles.

The bush is moisture-loving, and if the soil is sufficiently moist, then it tolerates bright sunlight, but it is still better to plant it in partial shade. It tolerates frost well without shelter. Astilboides are fed 2-3 times per season with organic fertilizers. Doesn't need a transplant for years. The old foliage is cut off.


An unusual and beautiful plant of the Compositae family, which will decorate any suburban area or garden. Buzulnik blooms with bright yellow-orange inflorescences that attract attention.

The shrub is hardy to weather conditions, does not need mulch for the winter period of time. It grows for decades in one place, without needing a transplant. Will be able to grow on any soil, even if it is heavy and clay. But still prefers moist and fertile land in the shade. Under direct sunlight, the bush will wither and have an unpresentable appearance.

The buzulnik has strong and elastic branches, but during flowering it needs a garter. You also need to tie up the plant if it grows in a windy area.

Brunner (forget-me-not)

Although this perennial shrub blooms, its beauty lies in its foliage. It appears throughout the season, which gives the shrub freshness and elegance. Prefers semi-shady or sunny places with moist fertile soil.

Brunner - frost-resistant bush. In order for it to be lush, the soil is mulched for the winter with compost, humus, peat or peat. In the spring, top dressing is carried out with mineral fertilizer. The plant rarely gets sick.


Badan is also a perennial plant that can grow for a long time without transplants. In the next 10 years after landing, it will definitely not have to be transplanted. The bush has a thick rhizome located close to the surface. It has large glossy rounded leaves.

The shrub blooms in purple, hot pink or white, creating a beautiful contrast to the green foliage. This happens at the end of spring and lasts 20 days. Badan fits perfectly into the design of rocky gardens.


The shrub has spreading bushes with an abundance of white inflorescences. Flowering period from June to the end of July. Its height is about 2 m. Volzhanka calmly grows both in the sun and in the shade. But growing under the open sun, Volzhanka shrubs develop poorly. The best soil for planting will be moist soil with drainage.

The plant is unpretentious in care. It can grow in one place for 15-20 years. Although it is resistant to cold, gardeners insulate it for the winter. Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and through the seed.


The main advantage of this herbaceous plant is its bright and varied palette of foliage. Its leaves come in the most unpredictable colors, such as gray, white or cream, purple, brown or red.

Most varieties of geyhera have a presentable appearance, from early spring to late autumn. Often the first snow that falls covers the plant along with the foliage. Gardeners love geykhera not only for its beauty, but also for its unpretentious care and shade tolerance. If the bush grows on good soil, then it does not need top dressing, it is resistant to pests and diseases.

Dicentra (Broken heart)

A perennial plant with a height of 30 to 100 cm. Its leaves are green with a bluish tinge, the shape is pinnately dissected. Flowers are heart-shaped, reddish or pink, drooping, about 2 cm in diameter. They are collected on an arcuate branch, which is elevated above the bush.

A place for planting is prepared in the fall, digging and fertilizing the site with humus. During the season, they feed 2-3 times, remove weeds and loosen the soil. Droughts require additional watering.

If faded brushes are cut from the bush, then the flowering period increases.

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga)

This herbaceous shrub got its name due to its insecticidal properties. Another name for the shrub is Silver Candles, it best describes the beauty of the plant.

The height is 1-2 m. In dwarf varieties, 60 cm. The foliage is pinnately divided burgundy or green. The bush blooms with long thin inflorescences-candles 20 cm high. The inflorescence consists of tiny white flowers with stamens, this creates the effect of lace and translucency.

Often used in modern trends in landscape design.


The genus Kupena consists of more than 50 species. Most often in nature they are found in the lowland forests and mountains of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant has a curved stem with bright green leaves arranged in two rows. Flowers hang from the leaf axils.

Outwardly, the kupena is similar to the lily of the valley, but this is not surprising, because they are from the same Lily family. Therefore, kupena is sometimes called a deaf lily of the valley. These pretty bushes have medicinal properties. With their help, cardiovascular diseases and back pain are treated.


Ferns are found in almost every climate, ranging from coniferous forests to the tropics. Thanks to the structure of their branches, which are called fronds, ferns look quite elegant.

This eye-catching plant attracted even our ancestors, who saw in it something magical and bewitching. Many myths and legends have been retold about ferns. But today gardeners use it as an ornamental plant in their flower beds and gardens.

When planting a fern on the site, the main thing is to choose the right place for it, darkened and moist.


Rogersia is a large perennial, belongs to ornamental and deciduous plants. There are 8 species in the genus, whose homeland is Japan and China.

It blooms with white paniculate inflorescences, reaching 120 cm during this period. The leaves are palmate-lobed. When caring for this perennial, you need to not only water and feed it, but also clean the curtain from leaves and stems that have died.

Having planted Rogersia on his garden plot, the owner will immediately note her dominance in the flower garden.


This is a beautiful flower with a diameter of about 3-8 cm, usually two or three colors. The most common colors are white, yellow, pink, blue, blue and purple. Flowering period May-July.

Reproduction occurs by dispersing seeds, and seedlings dive and transplant to a permanent place. They are not propagated by division, as adult plants do not tolerate transplants well.

The flower is planted both in the shady corners of the site, and under the sun. Aquilegia tolerates any soil well, but develops best on loose, sandy soils with sufficient moisture.

garden geranium

These flowers bloom beautifully, forming picturesque thickets. Their leaves retain their decorative appearance from early spring to the first snows in autumn. They endure winter easily, without any preparation. Grow quickly.

The flowers of the bush are large, about 4-5 cm in diameter. The leaves are deeply dissected. In spring and summer they are green, and in autumn they are red or red-orange.

Geranium is drought tolerant. It grows in any soil, but prefers well-drained, well-drained soil without stagnant water.


Gardeners love the perennial, shade-tolerant hydrangea flowers for their beautiful, long-lasting blooms that begin in spring, continue through summer, and end in late fall. A garden in which hydrangea blooms will not be inconspicuous, as the color scheme of the plant's inflorescences is diverse, ranging from cream to blue and red.

Bush varieties of hydrangeas grow up to 1-3 meters in height. Lianoid varieties reach 30 meters. Also, the plant can be evergreen or deciduous.

Interesting to know! The color of large-leaved hydrangea depends not only on its variety. It varies depending on the pH of the soil and the amount of aluminum in it.

Features of cultivation and care

To achieve lush greenery and bright flowering in the shady flower garden, you need to properly care for the plants.

Most of the shade-loving species require abundant moisture. They especially need watering in late spring, when hot weather begins. Plants are watered without waiting for them to wilt.

All plants, except wild ones, also need periodic fertilizing with fertilizers. It is also important to loosen the soil, because then the inhabitants of the shady garden will be able to more easily absorb moisture from the soil.

Rules for creating a beautiful flower bed from shade-loving plants

A variety of flower beds are collected from shade-loving plants. Multi-level plantings and island flower beds are popular. When planting shrubs and flowers, adhere to the scheme. On 1 square meter, plant no more than 10 ground cover bushes, 5 medium-sized, 7 undersized and 3 tall plants. Then the flower bed will not only look harmonious, but the shrubs will also feel good.

Shade-loving plants are in demand among gardeners. This is because they are perennial and will delight the owners with bright colors for more than one year with minimal and uncomplicated care.