How much fat is in sunflower oil. How many calories are in vegetable oil. Sunflower oil purification methods

Vegetable oils are a favorite dressing for fresh salads, the most convenient product for frying, and an excellent component of most dishes. However, can they be used in diets? And how many calories are in sunflower oil?

Composition, useful properties and daily requirement

Sunflower oil, indeed, is indispensable, and even despite the fact that today many people, paying tribute to fashion, prefer olive oil, every housewife has it in the kitchen. Regardless of how sunflower oil is made, and this can be pressing and extraction, it contains a large amount of useful substances. Among them, vitamin F deserves special attention, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human cardiovascular system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves tissue nutrition. Vitamins A, D and E, which are also part of sunflower oil, have a beneficial effect on human skin and hair.

Speaking about the benefits of sunflower oil, we can say that it is the main supplier of vegetable fats, which compare favorably with fats of animal origin. Vegetable fats stimulate metabolic processes in the body, normalize the work of the endocrine and reproductive systems of a person. Vegetable oil is used to treat several diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you care about your health and do not want to have extra pounds, experts recommend including up to 80% vegetable fats in your daily diet. It cannot be said that sunflower oil is a low-calorie product, but it can even be added to the diet, given the small amount of its consumption.

How to choose high quality sunflower oil

Choice of vegetable oil:

  • You need to see if there is sediment in the bottle - its presence indicates oxidation. Such a product gives off bitterness and foams when heated;
  • Shelf life of unrefined oil - two months, refined - four months; you should not pay attention to the inscription on the label - “without cholesterol”, in any vegetable oil it is not at all;
  • No need to store the oil in the light, in heat: it quickly deteriorates. The place for it is in the refrigerator.

sunflower oil calories

When calculating the calorie content of any product, and many Russians are doing this today, we want to know how many calories are contained in 100 grams of the product, as for vegetable oil, it is more important to know how many calories are in a spoonful of sunflower oil, since that is how much of it is often consumed for cooking salads and frying. 100 grams of sunflower oil contains 899 kcal, while the vegetable fat content reaches 99.9%. At first glance, this is a lot, however, knowing how many calories are in a teaspoon of sunflower oil, you can use it without fear for your health. A teaspoon contains approximately 4 grams of the product, which means that the number of calories in this amount of sunflower oil is 36 calories.

If you decide to go on a diet, then you should consult a specialist who may advise you to stop consuming it, because the products can be steamed or in the oven. Knowing how many calories in a tablespoon of sunflower oil, which is 14-17 grams, contains from 120 to 150 calories, you yourself must decide whether to add it to the salad, or abstain. If you decide not to give up sunflower oil, in principle, we recommend using refined oil for frying, and it is better to consume an unrefined product raw, since harmful carcinogens are released during frying. According to experts, it is in unrefined oil that contains the greatest amount of useful substances.

Calories: 1 tablespoon sunflower oil

On online forums, people often discuss the issue of the calorie content of sunflower oil in a tablespoon. It can be determined based on two parameters: the volume of a spoon or its weight. The volume of the working part of the spoon (scoop) can vary between 18-20 ml, and the capacity of the device measuring 7x4 cm in grams is 17 g. One gram of sunflower oil contains 8.99 kcal. The weight of a spoon can be taken as generally accepted, or you can measure it using a kitchen scale individually. The difference between a dry spoon and a full sunflower oil can be from 12 to 17 g. The result can be multiplied by 8.99 kcal and get the final figure for the energy value of the product in your kitchen (from 108-153 kcal).

For another calculation option, they take a standard Russian-made spoon - 18 ml. If 100 ml contains 92 g of sunflower oil, then its energy value is 827 kcal. How to determine how nutritious sunflower oil is? The calorie content in a tablespoon of this most useful product is 18x8.27 kcal = 148.9 kcal. For everyone who strictly monitors the nutritional value of their diet, nutritionists recommend not to exceed the daily intake of vegetable fats, including sunflower oil. A couple of tablespoons a day can completely cover the daily requirement of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, vitamin F, which is not synthesized by our body, and other important elements. How else can you measure the energy value that sunflower oil has?

Calories: 1 teaspoon sunflower oil

Quite often, people who lose weight when dressing vegetable salads are interested in the question of what is the calorie content of sunflower oil from a teaspoon. This popular device weighs approximately 5 g. By simple calculations, you can also calculate how many calories you can get from a teaspoon of sunflower oil: 8.99 kcal x 5 g \u003d 45 kcal.

Methods for obtaining sunflower oil

Oil can be obtained in two ways:

  1. pressing- mechanical extraction of oil from crushed raw materials. It can be cold and hot, that is, with preliminary heating of the seeds. Cold-pressed oil is the most useful, has a pronounced smell, but cannot be stored for a long time.
  2. extraction- extraction of oil from raw materials using organic solvents, it is more economical, as it allows you to extract the oil as much as possible.

The oil obtained in one way or another must be filtered - crude oil is obtained. Then it is hydrated (treated with hot water) and neutralized (calorificator). After such operations, unrefined oil is obtained. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, but it is stored longer.

Refined oil is processed according to a complete refining scheme that ensures the longest possible shelf life, transparency and lack of taste. Biologically, refined oil is less valuable.

Sunflower oil properties

The composition of sunflower oil includes linoleic and linolenic unsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the body. These acids are called vitamin F or essential acids. The need for them for a person is even higher than for other vitamins.

Unsaturated fatty acids are involved as an obligatory component in the formation of cell membranes and sheaths of nerve fibers (calorizator). They have the ability to remove cholesterol, forming easily oxidized esters with cholesterol, have a normalizing effect on the walls of blood vessels and can be considered among the means of preventing atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Sunflower oil also contains vitamins: A, D and E.

Unrefined sunflower oil is the most useful, since it retains all natural components: vitamins A, E and other biologically active substances, so it can and should be consumed in its “raw” form.

Daily intake of sunflower oil

Answering the question of how much vegetable oil can be eaten per day so as not to get better, sports nutrition experts and dietitians say that no more than two (maximum three) tablespoons per day. The same amount includes sunflower oil. Its calorie content in this case will not exceed 300-450 kcal per day. This figure is well within the norms for the use of healthy fats, designed for losing weight people.

In the diet for weight loss, 30% should be fats and 60% carbohydrates. Moreover, the main share (60-70% of the total amount of vegetable oil) is unrefined sunflower oil - the most useful product with all vitamins and microelements stored in it after processing. It differs from others in the presence of a dark shade, acceptable sediment and a pronounced aroma of roasted seeds. They can fill vegetable salads, but this product is unsuitable for the heat treatment of food. Not a single experienced housewife will dare to fry fish, meat or vegetables in such oil, since in a hot frying pan it splashes, foams, burns, and also gives bitterness to the finished dish. For frying, refined sunflower oil is better, the calorie content of which does not differ from the nutritional value of other types of this product (899 kcal). This oil is pale yellow in color, it is transparent, does not have a specific smell and taste of sunflower.

The total calorie content of refined sunflower oil per 100 grams is 898 kcal. 100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • fats - 99 g.

The product is enriched with vitamins A, E, D, contains large amounts of fatty acids not synthesized in the body.

The calorie content of unrefined sunflower oil per 100 grams is the same as that of refined oil, that is, 898 kcal.

The product has an identical composition in terms of minerals and vitamins.

Sunflower oil calories per teaspoon

The calorie content of sunflower oil in a teaspoon is on average 35-36 kcal. One teaspoon contains approximately 4 g of product.

Sunflower oil calories in 1 tablespoon

1 tablespoon holds an average of 14 grams of sunflower oil. Thus, the calorie content of sunflower oil in 1 tablespoon is approximately 125 - 126 kcal.

The benefits of sunflower oil

Speaking about the benefits of sunflower oil, it should be noted that it is quite large if you eat a quality product and in moderation. Useful properties of the product include:

  • the fatty acids contained in the oil are necessary for the formation of cell membranes;
  • unrefined sunflower oil in salads is considered an excellent tool for the prevention of heart attack, atherosclerosis, maintaining the normal state of the vessels of the circulatory system;
  • the rich vitamin composition of sunflower oil makes the product an excellent immunity-strengthening agent;
  • the oil contains vitamin F, which is not synthesized by the body and is necessary for normal life;
  • sunflower oil is widely used in medicine, including as a component of medicines for toothache, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs;
  • in cosmetology, aromatic products are prepared on the basis of sunflower oil.

Harm of sunflower oil

It is impossible not to say a few words about the harm of sunflower oil:

  • in no case should you use unrefined sunflower oil for frying. It is only suitable for salads and, when heated, forms carcinogenic substances that are hazardous to health;
  • the calorie content of sunflower oil per 100 grams is quite large, therefore, if the product is abused, there is a high probability of gaining excess weight;
  • due to the strong choleretic effect, sunflower oil is not recommended for violations in the digestive tract.

Vegetable oil, produced by processing the seeds and fruits of some plants, is indispensable in the kitchen. Meat, fish and vegetables are fried in vegetable oil, it is added to confectionery and other products, in addition, vegetable oil has medicinal properties and is used to treat and prevent various diseases. Various crops are used to make vegetable oil, including olives, corn, almonds and apricots, but sunflower oil deserves special attention. It is no coincidence that when we ask ourselves how many calories are in vegetable oil, we mean sunflower oil, which can be found in any kitchen.

Composition, useful properties and limitations of vegetable oil consumption

Before proceeding to consider the issue of calories, it is worth talking about the chemical composition and beneficial properties of vegetable oil. First of all, it is worth noting that it is sunflower oil that is one of the main suppliers of vegetable fats useful to the body, as for proteins and carbohydrates, they are not in sunflower oil. Studies have shown that it has more beneficial properties than the popular olive and rapeseed oil, and this is due to the method of obtaining sunflower oil by pressing sunflower seeds.

There are two types of sunflower oil - refined and unrefined. Most housewives are of the opinion that refined oil is more useful, while the benefits of unrefined oil are obvious. It contains vitamin E, known as tocopherol, which contains approximately 60 mg per 100 grams. Vitamin of this group contributes to the formation of hemoglobin and protein necessary for muscle development. If you constantly use vegetable oil, you will get strong and impermeable capillaries, and the body will not be subject to premature aging.

Despite the great benefits of unrefined oil, it should not be used for frying, because, in addition to an unpleasant burnt taste, you will get harmful carcinogens. In this case, refined oil is perfect, which, even when heated, does not pose a danger to humans. It is not recommended to consume more than three tablespoons of vegetable oil per day, and you can understand why this happens by asking how many calories are in a tablespoon of vegetable oil, but it cannot be considered a dietary product.

vegetable oil calories

The question of how many calories are in 100 grams of vegetable oil is asked, first of all, by those who take care of their figure. Even though sunflower oil is often called lenten oil and is consumed even during church fasts, it cannot be called a low-calorie product, so it should be used in moderation in dietary nutrition. Adherents of the diet should know how many calories are in a teaspoon of vegetable oil in order to properly organize dietary nutrition. This is not difficult to do, knowing how many calories are in 100 grams of butter, and it contains about 900 kcal. After carrying out simple calculations, you can answer how many kcal are in a spoonful of vegetable oil. Considering that 17 grams of vegetable oil is placed in a tablespoon, you can calculate the number of calories, and this is about 150 kcal, as for a teaspoon, 5 grams of the product is placed in it, and a teaspoon of sunflower oil contains 45 calories.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that sunflower oil should be included in the daily diet, even if you are on a diet. But it is worth remembering that you should not use it in an amount exceeding 2-3 tablespoons, while foods fried in vegetable oil are more high-calorie.

For a long time, flowers of bright sunflower were used as decorative ornaments, but now the fields of this plant adorn the south of the country for agricultural purposes. Sunflower seed oil is one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world. This is easily explained by the benefits and wonderful properties of the product.


Sunflower oil is a very high quality vegetable fat. It does not contain cholesterol, but contains various useful substances and trace elements. In addition to the undoubted taste, the use of the product helps to improve the main blood parameters, more stable functioning of the nervous system.

In addition to being used in cooking, this product is used in cosmetology to strengthen nails and hair.

Sunflower oil can be obtained by pressing and extraction. Pressing is considered to be the preferred method, since extraction involves the participation of various chemicals to obtain the finished product.

There are two types of sunflower oil: refined and unrefined. The second is preferable due to the presence of more nutrients, but it is stored less.

Composition and nutritional value

A high-quality cold-pressed product is a versatile way to enrich your diet. The chemical composition of sunflower oil is rich in substances such as:

  • vitamin A, which is involved in the visual processes of the body and help to form immunity;
  • vitamin D without the participation of which calcium is poorly absorbed, which, in turn, affects the quality of bone tissue and teeth;
  • vitamin F promotes the breakdown of excess adipose tissue in the human body;
  • antioxidants, especially vitamin E it is believed that this substance prevents cancer.

The fatty acid composition includes substances such as omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids, which are even more than in the popular olive oil.

The composition of the oil includes a huge amount of fat in the absence of other components. The table will present the ratio of BJU in 100 grams of the product.

Calorie content and glycemic index

The calorie content of sunflower oil is very high, and for people who watch their figure, it is very important to know how many calories are in different volumes of this product:

  • in 1 tablespoon - 20 g of fat or 180 kcal;
  • in 1 teaspoon - 5 g of fat and 45 kcal.

It turns out that sunflower oil is more caloric than mayonnaise, which has about 700 calories per hundred grams. This does not mean that mayonnaise is healthier. In addition to fats, it also contains a large number of various additives and harmful substances. And they are not in sunflower oil.

A huge plus of the product is the zero glycemic index, which allows it to be used by both diabetics and people who want to lose weight.

Application in dietary nutrition

Currently, a huge number of various diets and expensive dietary supplements are used for weight loss and recovery. But few people know that on the usual table you can find excellent tools for these purposes.

If you take a tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach, you can get rid of problems with the intestines and improve the appearance of the skin of the face. As a health product, only unrefined cold-pressed sunflower oil is used. It is rich in vitamins. Use it to get the following effect:

  • removal of cholesterol from blood vessels;
  • improvement of the gallbladder;
  • improving metabolism and accelerating the recovery of muscle mass;
  • for weight loss and gentle cleansing of the intestines from toxins in combination with castor oil.

The main rule of using this product is not to overdo it with the quantity. After all, sunflower oil is very high in calories. When choosing unrefined sunflower oil, it is important to pay attention to the absence of sediment, which indicates the beginning of product oxidation. But it is also a health remedy, if it is really natural, it cannot be stored for more than two months.

You need to store it either in a dark, cool place or on the refrigerator door.

See the video below for how sunflower oil is produced.

For some reason, vegetable oils are considered a dietary product. Meanwhile, the calorie content of our beloved domestic sunflower oil and expensive imported olive oil is 899 calories per 100 grams of product. Exactly the same calorie content for all animal fats. Therefore, using vegetable oil for frying, you will not get a decrease in the calorie content of the dish.

Harm of vegetable oils

It is believed that there are many useful substances in vegetable oils, but no less useful substances for our body are found in animal fats. Moreover, animal fats are closer to our body and they are even easier to digest than vegetable oils.

Some vegetable oils are generally unsuitable for nutrition. This applies to margarines and palm oil, which are actively used in confectionery. Their melting point is higher than the temperature of the human body and they cannot be digested and processed properly. Oils from corn and canola may contain GMOs, as well as soybean

There is another disadvantage of vegetable oils - this is the way they are obtained. Most of the oils we use for frying, the so-called refined oils, are chemically produced. To obtain such an oil, seeds are poured with an analogue of gasoline, an organic solvent, hexane. The hexane is then removed with steam and the residues with alkali. Then all this is bleached under vacuum with steam. And they get a completely dead product with chemical residues, which does more harm than good.

When frying vegetable oil, it is impossible to heat more than 100 degrees, since at a higher temperature the carcinogen acralamide is formed.

Thus, for nutrition, it is best to use cold-pressed oil and season salads with it, add it to ready meals. For frying, ghee or animal fat is best.

But even when dressing dishes, you should not overdo it with vegetable oils, because their calorie content is extremely high.

Calorie table of vegetable oils and fats per 100 grams






Low-calorie margarine

Margarine Slavyansky

Cream margarine

Milk table margarine

Margarine Extra

Apricot oil

Peanut butter

Grape seed oil

mustard oil

walnut oil

Cacao butter

coconut oil

Hemp oil

Peasant unsalted butter

Peasant salted butter

Corn oil

Sesame oil

Linseed oil

poppy seed oil

Almond oil

Sea buckthorn oil

Olive oil

palm oil

Sunflower oil

Rape-soybean oil

Rapeseed oil


soybean oil

Ghee butter

Pumpkin seed oil

chocolate butter